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Search found 13 results on 1 pages for 'chnet'.

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  • hadoop install cluster

    - by chnet
    Is it possible to run hadoop on multi-node and these nodes install hadoop on different paths? I noticed the tutorial, such as Michael Noll's,, asks hadoop to be installed on different nodes with the same installation path. I tried to run hadoop on multi-node. Each node installed hadoop on different path. But not success. I noticed that the hadoop assume installation paths are the same in default.

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  • hadoop install cluster

    - by chnet
    Is it possible to run hadoop on multi-node and these nodes install hadoop on different paths? I noticed the tutorial, such as Michael Noll's,, asks hadoop to be installed on different nodes with the same installation path. I tried to run hadoop on multi-node. Each node installed hadoop on different path. But not success. I noticed that the hadoop assume installation paths are the same in default. The problem is when I execute it tries to start hadoop deamons on the salve nodes from the same path as on master. "Whereas the installation path is different. Were the relevant files modified to reflect the installed locations on each node"? Which file I should modify to reflect the installed locations on each node?

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  • php SimpleCassie Cassandra TimeUUID

    - by chnet
    I created a column family Users using following command: create column family Users with comparator=TimeUUIDType and default_validation_class=UTF8Type; Then I insert a column into Users. It shows as follows. RowKey: jsmith =>(column=66829930-515b-11e0-8443-0f82b246fa40, value=hello, timestamp=1300451382) I want to access it using SimpleCassie. The command is: $data = $cassie->keyspace('Keyspace1')->cf('Users')->key('jsmith')->column('66829930-515b-11e0-8443-0f82b246fa40')->value(); (I also tried: $data = $cassie->keyspace('Keyspace1')->cf('Users')->key('jsmith')->column($cassie->uuid('66829930-515b-11e0-8443-0f82b246fa40')->__toString())->value();) However, They do not work. It always return NULL. How can I get the column value (hello) I want?

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  • Cassandra use PHP SimpleCassie get all keys

    - by chnet
    Is it possible to get all keys in a column family using SimpleCassie? I looked at SimpleCassie's google code, but do not figure out. Another issue is that I used following code to access column value. $price = $cassie-keyspace('ToyStore')-cf('Toys')-key('Transformer')-column('Price')-get(); echo $price; It always complains "object of cassandra columnorsupercolumn cannot be converted to string". Is it possible to print out the column value?

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  • problem with adding tool bar to UITableView

    - by chnet
    I'm writing a Navigation-Based iPhone app, and I'd like to have a UIToolBar docked at the bottom of my screen, with a UITableView scrolling between the tool bar and the navigation bar. I used [[self navigationController] setToolbarHidden:NO] and - (void)setToolbarItems:(NSArray *)toolbarItems animated:(BOOL)animated to set the UIToolBar. UIToolBar correctly shows in current view. If I drill down into a detail view using the button on navigation bar, i cannot return back to previous view. Before I add the tool bar, it can return back. I am wondering is there anything else should be noted when use UIToolbar?

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  • c++ quick sort running time

    - by chnet
    I have a question about quick sort algorithm. I implement quick sort algorithm and play it. The elements in initial unsorted array are random numbers chosen from certain range. I find the range of random number effects the running time. For example, the running time for 1, 000, 000 random number chosen from the range (1 - 2000) takes 40 seconds. While it takes 9 seconds if the 1,000,000 number chosen from the range (1 - 10,000). But I do not know how to explain it. In class, we talk about the pivot value can effect the depth of recursion tree. For my implementation, the last value of the array is chosen as pivot value. I do not use randomized scheme to select pivot value. int partition( vector<int> &vec, int p, int r) { int x = vec[r]; int i = (p-1); int j = p; while(1) { if (vec[j] <= x){ i = (i+1); int temp = vec[j]; vec[j] = vec[i]; vec[i] = temp; } j=j+1; if (j==r) break; } int temp = vec[i+1]; vec[i+1] = vec[r]; vec[r] = temp; return i+1; } void quicksort ( vector<int> &vec, int p, int r) { if (p<r){ int q = partition(vec, p, r); quicksort(vec, p, q-1); quicksort(vec, q+1, r); } } void random_generator(int num, int * array) { srand((unsigned)time(0)); int random_integer; for(int index=0; index< num; index++){ random_integer = (rand()%10000)+1; *(array+index) = random_integer; } } int main() { int array_size = 1000000; int input_array[array_size]; random_generator(array_size, input_array); vector<int> vec(input_array, input_array+array_size); clock_t t1, t2; t1 = clock(); quicksort(vec, 0, (array_size - 1)); // call quick sort int length = vec.size(); t2 = clock(); float diff = ((float)t2 - (float)t1); cout << diff << endl; cout << diff/CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<endl; }

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  • c++ multithread

    - by chnet
    I use C++ to implement a thread class. My code shows in the following. I have a problem about how to access thread data. In the class Thread, I create a thread use pthread_create() function. then it calls EntryPoint() function to start thread created. In the Run function, I want to access the mask variable, it always shows segment fault. So, my question is whether the new created thread copy the data in original class? How to access the thread own data? class Thread { public: int mask; pthread_t thread; Thread( int ); void start(); static void * EntryPoint (void *); void Run(); }; Thread::Thread( int a) { mask =a; } void Thread::Run() { cout<<"thread begin to run" <<endl; cout << mask <<endl; // it always show segmentfault here } void * Thread::EntryPoint(void * pthis) { cout << "entry" <<endl; Thread *pt = (Thread *) pthis; pt->Run(); } void Thread::start() { pthread_create(&thread, NULL, EntryPoint, (void *)ThreadId ); pthread_join(thread, NULL); } int main() { int input_array[8]={3,1,2,5,6,8,7,4}; Thread t1(1); t1.start(); }

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  • c++ multithread

    - by chnet
    I use c++ to implement a thread class. The code is in the following. I initialize two objects, wish it will start two threads (I use pthread_self() to look the thread Id). But the result shows that there is only one thread beside the main thread. I am a bit confused... class Thread { public: int mask; pthread_t thread; Thread( int ); void start(); static void * EntryPoint (void *); void Run(); }; Thread::Thread( int a) { mask =a; } void Thread::Run() { cout<<"thread begin to run" <<endl; cout <<" Thread Id is: "<< pthread_self() << endl; // the same thread Id. } void * Thread::EntryPoint(void * pthis) { cout << "entry" <<endl; Thread *pt = (Thread *) pthis; pt->Run(); } void Thread::start() { pthread_create(&thread, NULL, EntryPoint, (void *)ThreadId ); pthread_join(thread, NULL); } int main() { int input_array[8]={3,1,2,5,6,8,7,4}; Thread t1(1); Thread t2(2); t1.start(); t2.start() }

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  • c++ warning: address of local variable

    - by chnet
    int * ref () { int tmp = 100; return &tmp; } int main () { int * a = ref(); cout << *a << endl; } I know the function ref () is allocated stack space. It will get destroyed as soon as the function exits. So the complier will give warning information. But my question is why the returning result is still correct.

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  • python class attribute

    - by chnet
    Hi, i have a question about class attribute in python. class base : def __init__ (self): pass derived_val = 1 t1 = base() t2 = base () t2.derived_val +=1 t2.__class__.derived_val +=2 print t2.derived_val # its value is 2 print t2.__class__.derived_val # its value is 3 The results are different. I also use id() function to find t2.derived_val and t2.class.derived_val have different memory address. My problem is derived_val is class attribute. Why it is different in above example? Is it because the instance of class copy its own derived_val beside the class attribute?

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  • c++ malloc segment fault

    - by chnet
    I have a problem about malloc(). It is wired. My code is in the following. I use random generator to generate elements for an array. The array is opened by malloc(). If the array size is smaller than 8192, it is OK. If the size is larger than 8192, it shows segment fault. void random_generator(int num, int * array) { srand((unsigned)time(0)); int random_integer; for(int index=0; index< num; index++){ random_integer = (rand()%10000)+1; *(array+index) = random_integer; cout << index << endl; } } int main() { int array_size = 10000; int *input_array; input_array = (int*) malloc((array_size)); random_generator(8192, input_array); // if the number is larger than 8192, segment fault free(input_array); }

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  • c++ thread running time

    - by chnet
    I want to know whether I can calculate the running time for each thread. I implement a multithread program in C++ using pthread. As we know, each thread will compete the CPU. Can I use clock() function to calculate the actual number of CPU clocks each thread consumes? my program looks like: Class Thread () { Start(); Run(); Computing(); }; Start() is to start multiple threads. Then each thread will run Computing function to do something. My question is how I can calculate the running time of each thread for Computing function

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  • c++ malloc segmentation fault

    - by chnet
    I have a problem about malloc(). It is weird. My code is in the following. I use random generator to generate elements for an array. The array is opened by malloc(). If the array size is smaller than 8192, it is OK. If the size is larger than 8192, it shows segment fault. void random_generator(int num, int * array) { srand((unsigned)time(0)); int random_integer; for(int index=0; index< num; index++){ random_integer = (rand()%10000)+1; *(array+index) = random_integer; cout << index << endl; } } int main() { int array_size = 10000; int *input_array; input_array = (int*) malloc((array_size)); random_generator(8192, input_array); // if the number is larger than 8192, segment fault free(input_array); }

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