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Articles indexed Friday October 19 2012

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  • Squid on windows loadbalancing only to one server

    - by Martin L.
    After thousands of googles and trying days i cant get the load balancer/failover in squid on windows to work. Iam using squid 2.7. My webservers are 2 single NIC lighttpd and one dual nic lighttpd. server1 in this example is running squid on port 80 and lighttpd on port 8080 (just to test) Requirements: All 3 webservers running lighttpd should be balanced two option for load balancing: Best would be if server1 is busy server2 takes over, if server2 is busy server3 takes over, etc.. Round robin style evenly distributed load. Eg server1 takes first call, server2 second etc.. All requests should be treated the same way (no url rewriting or so on) Sent host headers have to be redirected to every server as http host header, speaking of "server1", "server1.company.internal" and "". My approach: acl all src all acl manager proto cache_object http_port 80 accel defaultsite=server1.company.internal vhost #reverse proxy entries cache_peer parent 8080 0 no-query originserver round-robin login=PASS name=server1_nic1 cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver round-robin login=PASS name=server2_nic1 cache_peer parent 8080 0 no-query originserver round-robin login=PASS name=server3_nic1 cache_peer parent 8080 0 no-query originserver round-robin login=PASS name=server3_nic2 #decl of names of squid host acl registered_name_hostdomain dstdomain server1.company.internal acl registered_name_host dstdomain server1 #ip of squid host acl registered_name_ip dstdomain # access: redirects the correct squid hostname http_access allow registered_name_hostdomain http_access allow registered_name_host http_access allow registered_name_ip http_access deny all cache_peer_access server1_nic1 allow registered_name_hostdomain cache_peer_access server1_nic1 allow registered_name_host cache_peer_access server1_nic1 allow registered_name_ip cache_peer_access server2_nic1 allow registered_name_hostdomain cache_peer_access server2_nic1 allow registered_name_host cache_peer_access server2_nic1 allow registered_name_ip cache_peer_access server3_nic1 allow registered_name_hostdomain cache_peer_access server3_nic1 allow registered_name_host cache_peer_access server3_nic1 allow registered_name_ip cache_peer_access server3_nic2 allow registered_name_hostdomain cache_peer_access server3_nic2 allow registered_name_host cache_peer_access server3_nic2 allow registered_name_ip cache_peer_access server1_nic1 deny all cache_peer_access server2_nic1 deny all cache_peer_access server3_nic1 deny all cache_peer_access server3_nic2 deny all never_direct allow all Problems: Load balancer does not load balance other than to first server. Only if the first server is killed in any way the second will take over. I have seen the others working at some point, but definitely not as the intended load balancing described above. If the cache_peer_access is not defined sometimes the wrong hostname is sent to the backend webserver and this always depends on the defaultsite= parameter. Probably because the host header on the request to squid is not set and its replaced by defaultsite. Leaving out defaultsite didnt solve the problem. The only workaround i found for this is the current approach with cache_peer_access. Questions: Does the cache_peer_access influence the round-robin? Is there a better workaround to pass the host header to the backed webservers? Which parameters do increase the speed of load balancing or does anyone have a better approach? -Martin

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  • How to enable telnet with port 3306 during Master to master replication on MySQL Server

    - by Mainio
    I am trying to do Master to Master Replication in Windows Server 2008. I am successfully able to replicate all the database of Master 1 to Master 2. But I am unable to replicate the changes made on Master 2 to Master 1. Later on I found that, I can telnet to Master 1 from Master 2 with port 3306 but I am not able on telnet from Master 1 to Master 2. When I check netstat on both Master. I found the following result. I couldn't publish my public IP so I put name as Master 1 and Master 2 for their respective IP Master 1 C:\Users\XXXXX>netstat Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP Master 1:3306 Master 2:61566 ESTABLISHED TCP Master 1:3389 My remote:56053 ESTABLISHED TCP Master 1:60675 ESTABLISHED TCP Master 1:60712 ESTABLISHED TCP Master 1:3306 ESTABLISHED TCP Master 1:3306 ESTABLISHED Master 2 C:\Users\XXXX>netstat Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP Master 2:3389 My remote:56124 ESTABLISHED TCP Master 2:61566 Master 1:3306 ESTABLISHED TCP Master 2:61574 bil-sc-cm02:http ESTABLISHED TCP Master 2:61562 ESTABLISHED TCP Master 2:61563 ESTABLISHED TCP Master 2:3306 ESTABLISHED TCP Master 2:3306 ESTABLISHED TCP Master 2:3306 TIME_WAIT All shows that In my master 2, port 3306 is not activate. Now I need solution over here. How can I figure it. Your small suggestion would be million for me. Thank you Regards, Udhyan

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  • Linux: prevent outgoing TCP flood

    - by Willem
    I run several hundred webservers behind loadbalancers, hosting many different sites with a plethora of applications (of which I have no control). About once every month, one of the sites gets hacked and a flood script is uploaded to attack some bank or political institution. In the past, these were always UDP floods which were effectively resolved by blocking outgoing UDP traffic on the individual webserver. Yesterday they started flooding a large US bank from our servers using many TCP connections to port 80. As these type of connections are perfectly valid for our applications, just blocking them is not an acceptable solution. I am considering the following alternatives. Which one would you recommend? Have you implemented these, and how? Limit on the webserver (iptables) outgoing TCP packets with source port != 80 Same but with queueing (tc) Rate limit outgoing traffic per user per server. Quite an administrative burden, as there are potentially 1000's of different users per application server. Maybe this: how can I limit per user bandwidth? Anything else? Naturally, I'm also looking into ways to minimize the chance of hackers getting into one of our hosted sites, but as that mechanism will never be 100% waterproof, I want to severely limit the impact of an intrusion. Cheers!

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  • Packets marked INVALID in FORWARD rule

    - by Raphink
    I have a firewall that has 3 IP aliases on 1 physical interface. Packets get dropped between these 3 interfaces (either ICMP, HTTP, or anything else). We tracked it down to these packets being marked INVALID in the FORWARD rule and dropped due to the this rule: chain FORWARD { policy DROP; # connection tracking mod state state INVALID LOG log-prefix 'INVALID FORWARD DROP: '; mod state state INVALID DROP; mod state state (ESTABLISHED RELATED) ACCEPT; } (That is, we see the INVALID FORWARD DROP logs in dmesg) What could be causing this?

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  • MySQL timeout only from office network to remote server, but other connections are fine

    - by Adam
    I've been developing these apps just fine on a local machine as has my co worker. We recently moved our work desks so we're now on a different floor of the building, but we only have one router that we're connected to. Since then, connecting to this one server appears to timeout more often than not. Occasionally I get through, and the loading is instantaneous. Anyhow we have these connections that were tested 1. my computer -> office network -> php pdo -> mysql server A - timeout 2. my computer -> office network -> mysql cli -> mysql server A - timeout 3. my computer -> office network -> mysql cli -> mysql server A - timeout 4. another pc -> office network -> mysql cli -> mysql server A - timeout 5. my computer -> mobile network -> mysql cli -> mysql server A - ok 6. my computer -> office network -> ssh server A -> mysql server A - ok 7. my computer -> office network -> ssh server B -> mysql server A - ok 8. server B web app -> php pdo -> mysql server A - ok 9. my computer -> office network -> php pdo -> mysql server B - ok 10. my computer -> office network -> mysql cli -> mysql server B - ok This has really stumped me.

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  • Is TCP/IP encapsulation MSB or LSB?

    - by Justin
    Application data sent over TCP experiences multiple encapsulations: The application data is encapsulated within one or many TCP fragments The TCP fragment is encapsulated within one or many IP datagrams The IP datagram is encapsulated within one or many Ethernet frames It turns out Ethernet frames are sent most-significant byte first, and within each byte, most-significant bit first. What about the multiple encapsulations? Are they performed MSB first or LSB first?

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  • postgresql 9.1 Multiple Cluster on same host

    - by user1272305
    I have 2 cluster databases, running on the same host, Ubuntu. My fist database port is set to default but my second database port is set to 5433 in the postgresql.conf file. While everything is ok with local connections, I cannot connect using any of my tools to the second database with port 5433, including pgAdmin. Please help. Any parameter that I need to modify for the new database with port 5433? netstat -an | grep 5433 shows, tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::5433 :::* LISTEN unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 72842 /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5433 iptables -L shows, Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination

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  • Cisco: changing VTP mode server/client to transparent

    - by J. Smith
    I have around 40 L2 switches (2960, 3560, 3500, 3750) running in VTP client mode and one L3 switch (6500) running in VTP server mode, all connected together. I would like to switch everything in VTP transparent mode without any interruption of service. I've already test on a poc version with 3 switches (Catalyst 2950, 3560 and 3750). Using serial and SSH connection, it is seems working but i'm not sure it is enough representative compare to the real network. Knowing that the VTP Pruning is enabled, I am wondering what would be the best procedure to proceed the changement. I've read that we could lost connection by keeping it enabled. Should I change the server or clients first? Is it important to change the VTP domain and VTP Pruning parameters?

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  • SubDomain creation issue.Ubuntu 12.04 Apache 2.22 Webmin

    - by anarchos78
    I have a technical question concerning subdomains. My installation is UBUNTU 12.04 and WEBMIN for administration (using Apache web server). I am trying to create a subdomain to one IP (the domain is www.ithemis.gr and I want to create test.ithemis.gr and/or test1.ithemis.gr) with no success. I think I've tried the right way to set subdomains. The address does not resolving (I have already created DNS records via BIND). Do you have any suggestions? I am very new in server administration. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Apache configuration: In /etc/apache2/sites-available: Conf file:www.ithemis.gr.conf (main website) <VirtualHost> DocumentRoot /home/ithemis.gr ServerName www.ithemis.gr <Directory "/home/ithemis.gr"> allow from all #Options +Indexes Options +Includes -Indexes </Directory> </VirtualHost> Conf file:www.test.ithemis.gr.conf (subdomain website): <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /home/test.ithemis.gr ServerName test.ithemis.gr <Directory "/home/test.ithemis.gr"> allow from all Options +Indexes </Directory> </VirtualHost> My DNS records: Master Zone: ithemis.gr Name Type TTL Values ithemis.gr. NS Default ns1.themis.gr. ithemis.gr. A Default ns1.ithemis.gr. A Default ns2.ithemis.gr. A Default mail.ithemis.gr. A Default www.ithemis.gr. CNAME Default ithemis.gr. ithemis.gr. MX Default 5 mail.ithemis.gr. www.test.ithemis.gr. CNAME Default ithemis.gr. test.ithemis.gr. CNAME Default ithemis.gr.

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  • Combo ports and SFP

    - by Tahir
    I have Netgear GSM7324s prosafe switch. Switch has 24x1G ports. 4 ports are labeled as combo ports while 2 are labeled as SFP ports. I connected 2 PCs (each having 1gig and 10Gig NICs), with the switch using 1 & 10 Gig cables. Whenever, I ping the PCs the pinging is not working. As soon as, I removed the 10G cables, the ping starts working. Can someone please explain that what's going on. Also it would be very helpful if you can tell me the concept of combo ports, SFP ports in easy words?

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  • How to update cURL CA bundle on RedHat?

    - by Andrew
    I am running into issues where the CA bundle that has been bundled with my version of cURL is outdated. curl: (60) SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed More details here: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html Reading through the documentation didn't help me because I didn't understand what I needed to do or how to do it. I am running RedHat and need to update the CA bundle. What do I need to do to update my CA bundle on RedHat?

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  • How to add a privilege to an account in Windows?

    - by mark
    Given: A VM running Windows 2008 I am logged on there using my domain account (SHUNRANET\markk) I have added the "Create global objects" privilege to my domain account: The VM is restarted (I know logout/logon is enough, but I had to restart) I logon again using the same domain account. It seems still to have the privilege: I run some process and examine its Security properties using the Process Explorer. The account does not seem to have the privilege: This is not an idle curiousity. I have a real problem, that without this privilege the named pipe WCF binding works neither on Windows 2008 nor on Windows 7! Here is an interesting discussion on this matter - http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/wcf/thread/b71cfd4d-3e7f-4d76-9561-1e6070414620. Does anyone know how to make this work? Thanks. EDIT BTW, when I run the process elevated, everything is fine and the process explorer does display the privilege as expected: But I do not want to run it elevated. EDIT2 I equally welcome any solution. Be it configuration only or mixed with code. EDIT3 I have posted the same question on MSDN forums and they have redirected me to this page - http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;132958. I am yet to determine the relevance of it, but it looks promising. Notice also that it is a completely coding solution that they propose, so whoever moved this post to the ServerFault - please reinstate it back in the StackOverflow.

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  • Determining percentage of students between certain grades

    - by dunc
    I have an Excel spreadsheet with the following data: #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Student # KS2 Grade # Target # Expected 1 # Expected 2 # Expected 3 # FSM Status # Gifted & Talented # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # User 1 # 4 # 6 # 7 # 5 # 6 # Y # N # # User 2 # 3 # 5 # 5 # 4 # 4 # N # N # # User 3 # 5 # 6 # 6 # 6 # 7 # N # N # # User 4 # 4 # 6 # 5 # 6 # 6 # N # Y # # User 5 # 5 # 7 # 7 # 6 # 7 # N # N # # User 6 # 3 # 4 # 4 # 4 # 4 # N # N # # User 7 # 3 # 4 # 5 # 3 # 4 # Y # Y # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# What I'd like to do is determine the percentage of students with certain levels, i.e. a range of levels. For instance, in the data above, I'd like to determine the % of all students that have a Target level of 5 - 7. I'd then like to also expand the formula to specify % of Gifted & Talented students with a Target level of 5 - 7. Is this possible in Excel? If so, where do I start?

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  • Activating active PuTTY window in MTPuTTY with AutoHotkey script doesn't work

    - by Piotr Dobrogost
    I'm using Multi-Tabbed PuTTY and I wrote AutoHotKey script to rerun the command which was run as the last one. However the active PuTTY window (inside MTPuTTY) does not get activated thus sending keys has no effect. CTRL+` is a hotkey to Switch between the application and active PuTTY window. How to fix this? WinWait, MTPuTTY (Multi-Tabbed PuTTY), IfWinNotActive, MTPuTTY (Multi-Tabbed PuTTY), , WinActivate, MTPuTTY (Multi-Tabbed PuTTY), WinWaitActive, MTPuTTY (Multi-Tabbed PuTTY), Send, {CTRLDOWN}`{CTRLUP} Send, {UP}{ENTER}

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  • After installing Office365 can you go back to Office 2008 (without the CD)

    - by Ryan
    I got this laptop from my dad and don't have the Microsoft Office 2008 CD which is what he had installed when he gave it to me to use. Now I've got a client that wants me to do some freelance work and sent me to Microsoft Exchange and the first thing it wants me to do in the Exchange is install Office365. The client mentioned very briefly that he would get me the software if necessary but he wasn't specific about what software. Now that I see it my concern is after the job is done I'll be left with a monthly bill to have Office. Will it be possible to go back to Office 2008 without having the CD?

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  • C# lost local variable window from debug (f11 step by step)

    - by Jane
    I was running my code (visual studio 2010) and I accidentally closed the window that shows the state of variables step by step. I think it was called locals but I can't find it on any of the menu option. Would appreciate any help on this, I didn't realize how handy it was until now - The following link is what my local window looks like when selecting debug/start debugging/selecting breakpoints, which I'm don't find helpful. This is what my window used to look like: http://www.google.co.nz/imgresum=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1600&bih=761&tbm=isch&tbnid=Sa5AmVW5BxxakM:&imgrefurl=http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/79508/Mastering-Debugging-in-Visual-Studio-2010-A-Beginn&docid=4Iskh8P-E7oVSM&imgurl=http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/MasteringInDebugging/debug30_small.png&w=640&h=228&ei=TjKBUKGwKcXVsgauvIGYDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1119&vpy=441&dur=1559&hovh=134&hovw=376&tx=219&ty=79&sig=104270260849502265426&page=1&tbnh=91&tbnw=256&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:20,i:134 It's probably a mode/option within debugging I need to select but I can't figure out how to get it back to the nice and simple variable state display..

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  • Creating fillable PDF form with dynamically updated fields

    - by Aputsiaq
    Is there a way to create fillable PDF forms where a set of fields gets their data when one of the fields is filled out? The normal use case would be application form, where your name or membership number has to be entered on the top of each page. I am using LibreOffice In a earlier version I was able to get the desired effect if I left the field names to be the same (i.e. the field names as seen in the Form Navigator). I'm open for using any free software tool. There is a similiar question asked elsewhere at ask.libreoffice.org.

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  • Using a SD card as a smart card for two-step verification for Mac logon

    - by Greg Brown
    What I am trying to do is create two-step verification to logon to my mac, one being that you would need to input a SD card (formated with special format or something) and then also have a password. Is there any software out there that could do this or any way of programming it so that once it reads the SD Card it makes the password bar visible for logon. Would it be easier to do it with Linux since it is open source? Any help in the right direction is appreciated. Thanks

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  • Look strange on gvim after applying Source Sans Pro font

    - by abcdabcd987
    I downloaded the Source Sans Pro font and install on my Fedora17(Xfce). I did mkfontscale, mkfontdir, fc-cache -fv, and after fc-list, could see it on the list. Then I changed guifont in gvim to Source\ Sans\ Pro\ 10, but it looks quite strange. And then I changed it to DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 10, it looks nothing strange. So, why would this happend? And how to solve it? Thanks! Source Sans Pro DejaVu Sans Mono

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  • Windows 7 setup can not find hard disk

    - by Akshay Kulkarni
    Previously I had an old Seagate barracuda 160GB HDD which got crashed some days before. Yesterday I bought new Hard Disk Seagate Barracuda 500GB (ST500DM002). I just replaced the 500GB hard disk with 160GB one leaving data and power cable intact and untouched. And ideally this new hard disk should start functioning. I tried to install Windows 7 with DVD the setup says you don't have any hard disks installed on your machine. I rechecked connection tried with Win XP setup but continued receiving same error. Do I need to do some initialization stuff with hard disk before installing setup? If so how to do it. If not then is there any problem with my newly bought hard disk? Thanks In Advance.

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  • How To Disable the Amazon Search Ads in Ubuntu’s Unity Dash

    - by Chris Hoffman
    Upgrade to Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) and you’ll run into a surprise – Ubuntu now shows you advertisements for Amazon products when you search in your dash. There’s also an Amazon shortcut pinned to Unity’s launcher. There are several ways to disable these ads, and they aren’t immediately obvious. However, you can easily disable the Amazon search results if you don’t want to see them, or if you’re concerned about the privacy implications. What To Do If You Get a Virus on Your Computer Why Enabling “Do Not Track” Doesn’t Stop You From Being Tracked HTG Explains: What is the Windows Page File and Should You Disable It?

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  • Firefox Marketplace s'ouvre aux adopteurs précoces, la galerie d'applications Web de Mozilla disponible en version Aurora pour Android

    Premières images du Firefox OS Marketplace Des fuites dévoilent une galerie d'applications à interface minimaliste On le sait, Mozilla prépare le lancement de sa propre plateforme mobile appelée Firefox OS, prévue pour 2013. Nous avons eu un avant-goût de ce système d'exploitation, mais peu d'informations ont filtré sur sa galerie d'applications. Grâce à des images publiées en ligne, nous savons d'ores et déjà à quoi il ressemblerait. [IMG]http://idelways.developpez.com/news/images/firefoxOS-marketplace.png[/IMG]

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  • Sortie de Micro Focus Rumba 9.0 : l'émulateur de terminal offre trois types d'UI pour les applications mainframe, dont celle de l'iPad

    Micro Focus Rumba disponible dans sa version 9.0 La suite d'émulation de terminal propose trois interfaces pour les applications mainframe Micro Focus, éditeur de solutions de gestion, de test et de modernisation d'applications d'entreprise, vient de présenter les principales nouveautés apportées par la version 9 de sa suite d'émulation de terminal Rumba. [IMG]http://ftp-developpez.com/gordon-fowler/Micro%20Focus%20Rumba%20iPad.jpg[/IMG] Rumba version iPad Rumba, dans sa version 9.0, propose dorénavant trois interfaces afin d'émuler les applications mainframe : l'interface Desktop à laquelle...

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  • Oracle sort Oracle Application Express 4.2, son outil de développement rapide intégré à Oracle Database

    Oracle Application Express, l'outil de développement rapide d'Oracle est désormais disponible en version 4.2. Cet outil, intégré à Oracle Database sans coût supplémentaire, permet de développer des applications Web exploitant les données d'une base Oracle. Cette mise à jour est très centrée vers le mobile et apporte un certain nombre de nouveautés pour le développement d'applications mobiles avec APEX. Notons en particulier :Le rendu des applications qui s'adaptent pour proposer une interface adaptée au terminal mobile utilisé L'utilisation de jQuery Mobile qui permet la compatibilité sur la majorité des terminaux sans modification La possibilité de créer des graphiques en HTML5 pour les terminaux ne disposant pas de Flash L'utilisat...

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  • Ubuntu 12.10 brise la barrière entre PC et Web, Quantal Quetzal sort avec sa déclinaison serveur

    Ubuntu 12.10 brise la barrière entre PC et Web Quantal Quetzal sort avec Web Apps, Dash et bien plus, la version serveur de l'OS disponible Quatre mois après avoir pointé le bout de son nez en version Alpha, Ubuntu 12.10 « Quantal Quetzal » est prêt pour une utilisation par le grand public. Ubuntu 12.10 marque une étape importante de la symbiose entre Cloud, Web et Desktop entreprise par Canonical. Cette mouture fournit une intégration étroite entre les environnements de bureau, les applications Web et les plateformes de Cloud. La nouvelle fonctionnalité Web Apps du système d'exploitation offre une intégration dans le bureau des applications Web comme Twitter, Gmail ou encore Face...

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