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Articles indexed Friday November 1 2013

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  • Problem: Black screen after resume

    - by Robert
    Problem: Black screen after resume I found the below statement that I provided the link for but, no instructions with it for a person that's new to Ubuntu on what exactly to do to fix the problem. Can someone clarify this for me? Thank you. Ubunu 13.10 AMD A6-3420M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics × 4 64bit Toshiba L775 My computer boots to a black screen, what options do I have to fix it? Typical scenario is "use a laptop docked with lid closed, only the external screen is active, suspend, take the laptop, open it somewhere"... which leads to "no screen active". To debug this problem, check if gnome-settings-daemons is getting a signal that the display configuration has changed, by running xtrace against it, and look for a RRScreenChangeNotify event when resuming the machine. If that signal is being sent, then it indicates a possible bug in g-s-d. Otherwise, it suggests a bug in either X or (more likely) the kernel which is not causing the signal to be emitted to begin with.

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  • Lubuntu 13.10 unable to connect to cups localhost:631

    - by user142139
    I am using Lubuntu 13.10 (recently upgraded) and am trying to print to a network printer (HP photosmart 7960) through my router (US Robotics 5461). My printer is connected to the router via USB cable. Normally, I would use the cups configuration interface to set up the wireless connection to the printer. I was able to use the printer through the router wirelessly, using Ubuntu 12.04. Now, with my recently upgraded Lubuntu 13.10, I am unable to get the Cups config webpage (http://localhost:631) to come up. In Chromium, I get: This web page is not available. In Firefox, I get: Unable to connect. Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:631. The CUPS config file details are below. I have this website to help with the router connections for Linux: http://www.usr.com/support/5461/5461-files/printer_installation_linux/index.html My printer's address through the router is: Can you tell me how to fix this? Or, what to add to the cups configuration file to make this work? Please help. Thanks psychicnut CUPS CONFIG FILE DETAILS: # Show general information in error_log. LogLevel warn MaxLogSize 0 SystemGroup lpadmin Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock Listen Browsing Off BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd DefaultAuthType Basic WebInterface Yes <Location /> Order allow,deny </Location> <Location /admin> Order allow,deny </Location> <Location /admin/conf> AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order allow,deny </Location> <Policy default> JobPrivateAccess default JobPrivateValues default SubscriptionPrivateAccess default SubscriptionPrivateValues default <Limit Create-Job Print-Job Print-URI Validate-Job> Order deny,allow </Limit> <Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job Cancel-My-Jobs Close-Job CUPS-Move-Job CUPS-Get-Document> Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow </Limit> <Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default CUPS-Get-Devices> AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow </Limit> <Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After Cancel-Jobs CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs> AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow </Limit> <Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job> Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow </Limit> <Limit All> Order deny,allow </Limit> </Policy> <Policy authenticated> JobPrivateAccess default JobPrivateValues default SubscriptionPrivateAccess default SubscriptionPrivateValues default <Limit Create-Job Print-Job Print-URI Validate-Job> AuthType Default Order deny,allow </Limit> <Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job Cancel-My-Jobs Close-Job CUPS-Move-Job CUPS-Get-Document> AuthType Default Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow </Limit> <Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default> AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow </Limit> <Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After Cancel-Jobs CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs> AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow </Limit> <Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job> AuthType Default Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow </Limit> <Limit All> Order deny,allow </Limit> </Policy> JobPrivateAccess default JobPrivateValues default SubscriptionPrivateAccess default SubscriptionPrivateValues default

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  • 12.04, and 13.10 slower than xp on Lenovo thinkpad R61e. Any bloatware to remove?

    - by Alex
    My mom's Laptop is running really slow with 12.04 and 13.10 right after installation. ubuntu claims it should run nice and smoothly for the hardware thats on it. Lenovo ThinkPad R61e: CPU - Pentium Dual Core t2370 1.73ghz x 2 Ram - 1GB DDR2 667mhz GPU - intel 965gm x86/mmx/sse2 HDD - 80gb sata i tried hardware tests and they fail right that the very beginning of the testing. it does the same for bootable hardware tests (on a cd or usb) Is there any bloatware that can be removed that common windows users would never use?

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  • Grub2 cannot detect Windows 8

    - by MetaChrome
    At installation it did not detect Windows. I mounted the Windows partition and have run os-prober with no results returning. I am able to boot Windows or Ubuntu by specifying the partition in UEFI boot order. The bios does not appear to allow booting with legacy. SecureBoot is on. This is with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a Inspiron 15. Here is the gdisk: 1 2048 1026047 500.0 MiB EF00 EFI system partition 2 1026048 1107967 40.0 MiB FFFF Basic data partition 3 1107968 1370111 128.0 MiB 0C01 Microsoft reserved part 4 1370112 2394111 500.0 MiB 2700 Basic data partition 5 2394112 544743423 258.6 GiB 0700 Basic data partition 6 606183424 625140399 9.0 GiB 2700 Microsoft recovery part 7 544743424 545230847 238.0 MiB 0700 (/boot) 8 545230848 556949503 5.6 GiB 8200 (swap) 9 556949504 606181375 23.5 GiB 0700 (/) When installing ubuntu, I believe I specified that the bootloader be installed on /dev/sda. I added the following to /etc/grub.d/40_custom but booting ubuntu did not offer a grub menu: menuentry "Windows 8" { set root = "(hd0,4)" chainloader +1 } When booting I think I see "EFI Disk error" flash very quickly before Ubuntu starts booting.

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  • How to repair ubuntu or restore my windows 7 installation? Nothing helps

    - by AFRIKA
    i had windows 7 installed and I installed ubuntu alongside it. Booted ubuntu and explore it for a while. Turned pc off and went to bed. Next morning wanted to boot into windows but no luck... MBR error... Tried to repair windows using installation disk but it doesn't recognize win installation. Tried console bootrec /fixmbr bootrec /fixboot but still same. So I went back to ubuntu and tried with boot-repair, but got a write error. Restarted pc and now I cannot boot to either ubuntu or windows... Tried to recover NTFS partition with hiren's boot but it cannot find partition. Tried every solution there is on the web but no help... Is there any way to fix it because windows installation is very important to me?! btw, i noticed that grub indicates windows 7 to a sdb2 partition that doesn't exists... And when I RUN ubuntu from CD and browse disk, I dont see any files from windows 7. Is that normal or? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6338340/ PLEASE HELP...

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  • How to disable tap to click in Lubuntu 13.10

    - by radiomasten
    Tap to click is usually the first thing I disable when I have installed a new OS, but this time I couldn't get rid of it. In earlier versions of Lubuntu, I was able to disable it by writing "@synclient MaxTapTime=0" to /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart and save. But in Lubuntu 13.10 this method doesn't work any more. I can't find any solution on the internet either. (If there was a checkbox in "mouse and keyboard" preferences in LXDE to turn tap to click on/off permanently, like in Unity, that would make both lovers and haters of this divisive feature happy. I don't understand how this feature could be thought of as something everybody wants.)

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  • Why are PPA's designed for only latest version?

    - by user210108
    Why are PPA's set to only retain the latest version of the software? I ask because I just installed Blender 2.69 and it constantly crashes on me; I then decided to just install 2.68a but found that it is IMPOSSIBLE to install an older version of software using the Ubuntu software center. I turned to possibly seeing if the PPA retained an older version but have found most PPA's remove older versions as they are designed to only offer the latest. How does this sound like a good idea? What if, for example, someone releases a version of their software that constantly crashes and the user wishes to get an older version but because the way PPA's are designed they cannot. Sounds familiar... To add insult to injury, I was easily able to role back Internet Explorer to version 9 on a machine at work today; that is just sad.

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  • How can I get data off of a (probably) very corrupt drive?

    - by Mercury1964
    So, my younger brother wanted my help today. Apparently, he was helping a friend install Ubuntu to his laptop, and midway through the install (on a filled hard-drive with Windows 8, from the liveusb thing): 1) They realized that they had chosen "Erase and install" accidentally and decided the best course of action was to (in the middle of an install, remember) 2) Force shutdown the computer. After I had replaced my eyeballs back into their sockets, my bro asked if I could do anything about his friend's data, which he wanted back. This, however, drifts out of my normal comfort zone. I know this about the install: 1) It was on a fairly new Windows 8 laptop, so it had whatever filesystem it uses nowadays on the entire drive 2) They didn't choose the "zero out drive data" option 3) They stopped the install at some point (not sure if before or after wipe) I can imagine that it now has two corrupted filesystems on it (whatever Windows 8 was on and ext3) and that some of the data still exists (assuming it wasn't overwritten already). Is there anything that can be done for whatever data is left on the drive?

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  • External hard drive issue

    - by Blind Fish
    I am running Ubuntu 12.04 and I have a 500GB external hard drive, formatted in ext4, which I have used for about a year to store batches of data that I am sifting through. About once a week I move a chunk of data from the external drive to my internal drive for processing. As I do that I delete the data from the external drive and empty the trash, thereby clearing up space on the external and also preventing myself from grabbing stuff that I've already sorted through. The vast majority of this is text files, but there are a few .jpegs and .mp4s thrown in, if that matters. Anyway, this has been working without a hitch for nearly a year. So today I plug in the drive and I have an odd issue. I was able to move folders from the external over to my internal drive with no problem, but when I tried to delete those files I was unable to do so. I kept getting the "unable to send file to trash, do you wish to delete permanently?" message. I clicked yes / delete all, but no files were actually deleted. It just sat there. Even worse, while the system was trying in vain to delete those files I was unable to move more files over. In short, I was stuck. I canceled the operation, unmounted and remounted the drive, and then I had an even bigger problem. I have a spreadsheet of all the different folders on there ( exactly 818 ) and yet when I opened the drive in Nautilus, it was only finding 512 folders. So I had 306 missing folders, but my free space was unchanged. Immediately I think that the drive may be corrupted. I went into Disk Utility and ran the check disk option. It said that the drive was NOT clean, but offered no remedy or option to repair. I went back into the drive in Nautilus and once again attempted to delete the files I had already moved. Same issue. I clicked on Details and it said that it was unable to create a trashing file I/O error. I've looked, and it's not a permissions issue. The drive and all folders that are in it all belong to me, and they are all read / write. I've started running badblocks on the drive, but it looks like that is going to take several hours to complete. Any ideas?

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  • Multi-touch capabilities for Ubuntu 12.04? How can I configure the system to support it?

    - by dd dong
    I installed Ubuntu 13.10, it supports default multi-touch perfectly! I need Ubuntu 12.04, however, it does not appear to support multi-touch features. I write a touch test program, it supports touch and mouseMove at the same time, but I just need touch function. I know we can set the device to grab bits. But how can I configure the system to support it? It gives me an error when I try to use multi-touch.

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  • Does TOR protect privacy of bittorrent clients like Transmission?

    - by rocky
    I am using the Tor bundle and its included browser to initiate torrent downloads with the Transmission client included with Lubuntu. Clicking on a torrent link provides a warning message that external apps are NOT protected by Tor and clicking ok results in normal Transmission start and it begins the download. I have seen assertions in another post answer that Tor starts Transmission using a different profile than the normal $HOME/.config/transmission. However, I see no evidence of the referenced different profile on my system ( $HOME/tor-browser_en-US/.config/transmission). The normal privacy settings provided within Transmission seem inadequate for privacy according to what I have read. Has something changed in how Tor bundle browser (firefox) interacts with supporting apps like Transmission. Tor bundle otherwise seems to be operating correctly. I asked the question in the post but it was deleted by moderator for some reason not given

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  • Juju bootstrap fails with "Temporary failure in name resolution" using Amazon AWS

    - by Will
    I have followed the instructions over at https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-aws.html to try and setup myself with a juju environment. It all seemed to setup alright. SSH keys, Gererate config, repository, adding access id and secret keys to environments.yaml file. Although my key file from aws IAM management console was called credentials.csv rather than rootkey, I couldn't find that link described in the documentation. When I give the command juju bootstrap in the testing page. It fails giving me the error: juju bootstrap ERROR Get https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/juju-gobblygookmynukmbersinhere/provider-state: lookup s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com: Temporary failure in name resolution (note I just replaced my numbers for this posting my actual terminal has my numbers in. This is my first attempt at any ec2 work so I have gone in and created new IAM profiles. What have I done wrong? Any help would be great. I think I'm in over my head!

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  • Cant add network printer with system-config-printer package

    - by Erick David Ruiz Coronel
    Hello im new here and I dont know if im doing it right but I hope yes. I have a printer conected to a windows 8 machine, also I had ubuntu 13.04 and it worked fine when I printed from linux to windows but when I upgraded to 13.10 my printer didnt worked, I removed it thinking that would fix it but when I tryed to add the printer again I couldnt, I reinstalled cups and the system-config-printer-gnome package but didnt worked. Here is the terminal log : erick@Tauro:~$ system-config-printer Caught non-fatal exception. Traceback: File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/probe_printer.py", line 255, in _do_find fn () File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/probe_printer.py", line 367, in _probe_hplip stderr=null) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 709, in init errread, errwrite) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1326, in _execute_child raise child_exception OSError: [Errno 2] No existe el archivo o el directorio Continuing anyway.. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/newprinter.py", line 912, in on_btnNPForward_clicked self.nextNPTab() File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/newprinter.py", line 1064, in nextNPTab stderr=file("/dev/null")) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 709, in init errread, errwrite) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1326, in _execute_child raise child_exception OSError: [Errno 2] No existe el archivo o el directorio Any suggestion please? C:

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  • Unwanted authentication request window at login after upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10

    - by UBod
    I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 13.10 (64bit) on my Dell Laptop. Since then, at each login, a dialog window entitled "Authentication request ... Please enter the password for account "[email protected]"." appears (I would rather post a screenshot if I could, but I am not entitled to do that because I do not have the necessary 10 reputation credits). I neither have any idea why my password (I checked it a hundred times) does not work ("Password was incorrect") nor why this dialog is displayed at all. As said, I never saw it before 13.10. I looked around in different forums and it seems (please correct me if I am wrong) that it stems from evolution server. I also deleted ~/.config/evolution/ entirely - without any effect. Further note that I am not using evolution at all and I would rather like to get rid of it completely, but I do not dare to remove evolution-server. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, Ulrich

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  • Problem with connect to server using FTP(with login)

    - by Sourav Chattopadhyay
    I am unable connect to my remote account using Ubuntu's "Connect to Server" option after moving on to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. In Ubuntu 10.10 I used to connect to my FTP server by going to Places-Connect to server-FTP (with login) After giving the userid and password the remote folder would mount immediately but now it is showing a busy icon at top until I close the window after some time. I have also tried to connect using Ctrl + L from a Nautilus window using sftp://user@server but result is the same. Even though I could connect to my FTP server using gFTP, the default one from Nautilus is a better option to me.

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  • Suspend/resume issue hp envy m6

    - by aikeru
    :) I just installed Ubuntu 13.10 on my HP envy m6. When I press the "power" button and select to suspend, it looks like it goes to sleep (power light flashing, as expected). When I press the power button to wake it (or anything else), it stops flashing and goes solid (as it should) but the screen is black. I tried CTRL+ALT+F1 but nothing seems to happen. Is there something I can do to get Ubuntu to resume from suspend? EDIT: I tried getting any updates for Ubuntu as well as updating my BIOS. Neither seems to have any effect. EDIT: Tried the 2nd script from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS suspend fix and it seemed to have no effect. Tried the 1st script and now I can't seem to suspend at all - Ubuntu seems to try to suspend and then immediately goes to the password prompt. With some combination of things I seem to be able to get a new crash, though, involving wpa_supplicant. I allowed it to submit feedback. My WiFi seems to be working fine (I assume this is what WPA is). EDIT: I know this is 'askubuntu', but I did try latest Linux Mint / Cinnamon. Results were exactly the same (black screen, power light solid after waking up - just as before, I can make it reboot by mashing CTRL+ALT+DEL but CTRL+ALT+F1/etc. doesn't work). Trying Ubuntu 12.04 next. EDIT: Ubuntu 12.04 WORKS! At least it seems to with a quick test. Came right back up after suspend. If I don't have any other problems and no answers are suggested, I'll make my own answer and accept it. Maybe someone can use this information to help troubleshoot the real issue. Would be nice to be on the latest version... but suspend would've been a deal-breaker for me. Hope this info helps someone.

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  • Nautilus header bar missing -- Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 (Gnome 3.10)

    - by user75252
    So, I recently did a fresh install of Ubuntu GNOME 13.10, added the gnome3-team/gnome3-next and gnome3-team/gnome3-staging PPA's, and upgraded to Gnome 3.10. (Also using a dual-monitor system, 1920 x 1080, Nvidia-319 driver.) Everything was running fine after the updates (including Nautilus, or "Files"), but when I opened Nautilus, at some point, the header bar was gone, and it got stuck in full-screen mode. The header is there for every other application, though. I can't resize Nautilus, I can't move it with the Alt+F7 hotkey. I can, however, make the sidebar disappear with F9 and make the program close with Alt+F4. I can also bring up the window menu with Alt+space, but the options to "resize" and "move" are greyed out, and the "Move Titlebar Onscreen" does nothing when clicked. Attempted solutions: I uninstalled, ran apt-get autoremove clean autoclean, and re-installed Nautilus, including any subsequent applications that were removed -- no fix. I installed and tried replacing the titlebar theme with Ambiance via Gnome Tweak Tool to at least restore the header/title bar -- no fix. I created a new user, logged into that, and opened Nautilus. It DID open up in the windowed mode with the header bar, but then, without my involvement, went to full-screen without the header bar. Same problem. Running "sudo nautilus" from the terminal does open it (full-screen, without header), but gives this error: (nautilus:7531): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files Here's a screenshot of the complete Nautilus dialog box:

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  • Open Terminal with multiple tabs and execute application

    - by user172001
    I am new to linux shell scripting. I want to write a shell script which will open terminal with multiple tabs; it should run rtsp client app in each tab. For this, I have gone through question here in this forum and tried to code like bellow, tab="--tab-with-profile=Default -e " cmd="java RunRTSPClient" for i in 1 2 3 4 5 do # foo="$foo $tab $cmd" done gnome-terminal $foo exit 0 This is running and opens the terminal window with tabs but suddenly it will close. I am not getting any errors.

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  • Internet Timeouts with TP-Link TL-WN821N v2 wireless usb stick

    - by user1622959
    A short time after accessing the internet, the browser/download times out. Before the timeout, the internet works OK briefly; afterwards, the wireless is still connected with a strong signal, but every internet access results in a timeout. When I leave the PC for a while, the internet is back just to timeout again as soon as I start using it. The same happens when I reconnect to the router. Also, when I surf the internet, it takes a couple of minutes until the timeout, but when I download something, it times out in a matter of seconds. The wireless adapter works just fine in Windows and internet via ethernet cable works just fine in Ubuntu. Does anyone have the same problem or knows a solution. I use Ubuntu 12.10 x64. The problem occurs since I installed ubuntu (which was a few days ago). Here some stuff that might be usefull: serus@serus-Ubuntu-PC:~$ lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0cf3:1002 Atheros Communications, Inc. TP-Link TL-WN821N v2 802.11n [Atheros AR9170] serus@serus-Ubuntu-PC:~$ lsmod Module Size Used by carl9170 82083 0 serus@serus-Ubuntu-PC:~$ modinfo carl9170 filename: /lib/modules/3.5.0-21- generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/carl9170.ko alias: arusb_lnx alias: ar9170usb firmware: carl9170-1.fw description: Atheros AR9170 802.11n USB wireless serus@serus-Ubuntu-PC:~$ iwconfig wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:"virginmedia0137463" Mode:Managed Frequency:2.462 GHz Access Point: A0:21:B7:F8:29:B6 Bit Rate=240 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off Power Management:off Link Quality=66/70 Signal level=-44 dBm Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:1399 Invalid misc:18 Missed beacon:0 serus@serus-Ubuntu-PC:~$ sudo lshw -C network *-network description: Wireless interface physical id: 1 bus info: usb@2:2 logical name: wlan0 serial: 00:27:19:bb:00:19 capabilities: ethernet physical wireless configuration: broadcast=yes driver=carl9170 driverversion=3.5.0-21-generic firmware=1.9.4 ip= link=yes multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11bgn

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  • Why does Ubuntu gets stuck on the loading screen?

    - by mohit
    I've been experiencing many problem lately since I fresh installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my SONY VAIO VPCEH with Windows 7 previously installed. Sometimes when I try to boot Ubuntu, it gets stuck at loading screen. There seems to be some problem with driver (as far I can judge). Following is the log generated, when I press Esc during the boot (before the problem occurs): ... * Stopping System V initialization compatibility [ok] * Starting System V runlevel compatibility [ok] * Starting crash report submission daemon [ok] * Starting automatic crash report generation [ok] ... ... * Starting LightDM Display Manager [ok] Nothing works after that, no Esc, etc, except restart. Also I've observed the following: Inactivity of Hard-drive (Led doesn't glows). Flashing, or blinking, of Caps-lock and Scroll-lock On restart, Ubuntu seem to load successfully. However, the loading screen has somewhat basic graphics. This problem started after I installed Additional drivers: NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver Also, most of the times Ubuntu loads without any problem. However, it is annoying to restart everytime it fails. So my question is: Why this happens and what is the solution?

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  • Getting "System program problem detected" pops up regularly after dist-upgrade

    - by grrrbytes
    This started to happen immediately after I had rebooted the first time after doing a system upgrade to 12.04 from 11.10. It first starts with a dialogue that says "System program problem detected". Then when I try to hit 'report problem' not much happens. I am led through a dialogue that always ends up the problem cannot be solved. I am running a MacBook1,1 I am aware this is not a lot of information, however I'm not sure which information I need to publish and how should I obtain it to debug this problem. Here's a screenshot!

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  • Export Foxbase database tables to csv

    - by RKS
    I have no experience with Foxbase whatsoever and I'm used to working with MySQL via phpmyadmin or interfaces like that. My company has a third party database we're trying to move away from, but we have no support from the company. The database is on our servers, but in a foxbase format. What kind tools do I need to convert these into other formats, or is there any type of admin UI I can tell them to use to export to csv or anything like that? Basically I'm asking how to export the foxbase tables to csv. Sorry if this question isn't clear or you need more information. I will edit with anything else you need.

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  • how can I contact Google about a domain misuse?

    - by questy
    I was trying to add a newer domain of mine to my existing Google Apps account with an already set primary domain. Google Apps then returns the message that the domain is already in use by another account. I tried finding a way to contact Google, but they have a wall up preventing anyone with an original Apps account from calling them. There's a help page saying to try retrieving the password, but how is that even possible? I don't know the email address of the owner of the Apps account using my domain, and I don't know his/her name on the account, so I can't complete the form for retrieving any of the information. Google Productforums is always a dead end. Does anyone here know how to force a removal of a domain on Google Apps from someone that doesn't own it?

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  • Self hosted Netvibes alternative [on hold]

    - by Jens
    I am looking for a self-hosted alternative to part of the Netvibes functionality. It should act as feed reader, show my mail inbox, a list of bookmarks and maybe the weather forecast. I wish to move away from Netvibes since I don't care to share my browsing habit, and certainly not my mail password, with another person or company. I am certainly willing to invest some time in setup, maybe up to writing a plugin for a solution that does not fulfill all my requirements. Dou you have suggestions on where to look?

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  • My blog which gets 300+ daily impressions has stopped appearing on the 1st page of Google

    - by Sangram
    I have a blog regarding Placement papers from December 2010. My monthly impressions are around 4000. For the last 2 days, my blog has disappeared from Google search engine result pages. Impressions have reduced drastically. Please check Stat reports: My blog is still on the search engine because when I search site: mydomain.com on Google, I can see my all pages indexed over there… But my pages which used to appear on the first or second pages of Google do not appear any more. Example: If I search with query GE round 2 code writing test on bing.com or Yahoo search, the first link on the result page is my blog. But if you do same on Google, my URLs do not appear even on the 1st 3 result pages. I used to get lots of visitors by these search query earlier.

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