Daily Archives

Articles indexed Friday December 10 2010

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  • Le protocole WebSocket doit-il être évincé ? Mozilla et Opera cessent de le supporter à cause de failles de sécurité

    Le protocole WebSocket doit-il être évincé ? Mozilla et Opera cessent de le supporter, suite à la découverte de failles de sécurité WebSocket, à la fois protocole et API, avait dernièrement la cotte du fait de sa position de spécification potentielle du futur standard de l'HTML5. Mais un coup de théâtre vient de frapper son destin : des failles de sécurité ont été découvertes en son sein. Les vulnérabilités se situent au niveau du canal bidirectionnel et fullduplex que Web Socket ouvre entre le navigateur et le serveur. La négociation qui s'y joue pose problème : quand le browser envoie une requête, cela crée une handshake (poignée de main). Mais cette action ouvre la voie à un empoisonnement du cache, qui peut alors voir un fich...

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  • Compilateurs JavaScript : Mozilla ne compte pas se laisser distancer par Google mais reconnait le travail de ses développeurs

    Compilateur JavaScript : Firefox ne compte pas se laisser distancer par Chrome Mais Mozilla reconnait le travail des développeurs de Google La vitesse d'exécution du JavaScript dans les navigateurs semble occuper une place capitale. L'amélioration des moteurs est toujours mis en avant à chaque nouvelles versions des navigateurs. Cette semaine, pour la sortie de Chrome OS, Chrome (le navigateur) n'a pas fait exception à la règle avec une communication très appuyée sur Crankshaft. Et les premières comparaisons issues du premier Benchmark n'ont pas tardé. David Mandeling, membre de l'équipe JavaScript chez Mozilla, vient en effet de publier sur son blog ...

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  • Windows Phone 7 : une fonctionnalité pour suivre les ventes et l'évolution commerciale de ses applications arrive dans le Marketplace

    Windows Phone 7: une fonctionnalité pour suivre les ventes Et l'évolution commerciale de ses applications arrive dans le MarketPlace Mise à jour du 10/12/10, Par Hinault Romaric Les développeurs d'applications pour Windows Phone 7 peuvent désormais avoir un rapport sur l'évolution des ventes de leurs produits sur le MarketPlace de Microsoft. Sur différentes plate-formes, des outils sont mis à la disposition des développeurs. C'est notamment le cas avec l'outil de gestion des applications sur l'APP market d'Apple

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  • Bruxelles finance un client BitTorrent décentralisé dans le cadre d'une recherche sur l'amélioration des réseaux informatiques

    La Communauté Européenne finance un client BitTorrent entièrement décentralisé Dans le cadre d'une recherche sur l'amélioration des réseaux informatiques Il est déjà difficile d'expliquer au grand public la différence entre hacker et pirate. On souhaite donc beaucoup de patience et de courage au Professeur responsable du projet Tribler pour expliquer la différence entre BitTorrent et piratage. Il s'agit pourtant d'un projet intéressant à plus d'un titre. Technologiquement, Tribler est un client BitTorrent entièrement décentralisé. Autrement dit, un logiciel qui permet d'échanger des contenus de machine à machine, en gré à gré (ou ...

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  • IntelliJ IDEA 10 est-il « l'EDI Java le plus intelligent » ? Sa nouvelle version met en avant Android, Spring et GWT

    IntelliJ IDEA est-il « l'IDE Java le plus intelligent » ? Sa version 10 met en avant Android, Spring et GWT JetBrains est une entreprise de conception de logiciels connue pour son environnement de développement intégré ? et primé - Java IntelliJ IDEA. L'IDE vient de sortir officiellement hier en version 10. Une version majeure grâce à une série de nouvelles fonctionnalités, y compris dans son édition gratuite. La plus importante étant certainement le support d'Android. JetBrains décrit son IDE d'outil de « développement polyglotte basé sur JVM ». La version 10 apporte de nombreuses améliorations aux nombreuses technologies et structures qu'il s...

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  • Ikoula lance sa machine virtuelle à 1 Euro, l'hébergeur veut concurrencer Amazon et son offre EC2

    Ikoula lance sa machine virtuelle à 1€ L'hébergeur veut concurrencer Amazon et son offre EC2 Ikoula lance une offre Cloud qu'il qualifie de « unique sur le marché ». Destinée à concurrencer Amazon, et son offre EC2, l'hébergeur informatique a décidé de proposer une VM (machine virtuelle) à 1 €. Le principe est simple. Une franchise de 1€ donne accès à une machine d'une configuration standard. Le supplément est facturé à l'usage. « La VM à 1€ a été conçue pour apporter aux utilisateurs un maximum de flexibilité et d'élasticité dans la consommation de leurs ressources », explique Ikoula Mais que r...

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  • Castor3D en version, le moteur de rendu 3D en C++ supporte désormais OpenGL 3.x et 4.x

    Présentation Ce moteur 3D a l'ambition d'être multi-plateformes et multi-renderer. Pour l'instant, seul le développement sous Windows est exploitable (je galère pour la création d'une fenêtre compatible OpenGL sous Linux). Seul le Renderer OpenGL est implémenté (je n'ai aucune connaissance en Direct3D). La reconnaissance des Shaders est implémentée, uniquement la partie GLSL pour l'instant, on verra un jour pour intégrer Cg. Pas encore de LOD ni de gestion OcTree pour l'instant, mais c'est prévu. Support de plusieurs formats de fichiers : Obj, 3DS, MD2, MD3, PLY. Le système d'animation a un squelette qu'il me faut compléter afin d'avoir une implémentation correcte d'un système d'animation avec ou sans squeleton (...

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  • Steve Jobs élu "CEO de la Décennie" par MarketWatch, combien de trophées possède désormais le patron d'Apple ?

    Steve Jobs élu "CEO de la Décennie" par MarketWatch, combien de trophées possède désormais le patron d'Apple ? Mise à jour du 10.12.2010 par Katleen Steve Jobs peut rougir, voici une distinction de plus qui vient saluer sa carrière. En même temps, l'homme en a déjà tellement reçu qu'il pourrait finir complètement blasé. Après Fortune en 2009, c'est aujourd'hui MarketWatch qui lui décerne le prix du CEO de la Décennie. Rien de moins. Et le patron d'Apple est crédité de bien des qualités, le jury l'ayant même comparé à Thomas Edison, Alexander Bell et Walt Disney ! Outre d'être dirigé par un "génie" de l'informatique, Cupertino s'est également fait remarquer par la ha...

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  • Symantec publie son bilan 2010 et ses prévisions pour 2011, plus d'exploits de failles zero-day et d'attaques sensibles

    Symantec fait son bilan 2010 et donne ses perspectives pour 2011 : plus d'attaques contre les infrastructures vitales et d'exploits de failles zero-day Symantec publie aujourd'hui ses perspectives en termes de sécurité informatique pour 2011, grâce à l'observation des phénomènes apparus ou s'étant développés en 2010, et s'appuyant sur son réseau de plus de 240.000 capteurs dans le monde entier. Première tendance lourde : « L'hactivisme » - La fréquence des attaques contre les infrastructures vitales va augmenter et les fournisseurs de services vont réagir, mais les gouvernements risquent d'être plus lents Les pirates ont certainement été attentifs aux effets produits par la menace Stuxnet sur les secteurs d'...

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  • Salesforce.com annonce l'acquisition de Heroku, l'environnement PaaS pour les applications Ruby

    Salesforce.com annonce l'acquisition de Heroku, l'environnement PaaS pour les applications Ruby Salesforce.com a annoncé hier la ratification d'un accord définitif pour le rachat de Heroku, plate-forme de développement d'applications Ruby connaissant une croissance record et soutenue du marché, pour 212 millions de dollars. La transaction doit être finalisée au quatrième trimestre fiscal de salesforce.com, prenant fin au 31 janvier 2011, sous réserve des conditions et procédures usuelles d'approbation. Heroku, environnement PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) populaire pour les applications Ruby, sous-tend plus de 105.000 applications mobiles et sociales de nouvelles générations pour le Cloud Computing. Sa communauté rassemble plus d'un m...

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  • Google lance Message Continuity pour attirer les utilisateur d'Exchange sur Gmail, dans sa stratégie de promotion des Web Apps

    Google lance Message Continuity pour attirer les utilisateur d'Exchange sur Gmail, dans sa stratégie de promotion des Web Apps Les utilisateurs d'Exchange vont avoir l'embarras du choix. Et ce, à l'initiative de la concurrence. Google Message Continuity va être lancé dans quelques heures, ce vendredi. Il consiste en une réplique de toutes les activités liées au courrier électronique fournies par Exchange, à la différence que le produit hébergera toutes les données sur le cloud de Google (et non pas les serveurs de Microsoft) via Gmail. Sa force : il permettra aux utilisateurs de s'identifier sous Gmail avec leurs identifiants Exchange, pour pouvoir continuer à utiliser leurs données du service, lorsque les serveurs E...

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  • Smartphones : 17 % des français surfent avec leurs mobiles, alors que 60 % des appareils le permettent

    17% des français possesseurs de téléphones mobiles s'en servent pour aller sur Internet, 60% des mobiles offrent pourtant de telles possibilités Mise à jour du 09.12.2010 par Katleen La fièvre des smartphones semble avoir gagné le monde, et la France n'est pas épargnée. Dans un monde où l'on veut tout, tout de suite, l'Internet a suivi le mouvement. Et la consommation de connexions en tous lieux et endroits s'est alors logiquement imposée. De plus en plus même, puisque l'utilisation de ce type de technologie ne cesse d'augmenter sur notre territoire. Ainsi, le troisième trimestre 2010 à vu 7 millions de personnes surfer via leur smartphones, alors qu'elles n'étaient que 4.2 millions au trois...

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  • CodePlex Daily Summary for Friday, December 10, 2010

    CodePlex Daily Summary for Friday, December 10, 2010Popular ReleasesFree Silverlight & WPF Chart Control - Visifire: Visifire Silverlight, WPF Charts v3.6.5 Released: Hi, Today we are releasing final version of Visifire, v3.6.5 with the following new feature: * New property AutoFitToPlotArea has been introduced in DataSeries. AutoFitToPlotArea will bring bubbles inside the PlotArea in order to avoid clipping of bubbles in bubble chart. You can visit Visifire documentation to know more. http://www.visifire.com/visifirechartsdocumentation.php Also this release includes few bug fixes: * Chart threw exception while adding new Axis in Chart using Vi...PHPExcel: PHPExcel 1.7.5 Production: DonationsDonate via PayPal via PayPal. If you want to, we can also add your name / company on our Donation Acknowledgements page. PEAR channelWe now also have a full PEAR channel! Here's how to use it: New installation: pear channel-discover pear.pearplex.net pear install pearplex/PHPExcel Or if you've already installed PHPExcel before: pear upgrade pearplex/PHPExcel The official page can be found at http://pearplex.net. Want to contribute?Please refer the Contribute page.UserVoice Helper for WebMatrix: UserVoice Helper v0.9: This version will work with ASP.NET WebPages and ASP.NET MVC ApplicationsDNN Simple Article: DNNSimpleArticle Module V00.00.03: The initial release of the DNNSimpleArticle module (labelled V00.00.03) There are C# and VB versions of this module for this initial release. No promises that going forward there will be packages for both languages provided for future releases. This module provides the following functionality Create and display articles Display a paged list of articles Articles get created as DNN ContentItems Categorization provided through DNN Taxonomy SEO functionality for article display providi...UOB & ME: UOB_ME 2.5: latest versionCouchDB.NET: CouchDB.NET 0.1: CouchDB.NET ------- Libraries and providers to use CouchDB features from .NET This distribution includes the following projects: - MachineKeyGenerator: Command line tool to generate a machine key string for use in App.Config and Web.Config files. - CouchDB.NET: Library to facilitate the use of CouchDB features. It uses Hadi Hariri's EasyHttp library to communicate with the CouchDB server. More info at: https://github.com/hhariri/EasyHttp - CouchDb.ASP.NET: ASP.NET Membership Provider and ASP...AutoLoL: AutoLoL v1.4.3: AutoLoL now supports importing the build pages from Mobafire.com as well! Just insert the url to the build and voila. (For example: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/unforgivens-guide-how-to-build-a-successful-mordekaiser-24061) Stable release of AutoChat (It is still recommended to use with caution and to read the documentation) It is now possible to associate *.lolm files with AutoLoL to quickly open them The selected spells are now displayed in the masteries tab for qu...SubtitleTools: SubtitleTools 1.2: - Added auto insertion of RLE (RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING) Unicode character for the RTL languages. - Fixed delete rows issue.PHP Manager for IIS: PHP Manager 1.1 for IIS 7: This is a final stable release of PHP Manager 1.1 for IIS 7. This is a minor incremental release that contains all the functionality available in 53121 plus additional features listed below: Improved detection logic for existing PHP installations. Now PHP Manager detects the location to php.ini file in accordance to the PHP specifications Configuring date.timezone. PHP Manager can automatically set the date.timezone directive which is required to be set starting from PHP 5.3 Ability to ...Algorithmia: Algorithmia 1.1: Algorithmia v1.1, released on December 8th, 2010.SuperSocket, an extensible socket application framework: SuperSocket 1.0 SP1: Fixed bugs: fixed a potential bug that the running state hadn't been updated after socket server stopped fixed a synchronization issue when clearing timeout session fixed a bug in ArraySegmentList fixed a bug on getting configuration valueCslaGenFork: CslaGenFork 4.0 CTP 2: The version is 4.0.1 CTP2 and was released 2010 December 7 and includes the following files: CslaGenFork 4.0.1-2010-12-07 Setup.msi Templates-2010-10-07.zip For getting started instructions, refer to How to section. Overview of the changes Since CTP1 there were 53 work items closed (28 features, 24 issues and 1 task). During this 60 days a lot of work has been done on several areas. First the stereotypes: EditableRoot is OK EditableChild is OK EditableRootCollection is OK Editable...My Web Pages Starter Kit: 1.3.1 Production Release (Security HOTFIX): Due to a critical security issue, it's strongly advised to update the My Web Pages Starter Kit to this version. Possible attackers could misuse the image upload to transmit any type of file to the website. If you already have a running version of My Web Pages Starter Kit 1.3.0, you can just replace the ftb.imagegallery.aspx file in the root directory with the one attached to this release.EnhSim: EnhSim 2.2.0 ALPHA: 2.2.0 ALPHAThis release adds in the changes for 4.03a. at level 85 To use this release, you must have the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package installed. This can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=A7B7A05E-6DE6-4D3A-A423-37BF0912DB84 To use the GUI you must have the .NET 4.0 Framework installed. This can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9cfb2d51-5ff4-4491-b0e5-b386f32c0992 - Updated En...ASP.NET MVC Project Awesome (jQuery Ajax helpers): 1.4: A rich set of helpers (controls) that you can use to build highly responsive and interactive Ajax-enabled Web applications. These helpers include Autocomplete, AjaxDropdown, Lookup, Confirm Dialog, Popup Form, Popup and Pager new stuff: popup WhiteSpaceFilterAttribute tested on mozilla, safari, chrome, opera, ie 9b/8/7/6nopCommerce. ASP.NET open source shopping cart: nopCommerce 1.90: To see the full list of fixes and changes please visit the release notes page (http://www.nopCommerce.com/releasenotes.aspx).myCollections: Version 1.2: New in version 1.2: Big performance improvement. New Design (Added Outlook style View, New detail view, New Groub By...) Added Sort by Media Added Manage Movie Studio Zoom preference is now saved. Media name are now editable. Added Portuguese version You can now Hide details panel Add support for FLAC tags You can now imports books from BibTex Xml file BugFixingmytrip.mvc (CMS & e-Commerce): mytrip.mvc beta: mytrip.mvc beta web Web for install hosting System Requirements: NET 4.0, MSSQL 2008 or MySql (auto creation table to database) if .\SQLEXPRESS auto creation database (App_Data folder) mytrip.mvc beta src System Requirements: Visual Studio 2010 or Web Deweloper 2010 MSSQL 2008 or MySql (auto creation table to database) if .\SQLEXPRESS auto creation database (App_Data folder) Connector/Net 6.3.4, MVC3 RC WARNING For run and debug mytrip.mvc beta src download and ...Menu and Context Menu for Silverlight 4.0: Silverlight Menu and Context Menu v2.3 Beta: - Added keyboard navigation support with access keys - Shortcuts like Ctrl-Alt-A are now supported(where the browser permits it) - The PopupMenuSeparator is now completely based on the PopupMenuItem class - Moved item manipulation code to a partial class in PopupMenuItemsControl.cs - Moved menu management and keyboard navigation code to the new PopupMenuManager class - Simplified the layout by removing the RootGrid element(all content is now placed in OverlayCanvas and is accessed by the new ...MiniTwitter: 1.62: MiniTwitter 1.62 ???? ?? ??????????????????????????????????????? 140 ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ?? ??????????????????????????????????New ProjectsAccountingGuid: for testing onlyChinese Nag Screen: This is a simple but effective program for learning to recognize Mandarin characters. The application sits in the system tray and displays a character random through your day. You can only get rid of it by typing in the pinyin.CouchDB.NET: .NET libraries to use CouchDB from .NET. Included are Membership and Roles provider so that you may use CouchDB as your integrated DB backend on your ASP.NET projects. Please see the readme.txt file for instructions.DataSetMapper: The idea behind DataSetMapper is to provide support for the automatic mapping of legacy DataSet based structures to proper domain objects. In essence the aim is to create the Mapping aspect of an ORM without the persistence concerns.EasyXnaAudio: EasyXnaAudio is a simple component for use in XNA Game Studio 3.1/4.0 projects that provides an easy interface to load, play, and manage songs and sounds in your game.FixMailboxSD - Exchange Mailbox Security Descriptor Canonicalizer: This is a small utility to fix mailbox security descriptors in Microsoft Exchange that have become non-canonical. It must be run on a machine with Exchange System Manager for Exchange 2003 installed, but it will work against mailboxes on 2003 or 2007 (not 2010).GearSynth Plugin: a plugin for graphsynth that makes gear trainsGroceryList: TBD with first versionIBMS Suite Build on the Associate Platform: A new way of approaching Information Systems. From the UI, users of the IS will be able to build and manipulate the IS to whatever way fits their needs. We have simplified development, removed the chasm between management and IT and give the power of simplification to the user!Ivy Nasha Framework: A PHP FrameworkjQuery helpers for ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC: jQuery helpers makes it easier for ASP.NET developers to build jQuery scripts. It's developed in C#. JSTest.NET: JSTest.NET enabled JavaScript unit tests to be run directly in the test framework of your choice (MSTest, NUnit, xUnit, etc) and all without the need for a web browser. JSTest.NET utilizes the Windows Script Host (CScript) to run fast, fully debuggable JavaScript unit tests!Multicore Task Framework: MTF is a visual tool to simplify building robust component based .NET applications. MTF is designed to make full use of the power of multi-core processors.Nazha Script On DLR: NazhaPascalESE - a Delphi/Pascal class library for Microsoft ESENT database API: This pascal class library, primarily written for Delphi's Object Pascal, provides a lightweight and easy-to-use wrapper around the ESENT API. Perpetuum Hangar: A Character planner for the online game "Perpetuum"Projeto Exemplo: Projeto exemplo para a atividade 3 da disciplina.PSiteCode: PSiteCode Manager rScript Engine: rScript scripting engine is a managed script engine wrote in C# that supports Visual Basic and C# syntax based scripts. It provides Type's for dynamically getting and setting properties, invoking methods and run-time compilation of scripts.SharePoint 2010 User Profile WebPart: This webpart shows all user profile properties and values of the properties for a particular user profile. The results are shown in a table containing the display and technical name together with the user value.SHC: shriSHMTools: SHMTools is set of compatible software tools (mostly Matlab based) for structural health monitoring (SHM) research. This includes algorithms for system design, modeling, data acquisition, feature extraction, classification, and prognosis.SwapWin: SwapWin is a tiny and handy tool which swaps windows on different screens. Developed in C# and .NET 3.5.Teachers Diary: Teachers diary is application realizing electronic teacher's notepad with student marks. Current localization of the application is in czech language only.VkApp: Vk app for downloadingWebSpirit: A lightweighted web server implemented by C# which supports sufficient extendible feature. By zjuWPF & MEF Studio: WPF & MEF Studio

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  • SQL SEVER – Finding Memory Pressure – External and Internal

    - by pinaldave
    Following query will provide details of external and internal memory pressure. It will return the data how much portion in the existing memory is assigned to what kind of memory type. SELECT TYPE, SUM(single_pages_kb) InternalPressure, SUM(multi_pages_kb) ExtermalPressure FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks GROUP BY TYPE ORDER BY SUM(single_pages_kb) DESC, SUM(multi_pages_kb) DESC GO What is your method to find memory pressure? Reference: Pinal Dave (http://blog.sqlauthority.com) Filed under: Pinal Dave, SQL, SQL Authority, SQL Optimization, SQL Performance, SQL Query, SQL Scripts, SQL Server, SQL Tips and Tricks, T SQL, Technology

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  • ISACA?? IFRS???

    - by toshiyuki.sakuramoto
    2010?12?9??ISACA???? ??????????????????IFRS???????????????? ISACA?????????????????? ???2?????????????????????9?????????? ?????????IFRS?IT?? ???IT???????????????????????? 19????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? IFRS???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????SAP?Oracle EBS?????????????????ISACA????????! ?????????????????????????? ???????????? CPA?CISA?????????CIA???????????CCSA?CFE····????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????

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  • Share your Santa Clouse pictures and win great prices with the Enablement Advent calendar

    - by Jürgen Kress
    Like last year we want to give you the opportunity to share your Christmas picture with the community! Make sure you send us your Santa Clouse, Snowman or your Rudolph pictures! The best pictures will be awarded with an Oracle wool cap and published at our blog. Thanks to our Enablement team you also have to opportunity to win great prices with our online Advent calendar: For more information on the SOA Partner Community please feel free to register at www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) Blog Twitter LinkedIn Mix Forum Wiki Website Technorati Tags: SOA Community,Oracle,OPN,advent calendar,Jürgen Kress,Santa clouse

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  • 150????????????????~2010?11??????????(????)

    - by Yusuke.Yamamoto
    2010?11???????????(????)?????????????????? ???????????Oracle Database 10g Release 2(10gR2)? Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 ?? Windows 7 ????????? ?????????????SQL Developer???????? ???????????????????????????? Oracle SQL Developer ?????150????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? Oracle 10gR2?Windows 2008R2/Windows 7??????? ??? ?????? Oracle???????·??????(????)??(2010?10?) ??? SQL Developer SQL Developer????~??!????????SQL???? New! ??? ????? Oracle ASM?1???? - ????????????·?????·?? ??? ??? ??????????????~2010?10??????????(???) New! ??? ??? Oracle?????(11gR2)????~DB??????·????????????! ??? ??????? LIKE??(?????????)??????????~Oracle Text????? ??? ??????? SQL*Loader???? New! ??? ??????·???? Oracle????????(2010?9?) ??? ??????? Oracle?????~??????????????????????3????????? New!

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  • Happy 1st Birthday to GlassFish and Java EE

    - by pieter.humphrey
    Java EE and GlassFish are officially one year old!  As with all newborns, time moves fast and it seems like just yesterday it was shiny and new.     Feel free to post any birthday wishes on the blog comments, or even better, tell us a story about your experience with Java EE6 and GlassFish in the last year and we'll work with you to get it posted on the stories blog. http://blogs.sun.com/stories/ As all parents know, it takes a village to raise a child, and we want you as part of the village!  Get involved in the project at http://glassfish.java.net .     Technorati Tags: java,java ee,development,glassfish del.icio.us Tags: java,java ee,development,glassfish

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  • Limiting DOPs – Who rules over whom?

    - by jean-pierre.dijcks
    I've gotten a couple of questions from Dan Morgan and figured I start to answer them in this way. While Dan is running on a big system he is running with Database Resource Manager and he is trying to make sure the system doesn't go crazy (remember end user are never, ever crazy!) on very high DOPs. Q: How do I control statements with very high DOPs driven from user hints in queries? A: The best way to do this is to work with DBRM and impose limits on consumer groups. The Max DOP setting you can set in DBRM allows you to overwrite the hint. Now let's go into some more detail here. Assume my object (and for simplicity we assume there is a single object - and do remember that we always pick the highest DOP when in doubt and when conflicting DOPs are available in a query) has PARALLEL 64 as its setting. Assume that the query that selects something cool from that table lives in a consumer group with a max DOP of 32. Assume no goofy things (like running out of parallel_max_servers) are happening. A query selecting from this table will run at DOP 32 because DBRM caps the DOP. As of we also use the DBRM cap to create the original plan (at compile time) and not just enforce the cap at runtime. Now, my user is smart and writes a query with a parallel hint requesting DOP 128. This query is still capped by DBRM and DBRM overrules the hint in the statement. The statement, despite the hint, runs at DOP 32. Note that in the hinted scenario we do compile the statement with DOP 128 (the optimizer obeys the hint). This is another reason to use table decoration rather than hints. Q: What happens if I set parallel_max_servers higher than processes (e.g. the max number of processes allowed to run on my machine)? A: Processes rules. It is important to understand that processes are fixed at startup time. If you increase parallel_max_servers above the number of processes in the processes parameter you should get a warning in the alert log stating it can not take effect. As a follow up, a hinted query requesting more parallel processes than either parallel_max_servers or processes will not be able to acquire the requested number. Parallel_max_processes will prevent this. And since parallel_max_servers should be lower than max processes you can never go over either...

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  • Oracle Fusion Applications: Changing the Game

    - by kellsey.ruppel(at)oracle.com
    Originally posted in the Oracle Profit Magazine, November 2010 Edition. When the order processing system red-flags a customer's credit status, the IT department doesn't get the customer's call. When a supplier misses a delivery date for a key automotive assembly, it's not the CIO who has to answer for the error. Knowledge workers (known in IT circles as "users") are on the front lines when an exception occurs in an established business process. They're also the ones who study sales trends to decide when to open a new store in an up-and-coming neighborhood, which products are most profitable, how employee skill sets are evolving, and which suppliers are most efficient. In short, knowledge workers are masters of business as unusual. Traditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and other familiar enterprise applications excel at automating, managing, and executing standard business processes. These programs shine when everything goes as planned. Life gets even trickier when a traditional application needs to be extended with a new service or an extra step is added to a business process when new products are brought to market, divisions are merged, or companies are acquired. Monolithic applications often need the IT department to step in and make the necessary adjustments--incurring additional costs and delays. Until now. When Oracle unveiled the much-anticipated family of Oracle Fusion Applications at Oracle OpenWorld in September 2010, knowledge workers in particular had a lot to cheer about. Business users will soon have ready access to analytical information and collaboration tools in the context of what they are working on, so they can make better decisions when problems or opportunities arise. Additionally, the Oracle Fusion Applications platform will make it easy for business users to tweak processes, create new capabilities, and find information, often without the need for IT department assistance and while still following company guidelines. And IT leaders will be happy to hear about new deployment options, guided implementation and setup tools, and cost-saving management capabilities. Just as important, the underlying technologies in Oracle Fusion Applications will allow organizations to choose among their existing investments and next-generation enterprise applications so they can introduce innovations at a pace that makes the most business and financial sense. "Oracle Fusion Applications are architected so you don't have to do rip and replace," says Jim Hayes, managing director of the consulting firm Accenture. "That's very important for creating a business case that will get through the steering committee and be approved by the board. It shows you can drive value and make a difference in the near term." For these and other reasons, analysts and early adopters are calling Oracle Fusion Applications a game changer for enterprise customers. The differences become apparent in three key areas: the way we innovate, work, and adopt technology. Game Changer #1: New Standard for InnovationChange is a constant challenge for most businesses, whether the catalysts are market dynamics, new competition, or the ever-expanding regulatory environment. And, in an ongoing effort to differentiate, business leaders are constantly looking for new ways to do business, serve constituents, and bring new products and services to market. In addition, companies face significant costs to keep their applications up-to-date. For example, when a company adds new suppliers to a procurement system, the IT shop typically has to invest time, effort, and even consulting fees for custom integrations that allow various ERP systems to communicate with each other. Oracle Fusion Applications were built on Web services and a modular SOA foundation to ease customizations and integration activities among all applications--whether from Oracle or another vendor. Interfaces and updates written in ubiquitous Java, rather than a proprietary coding language, allow organizations to tap into existing in-house technical skills rather than seek expensive outside specialists. And with SOA, organizations can extend a feature set or integrate with other SOA environments by combining Web services such as "look up customer" into a new business process managed by the BPEL orchestration engine. Flexibility like this has long-term implications. "Because users capture these changes at a higher metadata layer, not in the application's code, changes and additions are protected even as new versions of Oracle Fusion Applications are released," says Steve Miranda, senior vice president of applications development at Oracle. "This is a much more sustainable approach because you don't incur costly customizations that prevent upgrades and other innovations." And changes are easier to make: if one change is made in the metadata, that change is automatically reflected throughout the application interface, business intelligence, business process, and business logic. Game Changer #2: New Standard for WorkBoosting productivity comes down to doing the basics right: running business processes more efficiently and managing exceptions more effectively, so users can accomplish more in the course of a day or spend more quality time with the most profitable customers. The fastest way to improve process efficiency is to reduce the number of steps it takes to execute common tasks, such as ordering office equipment from an internal procurement system. Oracle Fusion Applications will deliver a complete role-based user experience with business intelligence and collaboration capabilities provided in the context of the work at hand. "We created every Oracle Fusion Applications screen by asking 'What does the user need to know?' 'What does he or she need to do?' and 'Who do they need to work with to get the job done?'" Miranda explains. So when the sales department heads need new laptops, the self-service procurement screen will not only display a list of approved vendors and configurations, but also a running list of reviews by coworkers who recently purchased the various models. Embedded intelligence may also display prevailing delivery lead times based on actual order histories, not the generic shipping dates vendors may quote. The pervasive business intelligence serves many other business activities across all areas of the enterprise. For example, a manager considering whether to promote a direct report can see the person's employee profile, with a salary history, appraisal summaries, and a rundown of skills and training. This approach to business intelligence also has implications for supply chain management. "One of the challenges at Ingersoll Rand is lack of visibility in our supply chain," says Mike Macrie, global director of enterprise applications for global industrial firm Ingersoll Rand. "Oracle Fusion Applications are going to provide the embedded intelligence to give us that visibility and give us the ability to analyze those orders at any point in our supply chain." Oracle Fusion Applications will also create a "role-based user experience" that displays a work list of events that need attention, based on user job function. Role awareness guides users with daily lists of action items and exceptions. So a credit manager may see seven invoices with discounts that are about to expire or 12 suppliers that have been put on hold because credit memos are awaiting approval. Individualization extends to the search capabilities of Oracle Fusion Applications. The platform uses Web-style search screens powered by an Oracle enterprise search engine, with a security framework that filters search results so individuals will only see the internal information they're authorized to access. A further aid to productivity is Oracle Fusion Applications' integration with Web 2.0 collaboration and social networking resources for business environments. Hover-over text will reveal relevant contact information whenever the name of a person appears in an Oracle Fusion Application. Users can connect via an online chat, phone call, or instant message without leaving the main application, reducing the time required for an accounts payable staffer to resolve a mismatch between an invoiced charge and the service record, for example. Addresses of suppliers, customers, or partners will also initiate hover-over text to show contact details and Web-based maps. Finally, Oracle Fusion Applications will promote a new way of working with purpose-driven communities that can bring new efficiencies to everything from cultivating sales leads to managing new projects. As soon as a lead or project materializes, the applications will automatically gather relevant participants into an online community that shares member contact information, schedules, discussion forums, and Wiki pages. "Oracle Fusion Applications will allow us to take it to the next level with embedded Web 2.0 tools and the embedded analytics," says Steve Printz, CIO and vice president, supply chain management, at window-and-door manufacturer Pella. "[This] allows those employees today who are processing transactions to really contribute to the success of the company and become decision-makers." Game Changer #3: New Standard for Technology AdoptionAs IT becomes a dominant component of how businesses run and compete, organizations need to lower the cost of implementing applications and introducing new application features. In the past, rolling out new code often required creating a test bed system, moving beta code to a separate system for user feedback, and--once all the revisions were made--moving version one of the software onto production systems, where business users could finally get the needed new features. Oracle Fusion Applications will use a dedicated setup manager application to streamline this process. First, the setup manager will help scope out the project, querying users about their requirements. "From those questions and answers we determine the steps and the order of those steps that will enable that task," Miranda says. Next, system utilities will assign tasks to owners, track completion status, and monitor the overall status of a programming effort. Oracle Fusion Applications can then recommend Web services that allow users to migrate setup choices and steps across all the various deployments of the application. Those setup capabilities automate the migration from test systems to production systems, as well as between different business units that may be using the same application. "The self-service ability of the setup manager helps business users change setups with very little intervention from the IT team," says Ravi Kumar, vice president at IT services company Infosys. "That to me is a big difference from how we've viewed enterprise applications before." For additional flexibility, organizations will be able to adopt Oracle Fusion Applications modules in either of two modes: a single-instance alternative uses one database for all Oracle Fusion Applications, while a "pillar mode" creates separate databases to underpin each application. This means IT departments running any one of Oracle's applications or even third-party applications can plug Oracle Fusion Applications modules into their environment and see additional business value created on top of their existing systems. And Oracle Fusion Applications offer a hybrid approach to deployment. The applications are all software-as-a-service-ready, so customers can choose on-premises, public or private cloud, or a combination of these to suit their business needs. It's that combination of flexibility and a roadmap for the future that may be the biggest game changer of all. "The Oracle Fusion Applications architecture allows us to migrate our company at a pace that's consistent with our business strategy, whereas before we might have had to do it with a massive upgrade," says Macrie of Ingersoll Rand. "We're looking forward to that architecture to really give us more flexibility in how we migrate over time." For More InformationUser Input Key to the Success of Oracle Fusion ApplicationsTransforming Coexistence into Strategic ValueUnder the HoodOracle Fusion ApplicationsOracle Service-Oriented Architecture  

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  • “My life at Oracle”

    - by cristian.condurache(at)oracle.com
    Hello everybody! My name is Eva and I currently work in Oracle Italy as Sales Programs Manager for the Technology Sales organization. Since 2009, I also proudly represent the Oracle Education Foundation within my country as the Ambassador for Italy. My career path in this amazing company began 5 years ago as a fresh graduate: after various years studying abroad, in Germany and Ireland mainly, I was looking for a valuable and concrete opportunity which could fulfill my energetic spirit. I wanted to develop myself inside a stimulating and “fast” business environment.. and here came Oracle and I really couldn’t ask for anything better!  THE PARTNER EXPERIENCE The first department I had the chance to work into was the Alliances and Channels organization, where I had the opportunity to join a brilliant team of great and visionary guys. I began having the responsibility to analyze and rationalize the portfolio of Oracle business partners and to identify potential cross-area solutions, which had to be highlighted both on the local market and internationally: this ended up with the implementation of the “Partner Community” model, a business environment of selected Oracle partners, specialized on the different technology focus areas. This new concept was then recognized as an EMEA Best Practice and replicated internationally. Having the opportunity to strengthen day after day strategic relationships with several business partners and study the market positioning of their technology solutions, I was given the role to develop the “Oracle Partner Network Innovation Award” in Italy: the EMEA competition encouraging and rewarding proven and successful technology innovations, creating high value for our common customers and generating new business potential. Several Italian partner solutions won different prizes and I decided that it was worth collecting all those valuable projects, winners and short-listed, inside two specific books in order also to provide them an international market visibility: OPN Innovation Award Booklet 2007 and OPN Innovation Award Booklet 2008 Inside the Alliances and Channels department I really had the opportunity to do    amazing things, like for example working side-by-side with one of the most exceptional teams in Oracle I have ever worked with: the EMEA Recruitment Team. Together, in fact, we conceived a brand new business initiative for our partners, called “Oracle Campus Joint Program”. This program was awarded as an EMEA Best Practice and acknowledged by both Italian public institutions and press media. Italy   is currently running its 5th edition.   Briefly, the “Oracle Campus Joint Program” aims at facing the growing issue of lack of  technology competences and skills on the market. By identifying a specific technology area and developing an intensive 4-6 week Oracle University training course and by collaborating with important academic institutes, international “gurus” and professionals, our business partners are able to benefit from a pool of brilliant top talented young consultants and offer them a significant career opportunity. BUSINESS BUT NOT ONLY: THE NO-PROFIT EXPERIENCE OF ORACLE Currently my mission in Oracle is to continue driving the implementation of strategic business development and sales programs for the entire Oracle Technology stack, involving both partners and the end-customers. But as a completely distinguished role from the day-today business, I’m also honored to represent in Italy the charity global organization founded by Oracle - the Oracle Education Foundation - and drive its corporate citizenship and marketing programs. Oracle Education Foundation is an independent charitable organization funded by Oracle and is dedicated to helping students develop 21st century skills through project learning and the use of technology. It provides “ThinkQuest” as a free program to primary and secondary (K12) schools. Just some significant numbers: today 548,000 students/teachers in 47 countries use ThinkQuest and the Oracle Education Foundation partners with 40+ no-profit or government organizations globally. ABOUT MYSELF AND MY INTERESTS About myself…I’m very enthusiastic and positive, trying always to transform difficult issues in challenging opportunities. My day usually begins very early in the morning with running, swimming or when I need to collect some “zen” energies with a yoga session or better with a long walk with my dog. I definitely love animals and generally speaking I’m very keen on environmental issues and try, as much as I can, to carry out a healthy and “planet respectful” lifestyle. My thirst for knowledge pushed me some time ago to begin a new personal challenge: I decided to enroll, dedicating a good part of my free time, for a second university degree: I chose “Neuroeconomics”, an innovative academic path which combines psychology, economics, and neuroscience and studies how people make decisions and the role of the brain when people evaluate these decisions, categorizing risks and rewards and generally interacting with each other. I’ve been very glad to talk about my experience in this article, as working for Oracle is something very stimulating. This company ensures you the opportunity to face new challenges, work with highly talented people and be professionally highlighted also globally. Motivation, good results and innovation is always pursued, recognized and fully supported. Thanks and wish you all an amazing career! If you have any question please contact [email protected]. For our job opportunities, please look at http://campus.oracle.com.   Technorati Tags: EMEA,Oracle Partners,Oracle Campus,Oracle Education,experience,EMEA Recruitment Team

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  • Oracle VM Blade Cluster Reference Configuration

    - by Ferhat Hatay
    Today we are happy to announce the availability of the Oracle VM blade cluster reference configuration for Sun Blade 6000 modular systems.  The new Oracle VM blade cluster reference configuration can help reduce the time to deploy virtual infrastructure by up to 98 percent when compared to multi-vendor configurations. Oracle's virtualization strategy is to simplify the deployment, management, and support of the enterprise stack from application to disk. The Oracle VM blade cluster reference configuration is a single-vendor solution that addresses every layer of the virtualization stack with Oracle hardware and software components. It enables quick and easy deployment of the virtualized infrastructure using components that have been tested together and are all supported together by one vendor — Oracle. All components listed in the reference configuration have been tested together by Oracle, reducing the need for customer testing and the time-consuming and complex effort of designing and deploying a stable configuration. Benefitting from pre-installed Oracle VM Server for x86 software on Oracle’s highly scalable and reliable Sun Blade servers with built-in networking and Oracle’s Sun ZFS Storage Appliance product line, the configuration provides high availability via the blade cluster as well as a documented best practice guide that helps reduce deployment time and cost for customers implementing highly virtualized applications or private cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) architectures. To further support easier, faster and lower-cost deployments, Oracle Linux, Oracle Solaris and Oracle VM are available for pre-install on select Sun x86 systems, and Oracle VM Templates are available for download for Oracle Applications, Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle Database, Oracle Real Application Clusters, and many other Oracle products. Key benefits of the Oracle VM blade cluster reference configuration include: Faster time to value – Begin deploying applications immediately because the optimized software stack is pre-configured for best practices and is ready-to-run on the recommended hardware platforms. Reduced deployment cost and risk – The entire hardware and software stack has been tested and is supported together by Oracle. Elastic scalability – As capacity needs grow, the system can be easily scaled in multiple dimensions with the ability to add compute, storage, and networking resources independently. For more information, see: Oracle white paper: Accelerating deployment of virtualized infrastructures with the Oracle VM blade cluster reference configuration Oracle technical white paper: Best Practices and Guidelines for Deploying the Oracle VM Blade Cluster Reference Configuration

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  • New Reference Configuration: Accelerate Deployment of Virtual Infrastructure

    - by monica.kumar
    Today, Oracle announced the availability of Oracle VM blade cluster reference configuration based on Sun servers, storage and Oracle VM software. Assembling and integrating software and hardware systems from different vendors can be a huge barrier to deploying virtualized infrastructures as it is often a complicated, time-consuming, risky and expensive process. Using this tested configuration can help reduce the time to configure and deploy a virtual infrastructure by up to 98% as compared to putting together multi-vendor configurations. Once ready, the infrastructure can be used to easily deploy enterprise applications in a matter of minutes to hours as opposed to days/weeks, by using Oracle VM Templates. Find out more: Press Release Business whitepaper Technical whitepaper

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  • Share your Santa Clouse pictures and win great prices with the Enablement Advent calendar

    - by Jürgen Kress
    Like last year we want to give you the opportunity to share your Christmas picture with the community! Make sure you send us your Santa Clouse, Snowman or your Rudolph pictures! The best pictures will be awarded with an Oracle wool cap and published at our blog. Thanks to our Enablement team you also have to opportunity to win great prices with our online Advent calendar: and the Happy Holiday message from Judson Althoff For more information on the SOA Partner Community please feel free to register at www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) Blog Twitter LinkedIn Mix Forum Wiki Website Technorati Tags: SOA Community,Oracle,OPN,advent calendar,Jürgen Kress,Santa clouse,Judson Althoff

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  • Setting Up IRM Test Content

    - by martin.abrahams
    A feature of the 11g IRM Server that sometimes gets overlooked is the ability to set up some test content that any IRM user can access to verify that their IRM Desktop can reach the server, authenticate successfully, and render protected content successfully. Such test content is useful for new users, and in troubleshooting scenarios. Here's how to set up some test content... In the management console, go to IRM - Administration - Test Content, as shown. The console will display a list of test content - initially an empty list. Use the Add option to specify the URL of a document or image, and define one or more labels for the test content in whichever languages your users favour. Note that you do not need to seal the image or document in order to use it as test content. Nor do you need to set up any rights for the test content. The IRM Server will handle the sealing and rights assignment automatically such that all authenticated users are authorised to view the test content. Repeat this process for as many different types of content as you would like to offer for test purposes - perhaps a Word document, a PDF document, and an image. To keep things simple the first time I did this, I used the URL of one of the images in the IRM Server's UI - so there was no problem with the IRM Server being able to reach that image. Whatever content you want to use, the IRM Server needs to be able to reach it at the URL you specify. Using Test Content Open a browser and browse to the URL that the IRM Desktop normally uses to access the IRM Server, for example: http://irm11g.oracle.com/irm_desktop If you are not sure, you can find this URL in the Servers tab of the IRM Options dialog. Go to the Test tab, and you will see your test content listed. By opening one of the items, you can verify that your IRM Desktop is healthy and that you can authenticate to the IRM Server.

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