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Articles indexed Monday March 14 2011

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  • Plongée dans les entrailles de l'outil Person Finder de Google, une API open-source codée en Python

    Plongée dans les entrailles de l'outil Person Finder de Google, une API open-source codée en Python Mise à jour du 14.03.2011 par Katleen Comme indiqué dans la news précédente, Google a lancé son outil Person Finder à destination des personnes concernées par le drame survenu le 11.03.2011 au Japon (victimes et entourage de victimes). Ce service a déjà servi auparavant, lors des sinistres de Haiti ou de Christchurch par exemple. En fait, il est né à l'initiative de la firme comme projet sur Google.org, dans le cadre du secteur Google Crisis Response qui y a été lancé en janvier 2010 (séisme d'Haïti), en réponse ...

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  • Oracle PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management, une solution mobile pour améliorer précision des stocks et productivité des utilisateurs

    Oracle PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management Une application mobile pour améliorer la précision des stocks et la productivité des utilisateurs Oracle possède déjà un portefeuille très complet de solutions de gestion des stocks et de solutions mobiles. Ce portefeuille s'enrichit encore plus aujourd'hui avec une nouvelle solution : Oracle PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management. Il s'agit en fait d'une nouvelle application de la suite Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Management qui permet d'améliorer la précision des stocks et la productivité des opérateurs en automatisant les transactions mobiles de gestion pour les utilisateurs de terminaux mobiles équipés de Microsoft W...

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  • Windows 7 : mise à jour du Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack, le pack de virtualisation et de déploiement

    Windows 7 : mise à jour de Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack Le pack de virtualisation et de déploiement Microsoft vient de procéder à une mise à jour de son pack de solutions de déploiement et de virtualisation Microsoft Destop Optimization Pack (MDOP) La mise à jour de MDOP porte principalement sur MED-V (Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualisation) qui est désormais disponible en version 2.0 et sur APP-V 4 dont le Service Pack 1 est désormais disponible. Le SP1 de Microsoft APP-V 4 rend le processus de virtualisation des applications plus facile et plus rapide grâce à l'intégration du « package ...

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  • Citrix dévoile Xen Cloud Platform 1.0, la première version de son environnement de développement Cloud open-source

    Citrix dévoile la première version de Xen Cloud Platform Son environnement de développement Cloud open-source Xen.org (à l'origine de l'hyperviseur open source Xen) annonce le lancement de Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) 1.0. Développé dans le cadre du Xen Cloud Project lancé en 2009, XCP 1.0 est une solution de Citrix pour les PME désireuses de mettre en place des clouds privés, ainsi qu'aux passionnés de l'open source, aux universités et aux chercheurs souhaitant expérimenter le cloud computing. Il s'agit d'un tournant dans l'utilisation en entreprise pour Xen.org. Jusqu'ici, celui-ci ne proposait traditionnellement que des logiciels sous forme de code source. XC...

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  • openSUSE 11.4 est disponible, une distribution « tout terrain » riche en outils de développement et en EDI open-sources

    openSUSE 11.4 est disponible Avec un ensemble d'EDI open-sources et de technologies de développement Mise à jour du 14/03/11, par Hinault Romaric openSUSE 11.4 est disponible. La distribution Linux s'appuie sur le kernel 2.6.38, propose un démarrage plus rapide du système, améliore la gestion et la reconnaissance des périphériques ainsi que la gestion des logiciels et la configuration du système. L'environnement de bureau intègre par défaut KDE Plasma qui se décline en version Desktop et Netbook (avec de meilleures performances dans la gestion de l'activité et une interface plus ergonomique). open...

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  • Toutes les semaines un peu de code pour aller plus loin avec Windows 7, Les extensions PowerShell

    En cette fin d'année, la communauté de Developpez.com s'est alliée avec Microsoft France pour relayer une série de questions / réponses sur le développement Windows 7. A partir d'aujourd'hui, nous poserons une question chaque lundi sur une fonctionnalité propre au développement d'applications Windows 7. La bonne réponse de la question de la semaine sera ensuite dévoilée la semaine suivante avec un exemple de mise en pratique. Êtes-vous prêt à relever le défi ? Pensez-vous bien connaître les possibilités que proposent les API Windows 7 ? C'est ce que nous allons voir dès aujourd'hui, nous attendons vos propositions ! La réponse de la semaine : Comment appelle-t-on les extensio...

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  • OUG Ireland Conference 2011 Rock Star Attendance *

    - by ultan o'broin
    Yes folks, the Oracle User Group (OUG) Ireland Conference is almost upon us again, synch your calendars up for Wednesday 30-Mar-2011 (how do you like that NLS-compliant date format?), in the Aviva Stadium (that's “Landsdowne Road” to most of us locals) in Dublin. So come along and take in the best of local knowledge, listen to world-leading speakers, and hear customer stories of interest to the Irish Oracle community. And see me. There will be a keynote presentation by Paul O’Riordan, Technology Director and Country Leader, Oracle Ireland and over 20 sessions to choose from, including ones on Oracle Fusion Applications, Oracle E-Business Suite, Fusion Middleware, SQL, Apex, and Business Intelligence. I can't wait for the sessions on Fusion Applications by Liam Nolan and Fusion Middleware and Apps by Debra Lilley. I will also be there if you have any follow-up questions about the Oracle Fusion Applications user experience (UX), how the UX team works, and what the UX means for how you work.  So don't be shy. I'll also try and tweet my observations from the day as we go along. You can follow me (@ultan) or the hashtag #oug_ire11. Note that end users and students (that's you lot) can attend the conference for free. Full sign-up details for all are on the OUG Ireland website. * Yes, I know Michael Bublé played there. Put that behind you, this will be much cooler. Technorati Tags: Oracle Fusion Applications,Fusion,UX,user experience,OUG,E-Business Suite,Apex,SQL,Middleware

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  • The Kids Are Alright. With Facebook and SMS. But Not Twitter

    - by ultan o'broin
    I delivered a lecture to business and technology freshmen (late teens, I reckon) in Trinity College Dublin recently. I spoke about user experience in enterprise applications, trends that UX pros need to be aware of such as social media, community support, mobile and tablet platforms and a bunch of nuances around those areas (data and device security, privacy, reputation, branding, and so on). It was all fairly high level stuff given the audience, and I included lots of colorful screenshots. Irish-related examples helped to get the message across. During the lecture I did a quick poll. “How many students here use Twitter?” Answer: None. “How many use Facebook?” All (pretty much). So what do these guys like to use instead of Twitter? Easy - text messaging (or SMS if you like). They all had phones. Perhaps I should not have been so surprised about Twitter, but it’s always great to have research validated by some guerilla UX research on the street. There’s already quite a bit of research about teen uptake (or lack) of Twitter, telling us young adults don’t tweet. Twitter is seen as something for er, older people. Affordable devices and data plans that allow students to text really quickly are also popular (BlackBerry, for example). Younger people just luuurve to text each other. A lot.  Facebook versus Twitter for younger folks? Well, we know the story. No contest. I would love to engage more with students like these. I’ll plan for it. It will also be interesting to see if Twitter becomes more important to them over time. There were a few other interesting observations about the lack of uptake of Foursquare, Gowalla and mobile apps like that. I  don’t think there’s a huge uptake in these kind of apps in Ireland anyway, but maybe students have different priorities anyway?   I’ll return to that another day. Technorati Tags: Gowalla,FourSquare,Twitter,UX,user experience,user assistance,Trinity College Dublin

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  • Hello World!

    - by sravan.sarraju(at)oracle.com
    Finally managed to get some space to publish my first post. I’m a Fusion Apps Developer @ Oracle with a modest 3 yrs of exp. I love learning new technologies and digging into things which usually ppl ignore. Through this blog I wil try to share my leanings,observations, tips, workarounds etc. on topics ranging from Apps to ByteCode. Watch out for this space. Hope I wil be able to pull off an interesting blog.

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  • RTFMobile

    - by ultan o'broin
    It may seem obvious but it’s worth stating again. The idea that mobile users are going to read lots of user assistance on their devices is just wrong. So, Jakob Nielsen’s post Mobile Content Is Twice as Difficult serves as a timely reminder for anyone thinking of putting manuals as a form of user assistance onto mobile phones. There is also an excellent post on UXMag.com, explaining that one of the ways to screw up with your iPhone app is to throw an old-style user manual into the user experience: 10 Surefire Ways to Screw Up Your iPhone App.   (Image copyright and referenced from UX Magazine 2010)   Instead, user assistance  alternatives—if any at all—include one-time tours, graphics, in-context instructions, and so on. Not so sure that importing “humor” and “personality” work so well in the enterprise app space, myself. However, the message is clear: iPhone users don’t read manuals. Great message. Users will figure it out, and if they can’t, well then your app’s UX is a problem and the app will fail. Shame some teams are obsessed with figuring out ways to port existing manuals to mobile platforms without any thought for the UX. Razorfish’s Scatter/Gather blog says it all: One thing that is particularly discouraging, most material currently available on “Creating Content for the iPad” or similar themes turns out to be about getting traditional content onto, or into, the iPad. Now, manuals for non-end users in PDF format on eReaders is a different matter. I have research on that, but it’s for another post. Technorati Tags: mobile,user assistance,UX,user experience,manuals,documentation

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  • Oracle ADF 11g - Einladung zu den News Online Sessions - n&auml;chster Termin: 18. M&auml;rz 2011

    - by heidrun.walther
    Was ist ADF? ADF steht für Oracle Application Develoment Framework. ADF setzt die JEE Standards um und erweitert deren Funktionalität insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Vielzahl der zur Verfügung gestellten Komponenten (insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Visualisierung) und im Bereich der Ablaufsteuerung (Taskflows ersetzen Pageflows). ADF ist einer der Bausteine, auf denen die Entwicklung aller neuen Oracle Anwendungssysteme beruht (inkl. Vertical Solutions und der Administrationswerkzeuge). Das verwendete Entwicklungswerkzeug ist der Oracle JDeveloper. Rapid Application Development (RAD) wird durch eine deklarative, Metadaten getriebene Entwicklung ermöglicht, die auf allen Ebenen in starkem Maße mit Templating (also der Möglichkeit, mit vorgegebenen Mustern zu arbeiten) und mit Wiederverwendbarkeit arbeitet. Entwicklung und Dokumentation erfolgen in einem Schritt. ADF arbeitet nahtlos mit den anderen Oracle SOA Werkzeugen zusammen und bringt ein Rollen-/ Policy getriebenes Zugriffssystem mit. Es ist in das Oracle Identity Management integrierbar. ADF News Online Sessions? Die ADF News Online Sessions geben Tipps von Anwendern/Entscheidern für Anwender/Entscheider und bieten einen Ideenaustausch für den Einsatz von ADF bzw. für die Umsetzung von ADF Projekten. Die jeweiligen  Referenten sind Mitarbeiter von Oracle Partnerunternehmen und Oracle ADF-Spezialisten. Hier die Inhalte derVierte News-Staffel: 18.02.11 - Managing Migrationsprojekte: Forms - ADF / Erfahrungsbericht 04.03.11 - Using Groovy in Oracle ADF Business Components (english) 18.03.11 - Taskflow orientierte Entwicklung mit UI Shell 01.04.11 - erste Konzept, Überblick, Integration Desktop ADF 15.04.11 - ADF Best Practice: ADF BC Strukturierung 29.04.11 - Anpassung von ADF Anwendungen zur Laufzeit (Endanwender) mit Oracle WebCenter Sie erhalten die Einwahldaten für die jeweilige Session, wenn Sie sich entweder in den Mailverteiler aufnehmen lassen (Mail an [email protected]) oder über die ADF Community Seiten auf XING, indem Sie sich für die betreffende Session anmelden. Oracle ADF Community? Die Oracle ADF Community setzt sich das Ziel, Informationen und Erfahrungen zu Oracle ADF auszutauschen und damit die Entwicklungs-Plattform Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) unter Entwicklern, Anwendern und IT-Dienstleistern bekannter zu machen. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, sich aktiv daran zu beteiligen. Mehr unter ADF Community Gruppe auf Xing

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  • Some tips for working with big data models

    The main goal of this article is to present some tips to help professionals that need to work with complex, big, and hard to understand database models that anyone may came across some day. Join SQL Backup’s 35,000+ customers to compress and strengthen your backups "SQL Backup will be a REAL boost to any DBA lucky enough to use it." Jonathan Allen. Download a free trial now.

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  • OT: March Mdness 2011

    - by RickHeiges
    This past fall, I decided to take a break from Fantasy Football. Did I miss it? Yes to some extent. Fantasy Football can really eat up a lot of time. But - I still love March Madness (NCAA Men's Basketball Tourney). It doesn't take much time to pick out teams. Since you can't make any changes after the deadline and the computer keeps track of scoring/scenarios/etc, it is a fun thing that really takes a little time and can help you enjoy the games a bit more. Let's see how good you are at picking...(read more)

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  • Disruption

    - by andyleonard
    Introduction This post is the thirty-first part of a ramble-rant about the software business. The current posts in this series are: Goodwill, Negative and Positive Visions, Quests, Missions Right, Wrong, and Style Follow Me Balance, Part 1 Balance, Part 2 Definition of a Great Team The 15-Minute Meeting Metaproblems: Drama The Right Question Software is Organic, Part 1 Metaproblem: Terror I Don't Work On My Car A Turning Point Human Doings Everything Changes Getting It Right The First Time One-Time...(read more)

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  • LINQPad still being used much out there?

    - by CoffeeAddict
    I'm trying to guage how popular and how used LINQPad is today. I'm just wondering if it's still a useful tool or not as VS and other tools have gotten better. Furthermore, I am coding over LLBGen by working with LINQ to SQL. I see there is a plug-in for LLBGen and LINQPad. Still I wonder if LINQPad is really worth it or what benefits it can give me or if it's still highly suggested out there for ORMs, etc.

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  • Resources on how to relate structured and semi- / un-structured information

    - by Fritz Meissner
    I don't have a great background in information organisation / retrieval, but I know of a few ways of dealing with the problem. For structured information, it's possible to go OOish - everything "has-a" or "has-many" something else, and you navigate the graph to find relationships between things. For unstructured information, you have techniques like text search and tagging. What resources - articles or books - are there that summarise the CS theory behind these techniques or could introduce me to others? I'm developing a system that needs to handle capture and retrieval of information that ranges from necessarily unstructured (advice about X) to structured (list of Xs that relate to Ys) to a combination (Ys that relate to the advice about X) and I'd like to get some insight into how to do it properly.

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  • Detect frameworks and/or CMS utilized on websites in Firefox

    - by jkneip
    I'm redesigning the website for my academic library and am examining other sites to determine to identify the technologies used. Things like: Web frameworks Javascript frameworks Server-side technology Content management system Now I've had some real success in Firefox using plugins like Wappalyzer, Firebug, and the DOM Inspector. But some sites just don't display any of the info. I'm looking for using these tools, especially it seems it an enterprise-level CMS is being used. Does anyone know of any other tools to detect this kind of data? Also with Firebug & the DOM Inspector, there is a lot of info. displayed and I wondered if there was a way to derive the presence of server-side technologies, CMS's, etc. within certain elements of a web page? Also, if this question is more relevant to another Stack Exchange site, please let me know and I'll post it there instead. Much thanks, Jason

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  • Computer Science Fundamentals - Recommended books

    - by contactmatt
    Hey, I'm looking to see if anyone can recommend any books in fundamentals of computer science. I obtained my associates degree as a programmer/analyst a couple years ago and I know a good amount about programming on the .NET framework. I'm even certified on the .NET 4 framework as a web application developer. However, since I was only able to obtain my associates degree, I was deprived at my college on the low-level basics and operations of computers and basic computer science information. I'm really interesting in learning about the low-level operations of a computer and in programming (bytes, bits, memory management, etc.) Can anyone recommend any good computer science books for someone who is decently experienced in programming? Thank You

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  • What should I learn that I missed by not going to school?

    - by BinaryMuse
    I'm a software engineer at a local university, and I feel I'm able to competently do my job, but recently I've been interested in "filling in" the gaps in my knowledge. I suspect I would have learned some of this in school; for example, I don't have a lot of knowledge of sorting algorithms (something I feel is pretty common in college). So, what knowledge am I likely missing by not going to college that I could study on my own? Bonus points for listing resources that might put me on the right track! Some background: I've programmed in PHP, Java, and Ruby (more seriously in Java and Ruby than PHP); I have some experience with C/C++, though my workload doesn't really lend itself to those languages; I work mostly (recently) with the web, using frameworks such as CakePHP and Rails. I'm familiar with SQL (though probably not with some of the theory). Note: The university I work for has no technical classes, so taking courses on the university's dime is a great idea but not possible for me. :)

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  • Embedded Web Server Vs External Web Server

    - by Jetti
    So I've thought of creating a web application in either Lisp or another functional language and was thinking of embedding the web server into the application (have my application handle the HTTP requests). I don't see any issues with that, however, I'm new to creating web applications (and in the grand scheme of things, programming as well). Is there any drawbacks to handling HTTP requests within your program instead of using a web server? Are there any benefits?

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  • Isn't Java a quite good choice for desktop applications?

    - by tactoth
    At present most applications are still developed with C++, painfully. Lack of portability, in compatible libraries, memory leaks, slow compilation, and poor productivity. Even if you pick only a single from these shortages, it's still a big headache. However the surprising truth is that C++ remains the first choice for desktop applications. Compared to C++ Java has lots of advantages. The success in server side development shows that the language itself is good, Swing is also thought to be as programmer friendly as the highly recognized QT framework (No, never say even a single word about MFC!). All the disadvantages of C++ listed above has a solution in Java. "Performance!", Well that might still be the problem but to my experience it's a slight problem. I'd been using Java to decode some screen video and generate key frames. The video has a duration of more than 1 hour. The time spent on an average machine is just 1 minute. With C++ I don't expect even faster speed. In recent days there are many news on the JIT performance improvements, that make us feel Java is gradually becoming very suitable for desktop development, without people realizing it. Isn't it?

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  • Are there jobs which are oriented towards optimisation programming or assembly

    - by jokoon
    3D engine programmers have to care a little about execution speed, but what about the programmers at ATI and nVidia ? How much do they need to optimize their driver applications ? Are there jobs out there who only purpose is execution speed and optimisation, or jobs for people to program only in assembly ? Please, no flame war about "premature optimisation is the root of all evil", I just want to know if such jobs exists, maybe in security ? In kernel programming ? Where ? Not at all ?

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  • Is Information Technology really Engineering?

    - by RPK
    While travelling I met a mathematician who was sitting near me. In a discussion he said: "...there is nothing like engineering in IT or rather programming". A true engineering is what Architecture is, what Electrical and Mechanical is. It made me think and I was puzzled. A percent of my brain agreed also because in Indian Army, there is no subject like Computer Engineering in the Engineering Corps. They don't consider programming as engineering. This is what I heard few years back, I don't know what Indian Army thinks now. What are your views?

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  • Your software-problem-solution approach

    - by Panoy
    Hi, I am unfamiliar with many software development philosophies/approaches such as these: DDD - Domain Driven Development Design TDD - Test Driven Development BDD - Behavior Driven Development Other 3-letter acronym that ends with "development" and many more My question is, when will you get to decide to choose what kind of philosophy/approach to follow? Espceially the top 3 approach in the list: What is TDD for? Why use DDD for this problem? Mainly your answer would be a case-to-case basis or maybe that there is no single universal philosophy/approach to consider. In that case, could you just tell me what type of project/scenario and why did you use that philosophy/approach.

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  • Need some advice on Networking research paper topic...

    - by user498541
    Hello I need a research topic for my networking paper. This is my first networking course I am taking so I have not gone into the actual protocols such as TCP/ip, HTTP, etc.(I have just begun chapter 4 for of network+). What would you suggest for a relatively easy to understand topic to research for my paper(that is also easy write about)?... I am kinda interested in research video game multi-player networking but I don't know if that's out of my league. -Topic can be on anything related to networking(p2p, internet, server architecture etc) -Paper has to be entirely researched on the internet -2-3 pages in length

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