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Search found 209 results on 9 pages for 'nicolas kokkalis'.

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  • SAP : « 2011 sera exceptionnelle pour les annonces produits » avec Nicolas Sekkaki, Directeur général de SAP France

    SAP : « 2011 sera exceptionnelle pour les annonces produits » Avec Nicolas Sekkaki, Directeur général de SAP France SAP va bien, très bien même. Mais SAP veut aller encore mieux. Si l'année 2010 a été globalement satisfaisante, c'est surtout le 4ème trimestre de l'éditeur allemand qui a marqué les esprits avec des résultats records (+35% sur la vente de licences). A l'occasion de la présentation de ces résultats, Nicolas Sekkaki, Directeur général de SAP France, est revenu sur les grandes lignes de l'année écoulée et sur sa stratégie pour 2011. Un entretien riche d'enseignement. 2010 a été une bonne année, mais une année marquée par la crise. La fin 2010, ave...

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  • Nicolas Sarkozy souhaite une "Hadopi 3 plus adaptée", car la mouture actuelle n'est "pas parfaite"

    Nicolas Sarkozy souhaite une "Hadopi 3 plus adaptée", car la mouture actuelle n'est "pas parfaite" Mise à jour du 16.12.2010 par Katleen Ce midi, une rencontre informelle entre le Président de la République et des acteurs de l'Internetfrançais était organisée à l'Elysée, à l'occasion du déjeuner. Autour de la table, et de Nicolas Sarkozy, étaient réunis : Eric Dupin (Presse Citron), Maître Eolas, Versac, Jacques-Antoine GRANJON (fondateur de vente-privé, Daniel Marhely (fondateur de et Xavier Niel (fondateur d'Illiad). Déjà, pour améliorer la gestion de l'Internet en France, le chef de l'Etat a déclaré vouloir créer un Conseil Numérique «plus formé...

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  • Le Conseil National du Numérique sur les rails, conformément aux souhaits de Nicolas Sarkozy

    Le Conseil National du Numérique sur les rails, conformément aux souhaits de Nicolas Sarkozy Mise à jour du 21.12.2010 par Katleen Le Conseil National du Numérique voulu par Nicolas Sarkozy sera bel et bien mise en place. Ce jour, alors qu'il visitait les locaux de PriceMinister, Eric Besson s'est exprimé sur le sujet de cet "un organe de consultation, réunissant acteurs et entreprises du numérique et de l'internet en France". Et son plan de mise en oeuvre est déjà tout tracé. Dès janvier 2011, un groupe de travail constitué des opérateurs, FAI, et autres grands acteurs de l'Internet sera chargé de faire des propositions au Président de la République (ainsi qu'au Premier mini...

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  • Comment étendre vos rapports de trackers Codendi en moins de 10 minutes ?, par Nicolas Terray

    Nicolas Terray (Codendi) vous présente un nouveau tutoriel intitulé: Comment étendre vos rapports de trackers en moins de 10 minutes ? ou plus génériquement " Comment exploiter l'architecture ouverte des trackers Codendi ? " Citation: Dans ce tutoriel je vais vous montrer comment exploiter la fonctionnalité d'extension de Codendi avec le nouveau système de tracker de la v 4.2 et son architecture en plugin. Cet article va êtr...

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  • Storing SCA Metadata in the Oracle Metadata Services Repository by Nicolás Fonnegra Martinez and Markus Lohn

    - by JuergenKress
    The advantages of using the Oracle Metadata Services Repository as a central storage for the metadata. SCA has been available since the release of the Oracle SOA Suite 11g. This technology combines and orchestrates several SOA components inside an SCA composite, making design, development, deployment, and maintenance easier. SCA development is metadata-driven, meaning that metadata artifacts, such as Web Services Description Language (WSDL), XML Schema Definition (XSD), XML, others, define the composite's behavior. With the increased number of composites and the dependencies among them, it became necessary to manage all the metadata in an adequate way. This article will address the advantages of using the Oracle Metadata Services (MDS) repository as a central storage for the metadata. The MDS repository is a central part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware landscape, managing the metadata for several technologies, such as Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF), Oracle WebCenter, and the Oracle SOA Suite. This article is divided into three parts. The first part provides an overview of SCA and MDS. The second part describes some MDS tasks that help in the management of the SCA metadata files inside the repository. The third part shows how to develop SCA composites in combination with an MDS repository. Read the full article here. SOA & BPM Partner Community For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center. Blog Twitter LinkedIn Mix Forum Technorati Tags: SCA Metadata. Metadata Services Repository,Nicolás Fonnegra Martinez,Markus Lohn,SOA Community,Oracle SOA,Oracle BPM,BPM,Community,OPN,Jürgen Kress

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  • Sécurité informatique : Cours et exercices corrigés, critique par Vallée Nicolas et Benwit

    Bonjour La rédaction de DVP a lu pour vous l'ouvrage suivant: Sécurité informatique : Cours et exercices corrigés de Gildas Avoine, Pascal Junod, Philippe Oechslin paru aux Éditions Vuibert [IMG][/IMG] Citation: Les attaques informatiques sont aujourd'hui l'un des fléaux de notre civilisation. Chaque semaine amène son lot d'alertes concernant ...

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  • Tester la performance de votre réseau avec Iperf, un tutoriel par Nicolas Hennion

    Bonjour à tous !La rubrique Réseaux vous propose un article expliquant comment tester les performances du réseau avec Iperf par nicolargo : Tester la performance de votre réseau avec Iperf. Citation: Iperf est un des outils indispensables pour tout administrateur réseau qui se respecte. En effet, ce logiciel de mesure de performance réseau, disponible sur de nombreuses plateformes (Linux, BSD, Mac, Windows?) se présente sous la forme d'une ligne de commande à exécuter sur deux machines...

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  • QotD - Nicolas de Loof on AdoptOpenJDK

    - by $utils.escapeXML($
    The AdoptOpenJDK program is an initiative to get as many Java users as possible to try the OpenJDK 8 preview builds, so that feedback is collected before JDK 8 is officially released. There are many ways to contribute to this program (as explained on the wiki), but the most basic one is to start testing your own project on the Java 8 platform. CloudBees can help you there, as we just made OpenJDK 8 (preview) available on DEV@cloud so that you can configure a build job to check project compatibility. We will upgrade the JDK for all recent preview builds until JDK 8 is finalNicolas de Loof, Support Engineer at Cloudbees in a blog post on AdoptOpenJDK.

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  • Réseaux multiplexés pour systèmes embarqués de Dominique Paret, critique par Nicolas Vallée

    Voici la critique de la seconde édition du livre Réseaux multiplexés pour systèmes embarqués [IMG][/IMG] Citation: Cet ouvrage décrit les différents types de réseaux multiplexés, aujourd'hui présents dans de multiples domaines industriels (commande de machine-outils, de ligne de production, automobile, avionique, etc.). Il se compose de deux parties : La premi...

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  • Notepad++ : Guide pratique, une série de tutoriels de Nicolas Liautaud pour découvrir l'éditeur de texte

    Notepad++ est un éditeur de texte très léger, très puissant et libre (licence GPL). Il est parfait pour programmer avec des langages ne nécessitant pas d'environnement de développement (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP%u2026) ou en ayant un peu pratique (Python, processing%u2026), ou pour du traitement de données. Il prend en charge par défaut une cinquantaine de langages différents, et vous laisse libre d'en ajouter d'autres.

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  • Dans le Cloud computing, un tutoriel pour débutant, traduit par Nicolas vieux et Vincent Viale

    Qu'est-ce que le Cloud computing ? Le Cloud computing est devenu le nouveau mot à la mode tirée en grande partie par le marketing et les offres de services de grands groupes comme Google, IBM et Amazon. Cloud computing est la prochaine étape dans l'évolution d'Internet. Cloud computing fournit le moyen par lequel tout - de la puissance de calcul de l'infrastructure informatique, des applications, des processus d'affaires pour une autoentreprise - peut être livré comme un service où et quand vous en avez besoin.

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  • « Si on veut aller sur Windows Phone c'est maintenant, après ce sera trop tard », entretien avec Nicolas Sorel, PDG de Magma Mobile

    « Si on veut aller sur Windows Phone c'est maintenant, après ce sera trop tard » , entretien avec Nicolas Sorel, DG de Magma Mobile Les cabinets d'analyse à l'instar d'IDC s'accordent à montrer que les dispositifs mobiles sont de plus en plus vendus de par le monde. Un signe peut-être pour les développeurs qui ne l'ont pas encore fait de songer à penser au mobile. D'ailleurs, certaines structures qui délivrent des services essayent de s'adapter aux réalités du marché en proposant désormais à...

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  • Solutions temps réel sous Linux avec 50 exercices corrigés un livre de Christophe Blaess, critique par Nicolas Vallée

    Comprendre le fonctionnement de l'ordonnanceur et du noyau Pour concevoir un système équilibré, stable et réactif aux événements externes, il est indispensable de bien comprendre le rôle et l'organisation de ses divers composants. C'est l'un des premiers buts de ce livre, qui détaille et commente les interactions, les activations et les commutations des tâches. De très nombreux exemples illustrant le propos permettront au lecteur de réaliser ses propres expériences sur son poste Linux.

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  • Can't connect to my own wifi network

    - by Nicolas
    I use ubuntu 12.04 on various differents laptops/netbooks on my home. I was able to connect to my own wifi network. But sometimes, I couldn't connect to my wifi network, it ask me for password again and again. After many tries (a lot of them), sometimes I can connect, but sometimes I can't. I have this problem with a Samsung netbook and with a HP laptop. Right now, I can't connect with the HP laptop. I'll be grateful for any help. Best regards, Nicolás

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  • top tweets WebLogic Partner Community – June 2012

    - by JuergenKress
    Send your tweets @wlscommunity #WebLogicCommunity and follow us at OTNArchBeat? Free Virtual Developer Day: Oracle ADF and Oracle Fusion Middleware Development AMIS, Oracle & Java? Checklist veearts nu ook op iPad. @amis_services Mobile integratie met Oracle Fusion Middleware #OSB #SOA WhitehorsesWhiteblog: Troubleshoot JVM crashes of Weblogic: CompilerThread ( Jon petter hjulstad E-vita is now Apps Grid Specialized! ODTUG Fusion Middleware Sessions RT @OTNArchBeat: ODTUG Kscope12 - June 24-28 - San Antonio, TX OTNArchBeat? Free Event: Modern #Java Development, in/outside the Enterprise - May 30 - Redwood Shores, CA ADF Community DE? Oracle Advanced ADF 11g Partner Workshop Düsseldorf /Germany (english) June 26-29, click here to see Nicolas Lorain? Best Practices for #JavaFX 2 Enterprise Applications (Part Two) by Jim Weaver shay shmeltzer? #Oracle Developers in #Israel - don't miss the free #ADF workshop July 2nd - get hands-on with Oracle ADF -here OTNArchBeat? Java at JAXconf | Tori Wieldt Anand Akela? #Oracle Customers and Partners – Get your free pass to @CloudExpo in New York, June 11 to 14, <- Stop by booth #511 OracleSupport_WLS? Did you know that since 3/15/12 #WebLogic Server is certified for production with JDK 7? Sharat? Highly useful #JavaFX best practices blog by @JavaFXpert More details here ADF EMG How to set up a productive ADF Dev Env - discussion started by @baigsorcl. Click here to Read and comment. OracleSupport_WLS Upcoming #webcast: Diagnosing #weblogic performance issues through #java thread dumps My Oracle Support? New to Oracle Support? - Webcast on Support Basics webcast May 22 10:30 Central Europe. Register @ Mohamad Afshar? Cloud Expo – Oracle Customers and Partners – get your free pass to Cloud Expo in New York, June 11 to 14, OTNArchBeat Oracle VM 3.1 is here | @Ronenkofman Oracle Exalogic? RT @D0uglasPhillips: ExalogicTV New Video Introducing Oracle Secure Global Desktop for #Exalogic!! OracleBlogs? Java EE6 and WebLogic YouTube video channels Oracle WebLogic RT @aleftik: Excited to spend some time today playing around with the WebSockets SDK WebLogic Community Java EE6 and WebLogic YouTube video channels OracleSupport_WLS New tutorial! How to use the #JMS #API to create a message producer with #GlassFish and #NetBeans JDeveloper & ADF? Tip when installing JDeveloper version WebLogic Community Middleware Oracle Excellence Awards 2012 – HAPPY NEW YEAR! Click here to read WebLogicCommunity #opn #oracle#Specialization #opnaward Steven Davelaar? Improve performance of your ADF app using lazy, on-demand querying of detail view objects: Click here OracleBlogs? Middleware Oracle Excellence Awards 2012 & HAPPY NEW YEAR! OracleSupport_WLS Upgrading from #weblogic 9.2.x to 10.3.x? AMIS, Oracle & Java “@JDeveloper: Logout from an ADF application” WebLogic Community UK OUG call for papers–your middleware success! Click here #UKOUG #soacommunity #OPN Whitehorses Whiteblog: Enterprise Manager: Manage your Fusion Middleware logfiles ( WebLogic Community? @Jphjulstad HI Jon, should we send Pizza when you go in production with your WebLogic 12c project? Whish you success! #WebLogicCommunity Sabine Leitner ADF Einsteigerworkshops je 2 Tage im Juni in HAM, BLN, HANN #Oracle #WLS @OracleWebLogic @OracleAppGrid@soacommunity Andreas Koop new post Java Heap Monitor in JDeveloper Sabine Leitner? #Oracle Kundentag mit Vorträgen von Sparkasse, Schufa, LBBW, Allianz über FMW & Exa Lösungen! 21.06. FRA @wlscommunity NetBeans Team RT @chadlung: Installing and configuring #NetBeans 7.1.2 and the #Java JDK 1.7 on OS X: #osx WebLogic Community Happy New Year #WeblogicCommunity thanks for the business! Time for a drink WebLogic Community UK OUG call for papers&ndash;your middleware success! WebLogic Community? Middleware Oracle Excellence Awards 2012 - HAPPY NEW YEAR! Oracle WebLogic? RT @wlscommunity: WebLogic World Record Two Processor Result with SPECjEnterprise2010 Benchmark Click here to read #weblogic #sunfire #li Marc? Relocate wlst script for all the logfiles in your domain @wlscommunity, WebLogic Community WebLogic World Record Two Processor Result with SPECjEnterprise2010 Benchmark Click here #WebLogicCommunity #weblogic #sunfire Oracle WebLogic MIss a WebLogic Devcast webinar? Catch any of the replays in the series on-demand! #WebLogic #JavaEE #coherence JDeveloper & ADF? Bean DataControl - Edit table records Justin Kestelyn? Contents of "Virtual Developer Day: Java SE 7 and JavaFX 2.0" are now avail on demand; no reg Frank Nimphius? Preparing 12c new features for DOAG 2012 Development - June 14th in Bonn ( WebLogic Community? Middleware Oracle Excellence Awards 2012&ndash;HAPPY NEW YEAR! JDeveloper & ADF Placeholder Watermarks with ADF 11.1.2 Oracle ACE Program? May edition #ACE newsletter now available online. chriscmuir New blog post: Which JDeveloper is right for me? GlassFish? Transactional Interceptors in Java EE 7 - Request for feedback: Linda described how EJB's container-managed tr OracleEnterpriseMgr Oracle Application Testing Suite 12.1 Debuts at StarEast 2012 #em12c JAX London First set of speaker session announced for #JAXLondon see: OTNArchBeat? Oracle Cloud Conference: dates and locations worldwide NetBeans Team? Video: Create and debug a TestNG test class in #NetBeans IDE: NetBeans Team #NetBeans tip: Code Template for #Kohana #PHP Framework: Robin? Started to use the #Oracle #WebLogic Server #Maven Plugin. Really awesome to install a complete #WLS with "mvn wls:install" !@wlscommunity OTNArchBeat? Free Event: Modern #Java Development, in/outside the Enterprise - May 30 - Redwood Shores, CA OracleBlogs WebLogic Partner Community Newsletter May 2012 Java Certification? Java SE 7 Fundamentals course now available On Demand. Watch a preview now: Whitehorses Whiteblog: Native IO in WebLogic on Solaris 11 X64 ( NetBeans Team? Quick video of FindBugs Integration in #NetBeans IDE 7.2: NetBeans Team #JavaFX Scene Builder Docs Updated for 2.2 and #NetBeans 7.2 dev builds: Duncan Mills? New blog posting on implementing input field watermarks with ADF Faces 11.1.2 Click here #adf WebLogic Community? WebLogic Partner Community Newsletter May 2012 OracleBlogs? UK OUG call for papersyour middleware success! Nicolas Lorain? Java tip: Deploying #JavaFX apps to multiple environments - JavaWorld Adam Bien? Java EE and How to Specify The Unconventional With Convention Over Configuration [Free Article]: The free Owen Hughes and team?#Oracle #Exalogic #Performance: What? How? Why? Click here GlassFish? SecuritEE in the Cloud: Java EE 7 and the Cloud theme continue to move full steam ahead. In a PaaS environment JDeveloper & ADF? How to Align Managed Bean Scope and Bean Data Control in Oracle ADF Andrejus Baranovskis Missing New Feature in JDev ( - ADF Methods Security OracleSupport_WLS? Tutorial on managing #HTTP Sessions in a #Weblogic #Cluster Oracle WebLogic? ZeroTurnaround developer report: #Spring keeps getting heavier, and #Java EE keeps getting lighter JDeveloper & ADF? How to Search in Views - Part 4 || Oracle ADF WebLogic Community Java Message Service with Java and Spring Framework on Oracle WebLogic; Webcast May 15th 2012 Andreas Koop? new post ADF Bug or Feature? Non-Breaking Space outside required icon style Oracle WebLogic? Don't miss this month's WebLogic DevCast: WebLogic JMS and Spring JMS Tuesday May 15th 10:00am PT JDeveloper & ADF How To Disable SELECT COUNT Execution for ADF Table Rendering OracleSupport_WLS? #SSL and security has its own Information Center, for troubleshooting, install, config and more NetBeans Team? Featured #NetBeans plugin is @Codename_One for creating native apps for major mobile platforms: JDeveloper & ADF? Using JDeveloper HTTP Analyser to intercept/forward requests Nicolas Lorain? Create native looks for JavaFX applications: JavaFX-CSS-Themes · by Gregg Setzer Devoxx? Want to make the world a better place? Then get involved in Random Hacks of Kindness on June 2 - 3 in Belgium @ #RHoK WebLogic Community top tweets WebLogic Partner Community – May 2012 Click here #WebLogicCommunity Michel Schildmeijer Oracle Traffic Director 11g Andrejus Baranovskis? Proactively Monitoring JDeveloper 11g IDE Heap Memory Arun Gupta? 80+ attendees building a #javaee6 application using NetBeans/WebLogic at Java Day, Istanbul fun times! A. Chatziantoniou? Just registered for the Oracle FMW Summer Camp in Lisbon. Looking forward to learn, meet friends and try to buy ice cream on the beach OTNArchBeat Another Myth Debunked: 200 Continuous Redeployments with WebLogic|@munz Oracle WebLogic? Need to learn more on #WebLogic Server #JVM performance tuning? UxHx GlassFish? Dukes Choice Awards 2012 Nominations Are Open: 2012 Duke's Choice Award are open for nominations. These awards Justin Kestelyn? Major cloud-related announcements from Larry Ellison and Mark Hurd on June 6 Nicolas Lorain Transparent Windows (Stage) with #JavaFX 2 : Adam Bien's Weblog WebLogic Community Web Services with JAX and Spring on WebLogic–Webcast May 30th 2012 #WebLogicCommunity #weblogic #opn JDeveloper & ADF Oracle ADF - How to work with Dates OracleBlogs Web Services with JAX and Spring on WebLogicWebcast May 30th 2012 Adam Bien? Summer Java EE Workshops: 23.05, Amsterdam Airport Java EE Hacking, Without Airport. The dutch version of Airport JDeveloper & ADF ADF 11g: BC4J or EJB3. ADF EMG? Great discussion with JSF guru Andy Schwartz on the forum - 38 posts! Check it out: here Devoxx? Oracle ( ) joins Devoxx 2012 as the first Premium partner, welcome aboard! Nicolas Lorain Developing a Simple Todo Application using #JavaFX, #Java and #MongoDB- Part-1JavaBeat Nicolas Lorain Preview of JavaFX 2.2 canvas feature > Harmonic Code: Death bitmaps could be beautiful... Part I #JavaFX OTNArchBeat?? New York Coherence Special Interest Group (NYCSIG) - May 24 - NYC WebLogic Community iAS upgrade to WebLogic watch #C2B2 online seminar #WebLogicCommunity Ruth Collett? Join Oracle in #Joburg on May 21 for OTN Developer Day - sessions on #Java #JavaEE 6/7 and much more! WebLogic Community? Sending out invitations to our advanced Fusion Middleware Summer Camps! Want to learn more register for the community Ruth Collett? Join @ArunGupta in Istanbul this Monday to hear the latest on #JavaEE 6/7 GlassFish? NetBeans 7.2 Beta - Built for Speed, Deploy Apps to Oracle Cloud: NetBeans 7.2 Beta is now available. The Lucas Jellema My latest SlideShare upload : Java ain't scary - introducing Java to PL/SQ. here via @slideshare JDeveloper & ADF? #Developer #free#ADF training in #Scotland - June 13. More information: AMIS, Oracle & Java? AMIS behaalt als eerste in Nedeland de Oracle ADF specialisatie - Channelworld nieuwsChannelconnect: WebLogic Community Web Services with JAX and Spring on WebLogic&ndash;Webcast May 30th 2012 Nicolas Lorain?@ JavaFX-based SimpleDateFormat Demonstrator #JavaFX via Dustin Marx Oracle Exalogic? Are you an Oracle partner? There's news on the Oracle Partner Network about #Exalogic specializations - JDeveloper & ADF Shorter URL for your ADF application OTNArchBeat? Bay Area Coherence Special Interest Group (BACSIG) Meeting June 7 OTNArchBeat? Java EE 6 Sample Application on WebLogic 12c: Conference Planner | @arungupta JDeveloper & ADF? Excellent example of Oracle ADF - Google Maps/Earth integration JDeveloper & ADF Setting Up JDeveloper's Embedded WLS for MySQL JDeveloper & ADF? Solution for Sharing Global User Data in ADF BC Java? Java Magazine May/June #javaee #javafx #javame #openJDK #hotspot #wicket #lotsmore Oracle WebLogic? if you have trouble finding the right #patchset when doing an upgrade to your #weblogic server OracleEnterpriseMgr 15 minutes to go before we start our Application Testing Suite 12.1 webcast. Learn from the lead PM what's new. #em12c Sten Vesterli Eating your own dog food - Oracle support site finally in ADF: Adam Bien Project: "Jenever" (=poison) checked-in with GIT:here CU at Thanks for attending! OTNArchBeat Web Service Development with NetBeans and Testing with WebLogic Admin Console | @munz Please feel free to send us your news! And add your blog to our SOA blog wiki

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  • Can't get iPhone to Sync with MacBook running OS X.

    - by Nicolas
    I can't get the iPhone to sync with my MacBook running OS X, I've re-installed OS X and iTunes and then it worked, however once the MacBook had been switched off and on again the iPhone wouldn't sync. I then deleted AppleMobileDevice.kext, DeviceLink.Framework, MobileDevice.Framework and AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pky and re-installed iTunes, this then solved the problem until the MacBook was turned off and then on again. I've run out of ideas. Many thanks Nicolas

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  • Bring the windows of two different apps in mac os to the front?

    - by Nicolas Kokkalis
    How do I easily bring to the front of the screen the top windows of two different application in Mac OS X? I prefer to use the keyboard only. Example Scenario: Say there are 10 Firefox and 10 TextEdit windows open. Also, say that these windows are having various different sizes so that the windows of each application fully cover the desktop. Goal: I want to bring to the front of my screen the top window of Firefox along with the top window of TextEdit, so that I can visually compare some data. Restrictions: I cannot use expose (since having 20 windows on the screen already renders expose useless) And I do not want to use multiple desktop (too complex and time consuming) I prefer to use a keyboard shortcut. Unfortunately cmd+tab brings all windows of each application to the top, covering all windows of the other applications.

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  • How to type french accents with a US Apple keyboard in Windows 7 (EN) with Boot Camp

    - by Nicolas
    Hi, Everything's in the question. I have an iMac running Snow Leopard with a US Apple keyboard, and I've installed Windows 7 (english) with boot camp. I need to be able to type French accents but I don't really anyway to do it. I tried the way I did on Snow Leopard with the ALT + E and E for instance to make an e acute and even the Windows way with ALT + 1 3 0 but no luck. Any of you have something to suggest to me? Cheers, Nicolas.

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  • entity set expansion python

    - by Nicolas M.
    Do you know of any existing implementation in any language (preferably python) of any entity set expansion algorithms, such that the one from Google sets ? ( ) I couldn't find any library implementing such algorithms and I'd like to play with some of those to see how they would perform on some specific task I would like to implement. Any help is welcome ! Thanks a lot for your help, Regards, Nicolas.

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  • Is there an open source Wordpress plug-in to implement Facebook/Twitter/OpenID/... authentication?

    - by Nicolas
    Hi, I'm looking for a way to implement Facebook/Twitter/OpenID/... authentication on my WordPress blog. I have found plugins for Twitter, plugins for Facebook, plugins for OpenID.. but I'm afraid integration of all thos plugins will be tough. Also, I have found RPX that is doing the job perfectly, but I would prefer an open source soultion rather than relying on RPX web service. Would you have any clue? Nicolas

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  • PHP open source script for a specific website

    - by Nicolas
    Hi, Does anyone of you ever heard about a PHP open source solution that would have these features: Users login/registration (ideally connect via Facebook) Upload photos Rich backend administration with different roles and views on the users and their uploaded photos Cheers, Nicolas.

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  • Nhibernate - How to get rid of unwanted text cast

    - by Nicolas Cornu
    Hello, I am using Nhibernate 2 and PostgreSql The above code generate a query with a cast on expression res = _session.CreateCriteria(typeof(C)) .Add(Restrictions.Eq("Exp", Exp)) .AddOrder(new Order("Fr", false)) .SetMaxResults(MW) .List<C>(); Exp is a character varying(30) In the query: SELECT ... FROM table WHERE Exp = 'text':: text ... I want to get rid of cast 'text":: text beacause the index is not used. Nicolas

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  • Exim rejects recipient address on my domain

    - by Nicolas
    Hi, I have a dedicated server (debian) on which I have installed Exim and Dovecot. Everything worked fine until around a month ago. I tried to reinstall and reconfigure exim but I keep having all the incoming emails rejected. Outlook says: A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: [email protected] SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:: host [94.76.##.##]: 550 relay not permitted GMAIL: Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: [email protected] Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 relay not permitted (state 14). On the server side, my rejectlog file shows: 2011-01-04 17:09:21 [] F=< rejected RCPT : relay not permitted ... and the mainlog file: 2011-01-04 17:00:01 1PaAEr-0007vN-DX <= root@ETC_MAILNAME U=root P=local S=869 2011-01-04 17:00:01 1PaAEr-0007vN-DX ** root@etc_mailname: Unrouteable address 2011-01-04 17:00:01 1PaAEr-0007vY-Kn Error while reading message with no usable sender address (R=1PaAEr-0007vN-DX): at least one malformed recipient address: root@ETC_MAILNAME - malformed address: _MAILNAME may not follow root@ETC 2011-01-04 17:00:01 1PaAEr-0007vN-DX Process failed (1) when writing error message to root@ETC_MAILNAME (frozen) 2011-01-04 17:09:21 no IP address found for host MAIN_RELAY_NETS (during SMTP connection from []) 2011-01-04 17:09:21 [] F=< rejected RCPT : relay not permitted then after the message becomes frozen: 2011-01-04 17:28:44 1PaAEr-0007vN-DX Message is frozen Thank you for your help, any idea/comment is welcomed as I am really running out of idea to fix this issue, Nicolas. Oh and the PHP mail() function does not do anything as well, would it be linked to? I think mail() uses sendmail from my php.ini.

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