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Articles indexed Sunday January 30 2011

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  • Preferred Method Of Application Purchase

    - by Chuck
    This is more of a "programmers" question, but felt that it was technical enough to belong on Stack Overflow instead. I'm launching an application soon that will follow the shareware model of purchase. I've thought about implementing this in a few ways: Limited access to the application until they purchase Full access to the application but expires after 30 day, requiring them to purchase to retain utility. Full access to the application indefinitely, but with a 10-15 second pop-up box on start-up asking them to register -- like mIRC does (or used to do). The method of authentication will be web-based. I'll provide them with an authentication key and they'll put it in the application. Whenever the application boots up, it'll check my web service and determine whether the application is genuine or not. This isn't my question. My question is: Is there a preferred method of implementation? I'd like to piss off the users as little as possible, but I'd also like to get paid for my work.

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  • Android Animate Rotate

    - by oriharel
    I did some digging in Android code, and saw the use of in the indeterminate progress bar. after trying to create my own drawable with this tag: <animated-rotate xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:drawable="@drawable/spinner_pia" android:pivotX="50%" android:pivotY="50%" android:framesCount="12" android:frameDuration="100" /> I get an error: "No resource identifier found for attribute 'frameDuration' in package 'android'" - which means that frameDuration is a private attribute. Is there a way to use this "animate-rotate" feature? My task is to replace the system's default indeterminate progress bar. I'd like to do it with as little code as possible (just change few attributes if possible). Using the ProgressBar view, setting: android:indeterminateOnly="true" android:indeterminateBehavior="cycle" android:indeterminateDuration="3500" android:indeterminateDrawable="@drawable/pia_sivuvator" and point "@drawable/pia_sivuvator" to that object would've make my task as elegant as they come but I'm stuck on those private attributes. help?

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  • MVC | Linq Update Query | Help!

    - by 109221793
    Hi guys, I'm making modifications to a C# MVC application that I've inherited. I have a database, and for simplicity I'll just focus on the two tables I'm working with for this linq query. Item ItemID Int PK ItemName RepairSelection (Yes or No) RepairID Int FK Repair RepairID Int PK RepairCategory SubmissionDate DateSentForRepair Ok, so ItemID is pretty much the identifier, and the View to display the Repair details goes like this (snippet): <%= Html.LabelFor(x => x.ItemID)%> <%= Html.DisplayFor(x => x.ItemID)%><br /> <%= Html.LabelFor(x => x.Repair.RepairCategory)%> <%= Html.DisplayFor(x => x.Repair.RepairCategory, "FormTextShort")%><br /> <%= Html.LabelFor(x => x.Repair.SubmissionDate)%> <%= Html.DisplayFor(x => x.Repair.SubmissionDate)%><br /> <%= Html.LabelFor(x => x.Repair.DateSentForRepair)%> <%= Html.DisplayFor(x => x.Repair.DateSentForRepair)%><br /> <%= Html.ActionLink("Edit Repair Details", "Edit", new { ItemID= Model.ItemID})%> Here is the GET Edit action: public ActionResult Edit(Int64? itemId) { ModelContainer ctn = new ModelContainer(); var item = from i in ctn.Items where i.ItemID == itemId select i; return View(item.First()); } This is also fine, the GET Edit view displays the right details. Where I'm stuck is the linq query to update the Repair table. I have tried it so many ways today that my head is just fried (new to Linq as you may have guessed). My latest try is here (which I know is way off so go easy ;-) ): [HttpPost] public ActionResult Edit(Int64 itemId, Repair repair, Item item, FormCollection formValues) { if (formValues["cancelButton"] != null) { return RedirectToAction("View", new { ItemID = itemId }); } ModelContainer ctn = new ModelContainer(); Repair existingData = ctn.Repair.First(a => a.RepairId == item.RepairID && item.ItemID == itemId); existingData.SentForConversion = DateTime.Parse(formValues["SentForConversion"]); ctn.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("View", new { ItemID = itemId }); } For the above attempt I get a Sequence Contains No Elements error. Any help or pointers would be appreciated. Thanks guys.

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  • How to profile LINQ to Entities queries in your asp.net applications - part 1

    - by nikolaosk
    I have been teaching ASP.Net and EF in one of my classes and I have been asked on the various ways we can profile database activity. Everyone that I know that uses EF as its data access layer has the same question. "How can I see the T-SQL code that the LINQ to Entities engine generates on the fly?" I know a lot of people use VS studio built-in visualisers but that is not enough. A lot of developers use SQL Server Profiler. That is also a good solution since we can see the queries(generated from...(read more)

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  • Create nice animation on your ASP.NET Menu control using jQuery

    - by hajan
    In this blog post, I will show how you can apply some nice animation effects on your ASP.NET Menu control. ASP.NET Menu control offers many possibilities, but together with jQuery, you can make very rich, interactive menu accompanied with animations and effects. Lets start with an example: - Create new ASP.NET Web Application and give it a name - Open your Default.aspx page (or any other .aspx page where you will create the menu) - Our page ASPX code is: <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div id="menu">     <asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" RenderingMode="List">                     <Items>             <asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Default.aspx" ImageUrl="~/Images/Home.png" Text="Home" Value="Home"  />             <asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/About.aspx" ImageUrl="~/Images/Friends.png" Text="About Us" Value="AboutUs" />             <asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Products.aspx" ImageUrl="~/Images/Box.png" Text="Products" Value="Products" />             <asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Contact.aspx" ImageUrl="~/Images/Chat.png" Text="Contact Us" Value="ContactUs" />         </Items>     </asp:Menu> </div> </form> As you can see, we have ASP.NET Menu with Horizontal orientation and RenderMode=”List”. It has four Menu Items where for each I have specified NavigateUrl, ImageUrl, Text and Value properties. All images are in Images folder in the root directory of this web application. The images I’m using for this demo are from Free Web Icons. - Next, lets create CSS for the LI and A tags (place this code inside head tag) <style type="text/css">     li     {         border:1px solid black;         padding:20px 20px 20px 20px;         width:110px;         background-color:Gray;         color:White;         cursor:pointer;     }     a { color:White; font-family:Tahoma; } </style> This is nothing very important and you can change the style as you want. - Now, lets reference the jQuery core library directly from Microsoft CDN. <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script> - And we get to the most interesting part, applying the animations with jQuery Before we move on writing jQuery code, lets see what is the HTML code that our ASP.NET Menu control generates in the client browser.   <ul class="level1">     <li><a class="level1" href="Default.aspx"><img src="Images/Home.png" alt="" title="" class="icon" />Home</a></li>     <li><a class="level1" href="About.aspx"><img src="Images/Friends.png" alt="" title="" class="icon" />About Us</a></li>     <li><a class="level1" href="Products.aspx"><img src="Images/Box.png" alt="" title="" class="icon" />Products</a></li>     <li><a class="level1" href="Contact.aspx"><img src="Images/Chat.png" alt="" title="" class="icon" />Contact Us</a></li> </ul>   So, it generates unordered list which has class level1 and for each item creates li element with an anchor with image + menu text inside it. If we want to access the list element only from our menu (not other list element sin the page), we need to use the following jQuery selector: “ul.level1 li”, which will find all li elements which have parent element ul with class level1. Hence, the jQuery code is:   <script type="text/javascript">     $(function () {         $("ul.level1 li").hover(function () {             $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 0.7, width: "170px" }, "slow");         }, function () {             $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 1, width: "110px" }, "slow");         });     }); </script>   I’m using hover, so that the animation will occur once we go over the menu item. The two different functions are one for the over, the other for the out effect. The following line $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 0.7, width: "170px" }, "slow");     does the real job. So, this will first stop any previous animations (if any) that are in progress and will animate the menu item by giving to it opacity of 0.7 and changing the width to 170px (the default width is 110px as in the defined CSS style for li tag). This happens on mouse over. The second function on mouse out reverts the opacity and width properties to the default ones. The last parameter “slow” is the speed of the animation. The end result is:   The complete ASPX code: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head runat="server">     <title>ASP.NET Menu + jQuery</title>     <style type="text/css">         li         {             border:1px solid black;             padding:20px 20px 20px 20px;             width:110px;             background-color:Gray;             color:White;             cursor:pointer;         }         a { color:White; font-family:Tahoma; }     </style>     <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript">         $(function () {             $("ul.level1 li").hover(function () {                 $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 0.7, width: "170px" }, "slow");             }, function () {                 $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 1, width: "110px" }, "slow");             });         });     </script> </head> <body>     <form id="form1" runat="server">     <div id="menu">         <asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" RenderingMode="List">                         <Items>                 <asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Default.aspx" ImageUrl="~/Images/Home.png" Text="Home" Value="Home"  />                 <asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/About.aspx" ImageUrl="~/Images/Friends.png" Text="About Us" Value="AboutUs" />                 <asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Products.aspx" ImageUrl="~/Images/Box.png" Text="Products" Value="Products" />                 <asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Contact.aspx" ImageUrl="~/Images/Chat.png" Text="Contact Us" Value="ContactUs" />             </Items>         </asp:Menu>     </div>     </form> </body> </html> Hope this was useful. Regards, Hajan

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  • Microsoft Async CTP for DDD9 UK Developer Conference - slides and source code now available

    - by Liam Westley
    Thanks to all the nice comments from people who attended my presentation at DDD9, and extra thanks to Jon Skeet, Mark Rendle and Mike Hadlow for coming on stage for the last ten minutes to help debate whether the Async CTP is the correct way to go to enhance C# 5.0. The presentation is available at Prezi.com http://prezi.com/gysz5nohltye, which I can recommend as a refreshing change to the more standard PowerPoint slidedecks. I've also uploaded all the code samples into a single ZIP file. You will need to install the Async CTP to be able to run them, and I would remind everyone that the current Async CTP is not compatible with either ASP.NET MVC 3 RTM or Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 so you may need to use a test system of virtual machine to play with it! Source code - http://www.tigernews.co.uk/blog-twickers/ddd9/AsyncSrc.zip Again, thanks for all the positive feedback and the whole of the DDD team for putting on a fantastic conference for all the presenters and delegates.

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  • Global ValidateAntiForgeryToken in MVC3

    - by Nettuce
    public class GlobalValidateAntiForgeryToken : AuthorizeAttribute     {         public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)         {             if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod == WebRequestMethods.Http.Post)             {                new ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute().OnAuthorization(filterContext);             }         }     } And add to the Global.asax:        public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)         {             filters.Add(new GlobalValidateAntiForgeryToken());         }

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  • Integrating Code Metrics in TFS 2010 Build

    - by Jakob Ehn
    The build process template and custom activity described in this post is available here: http://cid-ee034c9f620cd58d.office.live.com/self.aspx/BlogSamples/CodeMetricsSample.zip Running code metrics has been available since VS 2008, but only from inside the IDE. Yesterday Microsoft finally releases a Visual Studio Code Metrics Power Tool 10.0, a command line tool that lets you run code metrics on your applications.  This means that it is now possible to perform code metrics analysis on the build server as part of your nightly/QA builds (for example). In this post I will show how you can run the metrics command line tool, and also a custom activity that reads the output and appends the results to the build log, and also fails he build if the metric values exceeds certain (configurable) treshold values. The code metrics tool analyzes all the methods in the assemblies, measuring cyclomatic complexity, class coupling, depth of inheritance and lines of code. Then it calculates a Maintainability Index from these values that is a measure f how maintanable this method is, between 0 (worst) and 100 (best). For information on hwo this value is calculated, see http://blogs.msdn.com/b/codeanalysis/archive/2007/11/20/maintainability-index-range-and-meaning.aspx. After this it aggregates the information and present it at the class, namespace and module level as well. Running Metrics.exe in a build definition Running the actual tool is easy, just use a InvokeProcess activity last in the Compile the Project sequence, reference the metrics.exe file and pass the correct arguments and you will end up with a result XML file in the drop directory. Here is how it is done in the attached build process template: In the above sequence I first assign the path to the code metrics result file ([BinariesDirectory]\result.xml) to a variable called MetricsResultFile, which is then sent to the InvokeProcess activity in the Arguments property. Here are the arguments for the InvokeProcess activity: Note that we tell metrics.exe to analyze all assemblies located in the Binaries folder. You might want to do some more intelligent filtering here, you probably don’t want to analyze all 3rd party assemblies for example. Note also the path to the metrics.exe, this is the default location when you install the Code Metrics power tool. You must of course install the power tool on all build servers. Using the standard output logging (in the Handle Standard Output/Handle Error Output sections), we get the following output when running the build: Integrating Code Metrics into the build Having the results available next to the build result is nice, but we want to have results integrated in the build result itself, and also to affect the outcome of the build. The point of having QA builds that measure, for example, code metrics is to make it very clear how the code being built measures up to the standards of the project/company. Just having a XML file available in the drop location will not cause the developers to improve their code, but a (partially) failing build will! To do this, we need to write a custom activity that parses the metrics result file, logs it to the build log and fails the build if the values frfom the metrics is below/above some predefined treshold values. The custom activity performs the following steps Parses the XML. I’m using Linq 2 XSD for this, since the XML schema for the result file is available, it is vey easy to generate code that lets you query the structure using standard Linq operators. Runs through the metric result hierarchy and logs the metrics for each level and also verifies maintainability index and the cyclomatic complexity with the treshold values. The treshold values are defined in the build process template are are sent in as arguments to the custom activity If the treshold values are exceeded, the activity either fails or partially fails the current build. For more information about the structure of the code metrics result file, read Cameron Skinner's post about it. It is very simpe and easy to understand. I won’t go through the code of the custom activity here, since there is nothing special about it and it is available for download so you can look at it and play with it yourself. The treshold values for Maintainability Index and Cyclomatic Complexity is defined in the build process template, and can be modified per build definition: I have taken the default value for these settings from my colleague Terje Sandström post on Code Metrics - suggestions for approriate limits. You’ll notice that this is quite an improvement compared to using code metrics inside the IDE, where Red/Yellow/Green limits are fixed (and the default values are somewaht strange, see Terjes post for a discussion on this) This is the first version of the code metrics integration with TFS 2010 Build, I will proabably enhance the functionality and the logging (the “tree view” structure in the log becomes quite hard to read) soon. I will also consider adding it to the Community TFS Build Extensions site when it becomes a bit more mature. Another obvious improvement is to extend the data warehouse of TFS and push the metric results back to the warehouse and make it visible in the reports.

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  • Setting up a new Silverlight 4 Project with WCF RIA Services

    - by Kevin Grossnicklaus
    Many of my clients are actively using Silverlight 4 and RIA Services to build powerful line of business applications.  Getting things set up correctly is critical to being to being able to take full advantage of the RIA services plumbing and when developers struggle with the setup they tend to shy away from the solution as a whole.  I’m a big proponent of RIA services and wanted to take the opportunity to share some of my experiences in setting up these types of projects.  In late 2010 I presented a RIA Services Master Class here in St. Louis, MO through my firm (ArchitectNow) and the information shared in this post was promised during that presentation. One other thing I want to mention before diving in is the existence of a number of other great posts on this subject.  I’ve learned a lot from many of them and wanted to call out a few of them.  The purpose of my post is to point out some of the gotchas that people get caught up on in the process but I would still encourage you to do as much additional research as you can to find the perfect setup for your needs. Here are a few additional blog posts and articles you should check out on the subject: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee707351(VS.91).aspx http://adam-thompson.com/post/2010/07/03/Getting-Started-with-WCF-RIA-Services-for-Silverlight-4.aspx Technologies I don’t intend for this post to turn into a full WCF RIA Services tutorial but I did want to point out what technologies we will be using: Visual Studio.NET 2010 Silverlight 4.0 WCF RIA Services for Visual Studio 2010 Entity Framework 4.0 I also wanted to point out that the screenshots came from my personal development box which has a number of additional plug-ins and frameworks loaded so a few of the screenshots might not match 100% with what you see on your own machines. If you do not have Visual Studio 2010 you can download the express version from http://www.microsoft.com/express.  The Silverlight 4.0 tools and the WCF RIA Services components are installed via the Web Platform Installer (http://www.microsoft.com/web/download). Also, the examples given in this post are done in C#…sorry to you VB folks but the concepts are 100% identical. Setting up anew RIA Services Project This section will provide a step-by-step walkthrough of setting up a new RIA services project using a shared DLL for server side code and a simple Entity Framework model for data access.  All projects are created with the consistent ArchitectNow.RIAServices filename prefix and default namespace.  This would be modified to match your companies standards. First, open Visual Studio and open the new project window via File->New->Project.  In the New Project window, select the Silverlight folder in the Installed Templates section on the left and select “Silverlight Application” as your project type.  Verify your solution name and location are set appropriately.  Note that the project name we specified in the example below ends with .Client.  This indicates the name which will be given to our Silverlight project. I consider Silverlight a client-side technology and thus use this name to reflect that.  Click Ok to continue. During the creation on a new Silverlight 4 project you will be prompted with the following dialog to create a new web ASP.NET web project to host your Silverlight content.  As we are demonstrating the setup of a WCF RIA Services infrastructure, make sure the “Enable WCF RIA Services” option is checked and click OK.  Obviously, there are some other options here which have an effect on your solution and you are welcome to look around.  For our example we are going to leave the ASP.NET Web Application Project selected.  If you are interested in having your Silverlight project hosted in an MVC 2 application or a Web Site project these options are available as well.  Also, whichever web project type you select, the name can be modified here as well.  Note that it defaults to the same name as your Silverlight project with the addition of a .Web suffix. At this point, your full Silverlight 4 project and host ASP.NET Web Application should be created and will now display in your Visual Studio solution explorer as part of a single Visual Studio solution as follows: Now we want to add our WCF RIA Services projects to this same solution.  To do so, right-click on the Solution node in the solution explorer and select Add->New Project.  In the New Project dialog again select the Silverlight folder under the Visual C# node on the left and, in the main area of the screen, select the WCF RIA Services Class Library project template as shown below.  Make sure your project name is set appropriately as well.  For the sample below, we will name the project “ArchitectNow.RIAServices.Server.Entities”.   The .Server.Entities suffix we use is meant to simply indicate that this particular project will contain our WCF RIA Services entity classes (as you will see below).  Click OK to continue. Once you have created the WCF RIA Services Class Library specified above, Visual Studio will automatically add TWO projects to your solution.  The first will be an project called .Server.Entities (using our naming conventions) and the other will have the same name with a .Web extension.  The full solution (with all 4 projects) is shown in the image below.  The .Entities project will essentially remain empty and is actually a Silverlight 4 class library that will contain generated RIA Services domain objects.  It will be referenced by our front-end Silverlight project and thus allow for simplified sharing of code between the client and the server.   The .Entities.Web project is a .NET 4.0 class library into which we will put our data access code (via Entity Framework).  This is our server side code and business logic and the RIA Services plumbing will maintain a link between this project and the front end.  Specific entities such as our domain objects and other code we set to be shared will be copied automatically into the .Entities project to be used in both the front end and the back end. At this point, we want to do a little cleanup of the projects in our solution and we will do so by deleting the “Class1.cs” class from both the .Entities project and the .Entities.Web project.  (Has anyone ever intentionally named a class “Class1”?) Next, we need to configure a few references to make RIA Services work.  THIS IS A KEY STEP THAT CAUSES MANY HEADACHES FOR DEVELOPERS NEW TO THIS INFRASTRUCTURE! Using the Add References dialog in Visual Studio, add a project reference from the *.Client project (our Silverlight 4 client) to the *.Entities project (our RIA Services class library).  Next, again using the Add References dialog in Visual Studio, add a project reference from the *.Client.Web project (our ASP.NET host project) to the *.Entities.Web project (our back-end data services DLL).  To get to the Add References dialog, simply right-click on the project you with to add a reference to in the Visual Studio solution explorer and select “Add Reference” from the resulting context menu.  You will want to make sure these references are added as “Project” references to simplify your future debugging.  To reiterate the reference direction using the project names we have utilized in this example thus far:  .Client references .Entities and .Client.Web reference .Entities.Web.  If you have opted for a different naming convention, then the Silverlight project must reference the RIA Services Silverlight class library and the ASP.NET host project must reference the server-side class library. Next, we are going to add a new Entity Framework data model to our data services project (.Entities.Web).  We will do this by right clicking on this project (ArchitectNow.Server.Entities.Web in the above diagram) and selecting Add->New Project.  In the New Project dialog we will select ADO.NET Entity Data Model as in the following diagram.  For now we will call this simply SampleDataModel.edmx and click OK. It is worth pointing out that WCF RIA Services is in no way tied to the Entity Framework as a means of accessing data and any data access technology is supported (as long as the server side implementation maps to the RIA Services pattern which is a topic beyond the scope of this post).  We are using EF to quickly demonstrate the RIA Services concepts and setup infrastructure, as such, I am not providing a database schema with this post but am instead connecting to a small sample database on my local machine.  The following diagram shows a simple EF Data Model with two tables that I reverse engineered from a local data store.   If you are putting together your own solution, feel free to reverse engineer a few tables from any local database to which you have access. At this point, once you have an EF data model generated as an EDMX into your .Entites.Web project YOU MUST BUILD YOUR SOLUTION.  I know it seems strange to call that out but it important that the solution be built at this point for the next step to be successful.  Obviously, if you have any build errors, these must be addressed at this point. At this point we will add a RIA Services Domain Service to our .Entities.Web project (our server side code).  We will need to right-click on the .Entities.Web project and select Add->New Item.  In the Add New Item dialog, select Domain Service Class and verify the name of your new Domain Service is correct (ours is called SampleService.cs in the image below).  Next, click "Add”. After clicking “Add” to include the Domain Service Class in the selected project, you will be presented with the following dialog.  In it, you can choose which entities from the selected EDMX to include in your services and if they should be allowed to be edited (i.e. inserted, updated, or deleted) via this service.  If the “Available DataContext/ObjectContext classes” dropdown is empty, this indicates you have not yes successfully built your project after adding your EDMX.  I would also recommend verifying that the “Generate associated classes for metadata” option is selected.  Once you have selected the appropriate options, click “OK”. Once you have added the domain service class to the .Entities.Web project, the resulting solution should look similar to the following: Note that in the solution you now have a SampleDataModel.edmx which represents your EF data mapping to your database and a SampleService.cs which will contain a large amount of generated RIA Services code which RIA Services utilizes to access this data from the Silverlight front-end.  You will put all your server side data access code and logic into the SampleService.cs class.  The SampleService.metadata.cs class is for decorating the generated domain objects with attributes from the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace for validation purposes. FINAL AND KEY CONFIGURATION STEP!  One key step that causes significant headache to developers configuring RIA Services for the first time is the fact that, when we added the EDMX to the .Entities.Web project for our EF data access, a connection string was generated and placed within a newly generated App.Context file within that project.  While we didn’t point it out at the time you can see it in the image above.  This connection string will be required for the EF data model to successfully locate it’s data.  Also, when we added the Domain Service class to the .Entities.Web project, a number of RIA Services configuration options were added to the same App.Config file.   Unfortunately, when we ultimately begin to utilize the RIA Services infrastructure, our Silverlight UI will be making RIA services calls through the ASP.NET host project (i.e. .Client.Web).  This host project has a reference to the .Entities.Web project which actually contains the code so all will pass through correctly EXCEPT the fact that the host project will utilize it’s own Web.Config for any configuration settings.  For this reason we must now merge all the sections of the App.Config file in the .Entities.Web project into the Web.Config file in the .Client.Web project.  I know this is a bit tedious and I wish there were a simpler solution but it is required for our RIA Services Domain Service to be made available to the front end Silverlight project.  Much of this manual merge can be achieved by simply cutting and pasting from App.Config into Web.Config.  Unfortunately, the <system.webServer> section will exist in both and the contents of this section will need to be manually merged.  Fortunately, this is a step that needs to be taken only once per solution.  As you add additional data structures and Domain Services methods to the server no additional changes will be necessary to the Web.Config. Next Steps At this point, we have walked through the basic setup of a simple RIA services solution.  Unfortunately, there is still a lot to know about RIA services and we have not even begun to take advantage of the plumbing which we just configured (meaning we haven’t even made a single RIA services call).  I plan on posting a few more introductory posts over the next few weeks to take us to this step.  If you have any questions on the content in this post feel free to reach out to me via this Blog and I’ll gladly point you in (hopefully) the right direction. Resources Prior to closing out this post, I wanted to share a number or resources to help you get started with RIA services.  While I plan on posting more on the subject, I didn’t invent any of this stuff and wanted to give credit to the following areas for helping me put a lot of these pieces into place.   The books and online resources below will go a long way to making you extremely productive with RIA services in the shortest time possible.  The only thing required of you is the dedication to take advantage of the resources available. Books Pro Business Applications with Silverlight 4 http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Business-Applications-Silverlight-4/dp/1430272074/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1291048751&sr=8-2 Silverlight 4 in Action http://www.amazon.com/Silverlight-4-Action-Pete-Brown/dp/1935182374/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1291048751&sr=8-1 Pro Silverlight for the Enterprise (Books for Professionals by Professionals) http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Silverlight-Enterprise-Books-Professionals/dp/1430218673/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1291048751&sr=8-3 Web Content RIA Services http://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/RobBagby/NET-RIA-Services-in-5-Minutes http://silverlight.net/riaservices/ http://www.silverlight.net/learn/videos/all/net-ria-services-intro/ http://www.silverlight.net/learn/videos/all/ria-services-support-visual-studio-2010/ http://channel9.msdn.com/learn/courses/Silverlight4/SL4BusinessModule2/SL4LOB_02_01_RIAServices http://www.myvbprof.com/MainSite/index.aspx#/zSL4_RIA_01 http://channel9.msdn.com/blogs/egibson/silverlight-firestarter-ria-services http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee707336%28v=VS.91%29.aspx Silverlight www.silverlight.net http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/silverlight4trainingcourse.aspx http://channel9.msdn.com/shows/silverlighttv

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  • Apache crashes a few seconds after the start.

    - by Nacho
    Hi, i've got a problem with apache. When i try to start it (/etc/init.d/apache2 start) it dies after a few seconds. It shows up on "ps aux" consuming a lot of memory and then dies. I don't know what could be causing apache to consume this amount of memory: USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 13379 1.0 0.3 14376 3908 ? Ss 22:31 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start www-data 13383 0.0 0.4 197316 4196 ? Sl 22:31 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start www-data 13390 0.0 0.3 172728 4172 ? Sl 22:31 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start www-data 13396 0.0 0.3 156336 4160 ? Sl 22:31 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start www-data 13400 0.0 0.3 148140 4156 ? Sl 22:31 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start www-data 13403 0.0 0.3 131748 4148 ? Sl 22:31 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start Here is a htop screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/N4Chh.png It happened suddenly, no change had been made to server config, so i don't know whats causing it. The error log of my virtual servers shows this: [Sun Jan 30 22:19:50 2011] [alert] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: mod_wsgi (pid=9685): Couldn't create worker thread 11 in daemon process 'fb.ebookmetafinder.com'. [Sun Jan 30 22:19:55 2011] [alert] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: mod_wsgi (pid=9685): Couldn't create worker thread 19 in daemon process 'fb.ebookmetafinder.com'. [Sun Jan 30 22:29:40 2011] [alert] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: mod_wsgi (pid=12009): Couldn't create worker thread 18 in daemon process 'fb.ebookmetafinder.com'. [Sun Jan 30 22:31:06 2011] [alert] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: mod_wsgi (pid=13396): Couldn't create worker thread 15 in daemon process 'fb.ebookmetafinder.com'. [Sun Jan 30 22:35:02 2011] [alert] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: mod_wsgi (pid=14009): Couldn't create worker thread 16 in daemon process 'fb.ebookmetafinder.com'. [Sun Jan 30 22:35:07 2011] [alert] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: mod_wsgi (pid=14009): Couldn't create worker thread 17 in daemon process 'fb.ebookmetafinder.com'. I'm on a ubuntu server vps and i use mod_wsgi with django. Thanks.

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  • SCSI driver installation trouble

    - by Vicky
    I tried to install the driver of Adaptec 39320A-Ultra 320 SCSI card in Win2003 Server R2 SP2 in a DELL PowerEdge 2950 Server. I selected the driver from the list of drivers present in windows. But it says that the device could not be started(Code 10). I tried to put the card in a system that already had the driver installed. It worked fine. So there is no problem with the hardware. I even tried downloading the driver from the manufacturer website. When I try to select install from path and install that driver, it tell no matching driver found. When I install the default driver from windows, it shows the card in SCSI group of device manager, but with an ! symbol. Also the device ID in driver details was different from that of the one present in other system where it insalled fine. Any suggessions to solve it?

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  • Reliability of VMware ESXi for backup

    - by Laurent
    Currently, I'm using a server as an online backup and to run some VMs with VMware Server. I'm interested in converting it to VMware ESXi but have some concerns about the possible corruption of my VMDKs if I choose to store my data on them. I was also thinking of storing the data directly on the datastore but can't find any way to mount a VMFS volume with a LiveCD if ESXi is unable to start. What are my options? Is continuing to use VMware Server is a good idea, knowing that I DO want to use the server for both virtualization and backup purposes. Thanks.

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  • .htaccess modify rules and redirect if there's .php in the url

    - by Ron
    Hello everyone. I got the following code in my .htaccess: Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteBase /temp/test/ RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f RewriteRule ^about/(.*)/$ $1.php [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)/download/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/downloadfile/$ file-download.php?product=$1&version=$2&os=$3&method=$4 [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)/download/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/$ download-donate.php?product=$1&version=$2&os=$3&method=$4 [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)/download/(.*)/$ download.php?product=$1&version=$2 [L] RewriteRule ^newsletter-confirm/(.*)/$ newsletter-confirm.php?email=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^newsletter-remove/(.*)/$ newsletter-remove.php?email=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)/screenshots/$ screenshots.php?product=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)/$ products.php?product=$1&page=$2 [L] RewriteRule ^schedule-manager/$ products.php?product=schedule-manager&page=view [L] RewriteRule ^visual-command-line/$ products.php?product=visual-command-line&page=view [L] RewriteRule ^windows-hider/$ products.php?product=windows-hider&page=view [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ $1.php [L] RewriteRule ^products/$ products.php [L] everything work perfect. I would like to know how can I modify it so it will be less lines. I am pretty sure I can atleast remove 4-5 lines, but I dont know how. (merge the schedule-manager, visual-command-line and windows-hider, and some more). I know that the order of the rules is important, this order works - although I have no idea why, I just played with the rules until it worked. If you think that there'll be a bug with the following order please tell me where. Another thing - I would like to redirect for example www.myweb.com/products.php to www.myweb.com/products/ (I mean that the URL in the address bar will change). I dont know if the redirect can go along with my rewrite rules. Thank you.

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  • Easy way to update apache on a server cluster with shared NFS conf?

    - by Simon
    we have a server setup where a server cluster connected with a db/files/conf server shared by nfs serve our sites, behind an Elastic Load Balancer at Amazon EC2. The setup works correctly, but keeping it up to date is becoming like hell, because the apache/php conf that webservers use is shared through NFS. So, if we try to run an apt-get upgrade on a server on the cluster, it will abort it due to the webserver is not able to write back the configuration to the nfs server. Every time we want to update the machines, or install a package like php-curl, we need to create a new ami, so the changes will reflect on the new launched amis. Could it be another way of doing the things simpler? Thanks in advance!

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  • Setting up a domain with a dedicated server

    - by Andrew M
    I have a dedicated server with a bunch of stuff on it already. Basically, I am accessing it now with the free domain I got when I purchased the server (http://example.com/directory, etc). I also have a second domain I want to use with a specific subdirectory (http://exampletwo.com/ should basically work as if I were under http://example.com/two, but it should use the exampletwo domain. I would assume I would change the A record of the second domain to the IP of the server, but how do I make it work with a subdirectory? I have full DNS control of the second domain but it is purchased on from a different registrar than the dedicated server. EDIT: It is a CentOS 5 server running Plesk/Virtuozoo.

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  • How can I use wildcards in an Nginx map directive?

    - by Ian Clelland
    I am trying to use Nginx to served cached files produced by a web application, and have spotted a potential problem; that the url-space is wide, and will exceed the Ext3 limit of 32000 subdirectories. I would like to break up the subdirectories, making, say, a two-level filesystem cache. So, where I am currently caching a file at /var/cache/www/arbitrary_directory_name/index.html I would store that instead at something like /var/cache/www/a/r/arbitrary_directory_name/index.html My trouble is that I can't get try_files, or even rewrite to make that mapping. My searching on the subject leads me to believe that I need to do something like this (heavily abbreviated): http { map $request_uri $prefix { /aa* a/a; /ab* a/b; /ac* a/c; ... /zz* z/z; } location / { try_files /var/cache/www/$prefix/$request_uri/index.html @fallback; # or # if (-f /var/cache/www/$prefix/$request_uri/index.html) { # rewrite ^(.*)$ /var/cache/www/$prefix/$1/index.html; # } } } But I can't get the /aa* pattern to match the incoming uri. Without the *, it will match an exact uri, but I can't get it to match just the first two characters. The Nginx documentation suggests that wildcards should be allowed, but I can't see a way to get them to work. Is there a way to do this? Am I missing something simple? Or am I going about this the wrong way?

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  • Howto get exit code of a script started in screen session

    - by Bettina
    Hi folks, I am currently creating a backup script which uses screen to start a backup job with rsync inside a screen session. The backup jobs are started as follows. screen -dmS backup /usr/bin/rsync ... As soon as the rsync job is finished, the screen session is terminated automatically. To make sure, that the backup was successful, I would like to check the exit code of the rsync job but unfortunately I really don't know how to get the exit code after the screen was terminated. Does someone have a good idea how to automatically check, if the rsync job was successful or not? Would be great if someone does. I already thought about using a temp file but like this: screen -dmS myScreen "rsync -av ... ; echo $? /tmp/myExitCode" but this unfortunately does not work. Then I thought about using stderr like in the example below: screen -dmS myScreen "rsync -av ... 2 /tmp/rsync-sterr None of my ideas worked out so far, since stderr is not written when I use the command above. :-( ? Would be great if someone has a good idea or even a solution. Cheers, Bettina

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  • Mass change Microsoft DNS & IIS server settings

    - by Antonius Bloch
    I need to change about 100 DNS records and IIS configurations on a Windows 2003 web server. The gui doesn't accommodate it and the MS command line tools seem incomplete (for example: dnscmd cannot edit a record, only create). Is there a third party tool out there I can use? Basically I just need to change one IP address to another. <vent It's frustrating that what would take a simple search and replace in Linux is this massive exercise under Windows. I mean IIS 6 wasn't Microsoft's first web platform! What were they thinking??? </vent

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  • PHP fopen fails - does not have permission to open file in write mode.

    - by George
    Hello. I have an Apache 2.17 server running on a Fedora 13. I want to be able to create a file in a directory. I cannot do that. Whenever I try to open a file with php for writing fopen(,'w'), it tells me that I don't have permission to do that. So i checked the httpd.conf file in /etc/httpd/conf/. It says user apache, group apache. So I changed ownership (chown -R apache:apache .*) of my whole /www directory to apache:apache. I also run chmod -R 777 * Apart from knowing how terribly dangerous this is, it actually still gives me the same error, even though I even allow public write!

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  • How to authorize standard users to install drivers on Windows XP

    - by Dr I
    I'm currently looking for a way to autorize my non administrators users to perform an installation of drivers. Here is the speech: All my users are standard users, they got a VirtualBox Hypervisor if they need the administrator rights. But if they put an USB device on the local machine and try to redirect the device to the Virtual Machine, Windows ask for some Administrator rights. I've try to set up those GPO: Allow standard users to install drivers. Install WHQL Drivers: Allow Silently. I don't know how to do this.

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  • Replicated filesystem and EC2 MySQL

    - by El Yobo
    I'm currently investigating migrating our infrastructure over to run on Amazon's EC2 and am trying to figure out the best way to set up a MySQL service. I'm leaning towards running our own MySQL instances, rather than going with Amazon's RDS, but am still considering the best approach for performance and cost on the instance itself. In order to have persistent data, the MySQL data needs to be on an EBS volume (with some form of striped RAID, e.g. RAID0 or RAID10) to improve persistence. However, EBS IO is limited by the network interface (gigabit, so a theoretical maximum of 128 MB/s), while the ephemeral volumes have no such problem. I did see a suggestion for running two MySQL servers on an instance, with a master running on the ephemeral disk (which we would also RAID) and a slave storing changes to an EBS volume, but this has some additional overhead and complexity (two servers). What I was imagining is using some form of replicated file system such that I could have a filesystem on top of a RAID0 of ephemeral volumes to maximise performance all changes from the above immediately replicated to another RAID1 volume backed by multiple EBS volumes to ensure no data loss The advantages of this would be best possible IO performance for the DB server; no network delay in IO decreased IO on EBS volumes (as all read IO will be done on the ephemeral volumes) so decreased cost good data security, as it's backed onto redundant EBS volumes However, I haven't seen an appropriate system to replicate all changes from one volume to the other; is there a filesystem, or any other approach, which will do this? The distributed file systems, e.g. GlusterFS, DRBD etc seem to focus on replicating disks between servers, can they be set up to do what I'm interested in here? I also haven't seen anything about other's taking this approach. Do I have a solution in need of a problem here (i.e. is performance good enough, so this whole idea is redundant)? Is there some flaw in the plan?

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  • Apache SSL for login and NON-SSL for everything else (.htacces)

    - by The Devil
    Hey I've almost figured it out on my own but there's something I'm missing. I want to set a couple of directories and files to require SSL and everything else that's not related to those files and dirs to point back to http. So far I have this: RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / # Force ssl for login & admin RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on RewriteRule ^/?(admin(.*)|login\.php)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,NC,L] # Force non-ssl for others RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on RewriteRule ^/?(admin(.*)|login\.php)$ http://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,NC,L] I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but I just can't figure it out.... The first condition works perfect - whenever I access login.php or /admin/ it points to https. But the second one doesn't... Where have I mistaken ? Thanks in advance!

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  • MRTG + RRDTool Hourly Graph

    - by SuperMicro321
    I am using MRTG + RRDtool to monitor the bandwidth on each switchport of a Cisco Catalyst 2950 via snmp. Is MRTG capable of generating an hourly graph? With RRDtool I was able to set the interval to 1 minute in hopes of getting a more detailed graph, but the shortest timeframe the graph is 'Daily' graph (5 Minute Average) and the image is too small. What I am looking to get out of this: I am looking to be able to visually monitor all of the switch ports and tell when port begins to have unusually high traffic, in real time (1 minute interval of snmp poll, graphs generated, and page refreshed).

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  • Windows 2008 R2 DNS cant resolve own SOA

    - by user46742
    We have two Domain Controllers for our network. They both run DHCP, DNS, and ADS. They are both VM's sitting on MS Hyper V Server 2008 on separate physical hosts. We had our primary DC go down a week ago. I upgraded an already existing VM to Primary DC and built a new VM for the secondary. Both DNS servers are running and the SOA is configured correctly for Primary DC 1. However when I run the best practice analyzer it states the server cannot resolve it's own SOA. Check the configuration in the adapter. I checked and they are configured properly. I also went through the DNS entries thoroughly and made sure there was no records of the previous DC that went down. NSLOOKUP resolves the domain and primary dc fine. I also checked the firewalls on the machines and our physical firewall for any deny packets. Any suggestions? I appreciate any help!

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  • How can I transfer a logged in user's login data from one server to another?

    - by Martin
    I have one server "A" where users can login. Login is verified by an LDAP server "L". I have a different server "B" were users can log in, too. Login is verified by the same LDAP server as before. Both servers are standard web servers with PHP. My goal is: If a user is logged in to server "A", and if he clicks a link to log in to server "B", the user should automatically be logged in without re-entering username and password. What is a good and secure way to achieve this? I can't submit username and crypted password to server "B". I can't use the PHP session of server "A", because it does not exit on "B". Cookies won't work either. I think that there is a way, but I just can't see it. Any help is very much appreciated.

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