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Articles indexed Friday September 21 2012

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  • .com vs .me for personal and blogging sites. Which one is good regarding seo

    - by Sameer Manas
    I basically have a domain under my name with .com extension. I am planning to use it for my portfolio and also as a regular blog. Now considering SEO and ranking stuff, what is the best way to implement this. myname.com - Portfolio || myname.com/blog - Blog page (or) myname.com - Blog || myname.me - Portfolio i have absolutely no idea on how .tld's impact SEO and Ranking, so i seek the experts advice on this. Thanks in advance.

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  • New site not appearing in index after change of address, no feedback from google webmaster tools

    - by Duffy
    Our change of address seems to not be taking effect. Here's the story so far: We're a web company and our product is called The New Hive. Our site used to be at thenewhive.com, but we decided to switch to newhive.com (drop the "the", it's cleaner). So the timeline of what I've tried, starting on July 29th: used 301 redirects for all pages (e.g. thenewhive.com/tag/art = newhive.com/tag/art) At this point we noticed that we had disappeared from search results when searching "The New Hive", the front page used to be all links to our site plus a couple news articles about the company. So on August 5th I: verified new domain in webmaster tools (old domain was already verified) submitted a change of address request on August 5th with Webmaster Tools / Configuration / Change of Address Then after another week, on August 13th I did this: Went to Webmaster Tools / Health / Fetch as google fetched our homepage and a couple sub pages, all successfully clicked "Submit to Index" for homepage As of today (August 23rd) we're still not showing up in the index. We're getting no warnings or feedback of any kind from the dashboard so I'm inclined to think something's broken with the dashboard rather than that something's wrong with our site from an SEO perspective. From the dashboard: No new messages or recent critical issues. Crawl Errors: No data available. From Health - Index Status: Total indexed 0 Ever crawled 42,490 Not selected 12 Blocked by robots 0 I'm really at a loss here, any help would be appreciated.

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  • Pitch camera around model

    - by ChocoMan
    Currently, my camera rotates with my model's Y-Axis (yaw) perfectly. What I'm having trouble with is rotating the X-Axis (pitch) along with it. I've tried the same method for cameraYaw() in the form of cameraPitch(), while adjusting the axis to Vector.Right, but the camera wouldn't pitch at all in accordance to the Y-Axes of the controller. Is there a way similar to this to get the same effect for pitching the camera around the model? // Rotates model on its own Y-axis public void modelRotMovement(GamePadState pController) { Yaw = pController.ThumbSticks.Right.X * MathHelper.ToRadians(speedAngleMAX); AddRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(Yaw, 0, 0); ModelLoad.MRotation *= AddRotation; MOrientation = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(ModelLoad.MRotation); } // Orbit (yaw) Camera around model public void cameraYaw(Vector3 axis, float yaw, float pitch) { Pitch = pController.ThumbSticks.Right.Y * MathHelper.ToRadians(speedAngleMAX); ModelLoad.CameraPos = Vector3.Transform(ModelLoad.CameraPos - ModelLoad.camTarget, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, yaw)) + ModelLoad.camTarget; } public void updateCamera() { cameraYaw(Vector3.Up, Yaw); }

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  • Having troubles with LibNoise.XNA and generating tileable maps

    - by Jon
    Following up on my previous post, I found a wonderful port of LibNoise for XNA. I've been working with it for about 8 hours straight and I'm tearing my hair out - I just can not get maps to tile, I can't figure out how to do this. Here's my attempt: Perlin perlin = new Perlin(1.2, 1.95, 0.56, 12, 2353, QualityMode.Medium); RiggedMultifractal rigged = new RiggedMultifractal(); Add add = new Add(perlin, rigged); // Initialize the noise map int mapSize = 64; this.m_noiseMap = new Noise2D(mapSize, perlin); //this.m_noiseMap.GeneratePlanar(0, 1, -1, 1); // Generate the textures this.m_noiseMap.GeneratePlanar(-1,1,-1,1); this.m_textures[0] = this.m_noiseMap.GetTexture(this.graphics.GraphicsDevice, Gradient.Grayscale); this.m_noiseMap.GeneratePlanar(mapSize, mapSize * 2, mapSize, mapSize * 2); this.m_textures[1] = this.m_noiseMap.GetTexture(this.graphics.GraphicsDevice, Gradient.Grayscale); this.m_noiseMap.GeneratePlanar(-1, 1, -1, 1); this.m_textures[2] = this.m_noiseMap.GetTexture(this.graphics.GraphicsDevice, Gradient.Grayscale); The first and third ones generate fine, they create a perlin noise map - however the middle one, which I wanted to be a continuation of the first (As per my original post), is just a bunch of static. How exactly do I get this to generate maps that connect to each other, by entering in the mapsize * tile, using the same seed, settings, etc.?

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  • How to use call web service action in SharePoint2013 workflow

    - by ybbest
    In SharePoint2013, you can use call web service action and loop. In this post, I will show you how to achieve this. 1. Create a List workflow called CallWebService 2. Create a variable called listurl and assign the value to http://sp2010/_vti_bin/listdata.svc 3. Create a dictionary variable called RequestHeaders and add the following key value pairs. 4. Call the web service with the HttpHeaders you just build in the previous step and store the response in the variable ResponseContent. 5. The ResponseContent variable is the Dynamic values (in SharePoint designer it will be called dictionary type) and it is new feature for SharePoint2013 workflow. We can use the following actions to count the number items in the variable. 6. You can use loop in SharePoint 2013 workflow and out each list title as shown below.

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  • How to register your Office365 30 days trial

    - by ybbest
    In this post, I’d like to show you how to register your Office365 30 days trial. It is extremely easy and the steps are as below: 1. Go to Office365 home page 2. Click on Free Trial and choose the options depending on your business requirement, I will choose Plan E3. 3. Fill in the details and create your trial 4. Choose your access account then click Save and continue. 5. Here is landing page for your Office 365 account.

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  • How to fix “The requested service, ‘net.pipe://localhost/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/appsts.svc’ could not be activated.”

    - by ybbest
    Problem: When I try to publish a SharePoint2013 workflow, I received the error: The requested service, ‘net.pipe://localhost/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/appsts.svc’ could not be activated. After that, my workflow stopped working and every time I start a work I receive the following error message: System.ApplicationException: PreconditionFailed ---> System.ApplicationException: Error in the application. --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Activities.Statements.Throw.Execute(CodeActivityContext context) at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager) at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation) Analysis: After analysis, I found the error by visiting the http://localhost:32843/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/securitytoken.svc and the error I got on the message is                                                                                                                                              Solution: The solution is basically getting more memory to the server. For development environment, you can restart your noderunner.exe or some other services to release some memories. To verify you have enough memory    you can browse to http://localhost:32843/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/securitytoken.svc , it should return the information below. Then you can republish your workflow and it will work like a charm.

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  • How to deploy the advanced search page using Module in SharePoint 2013

    - by ybbest
    Today, I’d like to show you how to deploy your custom advanced search page using module in Visual Studio 2012.Using a module is the way how SharePoint deploy all the publishing pages to the search centre. Browse to the template under 15 hive of SharePoint2013, then go to the SearchCenterFiles under Features(as shown below).Then open the Files.xml it shows how SharePoint using module to deploy advanced search.You can download the solution here. Now I am going to show you how to deploy your custom advanced search page.The feature is located  in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\SearchCenterFiles . To deploy SharePoint advanced Search pages, you need to do the following: 1. Create SharePoint2013 project and then create a module item. 2. Find how Out of box SharePoint deploy the Advanced Search Page from Files.xml and copy and paste it into the elements.xml <File Url="advanced.aspx" Type="GhostableInLibrary"> <Property Name="PublishingPageLayout" Value="~SiteCollection/_catalogs/masterpage/AdvancedSearchLayout.aspx, $Resources:Microsoft.Office.Server.Search,SearchCenterAdvancedSearchTitle;" /> <Property Name="Title" Value="$Resources:Microsoft.Office.Server.Search,Search_Advanced_Page_Title;" /> <Property Name="ContentType" Value="$Resources:Microsoft.Office.Server.Search,contenttype_welcomepage_name;" /> <AllUsersWebPart WebPartZoneID="MainZone" WebPartOrder="1"> <![CDATA[ <WebPart xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2"> <Assembly>Microsoft.Office.Server.Search, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c</Assembly> <TypeName>Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.AdvancedSearchBox</TypeName> <Title>$Resources:Microsoft.Office.Server.Search,AdvancedSearch_Webpart_Title;</Title> <Description>$Resources:Microsoft.Office.Server.Search,AdvancedSearch_Webpart_Description;</Description> <FrameType>None</FrameType> <AllowMinimize>true</AllowMinimize> <AllowRemove>true</AllowRemove> <IsVisible>true</IsVisible> <SearchResultPageURL xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">results.aspx</SearchResultPageURL> <TextQuerySectionLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">$Resources:Microsoft.Office.Server.Search,AdvancedSearch_FindDocsWith_Title;</TextQuerySectionLabelText> <ShowAndQueryTextBox xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowAndQueryTextBox> <ShowPhraseQueryTextBox xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowPhraseQueryTextBox> <ShowOrQueryTextBox xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowOrQueryTextBox> <ShowNotQueryTextBox xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowNotQueryTextBox> <ScopeSectionLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">$Resources:Microsoft.Office.Server.Search,AdvancedSearch_NarrowSearch_Title;</ScopeSectionLabelText> <ShowLanguageOptions xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowLanguageOptions> <ShowResultTypePicker xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowResultTypePicker> <ShowPropertiesSection xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowPropertiesSection> <PropertiesSectionLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">$Resources:Microsoft.Office.Server.Search,AdvancedSearch_AddPropRestrictions_Title;</PropertiesSectionLabelText> </WebPart> ]]> </AllUsersWebPart> </File> 3. Customize your SharePoint advanced Search Page by modifying the Advanced Search Box and Export the webpart and copy the webpart file to the elements under module. 4. Export the web part and copy the content of the web part file to the elements.xml in the module. <File Path="AdvancedSearchPage\advanced.aspx" Url="employeeAdvanced.aspx" Type="GhostableInLibrary"> <Property Name="PublishingPageLayout" Value="~SiteCollection/_catalogs/masterpage/AdvancedSearchLayout.aspx, $Resources:Microsoft.Office.Server.Search,SearchCenterAdvancedSearchTitle;" /> <Property Name="Title" Value="$Resources:Microsoft.Office.Server.Search,Search_Advanced_Page_Title;" /> <Property Name="ContentType" Value="$Resources:Microsoft.Office.Server.Search,contenttype_welcomepage_name;" /> <AllUsersWebPart WebPartZoneID="MainZone" WebPartOrder="1"> <![CDATA[ <WebPart xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2"> <Title>Advanced Search Box</Title> <FrameType>None</FrameType> <Description>Displays parameterized search options based on properties and combinations of words.</Description> <IsIncluded>true</IsIncluded> <ZoneID>MainZone</ZoneID> <PartOrder>1</PartOrder> <FrameState>Normal</FrameState> <Height /> <Width /> <AllowRemove>true</AllowRemove> <AllowZoneChange>true</AllowZoneChange> <AllowMinimize>true</AllowMinimize> <AllowConnect>true</AllowConnect> <AllowEdit>true</AllowEdit> <AllowHide>true</AllowHide> <IsVisible>true</IsVisible> <DetailLink /> <HelpLink /> <HelpMode>Modeless</HelpMode> <Dir>Default</Dir> <PartImageSmall /> <MissingAssembly>Cannot import this Web Part.</MissingAssembly> <PartImageLarge /> <IsIncludedFilter /> <Assembly>Microsoft.Office.Server.Search, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c</Assembly> <TypeName>Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.AdvancedSearchBox</TypeName> <SearchResultPageURL xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">results.aspx</SearchResultPageURL> <TextQuerySectionLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">Find documents that have...</TextQuerySectionLabelText> <ShowAndQueryTextBox xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowAndQueryTextBox> <AndQueryTextBoxLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox" /> <ShowPhraseQueryTextBox xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowPhraseQueryTextBox> <PhraseQueryTextBoxLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox" /> <ShowOrQueryTextBox xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowOrQueryTextBox> <OrQueryTextBoxLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox" /> <ShowNotQueryTextBox xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowNotQueryTextBox> <NotQueryTextBoxLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox" /> <ScopeSectionLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">Narrow the search...</ScopeSectionLabelText> <ShowScopes xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">false</ShowScopes> <ScopeLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox" /> <DisplayGroup xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">Advanced Search</DisplayGroup> <ShowLanguageOptions xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">false</ShowLanguageOptions> <LanguagesLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox" /> <ShowResultTypePicker xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowResultTypePicker> <ResultTypeLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox" /> <ShowPropertiesSection xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">true</ShowPropertiesSection> <PropertiesSectionLabelText xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">Add property restrictions...</PropertiesSectionLabelText> <Properties xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:AdvancedSearchBox">&lt;root xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"&gt;  &lt;LangDefs&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Arabic" LangID="ar"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Bengali" LangID="bn"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Bulgarian" LangID="bg"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Catalan" LangID="ca"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Simplified Chinese" LangID="zh-cn"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Traditional Chinese" LangID="zh-tw"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Croatian" LangID="hr"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Czech" LangID="cs"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Danish" LangID="da"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Dutch" LangID="nl"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="English" LangID="en"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Finnish" LangID="fi"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="French" LangID="fr"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="German" LangID="de"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Greek" LangID="el"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Gujarati" LangID="gu"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Hebrew" LangID="he"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Hindi" LangID="hi"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Hungarian" LangID="hu"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Icelandic" LangID="is"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Indonesian" LangID="id"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Italian" LangID="it"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Japanese" LangID="ja"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Kannada" LangID="kn"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Korean" LangID="ko"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Latvian" LangID="lv"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Lithuanian" LangID="lt"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Malay" LangID="ms"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Malayalam" LangID="ml"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Marathi" LangID="mr"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Norwegian" LangID="no"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Polish" LangID="pl"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Portuguese" LangID="pt"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Punjabi" LangID="pa"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Romanian" LangID="ro"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Russian" LangID="ru"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Slovak" LangID="sk"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Slovenian" LangID="sl"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Spanish" LangID="es"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Swedish" LangID="sv"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Tamil" LangID="ta"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Telugu" LangID="te"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Thai" LangID="th"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Turkish" LangID="tr"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Ukrainian" LangID="uk"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Urdu" LangID="ur"/&gt;    &lt;LangDef DisplayName="Vietnamese" LangID="vi"/&gt;  &lt;/LangDefs&gt;  &lt;Languages&gt;    &lt;Language LangRef="en"/&gt;    &lt;Language LangRef="fr"/&gt;    &lt;Language LangRef="de"/&gt;    &lt;Language LangRef="ja"/&gt;    &lt;Language LangRef="zh-cn"/&gt;    &lt;Language LangRef="es"/&gt;    &lt;Language LangRef="zh-tw"/&gt;  &lt;/Languages&gt;  &lt;PropertyDefs&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="Path" DataType="url" DisplayName="URL"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="Size" DataType="integer" DisplayName="Size (bytes)"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="Write" DataType="datetime" DisplayName="Last Modified Date"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="FileName" DataType="text" DisplayName="Name"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="Description" DataType="text" DisplayName="Description"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="Title" DataType="text" DisplayName="Title"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="Author" DataType="text" DisplayName="Author"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="DocSubject" DataType="text" DisplayName="Subject"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="DocKeywords" DataType="text" DisplayName="Keywords"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="DocComments" DataType="text" DisplayName="Comments"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="CreatedBy" DataType="text" DisplayName="Created By"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="ModifiedBy" DataType="text" DisplayName="Last Modified By"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="EmployeeNumber" DataType="text" DisplayName="EmployeeNumber"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="EmployeeId" DataType="text" DisplayName="EmployeeId"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="EmployeeFirstName" DataType="text" DisplayName="EmployeeFirstName"/&gt;    &lt;PropertyDef Name="EmployeeLastName" DataType="text" DisplayName="EmployeeLastName"/&gt;  &lt;/PropertyDefs&gt;  &lt;ResultTypes&gt;    &lt;ResultType DisplayName="Employee Document" Name="default"&gt;      &lt;KeywordQuery/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="EmployeeNumber" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="EmployeeId" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="EmployeeFirstName" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="EmployeeLastName" /&gt;    &lt;/ResultType&gt;    &lt;ResultType DisplayName="All Results"&gt;      &lt;KeywordQuery/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Author" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Description" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="FileName" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Size" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Path" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Write" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="CreatedBy" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="ModifiedBy" /&gt;    &lt;/ResultType&gt;    &lt;ResultType DisplayName="Documents" Name="documents"&gt;      &lt;KeywordQuery&gt;IsDocument="True"&lt;/KeywordQuery&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Author" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocComments"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Description" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocKeywords"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="FileName" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Size" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocSubject"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Path" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Write" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="CreatedBy" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="ModifiedBy" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Title"/&gt;    &lt;/ResultType&gt;    &lt;ResultType DisplayName="Word Documents" Name="worddocuments"&gt;      &lt;KeywordQuery&gt;FileExtension="doc" OR FileExtension="docx" OR FileExtension="dot" OR FileExtension="docm" OR FileExtension="odt"&lt;/KeywordQuery&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Author" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocComments"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Description" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocKeywords"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="FileName" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Size" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocSubject"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Path" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Write" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="CreatedBy" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="ModifiedBy" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Title"/&gt;    &lt;/ResultType&gt;    &lt;ResultType DisplayName="Excel Documents" Name="exceldocuments"&gt;      &lt;KeywordQuery&gt;FileExtension="xls" OR FileExtension="xlsx" OR FileExtension="xlsm" OR FileExtension="xlsb" OR FileExtension="ods"&lt;/KeywordQuery&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Author" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocComments"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Description" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocKeywords"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="FileName" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Size" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocSubject"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Path" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Write" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="CreatedBy" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="ModifiedBy" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Title"/&gt;    &lt;/ResultType&gt;    &lt;ResultType DisplayName="PowerPoint Presentations" Name="presentations"&gt;      &lt;KeywordQuery&gt;FileExtension="ppt" OR FileExtension="pptx" OR FileExtension="pptm" OR FileExtension="odp"&lt;/KeywordQuery&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Author" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocComments"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Description" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocKeywords"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="FileName" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Size" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="DocSubject"/&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Path" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Write" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="CreatedBy" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="ModifiedBy" /&gt;      &lt;PropertyRef Name="Title"/&gt;    &lt;/ResultType&gt;  &lt;/ResultTypes&gt;&lt;/root&gt;</Properties> </WebPart> ]]> </AllUsersWebPart> </File> 5.Deploy your custom solution and you will have a custom advanced search page.

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  • building treeview

    - by DJPlayer
    I'm dynamically building a treeview given numerous stored procedures. the structure goes like this: OwnerRPColl.Search2() For Each root As OWNER_RP In OwnerRPColl Dim nd_Root As New TreeNode nd_Root = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(root.OWNER_RP_BUSNS_NAME) bldg.ID = root.ID bldgColl.Search(bldg.ID) For Each firstChild As BLDG In bldgColl Dim nd_lvl_One As New TreeNode With nd_lvl_One .Text = firstChild.BLDG_NAME_1 .Tag = firstChild.ID End With problem being is that I need to have labels for these.. meaning the first level of the treeview needs to say "users" when expanded displays users. Each of these users can have a building. The world building needs to be the example option, which then displays the building.. essentially I need a slick way to add the word in for the expanding level (instead of the value in the collection).

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  • C# - Sharing static data between multiple processes

    - by Murtaza Mandvi
    I have a WCF service (instantiated within a Console application on NetTCP), this service has static data (large volume) which gets instantiated on the load. I have multiple instances of this Console application running at once, and all of them are doing the same static data initialization , is there a way that I can have a single data source and share the data among processes so that each process does not have to consume large amount of memory?

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  • scrollTop with jQuery

    - by Narcís
    I want a foot to be at the bottom of the page. But when the user makes the window smaller, the two divs come together, it would be better that begins the scroll and hides the foot. I don't know if I explain? I have the code life here: http://jsfiddle.net/mdAsn/ $(function(){ $(document).scroll(function(){ var topDistance = $('#foot').scrollTop(); if(topDistance >= 420){ $('#foot').css({position: 'absolute',bottom:'10px'}); } else{ $('#foot').css({position: 'absolute',top:'410px'}); } }); })

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  • math.Random isn't working right

    - by RandomlyKnighted
    I'm trying to simulate a coin flip using the code below. public class Coin { public static double result; int[] count = new count[2]; public static void flip() { result = Math.random(); } public static boolean isHeads() { if (result == 0.0) { count[0]++; return false; } else { count[1]++; return true; } } public static void main(String[] args) { flip(); isHeads(); System.out.println(count[0]); System.out.println(count[1]); } } For some reason Eclipse says that the import java.util.Random; is never used even though I'm clearly using it. I didn't put my for loop into the code above but it loops n number of times and then outputs the result. No matter how many times it loops it always returns that the result is greater than 0.0 which can't be right. Am I calling Math.random incorrectly?

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  • NSDateFormatterFullStyle without year (NSDateFormatter)

    - by Brian Halpin
    Using the user's currentLocale from the device, I want to have a date format exactly like the one generated for NSDateFormatterFullStyle minus the year: [dateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterFullStyle]; Friday, 21 September (2012) I've noticed the iPhone app, Living Earth does this and works for all locales, so does the iPhone lock screen. A custom formatter such as, [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"EEEE, MMMM"]; won't change with localisation. Can anyone shed some light on how to accomplish this? None of the options for date style seem to do this. Thanks

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  • Why can't we just use a hash of passphrase as the encryption key (and IV) with symmetric encryption algorithms?

    - by TX_
    Inspired by my previous question, now I have a very interesting idea: Do you really ever need to use Rfc2898DeriveBytes or similar classes to "securely derive" the encryption key and initialization vector from the passphrase string, or will just a simple hash of that string work equally well as a key/IV, when encrypting the data with symmetric algorithm (e.g. AES, DES, etc.)? I see tons of AES encryption code snippets, where Rfc2898DeriveBytes class is used to derive the encryption key and initialization vector (IV) from the password string. It is assumed that one should use a random salt and a shitload of iterations to derive secure enough key/IV for the encryption. While deriving bytes from password string using this method is quite useful in some scenarios, I think that's not applicable when encrypting data with symmetric algorithms! Here is why: using salt makes sense when there is a possibility to build precalculated rainbow tables, and when attacker gets his hands on hash he looks up the original password as a result. But... with symmetric data encryption, I think this is not required, as the hash of password string, or the encryption key, is never stored anywhere. So, if we just get the SHA1 hash of password, and use it as the encryption key/IV, isn't that going to be equally secure? What is the purpose of using Rfc2898DeriveBytes class to generate key/IV from password string (which is a very very performance-intensive operation), when we could just use a SHA1 (or any other) hash of that password? Hash would result in random bit distribution in a key (as opposed to using string bytes directly). And attacker would have to brute-force the whole range of key (e.g. if key length is 256bit he would have to try 2^256 combinations) anyway. So either I'm wrong in a dangerous way, or all those samples of AES encryption (including many upvoted answers here at SO), etc. that use Rfc2898DeriveBytes method to generate encryption key and IV are just wrong.

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  • Iterator not accessible because of private inheritance

    - by Bo Tian
    I've created a new class that composes std::deque by private inheritance, i.e, class B : private std::deque<A> { ... }; and in my source code I tried to use iterator of B, i.e., B::iterator it The compiler error is error C2247: 'std::deque<_Ty>::iterator' not accessible because 'B' uses 'private' to inherit from 'std::deque<_Ty>' So the question is, how can I make the iterator accessible?

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  • ERROR: failed to load JDBC driver - org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver

    - by maximus
    i wrote a connector class to connect to the hsqldb. here is my code: import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class hsqlmanager { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(hsqlmanager.class); private static Connection con=null; private static void openConnection(){ try { Class.forName("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" ); log.info("Loaded JDBC Driver"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("ERROR: failed to load JDBC driver - " + e.getMessage()); return; } try { con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/sepm_db","sa",""); } catch(SQLException e){ log.error(e.getMessage()); } } public static void closeConnection() { try { con.close(); } catch(SQLException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } } public static Connection getConnection() { if (con==null){ openConnection(); } else { try { if(con.isClosed()){ con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/sepm_db","sa",""); } } catch(SQLException e){ log.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } } return con; } } When I compile that I get ERROR: failed to load JDBC driver - org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver. Why?

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  • Codeigniter PHP - loading a view at an anchor point

    - by James Billings
    I have a form at the bottom of a long page, if a user fills out the form but it doesn't validate the page is reloaded in the typical codeigniter fashion: $this->load->view('template',$data); however because the form is way down at the bottom of the page I need the page to load down there like you do with HTML anchors. Does anyone know how to do this in codeigniter? I can't use the codeigniter redirect(); function because it loses the object and the validation errors are gone. Other frameworks I've used like Yii you can call the redirect function like: $this->redirect(); which solves the problem because you keep the object. I've tried using: $this->index() within the controller which works fine as a redirect but the validation errors are in another method which is where the current page is loaded from: $this->item($labs) but when I use this it get stuck in a loop Any ideas? I've seen this question a lot on the net but no clear answers. I'm researching using codeigniter "flash data" but think it's a bit overkill. cheers.

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  • properly setting email subject line delivered from email form

    - by DC1
    I have a email form for my website but here is the issue: when i receive an email, the subject line in my inbox shows whatever the user inputted as subject in the form. id like to override that so that whenever an email comes in. the subject in the email header is always "an inquiry from your website". In the message body, sure i don't mind their specific subject they entered but when I receive an email, id like consistency in my inbox. this is the current code: <?php session_start(); if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) { if( $_SESSION['chapcha_code'] == $_POST['chapcha_code'] && !empty($_SESSION['chapcha_code'] ) ) { $youremail = 'xxxxxxxxx'; $fromsubject = 'An inquiry from your website'; $title = $_POST['title']; $fname = $_POST['fname']; $lname = $_POST['lname']; $mail = $_POST['mail']; $address = $_POST['address']; $city = $_POST['city']; $zip = $_POST['zip']; $country = $_POST['country']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; $message = $_POST['message']; $headers = "From: $nome <$mail>\r\n"; $to = $youremail; $mailsubject = 'Message received from'.$fromsubject.' Contact Page'; $body = $fromsubject.' The person that contacted you is '.$fname.' '.$lname.' Address: '.$address.' '.$city.', '.$zip.', '.$country.' Phone Number: '.$phone.' E-mail: '.$mail.' Subject: '.$subject.' Message: '.$message.' |---------END MESSAGE----------|'; echo "Thank you for inquiring. We will contact you shortly.<br/>You may return to our <a href='/index.html'>Home Page</a>"; mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); unset($_SESSION['chapcha_code']); } else { echo 'Sorry, you have provided an invalid security code'; } } else { echo "You must write a message. </br> Please visit our <a href='/contact.html'>Contact Page</a> and try again."; } ?>

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  • NHibernate - Oracle 11g Configuration for XmlType

    - by Daffi
    Im trying to get NHibernate to work with Oracle 11g´s XmlType. The following Exception is thrown: Dialect does not support DbType.Xml My configuration looks like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2"> <session-factory> <property name="connection.provider">NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider</property> <property name="dialect">NHibernate.Dialect.Oracle10gDialect</property> <property name="connection.driver_class">NHibernate.Driver.OracleClientDriver</property> <property name="connection.connection_string">...</property> <property name="show_sql">false</property> </session-factory> </hibernate-configuration> Sure, the XmlType functionality was introduced in 11g but I dont know the configuration Mapping. Anyone here using this feature and willing to show its config? Thanks.

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  • Why function Ellipse(...) are needed twice here to draw an ellipse?

    - by John Son
    MFC: I read this code which is to draw an ellipse (not solid interior), but I cannot understand why function "pDC-Ellipse(...)" is needed twice here? CDC *pDC=GetDC(); CPen pen; CBrush brush; getpen(pen,pDC,col,bol); if(do_what>=DRAW_LINE&&do_what<=DRAW_RRECT){ p->p[0]=start; p->p[1]=end; if(sol==1){ getbrush(brush,pDC,col); } if(do_what==DRAW_LINE){ pDC->MoveTo(start); pDC->LineTo(end); } else if(do_what==DRAW_ELLIPSE||do_what==DRAW_CIRCLE){ pDC->SetROP2(R2_NOT); assist=start; if(do_what==DRAW_CIRCLE){ assist.y=end.y-end.x+start.x; } pDC->Ellipse(start.x,assist.y,end.x,end.y); pDC->SetROP2(R2_COPYPEN); if(sol==0){ pDC->SelectStockObject(NULL_BRUSH); } if(do_what==DRAW_CIRCLE){ assist.y=point.y-point.x+start.x; } pDC->Ellipse(start.x,assist.y,point.x,point.y); end=point; } } If I remove the first one, the ellipse will be black solid inside. If I remove the second one, the ellipse will never be drawn but disappears when left mouse button is up. the dialog: when moving mouse: mouse moving when mouse button pops: mouse button pops Besides, what color of CBrush is if I use "CBrush brush; pDC-Ellipse(start.x,assist.y,end.x,end.y);"

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  • deep injection - spring

    - by Bob
    What is the best way (or options) for accessing spring components at layers deep within the application that aren't managed by spring? For example, I have a low level utility POJO class into which I need to autowire/inject a spring component. I'll call it LowLevelHelper. There are multiple classes that use LowLevelHelper - most are layers away from anything that is hooked up with spring. One option would be to make all the layers in to spring components, but that seems like I'm hacking my design to force spring to help me. I have some complex things going on that won't be nearly as clean if I have to @Autowire all the pieces and don't new anything. Another option might be to manually inject the component in the low level class, but I'm not really sure if this is possible or the right solution.

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  • Javascipt or jQuery "Are you sure?" dialog for <A> link?

    - by Andrew Tomazos - Fathomling
    I have a link in my HTML: <a href="/DoSomethingDangerous">do something dangerous</a> Visiting the DoSomethingDangerous link causes a not easily reversable action to occur. So after the link is clicked on I would like a dialog box (eg "Are you sure?" "OK" "Cancel") to be displayed and if the user clicks Cancel the link is not visited and the browser remains at the same page. What is the cleanest technique using either Javascript or jQuery to implement this?

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  • document.write Javascript error [ SOLVED]

    - by DevMobile
    Now I'm getting the following error: ';'expected document.write("<script type='text/javascript'>var twitterwind_option = {'isOnlyMe':true,'twitterwind_logo':'','twitterwind_logo_bgcolor':'FFFFFF','twitterwind_logo_color':'333303','followers_color':'000000','followers_bgcolor':'FFFFFF','twitterwind_max_length':'39','twitterwind_username':'table-row','twitterwind_username_color':'333333','twitterwind_username_bgcolor':'FFFFFF','twitterwind_twit':'block','twitterwind_twit_color':'333333','twitterwind_twit_bgcolor':'FFFFFF','twitterwind_twit_link_color':'0084B4','twitterwind_twit_scroll_color':'C0DEED','twitterwind_twit_scroll_bg_color':'FFFFFF','twitterwind_follower':'inherit','twitterwind_follower_bgcolor':'FFFFFF','twitterwind_frame_width':200,'twitterwind_frame_height':480,'twitterwind_frame_border':'false','twitterwind_frame_border_color':'C0DEED','twitterwind_base_font_size':12,'twitterwind_me_font_size':14,'twitterwind_caption_font_size':16,'twitterwind_scroll_height':336,'eusn':'rdK1y36H5sM='}';var twitterwind_url = 'http://www.tweetswind.com/en/twitterwind.php';<\/script><script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.tweetswind.com/en/js/twitterwind.js'><\/script><div style='font-size:12px; text-align:right; width:200px'><a target='_blank' href='http://www.tweetswind.com/en/en/'>TweetsWind: a Twitter widget</a></div>");src='http://www.tweetswind.com/en/js/twitterwind.js'></script><div style='font-size:12px; text-align:right; width:200px'><a target='_blank' href='http://www.tweetswind.com/en/en/'>TweetsWind: a Twitter widget</a></div>");

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  • In R, how to get powers of ten in bold font in a plot label?

    - by wfoolhill
    I want to have "10^4 points" in bold as my x-axis label. I know how to make a simple label in bold: plot(1:10, xlab="") mtext(text="10 points", side=1, font=2, line=3) Thanks to this answer, I know how to make a label with a power of ten but nothing is in bold: mtext(text=expression(paste(10^4, " points")), side=1, font=2, line=3) Thanks to this answer, I also know how to make a label with a Greek letter in bold: mtext(text=expression(bold(paste(beta, "=", 10^1, " points"))), side=1, line=3) But still the power of ten is not in bold! It doesn't work either with bquote: mtext(text=bquote(bold(10^1~points)), side=1, line=3) Any idea? Here are some details about my system. Let me know if you need anything else. > sessionInfo() R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30) Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit) locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8 [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8 [7] LC_PAPER=C LC_NAME=C [9] LC_ADDRESS=C LC_TELEPHONE=C [11] LC_MEASUREMENT=en_US.UTF-8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=C attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

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  • Deploying backing bean with composite component in separate jar

    - by Checkoff
    I have some difficulties deploying my web app on JBoss AS 6.1. My current Project is separated into the main web app (controller/managed beans & web frontend using JSF 2 facelets) and one jar with the composite components + backing beans. But when I try to access the page I got an error that the specified component type could not be instantiated. Copying the backing bean into the main web app solves the problem, but this isn't what I want. So is there anything to pay attention to? The backing bean looks like @FacesComponent(value = "elementBase") public class ElementBase extends UINamingContainer { ... } and the composite components interface <composite:interface componentType="elementBase"> ... some attributes </composite:interface> The structure of the jar is the following -- META-INF |-- resources | |-- components | |-- elementBase.xhtml -- com |-- example | |-- ElementBase.class I've also tried to add faces-config.xml within META-INF folder, with the component type, but the component type was still not found.

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