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Articles indexed Friday June 22 2012

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  • Chrome developer tools - network panel gaps

    - by Chris Nicholson
    In the Chrome developer tools, under the network tab, I'm curious to know what is happening during the gaps. If you look at my image below, I have highlighted in orange the areas where these gaps exist. Where I'm able to load a lot of my page from cache it's a shame these large gaps occur as they make up most of my page load time. What exactly is happening in this time? EDIT Okay I found this answer which essentially sums up my question, so a different question: does anyone know a good method to reduce the length of these gaps? Presumably (albeit rather extreme) if I loaded all my CSS on the page there wouldn't be a delay after loading the CSS file before the images were loaded.

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  • Keyboard shortcut to cycle through programs (rather than just the alt-tab switch)?

    - by Steven Lu
    This question applies to both Windows and Mac OS X because I intend to use my mouse (Logitech G700) with both of them. The idea is I want one of my configurations to use two of my buttons to switch applications. However binding them to Alt/Cmd+Tab and Shift+Alt/Cmd+Tab is not good because the former functions as a toggle, and the latter cycles (in an unpredictable order). What I want is to move through my open applications in a circular buffer order. Do either of these OS's provide any keyboard shortcut that accomplishes this? I could live with just Alt/Cmd+Tab set to one button, but it limits me to being able to switch between only two programs.

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  • Black screen with cursor after BIOS screen

    - by Radio
    Here is a weird one, Got computer with Windows XP. It's getting stuck on a black screen with cursor blinking. What did I do: - Boot from installation CD (recovery option - command line): chkdsk C: /R copy D:\i386\ntdetect.com c:\ copy D:\i386\ntldr c:\ fixmbr fixboot Chkdsk showed 0 bad sectors and no problems during scan. dir on C:\ shows all directories and files in place (Windows, Program Files, Documents and Settings). BIOS shows correct boot drive. Still does not boot. Not sure what to think of. Please help. UPDATE: Just performed these steps: Backed up current disk C: (without MBR) using True Image to external hard drive Ran Windows XP clean installation with deleting all partitions and creating new one. Hard drive booted fine into Windows GUI installation!!! Then: I interrupted installation. Booted from True Image recovery CD and restored archive of disk C to an new partition. Same issue with black screen.

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  • Cannot find log navigator buttons in Xcode version 3.2.6

    - by Kirinriki
    I'm completely new to the world of Xcode. Since my MacBook is too old for installing the newest Xcode version, I'm trying to learn with Xcode 3.2.6. Now I go through a book for learning Objective C with Xcode and I have problems to find several buttons. I already needed to let the green "Run"-button view manually via "customize toolbar", but the buttons to have access to the log navigator still do not appear and I don't know how to do it. That's how my Xcode looks like right now: That's what I'm searching: How can I view those buttons? Is there another way to access to the log navigator?

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  • Getting back the old alt-tab windows switching behavior in Windows 7?

    - by Carlos A. Ibarra
    When you run more than 6 applications on Windows 7 and you press alt-TAB, icons representing the first 6 applications and the desktop appear on the first row of the grid and you can cycle with alt-TAB-TAB... through the 6 most recently used windows the usual way, but the 7th and other less recently used windows don't follow the same rules. Instead they get grouped together according to their application but disregarding whether they were recently used or not. This new behavior is mentioned here. I am very used to the old way of cycling and the new system is driving me crazy. I tend to have 20 or so windows open at one time and I frequently need to alt-tab to the 7th or 8th window on the stack but it doesn't work the same anymore. Does anyone know how to put back the old behavior, so that alt-tab-tab-tab... goes through the whole list in most-recent to least-recent order?

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  • Tornado Tracks Highlights 61 Years of Tornado Activity [Wallpaper]

    - by Jason Fitzpatrick
    This eye catching image maps 61 years worth of storm data over the continental United States. It’s neat way to see the frequency and intensity of tornadoes and is available in wallpaper-friendly resolutions. John Nelson took 61 years of data from government sources like the NOAA and compiled the data into a visualization. You can read more about the methodology behind the image at the link below or jump right to Flickr to grab a high-res image for your desktop. Tornado Tracks [via Neatorama] How to Make Your Laptop Choose a Wired Connection Instead of Wireless HTG Explains: What Is Two-Factor Authentication and Should I Be Using It? HTG Explains: What Is Windows RT and What Does It Mean To Me?

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  • Friday Fun: Draw a Line

    - by Asian Angel
    In this week’s game your thinking skills will be put to the test as you work to draw lines and direct the movement of orbs on the game screen. Can you draw the proper configuration so that all the orbs move where they are supposed to or will you watch helplessly as your carefully crafted plans fail? How to Make Your Laptop Choose a Wired Connection Instead of Wireless HTG Explains: What Is Two-Factor Authentication and Should I Be Using It? HTG Explains: What Is Windows RT and What Does It Mean To Me?

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  • How to Run PowerShell Commands on Remote Computers

    - by Chris Hoffman
    PowerShell Remoting allows you to run individual PowerShell commands or access full PowerShell sessions on remote Windows systems. It’s similar to SSH for accessing remote terminals on other operating systems. PowerShell is locked-down by default, so you’ll have to enable PowerShell Remoting before using it. This setup process is a bit more complex if you’re using a workgroup – for example, on a home network — instead of a domain. How to Make Your Laptop Choose a Wired Connection Instead of Wireless HTG Explains: What Is Two-Factor Authentication and Should I Be Using It? HTG Explains: What Is Windows RT and What Does It Mean To Me?

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  • "Je suis un ingénieur, pas un compilateur", les questions d'entretiens sont-elles trop orientées vers la maîtrise des instructions et concepts ?

    « Je suis un ingénieur, pas un compilateur » les questions d'entretiens sont-elles trop orientées vers la maitrise des instructions et concepts des langages De nos jours, les offres d'emplois sont de plus en plus orientées vers des langages bien définis. Conséquence : les questions d'entretiens abordent beaucoup plus les aspects liés aux concepts du langage. C'est en tout cas le constat d'un développeur au pseudo de clements, dans un billet de blog intitulé « je suis un ingénieur, pas un compilateur ». Celui-ci s'est rendu compte lors de plusieurs entretiens que des questions standards comme : qu'est-ce que le polymorphisme ? Quelle est la différence entre « List » et « S...

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  • Commémoration du centenaire d'Alan Turing, "il était l'un des premiers à établir ce qu'était un ordinateur" pour le directeur de Microsoft Research

    Commémoration du centenaire d'Alan Turing « il était l'un des premiers à établir ce qu'était un ordinateur » pour le directeur de Microsoft Research Ce samedi 23 juin 2012 marquera le centième anniversaire d'Alan Turing, un pionnier de l'informatique moderne. Considéré comme « le père de l'ordinateur », Alan Turing est un mathématicien britannique né en 1912. Il est connu pour avoir percé le code de l'encodeuse Enigma utilisée par les nazis lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale pour chiffrer les messages. En 1950, il créa le célèbre « Test de Turing », qu'il formula dans l'article « Computing Machinery and Intelligence », dans lequel il qualifie un ordinateur d'intelligent si celui-ci...

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  • Emploi IT : le manque d'offres attractives explique les difficultés à recruter pour Jobtic.fr, qui propose sa solution pour y remédier

    Emploi IT : le manque d'offres attractives expliquerait aussi les difficultés à recruter Pour Jobtic.fr, qui propose de jouer la carte de la diversité des annonceurs pour y remédier A l'heure où les chiffres de l'APEC montrent un ralentissement du marché du travail IT, le site Jobtic.fr, spécialisé dans l'Informatique, a réalisé une étude auprès des 450 recruteurs qui utilisent ses services. Conclusion, 65% des employeurs estiment qu'il y a une pénurie de compétences IT sur le marché. Ce qui rendrait leurs recrutements difficiles. ...

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  • Les opérateurs historiques versent des dividendes « colossaux » et investissent peu, selon Free Mobile qui répond aux attaques

    Free Mobile : Xavier Niel répond aux attaques des opérateurs historiques Qui verseraient des dividendes « colossaux » mais qui investiraient peu De nombreuses voix se sont exprimées contre Free Mobile depuis son lancement. Les syndicats de France Telecom (pour qui « Free Mobile prend les français pour des cons »). Les filiales pros de la concurrence (qui qualifient Free d'« offre low cost inadaptée aux PME »). Des universitaires,

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  • Ant Colony Optimization de Marco Dorigo et Thomas Stützle, critique par Franck Dernoncourt

    Bonjour à tous, Voici ma critique du livre "Ant Colony Optimization". Les algorithmes de colonies de fourmis sont des algorithmes inspirés du comportement des fourmis et qui constituent une famille de métaheuristiques d'optimisation. Ils ont été appliqués à un grand nombre de problèmes d'optimisation combinatoire, allant de l'assignement quadratique au replis de protéine ou au routage de véhicules. Comme beaucoup de métaheuristiques, l'algorithme de base a été adapté aux problèmes dynamiques, en variables réelles, aux problèmes stochastiques, multi-objectifs ou aux implémentations parallèles, etc. Bref, c'est une métaheuristique incontournable pour toute pe...

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  • Oracle Fusion Applications Design Patterns Now Available

    - by Frank Nimphius
    "The Oracle Fusion Applications user experience design patterns are published! These new, reusable usability solutions and best-practices, which will join Oracle dashboard patterns and guidelines that are already available online, are used by Oracle to artfully bring to life a new standard in the user experience, or UX, of enterprise applications. Now, the Oracle applications development community can benefit from the science behind the Oracle Fusion Applications user experience, too.These Oracle Fusion Applications UX Design Patterns, or blueprints, enable Oracle applications developers and system implementers everywhere to leverage professional usability insight when [...]  designing exciting, new, highly usable applications -- in the cloud or on-premise.  Based on the Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) components, the Oracle Fusion Applications patterns and guidelines are proven with real users and in the Applications UX usability labs, so you can get right to work coding productivity-enhancing designs that provide an advantage for your entire business.  What’s the best way to get started? We’ve made that easy, too. The Design Filter Tool (DeFT) selects the best pattern for your user type and task. Simply adapt your selection for your own task flow and content, and you’re on your way to a really great applications user experience. More Oracle applications design patterns and training are coming your way in the future. To provide feedback on the sets that are currently available, let us know in the comments section or use the contact form provided."

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  • Running Multiple Queries in Oracle SQL Developer

    - by thatjeffsmith
    There are two methods for running queries in SQL Developer: Run Statement Run Statement, Shift+Enter, F9, or this button Run Script No grids, just script (SQL*Plus like) ouput is fine, thank you very much! What’s the Difference? There are some obvious differences between the two features, the most obvious being the format of the output delivered. But there are some other, more subtle differences here, primarily around fetching. What is Fetch? After you run send your query to Oracle, it has to do 3 things: Parse Execute Fetch Technically it has to do at least 2 things, and sometimes only 1. But, to get the data back to the user, the fetch must occur. If you have a 10 row query or a 1,000,000 row query, this can mean 1 or many fetches in groups of records. Ok, before I went on the Fetch tangent, I said there were two ways to run statements in SQL Developer: Run Statement Run statement brings your query results to a grid with a single fetch. The user sees 50, 100, 500, etc rows come back, but SQL Developer and the database know that there are more rows waiting to be retrieved. The process on the server that was used to execute the query is still hanging around too. To alleviate this, increase your fetch size to 500. Every query ran will come back with the first 500 rows, and rows will be continued to be fetched in 500 row increments. You’ll then see most of your ad hoc queries complete with a single fetch. Scroll down, or hit Ctrl+End to force a full fetch and get all your rows back. Run Script Run Script runs the contents of the worksheet (or what’s highlighted) as a ‘script.’ What does that mean exactly? Think of this as being equivalent to running this in SQL*Plus: @my_script.sql; Each statement is executed. Also, ALL rows are fetched. So once it’s finished executing, there are no open cursors left around. The more obvious difference here is that the output comes back formatted as plain old text. Run one or more commands plus SQL*Plus commands like SET and SPOOL The Trick: Run Statement Works With Multiple Statements! It says ‘run statement,’ but if you select more than one with your mouse and hit the button – it will run each and throw the results to 1 grid for each statement. If you mouse hover over the Query Result panel tab, SQL Developer will tell you the query used to populate that grid. This will work regardless of what you have this preference set to: DATABASE – WORKSHEET – SHOW QUERY RESULTS IN NEW TABS Mind the fetch though! Close those cursors by bring back all the records or closing the grids when you’re done with them.

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  • Reaching the Pinnacle of Customer Experience : Customer Concepts WebTV #2

    - by Richard Lefebvre
    The challenge has never been greater – globalization increases consumer choice and quickly converts products into mere commodities. Leading companies understand that delivering exceptional customer experiences and building brand equity are vital for success. Please join us for an exclusive Web TV broadcast to hear how companies are enriching interactions differently with their customers to drive measurable business value. Our panel of experts including customers, industry thought leaders and Oracle executives will discuss how to refine the customer experience and build a digital experience to win new clients and maximise customer retention. Register now for this pan-European interactive Web TV show on Friday, July 6 at 10 a.m. BST / 11 a.m. CET. Watch and share the teaser video  REPLAY Fusion CRM Sales - Performance Management on demand: Watch and share the teaser video and replay.

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  • ArchBeat Link-o-Rama for 2012-06-22

    - by Bob Rhubart
    Guide to integration architecture | Stephanie Mann "The landscape of integration architecture is shifting as service-oriented and cloud-based architecture take the fore," says Stephanie Mann. "To ensure success, enterprise architects and developers are turning to lighter-weight infrastructure to support more complex integration projects." FY13 Oracle PartnerNetwork Kickoff - Tues June 26, 2012 Join us for a one-hour live online event hosted by the Oracle PartnerNetwork team as we kickoff FY13. Other dates/times for EMEA/LAD/JAPAN/APAC. Click the link for details. Why should you choose Oracle WebLogic 12c instead of JBoss EAP 6? | Ricardo Ferreira Okay, you would expect an Oracle guy to make this argument. But Ferreira takes a very deep, very detailed technical dive into the issue. So hear the man out, will ya? Hibernate4 and Coherence | Rene van Wijk According to Oracle ACE Rene van Wijk, "there are two ways to integrate Hibernate and Coherence." In this post he illustrates one of them. Simple Made Easy | Rich Hickey Rich Hickey discusses simplicity, why it is important, how to achieve it in design and how to recognize its absence in the tools, language constructs and libraries in this presentation from QCon London 2012. Starting a cluster | Mark Nelson Fusion Middleware A-Team blogger Mark Nelson looks at Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle BPM, and Oracle Coherence, three products that are " commonly clustered, and which have somewhat different requirements." Why building SaaS well means giving up your servers | GigaOM The biggest benefit to PaaS, reports GigaOM's Derrick Harris, "might be a better product because the company is able to focus on building the app rather than managing servers." Personas - what, why & how | Mascha van Oosterhout "To be able to create a successful, user-friendly website or application," says Mascha van Oosterhout, "every decision you take, whether you are part of the marketing team, the design team or the development team, should be based on what you know about the user." Thought for the Day "Machines take me by surprise with great frequency." — Alan Turing(June 23, 1912 - June 7, 1954) Source: Brainy Quote

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  • Recent Solaris Studio how-to articles

    - by unixman
    There were a few Oracle Solaris Studio articles published recently, check'em out! -How to Develop Code from a Remote Desktop with Oracle Solaris StudioThis article describes the remote desktop feature of the Oracle Solaris Studio IDE, and how to use it to compile, run, debug, and profile your code running on remote servers.-How to Use Remote Development in the IDEThis article describes the modes of remote development available in the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 IDE and how to choose the best one for your development environment.-Performance Tips for the Oracle Solaris Studio IDEThis article describes some tips and tricks to help you improve the performance of the Oracle Solaris Studio IDE.

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  • Oracle University has released “Oracle AIA Foundation Pack 11g: Developing Applications” in the Training on Demand format (TOD)

    - by Lionel Dubreuil
    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} In this course, you will learn how to quickly develop integrations using Application Integration Architecture (AIA) Foundation Pack 11g that run on Oracle Fusion Middleware. You’ll learn to: Design and create Application Business Connector Services to integrate applications into AIA Create Enterprise Business Services to perform specific business activities Configure Guaranteed Message Delivery to ensure no loss of messages Extend Enterprise Business Objects and Application Business Connector Services to meet Corporate requirements This course is available now in Training on Demand format. Training On Demand Features are: Delivered by top instructors Video of classroom lecture, whiteboarding, labs Hands-on practice environment Ask your instructor Bonus material from product experts Why Choose On Demand? Start training within 24 hours Get full classroom content online Customize your learning experience Eliminate travel-related expenses Access anytime, anywhere 24/7 You'll find more information here.

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  • Entity Object Based on PL/SQL

    - by Manoj Madhusoodanan
    This blog describes how to create a PL/SQL based Entity Object.Oracle application has number of APIs and each API will perform numerous number of tasks.We can create PL/SQL based EO which will directly invoke the PL/SQL stored procedure from the EO. Here I am demonstrating using a standard API FND_USER_PKG.CREATEUSER.This API has x_user_name and x_owner as mandatory parameter.My task is to create a user through OAF page which will accept User Name and Password. Following steps needs to be performed to achieve the above scenario. 1) Create FndUserEO as follows Include all the API parameters and WHO columns in the EO. Make UserName and EncryptedUserPassword ( Here I am not using Encrypted Password. The column name is same as table column so I am keeping the same) column as mandatory. Generate VO. 2) Edit FndUserEOImpl and add the following 3) Attach FndUserVO to AM 4) Create the UI 5) Deploy following files to middle tier and restart the server.  Entity Object: xxcust.oracle.apps.fnd.user.schema.server.FndUserEO.xml xxcust.oracle.apps.fnd.user.schema.server.FndUserEOImpl.java View Object: xxcust.oracle.apps.fnd.user.server.FndUserVO.xml xxcust.oracle.apps.fnd.user.server.FndUserVOImpl.javaUser Interface: xxcust.oracle.apps.fnd.user.webui.CreateFndUserCO.java xxcust.oracle.apps.fnd.user.webui.CreateFndUserPG.xmlYou can test by giving User Name and Password.

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  • Top Fusion Apps User Experience Guidelines & Patterns That Every Apps Developer Should Know About

    - by ultan o'broin
    We've announced the availability of the Oracle Fusion Applications user experience design patterns. Developers can get going on these using the Design Filter Tool (or DeFT) to select the best pattern for their context of use. As you drill into the patterns you will discover more guidelines from the Applications User Experience team and some from the Rich Client User Interface team too that are also leveraged in Fusion Apps. All are based on the Oracle Application Development Framework components. To accelerate your Fusion apps development and tailoring, here's some inside insight into the really important patterns and guidelines that every apps developer needs to know about. They start at a broad Fusion Apps information architecture level and then become more granular at the page and task level. Information Architecture: These guidelines explain how the UI of an Oracle Fusion application is constructed. This enables you to understand where the changes that you want to make fit into the oveall application's information architecture. Begin with the UI Shell and Navigation guidelines, and then move onto page-level design using the Work Areas and Dashboards guidelines. UI Shell Guideline Navigation Guideline Introduction to Work Areas Guideline Dashboards Guideline Page Content: These patterns and guidelines cover the most common interactions used to complete tasks productively, beginning with the core interactions common across all pages, and then moving onto task-specific ones. Core Across All Pages Icons Guideline Page Actions Guideline Save Model Guideline Messages Pattern Set Embedded Help Pattern Set Task Dependent Add Existing Object Pattern Set Browse Pattern Set Create Pattern Set Detail on Demand Pattern Set Editing Objects Pattern Set Guided Processes Pattern Set Hierarchies Pattern Set Information Entry Forms Pattern Set Record Navigation Pattern Set Transactional Search and Results Pattern Group Now, armed with all this great insider information, get developing some great-looking, highly usable apps! Let me know in the comments how things go!

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  • Hilfreiche Linemode Skripte

    - by Ulrike Schwinn (DBA Community)
    Die mitgelieferten Skripte im Verzeichnis $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin bieten schon seit jeher DBAs und Entwickler eine zusätzliche Unterstützung bei ihrer Arbeit. Sie stehen automatisch nach jeder Installation im Verzeichnis rdbms/admin zur weiteren Verwendung zur Verfügung. Nur wie findet man genau das Skript, das einem die richtige Unterstützung bietet? Eine Dokumentation aller Skripte existiert nicht. Man kann sich an den Namen der Skripte orientieren, da sie mit sprechenden Namen aufgelistet sind und kann die Kurzeinleitung im Skript nachlesen. Das ist mühselig und kostet Zeit. Daher wird im neuen Tipp ein Überblick über wichtige Skripte einschließlich einer Kurzbeschreibung gegeben. Mehr dazu hier

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  • Oracle Fusion Applications Design Patterns Now Available For Developers

    - by ultan o'broin
    The Oracle Fusion Applications user experience design patterns are published! These new, reusable usability solutions and best-practices, which will join the Oracle dashboard patterns and guidelines that are already available online, are used by Oracle to artfully bring to life a new standard in the user experience, or UX, of enterprise applications. Now, the Oracle applications development community can benefit from the science behind the Oracle Fusion Applications user experience, too. The design patterns are based on Oracle ADF components and easily implemented in Oracle JDeveloper. These Oracle Fusion Applications UX Design Patterns, or blueprints, enable Oracle applications developers and system implementers everywhere to leverage professional usability insight when: tailoring an Oracle Fusion application, creating coexistence solutions that existing users will be delighted with, thus enabling graceful user transitions to Oracle Fusion Applications down the road, or designing exciting, new, highly usable applications in the cloud or on-premise. Based on the Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) components, the Oracle Fusion Applications patterns and guidelines are proven with real users and in the Applications UX usability labs, so you can get right to work coding productivity-enhancing designs that provide an advantage for your entire business. What’s the best way to get started? We’ve made that easy, too. The Design Filter Tool (DeFT) selects the best pattern for your user type and task. Simply adapt your selection for your own task flow and content, and you’re on your way to a really great applications user experience. More Oracle applications design patterns and training are coming your way in the future. To provide feedback on the sets that are currently available, let me know in the comments!.

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  • Neues in WebCenter Sites 11g

    - by pweckerl
    Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass das Online Erlebnis sich durch das Social Computing grundlegend geändert hat. Immer öfter wollen Besucher einer Web Site nicht nur konsumieren sonder auch interagieren und ihre Erfahrungen über Soziale Netzwerke mit Anderen teilen. Für Online-Marketies eröffnet dies eine vielzahl an Möglichkeiten aber auch Herausforderungen. Unternehmen müssen diese sozialen Komponenten in ihre Online Auftritte integrieren um die Erwartung nach einem interaktiven Erlebnis zu erfüllen aber zugleich die Kontrolle und damit ein gewisses Maß an Sicherheit für integrität der eigenen Marke und des eigenen Rufs zu garantieren. Mit der neuen Version von Oracle WebCenter Sites steht Online-Verantwortlichen ein umfassendes Werkzeug zur Verfügung, um ihre Auftritte noch interaktiver zu gestalten und die Besucher noch enger einzubeziehen. Social Login und Social Sharing, User Generated Content, wie Bewertungen und Kommentare, und viele weitere Neuerungen machen Oracle WebCenter Sites besser denn je. Mehr zur aktuellen Version und zu WebCenter Themen allgemein finde Sie auch auf dem Oracle WebCenter Blog (https://blogs.oracle.com/webcenter/entry/what_s_new_in_webcenter1).

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  • Ti sei perso l'Oracle EPM Live Webcast sul Project Planning? Ora puoi rivederlo

    - by antonella.buonagurio
    Se non hai potuto seguire l'ultimo webcast EPM dedicato al Project Planning puoi rivederlo a questo link. Il webcast, che fa parte di una serie di live webseminar  dedicati ai professionisti dell'area amministrazione finanza e controllo, è focalizzato sul processo di budgeting, forecasting e controllo di gestione per commessa e delle attività a progetto in ambito economico-finanziario. Durante il webseminar viene presentata  l'integrazione funzionale di Oracle Hyperion EPM System con le altre soluzioni Oracle per il project planning & management. Non perdere l'ultimo appuntamento prima delle vacanze! 13 luglio Oracle EPM Live webcast:  Predictive Planning clicca qui per saperne di più!

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