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Articles indexed Saturday January 29 2011

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  • Proper way to re-image Windows 7?

    - by Alec
    I had a driver completely fail on me so I have to restore my computer from a system image backup. I used an installation DVD to run the Re-Image utility on there, but after 8 hours of "preparing the image" to be restored, it began restoring to my hard drive. After 12 hours there, it was 5-8% complete. I figured I must have done something wrong or it started doing something wrong. So I installed a fresh copy of Win-7 and ran the utility from there. It's going at the same snail's pace. I still think I must be doing something incorrectly - I don't see how it could possibly take so long, I could probably manually flip the on my hard drive and be done before that utility. Am I doing this correctly or is there something else I should be doing? Edit: In case my hardware is relevant: Win 7 64 bit Core i7 8 GB Ram 640GB Internal 1TB External connected via eSATA I had approximately 400GB of data on my computer before it crashed.

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  • How to delete files and folders that cannot be deleted?

    - by glenneroo
    I have a backup copy of a previous Windows' Documents and Settings folder which only contains my original user and within 2 more directories: Favorites and Local Settings. When I try to delete Local Settings I get this error: When I try to delete Favorites, I get this error: I ran this in a cmd shell: attrib *.* -r -a -s -h /s ...but it did not help, nor did it return any errors/warnings. I used Unlocker v1.8.5 and LockHunter repeatedly at multiple levels to see if any files are in use, but both always say: No Files Locked. Update #1: I was able to rename the directory, which now gives me this warning before (trying to) delete: If I press Yes (or Yes to All) then I get this error: Update #2: I let chkdsk /f run which required a reboot since it's on my primary system partition. During Stage 2 scanning, I received about 40 of these: Deleting an index entry from index $0 of file 25. ...followed by: Deleting index entry cookies in index $I30 of file 37576. ...but I still get the first error dialog above when trying to delete. I ran chkdsk again, this time: chkdsk /f /r. Produced no messages. Same result when deleting. Update #3: Digging deeper, the 99 is the name of one of many directories located deep in here: C:\Documents and Settings.OLD\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Messenger\[email protected]\SharingMetadata\[email protected]\DFSR\Staging\CS{D4E4AE55-B5E2-F03B-5189-6C4DA6E41788}\ Inside each of those directories were files with names such as: 2300-{C93D01AC-0739-4FD9-88C7-13D2F21A208E}-v2300-{C93D01AC-0739-4FD9-88C7-13D2F21A208E}-v2300-Downloaded.frx I noticed that, unlike all the directories, I couldn't rename any of these files. I also noticed that the file + dir names were extremely long: Original directory = 194 characters Filenames = 100+ characters Together the length exceeds the 255-char limit which is bad and would explain the error message I posted in Update #1. Partial Solution: Rename all directories until the total path length is less than 100. Afterwards I was able to rename the .frx files, not to mention delete everything inside the Local Settings directory. This is only a partial solution because these (empty) directories are still not deleteable, C:\1\2\Favorites\Wien\What To Do.. C:\1\2\Favorites\Photography\FIRE Same error as above: Here is what Explorer properties shows for both folders: Update #4 (another partial solution): Using harrymc's answer combined with thoroughly reading through this amazing MS-KB article which contains nearly everyone's idea and then some, inconspicuously titled: You cannot delete a file or a folder on an NTFS file system volume. I was able to delete the 2nd folder C:\1\2\Favorites\Photography\FIRE - the problem being that there was an invisible trailing space at the end. I got lucky when I did an auto-complete whilst playing around with the del "\\?\<path>" command which he suggested. NOTE: A normal del did NOT work, nor did deleting from explorer. Now all that is left is the first directory C:\1\2\Favorites\Wien\What To Do.. (yes I tried endlessly with multiple combinations of the above solution ;) Keep 'em coming! =)

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  • How do I use command line and wmctrl to make a window larger than the screen to get a huge screenshot?

    - by Mnebuerquo
    I use a program which makes a large image which I have to scroll to view. The program has no way to save the image, and I have no access to the source to modify it. The only way I have to get the image from the program is by screenshot. My goal is to save the full size image without having to piece together individual screenshots. I'm using this script to try taking a screenshot: #!/bin/bash window=$(wmctrl -l | grep "Program$" | awk '{print $1}') wmctrl -v -i -r $window -e '0,0,0,6030,5828' wmctrl -i -a $window import -window $window ~/Desktop/screenshot.png This uses wmctrl to get the window id ($window) for a window named "Program". It then tries to resize the window to the desired dimensions. It uses imagemagick (import) to save a screenshot.png on the user's Desktop. All of this works except the resize step. I can resize the window using wmctrl -r -e, but sizes greater than the screen size don't work. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and the Gnome Desktop. I run two monitors, but I've tried this with one of them disabled. Is there a way to resize the window larger than my screen to get a huge screenshot?

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  • Lost data after removing USB stick...

    - by Jivings
    I foolishly removed my USB stick from a Windows XP machine seemingly without unmounting it (or whatever the Window equivalent is..). Anyway, on inserting the stick into my linux machine, the file I was working on shows up, but it is completely empty (0KB). Since I'm pretty much a Windows novice these days, I'd like to know if there is any temporary location where I will still be able to find this file, or is it now lost permanently?

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  • upgraded to OSX 10.6.6 - now cannot sudo

    - by rahulk
    I've been using sudo until now. After an upgrade to 10.6.6, now sudo gives me incorrect password. My user has admin rights, and i can execute admin functions from the GUI (such as System Prefs, updating software etc). However, within Terminal, sudo has stopped accepting the password. I have repaired permissions and restarted. Some pointers ask me to use Directory Utility, but in this version it does not have a "set root user" option. I downloaded ServerAdminTool 10.5.7 but this does not work on my system. Some say to add myself to "wheel" group, but i need sudo for that. Some say if i am in admin group, i should be able to sudo, but this is not happening. (Using OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.6, earlier 10.5.8) MODERATOR: please delete this question. The issue had to do with Textpander expanding the password resulting in sudo failing. Not an OS upgrade issue.

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  • Database implementation question? [closed]

    - by gundam
    consider a disk with a sector size of 512 bytes, 2000 tracks/surface, 50 sectors/track, 5 doubled sided platters, average seek time is 10 msec. Assume a block size of 1024-byte is selected. Assume a file that contains 100,000 records of 100-byte each is to be stored on the disk, and NONE of the reocd can be spanned 2 blocks. How many blocks are needed to store the entire file?? If the file is arranged sequentially on disk, how many surfaces are required?? Now, i have calculated that 10,000 blocks are needed to store 100,000 records. But i am not sure how to find out the answer of the surfaces required. I only calculated the capacity of track is 25KB and capacity of surface is 50,000 KB But I don't know how to calculate the number of surfaces... Could anyone help me how to get the answer? Thanks a lot!!

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  • Can't see any entries on "File Types" tab on Windows 7's Desktop Search

    - by Mick
    For some reason, Windows Desktop Search (included with Windows 7.0) now no longer shows any file types on the "Advanced Options" dialog box. Any ideas on how to fix this? WDS claims to be indexing...but I'm not sure what it's actually indexing right now. I should also add that when I try to add a file type, nothing shows up or is ever actually added. If I login as a different user on the same system, everything appears normally.

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  • Strip my windows NTFS disk of all ACLs

    - by Alain Pannetier
    When you purchase a windows PC nowadays, you don't actually "own" the whole disk... There are so many ACLs on each folder that there are portions of it you actually can access only through a complex sequence of actions requiring skills well beyond the average PC user. You have to drill down to deeply buried dialog boxes accessible through concealed buttons. You have to understand at which level of the hierarchy you have to take ownership, remove ACLs etc... Yet when you think of it, that's your PC, that's what the "P" of PC originally stand for... So I'm toying with the idea of just stripping the disk of all ACLs I just purchased and leave standard file protections do the basic protection work... Just like previous century Windows used to do... (before I chmod -R 777 ;-) Has anybody done that already and nevertheless survived in reasonably good shape for a reasonable amount of time ? Any technical advice to do that ? Powershell script ? basic script using iCACLS ?

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  • Custom CSV (.csv) filter for OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice?

    - by anon
    Is it possible to create a some kind of 'custom CSV filter' for OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice spreadsheet program. What I need is to have the program to use predefined CSV settings for loading and saving when I open, let's say file named 'somefile.myext'. Also I would need the loaded data to be placed in a prestyled spreadsheet. In this particular case, I would need the CSV settings to have tab as a field delimiter and no text delimiter at all. Prestyled spreadsheet would contain Blue gray coloring for every odd row (achieved with conditional formatting formula), some font styling and probably some column width definitions.

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  • On HP Mini, unable to select 800x600 resolution

    - by Roboto
    I have an HP Mini laptop. I can only make resolution setting for my display of 1024x576. The HP Deskjet 6988 driver only allows resolution settings of 800x600. I don't care how 800x600 would look on my laptop, I only want to install the driver for the printer and set it back. I went into the registry, but it was showing a resolution setting of 800x600. How else can I set the resolution or at least add the option in my Display Properties for 800x600?

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  • Is there a PC equivalent for the Android 'Wifi Analyzer' App?

    - by Connor W
    I'm using the Wifi Analyzer app on my phone a lot at the moment as I need to set up and test some wireless networks. For people unfamiliar with the app, i've posted some screenshots of the app that I found on the internet. I'm looking for some software that will do the same or similar thing, but on a PC. I've looked on Google, but could not find anything of use. Thanks in advance for any information.

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  • Microphone array support in Windows. Info on performance and compatible hardware?

    - by exinocactus
    It is officially claimed by Microsoft (Audio Device Technologies for Windows), that Windows Vista has an integrated system-level support of microphone arrays for improved sound capturing by isolating a sound source in target direction and rejecting ambient noise and reverberation. In more technical terms, an implementation of an adaptive beamformer. Theoretically, microphone arrays with 2-4 mics can substantially improve SNR under some conditions like speaker in front of the laptop in noisy environment (airport, cafe). Surprisingly, though, I find very little information about commercially-available products supporting these new features. I mean products like portable usb micropone arrays or laptops or flat screens with integrated mic arrays. I could only find info about two laptop models having "noise cancelling digital array microphone". These are Dell Latitude and Eee PC 1008P-KR. Now my questions: Do you have any experience with the Windows beamformer implementation? For instance, in the above mentioned laptops. How well does it work? Are there any tests results available in the net or in print (papers?)? Do you know about other microphone array hardware? What could be the reason why mic array technology didn't get sucess Is there mic arrays support in 'Windows 7'?

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  • Excel wizardness needed - Group By, Sort, Count function help

    - by Chris
    Riddle me this: You have 3 part numbers with the same part name xyz, each with a quantity of 10 items. The items can be picked during the day or week, therefore changing the amount of items on hand. I know I need to use the group by, sort, count and perhaps sumif formulas to have a running count of the number of items on hand at the end of each day (which could be positive or negative). Help? it wont let me add an image because i'm a new user. 'Oops! Your edit couldn't be submitted because: * we're sorry, but as a spam prevention mechanism, new users aren't allowed to post images. Earn more than 10 reputation to post images. '

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  • Hardware question re Hauppauge WinTV-HVR 900 HD video/tv capture unit used with laptop with HDMI output laptop HDMI connection

    - by Bill
    I've ordered a Hauppauge WinTV-HVR 900 HD video/tv capture unit. It is mainly for use with my HP desktop running Windows 7 Professional, but I will want to use it occasionally with my partner's HP laptop running Vista Home Premium. The latter has an HDMI output which works perfectly with my LG 42" LCD TV, enabling display of BBC iPlayer and other catchup services. Will the live or recorded HD signal from the WinTV-HVR 900 HD connected to the laptop's USB input be output on the laptop's HDMI socket as HD? Come to that, will SD content be output? The reason I ask is that I had a problem with a Pinnacle unit which displayed OK on the laptop's screen but not on the TV screen (which did display all the normal Windows material). I've tried the Hauppage website, but it doesn't even acknowledge the existence of the WinTV-HVR 900 HD!

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  • What is a safe way to dispose of personal info on an old laptop and what to do with said laptop?

    - by MikeN
    I have an old laptop someone gave me that only has 64Megs of RAM on it and runs WIN XP. I wanted to wipe the drive clean by installing Ubuntu Desktop to remove any shred of personal information on it and to make it useful to someone else. But the Ubuntu installer keeps failing because there is not enough RAM. Is there another version of Linux that would easily install on a 64 Megs of RAM system? 2nd part of question, what do I do with this old laptop? It doesn't have a battery anymore and has to be plugged into the wall to run. Assuming I can install a good Linux distro on it, who do I give it to? Salvation Army? I'm looking to just have it be useful to someone or some organization for spare parts or some basic computer usage.

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  • Desktop Fun: Dreams of Hawaii Wallpaper Collection

    - by Asian Angel
    Is the winter weather wearing you down and making you wish for a tropical vacation? Until summer and vacation time gets here let our Dreams of Hawaii Wallpaper collection help you think warm and happy thoughts Latest Features How-To Geek ETC How To Create Your Own Custom ASCII Art from Any Image How To Process Camera Raw Without Paying for Adobe Photoshop How Do You Block Annoying Text Message (SMS) Spam? How to Use and Master the Notoriously Difficult Pen Tool in Photoshop HTG Explains: What Are the Differences Between All Those Audio Formats? How To Use Layer Masks and Vector Masks to Remove Complex Backgrounds in Photoshop Enjoy Clutter-Free YouTube Video Viewing in Opera with CleanTube Bring Summer Back to Your Desktop with the LandscapeTheme for Chrome and Iron The Prospector – Home Dash Extension Creates a Whole New Browsing Experience in Firefox KinEmote Links Kinect to Windows Why Nobody Reads Web Site Privacy Policies [Infographic] Asian Temple in the Snow Wallpaper

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  • Performance Tuning and Query Optimisation–SQLBits Training Day

    - by simonsabin
    I will be doing a training day at SQLbits in April on Performance Tuning and Query Optimisation. This is the outline for the day. Its going to be an intense day, I look forward to seeing you there. To register go to http://www. sqlbits .com/information/registration.aspx . Places are limited so make sure you register soon. Outline of the day. Most database performance issues are due to a combination of bad queries, bad database design or poor indexing. All of them are related to each other. In this...(read more)

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  • BIT of a Problem

    The BIT data type is an awkward fit for a SQL database. It doesn't have just two values, and it can do unexpected things in expressions. What is worse, it is a flag rather than a predicate, and so its overuse, along with bit masks, is a prime candidate for being listed as a 'SQL Code Smell'. Joe Celko makes the case. Free trial of SQL Backup™“SQL Backup was able to cut down my backup time significantly AND achieved a 90% compression at the same time!” Joe Cheng. Download a free trial now.

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  • ShowPlan Operator of the Week - Merge Join

    Did you ever wonder how and why your indexes affect the performances of joins? Once you've read Fabiano Amorim's unforgettable explanation, you'll learn to love the MERGE operator, and plan your indexes so as to allow the Query Optimiser to use it. Free trial of SQL Backup™“SQL Backup was able to cut down my backup time significantly AND achieved a 90% compression at the same time!” Joe Cheng. Download a free trial now.

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  • Any tips for designing the invoicing/payment system of a SaaS?

    - by Alexandru Trandafir Catalin
    The SaaS is for real estate companies, and they can pay a monthly fee that will offer them 1000 publications but they can also consume additional publications or other services that will appear on their bill as extras. On registration the user can choose one of the 5 available plans that the only difference will be the quantity of publications their plan allows them to make. But they can pass that limit if they wish, and additional payment will be required on the next bill. A publication means: Publishing a property during one day, for 1 whole month would be: 30 publications. And 5 properties during one day would be 5 publications. So basically the user can: Make publications (already paid in the monthly fee, extra payment only if it passes the limit) Highlight that publication (extra payment) Publish on other websites or printed catalogues (extra payment) Doubts: How to handle modifications in pricing plans? Let's say quantities change, or you want to offer some free stuff. How to handle unpaid invoices? I mean, freeze the service until the payment has been done and then resume it. When to make the invoices? The idea is to make one invoice for the monthly fee and a second invoice for the extra services that were consumed. What payment methods to use? The choosen now is by bank account, and mobile phone validation with a SMS. If user doesn't pay we call that phone and ask for payment. Any examples on billing online services will be welcome! Thanks!

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  • How are undocumented functions discovered?

    - by Paska
    Hi all, I've always wondered how do you find undocumented / private API ? Example the Apple undocumented / private API, Play Station, Windows Phone 7, Win32 Kernel, Windows API, hidden callback, etc... What tools do hackers use to find out about private and undocumented functions? Where can I read about peoples' experiences delving into private APIs and reverse engineering techniques which reveal the secrets which are normally explained in API documentation? thanks, A

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  • TDD with limited resources

    - by bunglestink
    I work in a large company, but on a just two man team developing desktop LOB applications. I have been researching TDD for quite a while now, and although it is easy to realize its benefits for larger applications, I am having a hard time trying to justify the time to begin using TDD on the scale of our applications. I understand its advantages in automating testing, improving maintainability, etc., but on our scale, writing even basic unit tests for all of our components could easily double development time. Since we are already undermanned with extreme deadlines, I am not sure what direction to take. While other practices such as agile iterative development make perfect since, I am kind of torn over the productivity trade-offs of TDD on a small team. Are the advantages of TDD worth the extra development time on small teams with very tight schedules?

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  • What is the worst software bug in history? [closed]

    - by Amir Rezaei
    By having for example money and human suffering as the metric. What is the worst software bug in history? Note this is a specific question. Last month automaker Toyota announced a recall of 160,000 of its Prius hybrid vehicles following reports of vehicle warning lights illuminating for no reason, and cars' gasoline engines stalling unexpectedly. But unlike the large-scale auto recalls of years past, the root of the Prius issue wasn't a hardware problem -- it was a programming error in the smart car's embedded code. The Prius had a software bug.

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  • What are the most important programming skills you need to improve as a team Leader or project manager?

    - by Aba Dov
    I decided to ask this question after I read the valuable answers to the great question What is the single most effective thing you did to improve your programming skills? and after attending Ad Burns "Secrets of a rock star programmer". It made me think about me and what programming skills I try to improve. I came to realize that there should be a difference in the programming skills you try to improve as developer and the programming skills you should improve as a team leader or project manager. My question is: What are the most important programming skills you need to improve as a team Leader or project manager? What would you recommend to others that want to improve?

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  • Is obtrusive JavaScript ever ok?

    - by Petah
    I was thinking that if all the users of a website are required to have JavaScript enabled, Is it ok to use obtrusive JavaScript? I'm all for progressive enhancement, but whats the point when an advanced web applications bounces users at the door if they have an old browser or JavaScript disabled? We have a very slim target audience, and we can tell our target audience what browser and plugins/functionality they are required to have. So you my question is, is mixing JS and HTML alright in that case. Like using onclick attributes.

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