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Articles indexed Wednesday January 12 2011

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  • Behavior difference between UIView.subviews and [NSView subviews]

    - by zpasternack
    I have a piece of code in an iPhone app, which removes all subviews from a UIView subclass. It looks like this: NSArray* subViews = self.subviews; for( UIView *aView in subViews ) { [aView removeFromSuperview]; } This works fine. In fact, I never really gave it much thought until I tried nearly the same thing in a Mac OS X app (from an NSView subclass): NSArray* subViews = [self subviews]; for( NSView *aView in subViews ) { [aView removeFromSuperview]; } That totally doesn’t work. Specifically, at runtime, I get this: *** Collection <NSCFArray: 0x1005208a0> was mutated while being enumerated. I ended up doing it like so: NSArray* subViews = [[self subviews] copy]; for( NSView *aView in subViews ) { [aView removeFromSuperview]; } [subViews release]; That's fine. What’s bugging me, though, is why does it work on the iPhone? subviews is a copy property: @property(nonatomic,readonly,copy) NSArray *subviews; My first thought was, maybe @synthesize’d getters return a copy when the copy attribute is specified. The doc is clear on the semantics of copy for setters, but doesn’t appear to say either way for getters (or at least, it’s not apparent to me). And actually, doing a few tests of my own, this clearly does not seem to be the case. Which is good, I think returning a copy would be problematic, for a few reasons. So the question is: how does the above code work on the iPhone? NSView is clearly returning a pointer to the actual array of subviews, and perhaps UIView isn’t. Perhaps it’s simply an implementation detail of UIView, and I shouldn’t get worked up about it. Can anyone offer any insight?

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  • Android NDK R5 and support of C++ exception

    - by plaisthos
    Hi, I am trying to use the NDK 5 full C++ gnustl: sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/README states: This implementation fully supports C++ exceptions and RTTI. But all attempts using exceptions fail. An alternative NDK exists on http://www.crystax.net/android/ndk-r4.php. Even the hello-jni example from that site does not work. Compliation works after creating an Application.xml with APP_STL := gnustl_static But it dies the same horrific death as my own experiments. Am I am missing something or is the statement in the README just plain wrong?

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  • Research idea in simulation

    - by Nilani Algiriyage
    Hi, I'm an undergraduate in University of Keleniya,Sri Lanka. I'm interested in doing a research on BPM, BPMN. But I have very few knowledgeable people and very few resources in my country. My supervisor also doesn't have enough knowledge in this area. So if you can please help me to find a research topic in BPM or BPMN. At least please help me to get an idea what areas I can do? Thank you very much. Regards, Nilani.

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  • Getting Values from fetched Core Data

    - by user571905
    Hi there, Thanks to the wonderful people on this forum, I have overcome most of my Core Data woes. However one persists, and I'm certain it is a simple fix. I have a recipe app that parses an XML doc on load and puts the data in Core Data. Then I search that Core Data for particular recipes, ingredients, etc. Everything is working with one exception... I cannot do anything with the data I retrieve. For example, I search the core data for "eggplant" and get this at the end of the process: "<RecipeData: 0x6112a40> (entity: RecipeData; id: 0x6113880 <x-coredata:///RecipeData/tCDE9A0EE-DA3F-4BD0-AEF8-3C038586991D4> ; data: {\n ingredients = \"Eggplant|Cheese|Tomatoes|\";\n name = \"Eggplant Parm\";\n time = 40;\n})" How do I get the info out of there? I tried looping through, but that causes the app to crash: for (NSString* key in selectedRecipe) { id value = [selectedRecipe objectForKey:key]; NSLog(@"IN LOOP: %@", value); } Any suggestions? Thank you for your time.

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  • Image URL is correct but image not showing

    - by mattgcon
    I have a website on GoDaddy. All permissions are set correctly and the image DOES exist. However when the page loads the image for the item selected does not show. Here is my code imagepath = "~/spaimages/" + currentSpaModel.Name.ToString() + ".png"; if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(imagepath))) { this.spaimage.ImageUrl = Server.MapPath(imagepath); } spaimage is an ASP control and thr URL that the image is set to is D:\hosting\xxxxxxx\calspas\spaimages\modelname.png What am I doing wrong.

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  • Pipelining String in Powershell

    - by ChvyVele
    I'm trying to make a simple PowerShell function to have a Linux-style ssh command. Such as: ssh username@url I'm using plink to do this, and this is the function I have written: function ssh { param($usernameAndServer) $myArray = $usernameAndServer.Split("@") $myArray[0] | C:\plink.exe -ssh $myArray[1] } If entered correctly by the user, $myArray[0] is the username and $myArray[1] is the URL. Thus, it connects to the URL and when you're prompted for a username, the username is streamed in using the pipeline. Everything works perfectly, except the pipeline keeps feeding the username ($myArray[0]) and it is entered as the password over and over. Example: PS C:\Users\Mike> ssh xxxxx@yyyyy login as: xxxxx@yyyyy's password: Access denied xxxxx@yyyyy's password: Access denied xxxxx@yyyyy's password: Access denied xxxxx@yyyyy's password: Access denied xxxxx@yyyy's password: Access denied xxxxx@yyyyy's password: FATAL ERROR: Server sent disconnect message type 2 (protocol error): "Too many authentication failures for xxxxx" Where the username has been substituted with xxxxx and the URL has been substituted with yyyyy. Basically, I need to find out how to stop the script from piping in the username ($myArray[0]) after it has been entered once. Any ideas? I've looked all over the internet for a solution and haven't found anything.

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  • Creating reusable chunks of Linq to SQL

    - by tia
    Hi, I am trying to break up horrible linq to sql queries to make them a bit more readable. Say I want to return all orders for product which in the previous year had more than 100 orders. So, original query is: from o in _context.Orders where (from o1 in _context.Orders where o1.Year == o.Year - 1 && o1.Product == o.Product select o1).Count() > 100 select o; Messy. What I'd like to be able to do is to be able to break it down, eg: private IEnumerable<Order> LastSeasonOrders(Order order) { return (from o in _context.Orders where o.Year == order.Year - 1 && o.Product == order.Product select o); } which then lets me change the original query to: from o in _context.Orders where LastSeasonOrders(o).Count() > 100 select o; This doesn't seem to work, as I get method Blah has no supported translation to SQL when the query is run. Any quick tips on the correct way to achieve this?

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  • How do i style a JSON feed in my view?

    - by stephenmurdoch
    My rails app gets the following JSON feed from mixcloud and sticks the results into my index page At the moment when I do this, the entire contents of my feed are displayed unformatted in one big blob of scary looking text (without the curly JSON brackets) I only want to display specific values from the feed in the view. From the feed in question lets say for simplicity that I just wanted to display all values with a key of "url" In case I'm doing something wrong here's my code: # podcast controller def index # I'm using a class method to get the feed @feed = Podcast.feed end # podcast model def self.feed feed = JSON.parse(open("http://api.mixcloud.com/alivefrommaryhill/feed").read) end # index.html.haml .feed = @feed I can't figure out how to style the results and display only certain items from the feed. Is my approach wrong?

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  • Zend Framework Internet Explorer images won't display

    - by Matt
    I am using Zend Framework and it works fine in Firefox/Safari. In IE I have a problem with images not loading. Say I have an image in my public folder and I have this in my page: <img src="/photos/category/img.jpg" /> Well that works, except when I'm at a URL with a controller like http://www.example.com/controller/action I can see why, but I want a good solution to properly creating these img src links that works across browsers.

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  • How to release audio properly? (AVAudioPlayer)

    - by Aluminum
    Hello everyone! I need help with my iOS application ^^,. I want to know if I'm releasing AVAudioPlayer correctly. MyViewController.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface MyViewController : UIViewController { NSString *Path; } - (IBAction)Playsound; @end MyViewController.m #import <AVFoundation/AVAudioPlayer.h> #import "MyViewController.h" @implementation MyViewController AVAudioPlayer *Media; - (IBAction)Playsound { Path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Sound" ofType:@"wav"]; Media = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:Path] error:NULL]; [Media play]; } - (void)dealloc { [Media release]; [super viewDidUnload]; } @end

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  • How do I get points on a curve in PHP with log()?

    - by Erick
    I have a graph I am trying to replicate: I have the following PHP code: $sale_price = 25000; $future_val = 5000; $term = 60; $x = $sale_price / $future_val; $pts = array(); $pts[] = array($x,0); for ($i=1; $i<=$term; $i++) { $y = log($x+0.4)+2.5; $pts[] = array($i,$y); echo $y . " <br>\n"; } How do I make the code work to give me the points along the lower line (between the yellow and blue areas)? It doesn't need to be exact, just somewhat close. The formula is: -ln(x+.4)+2.5 I got that by using the Online Function Grapher at http://www.livephysics.com/ Thanks in advance!!

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  • Django admin proper urls inside listview

    - by hinnye
    Hi, My current target is to give users the chance to download CSV files from the admin site of my application. I successfully managed to create an additional column in the model's list view this way: def doc_link(self): return '<a href="files/%s">%s</a>' % (self.output, self.output) doc_link.allow_tags = True This shows the file name and creates the link, but sadly - because it's inside my 'searches' view - it has an URL: my_site/my_app/searches/files/13.csv. This is my problem, I would like to have my files stored in the admin media directory, like this: http://my_site/media/files/13.csv Does somebody know how to give url which points "outer" from the model's directory? Maybe somehow tell Django to use the ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX in the link? I'd really appreciate any help, thanks!

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  • space in url; did browser got smarter or server?

    - by Xah Lee
    It looks like today you no longer to have to encode spaces by %20 in your html links or image links. For example, suppose you have this image at ?http://example.com/i/my house.jpg?. Notice the space there. In your html code, you can just do this: <img src="http://example.com/i/my house.jpg" alt="my house"> It work in all current version of browsers. Though, what i'm not sure is that whether the browser encodes it before requesting the url, or a particular server will do the right with with paths with space? (apache)

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  • What I Expect From Myself This Year

    - by Lee Brandt
    I am making it a point not to call them resolutions, because the word has become an institution and is beginning to have no meaning. That's why I end up not keeping my resolutions, I think. So in the spirit of holding myself to my own commitments, I will make a plan and some realistic goals. 1.) Lose weight. Everyone has this on their list, but I am going to be conservative and specific. I currently weigh 393lbs. (yeah, I know). So I want to plan to lose 10lbs per month, that's 1lb. every three days, that shouldn't be difficult if I stick to my diet and exercise plan. - How do I do this?     - Diet: vegetarian. Since I already know I have high blood pressure and borderline high cholesterol, a meat-free diet is in order. I was vegan for a little over 2 years in 2006-2008, I think I can handle vegetarian.     - Exercise: at least 3 times (preferably every day) a week for 30 minutes. It has to be something that gets my heart rate up, or burns in my muscles. I can walk for cardio to start and mild calisthenics (girly push-ups, crunches, etc.).         - Move: I spend all my time behind the computer. I have recently started to use a slight variation of the Pomodoro Technique (my Pomodoros are 50 minutes instead of 25). During my 10 minutes every hour to answer emails, chats, etc., I will take a few minutes to stretch. 2.) Get my wife pregnant. We've been talking about it for years. Now that she is done with graduate school and I have a great job, now's the time. We'll be the oldest parents in the PTA most likely, but I don't care. 3.) Blog More. Another favorite among bloggers, but I do have about six drafts for blog posts started. The topics are there all I need to do is flesh out the post. This can be the first hour of any computer time I have after work. As soon as I am done exercising, shower and post. 4.) Speak less. Most people want to speak more. I want to concentrate on the places that I enjoy and that can really use the speakers (like local code camps), rather than trying to be some national speaker. I love speaking at conferences, but I need to spend some more time at home if we're going to get pregnant. 5.) Read more. I got a Kindle for Christmas and I am loving it so far. I have almost finished Treasure Island, and am getting ready to pick my next book. I will probably read a lot of classics for 2 reasons: (1) they teach deep lessons and (2) most are free for the Kindle. 6.) Find my religion. I was raised Southern Baptist, but I want to find my own way. I've been wanting to go to the local Unitarian Church, so I will make a point to go before the end of March. I also want to add a few religious books to my reading list. My boss bought me a copy of Lee Strobel's The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus , and I have a copy of Bruce Feiler's Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths (P.S.) . I will start there. Seems like a lot now that I spell it out like this. But these are only starters. I am forty years old. I cannot keep living like I am twenty anymore. So here we go, 2011.

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  • strange raid5 issue: [closed]

    - by 8steve8
    ok so ive had a 4x2TB(samsung HD204UI w/firmware patch) raid5 array working normally for about a month. It was in a h57 gigabyte motherboard using the intel raid with windows 7 x64. Today I got an intel h67 motherboard, so I upgraded the intel raid drivers to from, and I'm not sure if i checked after a reboot, but it caused no problems. I swapped in the new dh67 motherboard, and my array status was "failed". 2 of the 4 drives listed themselves as members, while the other two drives listed themselves as non-members. I tried going back to the old h57 mobo, and downgrading the raid drivers, but the issue remains. It's not port dependent, 2 of the drives always come up as non-members regardless of what port or motherboard they are plugged into. the screenshot should show that the SNs match, which begs the question why the software doesn't realize the drive is a member of the array: http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/6145/both.png I'd like to know if anyone has experienced anything similar, and what should i do, can i force the drive to be recognized as a member (without wiping data)?

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  • PhpMyAdmin import/export - strange character encoding issues.

    - by John Hunt
    Hello, I'm migrating a site to a new host, and there are a couple of databases on there. There's no SSH access so I'm stuck with phpmyadmin. The issue is that certain characters (namely just whitespace) seems to being corrupt on the new site (same html, and apache doesn't seem to be messing with any encodings - you can see the strange characters have changed when I use less on my linux machine after downloading a table dump from both servers.) The issue isn't as bad if I import into the new database as utf-8 - whitespace characters only have one funny A type symbol instead of two. I've been trying various combinations of character encoding etc to no avail. Exporting from: phpMyAdmin 2.6.2 MySQL 4.1.20 MySQL connection collation: utf8_general_ci MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8) Collation on tables and their fields is: latin1_swedish_ci Importing to: phpMyAdmin - MySQL client version: 5.0.45 MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8) MySQL connection collation: utf8_general_ci The import sql has this kind of thing in it: ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=192 ; I get the impression this is actually a bug or something with mysqldump as nothing seems to work.. does anyone have any insight into this? Cheers, John.

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  • Difference between key_buffers and recommendation

    - by Typeoneerror
    I'm looking to add a bit of memory to MySQL on a Linode VPS server on which I've got a small facebook (canvas app) PHP app using MySQL running. I'm not super familiar with MySQL optimization so I'm hoping to find a simple answer. I think I want to increase the key_buffer size (the default is 16M) to something like 32M to start, but I'm not sure if I need to tweak anything else as well. All I've done so far is increase the query_cache_size to 32M from 16M. There's also key_buffer under [mysqld] and key_buffer under [isamchk]. What are the difference between those two? If I have Linode 2048MB (http://www.linode.com) VPS, what would recommend I set the buffers to? I don't expect this site to have tons of visitors, but I'd like it to be as optimized as possible. Definitely way more heavy on the database access than PHP and very few HTTP requests.

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  • bigbluebutton or openmeetings?

    - by Adam Monsen
    I want to set up a server for small group meetings. I'm looking for features like audio conferencing, multi-point video, screen sharing... stuff like that. I'm familiar/comfortable administering Ubuntu servers, so for this task I'd likely fire up a small EC2 server running Ubuntu. I'm most interested in using FLOSS. I see there are at least a couple of options out there. For example: bigbluebutton and openmeetings. Anyone installed either (or a different one) and have recommendations/tips? If yes, have you ever upgraded same? I notice bigbluebutton has deb packages, so that might be pretty straightforward. openmeetings appears to support logging in with a facebook account; that might be a good way to avoid having to manage logins.

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  • MediaTemple Django Bad Gateway

    - by Eeyore
    I have a site running on GS server on MediaTemple. It's Django/PostgreSQL setup. For some reason from time to time I get Bad Gateway error and I can't figure out what's causing it. What can cause this error? What else can I do to find the cause of the problem? url.access-deny = ( "~", ".inc" ) fastcgi.server = ( "/main.fcgi" => ( "main" => ( "socket" => "/var/tmp/" + appname + ".sock", # don't change this "check-local" => "disable", ) ) ) alias.url = ( "/media/" => "/home/xxx/data/python/django/django/contrib/admin/media/", "/static/" => "/home/xxx/containers/django/site/static/", ) url.rewrite-once = ( "^(/media.*)$" => "$1", "^(/static.*)$" => "$1", "^/favicon\.ico$" => "/media/favicon.ico", "^(/.*)$" => "/main.fcgi$1", ) server.error-handler-404 = "/main.fcgi"

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  • Can I get redundancy with a JBOD storage subsystem

    - by Dat Chu
    I have a Promise Technology J610S. This is a JBOD subsystem. Is it possible for me to buy a SAS hardware RAID controller and provide some type of redundancy for these drives? I am unsure whether I will use Linux or Windows yet so an answer with enumeration for both would be highly appreciated. One solution that I thought of was: if my J610s can export each drive as a target, my server will simply see 16 drives. The RAID controller can then perform the RAID5/RAID6 if I want.

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  • mpstat on slackware 13.0 shows no utilization

    - by conartist6
    As the title says, the mpstat command, executed on Slack 13.0 continuously shows almost no processor utilization of any sort. In fact none of the output ever seems to change at all. The system is dual processor board with two hyperthreaded P4 Xeons. Any ideas? 08:50:06 PM CPU %user %nice %sys %iowait %irq %soft %steal %idle intr/s 08:50:06 PM all 0.38 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.56 1510.46 08:50:06 PM 0 0.50 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.00 0.01 0.00 99.33 11.90 08:50:06 PM 1 0.32 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.64 0.00 08:50:06 PM 2 0.38 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.58 0.00 08:50:06 PM 3 0.29 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.68 0.00 This is, literally, the only output I can get from the program. No values change ever.

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  • strange raid5 issue:

    - by 8steve8
    ok so ive had a 4x2TB(samsung HD204UI w/firmware patch) raid5 array working normally for about a month. It was in a h57 gigabyte motherboard using the intel raid with windows 7 x64. Today I got an intel h67 motherboard, so I upgraded the intel raid drivers to from, and I'm not sure if i checked after a reboot, but it caused no problems. I swapped in the new dh67 motherboard, and my array status was "failed". 2 of the 4 drives listed themselves as members, while the other two drives listed themselves as non-members. I tried going back to the old h57 mobo, and downgrading the raid drivers, but the issue remains. It's not port dependent, 2 of the drives always come up as non-members regardless of what port or motherboard they are plugged into. the screenshot should show that the SNs match, which begs the question why the software doesn't realize the drive is a member of the array: http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/6145/both.png I'd like to know if anyone has experienced anything similar, and what should i do, can i force the drive to be recognized as a member (without wiping data)?

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  • Force a Windows 7 user to change password when it has expired

    - by Joshua King
    Is it possible to force users (on Windows 7 PCs) to change their password once it has expired? Currently our users get notifications that their passwords will expire in 7, 3, 2 and 1 days but once the password has expired they are still able to log into their machines with the expired password. Most of our users ignore the warnings and don't change their password until we tell them they have to (when they ring Help Desk asking why their email and intranet isn't working). From memory, Windows XP machines would show a message at login that the password had expired and then offer the change password screen. Is it possible to do the same thing under Win7? Similar to how if you set a user's account to "must change password at next login" it gives the change password screen automatically.

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  • NX Client for Windows 7 Opens Remote Desktop in Multiple Windows

    - by Corey Kennedy
    What I'm trying to do: access my Ubuntu desktop remotely via NX Client on my Windows 7 laptop. My environment: server: Ubuntu 10.10 on AMD 1Ghz/512MB RAM PC client: Windows 7 on ThinkPad sl510 Software: server is running NXServer 3.4.0. Using xfce4 window manager. Laptop is using NXClient for Windows In my NX Client "Desktop" settings I've selected "Unix" and "Custom" for OS and environment. I've also specified "startxfce4" as the application to launch when NX connects. I am able to authenticate an NX session on my laptop. By this I mean, I can start the client on my laptop, enter credentials for my Linux user, and NX establishes a connection to the server and attempts to open a remote desktop window. The problem, though, is that this remote desktop is "fragmented" into many Windows. One window will display the bulk of my desktop (complete with desktop icons for "Home," "File System," and "Trash") while another window will contain the taskbar, and another window will contain the application strip. I can select each of these Windows individually, but I cannot click on any objects within them. I've searched Super User, Ubuntu Forums, NX help, Server Fault, and tried many Google searches - none have turned up another case of this particular problem. I'm stumped. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I might try? I'm guessing the problem has to do with my xfce config files, but I've only just setup this server - it's been a long time since I've used Linux and there's a lot I just don't know. What I am NOT trying to do: use Desktop sharing from Ubuntu, whereby I VNC into a desktop that I've already established on the server. I am trying to configure this Linux box as a headless server that I can stash someplace out-of-the-way in my house, then interact with through my laptop. I don't want to have a monitor or keyboard connected to the Linux box. Thanks for your help!

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  • How to convert M4B files to MP3?

    - by Click Upvote
    I have downloaded some .m4b files, but my mp3 player cannot play them. I have tried several converters i found through google, but they can't seem to be able to convert the whole files. (Its an 8 hour long file, first program only converted it to a 1 hour long mp3, and the 2nd converted it to 5 hrs long, but with 3 hrs still missing). Is there a reliable program for converting them that i can use?

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