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Articles indexed Thursday March 17 2011

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  • Hibernate & Sleep broken after IE 9 RTM installation in Windows 7 x64.

    - by AKa
    I have a question about hibernation. I installed Internet Explorer 9 RTM x64 on my Windows 7 x64 SP1 desktop machine. After this, computer don't entry the hibernation or (hybrid) sleep state properly. After I hibernate the computer the monitor become blank screen and the keyboard and mouse are inactive. But the machine is still running and there isn't any possibility to switch them off as only with power button. But this is recognized on next start as ineligible because of log entry with message “The previous system shutdown at xx:xx:xx on ?xx.?xx.?x was unexpected“ and menu with safe mode option. I’m clearly not sure if it has something to do with Internet Explorer installation, but I’m definitely guaranteed that before of this I never had some problems with hibernation or (hybrid) sleep. In Windows logs isn’t something suspect. I switched the hibernation off and on, installed new drivers for mainboard, graphic and network card, checked the hard disk, nothing was helpful. This is really sad, beacuse I don't like to switch the computer completely off because it takes longer to boot. Any suggestions?

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  • move existing Windows XP to a new harddrive

    - by MrKanister
    I've bought a SSD for my laptop and made a fresh install of Windows 7. On my old HDD I've got a Windows XP system, which I would like to move to the SSD. I've tried it this way: put the HDD to an USB case moved the Windows XP partition to a partition on my ssd usind DriveImage XML used EasyBCD 2.0 to create a new entry in the boot menue The problem: Windows XP is booting up, but before the login-screen comes up, it seems to freeze. No bluescreens, no errors - just nothing happens. I tried to start it in "protected mode", but the same results. I'm not sure if DriveImage XML didn't worked well or if there's another reason.

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  • Folder with files shows as empty

    - by ProfKaos
    Last night I create a new project in Visual Studio 2010, in the folder c:\development\hobby\devices. When I navigate to that folder in a new instance of Windows Explorer, I get the 'This folder is empty.' message in the files pane. If I then, from within Visual Studio, issue the "Open containing folder command", explorer opens to the folder c:\development\hobby\devices\LoopBack, where loopback is a project under the main folder. If I paste that path into another new instance of explorer, explorer correctly opens c:\development\hobby\devices. How is this possible? SOLVED: This is what comes of typing paths instead of selecting them. Some elementary detective work yielded the following interesting results: C:\>dir dev*. Volume in drive C is OS Volume Serial Number is E4B4-0563 Directory of C:\ 2010/11/28 09:20 PM <DIR> Development 2010/12/01 08:57 PM <DIR> Develpment 2010/11/02 06:31 PM <DIR> DevTools 0 File(s) 0 bytes 3 Dir(s) 63 965 368 320 bytes free Where my disappearing project was in the badly spelt one.

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  • Getting error code -41 when copying files to external drive

    - by diego
    I'm having trouble copying some files from my mac to an external hard drive: I keep getting the nondescript "error code -41". I noticed some of the files with an additional "@" permission bit had the "com.apple.quarantine" flag set. I used the "xattr" command from this article What should I do about com.apple.quarantine? to take care of the quarantine flag and sort that out (these files were copied over from another mac on my network, so I guess OS X flagged them as quarantine). That took care of the problem for those files but I still have some that I can't manually copy over to the external drive. The only other thing I've noticed is that some of these files have a an extra permission bit: "drwxr-xr-x+" which I haven't been successful in googling. Aside from that I don't see anything else. Also, Disk Utility says everything's fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • ntbackup workalike for adhoc full backups in Windows 7 thats free and preferably open source

    - by Justin Dearing
    On windows 2000 and XP machines I used to be able to do the following: ntbackup backup systemstate c: /f e:\backups\machineName\machineName-full+systemstate_200101206.bkf This gave me a full backup of the system that I could use to do a system restore, after doing a barebones OS install. Windows 7 has a great utility for regular backups with alerting and all that stuff. It does not seem to have command line support. I'd like a backup solution for my Windwos 7 systems that has the following features: Is free Is open source (preferebly) Works while the system is booted and leaves the system functional (clonezilla is great for offline backups, and I use that too) Gives me a backup that is suited for a full system restore or partial system restore (ruling out most imaging software even if they could work while the system is booted via some sort of shadow copy voodoo) Can work via the command line Compression would be nice, the ability to pipe output would be better.

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  • wi-fi connection drops periodically for a few seconds

    - by sergiom
    I've read the similar question on wireless connections dropping, but no answer seems to apply to my case I have configured the wi-fi lan of my router to broadcast sid and use WPA-PSK. Every few minutes my wi-fi connection drops for a few seconds and then restores. When I use two computers and run a ping -n 50000 on both computers, I see that the connection drops at different times but with almost the same rate. the router is a zyxel, one pc runs windws vista and uses a USB wi-fi device from Belkin: F6D4050 the other one runs windows 7 is a Dell PC with an Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 AGN there are no other wi-fi lans around

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  • I want to install and get to building a personal MySQL DB on 64 bit Ubuntu [closed]

    - by Ari Hall
    So how do I go from installing MySQL from the Software Center to inputing data into fields and bringing in a comma delimited file? I've only had brief experience with MSAccess and OOo Base a long time ago, so details are appreciated, I just want to get up and running. I have Ubuntu 10.10, 64 bit, if that affects much. If you can link me to a howto that does exactly what I'm looking for, that would work. Again, Thanks!

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  • asymetric encryption of directory

    - by ftiaronsem
    Hello alltogether Currently I am wondering whether it is possible to apply asymetric encryption of a directory in Linux. I would like to achieve the following: Write log files to /var/log/secret Everything written to /var/log/secret is instantly encrypted by a public RSA key (or something similar) The encryption programms I know, i.e. ecryptfs do not support asymetric encryption of files, at least as far as I know. (Correct me if I am wrong). Therefore I am asking here whether you know of any possibility to implement this. Thanks in advance

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  • How to move an existing Win7 setup to a RAID-1 array?

    - by Matthew Scharley
    Currently I have a the following setup: Drive A/B: Identical HDD's Drive C: 2TB external drive with plenty of space currently. Hardware RAID controller Currently I have Drive A which is my boot drive (Win7), and Drive C which is a data drive, and Drive B which I only recently received and is blank. What is the best way of moving off of Drive A, setting up the hardware RAID and then migrating my data back onto the RAID array? I'm proficient with Linux, but I'm not sure if I can get away with simply using dd here. There is currently enough free space on Drive C to take 5-6 copies of a disk image of Drive A, so space isn't an issue.

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  • What kind of sorting does the Windows 7 login screen use for usernames?

    - by Paul D. Waite
    I’ve set up ten Windows 7 user accounts, so that I can test different versions of Google Chrome*. I’ve named the accounts “Chrome 01”, “Chrome 02”, and so on. Ideally, I’d like the accounts sorted on the login screen by Chrome version, which is why I added the leading zero to the version number (assuming it was an alphabetic sort). However, when I created the “Chrome 10” account, it ended up sorted between “Chrome 01” and “Chrome 02”. What is going on? *(Chrome installs are user-account-specific)

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  • Best solution top keep data secure

    - by mrwooster
    What is the simplest and most elegant way of storing a small amount of data in a reasonably secure way? I am not looking for ridiculous levels of advanced encryption (AES-256 is more than enough) and I am only looking to encrypt a small number of files. The files I wish to encrypt are mostly comprised of password lists and SSH keys for servers. Unfortunately it is impossible to keep track of ever changing passwords for my servers (and SSH keys) and so need to keep a list of the passwords. Obviously this list needs to be secure, and also portable (I work from multiple locations). At the moment, I use a 10MB encrypted disk image on my mac (std .dmg AES-256) and just mount it whenever I need access to the data. To my knowledge this is very secure and I am very happy using it. However, the data is not very portable. I would like to be able to access my data from other machines (especially ones running linux), and I am aware that there are quite a few issues trying to mount an encrypted .dmg on linux. An alternative I have considered is to create a tar archive containing the files and use gpg --symmetric to encrypt it, but this is not a very elegant solution as it requires gpg to be installed on every system. So, what over solutions exist, and which ones would you consider to be the most elegant? Ty

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  • Add Firefox’s Awesome Bar Bookmark Search Function to Chrome and Iron

    - by Asian Angel
    Do you have a large number of bookmarks saved in your Chromium-based browser and need a quick way to search through them? Then see how easy it is to search through those bookmarks just like Firefox users do with the AwesomeBar extension. To engage the bookmark search function type “ab” in the Address Bar as seen above and press either Tab or the Space Bar. That will display the AwesomeBar prefix-bar as seen below. Enter the desired text to begin your search. For our example we decided to conduct a search for bookmarks related to the Ubuntu Twitter client Hotot. The results will continue to narrow down nicely as you type… Typing just a bit more finishes narrowing our search down the rest of the way for Hotot related items. Install the AwesomeBar Extension [Google Chrome Extensions] How to Enable Google Chrome’s Secret Gold IconHow to Create an Easy Pixel Art Avatar in Photoshop or GIMPInternet Explorer 9 Released: Here’s What You Need To Know

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  • Ask the Readers: What’s the First Thing You Do After Installing a New OS?

    - by Jason Fitzpatrick
    You’ve just booted up your new OS for the first time after a fresh install. What’s the first thing you do? Install specific apps? Tweak settings? Bask in the new-computer-smell of an uncluttered OS? Once a week we put a question before the How-To Geek readership to give you all a chance to share your knowledge and tips with your fellow readers. This week we want to hear about your tips and tricks for whipping a new OS installation into shape. Whether you’ve just installed Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux, we’re curious what kind of computer-warming rituals you visit upon your new OS. Sound off in the comments below and then check back in on Friday for the What Your Said roundup.  How to Enable Google Chrome’s Secret Gold IconHow to Create an Easy Pixel Art Avatar in Photoshop or GIMPInternet Explorer 9 Released: Here’s What You Need To Know

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  • How to Enable Google Chrome’s Secret Gold Icon

    - by The Geek
    You might not realize this, but there’s actually another icon hidden inside the Google Chrome executable file—and it’s a high-quality version of the same logo, but golden. Here’s how to use it. If you’re wondering how we got the smooth icon you’re seeing above, it’s because the latest dev channel version switched the icon from the older style.How to Enable Google Chrome’s Secret Gold IconHow to Create an Easy Pixel Art Avatar in Photoshop or GIMPInternet Explorer 9 Released: Here’s What You Need To Know

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  • An Alternate Vision of the Original Mario Movie [Video]

    - by Asian Angel
    In this alternate vision of the original movie, Joe Nicolosi shows us a Mario who is down and out on his luck and has lost his girlfriend to a yuppie, but refuses to give up. Can Mario turn things around? Warning: Video contains language that may be considered inappropriate. “Mario” – SXSW 2011 Film Bumper [via Geeks are Sexy] How to Enable Google Chrome’s Secret Gold IconHow to Create an Easy Pixel Art Avatar in Photoshop or GIMPInternet Explorer 9 Released: Here’s What You Need To Know

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  • Cutting the Cable: The State of Internet-based TV [Infographic]

    - by Jason Fitzpatrick
    If you’ve been turning your cable box on less and watching more shows online, you’re certainly not alone. Check out this infographic look at the state of TV distribution in the digital age to see how everyone is getting their TV fix. People are watching more media online, less from traditional distribution channels, and in a more mobile and selective way than ever before. Hit up the link below to check out the full infographic with a shake down of how media consumption has shifted and who is jockeying for a slice of the consumers’ attention. Cutting the Cable: The State of Internet-based TV [Daily Infographic] How to Enable Google Chrome’s Secret Gold IconHow to Create an Easy Pixel Art Avatar in Photoshop or GIMPInternet Explorer 9 Released: Here’s What You Need To Know

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  • CodePlex Daily Summary for Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    CodePlex Daily Summary for Wednesday, March 16, 2011Popular ReleasesuComponents: uComponents v2.1 RTM: What's new in v2.1? 5 new DataTypes JSON Datasource DropDown Multiple Textstring Similarity Text Image XPath DropDownList Please note that the release of DataType Grid has been postponed until v2.2. 3 new XSLT extensions Media Nodes Search Multi-node tree picker updates XPath start node selectors From Global or Relative start node selectors Max & Min node selection limits Bug fixes If you find a bug or have an issue, please raise a ticket here on CodePlex for us and we'l...Facebook C# SDK: 5.0.6 (BETA): This is seventh BETA release of the version 5 branch of the Facebook C# SDK. Remember this is a BETA build. Some things may change or not work exactly as planned. We are absolutely looking for feedback on this release to help us improve the final 5.X.X release. New in this release: Version 5.0.6 is almost completely backward compatible with 4.2.1 and 5.0.3 (BETA) Bug fixes and helpers to simplify many common scenarios For more information about this release see the following blog posts: F...SQLCE Code Generator: Build 1.0.3: New beta of the SQLCE Code Generator. New features: - Generates an IDataRepository interface that contains the generated repository interfaces that represents each table - Visual Studio 2010 Custom Tool Support Custom Tool: The custom tool is called SQLCECodeGenerator. Write this in the Custom Tool field in the Properties Window of an SDF file included in your project, this should create a code-behind file for the generated data access codeKooboo CMS: Kooboo 3.0 RC: Bug fixes Inline editing toolbar positioning for websites with complicate CSS. Inline editing is turned on by default now for the samplesite template. MongoDB version content query for multiple filters. . Add a new 404 page to guide users to login and create first website. Naming validation for page name and datarule name. Files in this download kooboo_CMS.zip: The Kooboo application files Content_DBProvider.zip: Additional content database implementation of MSSQL,SQLCE, RavenDB ...SQL Monitor - tracking sql server activities: SQL Monitor 3.2: 1. introduce sql color syntax highlighting with http://www.codeproject.com/KB/edit/FastColoredTextBox_.aspxUmbraco CMS: Umbraco 4.7.0: Service release fixing 50+ issues! Getting Started A great place to start is with our Getting Started Guide: Getting Started Guide: http://umbraco.codeplex.com/Project/Download/FileDownload.aspx?DownloadId=197051 Make sure to check the free foundation videos on how to get started building Umbraco sites. They're available from: Introduction for webmasters: http://umbraco.tv/help-and-support/video-tutorials/getting-started Understand the Umbraco concepts: http://umbraco.tv/help-and-support...ProDinner - ASP.NET MVC EF4 Code First DDD jQuery Sample App: first release: ProDinner is an ASP.NET MVC sample application, it uses DDD, EF4 Code First for Data Access, jQuery and MvcProjectAwesome for Web UI, it has Multi-language User Interface Features: CRUD and search operations for entities Multi-Language User Interface upload and crop Images (make thumbnail) for meals pagination using "more results" button very rich and responsive UI (using Mvc Project Awesome) Multiple UI themes (using jQuery UI themes)BEPUphysics: BEPUphysics v0.15.0: BEPUphysics v0.15.0!LiveChat Starter Kit: LCSK v1.1: This release contains couple of new features and bug fixes including: Features: Send chat transcript via email Operator can now invite visitor to chat (pro-active chat request) Bug Fixes: Operator management (Save and Delete) bug fixes Operator Console chat small fixesIronRuby: 1.1.3: IronRuby 1.1.3 is a servicing release that keeps on improving compatibility with Ruby 1.9.2 and includes IronRuby integration to Visual Studio 2010. We decided to drop 1.8.6 compatibility mode in all post-1.0 releases. We recommend using IronRuby 1.0 if you need 1.8.6 compatibility. The main purpose of this release is to sync with IronPython 2.7 release, i.e. to keep the Dynamic Language Runtime that both these languages build on top shareable. This release also fixes a few bugs: 5763 Use...SQL Server PowerShell Extensions: Production: Release implements SQLPSX as PowersShell version 2.0 modules. SQLPSX consists of 13 modules with 163 advanced functions, 2 cmdlets and 7 scripts for working with ADO.NET, SMO, Agent, RMO, SSIS, SQL script files, PBM, Performance Counters, SQLProfiler, Oracle and MySQL and using Powershell ISE as a SQL and Oracle query tool. In addition optional backend databases and SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 reports are provided with SQLServer and PBM modules. See readme file for details.IronPython: 2.7: On behalf of the IronPython team, I'm very pleased to announce the release of IronPython 2.7. This release contains all of the language features of Python 2.7, as well as several previously missing modules and numerous bug fixes. IronPython 2.7 also includes built-in Visual Studio support through IronPython Tools for Visual Studio. IronPython 2.7 requires .NET 4.0 or Silverlight 4. To download IronPython 2.7, visit http://ironpython.codeplex.com/releases/view/54498. Any bugs should be report...XML Explorer: XML Explorer 4.0.2: Changes in 4.0: This release is built on the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile. Changed XSD validation to use the schema specified by the XML documents. Added a VS style Error List, double-clicking an error takes you to the offending node. XPathNavigator schema validation finally gives SourceObject (was fixed in .NET 4). Added Namespaces window and better support for XPath expressions in documents with a default namespace. Added ExpandAll and CollapseAll toolbar buttons (in a...Mobile Device Detection and Redirection: Stable Release 51 Degrees.mobi Foundation has been in beta for some time now and has been used on thousands of websites worldwide. We’re now highly confident in the product and have designated this release as stable. We recommend all users update to this version. New Capabilities MappingsTo improve compatibility with other libraries some new .NET capabilities are now populated with wurfl data: “maximumRenderedPageSize” populated with “max_deck_size” “rendersBreaksAfterWmlAnchor” populated ...ASP.NET MVC Project Awesome, jQuery Ajax helpers (controls): 1.7.3: A rich set of helpers (controls) that you can use to build highly responsive and interactive Ajax-enabled Web applications. These helpers include Autocomplete, AjaxDropdown, Lookup, Confirm Dialog, Popup Form, Popup and Pager added interactive search for the lookupWPF Inspector: WPF Inspector 0.9.7: New Features in Version 0.9.7 - Support for .NET 3.5 and 4.0 - Multi-inspection of the same process - Property-Filtering for multiple keywords e.g. "Height Width" - Smart Element Selection - Select Controls by clicking CTRL, - Select Template-Parts by clicking CTRL+SHIFT - Possibility to hide the element adorner (over the context menu on the visual tree) - Many bugfixes??????????: All-In-One Code Framework ??? 2011-03-10: http://download.codeplex.com/Project/Download/FileDownload.aspx?ProjectName=1codechs&DownloadId=216140 ??,????。??????????All-In-One Code Framework ???,??20?Sample!!????,?????。http://i3.codeplex.com/Project/Download/FileDownload.aspx?ProjectName=1code&DownloadId=128165 ASP.NET ??: CSASPNETBingMaps VBASPNETRemoteUploadAndDownload CS/VBASPNETSerializeJsonString CSASPNETIPtoLocation CSASPNETExcelLikeGridView ....... Winform??: FTPDownload FTPUpload MultiThreadedWebDownloader...Rawr: Rawr 4.1.0: Note: This release may say 4.0.21 in the version bar. This is a typo and the version is actually 4.1.0, not to be confused with 4.0.10 which was released a while back. Rawr is now web-based. The link to use Rawr4 is: http://elitistjerks.com/rawr.phpThis is the Cataclysm Release. More details can be found at the following link http://rawr.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=237262 As of the 4.0.16 release, you can now also begin using the new Downloadable WPF version of Rawr!This is a Relea...PHP Manager for IIS: PHP Manager 1.1.2 for IIS 7: This is a localization release of PHP Manager for IIS 7. It contains all the functionality available in 56962 plus a few bug fixes (see change list for more details). Most importantly this release is translated into five languages: German - the translation is provided by Christian Graefe Dutch - the translation is provided by Harrie Verveer Turkish - the translation is provided by Yusuf Oztürk Japanese - the translation is provided by Kenichi Wakasa Russian - the translation is provid...TweetSharp: TweetSharp v2.0.0: Documentation for this release may be found at http://tweetsharp.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=UserGuide&referringTitle=Documentation. Beta ChangesAdded user streams support Serialization is not attempted for Twitter 5xx errors Fixes based on feedback Third Party Library VersionsHammock v1.2.0: http://hammock.codeplex.com Json.NET 4.0 Release 1: http://json.codeplex.comNew ProjectsABSC - Automatic Battle System Configurator: ABSC - Automatic Battle System Configurator Este é um aplicativo que auxilia os usuários na configuração de diversos script's de batalha disponíveis atualmente para o Rpg Maker. O aplicativo irá gerar um script com toda a configuração especificada pelo usuário.Active Directory Monkey: Designed for IS support teams to easily reset active directoy passwords.Ag-Light: Artesis projectAnito.ORM: Anito ORMblogengine customizations: Customizations for dotnetblogengineCool Tool: Cool Tool is a Visual studio add-in for generating business entities. Generator provides functionality to be able easily and comfortable generate class elements and implement chosen interfaces. Project is developed in VS 2010 (C# 4.0). Enjoy!csmpfit - A Least Squares Optimization Library in C# (C Sharp): A C# port of the C-based mpfit Levenberg Marquardt solver at Argonne National Labs (http://cow.physics.wisc.edu/~craigm/idl/cmpfit.html), including both desktop .NET and Silverlight project libraries.DirectX 11 Framework for Experimentation: Basic Framework for DirectX 11 (without DXUT) containing basic stuffs like Text Rendering, Quad Render, Model Loading, basic Skinning animation, Shader framework (substitute for the effect API) and lots of random stuffs !!!Doanvien code project: DoanVien code projectdtweet - a dashing way of tweeting: dtweet is developed in ASP.NET MVC 3 RTM (Razor) C# JQuery 1.5.1FormMail.NET: This is a project to support emailing form data from a .NET page, and storing that form data in an XML file.LRU Cache: This project implements the LRU Cache using C#. It uses a Dictionary and a LinkedList. Dictionary ensures fast access to the data, and the linkedlist controls which objects are to be removed first.Magelia WebStore Open-source e-commerce software: Magelia WebStore is a customizable, multilingual and multi-currency open-source e-commerce software for the .net environment. WebStore was developped C# and Aspx and only requires an SQL Server Express. MDA.Net: MDA.Net is the .Net/Silverlight port of mda-vst instruments and effects. Currently it includes just the MDA piano and an overdrive with basic interfaces to build on. Just PM me if you have some time to help - we are in no rush, aim to migrate everything one-by-one. MVC NGShop: NGShop ????????????,????Asp.net MVC 2.0 + Jquery + SQL Server 2008, ???Castle Windsor IOC、entity framework,??????visual studio 2010??,??????vs2010,?????js???。Orchard - Photo Albums module: This module allows you to create photo albums with various effects: lightbox, slideshow, etc. PowerShell Workflow: PowerShell Workflow helps organizations to define their operational processes through the power of Workflow and Powershell. Project Dark: Early version of our project. Made in Torque 3dReFSharp: ReFSharp is pretty printer, analyzing tool and translator source code texts between F#, C# and Java. Current version has full functional pretty printer for F# and pre-alpha translator of C# to F#.Relate Intranet Templates: <project name> is an open source package for EPiServer Relate which creates a foundation for an intranet.Service monitor: Service monitor is a simple utility that lets you monitor and manage the states of services of multiple machines. It allows starting/stopping and restarting. It is Windows 7 UAC aware.Sharp Console: Sharp Console is a Windows Command Line (WCL)alternative written in C#. It targets those who lack access to the WCL or simply wish to use the NET framework instead. It aims to provide the same (and more!) functionality as the WCL. Contribute anything you feel will make it better!Stone2: New version of Stone, but using TFS for versioningStudent Database Management System: Student Database Management System is a sample Online Web based and also desktop application which helps school to maintain their records free online. this project is open source project and Free available for all schools to check and send their response..

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  • A Hot Topic - Profitability and Cost Management

    - by john.orourke(at)oracle.com
    Maybe it's due to the recent recession, or current economic recovery but a hot topic and area of focus for many organizations these days is profitability and cost management.  For most organizations, aggressive cost-cutting and cost management were critical to remaining profitable while top line revenue was flat or shrinking.  However, now we are seeing many organizations taking a more "surgical" approach to profitability and cost management, by accurately allocating revenue and costs to individual product lines, services, customer segments, locations, channels and other lines of business to understand which ones are truly profitable and which ones are not.  Based on these insights, managers can make more informed decisions about which products or services to invest in or retire, how to price their products or services for different customer segments, and where to focus their marketing and customer service resources. The most common industries where this product, service and customer-focused costing and profitability analysis is being adopted include financial services, consumer packaged goods, retail and manufacturing.  However we are seeing adoption of profitability and cost management applications in other industries and use cases.  Here are a few examples: Telecommunications Industry:  Network Costing and Management to identify the most cost effective and/or profitable network areas, to optimize existing resources, infrastructure and network capacity.  Regulatory Cost Accounting to perform more accurate allocations of revenue and costs across services and customer segments, improve ability to set billing rates for future periods, for various products and customer segments and more easily develop analysis needed for rate case proposals. Healthcare Insurance:  Visually, justifiable Medical Loss Ratio results, better knowledge of the cost to service healthcare plans and members, accurate understanding of member segment and plan profitability, improved marketing programs through better member segmentation. Public Sector:  Statutory / Regulatory Compliance:  A variety of statutory and regulatory documents state explicitly or implicitly that the use of government resources must be properly tracked and tied to performance goals.  Managerial costing methods implemented through Cost Management applications provide unparalleled visibility into costs and shared services usage throughout a Public Sector agency. Funding Support:  Regulations require public sector funding requests to be evaluated based upon the ability to achieve performance goals against the associated cost.   Improved visibility and understanding of costs of different programs/services means that organizations can demonstrably monitor performance and the associated resource costs improve the chances of having their funding requests granted. Profitability and Cost Management is one of the fastest-growing solution areas in Oracle's Enterprise Performance Management product line and we are seeing a growing number of customer successes across geographies and industries.  Listed below are just a few examples.  Here's a link to the replay from a recent webcast on this topic which featured Schroders Plc, a UK-based Financial Services company: http://www.oracle.com/go/?&Src=7011668&Act=168&pcode=WWMK10037859MPP043 Here's a link to a case study on Shenhua Guohua Power in China: http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/customers/shenhua-snapshot-159574.pdf Here's a link to information on Oracle's web site about our profitability and cost management solutions: http://www.oracle.com/us/solutions/ent-performance-bi/performance-management/profitability-cost-mgmt/index.html

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  • [ADF tip #1] Working around some clientListener limitation

    - by julien.schneider(at)oracle.com
    As i occasionally work on Oracle ADF, i've decided to write tips on this Framework. Previous version of adf (10g) had a <afh:body> component to represent the body of your page which allowed to specify javascript events like onload or onunload. In ADF RC, the body (as well as html and head) is geneated by a single <af:document>. To implement the onXXXXX events you embed an <af:clientListener> within this <af:document> and specify property type="load" with the method to trigger.   Problem is that onunload property is not supported by th af:clientListener. So how do i do ? Well, a solution is to add this event during page load.   First step : Embed in your <af:document> the following : <af:clientListener type="load" method="addOnUnload()"/>   Second step : Add your unload event using this kind of script : <af:document>     <f:facet name="metaContainer">     <f:verbatim>     <script type="text/javascript">                 function addOnUnload(evt) {                       window.onunload=function()                               {                                   alert('Goodbye Word');                              }                    }     </script>     </f:verbatim>   When closing browser your event will be triggered as expected.    

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  • Attend COLLABORATE 11 Virtualy

    - by david.stokes(at)oracle.com
    Stay connected to one of the leading Oracle training and educational events - COLLABORATE 11 - IOUG Forum. Join virtually by attending Plug-In to Orlando for just $299.  Oracle and other leading industry experts will present over 40 hours of live presentations on topics such as Database, Development, Business Intelligence, Security, Data Warehousing and more.For a full list of scheduled Plug-in sessions, click here. Register now and enter the priority code PC07 to claim your group license

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  • LIVE WEBCAST March 24 2pm PT- Why Switch from Red Hat and SUSE Linux to Oracle Linux?

    - by Zeynep Koch
    Oracle has been offering affordable Linux support since 2006 and more than 6,000 customers already use it. Oracle's Unbreakable Linux support program draws on the expertise of a world-class support organization that understands how to diagnose and solve Linux issues integrated with the applications being deployed on it. Find out how you can save 50-90% on your support costs. Join Oracle's Monica Kumar, Sr.Director of Linux, Oracle VM and MySQL and Avi Miller, Principal Sales Consultant, Linux and Virtualization on Thursday, March 24, 2pm PT to hear:The "Why and how" of switching to Oracle LinuxTesting and integration with systems and applicationsFree management and high availability toolsReal life customer scenariosIf you are going to get free access to the most advanced Linux operating system, along with world-class support at a fraction of the cost, better testing and integration with your server and applications, why wouldn't you do it? Register Now

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  • links for 2011-03-16

    - by Bob Rhubart
    InfoQ: Randy Shoup on Evolvable Systems Randy Shoup discusses evolvable systems: how to run different versions of a system in parallel during migrations, decoupling a system with events, schemas at eBay and much more. (tags: ping.fm) InfoQ: Heresy & Heretical Open Source: A Heretic's Perspective Douglas Crockford presents a debate existing around XML and JSON, and the negative effect of the Intellectual Property laws on open source software. (tags: ping.fm) Oracle Technology Network Architect Day: Toronto Registration is now open for this day-long event, to be held at the Sheraton Centre Toronto on April 21. Registration is free, but seating is limited.  (tags: oracle otn enterprisearchitecture cloudcomputing) Harry Foxwell: The Cloud is STILL too slow! "Considering the exponentially growing expectations of what the Web, that is, "the Cloud", is supposed to provide, today's Web/Cloud services are still way too slow." - Harry Foxwell (tags: oracle otn cloud) Architecture Standards - BPMN vs. BPEL for Business Process Management (Enterprise Architecture at Oracle) Path Shepherd gives props to Mark Nelson. (tags: entarch oracle otn) ORCLville: Oracle Fusion Applications: If I Were An AppsTech Oracle ACE Director Floyd Teter says:" If I were an Oracle AppsTech with an eye on Fusion Applications, there are three tools/technologies I'd want... (tags: oracle otn oracleace fusionapplications) Events OverviewYour brain on #entarch - OTN Architect Day - Denver - March 23 This free event includes sessions on Cloud Computing, Application Portfolio Rationalization, System Optimization, Event-Driven Architecture, plus food, beverages, an lots of peer networking. Seating is limited. (tags: oracle entarch otn)

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  • Oracle Business Intelligence Customers: Have Your Voice Heard in the "2011Wisdom of the Crowds Business Intelligence Market Survey"

    - by tobin.gilman(at)oracle.com
    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Old friend and industry colleague Howard Dresner has just launched the second edition of his "Wisdom of the Crowds Business Intelligence Survey".  I was hoping Howard would offer me a 60 inch flat panel TV, or at least an iPad 2 if I promote the survey in a blog post.  It saddens me to report that no spiffs of any kind are forthcoming. Zip, zilch, nada.   Not even a Dresner Advisory Services LLC mouse pad!   But I'm going to use this space to encourage Oracle BI customers to participate in the survey anyway. The Wisdom of the Crowds survey combines social media, crowd sourcing, and good old fashioned market research to provide vendors and customers alike an unvarnished and insightful snap shot of what's top of mind with business intelligence professionals.  If you are an Oracle BI user, here's what you get in return for the ten minutes it takes to complete the survey.  First, you get your voice heard. Second, Dresner Advisory Services will give you a complimentary copy of the final report for your own use.   Here's the link:   http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/woc2011-oracle  Act now.  Take the survey and get the complimentary report.  It's almost as good as a 60 inch flat panel or an iPad 2.

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  • Webinar: Integrated Sales & Marketing - An Impossible Dream?

    - by charles.knapp
    Are you making the most of the latest B2B marketing thinking? Are your marketing tactics, your outbound email campaigns and your SEO generating enough of the prospects and leads that your sales teams need? Are your sales and marketing functions aligned and working together with optimised results? In this Webinar with MarketingWeek Magazine, find out how: - To ensure your marketers create and deliver consistently effective, and targeted campaigns - You can triple the customer intelligence your marketers gather, ensuring your sales teams are better informed and qualified than ever before - Generate up to 200% growth in lead volume and start measuring marketing effectiveness against increase in sales and size of an average deal - And hear how BPI OnDemand has delivered integrated sales & marketing across industries, with results such as 100% ROI on system cost for Heal's after just one campaign

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  • Oracle OpenWorld 2011 Call For Papers

    - by Maria Colgan
    The Oracle OpenWorld 2011 call for papers is now open. Oracle customers and partners are encouraged to submit proposals to present at this year's Oracle OpenWorld conference, which will be held October 2-6, 2011 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Details and submission guidelines are available on the Oracle OpenWorld Call for Papers web site. The deadline for submissions is Sunday, March 27 2011 at 11:59 pm PDT. We look forward to checking out your sessions on the Optimizer, SQL Plan Management, and statistics!

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