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Articles indexed in December 2010

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  • Accessing Server-Side Data from Client Script: Using WCF Services with jQuery and the ASP.NET Ajax Library

    Today's websites commonly exchange information between the browser and the web server using Ajax techniques - the browser executes JavaScript code typically in response to the page loading or some user action. This JavaScript makes an asynchronous HTTP request to the server. which then processes the request and, perhaps, returns data that the browser can then seamlessly integrate into the web page. Two earlier articles - Accessing JSON Data From an ASP.NET Page Using jQuery and Using Ajax Web Services, Script References, and jQuery, looked at using both jQuery and the ASP.NET Ajax Library on the browser to initiate an Ajax request and both ASP.NET pages and Ajax Web Services as the entities on the web server responsible for servicing such Ajax requests. This article continues our examination of techniques for implementing lightweight Ajax scenarios in an ASP.NET website. Specifically, it examines how to use the Windows Communication Foundation, or WCF, to serve data from the web server and how to use both the ASP.NET Ajax Library and jQuery to consume such services from the client-side. Read on to learn more! Read More >

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  • Formatting Dates, Times and Numbers in ASP.NET

    Formatting is the process of converting a variable from its native type into a string representation. Anytime you display a DateTime or numeric variables in an ASP.NET page, you are formatting that variable from its native type into some sort of string representation. How a DateTime or numeric variable is formatted depends on the culture settings and the format string. Because dates and numeric values are formatted differently across cultures, the .NET Framework bases its formatting on the specified culture settings. By default, the formatting routines use the culture settings defined on the web server, but you can indicate that a particular culture be used anytime you format. In addition to the culture settings, formatting is also affected by a format string, which spells out the formatting details to apply. The .NET Framework contains a bounty of format strings. There are standard format strings, which are typically a single letter that applies detailed formatting logic. For example, the "C" format specifier will format a numeric type as a currency value; the "Y" format specifier displays the month name and four-digit year of the specified DateTime value. There are also custom format strings, which display a apply a very specific formatting rule. These custom format strings can be put together to build more intricate formats. For instance, the format string "dddd, MMMM d" displays the full day of the week name followed by a comma followed by the full name of the month followed by the day of the month. For more involved formatting scenarios, where neither the standard or custom format strings cut the mustard, you can always create your own formatting extension methods. This article explores the standard format strings for dates, times and numbers and includes a number of custom formatting methods I've created and use in my own projects. There's also a demo application you can download that lets you specify a culture and then shows you the output for the standard format strings for the selected culture. Read on to learn more! Read More >

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  • Examining ASP.NET's Membership, Roles, and Profile - Part 18

    Membership, in a nutshell, is a framework build into the .NET Framework that supports creating, authenticating, deleting, and modifying user account information. Each user account has a set of core properties: username, password, email, a security question and answer, whether or not the account has been approved, whether or not the user is locked out of the system, and so on. These user-specific properties are certainly helpful, but they're hardly exhaustive - it's not uncommon for an application to need to track additional user-specific properties. For example, an online messageboard site might want to also also associate a signature, homepage URL, and IM address with each user account. There are two ways to associate additional information with user accounts when using the Membership model. The first - which affords the greatest flexibility, but requires the most upfront effort - is to create a custom data store for this information. If you are using the SqlMembershipProvider, this would mean creating an additional database table that had as a primary key the UserId value from the aspnet_Users table and columns for each of the additional user properties. The second option is to use the Profile system, which allows additional user-specific properties to be defined in a configuration file. (See Part 6 for an in-depth look at the Profile system.) This article explores how to store additional user information in a separate database table. We'll see how to allow a signed in user to update these additional user-specific properties and how to create a page to display information about a selected user. What's more, we'll look at using ASP.NET Routing to display user information using an SEO-friendly, human-readable URL like Read on to learn more! Read More >

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  • Accessing Server-Side Data from Client Script: Using Ajax Web Services, Script References, and jQuery

    Today's websites commonly exchange information between the browser and the web server using Ajax techniques. In a nutshell, the browser executes JavaScript code typically in response to the page loading or some user action. This JavaScript makes an asynchronous HTTP request to the server. The server processes this request and, perhaps, returns data that the browser can then seamlessly integrate into the web page. Typically, the information exchanged between the browser and server is serialized into JSON, an open, text-based serialization format that is both human-readable and platform independent. Adding such targeted, lightweight Ajax capabilities to your ASP.NET website requires two steps: first, you must create some mechanism on the server that accepts requests from client-side script and returns a JSON payload in response; second, you need to write JavaScript in your ASP.NET page to make an HTTP request to this service you created and to work with the returned results. This article series examines a variety of techniques for implementing such scenarios. In Part 1 we used an ASP.NET page and the JavaScriptSerializer class to create a server-side service. This service was called from the browser using the free, open-source jQuery JavaScript library. This article continues our examination of techniques for implementing lightweight Ajax scenarios in an ASP.NET website. Specifically, it examines how to create ASP.NET Ajax Web Services on the server-side and how to use both the ASP.NET Ajax Library and jQuery to consume them from the client-side. Read on to learn more! Read More >

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  • Accessing Server-Side Data from Client Script: Accessing JSON Data From an ASP.NET Page Using jQuery

    When building a web application, we must decide how and when the browser will communicate with the web server. The ASP.NET WebForms model greatly simplifies web development by providing a straightforward mechanism for exchanging data between the browser and the server. With WebForms, each ASP.NET page's rendered output includes a <form> element that performs a postback to the same page whenever a Button control within the form is clicked, or whenever the user modifies a control whose AutoPostBack property is set to True. On postback, the server sends the entire contents of the web page back to the browser, which then displays this new content. With WebForms we don't need to spend much time or effort thinking about how or when the browser will communicate with the server or how that returned information will be processed by the browser. It just works. While this approach certainly works and has its advantages, it's not without its drawbacks. The primary concern with postback forms is that they require a large amount of information to be exchanged between the browser and the server. Specifically, the browser sends back all of its form fields (including hidden ones, like view state, which may be quite large) and then the server sends back the entire contents of the web page. Granted, there are scenarios where this large quantity of data needs to be exchanged, but in many cases we can use techniques that exchange much less information. However, these techniques necessitate spending more time and effort thinking about how and when to have the browser communicate with the server and intelligently deciding on what information needs to be exchanged. This article, the first in a multi-part series, examines different techniques for accessing server-side data from a browser using client-side script. Throughout this series we will explore alternative ways to expose data on the server so that it can be accessed from the browser using script; we will also examine various tools for communicating with the server from JavaScript, including jQuery and the ASP.NET AJAX library. Read on to learn more! Read More >

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  • Optimize Images Using the ASP.NET Sprite and Image Optimization Framework

    The HTML markup of a web page includes the page's textual content, semantic and styling information, and, typically, several references to external resources. External resources are content that is part of web page, but are separate from the web page's markup - things like images, style sheets, script files, Flash videos, and so on. When a browser requests a web page it starts by downloading its HTML. Next, it scans the downloaded HTML for external resources and starts downloading those. A page with many external resources usually takes longer to completely load than a page with fewer external resources because there is an overhead associated with downloading each external resource. For starters, each external resource requires the browser to make an HTTP request to retrieve the resource. What's more, browsers have a limit as to how many HTTP requests they will make in parallel. For these reasons, a common technique for improving a page's load time is to consolidate external resources in a way to reduce the number of HTTP requests that must be made by the browser to load the page in its entirety. This article examines the free and open-source ASP.NET Sprite and Image Optimization Framework, which is a project developed by Microsoft for improving a web page's load time by consolidating images into a sprite or by using inline, base-64 encoded images. In a nutshell, this framework makes it easy to implement practices that will improve the load time for a web page that displays several images. Read on to learn more! Read More >

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  • Distinctly LINQ &ndash; Getting a Distinct List of Objects

    - by David Totzke
    Let’s say that you have a list of objects that contains duplicate items and you want to extract a subset of distinct items.  This is pretty straight forward in the trivial case where the duplicate objects are considered the same such as in the following example: List<int> ages = new List<int> { 21, 46, 46, 55, 17, 21, 55, 55 }; IEnumerable<int> distinctAges = ages.Distinct(); Console.WriteLine("Distinct ages:"); foreach (int age in distinctAges) { Console.WriteLine(age); } /* This code produces the following output: Distinct ages: 21 46 55 17 */ What if you are working with reference types instead?  Imagine a list of search results where items in the results, while unique in and of themselves, also point to a parent.  We’d like to be able to select a bunch of items in the list but then see only a distinct list of parents.  Distinct isn’t going to help us much on its own as all of the items are distinct already.  Perhaps we can create a class with just the information we are interested in like the Id and Name of the parents.  public class SelectedItem { public int ItemID { get; set; } public string DisplayName { get; set; } } We can then use LINQ to populate a list containing objects with just the information we are interested in and then get rid of the duplicates. IEnumerable<SelectedItem> list = (from item in ResultView.SelectedRows.OfType<Contract.ReceiptSelectResults>() select new SelectedItem { ItemID = item.ParentId, DisplayName = item.ParentName }) .Distinct(); Most of you will have guessed that this didn’t work.  Even though some of our objects are now duplicates, because we are working with reference types, it doesn’t matter that their properties are the same, they’re still considered unique.  What we need is a way to define equality for the Distinct() extension method. IEqualityComparer<T> Looking at the Distinct method we see that there is an overload that accepts an IEqualityComparer<T>.  We can simply create a class that implements this interface and that allows us to define equality for our SelectedItem class. public class SelectedItemComparer : IEqualityComparer<SelectedItem> { public new bool Equals(SelectedItem abc, SelectedItem def) { return abc.ItemID == def.ItemID && abc.DisplayName == def.DisplayName; } public int GetHashCode(SelectedItem obj) { string code = obj.DisplayName + obj.ItemID.ToString(); return code.GetHashCode(); } } In the Equals method we simply do whatever comparisons are necessary to determine equality and then return true or false.  Take note of the implementation of the GetHashCode method.  GetHashCode must return the same value for two different objects if our Equals method says they are equal.  Get this wrong and your comparer won’t work .  Even though the Equals method returns true, mismatched hash codes will cause the comparison to fail.  For our example, we simply build a string from the properties of the object and then call GetHashCode() on that. Now all we have to do is pass an instance of our IEqualitlyComarer<T> to Distinct and all will be well: IEnumerable<SelectedItem> list =     (from item in ResultView.SelectedRows.OfType<Contract.ReceiptSelectResults>()         select new SelectedItem { ItemID = item.dahfkp, DisplayName = item.document_code })                         .Distinct(new SelectedItemComparer());   Enjoy. Dave Just because I can… Technorati Tags: LINQ,C#

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  • ISO Mount for Windown 7 and/or Server 2008

    - by Eric Johnson
    Apparently it's hard to locate a free ISO mapper these days.  Like most people I've use Microsoft's Virtual CD ROM to mount ISO images on XP and server 2003 machines.   This will not work in Windows 7 and Server 2008 machines.  Therefore, I recommend people try out magic ISO instead.   It's freeware and can be downloaded from the following URL.

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  • Visual Studio LightSwitch: Yes, these are the droids you&rsquo;re looking for

    - by Jim Duffy
    With all the news and focus on the new features coming in Silverlight 5 I thought I’d take a few minutes to remind folks about the work that Microsoft has done on LightSwitch since the applications created by LightSwitch are Silverlight applications. LightSwitch makes it easier for non-coders to build business applications and easier for coders to maintain them. For those not familiar with LightSwitch, it is a new tool that provides a easier and quicker way for coder and non-coder types alike to create line-of-business applications for the desktop, the web, and the cloud. The target audience for this tool are those power-user types who create Access applications for their organization. While those Access applications fill an immediate need, they typically aren’t very scalable, extendable and/or maintainable by the development staff of the organization. LightSwitch creates applications based on technologies built into Visual Studio thus making it easier for corporate developers to extend and maintain them. LightSwitch is currently in beta but it will ultimately become a new addition to the Visual Studio line of products. Go ahead and download the beta to get a better idea of what the product can do for your organization. The LightSwitch Developer Center contains links to download the beta links to instructional videos links to tutorials links to the LightSwitch Training Kit Another quality resource for LightSwitch information is the Visual Studio LightSwitch Team Blog. My good friend Beth Massi is on the LightSwitch team and has additional valuable content on her blog. Have a day.

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  • Silverlight 5 &ndash; What&rsquo;s New? (Including Screenshots &amp; Code Snippets)

    - by mbcrump
    Silverlight 5 is coming next year (2011) and this blog post will tell you what you need to know before the beta ships. First, let me address people saying that it is dead after PDC 2010. I believe that it’s best to see what the market is doing, not the vendor. Below is a list of companies that are developing Silverlight 4 applications shown during the Silverlight Firestarter. Some of the companies have shipped and some haven’t. It’s just great to see the actual company names that are working on Silverlight instead of “people are developing for Silverlight”. The next thing that I wanted to point out was that HTML5, WPF and Silverlight can co-exist. In case you missed Scott Gutherie’s keynote, they actually had a slide with all three stacked together. This shows Microsoft will be heavily investing in each technology.  Even I, a Silverlight developer, am reading Pro HTML5. Microsoft said that according to the Silverlight Feature Voting site, 21k votes were entered. Microsoft has implemented about 70% of these votes in Silverlight 5. That is an amazing number, and I am crossing my fingers that Microsoft bundles Silverlight with Windows 8. Let’s get started… what’s new in Silverlight 5? I am going to show you some great application and actual code shown during the Firestarter event. Media Hardware Video Decode – Instead of using CPU to decode, we will offload it to GPU. This will allow netbooks, etc to play videos. Trickplay – Variable Speed Playback – Pitch Correction (If you speed up someone talking they won’t sound like a chipmunk). Power Management – Less battery when playing video. Screensavers will no longer kick in if watching a video. If you pause a video then screensaver will kick in. Remote Control Support – This will allow users to control playback functions like Pause, Rewind and Fastforward. IIS Media Services 4 has shipped and now supports Azure. Data Binding Layout Transitions – Just with a few lines of XAML you can create a really rich experience that is not using Storyboards or animations. RelativeSource FindAncestor – Ancestor RelativeSource bindings make it much easier for a DataTemplate to bind to a property on a container control. Custom Markup Extensions – Markup extensions allow code to be run at XAML parse time for both properties and event handlers. This is great for MVVM support. Changing Styles during Runtime By Binding in Style Setters – Changing Styles at runtime used to be a real pain in Silverlight 4, now it’s much easier. Binding in style setters allows bindings to reference other properties. XAML Debugging – Below you can see that we set a breakpoint in XAML. This shows us exactly what is going on with our binding.  WCF & RIA Services WS-Trust Support – Taken from Wikipedia: WS-Trust is a WS-* specification and OASIS standard that provides extensions to WS-Security, specifically dealing with the issuing, renewing, and validating of security tokens, as well as with ways to establish, assess the presence of, and broker trust relationships between participants in a secure message exchange. You can reduce network latency by using a background thread for networking. Supports Azure now.  Text and Printing Improved text clarity that enables better text rendering. Multi-column text flow, Character tracking and leading support, and full OpenType font support.  Includes a new Postscript Vector Printing API that provides control over what you print . Pivot functionality baked into Silverlight 5 SDK. Graphics Immediate mode graphics support that will enable you to use the GPU and 3D graphics supports. Take a look at what was shown in the demos below. 1) 3D view of the Earth – not really a real-world application though. A doctor’s portal. This demo really stood out for me as it shows what we can do with the 3D / GPU support. Out of Browser OOB applications can now create and manage childwindows as shown in the screenshot below.  Trusted OOB applications can use P/Invoke to call Win32 APIs and unmanaged libraries.  Enterprise Group Policy Support allow enterprises to lock down or up the sandbox capabilities of Silverlight 5 applications. In this demo, he tore the “notes” off of the application and it appeared in a new window. See the black arrow below. In this demo, he connected a USB Device which fired off a local Win32 application that provided the data off the USB stick to Silverlight. Another demo of a Silverlight 5 application exporting data right into Excel running inside of browser. Testing They demoed Coded UI, which is available now in the Visual Studio Feature Pack 2. This will allow you to create automated testing without writing any code manually. Performance: Microsoft has worked to improve the Silverlight startup time. Silverlight 5 provides 64-bit browser support.  Silverlight 5 also provides IE9 Hardware acceleration.   I am looking forward to Silverlight 5 and I hope you are too. Thanks for reading and I hope you visit again soon.  Subscribe to my feed CodeProject

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  • 11 Types of Developers

    - by Lee Brandt
    Jack Dawson Jack Dawson is the homeless drifter in Titanic. At one point in the movie he says, “I figure life’s a gift, and I don’t intend on wasting it.” He is happy to wander wherever life takes him. He works himself from place to place, making just enough money to make it to his next adventure. The “Jack Dawson” developer clings on to any new technology as the ‘next big thing’, and will find ways to shoe-horn it in to places where it is not a fit. He is very appealing to the other developers because they want to try the newest techniques and tools too, He will only stay until the new technology either bores him or becomes problematic. Jack will also be hard to find once the technology has been implemented, because he will be on to the next shiny thing. However, having a Jack Dawson on your team can be beneficial. Jack can be a great ally when attempting to convince a stodgy, corporate entity to upgrade. Jack usually has an encyclopedic recall of all the new features of the technology upgrade and is more than happy to interject them in any conversation. Tom Smykowski Tom is the neurotic employee in Office Space, and is deathly afraid of being fired. He will do only what is necessary to keep the status quo. He believes as long as nothing changes, his job is safe. He will scoff at anything new and be the naysayer during any change initiative. Tom can be useful in off-setting Jack Dawson. Jack will constantly be pushing for change and Tom will constantly be fighting it. When you see that Jack is getting kind of bored with a new technology and Tom has finally stopped wetting himself at the mere mention of it, then it is probably the sweet spot of beginning to implement that new technology (providing it is the right tool for the job). Ray Consella Ray is the guy who built the Field of Dreams. He took a risk. Sometimes he screwed it up, but he knew he didn’t want to end up regretting not attempting it. He constantly doubted himself, but he knew he had to keep going. Granted, he was doing what the voices in his head were telling him to do, but my point is he was driven to do something that most people considered crazy. Even when his friends, his wife and even he told himself he was crazy, somewhere inside himself, he knew it was the right thing to do. These are the innovators. These are the Bill Gates and Steve Jobs of the world. The take risks, they fail, they learn and the get better. Obviously, this kind of person thrives in start-ups and smaller companies, but that is due to their natural aversion to bureaucracy. They want to see their ideas put into motion quickly, and withdrawn quickly if it doesn’t work. Short feedback cycles are essential to Ray. He wants to know if his idea is working or not. He wants to modify or reverse his idea if it is not working or makes things worse. These are the agilistas. May I always be one.

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  • New Style of Post

    - by Lee Brandt
    I’ve been absent from blogging for awhile. Part of it is due to the ultimate inertia of my life. Most of it is due to my inability to post my thoughts without turning it into an ‘According to Hoyle’ blog post. I have an idea, and I try to flesh it into an interesting article. Something that you might see posted in a magazine or something. It never lives up to my standards and I end up dropping it. How did I get to this? I started this blog for the intended purpose of archiving my ideas and solutions so that I could find them again. Me. I realize that maybe some people read this blog, but I am NOT a celebrity or God’s gift to programming. So why am I worried about making my posts ‘worthy of public consumption’? Well, no more. If you are a reader of this blog, I thank you. But my content may change dramatically over the coming months, so be prepared. Hopefully you will still find my thoughts, ideas and solutions worth reading. Thanks again, Lee

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  • Silverlight Cream for December 05, 2010 -- #1003

    - by Dave Campbell
    In this (Almost) All-Submittal Issue: John Papa(-2-), Jesse Liberty, Tim Heuer, Dan Wahlin, Markus Egger, Phil Middlemiss, Coding4Fun, Michael Washington, Gill Cleeren, MichaelD!, Colin Eberhardt, Kunal Chowdhury, and Rabeeh Abla. Above the Fold: Silverlight: "Two-Way Binding on TreeView.SelectedItem" Phil Middlemiss WP7: "Taking Screen Shots of Windows Phone 7 Panorama Apps" Markus Egger Training: "Beginners Guide to Visual Studio LightSwitch (Part - 4)" Kunal Chowdhury Shoutouts: Don't let the fire go out... check out the Firestarter Labs Bart Czernicki discusses the need for 64-bit Silverlight: Why a 64-bit runtime for Silverlight 5 Matters Laurent Duveau is interviewed by the SilverlightShow folks to discuss his WP7 app: Laurent Duveau on Morse Code Flash Light WP7 Application From John Papa: Silverlight 5 Features John Papa has a post up highlighting his take on what's cool in the new featureset for Silverlight 5... including an external link to the keynote. Silverlight Firestarter Keynote and Sessions John Papa also has posted links to all the individual session videos... what a great resource! Yet Another Podcast #17 – Scott Guthrie Jesse Liberty went big with his latest Yet Another Podcast ... he is interviewing Scott Guthrie about the Firestarter, Silverlight, WP7. and more. Silverlight 5 Plans Revealed With this post from Tim Heuer, I find myself adding a Silverlight 5 tag... so bring on the fun! ... unless you've been overloaded like I have since last Thursday, you've probably seen this, but what the heck... Silverlight Firestarter Wrap Up and WCF RIA Services Talk Sample Code Phoenix's own Dan Wahlin had a great WCF RIA Services presentation at the Firestarter last week, and his material and lots of other good links are up on his blog, and I'd say that even if he didn't have a couple shoutouts to me in it :) Thanks Dan!! Taking Screen Shots of Windows Phone 7 Panorama Apps Markus Egger helps us all out with a post on how to get screenshots of your WP7 Panorama app... in case you haven't tried it ... it's not as easy as it sounds! Two-Way Binding on TreeView.SelectedItem Phil Middlemiss is back with a post taking some of the mystery out of the TreeView control bound to a data context and dealing with the SelectedItem property... oh yeah, and throw all that into MVVM! Great tutorial as usual, a cool behavior, and all the source. Native Extensions for Microsoft Silverlight Alan Cobb pointed me to a quick post up on the Coding4Fun site about the NESL (Native Extensions for SilverLight) from Microsoft that give access to some cool features of Windows 7 from Silverlight... I added an NESL tag in case other posts appear on this subject. Silverlight Simple Drag And Drop / Or Browse View Model / MVVM File Upload Control Michael Washington has another great tutorial up at CodeProject that expands on prior work he'd done with drag/drop file upload with this post on integrating an updated browse/upload into ViewModel/MVVM projects, all of which is Blendable. The validation story in Silverlight (Part 1) In good news for all of us, Gill Cleeren has started a tutorial series at SilverlightShow on Silverlight Validation. The first one is up discussing the basics... The Common Framework MichaelD! has a WPF/Silverlight framework up with Facebook Authentication, Xaml-driven IOC, T4 synchronous WCF proxies, and WP7 on the roadmap... source on CodePlex, check it out and give him some feedback. Exploring Reactive Extensions (Rx) through Twitter and Bing Maps Mashups If you've been waiting around to learn Rx, Colin Eberhardt has the post up for you (and me)... great tutorial up on Twitter and Bing Maps Mashups ... and all the code... for the twitter immediate app, and also the UKSnow one we showed last week... check out the demo page, and grab the source! Beginners Guide to Visual Studio LightSwitch (Part - 4) Kunal Chowdhury has the 4th part of his Lightswitch tutorial series up at SilverlightShow. In this one, he shows how to integrate multiple tables into a screen. It is here Take Your Silverlight Application Full Screen & intercept all windows keys !! Rabeeh Abla sent me this link to the blog describing a COM exposed library that intercepts all keys when Silverlight is full-screen. There are a few I hit when I'm going through blogs that Ctrl-W (FF) just won't take down and that annoys me... so this might be a solution if you have that problem... worth a look anyway! Stay in the 'Light! Twitter SilverlightNews | Twitter WynApse | | Tagged Posts | SilverlightCream Join me @ SilverlightCream | Phoenix Silverlight User Group Technorati Tags: Silverlight    Silverlight 3    Silverlight 4    Windows Phone MIX10

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  • Visual Studio &amp; TFS &ndash; List of addins, extensions, patches and hotfixes &ndash; Latest and Greatest

    - by terje
    This post is a list of the addins and extensions we (I ) recommend for use in Inmeta.  It’s coming up all the time – what to install, where are the download sites, etc etc, and thus I thought it better to post it here and keep it updated. The basics are Visual Studio 2010 connected to a Team Foundation Server 2010.  The edition of Visual Studio I use is the Ultimate Edition, but as many stay with the Premium Edition I’ve marked the extensions which only works with the Ultimate with a . I’ve also split the group into Recommended (which means Required) and Optional (which means Recommended) and Nice to Have (which means Optional) .   The focus is to get a setup which can be used for a complete coding experience for the whole ALM process.  The Code Gallery is found either through the Tools/Extension Manager menu in Visual Studio or through this link. The ones to really download is the Recommended category.  Then consider the Optional based on your needs.  The list of course reflects what I use for my work , so it is by no means complete, and for some of the tools there are equally useful alternatives.  The components directly associated with Visual Studio from Microsoft should be common, see the Microsoft column.     Product Available on Code Gallery Latest Version License Rec/Opt/N2H Applicable to Microsoft TFS Power Tools Sept 2010 Complete setup msi on link, split into parts on CG Sept 2010 Free Recommended TFS integration Yes Productivity Power Tools Yes 10.0.11019.3 Free Recommended Coding Yes Code Contracts No 1.4.30903 Free Recommended Coding & Quality Yes Code Contracts Editor Extensions Yes 1.4.30903 Free Recommended Coding & Quality Yes VSCommands Yes Lite version Free (Good enough) Nice to have Coding No Power Commands Yes Free Recommended Coding Yes FeaturePack 2   No.  MSDN Subscriber download under Visual Studio 2010 FP2 Part of MSDN Subscription Recommended Modeling & Testing Yes ReSharper No (Trial only) 5.1.1 Licensed Recommended Coding & Quality No dotTrace No 4.0.1 Licensed Optional Quality No NDepends No (Trial only) Licensed Optional Quality No tangible T4 editor Yes 1.950 Lite version Free (Good enough) Optional Coding (T4 templates) No Reflector No (Trial of Pro version only) 6.5 Lite version Free (Good enough) Recommended Coding/Investigation No LinqPad No 4.26.2 Licensed Nice to have Coding No Beyond Compare No 3.1.11 Licensed Recommended Coding/Investigation No Pex and Moles No (Moles available alone on CG) . Complete on MSDN Subscriber download under Visual Studio 2010 0.94.51023 Part of MSDN Subscription Optional Coding & Unit Testing Yes ApexSQL No Licensed Nice to have SQL No                 Some important Patches, upgrades and fixes Product Date Information Rec/Opt Applicable to Scrolling context menu KB2345133 and KB2413613 October 2010 Here Recommended Visual Studio MTM Patch October 2010 Here and here  KB2387011 Recommended (if you use MTM) MTM Data warehouse fix June 2010 Iteration dates fails with SQL 2008 R2.  KB2222312. Affects Burndown chart in Agile workbook Only for SQL 2008 R2 Server Upgrade 2008 to 2010 issue and hotfix August 2010 Fixes problems with labels and branches which are lost during upgrade. Apply before upgrade. Note: This has been fixed in the latest re-release of the TFS Server dated Aug 5th 2010. See here. Recommends downloading the latest bits. Only if upgrade from 2008 from earlier bits Server

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  • WP7 &ndash; Oh, You Wanted to Develop On Your New Phone? That&rsquo;ll Cost Ya!

    - by D'Arcy Lussier
    Had an interesting Twitter convo today about WP7 development. Question was raised on how to use a WP7 device as the deployment target from within VS.NET. Thinking that this would be an *obvious* question, I replied that you need to set the right value in one of the drop lists in the IDE… I did this, hooked up my device, then tried to run my app, just as a final test that it was as easy as I thought it would be. It wasn’t. So first, your phone can’t be locked, so make sure you unlock it. Also, don’t kill the Zune software when you notice it automagically started – its needed for VS.NET to deploy to your device. Finally, you need to register your device for development. Aiden Caine has a great article on what you need to do for this, but in a nutshell you need to launch the Windows Phone Developer Registration program found in the Windows Phone Developer Tools folder. Now, here’s the catch to all of this: You must have a Windows Phone AppHub account. As in paid account. That’s right – to do development on your actual device, you need to have a $99 ($120 in Canada) AppHub developer membership. Now, I get this – if Microsoft didn’t put this restriction, then they’d be back in Mobile 6.x land where anyone could install whatever app to whoever, whenever, and without any standards being upheld. This is the same thing that Apple does with their marketplace, its not something unprecedented. But, it is something that will be new to the majority of Microsoft developers that have lived without application restrictions for years. Now, if you’re in the US then you have the opportunity to get a rebate on that $99 fee from Microsoft if you publish two apps successfully. You can get more details on this offer here.

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  • The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle Client

    - by jkrebsbach
    There was a recent upgrade of the Oracle client on a production web server housing serveral app pools each containing multiple web sites.  The upgrade consisted of adding the 11.2 client tools on the web server, but leaving the 9.2 and 10.2 versions alone.   After learning the upgrade occured, I updated Oracle.DataAccess.dll on my site to the 11.2 dll, and the web site ran smoothly.   The next day I discover the site is throwing an error:   Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException:   The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle Client   The App Pool will connect with an installed version of the Oracle client provider, and coordinate database interactions.  If a request comes in for a web site configured using an earlier version of the provider, that is the version the App Pool will use for Oracle interactions.  If a request is made for a site configured for a different version of the provider, the App Pool will see a conflict and throw the above error.   This web site: described the steps to grab the DLLs for a provider and bring them local (for Oracle 11.1), but even when I brought the DLLs for the Oracle Provider into the local bin directory, the App Pool would still determine the version of the oracle client and continue to throw the exception.   My only resolution for the above problem has been to have dedicated IIS app pools per version of Oracle client being leveraged.

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  • Rename Applications and Virtual Directories in IIS7

    - by AngelEyes
    from   Rename Applications and Virtual Directories in IIS7 September 2, 2010 — Brian Grinstead Have you ever wondered why the box to change the name or “Alias” on an application or virtual directory is greyed out (see screenshot below)? I found a way to change the name without recreating all your settings. It uses the built in administration commands in IIS7, called appcmd. Renaming Applications In IIS7 Open a command prompt to see all of your applications. 1 C:> %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd list app 2   3     APP "Default Web Site/OldApplicationName" 4     APP "Default Web Site/AnotherApplication" Run a command like this to change your “OldApplicationName” path to “NewApplicationName”. Now you can use http://localhost/newapplicationname 1 C:> %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set app "Default Web Site/OldApplicationName" -path:/NewApplicationName 2   3     APP object "Default Web Site/OldApplicationName" changed Renaming Virtual Directories In IIS7 Open a command prompt to see all of your virtual directories. 1 C:> %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd list appcmd 2   3     VDIR "Default Web Site/OldApplicationName/Images" (physicalPath:\\server\images) 4     VDIR "Default Web Site/OldApplicationName/Data/Config" (physicalPath:\\server\config) We want to rename /Images to /Images2 and /Data/Config to /Data/Config2. Here are the example commands: 1 C:> %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set vdir "Default Web Site/OldApplicationName/Images" -path:/Images2 2   3     VDIR object "Default Web Site/OldApplicationName/Images" changed 4   5 C:> %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set vdir "Default Web Site/OldApplicationName/Data/Config" -path:/Data/Config2 6   7     VDIR object "Default Web Site/OldApplicationName/Data/Config" changed

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  • Welcome!

    - by ConfusedComputers
    Here are some useful links if you have any computer problems, they concentrate on computer repairs in kidderminster and they have a wealth of knowledge that they use to assist people with computer issues. So if your confused about computers then here is some useful resources that could help you get over your computer problems. They have a designated confused computer knowledge base that has hundred of pages of information about all kinds of computer problems so hit them up and see what they can do for you!

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  • WCF REST on .Net 4.0

    - by AngelEyes
    A simple and straight forward article taken from: Drop the Soap: WCF, REST, and Pretty URIs in .NET 4 Years ago I was working in libraries when the Web 2.0 revolution began.  One of the things that caught my attention about early start-ups using the AJAX/REST/Web 2.0 model was how nice the URIs were for their applications.  Those were my first impressions of REST; pretty URIs.  Turns out there is a little more to it than that. REST is an architectural style that focuses on resources and structured ways to access those resources via the web.  REST evolved as an “anti-SOAP” movement, driven by developers who did not want to deal with all the complexity SOAP introduces (which is al lot when you don’t have frameworks hiding it all).  One of the biggest benefits to REST is that browsers can talk to rest services directly because REST works using URIs, QueryStrings, Cookies, SSL, and all those HTTP verbs that we don’t have to think about anymore. If you are familiar with ASP.NET MVC then you have been exposed to rest at some level.  MVC is relies heavily on routing to generate consistent and clean URIs.  REST for WCF gives you the same type of feel for your services.  Let’s dive in. WCF REST in .NET 3.5 SP1 and .NET 4 This post will cover WCF REST in .NET 4 which drew heavily from the REST Starter Kit and community feedback.  There is basic REST support in .NET 3.5 SP1 and you can also grab the REST Starter Kit to enable some of the features you’ll find in .NET 4. This post will cover REST in .NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010. Getting Started To get started we’ll create a basic WCF Rest Service Application using the new on-line templates option in VS 2010: When you first install a template you are prompted with this dialog: Dude Where’s my .Svc File? The WCF REST template shows us the new way we can simply build services.  Before we talk about what’s there, let’s look at what is not there: The .Svc File An Interface Contract Dozens of lines of configuration that you have to change to make your service work REST in .NET 4 is greatly simplified and leverages the Web Routing capabilities used in ASP.NET MVC and other parts of the web frameworks.  With REST in .NET 4 you use a global.asax to set the route to your service using the new ServiceRoute class.  From there, the WCF runtime handles dispatching service calls to the methods based on the Uri Templates. global.asax using System; using System.ServiceModel.Activation; using System.Web; using System.Web.Routing; namespace Blog.WcfRest.TimeService {     public class Global : HttpApplication     {         void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             RegisterRoutes();         }         private static void RegisterRoutes()         {             RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("TimeService",                 new WebServiceHostFactory(), typeof(TimeService)));         }     } } The web.config contains some new structures to support a configuration free deployment.  Note that this is the default config generated with the template.  I did not make any changes to web.config. web.config <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration>   <system.web>     <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />   </system.web>   <system.webServer>     <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">       <add name="UrlRoutingModule" type="System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingModule,            System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />     </modules>   </system.webServer>   <system.serviceModel>     <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"/>     <standardEndpoints>       <webHttpEndpoint>         <!--             Configure the WCF REST service base address via the global.asax.cs file and the default endpoint             via the attributes on the <standardEndpoint> element below         -->         <standardEndpoint name="" helpEnabled="true" automaticFormatSelectionEnabled="true"/>       </webHttpEndpoint>     </standardEndpoints>   </system.serviceModel> </configuration> Building the Time Service We’ll create a simple “TimeService” that will return the current time.  Let’s start with the following code: using System; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Activation; using System.ServiceModel.Web; namespace Blog.WcfRest.TimeService {     [ServiceContract]     [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]     [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]     public class TimeService     {         [WebGet(UriTemplate = "CurrentTime")]         public string CurrentTime()         {             return DateTime.Now.ToString();         }     } } The endpoint for this service will be http://[machinename]:[port]/TimeService.  To get the current time http://[machinename]:[port]/TimeService/CurrentTime will do the trick. The Results Are In Remember That Route In global.asax? Turns out it is pretty important.  When you set the route name, that defines the resource name starting after the host portion of the Uri. Help Pages in WCF 4 Another feature that came from the starter kit are the help pages.  To access the help pages simply append Help to the end of the service’s base Uri. Dropping the Soap Having dabbled with REST in the past and after using Soap for the last few years, the WCF 4 REST support is certainly refreshing.  I’m currently working on some REST implementations in .NET 3.5 and VS 2008 and am looking forward to working on REST in .NET 4 and VS 2010.

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  • Silverlight Cream Top Posted Authors June to November, 2010

    - by Dave Campbell
    It's just past the first of December, but I've been busy and it's now time to recognize devs that have a large number of posts in Silverlight Cream. Ground Rules I pick what posts are on the blog Only posts that go in the database are included The author has to appear in SC at least 4 of the 6 months considered I averaged the monthly posts and am only showing Authors with an average greater than 1. Here are the Top Posted Authors at Silverlight Cream for June 1, 2010 through November 30, 2010: It is my intention to post a new list sometime shortly after the 1st of every month to recognize the top posted in the previous 6 months, so next up is January 1! Some other metrics for Silverlight Cream: At the time of this posting there are 7087 articles aggregated and searchable by partial Author, partial Title, keywords (in the synopsis), or partial URL. There are also 116 tags by which the articles can be searched. At the time of this posting there are 664 articles tagged wp7dev. Stay in the 'Light!

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  • #twitter for Windows Phone 7 protips (#wp7)

    - by Laurent Bugnion
    I started tweeting a list of “protips” (or whatever you want to call that) related to the Twitter for Windows Phone 7 application. Since I worked as integrator on this app, my tasks involved integrating design assets in all screens, and so I had an insider view on all the screens (and that is really a LOT of screens :) Seeing some comments about the app made me understand that most users out there don’t realize how rich the application is, and how many features are available. So without further ado, here we go, a list of Twitter for WP7 protips: (note: I will extend the list if I think of new stuff, and maybe add some screenshots later). Check the dark theme in the application settings! Select a tweet, menu, Translate. Search, Nearby looks for tweets near you Custom searches can be saved. They synch up with web twitter too! Multi language support, independant from OS. supports EN, FR, DE, IT, ES Multiple accounts are supported, simply define them in the Settings Even without a Twitter account, experience is super rich. Trends, Suggested, Nearby, searches etc... Select a tweet, then press Replies To to see the whole conversation Compose, menu, Hashtags. Enter a hashtag and press Add. List is saved for the next time. Select a tweet with location info (like my own). Press the location name to see all Nearby tweets Want to remove location information just for one tweet? Press on the Places button in app bar then Clear Place Settings, General to toggle between Username/Fullname display, Relative/Absolute date/time and more Upload a picture directly from compose screen to TwitPic, yFrog or TweetPhoto (service selection in Settings) Settings, About, Support to see a log of app errors and email it to support (use wisely please) Tap your username to see your profile. Then Menu, Edit Profile to edit your info, including your picture Tap on any user's name to see his profile, tweets, mentions and favorites in a Pivot Happy Tweeting! Laurent   Laurent Bugnion (GalaSoft) Subscribe | Twitter | Facebook | Flickr | LinkedIn

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  • Apress Books - 4 - Introducing Visual C# 2010 - Initial comments

    - by TATWORTH
    Apress books Visual C# 2010 (ISBN 978-1-4302-3171-4) - is both an excellent introduction to C# programming and a manual for those with experiance. So far I have only been through a few chapters but I have been favourably impressed. In the chapter on Exceptions, I have posted an errata regarding the custom exception in  listing 14-17; it is missing an overload required by FXCOP     private CustomException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)     {     } Aside of this minor point, I have no hesitation to recommending this book to anyone who wishes to learn C#.

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  • Silverlight User Group of Switzerland (SLUGS)

    - by Laurent Bugnion
    Last Thursday, the Silverlight Firestarter event took place in Redmond, and was streamed live to a large audience worldwide (around 20’000 people). Approximately 30 if them were in Wallisellen near Zurich, in Microsoft Switzerland’s offices. This was not only a great occasion to learn more about the future of Silverlight and to see great demos, but also it was the very first meeting of the Silverlight User Group of Switzerland (SLUGS). Having 30 people for a first meeting was a great success, especially if we consider that it was REALLY cold that night, that it had snowed 20 cm the night before! We all had a good time, and 3 lucky winners went back home with a prize: One LG Optimus 7 Windows Phone and two copies of Silverlight 4 Unleashed. Congratulations to the winners! After the keynote (which went in a whirlwind, shortest 90 minutes ever!), we all had pizza and beverages generously sponsored by the Swiss DPE team, of which not less than 5 guys came to the event! Thanks to Stefano, Ronnie, Sascha, Big Mike and Ken for attending! We decided to have meetings every month. Stay tuned for announcements on when and where the events will take place. We are also in the process of creating various groups online where the attendees can find more information. For instance, I created a group on Flickr where the pictures taken at events will be published. The group is public, and the pictures of the first event are already online! We also have the already known page at, check it out. A national group Even though the first event was in Zurich, and that 3 of the founding members live nearby, we would like to try and be a national group. That means having events sometimes in other parts of Switzerland, collaborating with other local user groups, etc. Stay tuned for more Join! We want you, we need you If you are doing Silverlight, for a living or as a hobby, if you are interested in user experience, XAML, Expression Blend and many more topics, you should consider joining! This is a great occasion to exchange experiences, to learn from Silverlight experts, to hear sessions about various topics related to Silverlight, etc. If you want to talk about a topic that is of interest to you, If you want to propose a topic of discussion Or if you just want to hang out then go to and register! Cheers, Laurent   Laurent Bugnion (GalaSoft) Subscribe | Twitter | Facebook | Flickr | LinkedIn

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  • Silverlight Firestarter thoughts, and thanks to one and all!

    - by Dave Campbell
    A few metrics that of course got out of hand, but some may find interesting:   1/2 My share of the MVP of the Year award in February of 2009 with Laurent Bugnion 2 Number of degrees I hold: B.S., M.S. Electrical Engineering 3 Number of years in the U.S. Army 3.5 Number of years SilverlighCream has been posted 4 Number of times awarded MVP 6 Number of professional positions I've worked: Antenna Rigger, Boilermaker, Musician, Electronic Technician, Hardware Engineer, Software Engineer 16 Number of companies I've worked for during my career as an Engineer 19 Age at which I turned my first line of code 28 Age at which I hit the workforce as an Engineer 33 Number of years working as an Engineer 43 Number of years writing code 62 Number of years since instantiation 116 Number of tags to search SilverlightCream with 645 Number of blogs I view to find articles (at this moment) 664 Number of articles tagged wp7dev at SilverlightCream right now 700 Number of Twitter followers for WynApse 981 Number of individual bloggers in the SilverlightCream database 1002 Number of SilverlightCream blogposts 1100 Number of people live in Redmond for the Firestarter (I think) 1428 Number of total blogposts at GeeksWithBlogs (not counting this one) 4200 Number of Feedburner subscribers (approximately) 6500 Number of Twitter followers for SilverlightNews (approximately) 7087 Number of posts tagged and aggregated at SilverlightCream right now 13000 Number of people registered to watch the Firestarter online (I think) The overwhelming feeling I have returning from the Silverlight Firestarter: Priceless There is absolutely no way that I could personally thank everyone that over the last few years has held their hand out and offered me a step up to get to the point that Scott Guthrie called me out in his keynote. So I'm just going to hit the highlights here... Scott Guthrie Thanks for not only being the level you are at Microsoft, but for being so approachable, easy to talk to, willing to help everyone, and above all knowledgable. My first level manager at my last position asked if Visual Studio was a graphics program... and you step up to a laptop at a conference and type "File->New Program" ... 'nuff said... oh yeah, thanks for the shoutout! John Papa Thanks for being a good friend, ramroding the Firestarter, being a great guy to be around, and for the poster... holy crap is that cool. Tim Heuer Thanks for all you did as a great DE in Phoenix, and for helping out so many of us, of course being a great guy, and for the poster as well... I think you and John shared that task. In no order at all my buddy Michael Washington, Laurent Bugnion (the other half of the first Silverlight MVP of the Year) Tim Sneath, Mike Harsh, Chad Campbell and Bryant Likes (from back in the day), Adam Kinney, Jesse Liberty, Jeff Paries, Pete Brown, András Velvárt, David Kelly, Michael Palermo, Scott Cate, Erik Mork, and on and on... don't feel bad if your name didn't appear, I have simply too many supporters to name. Silverlight Firestarter Indeed All the people mentioned here, and all the MVPs knew Silverlight was NOT dead, but because of a very unfortunate circumstance, the popular media opinion became that. Consequently the Firestarter exploded from a laid-back event to a global conference. People worked their ass off getting bits ready and presentations using those bits. All to stem the flow of misinformation. All involved please accept my personal thanks for an absolutely awesome job. I had the priviledge of watching the 'prep' on Wednesday afternoon, and was blown away the first time I saw the 3D demo... and have been blown away every time I've seen it since. Not to mention all the other goodness in Silverlight 5. Yes I hit 1000 on my blog, but more importantly, all of you are blogging and using Silverlight, and Microsoft hit one completely out of the park... no... they knocked it out of the neighborhood with the Firestarter. It was amazing to be there for it, and it will be awesome to use the new bits as we get them. Keep reading, there's tons more to come with Silverlight and SilverlightCream following along behind. As usual, this old hacker is humbled to be allowed to play with all the cool kids... Thanks one and all for everything, and Stay in the 'Light

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  • C# ?? null coalescing operator

    - by anirudha
    the null coalescing operator is used for set the value when object is null. if object have some value that nothing change and still have their default value they have.  string str = "i am string";            string message = str ?? "it is null";   the message have same value as str variable because str not null. if str is null that message have value “it is null”; as declared in statement. coalescing operator does not work on nullable operator such as int?

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