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Articles indexed Tuesday November 6 2012

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  • Outlook 2010 Error

    - by Trevor Sullivan
    I'm running Outlook 2010 SP1 on Windows 7 x64 SP1, and I'm getting an error message saying "Your Microsoft Exchange administrator has blocked the version of Outlook that you are using. Contact your administrator for assistance." I'm still able to log into my account using Outlook Web Access (OWA), so I know that my account is working just fine. Outlook 2010 with Service Pack 1 is the standard for Windows 7 client systems at this organization, and other people are able to access their e-mail just fine. When my account was initially configured, I was able to use Outlook for a couple of days, and then it suddenly stopped working, providing only the above error message. Do you have any ideas on what I should look into to resolve this problem? Is there any information I can obtain on the client side that will help the Exchange folks investigate the issue further? Is there any verbose logging I can enable, or diagnostic logging in Outlook? Cheers

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  • Fedora 15: em1 recently dissapeared and hostapd no longer serves internet to wirelessly connected devices

    - by Daniel K
    I have a laptop running hostapd, phpd, and mysql. This laptop uses an Ethernet connection to connect to the internet and acts as a wireless access point for my workplace's wifi devices. After installing some software and reconnecting my Ethernet elsewhere, my "em1" device is no longer present and wirelessly connected devices can no longer reach the internet. The software I recently installed is: pptp, pptpd, and updated some fedora libraries. I have also recently moved my desk and laptop to another location and thus had to reconnect the Ethernet elsewhere. Wifi devices no longer have access to the internet. Wirelessly connected devices are able to successfully log into the laptop, showing full strength, correct SSID, and uses the proper password. However, when I tried to connect to a site like google, the request times out. The device "em1" also no longer appears on my machine. Running: # ifup em1 will give me the following output: ERROR : [/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth] Device em1 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization. And running: # dhclient em1 has the following output: Cannot find device "em1" When I run # dmesg|grep renamed, I get the following: renamed network interface eth0 to p4p1. I've tried to connect to the internet through p4p1 directly from the laptop and was successful. However, my wireless devices connected to my laptop are not able to connect to the internet. I have uninstalled pptp and pptpd using # yum erase ... but the problem still persists. To install pptp I used: # yum install pptp To install pptpd I did the following: # rpm -Uvh http://poptop.sourceforge.net/yum/stable/fc15/pptp-release-current.noarch.rpm # yum install pptpd To update my fedora libraries I used: # yum check-update # yum update EDIT: Running # route produces the following results: Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface default UG 0 0 0 p4p1 * U 0 0 0 p4p1 * U 0 0 0 wlan0

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  • Using Apache Environment Variables to set custom ErrorDocument

    - by Tad
    I've got a set of RewriteCond rules that test for various mobile devices and then set environment variables like "env=device:.iphone" or "env=device:.smartphone" if the useragent matches an iPhone or Android device. I'm trying to now redirect the user to custom-styled 404/500 server error pages for each device, by way of the error pages. Ideally I'd like to be able to test for a variable being there, and then write in a custom ErrorDocument string. But an apache doesn't seem to work in this case. Any ideas how I can construct if/else tests in an apache conf file for environment vars?

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  • Some Emails incoming to Outlook 2007 are blank, same emails work fine on webmail, iphone, etc

    - by Funran
    This is a pretty easy problem to describe. Basically users who have just been upgraded to Outlook 2007 (yeah I know 2010 is out), are not receiving SOME emails (from outside our domain, ie hotmail, yahoo). Receiving is not the correct word, these emails come in, along with their attachments, subjects, to/from line, etc. But the body is blank. If the same user goes into their webmail, iphone, blackberry instead, they can read the message fine. It's clear to me that something in Outlook 2007 is not generating the body correctly, so it just strips it. I just don't know WHY. Our mail server was recently upgraded to Exchange 2010, users on 2010 running outlook 2003 are working fine, it's just the random emails for users using 2007. I hope I made that clear enough, thank you for any future help guys. EDIT: I don't see rft, but i swear I've seen it before. Here is the view source on a recent email. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.19120"> <DEFANGED_style_0 <="" style=""> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <p><DEFANGED_DIV><font color="#0000ff" size="2" face="Calibri">MS,</font></p><DEFANGED_DIV> <p><DEFANGED_DIV><font color="#0000ff" size="2" face="Calibri">Could you tell me please what the legal descrip &amp; Topo Quad name is for this Monroe P.ID Site?</font></p><DEFANGED_DIV> <p><DEFANGED_DIV><em><font color="#0000ff" size="2" face="Calibri">Thanks, Henry Roye</font></em></p><DEFANGED_DIV></body></html>

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  • Apache-style multiviews with Nginx

    - by Kenn
    I'm interested in switching from Apache/mod_php to Nginx for some non-CMS sites I'm running. The sites in question are either completely static HTML files or simple PHP, but the one thing they have in common is that I'm currently using Apache's mod_negotiation to serve them up without file extensions. I'm not concerned with actual content negotiation; I'm using this just so I don't have to use file extensions in my URLs. For example, the file at /info/contact.php is accessed via a URL of just /info/contact The actual file is a .php file in that location, but I don't use the extension in the URLs. This gives me slightly shorter, cleaner URLs and also doesn't expose what's essentially a meaningless implementation detail to the user. In Apache, all this takes is enabling mod_negotiation and adding +MultiViews to the Options for the site. In Nginx I gather I'll be rewriting somehow but being new to Nginx, I'm not exactly sure how to do it. These sites are currently working fine proxied from Nginx to Apache, but I'd like to try running them solely with Nginx/fastcgi. They work fine this way as long as I'm using the extensions, so the fastcgi aspect is working great. My concern now is just with removing those extensions. It's important to keep in mind that the filename is not always in the URL, in the case of subdirectories. That is, /foo/bar should look for /foo/bar.php or /foo/bar/index.php /foo/ should look for /foo/index.php Is there a simple way to achieve this with Nginx or should I stick with proxying to Apache?

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  • hostname -f says "hostname: the specified hostname is invalid". Guess why?

    - by Ivan
    hostname -f says "hostname: the specified hostname is invalid". The hostname (FQDN) specified in /etc/hostname is also listed in /etc/hosts and is pingable. No actual DNS server yet of the host knows. Is this a reason of the error reported or something else? (the OS is Ubuntu 10.04 Server). Update: registering the host at a DNS server (so that the name can be successfully resolved via Internet) did not help.

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  • curl http_code of 000

    - by Mikkel Paulson
    I have a shell script that I use to monitor loading times and response codes on my live server cluster. It runs a total of 250 iterations every 5 minutes, distributed across 10 servers and 6 sites. It uses curl with the -w flag to return pertinent information which is then parsed by my shell script: curl -svw 'monitor_load_times %{time_total} %{http_code}' -b 'server=$server' -m 15 -o /dev/null $url 2>&1 This information is then parsed by a graphing script that can display a number of different responses. However, curl will occasionally return a response code of "000". When this happens, it seems to happen multiple times at once despite being distributed over many iterations: What I'm trying to work out is if this is a client-side issue that's skewing my results or if it's actually indicative of a server-side problem affecting my entire cluster. Does 000 mean that the connection was dropped? Database entries corresponding to curl iterations with that response code return "0.000" for the time_total value. All of the search results I've found for curl returning a code of 000 are related to HTTPS being unsupported, but all of my test URLs are HTTP. (The spike in 500 errors is a completely unrelated issue that affected my servers last night.)

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  • Windows 8 isn't detecting PS3 eye

    - by JonFriesen
    I have the PS3 Eye web cam installed with drivers from Code Laboratories, which comes with a test program. When I open the test program it shows a clear picture from the webcam. Every other program does not detect a webcam. The cam shows in my device manager and as installed correctly. My question is, is there a flag or something like that I can set that will show Windows 8 that this device is in fact a camera and is working. Here is a picture of the test program that comes loaded with the drivers and the windows 8 camera app. Thanks for the help! **Here is a pic, I can't integrated because I haven't posted enough on superuser :P http://i48.tinypic.com/6qyw6t.png

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  • Why does my downloads folder take so long to load?

    - by msbg
    When I open my downloads folder, no files appear, just a message saying "This folder is empty". I see the address bar progress slowly creeping along, and after about thirty seconds the files and folders appear. This problem only occurs in the downloads folder. If I search for a file in the downloads folder, it comes up, and if I right click on it and select "Open File Location", everything shows up instantly. I am using Windows 8, but I think I had a similar problem once in Windows 7. Sadly I can't remember how I fixed it.

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  • What is blocking incoming packets to port 67?

    - by Peter Robertson
    I have a DSP connected to a Windows 7 laptop by Ethernet. The laptop has all firewalls disabled (I've even tried stopping the Windows firewall service and DHCP). The DSP is sending well-formed BOOTP broadcast packets every 3 seconds to port 67. Wireshark running on the laptop sees these BOOTP packets coming in. I have a program running on the laptop with a socket successfully bound to port 67. I can see this using CurrPorts.exe. Nothing else is shown as accessing port 67. The program never sees any packets coming in. If I run a program in the DSP that sends ordinary UDP packets to port 67, Wireshark sees them coming in and reports that they are corrupt BOOTP packets, but now, my program gets them. Any idea what's going on here?

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  • Multiple Windows Desktop areas for Full-Screen applications

    - by arootbeer
    Is it possible to run multiple instances of Windows Explorer within a single user session, or configure multiple desktops that are portions of a screen? I don't know the best way to describe what I want to achieve, but here's a picture of what I've got: I've got a 4 monitor setup, 3 portrait and one landscape, and I am normally running a number of RDP sessions, outlook, chrome, a development environment or two, so on and so forth. Most of these applications support full-screen views which mostly or completely hide the window borders, but on the Windows Desktop they take up a full monitor to do so. What I want to do is have 7 "desktops", "regions", call them what you will, each of which is, for the purposes of applications running in it, a "full screen" environment: I'm not tied to Windows Explorer for this, in case it helps - a different window manager that will support this functionality would be a perfectly acceptable answer.

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  • Identify "Composite Document File"

    - by Steven
    In a folder containing several PowerPoint Presentations and Spreadsheets, I discovered the following file: Name: ppt115.tmp Size: 160 MB Meta: No EXIF or other metadata Type: (as identified by the cygwin / linux program 'file') Composite Document File V2 Document, No summary info Notes: The filename does not correspond to other files in the directory. Neither MS Power Point nor Excel can open the file. MS Word will only attempt to recover text. Please help me identify this file. Is it just a temporary file that I can safely remove?

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  • X11 display over ssh with monitor connected to remote machine

    - by Sumit
    I have the following setup: Machine A (a.corp,, local machine) and Machine B (b.corp, remote machine) and a monitor is connected to each of these machines. When I ssh from a.corp to b.corp as $ ssh -X b.corp $ xclock Error: Can't open display: I tried setting the DISPLAY variable as $ ssh -X b.corp $ export DISPLAY=`echo $SSH_CLIENT|cut -f1 -d\ `:0.0 $ echo $DISPLAY $ xclock xclock's display opens up but on the monitor connected to b.corp (remote machine) and not on the monitor connected to a.corp (local machine). Is there a way to force the display to appear on the monitor of the local machine (a.corp)?

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  • Windows 8 Start Screen: Show programs in order of most frequently used

    - by Johnny W
    For me the Windows 8 Start Screen is just a great bit version of the old Start Menu, but unlike the Start Menu, it doesn't seem to order programs by frequency of use? Consider the following: While I DO use Chrome, Steam, and iTunes a lot. I've never ran Adobe Media Encoder, nor Adobe Extension Manager, nor Acrobat Distiller, or indeed most of the things on that list! Or there a way to change sorting to most frequently clicked on? Or perhaps even create FOLDERS in which to group items (e.g. "Adobe Apps" or "Games" or "Microsoft Office"?). Dragging them one at a time takes an age!

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    - by Vi.
    I often need to login to multiple remote stations that are just placed to the same static IPs for me. SSH complains about changed keys in this case: $ ssh [email protected] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ... Offending RSA key in /home/vi/.ssh/known_hosts:70 ... I usually just run vim /home/vi/.ssh/known_hosts +70, dd wq and re-run the SSH command. How to do it simpler? Requirements: The warning should be displayed, and not like this: The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. It is easy to accept the key change. I expect something like this: $ ssh [email protected] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ... The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is 82:cd:be:7a:ae:1b:91:2c:23:c1:74:4d:8a:38:10:32. Change the host key in /home/vi/.ssh/known_hosts (yes/no)? yes Warning: Changed host key for '' (RSA) in the list of known hosts. [email protected]'s password: Simple and differs from usual "The authenticity of host can't be established." message.

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  • Cursor and selection invisible if focus is lost

    - by Alois Mahdal
    "Latest" versions of Excel (I think it's since 2007) have a new added "feature" that if Excel windows loses focus, the cursor becomes invisible. Also coloring of headers is default, so it's impossible to locate cursor and/or selection as soon as I switch to other window. This annoys the hell out of me as it makes Excel almost unusable for most of tasks I need it for: keeping track of test cases while performing testing in another window. obtaining data somewhere else and porting it to Excel (I have never seen such behavior in other applications and can't even think of a justification for it.) Is is possible to turn this behavior off?

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  • Emacs org-mode: how to avoid duplicate lines in agenda, when items is scheduled AND has deadline

    - by Martin
    Many of my TODO items in Emacs org-mode have a DEADLINE defined in the future (e. g. Friday) and are at the same time SCHEDULED today so that I already know I have to start working on this task. Then, this task will appear twice in my agenda. That's not nice but not necessarily a problem yet, but if then the task has assigned a time estimate for its duration and I go to column view with C-C C-X C-C to see how much time my tasks today will need, the time estimate for this task is counted twice, so e. g. if the time effort estimate is 2 hours, I'll have 4 hours in my daily agenda, as the item appears as well as scheduled today (or in the past) as also with its deadline in 3 days. How can I avoid counting an item twice?

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  • VMware Workstation Easy Install is unable to install Windows 8 with a product key specified

    - by Hippo
    I recently attempted to install Windows 8 Enterprise Edition in VMware Workstation. It specified that Easy Install would be used, and requested for the product key, for which I entered the generated MSDN key. This didn't work - the installation goes into a loop with each iteration of the loop ending with the following screen: The guest reboots and the process repeats after clicking "OK". Has anyone been able to successfully install their MSDN image with Easy Install in Workstation?

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  • Software/FakeRAID: Windows 8 Disk Mirroring vs Intel Onboard

    - by Johnny W
    So Windows 8 is out and I have a new motherboard. I wish to create a RAID 1 coupling between two HDDs -- for storage purposes only (my OS is on an SSD) -- but I don't know which is the best route to take. My motherboard (Z77 chipset) comes with the age old Intel Fake RAID, but since I only wish to use my RAID for storage, I wondered if I might be better to use Windows 8 Disk Mirroring. Can anyone advise which is better? Or perhaps the pros and cons of each, if that's too contentious? I just can't see the benefit of FakeRAID. You can see my current setup here, if that might change things(?): Thanks!

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  • Win7 System folder contains infinitely looping SYSTEM(!) directory

    - by Matt
    My Windows 7 Enterprise computer has been crashing fairly frequently recently, so I decided to boot up in safe mode and run the TrendMicro client I have installed. It froze about 10 minutes into the full system scan, so in the spirit of http://whathaveyoutried.com, I started scanning each folder individually. When I got to ProgramData, the AV failed with an uncaught exception. I then went down a level and tried scanning Application Data, which failed as well. Imagine my surprise when I open the folder just to see the same folder again! As far as I can tell, this folder loop continues indefinitely. (If you are trying to recreate this, keep in mind that ProgramData is a hidden folder.) I'm actually a bit concerned that these are system folders, as this is a brand-new computer with a clean installation. I guess I have three questions: Has anyone else seen/experienced this before? I'm running Win7 SP1. How do I fix this? I've run CHKDSK \F with no success (although it was incredibly slow). What are the ramifications of an infinitely recursive directory? Theoretically speaking, each link takes up memory, so shouldn't I have no space available on my hard drive? (I've got about 180GB left.) I noticed that the tree view on the left only shows the "linked folder" icon on the deeper folders--does this mean anything special? (I've circled the icons or lack thereof in red.) How can the OS even resolve this aberration? And above all, what would happen if I were to select "Expand all folders"??? :P Matt

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  • Bulk Deleting All Messages in a Folder in Microsoft Outlook Web Access [closed]

    - by Cerin
    Possible Duplicate: Multiple delete in Microsoft Outlook Web Access How do you delete all messages in a folder in Outlook, preferrably through Web Access? I left my Outlook account unattended for several days (on vacation) and when I got back I found several folders with over 5k emails, mostly error logging or spam. When I try to open the Outlook client, it just locks up, presumably unable to download that many emails. I can view at most 100 emails at a time, but I can't select all emails to delete or permanently delete them immediately, so manually deleting this many emails is going to take a while. Gmail has a similar feature to select and delete all emails in a folder, and that's free so I figure being a quality non-free product from Microsoft, Outlook should have a similar feature (yes that's sarcasm). I've Googled, but I'm not finding anything. Is this possible?

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  • Toolbar Cleaner Strips Toolbars, Add-ons, and Browser Helper Objects

    - by Jason Fitzpatrick
    If you’re trying to remove all the crap off a friend’s bogged down computer, Toolbar Cleaner is a handy little app that does a thorough job stripping away spammy toolbars, dubious add-ons, and browser helper objects. Toolbar Cleaner is a free application that helps remove unwanted garbage from your Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome installations–including third-party toolbars, extensions/add-ons, and browser helper objects (plug-ins that modify your browser behavior and can contain malware). If you’re dealing with a machine drowning under all the toolbars and crapware that have snuck onto the system, it’s a nearly one-click solution to purging all of them. Hit up the link below to read more about the software and grab a copy. Toolbar Cleaner is freeware, Windows only. Toolbar Cleaner [via Freeware Genius] HTG Explains: Why It’s Good That Your Computer’s RAM Is Full 10 Awesome Improvements For Desktop Users in Windows 8 How To Play DVDs on Windows 8

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  • Tesla Coil Fights Combines Electricity and Choreography [Video]

    - by Jason Fitzpatrick
    We’ve seen quite a few Tesla-coil tricks over the years but never choreographed fighting between two guys balanced on Tesla coils. This definitely falls deeply into the don’t try this at home category–two guys in special suits are standing atop Tesla coils and directing the blasts of electricity at each other in a type of stylized combat. While their suits are clearly acting as Faraday cages to protect them from the electricity, we prefer our Faraday cages to be beefier and not attached directly to our skin. [via Obvious Winner] HTG Explains: Why It’s Good That Your Computer’s RAM Is Full 10 Awesome Improvements For Desktop Users in Windows 8 How To Play DVDs on Windows 8

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  • 6 Ways Windows 8 Is More Secure Than Windows 7

    - by Chris Hoffman
    Whatever you think of it, Windows 8 isn’t just a new interface slapped on top of Windows 7. Windows 8 has seen a lot of security improvements, including an integrated antivirus, an application reputation system, and protection from boot-time rootkits. There are also quite a few low-level security improvements under the hood. Microsoft hasn’t spelled out all of them, but Windows 8 manages memory in a more secure way and includes features that make security vulnerabilities harder to exploit. HTG Explains: Why It’s Good That Your Computer’s RAM Is Full 10 Awesome Improvements For Desktop Users in Windows 8 How To Play DVDs on Windows 8

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  • Windows Phone 8 : Microsoft fait le point sur les nouvelles APIs, outils et fonctionnalités de l'OS mobile pour les développeurs

    Windows Phone 8 : Microsoft fait le point sur les nouvelles APIs outils et fonctionnalités de l'OS mobile pour les développeurs Microsoft a officiellement présenté la nouvelle version de son système d'exploitation mobile Windows Phone 8 la semaine dernière, ainsi que ses nouvelles fonctionnalités pour les consommateurs. Qu'est-ce que l'OS apporte concrètement aux développeurs d'applications mobiles ? C'est la question à laquelle répond l'éditeur dans un nouveau billet de blog sur l'espace de communication dédié à l'OS. [IMG]http://ftp-developpez.com/gordon-fowler/WP8/WP8%20lancement/WindowsPhone8%20LockScreen.jpg[/IMG] Le nouvea...

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