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  • Accessing WebKit Devtools JavaScript library

    - by VLostBoy
    I noticed something in Chrome the other day- I had opened Developer Tools, and then hit view source and was initially surprised to notice that apparently the developer tools window is coded in HTML and JavaScript- you can see that by putting the following into the Chrome address bar: view-source:chrome://devtools/devtools.html Two things struck me- first, the codes copyright belongs to Apple (considering their backing of WebKit, thats not too surprising), and secondly, it appears that you cannot access the JavaScript, CSS or Image files directly through Chrome by clicking on links in the source code. So two questions: Where are the DevTools assets stored on my computer or how can I otherwise access them? Or even better, can someone identify the library that is used and let me know how its licensed? I'm always on the look out for a well implemented UI toolkit- and Devtools looks great.

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  • The Google Maps API and Chrome DevTools

    The Google Maps API and Chrome DevTools Learn how the Chrome Developer Tools can make development with the Maps API faster and easier. If you'd like to know more, see the links below. Chrome DevTools documentation: Google Maps API V3 reference: For more DevTools screencasts than you can handle: From the jQuery Docs: "jQuery() — which can also be written as $() — searches through the DOM for any matching elements and *creates a new jQuery object that references these elements*." From: GoogleDevelopers Views: 145 12 ratings Time: 12:16 More in Science & Technology

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  • Extending Chrome DevTools for fun and profit...

    Extending Chrome DevTools for fun and profit... Your browser is one of the most and best instrumented development platforms -- you may just not realize it yet. In this episode we'll cover the Audit and Panel extension API's, take a deep dive into the Chrome debugging protocol (and what you can do with it), peek inside the Chrome's network stack, and finally go deep into the guts of Chrome with chrome://tracing! From: GoogleDevelopers Views: 333 12 ratings Time: 23:35 More in Science & Technology

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  • [Visual Studio Extension Of The Day] Test Scribe for Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 and Test Professional 2010

    - by Hosam Kamel
      Test Scribe is a documentation power tool designed to construct documents directly from the TFS for test plan and test run artifacts for the purpose of discussion, reporting etc... . Known Issues/Limitations Customizing the generated report by changing the template, adding comments, including attachments etc… is not supported While opening a test plan summary document in  Office 2007, if you get the warning: “The file Test Plan Summary cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents” (with Details: ‘The file is corrupt and cannot be opened’), click ‘OK’. Then, click ‘Yes’ to recover the contents of the document. This will then open the document in Office 2007. The same problem is not found in Office 2010. Generated documents are stored by default in the “My documents” folder. The output path of the generated report cannot be modified. Exporting word documents for individual test suites or test cases in a test plan is not supported. Download it from Visual Studio Extension Manager Originally posted at "Hosam Kamel| Developer & Platform Evangelist"

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  • Visual Studio 2013 Static Code Analysis in depth: What? When and How?

    - by Hosam Kamel
    In this post I'll illustrate in details the following points What is static code analysis? When to use? Supported platforms Supported Visual Studio versions How to use Run Code Analysis Manually Run Code Analysis Automatically Run Code Analysis while check-in source code to TFS version control (TFSVC) Run Code Analysis as part of Team Build Understand the Code Analysis results & learn how to fix them Create your custom rule set Q & A References What is static Rule analysis? Static Code Analysis feature of Visual Studio performs static code analysis on code to help developers identify potential design, globalization, interoperability, performance, security, and a lot of other categories of potential problems according to Microsoft's rules that mainly targets best practices in writing code, and there is a large set of those rules included with Visual Studio grouped into different categorized targeting specific coding issues like security, design, Interoperability, globalizations and others. Static here means analyzing the source code without executing it and this type of analysis can be performed through automated tools (like Visual Studio 2013 Code Analysis Tool) or manually through Code Review which already supported in Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 (check Using Code Review to Improve Quality video on Channel9) There is also Dynamic analysis which performed on executing programs using software testing techniques such as Code Coverage for example. When to use? Running Code analysis tool at regular intervals during your development process can enhance the quality of your software, examines your code for a set of common defects and violations is always a good programming practice. Adding that Code analysis can also find defects in your code that are difficult to discover through testing allowing you to achieve first level quality gate for you application during development phase before you release it to the testing team. Supported platforms .NET Framework, native (C and C++) Database applications. Support Visual Studio versions All version of Visual Studio starting Visual Studio 2013 (except Visual Studio Test Professional) check Feature comparisons Create and modify a custom rule set required Visual Studio Premium or Ultimate. How to use? Code Analysis can be run manually at any time from within the Visual Studio IDE, or even setup to automatically run as part of a Team Build or check-in policy for Team Foundation Server. Run Code Analysis Manually To run code analysis manually on a project, on the Analyze menu, click Run Code Analysis on your project or simply right click on the project name on the Solution Explorer choose Run Code Analysis from the context menu Run Code Analysis Automatically To run code analysis each time that you build a project, you select Enable Code Analysis on Build on the project's Property Page Run Code Analysis while check-in source code to TFS version control (TFSVC) Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) provides a way for organizations to enforce practices that lead to better code and more efficient group development through Check-in policies which are rules that are set at the team project level and enforced on developer computers before code is allowed to be checked in. (This is available only if you're using Team Foundation Server) Require permissions on Team Foundation Server: you must have the Edit project-level information permission set to Allow typically your account must be part of Project Administrators, Project Collection Administrators, for more information about Team Foundation permissions check In Team Explorer, right-click the team project name, point to Team Project Settings, and then click Source Control. In the Source Control dialog box, select the Check-in Policy tab. Click Add to create a new check-in policy. Double-click the existing Code Analysis item in the Policy Type list to change the policy. Check or Uncheck the policy option based on the configurations you need to perform as illustrated below: Enforce check-in to only contain files that are part of current solution: code analysis can run only on files specified in solution and project configuration files. This policy guarantees that all code that is part of a solution is analyzed. Enforce C/C++ Code Analysis (/analyze): Requires that all C or C++ projects be built with the /analyze compiler option to run code analysis before they can be checked in. Enforce Code Analysis for Managed Code: Requires that all managed projects run code analysis and build before they can be checked in. Check Code analysis rule set reference on MSDN What is Rule Set? Rule Set is a group of code analysis rules like the example below where Microsoft.Design is the rule set name where "Do not declare static members on generic types" is the code analysis rule Once you configured the Analysis rule the policy will be enabled for all the team member in this project whenever a team member check-in any source code to the TFSVC the policy section will highlight the Code Analysis policy as below TFS is a very extensible platform so you can simply implement your own custom Code Analysis Check-in policy, check this link for more details but you have to be aware also about compatibility between different TFS versions check Run Code Analysis as part of Team Build With Team Foundation Build (TFBuild), you can create and manage build processes that automatically compile and test your applications, and perform other important functions. Code Analysis can be enabled in the Build Definition file by selecting the correct value for the build process parameter "Perform Code Analysis" Once configure, Kick-off your build definition to queue a new build, Code Analysis will run as part of build workflow and you will be able to see code analysis warning as part of build report Understand the Code Analysis results & learn how to fix them Now after you went through Code Analysis configurations and the different ways of running it, we will go through the Code Analysis result how to understand them and how to resolve them. Code Analysis window in Visual Studio will show all the analysis results based on the rule sets you configured in the project file properties, let's dig deep into what each result item contains: 1 Check ID The unique identifier for the rule. CheckId and Category are used for in-source suppression of a warning.       2 Title The title of warning message       3 Description A description of the problem or suggested fix 4 File Name File name and the line of code number which violate the code analysis rule set 5 Category The code analysis category for this error 6 Warning /Error Depend on how you configure it in the rule set the default is Warning level 7 Action Copy: copy the warning information to the clipboard Create Work Item: If you're connected to Team Foundation Server you can create a work item most probably you may create a Task or Bug and assign it for a developer to fix certain code analysis warning Suppress Message: There are times when you might decide not to fix a code analysis warning. You might decide that resolving the warning requires too much recoding in relation to the probability that the issue will arise in any real-world implementation of your code. Or you might believe that the analysis that is used in the warning is inappropriate for the particular context. You can suppress individual warnings so that they no longer appear in the Code Analysis window. Two options available: In Source inserts a SuppressMessage attribute in the source file above the method that generated the warning. This makes the suppression more discoverable. In Suppression File adds a SuppressMessage attribute to the GlobalSuppressions.cs file of the project. This can make the management of suppressions easier. Note that the SuppressMessage attribute added to GlobalSuppression.cs also targets the method that generated the warning. It does not suppress the warning globally.       Visual Studio makes it very easy to fix Code analysis warning, all you have to do is clicking on the Check Id hyperlink if you are not aware how to fix the warring and you'll be directed to MSDN online or local copy based on the configuration you did while installing Visual Studio and you will find all the information about the warring including how to fix it. Create a Custom Code Analysis Rule Set The Microsoft standard rule sets provide groups of rules that are organized by function and depth. For example, the Microsoft Basic Design Guidelines Rules and the Microsoft Extended Design Guidelines Rules contain rules that focus on usability and maintainability issues, with added emphasis on naming rules in the Extended rule set, you can create and modify a custom rule set to meet specific project needs associated with code analysis. To create a custom rule set, you open one or more standard rule sets in the rule set editor. Create and modify a custom rule set required Visual Studio Premium or Ultimate. You can check How to: Create a Custom Rule Set on MSDN for more details Q & A Visual Studio static code analysis vs. FxCop vs. StyleCpp Code Analysis for SharePoint Apps and SPDisposeCheck? This post lists some of the rule set you can run specifically for SharePoint applications and how to integrate SPDisposeCheck as well. Code Analysis for SQL Server Database Projects? This post illustrate how to run static code analysis on T-SQL through SSDT ReSharper 8 vs. Visual Studio 2013? This document lists some of the features that are provided by ReSharper 8 but are missing or not as fully implemented in Visual Studio 2013. References A Few Billion Lines of Code Later: Using Static Analysis to Find Bugs in the Real World What is New in Code Analysis for Visual Studio 2013 Analyze the code quality of Windows Store apps using Visual Studio static code analysis [Hands-on-lab] Using Code Analysis with Visual Studio 2012 to Improve Code Quality Originally posted at "Hosam Kamel| Developer & Platform Evangelist"

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  • Test Driven Development (TDD) in Visual Studio 2010- Microsoft Mondays

    - by Hosam Kamel
    November 14th , I will be presenting at Microsoft Mondays a session about Test Driven Development (TDD) in Visual Studio 2010 . Microsoft Mondays is program consisting of a series of Webcasts showcasing various Microsoft products and technologies. Each Monday we discuss a particular topic pertaining to development, infrastructure, Office tools, ERP, client/server operating systems etc. The webcast will be broadcast via Lync and can viewed from a web client. The idea behind the “Microsoft Mondays” program is to help you become more proficient in the products and technologies that you use and help you utilize their full potential.   Test Driven Development in Visual Studio 2010 Level – 300 (  Intermediate – Advanced ) Test Driven Development (TDD), also frequently referred to as Test Driven Design, is a development methodology where developers create software by first writing a unit test, then writing the actual system code to make the unit test pass.  The unit test can be viewed as a small specification around how the system should behave; writing it first helps the developer to focus on only writing enough code to make the test pass, thereby helping ensure a tight, lightweight system which is specifically focused meeting on the documented requirements. TDD follows a cadence of “Red, Green, Refactor.” Red refers to the visual display of a failing test – the test you write first will not pass because you have not yet written any code for it. Green refers to the step of writing just enough code in your system to make your unit test pass – your test runner’s UI will now show that test passing with a green icon. Refactor refers to the step of refactoring your code so it is tighter, cleaner, and more flexible. This cycle is repeated constantly throughout a TDD developer’s workday. Date:   November 14, 2011 Time:  10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (GMT+3)   See you there! Hosam Kamel Originally posted at

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  • New TFS Template Available - "Agile Dev in a Waterfall Environment"–GovDev

    - by Hosam Kamel
      Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2010 is the collaboration platform at the core of Microsoft’s application lifecycle management solution. In addition to core features like source control, build automation and work-item tracking, TFS enables teams to align projects with industry processes such as Agile, Scrum and CMMi via the use of customable XML Process Templates. Since 2005, TFS has been a welcomed addition to the Microsoft developer tool line-up by Government Agencies of all sizes and missions. However, many government development teams consistently struggle with leveraging an iterative development process all while providing the structure, visibility and status reporting that is required by many Government, waterfall-centric, project methodologies. GovDev is an open source, TFS Process Template that combines the formality of CMMi/Waterfall with the flexibility of Agile/Iterative: The GovDev for TFS Accelerator also implements two new custom reports to support the customized process and provide the real-time visibility across the lifecycle with full traceability and drill down to tasks, tests and code: The TFS Accelerator contains: A custom TFS process template that implements a requirements centric, yet iterative process with extreme traceability throughout the lifecycle. A custom “Requirements Traceability Report” that provides a single view of traceability for the project.   Within the Traceability Report, you can also view live status indicators and “click-through” to the individual assets (even changesets). A custom report that focuses on “Contributions by Team Member” tracking things like “number of check-ins” and “Net lines added”.  Fully integrated documentation on the entire process and features. For a 45min demo of GovDev, visit: Download it from Codeplex here.     Originally posted at "Hosam Kamel| Developer & Platform Evangelist"

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  • Deleting Team Project in Team Foundation Server 2010

    - by Hosam Kamel
    I’m seeing a lot of people still using some old ways ported from TFS 2008 to delete a team project like TFSDeleteProject utility.   In TFS 2010 the administration tasks are made very easy to help you in a lot of administration stuff, for the deletion point specially you can navigate to the Administration Console then Select Team Project Collection Select the project collection contains the project you want to delete then navigate to Team Projects. Select the project then click Delete, you will have the option to delete any external artifacts and workspace too.   Hope it helps. Originally posted at "Hosam Kamel| Developer & Platform Evangelist"

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  • .NET "must-have" development tools

    - by nzpcmad
    James Avery wrote a classic article a while back entitled Ten Must-Have Tools Every Developer Should Download Now which is a companion to Visual Studio Add-Ins Every Developer Should Download Now and Scott Hanselman has an excellent list on his blog but if you were on a desert island and were only allowed three .NET development tools which ones would you pick? Update: Assuming you already have an IDE like Visual Studio ... Update (5) : Up to 08/01 : The current state of play: Reflector 13 Resharper 9 NUnit + TestDriven.Net 7 Refactor Pro 4 Process Explorer (other Sysinternals) 3 SnippetCompiler 3 CodeRush 3 MSDN Library 2 LinqPad 2 2 VMWare 2 RhinoMocks 2 Fiddler 2 PowerShell 2 PowerCommands for VS 2008 1 Sandcastle 1 SQL Profiler 1 Redgate ANTS profiler 11 NCover 1 VisualSVN 1 Rubber Ducky 1 WinMerge 1 NAnt 1 ViEmu 1 AnkhSVN 1 dotTrace Profiler 1 BeyondCompare 1 DPack VS Plugin 1 WCF Trace Viewer (SDK) 1 1 SourceGear DiffMerge 1 Ghostdoc 1 Expression Studio 1 XAML Pad 1 KaXaml 1 Blender for 3D modeling 1 Snoop a WPF tool 1 DiffMerge 1 DPack 1 NDepend 1 Kodos 1 WatiN 1 HTTPWatch Basic Edition 1 Paint.Net 1 Mole For VS 1 What I find particularly interesting about this is that "NUnit + TestDriven.Net " is right up there in third place which shows the growing emphasis on testing as an integral part of the development process rather than as an adjunct which is simply bolted on. And I'm somewhat perplexed that Codesmith didn't receive a single vote?

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  • Freeware Programmer Calculator

    - by AdamC
    There have been lots of times in the past where a good programmer-oriented calculator would've saved me a lot of time. Lately, I've been doing quite a lot of bit manipulation, and having to do build/run to debug my calculations feels really slow. I've looked for something like this in the past, but found nothing that worked very well. The only thing that comes close is this one from AnalogX, but I can't get it to work or really do anything on my vista box which is where I'm doing most of my work at the moment. (btw - please send comments about my vista usage here;). Anyway, I'm looking for something for simple calculations using a C-like syntax with support for proper precenedce, operators, etc. Bonus points for cross-platform. The python interpreter was a great idea and is totally cross-platform. For windows only SpeQ is amazing. Thanks for the suggestions.

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  • Best XPath tools

    - by Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi
    What tools are you guys using for XPath and why? Right now I'm using SketchPath because its totally awesome, but its a windows app that needs to be installed WhiteBeam online XPath test bedbecause you can test expressions from the website SketchPath seems to stand out the most to me because it actually helps you create the xpath and it is very advanced. If you haven't tried it you should. Cons to SketchPath: you have to install it on the machine, otherwise it is fantastic. Cons to WhiteBeam: you have to upload your file which I don't always want to do for security reasons and the file size you can upload has some limit on it, and uploading a file is annoying anyways. Also I think there might be some subtle differences between the xpath used for that tool and when running a .NET app. But don't remember any right now. Just keep it in mind.

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  • How to setup Erlang + Emacs with erlang.el?

    - by Jonas
    I have downloaded and installed Erlang and EmacsW32. But how do I use erlang.el in Emacs? Where do I place it or install it? I have read Erlang/OTP R13B04 documentation and Erlang mode for Emacs documentation but I haven't found any information about how to set up it.

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  • Erlang "must-have" development tools

    - by Jonas
    I am not a professional Erlang developer (not yet), but I would like to hear what Erlang development tools are "must-have" in the industry (besides emacs and git/mercurial) ? I do know about a few tools like: rebar, dialyzer, hipe, eunit and edoc but I have no idea if they are used by professional erlang developers or if there are other tools that are "must-have". This question is inspired by Java "must-have" development tools

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  • Getting error: "This webpage is not available" for my chrome app's options page

    - by Don Rhummy
    My CRX had the proper html page options.html in it, the manifest declares it properly (it shows up as a link on the chrome://extensions page) but when I click that link, Chrome gives the error: This webpage is not available The webpage at chrome-extension://invalid/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. It says "invalid" but the app runs perfectly well (all the content scripts run, the background created a database and saved to it). Why would it show as invalid? Why doesn't it have the extensions' id? Here's the manifest: { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "MyAPP", "description": "My App", "version": "", "minimum_chrome_version": "27", "offline_enabled": true, "options_page": "options.html", "icons": { "16": "images/icon16.png", "48": "images/icon48.png", "128": "images/icon128.png" }, "app": { "background": { "scripts": [ "scripts/background.js" ] } }, "permissions": [ "unlimitedStorage", "fullscreen", { "fileSystem": [ "write" ] }, "background", "<all_urls>", "tabs" ] } Does it need to be declared in "web_accessible_resources"? Any idea what's wrong? Update Adding to "web_accessible_resources" does not fix the issue. I added everything on that page too. update 2 It looks like it might be a Chrome bug for packaged apps. When I remove the "app" section in the manifest, it works! This is a bug since the Chrome app documentation states that apps can have options pages:

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  • Does Resharper 4.1 support both Camel Humps and normal selection modes?

    - by Jonathan Parker
    I've found the setting for Camel Humps in resharper: Resharper - Options - Editor - Use CamelHumps The problem is that I would still like to be able to use the normal selection mode (i.e. the default behaviour for CTRL+Arrow and CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow) as well as the CamelHumps mode. For example consider this variable: private int MyVeryLongCamelCaseName; Now if I want to copy the entire variable then I want the VS default behaviour for CTRL+SHIFT+Left-Arrow which is to select the entire variable if the cursor is on the M. However if I want to change the name to say MyExtremelyLongCamelCaseName then I would like the CamelHumps behaviour provided by Resharper. Is there any way to have both behaviours with different shortcuts?

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  • Determining full XHR request URL on a Google Chrome XHR Breakpoint

    - by DanH
    I am initiating a jQuery ajax ($.ajax) post, within the Google Chrome browser. I have setup a XHR breakpoint in the "XHR Breakpoints" section of the "Scripts" tab within the Developer Tools. The criteria of the breakpoint is "get" ie. I want the debugger to break on all XHR requests which contain the word "get" in them (somePage.asmx/getListOfAnimals) is an example. The breakpoint is being correctly hit, however I am unable to determine what the exact URL that is being requested. I realize I can remove the breakpoint and see what URL is being requested from the "Network" tab, but I want to know this at the time the breakpoint is hit. I have tried stepping through the XHR request once it has been hit in Chrome, but I must be missing a Javascript object/property which contains the fully requested URL. Google Chrome has detected that the XHR requested URL contains "get" but how do I get to this URL from within the debug session before the request is made?

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  • Is Git ready to be recommended to my boss?

    - by Mike Weller
    I want to recomment Git to my boss as a new source control system, since we're stuck in the 90s with VSS (ouch), but are the tools and 3rd party support good enough yet? Specifically I'm talking about GUI front-ends similar to TortoiseSVN, decent visual diff/merge support, as well as stuff like email commit notifications and general support from 3rd parties like IDEs and build systems. Even though this will be used by programmers, we really need this kind of stuff in our team. I don't want to leave everyone stuck with a new tool, and even a new source control paradigm (distributed), with nothing but a command-line app and some online tutorials. This would be a step backwards. So what do you think... is Git ready? What decent tools exist for Git and what third party development apps support it? EDIT: My original question was pretty vague so I'm updating it to specifically ask for a list of available tools and 3rd party support for Git. Maybe we can get a community wiki post with a list of stuff. I also do not consider 'use subversion' to be an adequate answer. There are other reasons to use a distributed source control system other than offline editing - private and cheap branches being one of them.

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  • Tools for creating UI prototype.

    - by Golovko
    Hello. I need to create a prototype of ui. I'm googling, and find "Axure RP", but it very expensive for us company. Other way for creating UI prototype is tools like Qt Designer, but it doesn't provide some cool functions and sometimes demand bit programming skills. Do you know freeware tool for my task for man without any programming skills? Thanks. Ps. excuse my english ;)

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  • Debugging Post Request with Chrome Dev Tools

    - by benek
    I am trying to use Chrome Dev for debugging the following Angular post request : $"http://picjboss.puma.lan:8880/fluxpousse/api/flow/createOrUpdateHeader", flowHeader) After running the statement with right-click / evaluate, I can see the post in the network panel with a pending state. How can I get the result or "commit" the request and leave easily this "pending" state from the dev console ? I am not yet very familiar with JS callbacks, some code is expected. Thanks. EDIT I have tried to run from the console : $scope.$apply(function(){$"http://picjboss.puma.lan:8880/fluxpousse/api/flow/createOrUpdateHeader", flowHeader).success(function(data){console.log("error "+data)}).error(function(data){console.log("error "+data)})}) It returns : undefined EDIT The post I am trying to solve generate an HTTP 400. Here is the result : Request URL:http://picjboss.puma.lan:8880/fluxpousse/api/flow/createOrUpdateHeader Request Method:POST Status Code:400 Mauvaise Requ?te Request Headersview source Accept:application/json, text/plain, / Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate,sdch Accept-Language:fr-FR,fr;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4 Connection:keep-alive Content-Length:5354 Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 Cookie:JSESSIONID=285AF523EA18C0D7F9D581CDB2286C56 Host:picjboss.puma.lan:8880 Origin:http://picjboss.puma.lan:8880 Referer:http://picjboss.puma.lan:8880/fluxpousse/ User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.101 Safari/537.36 X-Requested-With:XMLHttpRequest Request Payloadview source {refHeader:IDSFP, idEntrepot:619, codeEntreprise:null, codeBanniere:null, codeArticle:7,…} cessionPrice: 78 codeArticle: "7" codeBanniere: null codeDateAppro: null codeDateDelivery: null codeDatePrepa: null codeEntreprise: null codeFournisseur: null codeUtilisateur: null codeUtilisateurLastUpdate: null createDate: null dateAppro: null dateDelivery: null datePrepa: null hasAssortControl: null hasCadenceForce: null idEntrepot: 619 isFreeCost: null labelArticle: "Mayonnaise de DIJON" labelFournisseur: null listDetail: [,…] pcbArticle: 12 pvc: 78 qte: 78 refCommande: "ref" refHeader: "IDSFP" state: "CREATED" stockArticle: 1200 updateDate: null Response Headersview source Connection:close Content-Length:996 Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8 Date:Fri, 08 Nov 2013 15:19:30 GMT Server:Apache-Coyote/1.1 X-Powered-By:Servlet 2.5; JBoss-5.0/JBossWeb-2.1

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  • Eclipse does not start on Windows 7

    - by van
    Suddenly Eclipse today has decides to stop working. The last thing I did was close all perspectives and close Eclipse. When loading eclipse from the command prompt, using: "eclipse.exe -clean" the splash screen loads for a split second then exits. When I run the command: eclipsec -consoleLog -debug it results in the following output: Start VM: -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -Dhelp.lucene.tokenizer=standard -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.class.path=d:\devtools\eclipse\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3. 0.v20130327-1440.jar -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64 -showsplash d:\devtools\eclipse\\plugins\org.eclipse.platform_4.3.0.v20130605-20 00\splash.bmp -launcher d:\devtools\eclipse\eclipsec.exe -name Eclipsec --launcher.library d:\devtools\eclipse\\plugins/ 32.win32.x86_64_1.1.200.v20130521-0416\eclipse_1503.dll -startup d:\devtools\eclipse\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v201303 27-1440.jar --launcher.appendVmargs -product org.eclipse.epp.package.standard.product -consoleLog -debug -vm C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_37/bin\..\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -Dhelp.lucene.tokenizer=standard -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.class.path=d:\devtools\eclipse\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3. 0.v20130327-1440.jar Error occurred during initialization of VM Incompatible minimum and maximum heap sizes specified Checking Task Manager shows no Java process running and both the CPU and memory usage are very low. I have tried: Re-installing Eclipse Re-starting my machine But running eclipsec -consoleLog -debug from the command prompt still results in the issue: Error occurred during initialization of VM Incompatible minimum and maximum heap sizes specified

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  • Watir with IronRuby!

    - by azamsharp
    Has anyone used Watir with IronRuby successfully? I am getting an error that the required file 'Watir' was not found. What path do I need to set to get this file to work in IronRuby? For some reason my igem command is not working: C:\DevTools\IronRuby\ironruby\Merlin\Main\Languages\Ruby\Scripts\binigem instal l watir '"C:\DevTools\IronRuby\ironruby\Merlin\Main\Languages\Ruby\Scripts\bin\ir.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I am using 0.9 version of Ironruby. I remember that in 0.9 you have to indicate the ir tool: I used the following and got the error again! C:\DevTools\IronRuby\ironruby\Merlin\Main\Languages\Ruby\Scripts\binir igem ins tall watir ERROR: While executing gem ... (RangeError) bignum too big to convert into Fixnum The current version of RubyGems is 1.3.5: C:\DevTools\IronRuby\ironruby\Merlin\Main\Languages\Ruby\Scripts\binir igem -v 1.3.5 I even tried using the full path: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/commonwatir-1.6.2/lib/watir.rb"

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  • Completely uninstalling both versions of XCode

    - by Mugunth Kumar
    As usual I typed sudo Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all It uninstalled the first version (Beta) properly. Tried the same thing on the older Stable Version which I have installed to "XCode Stable" Getting this error Use of uninitialized value $dir_name in substitution (s///) at Library/uninstall-devtools line 153. Use of uninitialized value $developer_dir in concatenation (.) or string at Library/uninstall-devtools line 120 Anyone else facing this problem? Can I just trash the installation folder?

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