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Articles indexed Friday February 11 2011

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  • 5 tipologie di consumatori con cui confrontarsi per rendere vincenti le proprie strategie di CRM

    - by antonella.buonagurio(at)oracle.com
    Sono 5 le tipologie di consumatori che  rappresentano 5 differenti modalità di acquisto di cui le aziende devono tenere in considerazione nella pianificazione dei propri piani strategici del 2011. Oltre al "consumatore just-in-time", già citato in un precedente articolo apparso sul Wall Street Journal a Novembre ecco le altre tipologie evidenziate da Lioe Arussy (Strativity Group). Il consumatore alla ricerca degli sconti Il consumatore diffidente Il consumatore timoroso Il consumatore fai-da-te Il consumatore indulgente Per ognuno di queste categorie viene evidenziato il modello di comportamento e il conseguente modello di acquisto. Per saperne di più  

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  • Solita Oy Achieves Oracle PartnerNetwork Specialization

    - by michaela.seika(at)oracle.com
    Helsinki, February 2, 2011 - Solita Oy, a member of the Oracle® PartnerNetwork (OPN), is the first Finnish enterprise to achieve OPN Specialized status for customer-specific systems integration and software solutions.To achieve a Specialized status, Oracle partners are required to meet a stringent set of requirements that are based on the needs and priorities of the customer and partner community. By achieving a Specialized distinction, Solita Oy has been recognized by Oracle for its expertise in customer-specific systems integration and software solutions, achieved through competency development and demonstrated by the company's business results and proven success in implementing customer projects. "Solita and Oracle have cooperated for a long time, and we have been an Oracle partner for many years. We believe that the renewed partner program and the new partnership level that we have achieved will open up new opportunities for a closer collaboration with Oracle. Our increased focus on systems integration solutions and the stepping up of our specialized knowledge of SOA will enable us to provide even better solutions for our customers," said Jari Niska, Chief Executive Officer, Solita Oy. "Solita has shown trust and belief in Oracle's technology and in the business opportunities arising with it. They have contributed to building our cooperation in a consistent and systematic way. Achieving a Specialized status in our partner program is a natural further step in our close and committed cooperation. It strengthens our trust in our ability to be able to increase both turnover and profitability together," said Juha Kaskirinne, Alliances and Channel Leader, Oracle Finland Oy.  About Oracle PartnerNetwork Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) Specialized is the latest version of Oracle's partner program that provides partners with tools to better develop, sell and implement Oracle solutions. OPN Specialized offers resources to train and support specialized knowledge of Oracle products and solutions and has evolved to recognize Oracle's growing product portfolio, partner base and business opportunity. Key to the latest enhancements to OPN is the ability for partners to differentiate through Specializations. Specializations are achieved through competency development, business results, expertise and proven success. To find out more visit http://www.oracle.com/partners or connect with the Oracle Partner community at OPN on Twitter, OPN on Facebook, OPN on LinkedIn, and OPN on YouTube. About Solita Oy Solita Oy is a Finnish company dedicated to developing demanding information system solutions and IT professional services. Solita's customers include prominent Finnish companies and public organizations. Solita's turnover in 2010 was about 17 million euros. The company was founded in 1996 and has over 170 employees. Further information: www.solita.fiFurther information Jari Niska, CEO, Solita Oy, tel. +358 40 524 6400, [email protected] Kaskirinne, A&C Leader Finland, Oracle Finland Oy, tel. +358 40 506 3592, [email protected]

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  • Don&rsquo;t apply for your first job somewhere; apply for an experience at Oracle.

    - by cristian.condurache(at)oracle.com
    Hi! My name is Stijn and I currently work as a Business Development Consultant for Oracle in Dublin since November 2010. I’m originally from Belgium and I graduated last year from the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School. In many ways you could say I’m living the life I asked for: an international career with global organization. I’m unbelievably grateful however, because opportunities like this don’t come by the dozen. Actually, going through university and business school my dreams of an international career were clouded quite quickly. Following all the ‘right’ steps wasn’t enough. The lack of offers for, and trust in, new starters to take on a challenge like this was a reality check for me and many of my friends. It takes a company that recognizes the opportunity of recruiting talented individuals by offering them something they actually want: a first job based abroad! My job is focused on generating demand for Oracle products over the phone. In only a few months, the amazing things I’ve experienced, the people I’ve talked to, the learning experiences I’ve had in and outside of work are too many to list. From having CEO’s on the phone, to having meetings with 15 different nationalities, to getting settled from scratch in a new country… it’s something that builds you as a person. But don’t be fooled though, it’s on you - where it starts. Although Oracle gives you the best training and resources to do your job and Ireland is a playground for everything else, it’s you that is responsible. You are in control and much is expected. What you get in return however, is beyond incredible. If you are interested in joining the same team as Stijn, please visit http://campus.oracle.com or contact [email protected] Technorati Tags: Oracle,opportunity,global organisation,career,Business Development Consultant

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  • Energy Firms Targetted for Sensitive Documents

    - by martin.abrahams
    Numerous multinational energy companies have been targeted by hackers who have been focusing on financial documents related to oil and gas field exploration, bidding contracts, and drilling rights, as well as proprietary industrial process documents, according to a new McAfee report. "It ... speaks to quite a sad state of our critical infrastructure security. These were not sophisticated attacks ... yet they were very successful in achieving their goals," said Dmitri Alperovitch, McAfee's vice president for threat research. Apparently, the attacks can be traced back over several years, creating a sustained security compromise that has provided access to highly sensitive information that is of huge financial value to competitors. The value of IRM as an additional layer of protection is clear. Whether your infrastructure security is in a sad state or is state of the art, breaches are always a possibility - and in any case, a lot of sensitive information is shared with third parties whose infrastructure security might not be as good as yours. IRM protects the individual information assets directly so that, even if infrastructure security is compromised, your critical information is enrypted and trackable and only accessible to authenticated, authorised, audited users. The full McAfee report is available here.

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  • Nokia to release Windows 7 mobiles

    - by samsudeen
    The Finnish mobile giant Nokia announced today partnership with Microsoft to release smartphones using  Windows Phone 7 mobile platform. The alliance is expected to give much needed support and advantage for both the companies. The once leader of mobile phone industry, Nokia, has lost  most of its market share to iPhone and  Android  smartphones in the recent past. Microsoft has also re-designed it’s Windows mobile OS last year to regain it’s lost momentum in the Mobile OS market. Below are few of the highlights of the deal Nokia smartphones will be powered by Windows Phone 7 OS Microsoft to develop Mobile office for Nokia phones Nokia mobiles to support Enterprise instant messaging  and optimized conferencing using the Microsoft Office Communicator Mobile Support for network connectivity using Microsoft share point server Integration with Microsoft System Centre This article titled,Nokia to release Windows 7 mobiles, was originally published at Tech Dreams. Grab our rss feed or fan us on Facebook to get updates from us.

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  • What is the most professional way to deal with another programmer who has checked out mentally?

    - by hal10001
    Lead... same project I'm on... shows decreasing interest in project work, especially lead activities. This has been going on for awhile now, and some animosity is starting to grow between us based upon decisions made and overall attitude toward client interactions and tasks. This person is not necessarily a bad programmer, but I can tell is mentally checking out and shutting down. Generally speaking, how do you deal with this behavior?

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  • Tips for a first year CS student looking for a summer internship to gain experience?

    - by Matt
    Hello all, I am a first year CS student and my programming experience is only what I have obtained in my computer programming I and II classes this school year. (console applications in C++) I want to find a summer job/internship that would help me build my skill set. Being that I am still such a beginner pay is not a concern, minimum wage would be nice, but as long as I am learning, I really don't care. My current resume just lists a bunch of random jobs i've had in the past (burger king, summer camps, best buy, etc.) Does anyone have any tips (places to look? things to put on resume?) that might help me?

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  • Code maintenance: keeping a bad pattern when extending new code for being consistent or not ?

    - by Guillaume
    I have to extend an existing module of a project. I don't like the way it has been done (lots of anti-pattern involved, like copy/pasted code). I don't want to perform a complete refactor. Should I: create new methods using existing convention, even if I feel it wrong, to avoid confusion for the next maintainer and being consistent with the code base? or try to use what I feel better even if it is introducing another pattern in the code ? Precison edited after first answers: The existing code is not a mess. It is easy to follow and understand. BUT it is introducing lots of boilerplate code that can be avoided with good design (resulting code might become harder to follow then). In my current case it's a good old JDBC (spring template inboard) DAO module, but I have already encounter this dilemma and I'm seeking for other dev feedback. I don't want to refactor because I don't have time. And even with time it will be hard to justify that a whole perfectly working module needs refactoring. Refactoring cost will be heavier than its benefits. Remember: code is not messy or over-complex. I can not extract few methods there and introduce an abstract class here. It is more a flaw in the design (result of extreme 'Keep It Stupid Simple' I think) So the question can also be asked like that: You, as developer, do you prefer to maintain easy stupid boring code OR to have some helpers that will do the stupid boring code at your place ? Downside of the last possibility being that you'll have to learn some stuff and maybe you will have to maintain the easy stupid boring code too until a full refactoring is done)

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  • Good Blog Software

    - by Darren Young
    Hi, Inspired from an earlier question regarding starting a blog, I have decided to start one myself. I only have 4 months commercial experience in C#, but I am hoping to use my blog as a tool for further learning. Maybe such things as researching and writing about a different design pattern each week, a tricky aspect of C# that I don't yet fully understand, etc, etc. My question is, can somebody recommend any good blog sites suited for writing text and code? Is there any that allow the use of code tags or similar for formatting? Thanks,

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  • Why are marketing employees, product managers, etc. deserving of their own office, yet programmers are jammed in a room as many as possible?

    - by TheImirOfGroofunkistan
    I don't understand why many (many) companies treat software developers like they are assembly line workers making widgets. Joel Spolsky has a great example of the problems this creates: With programmers, it's especially hard. Productivity depends on being able to juggle a lot of little details in short term memory all at once. Any kind of interruption can cause these details to come crashing down. When you resume work, you can't remember any of the details (like local variable names you were using, or where you were up to in implementing that search algorithm) and you have to keep looking these things up, which slows you down a lot until you get back up to speed. Here's the simple algebra. Let's say (as the evidence seems to suggest) that if we interrupt a programmer, even for a minute, we're really blowing away 15 minutes of productivity. For this example, lets put two programmers, Jeff and Mutt, in open cubicles next to each other in a standard Dilbert veal-fattening farm. Mutt can't remember the name of the Unicode version of the strcpy function. He could look it up, which takes 30 seconds, or he could ask Jeff, which takes 15 seconds. Since he's sitting right next to Jeff, he asks Jeff. Jeff gets distracted and loses 15 minutes of productivity (to save Mutt 15 seconds). Now let's move them into separate offices with walls and doors. Now when Mutt can't remember the name of that function, he could look it up, which still takes 30 seconds, or he could ask Jeff, which now takes 45 seconds and involves standing up (not an easy task given the average physical fitness of programmers!). So he looks it up. So now Mutt loses 30 seconds of productivity, but we save 15 minutes for Jeff. Ahhh! Quote Link More Spolsky on Offices Why don't managers and owner's see this?

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  • How to ...set up new Java environment - largely interfaces...

    - by Chris Kimpton
    Hi, Looks like I need to setup a new Java environment for some interfaces we need to build. Say our system is X and we need to interfaces to systems A, B and C. Then we will be writing interfaces X-A, X-B, X-C. Our system has a bus within it, so the publishing on our side will be to the bus and the interface processes will be taking from the bus and mapping to the destination system. Its for a vendor based system - so most of the core code we can't touch. Currently thinking we will have several processes, one per interface we need to do. The question is how to structure things. Several of the APIs we need to work with are Java based. We could go EJB, but prefer to keep it simple, one process per interface, so that we can restart them individually. Similarly SOA seems overkill, although I am probably mixing my thoughts about implementations of it compared to the concepts behind it... Currently thinking that something Spring based is the way to go. In true, "leverage a new tech if possible"-style, I am thinking maybe we can shoe horn some jruby into this, perhaps to make the APIs more readable, perhaps event-machine-like and to make the interface code more business-friendly, perhaps even storing the mapping code in the DB, as ruby snippets that get mixed in... but thats an aside... So, any comments/thoughts on the Spring approach - anything more up-to-date/relevant these days. EDIT: Looking a JRuby further, I am tempted to write it fully in JRuby... in which case do we need any frameworks at all, perhaps some gems to make things clearer... Thanks in advance, Chris

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  • What do we call to "non-programmers" ? ( Like "muggle" in HP ) [closed]

    - by OscarRyz
    Sometimes I want to refer to people without coding powers as Muggles. But it doesn't quite feel right. Gamers have n00b ( but still a n00b has some notion of gaming ) I mean, for all those who Windows in the only OS in the world ( what's an OS ? would they ask ) For project manager who can't distinguish between excel and a database. For those who exclaim "Wooow! when you show them the ctrl-right click to see the webpage source code. What would be a good word to describe to these "persons without lack of coding ability?" Background I didn't mean to be disrespectful with ordinary people. It's just, sometimes it drives me nuts seeing coworkers struggling trying to explain to these "people" some concept. For instance, recently we were asked, what a "ear" was (in Java). My coworker was struggling on how to explain what is was, and how it differ from .war, .jar, etc. and talking about EJB's application server, deployment etc, and our "people"1 was like o_O. I realize a better way to explain was "Think about it as an installer for the application, similar to install.exe" and he understood immediately. This is none's fault, it is sometimes our "poeple" come from different background, that's it. Is our responsibility to talk at a level they can understand, some coworkers, don't get it and try very hard to explain programming concepts ( like the source code in the browser ). But I get the point, we I don't need to be disrespectful. ... But, I'm considering call them pebkac's 1As suggested

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  • Question between aggregations, compositions, references (arrow) and simple link (nothing) relations within UML2 ?

    - by Rushino
    Hello, I have some questions regarding relations between aggregations, compositions, references (arrow) and simple link (nothing) relations within UML2 ? If A - B - C each have composition relationship. Are the root responsable of creation and destruction of the object B and C ? What aggregations have that the simple link or references doesn't ? What make them different ? Thanks. Edit: The question was a bit unclear and not objective. I edited it.

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  • Can an aggregate root hold references of members of another aggregate root?

    - by Rushino
    Hello, I know outside aggregates cant change anything inside an aggregate without passing by his root. That said i would like to know if an aggregate root can hold references of members (objects insides) of another aggregate root? (fellowing DDD rules) Example : a Calendar contain a list of phases which contain a list of sequences which contain a list of assignations Calendar is root because phases and sequences and assignations only work in context of a calendar. You also have Students and Groups of student (called groups) It is possible (fellowing DDD rules) to make Groups holding references of assignations or it need to pass by the root for accessing groups from assignations ? Thanks.

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  • How to understand Linux kernel source code for a beginner?

    - by Amit Chavan
    Hi, I am a student interested in working on Memory Management, particularly the page replacement component of the linux kernel. What are the different guides that can help me to begin understanding the kernel source? I have tried to read the book Understanding the Linux Virutal Memory Manager by Mel Gorman and Understanding the Linux Kernel by Cesati and Bovet, but they do not explain the flow of control through the code. They only end up explaining various data structures used and the work various functions perform. This makes the code more confusing. My project deals with tweaking the page replacement algorithm in a mainstream kernel and analyse its performance for a set of workloads. Is there a flavor of the linux kernel that would be easier to understand(if not the linux-2.6.xx kernel)?

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  • Proper policy for user setup

    - by Dave Long
    I am still fairly new to linux hosting and am currently working on some policies for our production ubuntu servers. The servers are public facing webservers with ssh access from the public network and database servers with ssh access from the internal private network. We are a small hosting company so in the past with windows servers we used one user account and one password that each of us used internally. Anyone outside of the company who needed to access the server for FTP or anything else had their own user account. Is that okay to do in the linux world, or would most people recommend using individual accounts for each person who needs to access the server?

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  • .bash_history and .cache

    - by John Isaacks
    I have a user who's home directory is a Mercurial repository. Mercurial notified me that there were 2 new unversioned files in my repository. .bash_history and .cache/motd.legal-displayed. I assume bash_history is the history of bash commands for my user. I have no idea what the other is. I don't want these files to be versioned by Mercurial, are they safe to just delete, or will they come back, or mess something up? Can they be moved to somewhere else? Or do I have to add them to my .hgignore file?

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  • Exchange with Evolution or any other mail client

    - by Oscar Godson
    I see other questions about this, no answers and no one with a completely similar question. I work for a place with an Exchange 2007 server. There is an http://owa.ourserver.com that is accessible from anywhere. I've tried every combo I can think of for Evolution - Microsoft Exchange, including the MAPI plugin, but then I read that, that doesn't work on OWA Exchange email servers and I can't get it to connect at all that way. If there is no way to connect via Evolution, is there another mail client? I tried Thunderbird, but I couldn't get it to work with Exchange either...

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  • Best hardware for a Ubuntu Computer?

    - by Dante Ashton
    Hey all. I'll be needing a new PC soon, but I've decided to build my own, so my question is...what's the best hardware for Ubuntu? Specifically, in terms of graphics cards; I'm looking for something that will run smoothly (for Compiz's effects and Unity) but will be quite modern (IE: have a HDMI output) The machine itself is just a generic computer, nothing special; I just want to future-proof it. I'm looking at quad-core chips and 3-4 gig of RAM. I want something that will play nice with Ubuntu; now, and in the future... I used to build machines years ago, but I've fallen behind (that was in the Windows 98 era...so yeah, quite a while ago!) My main problem is the graphics card; I'd prefer to stick with NVIDIA, but only a tiny amount of computers I've seen play nice with Nouveau.

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  • Commandline shortcut for current directory similar to ~ for home directory?

    - by NES
    When i use the cp or move command in a terminal window, i'm currently with bash in a certain folder like this. NES@server:~/Desktop/dir1$ And now i wanna copy a file from here ~/anotherdir/dir2 into the current chosen folder in bash (dir1) i would use the command cp ~/anotherdir/dir2/file ~/Desktop/dir1 does a shortcut string exist to refer to the current chosen directory? So that in this example i don't have to provide the full path to the target dir, but the command knows it should use the current chosen directory in bash? i.e. as ~ stands for the home directory?

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  • Ubuntu 10.10 netbook Screen Resolution Sony Vaio FS315

    - by Fatos
    Hello, I've just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop its all great but the screen resolution is a bit crap i have it set 1200:800 and when i do xrandr it indicates that the i can have a bigger screen resolution but i dont seem to to be able to increase it more 1200:800 through monitor tool. another interesting thing is that xorg.conf does not exist on the /etc/X11/ is there a way to increase the screen resolution for Sony laptops? The graphics card is Intel Graphics Please help! I didnt think it would be so hard to change the screen resolution

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  • A glitch after Ubuntu Installation. Cannot boot Ubuntu

    - by Starx
    I am trying to create a dual boot of Ubuntu 10.10 with Windows 7. My hard disk allocation were as follows: Windows 7 NTFS 100 GB /boot EXT4 200 MB SWAP LINUX SWAP 4 GB / EXT4 46 GB After installation is complete, instead of getting the boot screen of Ubuntu, it directly boots from windows 7 without asking anything. What is wrong? I run the Live Cd again using USB drive and I see that the \boot, and \ are occupied with most likely Ubuntu data. Now How do i point my Laptop to point to Ubuntu Boot instead of Windows Boot

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  • Quick path jumping

    - by Sebastian P.
    I was just at a lecture, where I noticed the lecturer using a command (probably aliased) to jump to a specific folder. Example: ~/code$ j sciproj ~/projects/sciproj2011/$ This looked quite slick, so I started wondering: Is this a standard utility, and if so, what is the name? I have two theories as to how it works: It can both create, delete and jump to aliases directly from the command-line in the style of the example, without having to set up aliases in a configuration file or script or whatnot manually. It searches the home directory for a folder matching the name and jumps to it. The second option seems a bit slow, however, so the first would be preferred.

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  • Why do we have non-free software in the official repositories?

    - by fluteflute
    The Ubuntu wiki describes the "sections" of the official Ubuntu repositories as follows: Main - Officially supported software. Restricted - Supported software that is not available under a completely free license. Universe - Community maintained software, i.e. not officially supported software. Multiverse - Software that is not free. I thought that software in the Ubuntu repositories had to be open source, however doesn't the description of the Multiverse directly contradicts this?

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  • What is your toolset?

    - by MrG
    What tools, free or otherwise do you use to help you with your "webmastering" I'm thinking along the lines of, Link checking, analytics, web stats, page validation, plus anything else you can think of! Personally I use: webmasters tools, google analytics, AWstats I'm looking for anything (free or paid) which maybe hovering under my radar which could be of use. (edit - missed a couple of words out of first line!)

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