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Search found 6 results on 1 pages for 'etranger'.

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  • Deutsche Telekom voudrait créer un réseau internet national, afin de protéger l'Allemagne de l'espionnage étranger

    Deutsche Telekom voudrait créer un réseau internet national afin de protéger l'Allemagne de l'espionnage étranger Contrairement aux idées reçues qui mettent les Allemands dans la liste des Européens les plus sensibles à la question de la surveillance par internet, les résultats d'un sondage publiés par l'hebdomadaire Die Zeit ont indiqué que près d'un Allemand sur deux estime qu'il est légitime que les Etats surveillent l'Internet à titre préventif. 40 % des personnes interrogées approuvent...

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  • Weird .#filename files on remote ssh-connected systems after mcedit

    - by etranger
    I'm using MacFusion sshfs in combination with Midnight Commander, and when I edit remote text files with mcedit, weird symlinks are created on the remote system. $ ls -l .* lrwxr-xr-x 1 user group 34 Jun 27 01:54 .#filename.txt -> [email protected] where etranger is my local login name, and mbp is a hostname of my notebook running MacOS. symlinks can be removed by running remote rm command, but cannot be deleted on the mac-fuse mounted volume and thus pollutes the filesystem. I cannot figure what part of software is responsible for this, and how I could fix this, any help is appreciated. EDIT: This appears to be mcedit behavior as documented here: Apparently, sshfs fails to remove symlink to the lock file for some reason (".#" in filename, perhaps), and it pollutes the filesystem. A quick workaround is possible, using another bug of Midnight Commander: editing (F4) the broken symlink effectively converts it to a missing lock file it was supposed to point to, and removes the symlink itself. The newly created file may then be deleted normally. EDIT 2: Unchecking "Follow symlink" in MacFusion apparently allows sshfs to remove dead symlinks, so the problem disappears completely.

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  • Professional immigration

    - by etranger
    Hello all, Does anyone here have a practical advice on professional relocation from Russia to Europe? The reasons behind making such a decision are far beyond the subject, perhaps, so I'll stick to the practical part. Having done some of the "common stuff" for finding a job, I am now facing two serious problems: I am a "dual-class" person, with university degree in marketing, and multiple years of self-studied computer competence (hence my writing here). Have professional experience in both areas. I don't currently hold a European work permit. From what I can see, this results in normal HR person throwing out my CV as either being "overqualified" or "too much trouble with making the permit". I do have the skills and character to start my own business, but it requires start-up capital that I don't have, over the last years I had to pay high bills for medical treatment of my family member, who had deceased. Now, I'm almost out of debts. As you can probably guess, English is not a problem, and I'm open to new languages, but first steps of entering the market, or the society, is the problematic part. I live close to Norway, and am trying to get some professional contacts there, but it hasn't got me any practical perspective so far. Any advice is greatly appreciated. EDIT: I am currently making my living off web site development, and occasional consulting services both in IT and marketing. For purely geographic reasons I'm dealing with clients that reside in the same city where I live, pop. 350 000. Being quite local, market requirements for web sites are simple and stable — clients need to control navigation, write articles in a word-like editor, upload illustrations and place ad banners, all with no additional programming. As many web developers do, I'm using my own content management system that fits these expectations. I have also started developing a newer version of this system that has better support for international environments, but I'm too distant from the real market demand in Europe to speak of the right track here. Technically it's based on php/mysql and uses xslt for templating. It allows for quick website deployment, and has architectural neatness, lack of which made me abandon similar opensource solutions (Joomla and the like). Deploying time from rasterized design proofs is normally under 6-8 working hours, don't know how that compares to the world practice. EDIT 2: Can anyone share what Norwegian (Scandinavian) web solutions market currently demands?

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  • Interfacing the payment systems

    - by etranger
    Hello all. I'm a complete newbie to using online payment systems for web projects, and can't really think of where to start. Let's assume that web system in question needs to generate some income online, and the business idea/functionality is in place, while organizing cash flow is the only unsolved problem. Points of interest are how the custom developed software interfaces to payment systems, and how the resulting income is available to the owner. I do understand that there are probably hundreds of systems out there, but to be more specific on which of them suit, I'd have to know how they work, and that's where I don't feel like understanding much. Thanks in advance.

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  • Snowden : «j'ai été entraîné comme un espion dans le sens traditionnel du terme», l'ancien contractuel de la NSA aurait travaillé comme agent infiltré

    Snowden : « J'ai été entraîné comme un espion dans le sens traditionnel du terme», l'ancien contractuel de la NSA affirme avoir travaillé comme agent infiltré Dans une interview accordée à NBC News, mardi, Edward Snowden est revenu sur son expérience au sein de la CIA et de la NSA. « J'ai été entraîné comme un espion dans le sens traditionnel du terme. J'ai vécu et travailler sous couverture à l'étranger, prétendant avoir un emploi que je n'avais pas et empruntant même un nom qui n'était pas le...

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  • Les ventes de PCs augmentent de près de 23%, le marché se relance en même temps que l'économie

    Les ventes de PCs augmentent de près de 23%, le marché se relance en même temps que l'économie Lors du premier trimestre 2010, l'export d'ordinateurs a connu une très bonne croissance. Du fait de la demande importante émanant des pays asiatiques, entre autres choses, les envois de PCs vers l'étranger ont augmenté de 22.7% par rapport à l'année dernière. Il s'agit là de la plus forte hausse enregistrée pour ce marché depuis qu'iSuppli le surveille (en 2003). 81.5 millions de machines ont été expédiées durant ce premier trimestre, contre "seulement" 66.5 millions pour la premier trimestre 2009. "Le début de 2009 a été l'une des périodes les plus faibles dans l'histoire du marché des PC, puisque les de...

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