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  • IIS 7.0 - Every site suddenly redirecting root request to forms authentication

    - by Pittsburgh DBA
    Suddenly, IIS 7.0 is redirecting every request for the root of any domain hosted on the box to ~/Account/Logon, which is our Forms Authentication redirect. Additionally, some JavaScript and image requests are being similarly redirected, but not other aspx pages. This is not desirable. Nobody will admit to changing anything. Any ideas? EDIT: It turns out that something has gone wrong with the disk permissions. Can anyone point me to the way things are supposed to be in Windows Server 2008 for a standard ASP.Net installation? The disk permissions are out of whack now.

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  • C#: Inheritance, Overriding, and Hiding

    - by Rosarch
    I'm having difficulty with an architectural decision for my C# XNA game. The basic entity in the world, such as a tree, zombie, or the player, is represented as a GameObject. Each GameObject is composed of at least a GameObjectController, GameObjectModel, and GameObjectView. These three are enough for simple entities, like inanimate trees or rocks. However, as I try to keep the functionality as factored out as possible, the inheritance begins to feel unwieldy. Syntactically, I'm not even sure how best to accomplish my goals. Here is the GameObjectController: public class GameObjectController { protected GameObjectModel model; protected GameObjectView view; public GameObjectController(GameObjectManager gameObjectManager) { this.gameObjectManager = gameObjectManager; model = new GameObjectModel(this); view = new GameObjectView(this); } public GameObjectManager GameObjectManager { get { return gameObjectManager; } } public virtual GameObjectView View { get { return view; } } public virtual GameObjectModel Model { get { return model; } } public virtual void Update(long tick) { } } I want to specify that each subclass of GameObjectController will have accessible at least a GameObjectView and GameObjectModel. If subclasses are fine using those classes, but perhaps are overriding for a more sophisticated Update() method, I don't want them to have to duplicate the code to produce those dependencies. So, the GameObjectController constructor sets those objects up. However, some objects do want to override the model and view. This is where the trouble comes in. Some objects need to fight, so they are CombatantGameObjects: public class CombatantGameObject : GameObjectController { protected new readonly CombatantGameModel model; public new virtual CombatantGameModel Model { get { return model; } } protected readonly CombatEngine combatEngine; public CombatantGameObject(GameObjectManager gameObjectManager, CombatEngine combatEngine) : base(gameObjectManager) { model = new CombatantGameModel(this); this.combatEngine = combatEngine; } public override void Update(long tick) { if (model.Health <= 0) { gameObjectManager.RemoveFromWorld(this); } base.Update(tick); } } Still pretty simple. Is my use of new to hide instance variables correct? Note that I'm assigning CombatantObjectController.model here, even though GameObjectController.Model was already set. And, combatants don't need any special view functionality, so they leave GameObjectController.View alone. Then I get down to the PlayerController, at which a bug is found. public class PlayerController : CombatantGameObject { private readonly IInputReader inputReader; private new readonly PlayerModel model; public new PlayerModel Model { get { return model; } } private float lastInventoryIndexAt; private float lastThrowAt; public PlayerController(GameObjectManager gameObjectManager, IInputReader inputReader, CombatEngine combatEngine) : base(gameObjectManager, combatEngine) { this.inputReader = inputReader; model = new PlayerModel(this); Model.Health = Constants.PLAYER_HEALTH; } public override void Update(long tick) { if (Model.Health <= 0) { gameObjectManager.RemoveFromWorld(this); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Debug.WriteLine("YOU DEAD SON!!!"); } return; } UpdateFromInput(tick); // .... } } The first time that this line is executed, I get a null reference exception: model.Body.ApplyImpulse(movementImpulse, model.Position); model.Position looks at model.Body, which is null. This is a function that initializes GameObjects before they are deployed into the world: public void Initialize(GameObjectController controller, IDictionary<string, string> data, WorldState worldState) {; controller.View.createSpriteAnimations(data, _assets);; SetUpPhysics(controller, worldState, controller.Model.BoundingCircleRadius, Single.Parse(data["x"]), Single.Parse(data["y"]), bool.Parse(data["isBullet"])); } Every object is passed as a GameObjectController. Does that mean that if the object is really a PlayerController, controller.Model will refer to the base's GameObjectModel and not the PlayerController's overriden PlayerObjectModel? In response to rh: This means that now for a PlayerModel p, p.Model is not equivalent to ((CombatantGameObject)p).Model, and also not equivalent to ((GameObjectController)p).Model. That is exactly what I do not want. I want: PlayerController p; p.Model == ((CombatantGameObject)p).Model p.Model == ((GameObjectController)p).Model How can I do this? override?

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  • How to best configure a central repository/multiple central repositories for Mercurial?

    - by Mario
    I am new to Mercurial and trying to figure out if it could replace SVN. Everyone I work with has used SVN, CVS and VSS (shiver), so this could be quite a large change. I have been very interested after reading about its merge and branch capability, but have a few reservations. We are currently on SVN, and have one central repository. From my reading, it seems as though there is no ONE central repository for all projects when using Mercurial. NOTE: We consider each project a separate logical set of code, or a Visual Studio Solution. It runs on its own. We have around 60 separate projects in our one central SVN repository. After reading about Mercurial it seems to me that I have to create 60 separate central repositories for each one of these projects on the server. QUESTION #1: Should I create a single repository for each project? If yes, then I am worried about configuring and hosting 60 separate central Mercurial servers. I started thinking I could configure one file, but it seems as if each repository must be individually configured using the “C:...\MyRepository.hg\hgrc” file (Windows install). It also seems as I have to run 60 servers (hg serve), I would assume on different ports. QUESTION #2: If the answer to question 1 is yes, there should be a single central repository for each project, then how have people managed many multiple repositories? Finally, I haven’t looked into moving all history and changes from one SVN repository to a bunch of separate Mercurial repositories, but would appreciate any comments from someone who has done this (or if it is even possible).

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  • How to use boost::transform_iterator to iterate over modifed std::map values?

    - by Frank
    I have an std::map, and I would like to define an iterator that returns modified values. Typically, a std::map<int,double>::iterator iterates over std::pair<int,double>, and I would like the same behavior, just the double value is multiplied by a constant. I tried it with boost::transform_iterator, but it doesn't compile: #include <map> #include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp> #include <boost/functional.hpp> typedef std::map<int,double> Map; Map m; m[100] = 2.24; typedef boost::binder2nd< std::multiplies<double> > Function; typedef boost::transform_iterator<Function, Map::value_type*> MultiplyIter; MultiplyIter begin = boost::make_transform_iterator(m.begin(), Function(std::multiplies<double>(), 4)); // now want to similarly create an end iterator // and then iterate over the modified map The error is: error: conversion from 'boost ::transform_iterator< boost::binder2nd<multiplies<double> >, gen_map<int, double>::iterator , boost::use_default, boost::use_default >' to non-scalar type 'boost::transform_iterator< boost::binder2nd<multiplies<double> >, pair<const int, double> * , boost::use_default, boost::use_default >' requested What is gen_map and do I really need it? I adapted the transform_iterator tutorial code from here to write this code ...

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  • Big, Thick Reference Books (PHP / MySQL / Unix) [closed]

    - by Josh K
    I'm looking for in-depth reference books / guides in PHP, MySQL, and Unix. I'm aware there other other questions pertaining to good books for short references of function names, or detailed beginner guides to these systems. I'm looking for something different. I want a book that I can either use as a quick but in-depth (decent write up, not a pocket reference guide) reference to common functions (JOINS, string manipulation, Regular Expressions, etc) while also providing a detailed inner workings explanation on the system itself.

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  • What do these acronyms stand for ?

    - by Luc M
    Some directories are easy to understand the meaning /usr /bin ... But for the next ones, I have no idea. /etc /opt opt for optionnal ? etc for electronic t...... configuration (no idea for t) I would like to know what these acronyms are meaning

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  • Permanent solution to Win XP SP3 window animation removal

    - by epale85
    Hello everyone, May I know how I can get rid of the Window Animation (seen when you minimise or maximise a window) in Windows XP Service Pack 3 Permanently?? I have tried the following two solutions: I went to the control panel---adjust visual effects--- then unchecked the "Animate windows when maximising and minimising" option. 2.I have tried using windows powertoys tweakUI to disable the animation. 3.I even tried this: Turn Off Window Animation You can shut off the animation displayed when you minimize and maximize Windows. 1. Open RegEdit 2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control panel \Desktop\ WindowMetrics 3. Create a new string value "MinAnimate". 4. Set the value data of 0 for Off or 1 for On But still no help The Big Problem is that the window animation will disappear for a while but returns again some time later. When I navigate back to the "adjust visual effects" window, the checkbox for "Animate windows when maximising and minimising" is checked again. Thank you very much

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  • I hyperlinked a cell in excel 2003, formula issues?

    - by joseinsomniac
    I have a budget spreadsheet using excel 2003. I have My deposit, then all of my bills, the total, then a cell that has the difference(between the amount of deposit and the total of the bills). The difference cell numbers turn red when I dont have enough money (deposit vs bill total). I hyperlinked the difference cell to a checkbook register spreadsheet so I can track where all my extra money went(reconsile receipts daily). When hyperlinked the numbers are blue. I need the numbers to stay black(when above 0.00) and stay red (when the numbers are below 0.00) and not change after the link has been clicked on. Also if the link has not been clicked on, and the numbers are red, the font is smaller, even though the toolbar shows the font size hasnt changed. After I click on it and go back to the budget sheet, its the size it should be. Any Ideas? Thanks!

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  • Why won't my image display??

    - by Josh
    Hello All- Do y'all see anything wrong with my code below? I want my image to appear immediately after page opens but it only opens after the report is run. Please let me know. Thanks. <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="SelectionReport.aspx.cs" Inherits="Geocortex.Essentials.WebFramework.SelectionReportPage" Culture="auto" UICulture="auto" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" > <head id="Head1" runat="server"> <title><asp:Literal meta:resourcekey="Title1" runat="server" /></title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <p> <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageAlign="Left" ImageUrl="~/Images/Loading.gif" style="z-index: 1; left: 254px; top: 15px; position: absolute" /> </p> <gcx:SelectionReportViewer ID="SelectionReportViewer" runat="server" /> </form> </body>

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  • Parsing a UTF-16 encoded xml file in ruby with REXML

    - by Matthew Toohey
    Hello, I'm trying to parse the following UTF-16 encoded xml file in REXML: REXML encounters an error after the following: >> require 'rexml/document' => true >> include REXML => Object >> require 'net/http' => true >> triplejString = Net::HTTP.get('', '/triplej/feeds/playout/triplejsydneyplayout.xml?_523525') => "\377\376<\000?\000x\000m\000l\000 \000v\000e\000r\000s\000i\000o\000n\000=\000\"\0001\000.\0000\000\"\000 \000e\000n\000c\000o\000d\000i\000n\000g\000=\000\"\000u\000t\000f\000-\0001\0006\000\"\000?\000>\000<\000a\000b\000c\000m\000u\000s\000i\000c\000_\000p\000l\000a\000y\000o\000u\000t\000>\000<\000c\000h\000a\000n\000n\000e\000l\000>\000J\000J\000J\000<\000/\000c\000h\000a\000n\000n\000e\000l\000>\000<\000p\000u\000b\000l\000i\000s\000h\000t\000i\000m\000e\000>\000F\000r\000i\000,\000 \0003\0000\000 \000A\000p\000r\000 \0002\0000\0001\0000\000 \0001\0001\000:\0005\0007\000:\0001\0007\000 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malformed XML: missing tag start Line: Position: Last 80 unconsumed characters: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><a> /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb:356:in `pull' /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb:22:in `parse' /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/document.rb:227:in `build' /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/document.rb:43:in `initialize' (irb):19:in `new' (irb):19:in `irb_binding' /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding' /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52 ... malformed XML: missing tag start Line: Position: Last 80 unconsumed characters: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><a Line: Position: Last 80 unconsumed characters: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><a from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb:92:in `parse' from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/document.rb:227:in `build' from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/document.rb:43:in `initialize' from (irb):19:in `new' from (irb):19 Any ideas?

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  • SSH traffic over openvpn freezes under weird circumstances

    - by user289581
    I have an openvpn (version 2.1_rc15 at both ends) connection setup between two gentoo boxes using shared keys. it works fine for the most part. I use mysql, http, ftp, scp over the vpn with no problems. But when I ssh from the client to the server over the vpn, weird things happen. I can login, i can execute some commands. But if i try to run an ncurses application like top, or i try to cat a file, the connection will stall and I'll have to sever the ssh session. I can, for example, execute "echo blah; echo .; echo blah" and it will output the three lines of text over the ssh session fine. But if i execute "cat /etc/motd" the session will freeze the moment I press enter. While it seems like a terminal emulation problem it makes no sense why using the vpn would affect the ability for ssh to render things correctly. I am at a loss to explain why everything else works, including scp, but ssh just breaks over the vpn. Any thoughts ?

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  • Doctesting functions that receive and display user input - Python (tearing my hair out)

    - by GlenCrawford
    Howdy! I am currently writing a small application with Python (3.1), and like a good little boy, I am doctesting as I go. However, I've come across a method that I can't seem to doctest. It contains an input(), an because of that, I'm not entirely sure what to place in the "expecting" portion of the doctest. Example code to illustrate my problem follows: """ >>> getFiveNums() Howdy. Please enter five numbers, hit <enter> after each one Please type in a number: Please type in a number: Please type in a number: Please type in a number: Please type in a number: """ import doctest numbers = list() # stores 5 user-entered numbers (strings, for now) in a list def getFiveNums(): print("Howdy. Please enter five numbers, hit <enter> after each one") for i in range(5): newNum = input("Please type in a number:") numbers.append(newNum) print("Here are your numbers: ", numbers) if __name__ == "__main__": doctest.testmod(verbose=True) When running the doctests, the program stops executing immediately after printing the "Expecting" section, waits for me to enter five numbers one after another (without prompts), and then continues. As shown below: I don't know what, if anything, I can place in the Expecting section of my doctest to be able to test a method that receives and then displays user input. So my question (finally) is, is this function doctestable?

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  • XMLRPC Response Using ws-xmlrpc

    - by Dave
    Anyone have experience parsing complex response types using ws-xmlrpc? The service returns a HashMap with one of the values an Array, when I request the key of the array from the hashmap, java just returns "java.lang.Object". How do I access the contents of the array? Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your input.

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  • How to iterate over modifed std::map values?

    - by Frank
    I have an std::map, and I would like to define an iterator that returns modified values. Typically, a std::map<int,double>::iterator iterates over std::pair<int,double>, and I would like the same behavior, just the double value is multiplied by a constant. I tried it with boost::transform_iterator, but it doesn't compile: #include <map> #include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp> #include <boost/functional.hpp> typedef std::map<int,double> Map; Map m; m[100] = 2.24; typedef boost::binder2nd< std::multiplies<double> > Function; typedef boost::transform_iterator<Function, Map::value_type*> MultiplyIter; MultiplyIter begin = boost::make_transform_iterator(m.begin(), Function(std::multiplies<double>(), 4)); // now want to similarly create an end iterator // and then iterate over the modified map The error is: error: conversion from 'boost ::transform_iterator< boost::binder2nd<multiplies<double> >, gen_map<int, double>::iterator , boost::use_default, boost::use_default >' to non-scalar type 'boost::transform_iterator< boost::binder2nd<multiplies<double> >, pair<const int, double> * , boost::use_default, boost::use_default >' requested What is gen_map and do I really need it? I adapted the transform_iterator tutorial code from here to write this code ...

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  • Linux - Create ftp account with read/write access to only 1 folder

    - by Gublooo
    Hey guys.... I have never worked on linux and dont plan on working on it either - The only command I probably know is "ls" :) I am hosting my website on Eapps and use their cpanel to setup everything so never worked with linux. Now I have this one time case - where I need to provide access to a contractor to fix the CSS issues on my website. He basically needs FTP (read/write) access to certain folders. At a high level - this is my code structure /home/webadmin/ /css /js /login.php /facebook.php /home/webadmin/ /views /models /controllers /config /bootstrap.php /home/webadmin/ I want the new user to be able to have access to only these folders /home/webadmin/ /home/webadmin/ /home/webadmin/ He should not be able to view even the content of other folders including files like bootstrap.php or login.php etc If any sys admins can help me set this account up - will really appreciate it. Thanks

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  • Removing all CALayer's sublayers

    - by radex
    Hi. I have trouble with deleting all layer's sublayers. I do this manually, but it's unwanted code clutter. I found many topics about this in google, but no answer. I tried to do something like this: for(CALayer *layer in rootLayer.sublayers) { [layer removeFromSublayer]; } but it didn't work. Also, i tried to clone rootLayer.sublayers into separate NSArray, but result was the same. Any ideas? regards, radex PS. sorry for my English. Edit: I thought it works now, but I was wrong. It works good with CALayers, but it doesn't work with CATextLayers. Any ideas?

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  • FlashBuilder4 RIA on GAE

    - by user330195
    I've read/watched most of your blog/tuts and it seems you are the "beautiful front-ends for Java based back-ends" guru ;) That (sucking up ;) said, I want to build a highly scalable "facebook for business" and after much testing am pretty set on FlashBuilder4 (Flex) with Google App Engine (GAE). What are your thoughts on the need/advisability of also using Spring/Cairngorm/etc frameworks? Frankly I don't have extensive experience coding, however feel the "MVC utopia" universally aspired to becomes convoluting when duplicating between front and back ends as envisioned above (i.e. Flex/ActionScript and GAE/Java respectively).

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  • Iphone web application

    - by Sunil
    Hi All, I am developing a iphone web application. I already have a website designed using php and mysql. how I can convert this website to compatile for iphone. pls share your thoughts. Thanks

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