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Articles indexed Wednesday June 2 2010

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  • Default value for public attributes

    - by Danny Chen
    I have a public attribute in some class. I want a default value -1 for this attribute without an private variable like _MyAttr(because too many attributes, i won't add them one by one). public int MyAttr { get; set; } [DefaultValueAttribute] is not working for this issue i think. Any ideas? Thanks.

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  • Gtk# TreeView set a single cell to have a different renderer?

    - by Buttink
    OK this is probably insane, but I want to be able to have a check box at the very top of every row in my tree view. This box will "disable" or "enable" the ability to use the column. Oh I think it should be mentioned that I'm using a ListStore and am using C#, mono, GTK#. However, ill take anything and try to figure it out. Ill even accept a way to make two views where the columns line up .... So, possible? or just insane?

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  • Why is my WCF RIA Services custom object deserializing with an extra list member?

    - by oasasaurus
    I have been developing a Silverlight WCF RIA Services application dealing with mock financial transactions. To more efficiently send summary data to the client without going overboard with serialized entities I have created a summary class that isn’t in my EDM, and figured out how to serialize and send it over the wire to the SL client using DataContract() and DataMember(). Everything seemed to be working out great, until I tried to bind controls to a list inside my custom object. The list seems to always get deserialized with an extra, almost empty entity in it that I don’t know how to get rid of. So, here are some of the pieces. First the relevant bits from the custom object class: <DataContract()> _ Public Class EconomicsSummary Public Sub New() RecentTransactions = New List(Of Transaction) TotalAccountHistory = New List(Of Transaction) End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal enUser As EntityUser) Me.UserId = enUser.UserId Me.UserName = enUser.UserName Me.Accounts = enUser.Accounts Me.Jobs = enUser.Jobs RecentTransactions = New List(Of Transaction) TotalAccountHistory = New List(Of Transaction) End Sub <DataMember()> _ <Key()> _ Public Property UserId As System.Guid <DataMember()> _ Public Property NumTransactions As Integer <DataMember()> _ <Include()> _ <Association("Summary_RecentTransactions", "UserId", "User_UserId")> _ Public Property RecentTransactions As List(Of Transaction) <DataMember()> _ <Include()> _ <Association("Summary_TotalAccountHistory", "UserId", "User_UserId")> _ Public Property TotalAccountHistory As List(Of Transaction) End Class Next, the relevant parts of the function called to return the object: Public Function GetEconomicsSummary(ByVal guidUserId As System.Guid) As EconomicsSummary Dim objOutput As New EconomicsSummary(enUser) For Each objTransaction As Transaction In (From t As Transaction In Me.ObjectContext.Transactions.Include("Account") Where t.Account.aspnet_User_UserId = guidUserId Select t Order By t.TransactionDate Descending Take 10) objTransaction.User_UserId = objOutput.UserId objOutput.RecentTransactions.Add(objTransaction) Next objOutput.NumTransactions = objOutput.RecentTransactions.Count … Return objOutput End Function Notice that I’m collecting the NumTransactions count before serialization. Should be 10 right? It is – BEFORE serialization. The DataGrid is bound to the data source as follows: <sdk:DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="100" MaxWidth="{Binding ElementName=aciSummary, Path=ActualWidth}" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource EconomicsSummaryRecentTransactionsViewSource}, Mode=OneWay}" Name="gridRecentTransactions" RowDetailsVisibilityMode="VisibleWhenSelected" IsReadOnly="True"> <sdk:DataGrid.Columns> <sdk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="TransactionDateColumn" Binding="{Binding Path=TransactionDate, StringFormat=\{0:d\}}" Header="Date" Width="SizeToHeader" /> <sdk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="AccountNameColumn" Binding="{Binding Path=Account.Title}" Header="Account" Width="SizeToCells" /> <sdk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="CurrencyAmountColumn" Binding="{Binding Path=CurrencyAmount, StringFormat=\{0:c\}}" Header="Amount" Width="SizeToHeader" /> <sdk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="TitleColumn" Binding="{Binding Path=Title}" Header="Description" Width="SizeToCells" /> <sdk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="ItemQuantityColumn" Binding="{Binding Path=ItemQuantity}" Header="Qty" Width="SizeToHeader" /> </sdk:DataGrid.Columns> </sdk:DataGrid> You might be wondering where the ItemsSource is coming from, that looks like this: <CollectionViewSource x:Key="EconomicsSummaryRecentTransactionsViewSource" Source="{Binding Path=DataView.RecentTransactions, ElementName=EconomicsSummaryDomainDataSource}" /> When I noticed that the DataGrid had the extra row I tried outputting some data after the data source finishes loading, as follows: Private Sub EconomicsSummaryDomainDataSource_LoadedData(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Controls.LoadedDataEventArgs) Handles EconomicsSummaryDomainDataSource.LoadedData If e.HasError Then System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.Error.ToString, "Load Error", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK) e.MarkErrorAsHandled() End If Dim objSummary As EconomicsSummary = CType(EconomicsSummaryDomainDataSource.Data(0), EconomicsSummary) Dim sb As New StringBuilder("") sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Num Transactions: {0} ({1})", objSummary.RecentTransactions.Count.ToString(), objSummary.NumTransactions.ToString())) For Each objTransaction As Transaction In objSummary.RecentTransactions sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Recent TransactionId {0} dated {1} CurrencyAmount {2} NewBalance {3}", objTransaction.TransactionId.ToString, objTransaction.TransactionDate.ToString("d"), objTransaction.CurrencyAmount.ToString("c"), objTransaction.NewBalance.ToString("c"))) Next txtDebug.Text = sb.ToString() End Sub Output from that looks like this: Num Transactions: 11 (10) Recent TransactionId 2283 dated 6/1/2010 CurrencyAmount $31.00 NewBalance $392.00 Recent TransactionId 2281 dated 5/31/2010 CurrencyAmount $33.00 NewBalance $361.00 Recent TransactionId 2279 dated 5/28/2010 CurrencyAmount $8.00 NewBalance $328.00 Recent TransactionId 2277 dated 5/26/2010 CurrencyAmount $22.00 NewBalance $320.00 Recent TransactionId 2275 dated 5/24/2010 CurrencyAmount $5.00 NewBalance $298.00 Recent TransactionId 2273 dated 5/21/2010 CurrencyAmount $19.00 NewBalance $293.00 Recent TransactionId 2271 dated 5/20/2010 CurrencyAmount $20.00 NewBalance $274.00 Recent TransactionId 2269 dated 5/19/2010 CurrencyAmount $48.00 NewBalance $254.00 Recent TransactionId 2267 dated 5/18/2010 CurrencyAmount $42.00 NewBalance $206.00 Recent TransactionId 2265 dated 5/14/2010 CurrencyAmount $5.00 NewBalance $164.00 Recent TransactionId 0 dated 6/1/2010 CurrencyAmount $0.00 NewBalance $361.00 So I have a few different questions: -First and foremost, where the devil is that extra Transaction entity coming from and how do I get rid of it? Does it have anything to do with the other list of Transaction entities being serialized as part of the EconomicsSummary class (TotalAccountHistory)? Do I need to decorate the EconomicsSummary class members a little more/differently? -Second, where are the peculiar values coming from on that extra entity? PRE-POSTING UPDATE 1: I did a little checking, it looks like that last entry is the first one in the TotalAccountHistory list. Do I need to do something with CollectionDataContract()? PRE-POSTING UPDATE 2: I fixed one bug in TotalAccountHistory, since the objects weren’t coming from the database their keys weren’t unique. So I set the keys on the Transaction entities inside TotalAccountHistory to be unique and guess what? Now, after deserialization RecentTransactions contains all its original items, plus every item in TotalAccountHistory. I’m pretty sure this has to do with the deserializer getting confused by two collections of the same type. But I don’t yet know how to resolve it…

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  • Visual Studio breaks, and steps, but sometimes steps out

    - by James Wilkins
    Something very odd is going on. It's been going on for some time, but I've just ignored it up to now. I have both a Silverlight and WCF service in my solution, which shares .CS file between them (one project has a link to the file, which exists in the other project). While debugging the Silverlight app, pressing the F10 key steps through code as normal, and when I get to a method call which exists in the shared file (between the projects), and Press F11, it simply skips the method instead of stepping into it (and yes, the "Just My Code" option is not checked). If I put a breakpoint in the method I'm trying to get into, it works fine (as in the debugger will break on the line), but as soon as I step (F10) it exits the method (and with F11 [step into] also). Ok, on first thought, you might think it's to do with the link, but no, it isn't. I tried removing the link and using a copy instead, but the same thing happens. And no, it's not the debug symbols, I looked into that already. The method I'm trying to step through is static, and is in a non-static partial class, in a file shared by both projects. My guess: The same types and static methods exist in the WCF and Silverlight ... would the debugger get confused?

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  • SQL SERVER Stored Procedure and Transactions

    I just overheard the following statement – “I do not use Transactions in SQL as I use Stored Procedure“. I just realized that there are so many misconceptions about this subject. Transactions has nothing to do with Stored Procedures. Let me demonstrate that with a simple example. USE tempdb GO --Create3TestTables CREATETABLE TABLE1 (ID INT); [...]...Did you know that DotNetSlackers also publishes .net articles written by top known .net Authors? We already have over 80 articles in several categories including Silverlight. Take a look: here.

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  • choosing hosting for custom ecommerce site, shared, dedicated, what to look for?

    - by spirytus
    Hi, I have (almost) developed website for my client and now need to decide on hosting. Most of the users of the site will be located in Australia, and so am I and my client. Now, I want to consider everything before deciding on host and few questions comes to my mind: I cannot afford website being down, and all hosts say something like "99% uptime guranted". Should just that be enough or shall I ask hosts for some stats maybe? Does it make any difference if servers and whole hosting company is located in Australia or outside? I've been hosting few sites with JustHost.com on shared hosting (cheapest plan, servers in US I believe) and never seen any delays but could that be an issue? I would prefer Australian company so I can actually go to them and give them piece of my mind if something goes wrong, but US servers seem cheaper. Would share hosting do? Its ecommerce custom build php application, I know there are security issues with sessions etc on shared hosting. Will take precautions of course but could share hosting be an issue? Would dedicated be worthy option considering that my knowledge of server is very limited? I need to run php/mysql, with preferably unlimited bandwidth as with my experience I cannot tell what amount of traffic would be sufficient. Please let me know if I didn't provide you with enough information so you could answer my questions, will gladly explain further. In advance thanks for any answers :)

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  • Can Microsoft store three-valued fields in a single bit?

    - by fenomas
    I'm completely ignorant of SQL/databases, but I was chatting with a friend who does a lot of database work about how some databases use a "boolean" field that can take a value of NULL in addition to true and false. Regarding this, he made a comment along these lines: "To Microsoft's credit, they have never referred to that kind of field as a boolean, they just call it a bit. And it's a true bit - if you have eight or fewer bit fields in a record, it only requires one byte to store them all." Naturally that seems impossible to me - if the field can hold three values you're not going to fit eight of them into a byte. My friend agreed that it seemed odd, but begged ignorance of the low-level internals and said that so far as he knew, such fields can hold three values when viewed from the SQL side, and it does work out to require a byte of storage. I imagine one of us has a wire crossed. Can anyone explain what's really going on here?

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  • Attaching event on the fly with prototype

    - by andreas
    Hi, I've been scratching my head over this for an hour... I have a list of todo which has done button on each item. Every time a user clicks on that, it's supposed to do an Ajax call to the server, calling the marking function then updates the whole list. The problem I'm facing is that the new list has done buttons as well on each item. And it doesn't attach the click event anymore after first update. How do you attach an event handler on newly updated element with prototype? Note: I've passed evalScripts: true to the updater wrapper initial event handler attach <script type="text/javascript"> document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { $$('.todo-done a').each(function(a) { $(a).observe('click', function(e) { var todoId = $(this).readAttribute('href').substr(1); new Ajax.Updater('todo-list', $.utils.getPath('/todos/ajax_mark/done'), { onComplete: function() { $.utils.updateList({evalScripts: true}); } }); }); }) }); </script> updateList: <script type="text/javascript"> var Utils = Class.create({ updateList: function(options) { if(typeof options == 'undefined') { options = {}; } new Ajax.Updater('todo-list', $.utils.getPath('/todos/ajax_get'), $H(options).merge({ onComplete: function() { $first = $('todo-list').down(); $first.hide(); Effect.Appear($first, {duration: 0.7}); new Effect.Pulsate($('todo-list').down(), {pulses: 1, duration: 0.4, queue: 'end'}); } }) ); } }) $.utils = new Utils('globals'); </script> any help is very much appreciated, thank you :)

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  • Deleting unreferenced child records with nhibernate

    - by Chev
    Hi There I am working on a mvc app using nhibernate as the orm (ncommon framework) I have parent/child entities: Product, Vendor & ProductVendors and a one to many relationship between them with Product having a ProductVendors collection Product.ProductVendors. I currently am retrieving a Product object and eager loading the children and sending these down the wire to my asp.net mvc client. A user will then modify the list of Vendors and post the updated Product back. I am using a custom model binder to generate the modified Product entity. I am able to update the Product fine and insert new ProductVendors. My problem is that dereferenced ProductVendors are not cascade deleted when specifying Product.ProductVendors.Clear() and calling _productRepository.Save(product). The problem seems to be with attaching the detached instance. Here are my mapping files: Product <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <id name="Id"> <generator class="guid.comb" /> </id> <version name="LastModified" unsaved-value="0" column="LastModified" /> <property name="Name" type="String" length="250" /> ProductVendors <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <id name="Id"> <generator class="guid.comb" /> </id> <version name="LastModified" unsaved-value="0" column="LastModified" /> <property name="Price" /> <many-to-one name="Product" class="Product" column="ProductId" lazy="false" not-null="true" /> <many-to-one name="Vendor" class="Vendor" column="VendorId" lazy="false" not-null="true" /> Custom Model Binder: using System; using Test.Web.Mvc; using Test.Domain; namespace Spoked.MVC { public class ProductUpdateModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder { private readonly ProductSystem ProductSystem; public ProductUpdateModelBinder(ProductSystem productSystem) { ProductSystem = productSystem; } protected override void OnModelUpdated(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) { var product = bindingContext.Model as Product; if (product != null) { product.Category = ProductSystem.GetCategory(new Guid(bindingContext.ValueProvider["Category"].AttemptedValue)); product.Brand = ProductSystem.GetBrand(new Guid(bindingContext.ValueProvider["Brand"].AttemptedValue)); product.ProductVendors.Clear(); if (bindingContext.ValueProvider["ProductVendors"] != null) { string[] productVendorIds = bindingContext.ValueProvider["ProductVendors"].AttemptedValue.Split(','); foreach (string id in productVendorIds) { product.AddProductVendor(ProductSystem.GetVendor(new Guid(id)), 90m); } } } } } } Controller: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Update(Product product) { using (var scope = new UnitOfWorkScope()) { //product.ProductVendors.Clear(); _productRepository.Save(product); scope.Commit(); } using (new UnitOfWorkScope()) { IList<Vendor> availableVendors = _productSystem.GetAvailableVendors(product); productDetailEditViewModel = new ProductDetailEditViewModel(product, _categoryRepository.Select(x => x).ToList(), _brandRepository.Select(x => x).ToList(), availableVendors); } return RedirectToAction("Edit", "Products", new {id = product.Id.ToString()}); } The following test does pass though: [Test] [NUnit.Framework.Category("ProductTests")] public void Can_Delete_Product_Vendors_By_Dereferencing() { Product product; using(UnitOfWorkScope scope = new UnitOfWorkScope()) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Selecting..."); product = _productRepository.First(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Adding Product Vendor..."); product.AddProductVendor(_vendorRepository.First(), 0m); scope.Commit(); } Console.Out.WriteLine("About to delete Product Vendors..."); using (UnitOfWorkScope scope = new UnitOfWorkScope()) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Clearing Product Vendor..."); _productRepository.Save(product); // seems to be needed to attach entity to the persistance manager product.ProductVendors.Clear(); scope.Commit(); } } Going nuts here as I almost have a very nice solution between mvc, custom model binders and nhibernate. Just not seeing my deletes cascaded. Any help greatly appreciated. Chev

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  • Selectable GridView Row

    - by Hany
    I have a GridView on my ASP.NET page. What I want is to execute a function when I click on the row, and I also want to change the style of this row. I don't want to use the select button of type command field. Any help please?

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  • How to use HTTP Live Streaming protocol in iPhone SDk 3.0

    - by Pugal Devan
    Hi Guys, i have developed on IPhone application and submitted to App store. But my application got rejected based on below criteria. Thank you for submitting your yyyyyyyy application. We have reviewed your application and have determined that it cannot be posted to the App Store at this time because it is not using the HTTP Live Streaming protocol to broadcast streaming video. HTTP Live Streaming is required when streaming video feeds over the cellular network, in order to have an optimal user experience and utilize cellular best practices. This protocol automatically determines bandwidth available to users and adjusts the bandwidth appropriately, even as bandwidth streams change. This allows you the flexibility to have as many streams as you like, as long as 64 kbps is set as the baseline feed. In my apps i have to stream prerecorded m4v and mp3 files from my server. I used MPMoviePlayerController to stream and play those videos / audio. How to implement the HTTP Live Streaming Protocol in my apps? Also can i get some sample code? Thanks in advance!

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  • A weird crash...

    - by Nima
    Hi, I have a piece of code that runs in debug mode in VS2008, C++. The problem is that when I am debugging the code line by line, at a very weird point of the code, it crashes and says: debug assertion faild. Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead-nBlockUse) The crash point is on the first closed curly bracket (after mesh-edges[e].needsUpdate=false;) I don't understand why on a curly bracket? does that make sense to you guys? Can anybody help me understanding what is going on..? for(int e=0; e<mesh->edges.size(); e++) { if(mesh->edges[e].valid && mesh->edges[e].v[0]>=0 && mesh->edges[e].v[1]>=0 && mesh->points[mesh->edges[e].v[0]].writable && mesh->points[mesh->edges[e].v[1]].writable) { //update v_hat and its corresponding error DecEdge Current = DecEdge(e); pair<Point, float> ppf = computeVhat(e); Current.v_hat = ppf.first; Current.error = ppf.second; edgeSoup.push(Current); mesh->edges[e].needsUpdate=false; } }

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  • How do I query SQLite Database in Android?

    - by kunjaan
    I successfully created the Database and inserted a row however I cannot Query it for some reason. My Droid crashes everytime. String DATABASE_NAME = "myDatabase.db"; String DATABASE_TABLE = "mainTable"; String DATABASE_CREATE = "create table if not exists " + DATABASE_TABLE + " ( value VARCHAR not null);"; SQLiteDatabase myDatabase = null; myDatabase = openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null); myDatabase.execSQL(DATABASE_CREATE); // Create a new row of values to insert. ContentValues newValues = new ContentValues(); // Assign values for each row. newValues.put("value", "kunjan"); // Insert the row into your table myDatabase.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, newValues); String[] result_columns = new String[] { "value" }; Cursor allRows = myDatabase.query(true, DATABASE_TABLE, result_columns, null, null, null, null, null, null); if (allRows.moveToFirst()) { String value = allRows.getString(1); TextView foo = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.TextView01); foo.setText(value); } allRows.close(); myDatabase.close();

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  • Send HTTPService Request in flex 3 with '-' in the URl Paramerters to get Google Feeds

    - by Goysar
    I am developing application in flex 3 which interacts with the Google feeds to produce my results. The URL to which i want to send request is something like this http://books.google.com/books/feeds/volumes?q=football+-soccer&start-index=11&max-results=10 Now i can send and receive results with q parameter, but in the next two parameters has a '-' (start-index and max-results). I am using HTTPService to send the requeset like this. SearchService.url = "http://books.google.com/books/feeds/volumes"; SearchService.method = "GET"; SearchService.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Here SearchService is the HTTPService var params:Object = new Object(); params.q = searchText; params.start-index = 11; params.max-results = 100; service.SearchService.send(params); Now my flex IDE throws me a error stating 'Cannot assign a non-reference value'. Only if i send the request with this parameters, i could put pagination in my application. So how can i send HTTPService request with '-' in the URL parameters?

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  • C# delete all files and folders in multiple directory but leave the directoy

    - by NightsEVil
    well i like this nice of code right here it seems to work awsome but i cant seem to add any more directories to it { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\temp"); foreach(FileInfo files in dir.GetFiles()) { files.Delete(); } foreach (DirectoryInfo dirs in dir.GetDirectories()) { dirs.Delete(true); } } i would also like to add in special folders aswell like History and cookies and such how would i go about doing that (i would like to include atleast 4-5 different folders)

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  • Envoking mouse capturing function onmousedown?

    - by Babiker
    I have the following: <html> <script type="text/javascript"> document.onmousemove = getCursorXY; function getCursorXY(e) { document.getElementById('cursorX').value = (window.Event) ? e.pageX : event.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft); document.getElementById('cursorY').value = (window.Event) ? e.pageY : event.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop); } </script> <body> <input id="cursorX" size="3"> <input id="cursorY" size="3"> <input type="button" id="button"> </body> </html> With this my mouse coordinates are displayed in the input fields when the page loads and whenever i move the mouse. How can i make this work only when i mousedown over #button and then stop at the last coordinates when i mouseup only over #button? using firefox 3.6.3 Thanks in advance :)

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  • Apache runs in console but not as a service?

    - by danspants
    I have an apache 2.2 server running Django. We have a network drive T: which we need constant access to within our Django app. When running Apache as a service, we cannot access this drive, as far as any django code is concerned the drive does not exist. If I add... <Directory "t:/"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory> to the httpd.conf file the service no longer runs, but I can start apache as a console and it works fine, Django can find the network drive and all is well. Why is there a difference between the console and the service? Should there be a difference? I have the service using my own log on so in theory it should have the same access as I do. I'm keen to keep it running as a service as it's far less obtrusive when I'm working on the server (unless there's a way to hide the console?). Any help would be most appreciated.

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  • ssh sessions in xterms freeze for many minutes whenever they disconnect

    - by dreeves
    If I ssh to a remote machine and then lose internet connectivity, the session freezes. I can't control-c or otherwise abort and go back to my local xterm or terminal prompt but if I wait several minutes it will do so. There must be some way to force it to abort the remote ssh session when connectivity is lost. I'm on a Mac but I believe this happens on cygwin or linux as well.

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  • Compiling and executing through commandLine shows NoClassDefFoundError when trying to find Java pack

    - by eruina
    I have a client/server program that attempts to send and receive an object. There are three packages: server, client and shared shared contains only the Message class I put Message.java from shared package into the same folder as calcclient package source files and calcserver package source files. I compile using the line: javac -classpath .; Message.java They can compile. Then I change directory up one level and ran with: java -classpath .; .Main When I use Netbeans to run, the entire program works as per normal. But not if I run from command line. If its executed through command line, the program will work until it needs to use the Message object. Then it will show a NoClassDefFoundError Am I putting the right files at the right places? How do I get the program to find shared package through command line?

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  • How can I get the nickname and message from raw IRC data in vb.net

    - by Rob
    Well basically I've got a vb.net script connecting to IRC, and I'm working on making it a basic chat system, but I've run into a problem. Say I receive this: :[email protected] PRIVMSG #channel :message I want to grab specific information to output to the user. I want to grab nickname and message How can I go about doing this? I thought about using regex, but I can't figure out how to make regex grab message since there's nothing after it.

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