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Articles indexed Thursday November 7 2013

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  • Can I update an iOS Enterprise App in the background like an App Store app can?

    - by lehn0058
    I have an iOS enterprise app that we are wirelessly distributing to our devices. Currently the app polls our server once a day to see if there is an app update. If there is, we try to install it by having the app call the following code: NSURL *installUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=%@", plistUrl]]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:installUrl]; This causes the app to prompt the user with an alert dialog to install the update. If they click install, the app closes and the update is downloaded and installed. I am wondering if there is anything for enterprise apps for iOS 7 similar to the AppStore's automatic updates? I would like to be able to update our app without the user having to press an update button and be able to update at a time when the user won't have to wait for it to install.

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  • display data from tables that contain a null value

    - by user2631662
    I need the code below to say - if myReader reads a null entry a new method is called. At the moment it will not display data from tables that contain a null value conDataBase.Open(); myReader = cmdDataBase.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { if (myReader["Code_CodeID"] != DBNull.Value) { string sFirst = myReader["First"].ToString(); string sLast = myReader["Last"].ToString(); string sAdd1 = myReader["Address1"].ToString(); string sCode = myReader["Code"].ToString(); txtFirst.Text = sFirst; txtSecond.Text = sLast; txtadd1.Text = sAdd1; txtDeviceIMEI.Text = sCode; } } } else { //go to a new method } }

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  • SQL Syntax to count unique users completing a task

    - by Belliez
    I have the following code which shows me what users has completed ticket and this lists each user and the date they close a ticket. i.e. Paul Matt Matt Bob Matt Paul Matt Matt At the moment I manually count each user myself to see their totals for the day. EDIT: Changed output as columns instead of rows: What I have been trying to do is get SQL Server to do this for me i.e. the final result to look like: Paul | 2 Matt | 5 Bob | 1 My code I am currently using is and I would be greatful if someone can help me change this so I can get it outputting something similar to above? DECLARE @StartDate DateTime; DECLARE @EndDate DateTime; -- Date format: YYYY-MM-DD SET @StartDate = '2013-11-06 00:00:00' SET @EndDate = GETDATE() -- Today SELECT (select Username from Membership where UserId = Ticket.CompletedBy) as TicketStatusChangedBy FROM Ticket INNER JOIN TicketStatus ON Ticket.TicketStatusID = TicketStatus.TicketStatusID INNER JOIN Membership ON Ticket.CheckedInBy = Membership.UserId WHERE TicketStatus.TicketStatusName = 'Completed' and Ticket.ClosedDate >= @StartDate --(GETDATE() - 1) and Ticket.ClosedDate <= @EndDate --(GETDATE()-0) ORDER BY Ticket.CompletedBy ASC, Ticket.ClosedDate ASC Thank you for your help and time.

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  • Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - ./tmp/rspec_guard_result

    - by Evgeniy Gatsalov
    Trying settup rspec-guard-spork for learning app from http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ Using Ruby 2.0, Rails 4.0 on Windows7 ( I know :( ) When starting guard, get: 23:02:51 - ERROR - Guard::RSpec failed to achieve its <run_on_modifications>, exception was: > [#] Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - ./tmp/rspec_guard_result ... All gemfile, guardfile etc are edited according tutorial. Except 1) deleting win32console gem from gemfile because it turned console-out into a crap and raised an error. Permissions for a file is "F"(ull) for all cattegories: D:\WebDevelop\sample_appcacls tmp\rspec_guard_result D:\WebDevelop\sample_app\tmp\rspec_guard_result BUILTIN\Users:(ID)F NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated:(ID)F BUILTIN\Administrators:(ID)F NT AUTHORITY\system:(ID)F What additional info should I provide here?

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  • XCTest.framework build error

    - by user2703123
    I am using the DropBox Core API in my app and therefore, I must include the XCTest framework, because, when I haven't added the XCTest framework, my app can't connect to dropbox, however when I do add the framework, I get an error while building for the simulator. There is nothing wrong with my code! Here is the error: Ld /Users/Zach/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SnapDrop!-fchnxyvnqyeefscfhmohrzxtiqeb/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SnapDrop!.app/SnapDrop! normal i386 cd "/Users/Zach/Desktop/SnapDrop!" setenv IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 6.1 setenv PATH "/Applications/Xcode5-DP6.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Applications/Xcode5-DP6.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" /Applications/Xcode5-DP6.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang -arch i386 -isysroot /Applications/Xcode5-DP6.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator7.0.sdk -L/Users/Zach/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SnapDrop!-fchnxyvnqyeefscfhmohrzxtiqeb/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator -F/Users/Zach/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SnapDrop!-fchnxyvnqyeefscfhmohrzxtiqeb/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator -F/Users/Zach/Downloads/dropbox-ios-sdk-1.3.5 -F/Users/Zach/Downloads/dropbox-ios-sync-sdk-1-1.1.0 -F/Applications/Xcode5-DP6.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Frameworks -F/Users/Zach/Desktop -filelist /Users/Zach/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SnapDrop!-fchnxyvnqyeefscfhmohrzxtiqeb/Build/Intermediates/SnapDrop!.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/SnapDrop!.build/Objects-normal/i386/SnapDrop!.LinkFileList -Xlinker -objc_abi_version -Xlinker 2 -fobjc-arc -fobjc-link-runtime -Xlinker -no_implicit_dylibs -mios-simulator-version-min=6.1 -framework iAd -framework AssetsLibrary -framework QuartzCore -framework SystemConfiguration -framework Security -framework CFNetwork -framework XCTest -framework Dropbox -framework DropboxSDK -framework CoreGraphics -framework UIKit -framework Foundation -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/Zach/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SnapDrop!-fchnxyvnqyeefscfhmohrzxtiqeb/Build/Intermediates/SnapDrop!.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/SnapDrop!.build/Objects-normal/i386/SnapDrop!_dependency_info.dat -o /Users/Zach/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SnapDrop!-fchnxyvnqyeefscfhmohrzxtiqeb/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SnapDrop!.app/SnapDrop! ld: building for iOS Simulator, but linking against dylib built for MacOSX file '/Applications/Xcode5-DP6.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Frameworks/XCTest.framework/XCTest' for architecture i386 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) What should I do? If my framework is corrupt, can you tell me how to reinstall it? I have tried deleting and reinstalling Xcode with no luck.

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  • Custom Error page | Redirect type =301?

    - by FlopScientist
    I guess this may be a novice question ( Which I am :) ). While redirecting user to custom error page, for e.g. 404, to tell that page wasn't found, the type of this redirect is 302. <error statusCode="404" redirect="/Utility/Error404.aspx" /> <error statusCode="400" redirect="/Utility/Error404.aspx" /> Is it possible to make this redirect 301 through Web.config? Thanks in advance to you all code maniacs.

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  • What disk setup is needed / best practice for hypervisor-only servers?

    - by Luke404
    Planning to buy some servers to run an hypervisor (Citrix XenServer or VMware vSphere, still have to decide between the two) we'd like to boot off the local redundant SD card module offered by various vendors (eg. Dell, HP, etc...). The actual VMs will run from an existing iSCSI SAN (which, by the way, can't support booting the servers directly off the SAN). What are the reasons, if any, to choose completely diskless servers VS having some local storage? And what would be the guidelines to choose that local storage? (number of spindles, raid level, etc)

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  • puppet restart service failure

    - by Roman
    help me please with service restart # changing iptables` file { "/etc/sysconfig/iptables": ensure => "present", content => template("all_in_one/iptables.erb"), owner => root, group => root, mode => 600, } service { "iptables": ensure => running, enable => true, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, subscribe => File["/etc/sysconfig/iptables"] } output is: err Failed to call refresh: Could not restart Service[iptables]: Execution of '/sbin/service iptables restart' returned 1

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  • iptables to block non-VPN-traffic if not through tun0

    - by dacrow
    I have a dedicated Webserver running Debian 6 and some Apache, Tomcat, Asterisk and Mail-stuff. Now we needed to add VPN support for a special program. We installed OpenVPN and registered with a VPN provider. The connection works well and we have a virtual tun0 interface for tunneling. To archive the goal for only tunneling a single program through VPN, we start the program with sudo -u username -g groupname command and added a iptables rule to mark all traffic coming from groupname iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner groupname -j MARK --set-mark 42 Afterwards we tell iptables to to some SNAT and tell ip route to use special routing table for marked traffic packets. Problem: if the VPN failes, there is a chance that the special to-be-tunneled program communicates over the normal eth0 interface. Desired solution: All marked traffic should not be allowed to go directly through eth0, it has to go through tun0 first. I tried the following commands which didn't work: iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner groupname ! -o tun0 -j REJECT iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner groupname -o eth0 -j REJECT It might be the problem, that the above iptable-rules didn't work due to the fact, that the packets are first marked, then put into tun0 and then transmitted by eth0 while they are still marked.. I don't know how to de-mark them after in tun0 or to tell iptables, that all marked packet may pass eth0, if they where in tun0 before or if they going to the gateway of my VPN provider. Does someone has any idea to a solution? Some config infos: iptables -nL -v --line-numbers -t mangle Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 11M packets, 9798M bytes) num pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 1 591K 50M MARK all -- * * owner GID match 1005 MARK set 0x2a 2 82812 6938K CONNMARK all -- * * owner GID match 1005 CONNMARK save iptables -nL -v --line-numbers -t nat Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 393 packets, 23908 bytes) num pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 1 15 1052 SNAT all -- * tun0 mark match 0x2a to:VPN_IP ip rule add from all fwmark 42 lookup 42 ip route show table 42 default via VPN_IP dev tun0

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  • How do I configure namecheap for "arbitrarily-nested" wildcard subdomains?

    - by rabidsnail
    I'm trying to set up something like nyud.net, where any arbitrary chain of subdomains resolves to the same CNAME record (which in my case points to an amazon elastic load balancer). Ex: www.gogle.com.nyud.net:8080 points to one of their cache servers, which looks at the HOST header and returns www.google.com. I'm using namecheap as my dns host. Adding a CNAME record for *.mydomain.com doesn't seem to do anything (nslookup gives NXDOMAIN for all subdomains). What do I have to do to set this up? Do I have to use something fancier than namecheap (like route53)?

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  • Hard drives indication with controller MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i on HP Proliant DL320e Gen8. Is it possible?

    - by ame
    Give me advice, please. My situation: There're the server HP ProLiant DL320e Gen8 and MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i RAID Controller. I installed Controller into server and I reconnected Mini-SAS cord from block of hard drives to controller, but I haven't any indication of hard discs on server front panel. There's indication of activity of drives only during boot of server. Controller has 2-pin connector (JT6B3, SAS Activity LED header) but where and how can I connect it? Thanx.

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  • Filename encoding broken after unzip on windows

    - by flammi88
    I zipped a directory on my linux server. Many files in the directory have german umlauts in their filename. The filesystem is ext3 and the system locale is set to de_DE.utf8. I used the following command to create the zip file: zip -r somezip.zip somefolder/ I transfered this file via WinSCP to my windows laptop and unzipped it. The issue: All filenames with german umlauts are broken. On my linux server the filenames are displayed correctly. I assume that I made a mistake when i created the zip file. Has someone any ideas how i can perserve the right filename encoding when I zip the files with the zip command on linux?

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  • SChannel "cannot find certificate in either LocalMachine or CurrentUser store"

    - by Chris J
    We have an in-house application that requires the use of client SSL certificates to authenticate with a remote server (not under our control). This has worked without problems before but on deploying to a new server, we're having problems getting Windows 2008 to use the certificate. The certificate exists as a .pfx file that contains a private key. The same certificate exists in the LocalMachine store, again with its private key. We've ensured the one in the LocalMachine store is correct by creating a website in IIS against that certificate, so we're happy that the certificate, certificate chain, and private key is valid. The PFX has been created by exporting from the Certificates MMC snap-in. The issue is that we get the following in the system diagnostic logs that suggests it can't find the private key: System.Net Information: 0 : [5988] SecureChannel#23264094 – Locating the private key for the certificate: [Subject] CN=internal-server.company.com, OU=Servers, OU=Devices, O=org [Issuer] CN=SubCA02, OU=CA, o=org [Serial Number] 407ABCDE [Not Before] 31/10/2013 11:08:48 AM [Not After] 31/10/2016 11:08:48 AM [Thumbprint] 4354A34F6004F019E60F055979A47E50F62D1504 . System.Net Information: 0 : [5988] SecureChannel#23264094 – Cannot find the certificate in either the LocalMachine store or the CurrentUser store. I've validated the thumbprint, issuer and serial number listed in the log with the certificate in the LocalMachine store and these marry up. From what I can tell with much searching, this appears to be a permissions issue. The user the application is running as has been granted access to the private key (Personal Certificates - right click on the certificate - all tasks - Manage Private Keys), so I'm now at a loss as to which permission(s) it may be that is causing the issue.

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  • Dovecot (on Mac OS X Server 3 - Mavericks) giving “Error: Failed to autocreate mailbox INBOX: Permission denied”

    - by user2965240
    I recently upgraded my server to Mavericks and I thought everything had gone perfectly. As it turns out, that was not exactly the case. After everything working fine for a week or so, I created a new user and my mail server flat out stopped working. Most frustratingly, there were no log errors (in any of the many mail logs) which shed any light on the cause. After much trial and error, I finally got my mail server functioning (partially) by reinstalling server and restoring the mail folder from the previous day's backup (yay for backups). However, as is often the case, there were MANY permission issues. After slogging through various permission problems, I believe that my system is now receiving mail, however none of my users can check it because every time someone attempts to login the server generates following error: Error: Failed to autocreate mailbox INBOX: Permission denied I would assume that this is yet another permissions problem, however after much searching, I still cannot resolve this. To be clear, I don't want Dovecot to autocreate any mailboxes at this point because all of the mailboxes should exist. Any help on this would be sooooooo greatly appreciated. P.S. On a side note: why is it that repairing permissions never takes care of difficult issues like these? That would be awfully helpful...

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  • What sysadmin must do to run OS with damaged /lib/libc.so file ? / rsyslogd daemon logrotation / deny checking list of running processes

    - by Virtual_Lotos
    What sysadmin must do to run OS with damaged /lib/libc.so file ? In other words, how command interpreter should be configured to be able to run system with corrupted /lib/libc.so file ? Do I have to move it to /var catalog ? Does the command interpreter must be statically compiled or have setuid attribute or perhaps must be a symbolic link to /bin/sh or must be no larger than 2MB ? How to prevent a user from checking list of processes started by another user ? How do I forbid a user to see which processes are running by another user ? What do I have to keep in mind when I want to make rsyslogd daemon logrotation ?

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  • How can Rackspace beat DigitalOcean's Pricepoint? [on hold]

    - by Matt Jensen
    I have recently discovered Digital Ocean and I have found it to be a relatively nice experience for small staging servers, and the thought occurred to me, why am I paying $267~ for a server on Rackspace (40GB RAM, 160 GB Drive, 2 vCPUs, 400 Mb/s) when Digital Ocean offers a server for $40 (40 GB RAM, 60GB Drive [storage is not a concern of mine], 2 vCPUs, ?Mb/s)? Does Rackspace offer some kind of obvious advantages in Transfer speed/bandwidth? My applications are small startups that for the immediate future will only have about 200-300 concurrent users at once.

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  • Using a 3g usb dongle as Cisco router access point

    - by beakersoft
    We have an office opening, and we aren't going to have comms into the building when management want the building to open. Our only option (I think) Is to try and hook up a 3/4g dongle to something to act as the access point, and send all the traffic via that. The model of router we use wont support the usb dongle, so we need some sort of 'bridge' My idea was to build a Linux box, plug the dongle into that and then via the Ethernet ports plug the router in. We need the Cisco router in the equation as we create VPN connections over that back to head office. My question is will this work?

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  • Apache file appearing in directory list, but giving 404 when attempting access?

    - by aayush
    Please forgive my lack of knowledge, this is more of a learning project than anything else. I have a linux box, and it works pretty much fine. When i go to example.com/css it says theres one file in there, bootstrap.min.css When i go to example.com/css/bootstrap.min.css, it gives me a 404 error. I have only one htaccess file to remove the index.php from the url, which also i renamed to htaccess (Instead of .htaccess, so apache wont find it) and i restarted the server, yet no help. I also tried to chmod the css file 755 but no help. Contents of the htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / # Allow any files or directories that exist to be displayed directly RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L,QSA] Please help, i am very confused about this. I tried to google excessively but i came up with nothing. Edit: I found the solution to be renamed the htaccess file to something entirely different and restarting. Is there any way i can still implement the losing of the .php?

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  • Users suddenly missing write permissions to the root drive c within an active directory domain

    - by Kevin
    I'm managing an active directory single domain environment on some Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012 machines. Since a few weeks I got a strange issue. Some users (not all!) report that they cannot any longer save, copy or write files to the root drive c, whether on their clients (vista, win 7) nor via remote desktop connection on a Windows Server 2008 machine. Even running programs that require direct write permissions to the root drive without administrator permissions fail to do so since then. The affected users have local administrator permissions. The question I'm facing now is: What caused this change of system behavior? Why did this happen? I didn't find out yet. What was the last thing I did before it happened? The last action that was made before it happened was the rollout of a GPO containing network drive mappings for the users depending on their security group membership. All network drives are located on a linux server with samba enabled. We did not change any UAC settings, and they have always been activated. However I can't imagine that rolling out this GPO caused the problem. Has anybody faced an issue like that? Just in case: I know that it is for a specific reason that an user without administrative privileges is prevented from writing to the root drive since windows vista and the implementation of UAC. I don't think that those users should be able to write to drive c, but I try to figure out why this is happening and a few weeks ago this was still working. I also know that a user who is a member of the local administrators group does not execute anything with administrator permissions per default unless he or she executes a program with this permissions. What did I do yet? I checked the permissions of the affected programs, the affected clients/server. Didn't find something special. I checked ALL of our GPOs if there exist any restrictions that could prevent the affected users from writing to the root drive. Did not find any settings. I checked the UAC settings of the affected users and compared those to other users that still can write to the root drive. Everything similar. I googled though the internet and tried to find someone who had a similar problem. Did not find one. Has anybody an idea? Thank you very much. Edit: The GPO that was rolled out does the following (Please excuse if the settings are not named exactly like that, I translated the settings into english): **Windows Settings -- Network Drive Mappings -- Drive N: -- General:** Action: Replace **Properties:** Letter: N Location: \\path-to-drive\drivename Re-Establish connection: deactivated Label as: Name_of_the_Share Use first available Option: deactivated **Windows Settings -- Network Drive Mappings -- Drive N: -- Public: Options:** On error don't process any further elements for this extension: no Run as the logged in user: no remove element if it is not applied anymore: no Only apply once: no **Securitygroup:** Attribute -- Value bool -- AND not -- 0 name -- domain\groupname sid -- sid-of-the-group userContext -- 1 primaryGroup -- 0 localGroup -- 0 **Securitygroup:** Attribute -- Value bool -- OR not -- 0 name -- domain\another-groupname sid -- sid-of-the-group userContext -- 1 primaryGroup -- 0 localGroup -- 0 Edit: The Error-Message of an affected users says the following: Due to an unexpected error you can't copy the file. Error-Code 0x80070522: The client is missing a required permission. The command icacls C: shows the following: NT-AUTORITY\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)(F) PRE-DEFINED\Administrators:(OI)(CI)(F) computername\username:(OI)(CI)(F) A college just told me that also the primary domain-controller (PDC) changed from Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2012. That also may be a reason. Any suggestions?

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  • RAID degraded on Ubuntu server

    - by reano
    We're having a very weird issue at work. Our Ubuntu server has 6 drives, set up with RAID1 as follows: /dev/md0, consisting of: /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/md1, consisting of: /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/md2, consisting of: /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3 /dev/md3, consisting of: /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/md4, consisting of: /dev/sde1 /dev/sdf1 As you can see, md0, md1 and md2 all use the same 2 drives (split into 3 partitions). I also have to note that this is done via ubuntu software raid, not hardware raid. Today, the /md0 RAID1 array shows as degraded - it is missing the /dev/sdb1 drive. But since /dev/sdb1 is only a partition (and /dev/sdb2 and /dev/sdb3 are working fine), it's obviously not the drive that's gone AWOL, it seems the partition itself is missing. How is that even possible? And what could we do to fix it? My output of cat /proc/mdstat: Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10] md1 : active raid1 sda2[0] sdb2[1] 24006528 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU] md2 : active raid1 sda3[0] sdb3[1] 1441268544 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU] md0 : active raid1 sda1[0] 1464710976 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_] md3 : active raid1 sdd1[1] sdc1[0] 2930133824 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU] md4 : active raid1 sdf2[1] sde2[0] 2929939264 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU] unused devices: <none> FYI: I tried the following: mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdb1 But got this error: mdadm: add new device failed for /dev/sdb1 as 2: Invalid argument Output of mdadm --detail /dev/md0 is: /dev/md0: Version : 1.2 Creation Time : Sat Dec 29 17:09:45 2012 Raid Level : raid1 Array Size : 1464710976 (1396.86 GiB 1499.86 GB) Used Dev Size : 1464710976 (1396.86 GiB 1499.86 GB) Raid Devices : 2 Total Devices : 1 Persistence : Superblock is persistent Update Time : Thu Nov 7 15:55:07 2013 State : clean, degraded Active Devices : 1 Working Devices : 1 Failed Devices : 0 Spare Devices : 0 Name : lia:0 (local to host lia) UUID : eb302d19:ff70c7bf:401d63af:ed042d59 Events : 26216 Number Major Minor RaidDevice State 0 8 1 0 active sync /dev/sda1 1 0 0 1 removed

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  • AWStats log format for tomcat access logs which has X-Forwarded-For

    - by Nix
    What should be the AWStats log format for below tomcat access logs ? I tried these formats but the external IP addresses are not coming into AWStats reports. LogFormat="%host %other %logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot %uaquot %referer %other %other" LogFormat="%other %other %logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot %uaquot %host_proxy" tomcat valve settings: pattern="%h %l %{USER_ID}s %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b &quot;%{Referer}i&quot; &quot;%{User-Agent}i&quot; &quot;X-Forwarded-For=%{X-Forwarded-For}i&quot; &quot;JSESSIONID=%{JSESSIONID}c&quot; %D" Log entry: - - [04/Nov/2013:13:39:55 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 12345 "https://www.google.com/url?some_url" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.101 Safari/537.36" "X-Forwarded-For=real_ip, proxy_server_internal_ip" "JSESSIONID=-" 12345

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  • How to use Git over multiple similar systems

    - by Spidfire
    I have a system I need to duplicate over several systems and make minor changes like change less/css variables and configuration files. Is there a best practice for these kind of problems? I currently do: git clone repo cp ../default/config.js config.js ... for several files or should I create different branches of the same repo or should I create an repo for the changes? It is currently doable but it will get annoying if I get more than 5 similar systems.

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  • Tripwire help Required

    - by ramaperumal
    I have created the policy file in Tripwire and also I have created the rules as well mentioned below: /opt/jboss/server/gis/conf -> $(SEC_CONFIG) +aipm +c+g+a+i+s+t+u+l+M; /usr/local/gtech/eseries/ -> $(SEC_CONFIG) +a+c+g+i+s+t+u+l+M ; After running the integrity check the output should be a(Access timestamp),c (Inode timestamp (create/modify),g (File owner's group ID),i (Inode number),s (File size),t (time stamp),u (File owner's user ID),l(File is increasing in size (a "growing file"),M (MD5 hash value). I am getting the output as below: [root@xxsi1242 tripwire]# tripwire --check Parsing policy file: /etc/tripwire/tw.pol *** Processing Unix File System *** Performing integrity check... Wrote report file: /var/lib/tripwire/report/xxsi1242.gtk.gtech.com-20131106-053812.twr Open Source Tripwire(R) 2.4.1 Integrity Check Report Report generated by: root Report created on: Wed 06 Nov 2013 05:38:12 AM EST Database last updated on: Wed 06 Nov 2013 05:31:17 AM EST =============================================================================== Report Summary: =============================================================================== Host name: xxsi1242.gtk.gtech.com Host IP address: Host ID: None Policy file used: /etc/tripwire/tw.pol Configuration file used: /etc/tripwire/tw.cfg Database file used: /var/lib/tripwire/xxsi1242.gtk.gtech.com.twd Command line used: tripwire --check =============================================================================== Rule Summary: =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section: Unix File System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule Name Severity Level Added Removed Modified --------- -------------- ----- ------- -------- Invariant Directories 66 0 0 0 Temporary directories 33 0 0 0 * Tripwire Data Files 100 0 0 1 Tech Stack 100 0 0 0 User binaries 66 0 0 0 Tripwire Binaries 100 0 0 0 * CLPS bins 100 0 0 2 CLPS Configuration files 100 0 0 0 ESCommon 100 0 0 0 Shell Binaries 100 0 0 0 OS executables and libraries 100 0 0 0 Security Control 100 0 0 0 ESCommon Configuration 100 0 0 0 (/etc/gtech/escommon) Total objects scanned: 12358 Total violations found: 3 =============================================================================== Object Summary: =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section: Unix File System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule Name: Tripwire Data Files (/etc/tripwire/tw.pol) Severity Level: 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modified: "/etc/tripwire/tw.pol" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule Name: CLPS bins (/opt/jboss/server) Severity Level: 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modified: "/opt/jboss/server/esapps1/data/hypersonic/localDB.lck" "/opt/jboss/server/gis/data/hypersonic/localDB.lck" =============================================================================== Error Report: =============================================================================== No Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** End of report *** Note: In the output I only am getting the files which are modified. I need the detail output for this. But unfortunately I am not getting what I expected. Please help me to proced further.

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  • sendmail.exe: Error during delivery. Service not available, closing transmission channel

    - by user2810332
    I have a module in my system that will trigger an email and send it to user. The email will be sent to user when the product in my system is going to expired soon. I test the whole module in localhost and there is no problem with it. Then, I finally moved the module in my server but it gives this error. sendmail: Error during delivery: Service not available, closing transmission channel. It will also create a notepad in my desktop that contains information like this : command line : C:\wamp\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t -i executable : sendmail.exe exec. date/time : 2011-06-18 01:10 compiled with : Delphi 2006/07 madExcept version : 3.0l callstack crc : $fecf9b34, $5562b2fa, $5562b2fa exception number : 1 exception class : EIdSMTPReplyError exception message : Service not available, closing transmission channel. main thread ($15b0): 0045918a +003e sendmail.exe IdReplySMTP 501 +1 TIdReplySMTP.RaiseReplyError 0043ff28 +0008 sendmail.exe IdTCPConnection 576 +0 TIdTCPConnection.RaiseExceptionForLastCmdResult 004402f4 +003c sendmail.exe IdTCPConnection 751 +10 TIdTCPConnection.CheckResponse 0043feba +002a sendmail.exe IdTCPConnection 565 +2 TIdTCPConnection.GetResponse 004403fd +002d sendmail.exe IdTCPConnection 788 +4 TIdTCPConnection.GetResponse 0045ab97 +0033 sendmail.exe IdSMTP 375 +4 TIdSMTP.Connect 004b5f14 +1060 sendmail.exe sendmail 808 +326 initialization 77013675 +0010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $cf8: 77a400e6 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects 77013675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $1088: 77a41ecf +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory 77013675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk May I know what is the problem of this error ? Is it something like firewall in the server that block my sendmail.exe or anything else ? FYI, I'm using Wamp and Sendmail to send the email. This is my first time seeing error like this. I need an explanation on this. Thank you.

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  • Nomachine 4 for X forwarding

    - by Yair
    I have been using nomachine nx client to connect from my mac to an ubuntu server for a while now and it has been a great experience. The most useful feature for me was the option to open up just one application on the remote machine, instead of a full remote desktop connection. I used to to open a terminal on the remote machine. Basically it was a much faster, much better replacement for ssh -X. All was great until I upgraded to the new version - nomachine 4. In this version I can not find that option. I have to run a full remote desktop session, which slows things down and is also much less convenient for my work. Was this option removed from the client? Or is it hiding somewhere in there and I just can't find it?

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