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Articles indexed Thursday March 3 2011

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  • removing an ssrs instance from a scale-out deployment

    - by Alex Bransky
    If you're like me you had at one time connected one of your Reporting Services instances to a report server database that was already in use by another instance.  This allows the instance to show up in the Scale-out Deployment section of the Reporting Services Configuration Manager.  My problem was that the server that got joined to the original server was no longer available as it had been repurposed, and when I clicked Remove Server to remove it from my scale-out it would fail because it couldn't contact the server.  After searching for a solution for quite some time I decided to look around in the report server database tables, and voila!  All I had to do was remove the old server from the Keys table.  I can't guarantee there won't be any side effects to this method, but it worked like a charm for me.

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  • Converting raw data type to enumerated type

    - by Jim Lahman
    There are times when an enumerated type is preferred over using the raw data type.  An example of using a scheme is when we need to check the health of x-ray gauges in use on a production line.  Rather than using a scheme like 0, 1 and 2, we can use an enumerated type: 1: /// <summary> 2: /// POR Healthy status indicator 3: /// </summary> 4: /// <remarks>The healthy status is for each POR x-ray gauge; each has its own status.</remarks> 5: [Flags] 6: public enum POR_HEALTH : short 7: { 8: /// <summary> 9: /// POR1 healthy status indicator 10: /// </summary> 11: POR1 = 0, 12: /// <summary> 13: /// POR2 healthy status indicator 14: /// </summary> 15: POR2 = 1, 16: /// <summary> 17: /// Both POR1 and POR2 healthy status indicator 18: /// </summary> 19: BOTH = 2 20: } By using the [Flags] attribute, we are treating the enumerated type as a bit mask.  We can then use bitwise operations such as AND, OR, NOT etc. . Now, when we want to check the health of a specific gauge, we would rather use the name of the gauge than the numeric identity; it makes for better reading and programming practice. To translate the numeric identity to the enumerated value, we use the Parse method of Enum class: POR_HEALTH GaugeHealth = (POR_HEALTH) Enum.Parse(typeof(POR_HEALTH), XrayMsg.Gauge_ID.ToString()); The Parse method creates an instance of the enumerated type.  Now, we can use the name of the gauge rather than the numeric identity: 1: if (GaugeHealth == POR_HEALTH.POR1 || GaugeHealth == POR_HEALTH.BOTH) 2: { 3: XrayHealthyTag.Name = Properties.Settings.Default.POR1XRayHealthyTag; 4: } 5: else if (GaugeHealth == POR_HEALTH.POR2) 6: { 7: XrayHealthyTag.Name = Properties.Settings.Default.POR2XRayHealthyTag; 8: }

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  • Debugging Windows Service Timeout Error 1053

    - by Joe Mayo
    If you ever receive an Error 1053 for a timeout when starting a Windows Service you've written, the underlying problem might not have anything to do with a timeout.  Here's the error so you can compare it to what you're seeing: --------------------------- Services --------------------------- Windows could not start the Service1 service on Local Computer.   Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. --------------------------- OK   --------------------------- Searching the Web for a solution to this error in your Windows Service will result in a lot of wasted time and advice that won't help.  Sometimes you might get lucky if your problem is exactly the same as someone else's, but this isn't always the case.  One of the solutions you'll see has to do with a known error on Windows Server 2003 that's fixed by a patch to the .NET Framework 1.1, which won't work.  As I write this blog post, I'm using the .NET Framework 4.0, which is a tad bit past that timeframe. Most likely, the basic problem is that your service is throwing an exception that you aren't handling.  To debug this, wrap your service initialization code in a try/catch block and log the exception, as shown below: using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.ServiceProcess; namespace WindowsService { static class Program { static void Main() { try { ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun; ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[] { new Service1() }; ServiceBase.Run(ServicesToRun); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLog.WriteEntry("Application", ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error); } } } } After you uninstall the old service, redeploy the service with modifications, and receive the same error message as above; look in the Event Viewer/Application logs.  You'll see what the real problem is, which is the underlying reason for the timeout. Joe

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  • [EF + Oracle] Inserting Data (Sequences) (2/2)

    - by JTorrecilla
    Prologue In the previous chapter we have see how to create DB records with EF, now we are going to Some Questions about Oracle.   ORACLE One characteristic from SQL Server that differs from Oracle is “Identity”. To all that has not worked with SQL Server, this property, that applies to Integer Columns, lets indicate that there is auto increment columns, by that way it will be filled automatically, without writing it on the insert statement. In EF with SQL Server, the properties whose match with Identity columns, will be filled after invoking SaveChanges method. In Oracle DB, there is no Identity Property, but there is something similar. Sequences Sequences are DB objects, that allow to create auto increment, but there are not related directly to a Table. The syntax is as follows: name, min value, max value and begin value. 1: CREATE SEQUENCE nombre_secuencia 2: INCREMENT BY numero_incremento 3: START WITH numero_por_el_que_empezara 4: MAXVALUE valor_maximo | NOMAXVALUE 5: MINVALUE valor_minimo | NOMINVALUE 6: CYCLE | NOCYCLE 7: ORDER | NOORDER 8:    How to get sequence value? To obtain the next val from the sequence: 1: SELECT nb_secuencia.Nextval 2: From Dual Due to there is no direct way to indicate that a column is related to a sequence, there is several ways to imitate the behavior: Use a Trigger (DB), Use Stored Procedures or Functions(…) or my particularly option. EF model, only, imports Table Objects, Stored Procedures or Functions, but not sequences. By that, I decide to create my own extension Method to invoke Next Val from a sequence: 1: public static class EFSequence 2: { 3: public static int GetNextValue(this ObjectContext contexto, string SequenceName) 4: { 5: string Connection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["JTorrecillaEntities2"].ConnectionString; 6: Connection=Connection.Substring(Connection.IndexOf(@"connection string=")+19); 7: Connection = Connection.Remove(Connection.Length - 1, 1); 8: using (IDbConnection con = new Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection(Connection)) 9: { 10: using (IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand()) 11: { 12: con.Open(); 13: cmd.CommandText = String.Format("Select {0}.nextval from DUAL", SequenceName); 14: return Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); 15: } 16: } 17:  18: } 19: } This Object Context’s extension method are going to invoke a query with the Sequence indicated by parameter. It takes the connection strings from the App settings, removing the meta data, that was created by VS when generated the EF model. And then, returns the next value from the Sequence. The next value of a Sequence is unique, by that, when some concurrent users are going to create records in the DB using the sequence will not get duplicates. This is my own implementation, I know that it could be several ways to do and better ways. If I find any other way, I promise to post it. To use the example is needed to add a reference to the Oracle (ODP.NET) dll.

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  • BizTalk Pipeline Component Error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

    - by Stuart Brierley
    Yesterday I posted about my BizTalk Archiving Pipeline Component, which can be found on Codeplex if anyone is interested in taking a look. During testing of this component I began to encounter an error whereby the component would throw an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when processing as a part of a Custom Pipeline. This was occurring when the component was reading a ReadOnlySeekableStream so that the data can be archived to file, but the actual code throwing the error was somewhere in the depths of the Microsoft.BizTalk.Streaming stack. It turns out that there is a known issue where this exception can be thrown because the garbage collector has disposed of of the stream before execution of the custom pipeline has completed. To get around this you need to add the streams in your code to the pipeline context resource tracker.   So a block of my code goes from:                         originalStrm = bodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream();                         if (!originalStrm.CanSeek)                         {                             ReadOnlySeekableStream seekableStream = new ReadOnlySeekableStream(originalStrm);                             inmsg.BodyPart.Data = seekableStream;                             originalStrm = inmsg.BodyPart.Data;                         }                         fileArchive = new FileStream(FullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);                         binWriter = new BinaryWriter(fileArchive);                         byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];                         int sizeRead = 0;                         while ((sizeRead = originalStrm.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) != 0)                         {                             binWriter.Write(buffer, 0, sizeRead);                         } to                         originalStrm = bodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream();                         if (!originalStrm.CanSeek)                         {                             ReadOnlySeekableStream seekableStream = new ReadOnlySeekableStream(originalStrm);                             inmsg.BodyPart.Data = seekableStream;                             originalStrm = inmsg.BodyPart.Data;                         }                         pc.ResourceTracker.AddResource(originalStrm);                         fileArchive = new FileStream(FullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);                         binWriter = new BinaryWriter(fileArchive);                         byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];                         int sizeRead = 0;                         while ((sizeRead = originalStrm.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) != 0)                         {                             binWriter.Write(buffer, 0, sizeRead);                         } So far this seems to have solved the issue, the error is no more, and my archive component is continuing its way through testing.

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  • OSX chown problems after creating users with dscl

    - by RandomInsano
    Alright, so I've made a user and a group using dscl as follows: dscl . -create /Users/deadline dscl . -create /Groups/deadline dscl . -append /Groups/deadline GroupMembership deadline Now I'm trying to chown things like so: mkdir /tmp/stuff chown deadline:deadline /tmp/stuff But the problem is that it sets the user and group to nobody instead of this user 'deadline'. What magic voodoo property do I need to add to the user and group to have it set the unix permissions properly? Also, why must Apple hate me and my Unix background :(

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  • Compilation of Etherpad fails in an OpenVZ VE

    - by ulf
    Hi everyone. I’m almost giving up, this will be my last try: I try to compile Etherpad on my OpenVZ server. It’s running a Debian 5.0 as the host system, in the VE I’ve got Ubuntu 10.04. I installed Etherpad in this VE with the instructions from the official Ubuntu Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Etherpad. Everything runs fine until it comes to compilation. After calling bin/build.sh as described in the wiki the first steps are running fine. But then I’m running into a memory error: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "cp": java.io.IOException: error=12, Cannot allocate memory Well, I understand the error message but don’t see the cause. The command free tells me that there’s plenty memory left in this VE: total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 2415236 1140872 1274364 0 0 0 -/+ buffers/cache: 1140872 1274364 Swap: 0 0 0 Beautiful. But even repeating the compilation process doesn’t bring me any further. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Maintain share permissions migrating from Windows 2003 to Samba 3.5 or 4

    - by SeanFromIT
    The title says it all. I'm interested in replacing a Windows file server with a Linux Samba file server, but the caveat is that share/folder permissions must be preserved. We'd be using the new active directory authentication in Samba, so the two servers would at least be in the same domain to make things a little simpler, and all the users/groups are domain-level users/groups. Does anyone know if this is possible?

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  • Auto-response on a mail non universal group

    - by russ
    Four domain users are part of global security group [email protected] running on Windows Server 2008 Standard and Exchange 2007 as a mail non universal group. Our goal is to create an auto-responder rule, or template that fires at sender. I have created a mail-enabled public folder, with owner permissions for each group member. I have also set up a rule template (response) and I am a little unclear as to the send as permission set, or where to set that up. Can someone please tell me if I am on the right track? Will I have to do each Outlook client machine (whole group!) the same?

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  • How do I enable SELinux when booting from a CD/DVD?

    - by JeffG
    I have a bootable DVD which boots the same Kernel as the Hard Drive (which uses SELinux). I have copied /etc/selinux and all the kernel modules to my ramdisk, and have tried both selinux=1 and selinux 1 as Kernel boot parameters. After the system boots, I check dmesg: % dmesg | grep -i selinux Kernel command line: initrd=idrd.img ramdisk_size=110476 selinux=1 SELinux: Initializing. SELinux: Starting in permissive mode selinux_register_security: Registering secondary module capability SElinux: Registering netfilter hooks But SELinux isn't running: % /usr/sbin/getenforce Disabled % /usr/sbin/setenforce 1 /usr/sbin/setenforce: SELinux is disabled /var/log/messages does not hold any clues. /proc/kmsg also has nothing

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  • Experience with Intel X25-M 160GB and Oracle

    - by derobert
    We're considering building an Oracle database with 12 Intel X25-M G2 160GB drives in software RAID10. It'd be running Linux. Database gets some very heavy write activity during the early morning data load, other than that it is mostly read-only (and the read load is fairly minimal). We're currently running on 11 150GB Velociraptors (also Linux software RAID10), and are hoping the X25-M will speed up the data load. We currently have redo on different disks than the rest of the data. I'm wondering a few things: Any experience with using X25-M drives for databases? The X25-E are unfortunately beyond our budget. Would it hurt to separate redo off to some magnetic (non-SSD) drives, say 2 (raid1) or 4 (raid10) Seagate Constellations?

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  • Tool for purging unneeded backups

    - by Dana the Sane
    I'm in the common situation where the one of the linux servers I use for storing backups is filling up. I'm wondering what tools are available for doing this. Ideally, what I would like is something that keeps nightlies for the previous month, weeklies for the 2nd to 5th preceding months and retains monthlies (well, every 3rd week) for an indefinite period. Everything that falls outside of that would be deleted after the backups are run. I could write a script to do this, but I feel like there must be a standard tool for this task.

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  • CentOS 5.5 remote kickstart installation stalls at "Starting install process." How to debug?

    - by ewwhite
    Hello, I'm having a difficult time with a remote CentOS 5.5 kickstart installation on an HP ProLiant DL360 G6. This is in an environment where I maintain an internal CentOS yum repository. The kickstart installation and post scripts have been tested and normally work. This hardware is also common in this environment, so I do not believe that it is a factor. Unfortunately, I'm having problems with a specific server install. The system is remote to the yum repository at a distance of 500 miles. They are connected over a private low-latency 100-megabit layer 2 connection (26ms round-trip). I'm mounting the 10mb CentOS 5 netinstall ISO image via an HP ILO remote console. The initial boot parameters are: linux ks=http://yum.abctrading.com/prop.cfg ksdevice=eth0 ip=x.x.x.x dns=x.x.x.x netmask= gateway=x.x.x.x I'm using the url --url http://ks.abctrading.com/5.5/os/x86_64/ method of installation. This quickly boots into the anaconda installer, pulls the kickstart config and formats the drives. The process eventually halts at the screen below, reading "Starting install process.". Going to the other virtual consoles give the second image below. The process stalls at this point and cannot proceed with the rest of the installation. Running the same kickstart config locally works just fine. I've tried mounting the boot ISO from the console as well as from the ILO2 command line pointing to a locally-hosted boot ISO via http. How can I debug this? Are there any options I've overlooked?

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  • rsync osx to linux

    - by Nick
    I did a backup to a remote nfs folder with rsync, from a MAC to a Remote Debian. The final backup is 58GB less than the original. Rsync says that everything was OK, and nothing to update. Macintosh:/Volumes/Data1 root# du -sh Produccion/ 319G Produccion/ root@Disketera:/mnt/soho_storage/samba/shares# du -sh Produccion/ 260G Produccion/ can I trust in rsync? I'm using rsync -av --stats /Volumes/Data1/Produccion/ /mnt/red/ (/mnt/red is my samba mountpoint) Some differents folders root@Disketera:/mnt/soho_storage/samba/shares/Produccion/tiposok# du -sh * 0 IndoSanBol 0 IndoSans-Bold 0 IndoSans-Italic 0 IndoSans-Light 0 IndoSans-Regular 40K PalatinoLTStd-Black.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-BlackItalic.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-Bold.otf 44K PalatinoLTStd-BoldItalic.otf 44K PalatinoLTStd-Italic.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-Light.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-LightItalic.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-Medium.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-MediumItalic.otf 56K PalatinoLTStd-Roman.otf 12K TCL IndoSans_mac Macintosh:/Volumes/Data1/Produccion/tiposok root# du -sh * 36K IndoSanBol 40K IndoSans-Bold 36K IndoSans-Italic 36K IndoSans-Light 36K IndoSans-Regular 40K PalatinoLTStd-Black.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-BlackItalic.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-Bold.otf 44K PalatinoLTStd-BoldItalic.otf 44K PalatinoLTStd-Italic.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-Light.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-LightItalic.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-Medium.otf 40K PalatinoLTStd-MediumItalic.otf 56K PalatinoLTStd-Roman.otf 160K TCL IndoSans_mac

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  • Setting up SharePoint 2010 guides

    - by RobertPitt
    I'm looking for some guides on setting up SharePoint Server 2010. The guides should be focused on the actual web interface side of things such as Permissions, Layouts, Team Sites etc. I have searched high and low for guides and most of them are just "How to install Server 2010". These are useless because the installation is self explanatory. I'm at the stage where I need to learn the config side of things so I can lay my web structure out the way I want it. Has anyone got any good resources?

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  • Using Active Directory through a Firewall

    - by Adam Brand
    I had kind of a weird setup today where I wanted to enable Windows Firewall on a Windows 2003 R2 SP2 computer that would act as an Active Directory Domain Controller. I didn't see one resource on the Internet that listed what would be required to do this, so I thought I'd list them here and see if anyone has anything to add/sees something that isn't necessary. Ports to Open with "subnet" scope: 42 | TCP | WINS (if you use it) 53 | TCP | DNS 53 | UDP | DNS 88 | TCP | Kerberos 88 | UDP | Kerberos 123 | UDP | NTP 135 | TCP | RPC 135 | UDP | RPC 137 | UDP | NetBIOS 138 | UDP | NetBIOS 139 | TCP | NetBIOS 389 | TCP | LDAP 389 | UDP | LDAP 445 | TCP | SMB 445 | UDP | SMB 636 | TCP | LDAPS 3268 | TCP | GC LDAP 3269 | TCP | GC LDAP Ports to Open with "Any" Scope (for DHCP) 67 | UDP | DHCP 2535 | UDP | DHCP ALSO You need to restrict RPC to use fixed ports instead of everything 1024. For that, you need to add two registry keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters Registry value: TCP/IP Port Value type: REG_DWORD Value data: <-- pick a port like 1600 and put it here HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters Registry value: DCTcpipPort Value type: REG_DWORD Value data: <-- pick another port like 1650 and put it here ...don't forget to add entries in the firewall to allow those in (TCP, Subnet scope). After doing all that, I was able to add a client computer to the AD domain (behind Windows Firewall) and log in successfully.

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  • Windows 2003, MySQL 5.0.24, Windows Updates causes problems with MySQL?

    - by Alessandro
    Hi, our Windows 2003 webserver has 2 GB of ram and MySQL v. 5.0.24-community-nt. Maybe due to Windows Updates (is it possible??) I've problems with MySQL databases. I should restart everyday IIS services. Events: "Changed limits: max_open_files: 2048 max_connections: 800 table_cache: 619" "Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306 ?" "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'" 10055 Should I increase the innodb_buffer_pool_size, from 250M to 500M? Or/and? Thanks

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  • Why can't I install MySQL on my computer? [closed]

    - by Bea
    I have read a lot of tutorials, but I am still having problems. What I tried: I downloaded mysql-5.5.9-winx64. All that I read says that I can run Setup.exe, but there is no such file in the download. The other option I know there is, is including \mysql-5.5.9-winx64\bin in the PATH variable and then trying to execute the mysql command. When I do that, the error I get is: ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) I then downloaded mysql-5.5.9-winx64.msi, which is easier to install, but once I followed the instructions and it was installed, I got the same error executing the mysql command. How can I use MySQL? EDIT: I've now removed everything I installed, and I want to start from scratch.

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  • SQL Server tempdb size seems large, is this normal?

    - by Abe Miessler
    From what I understand the system database is used to hold temporary tables, intermediate results and other temporary information. On one of my database instances I have a tempdb that is seems very large (30GB). This database has not been modified (as in "last modified date" on the mdf file) in over a week. Is it normal to have the temp db remain that large for that long of a period? It seems to me that it should be updating fairly often and returning space that it is using fairly quickly... Am I way off here or is SQL Server doing something weird? FYI: This is a SharePoint 2010 database, not sure if that makes a difference.

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  • best data+partition recovery software

    - by Pennf0lio
    I accidentally formatted my Drive D that contained all my Backups and Documents. I separated my files to my Drive D hoping I will not harm my files. Since I use Acronis Recovery to Install a new OS with some pre-installed application to my HDD I didn't realize I also formated/erase my Drive D. Now my drive D is unpartitioned. I am really in really in deep trouble and would need some urgent help, Please recommend a Software that at least can restore my Old Drive that contained my files. I'm assuming most of you think this is a duplicate of some old questions here, But I'm not looking for data recovery, I need to recover the whole partition with the files. I used to use "Recuva" but It only recovers files not the whole folders with the files in it. Please advice. Thank You!

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  • How to fix incorrect margins when printing from Windows 7?

    - by Rodrigo Guerreiro
    My printer is a HP Photosmart 2575. When I print from my Windows XP the margins are all ok, but when I print from my Windows 7 laptop the top margin is 2x larger for the same document, and as a result the bottom is cropped. I've already found one (http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Printer-All-in-One-Software-and/Deskjet-5150-printer-incorrect-margins-with-Vista-64-bit/td-p/103166) thread in HP forums from someone that seems to have the same problem than me, but no solution is provided. My Windows 7 is the Home Premium x64. Can anyone help me?

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  • TTY with 256 colors?

    - by timn
    With URxvt and xterm it is possible to use a virtual terminal supporting 256 colors instead of only eight. Since my Intel GMA graphics card is well-supported by the KMS framebuffer driver, I am exclusively working on the TTY. Unfortunately it only supports eight colors although with MPlayer (-vo fbdev/fbdev2) and other framebuffer tools far more can be addressed. Is there a way to tell the TTY to use more than eight colors?

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  • win7-64sp1: Rename folder (including zip file) error popup

    - by P a u l
    With the install of win7-64sp1 I get a windows explorer popup on any folder rename including .zip files. "Could not find this item" They are referring to the old name. What a bug. If I click "Try Again' the popup goes away, folder is renamed. Lots of posts on the net about this but no fixes. I tried a registry patch (that I shouldn't have) and it did nothing to fix. My experience with Microsoft is that they will never fix this, and want me to buy windows 8. This started happening after the install of sp1. I posted in one of the zillions of ridiculously byzantine and almost useless Microsoft forums but expect no answer there. They'll probably tell me to reinstall windows.

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  • Having problems with connecting to/seeing the local SQL server with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

    - by Hans-Henrik
    I'm having some difficulties when I'm trying to connect to my local SQL Server. I'm pretty sure the server is running (many of the other topics on this subject suggests that the services might not be running, so I kinda looked into it, but they do seem to be running). But when I try to access it through Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio it doesn't seem to be able to find them. Server type: Database Engine Server name: ILIZANESQL* - I'm trying to "browse for more..." to find my server, but it doesn't show up Authentication: Windows Authentication

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  • How to accelerate and notice failure of potentially faulty disks

    - by rainier
    Hey, I got a bunch of 'used' servers, whose disks should have been checked, but they have been shipped around the county in crate which can't help. I just had one disk go bad (despite being mirrored, currently trying to get more details). The server was fine for about a week before everything ground to a halt this afternoon. Is there any way 'accelerate' the failure of faulty disks, with the goal of bringing the disk to failure before we launch production services? Would doing lots of I/O with 'dd' or 'iozone' be a good way to test these potentially faulty disks? Any other tests/tools that would help recognized failures before they happen?

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