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  • Android Download Intent

    - by Isaac Waller
    Hello, I was wondering what is the intent for downloading URLs? In the browser, it will download stuff with a little notification icon. I was wondering if I can use that intent (and what it is). Thanks, Isaac Waller

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  • Android Respond To URL in Intent

    - by Isaac Waller
    I want my intent to be launched when the user goes to a certain url: for example, the android market does this with urls. so does youtube. I want mine to do that too. If anybody could explain this, thank you very much. Isaac Waller

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  • Android Loading listview items from service results in hang

    - by Isaac Waller
    Hello, In my Android application, I have a ListActivity. This ListActivity uses a SimpleAdapter that I fill with items from my service. So, in my code, I do: MySuperCoolService.Binder serviceBinder = null; private ServiceConnection serviceConnection = new ServiceConnection() { public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) { Log.d(TAG, "Service connection: connected!"); serviceBinder = (MySuperCoolService.Binder)service; } public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) { Log.d(TAG, "Service connection: disconnected"); serviceBinder = null; } }; bindService(new Intent(this, MySuperCoolService.class), serviceConnection, BIND_AUTO_CREATE); while(serviceBinder==null) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } // now retrieve from service using binder and set list adapter This whole operation takes hardly any time (less than a second), so I want it to run in the UI thread. See my onCreate: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); fillDataUsingCodeAbove(); } The reason I want this to run in the UI thread is that if you have a list item selected, or you have scrolled to a certain position in the ListView, and you rotate the device or take out the keyboard or something (to trigger a configuration change) when my activity is restarted, Android will try to restore the state right after onCreate. But, if I run it in a separate thread, it will not. Also there is a cool fadein animation too :) The problem I am having with running it in the UI thread is that when I try to bind to the service, that service bind request gets put onto the message queue. But then when I go into my loop, I stop the message queue from looping. So my program hangs, because it's waiting for the service to get bound, and the service won't get bound until the loop ends. I have thought of putting Looper.loop() inside my loop, but that just hangs it at Looper.loop() (I don't know why.) Sorry for such a long question, Isaac Waller

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  • trying to fade out a top div on hover to reveal working links in text below using JQuery

    - by Heath
    I need to fade a div (and image) to reveal a div underneath (text with clickable links) using jQuery. <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("img.a").hover( function() { $(this).stop().animate({"opacity": "0"}, "slow"); }, function() { $(this).stop().animate({"opacity": "1"}, "slow"); }); }); </script> Used the above code and all worked well, until I went to click the links. Seems the top hidden div is preventing me from doing so. Tried the replaceWith function and that allowed me to click the links too - but couldn't get it to go back to showing original div when I moused out. Also, bossman wants the transition to be gradual - like a fade... Any suggestions? Many thanks! Heath

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  • Ray picking - get direction from pitch and yaw

    - by Isaac Waller
    I am attempting to cast a ray from the center of the screen and check for collisions with objects. When rendering, I use these calls to set up the camera: GL11.glRotated(mPitch, 1, 0, 0); GL11.glRotated(mYaw, 0, 1, 0); GL11.glTranslated(mPositionX, mPositionY, mPositionZ); I am having trouble creating the ray, however. This is the code I have so far: ray.origin = new Vector(mPositionX, mPositionY, mPositionZ); ray.direction = new Vector(?, ?, ?); My question is: what should I put in the question mark spots? I.e. how can I create the ray direction from the pitch and roll? Any help would be much appreciated!

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  • Apache VERY high page load time

    - by Aaron Waller
    My Drupal 6 site has been running smoothly for years but recently has experienced intermittent periods of extreme slowness (10-60 sec page loads). Several hours of slowness followed by hours of normal (4-6 sec) page loads. The page always loads with no error, just sometimes takes forever. My setup: Windows Server 2003 Apache/2.2.15 (Win32) Jrun/4.0 PHP 5 MySql 5.1 Drupal 6 Cold fusion 9 Vmware virtual environment DMZ behind a corporate firewall Traffic: 1-3 hits/sec avg Troubleshooting No applicable errors in apache error log No errors in drupal event log Drupal devel module shows 242 queries in 366.23 milliseconds,page execution time 2069.62 ms. (So it looks like queries and php scripts are not the problem) NO unusually high CPU, memory, or disk IO Cold fusion apps, and other static pages outside of drupal also load slow test shows very high time-to-first-byte The problem seems to be with Apache responding to requests, but previously I've only seen this behavior under 100% cpu load. Judging solely by resource monitoring, it looks as though very little is going on. Here is the kicker - roughly half of the site's access comes from our LAN, but if I disable the firewall rule and block access from outside of our network, internal (LAN) access (1000+ devices) is speedy. But as soon as outside access is restored the site is crippled. Apache config? Crawlers/bots? Attackers? I'm at the end of my rope, where should I be looking to determine where the problem lies?

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  • How does this snippet of code create a ray direction vector?

    - by Isaac Waller
    In the Minecraft source code, this code is used to create a direction vector for a ray from pitch and yaw:' float f1 = MathHelper.cos(-rotationYaw * 0.01745329F - 3.141593F); float f3 = MathHelper.sin(-rotationYaw * 0.01745329F - 3.141593F); float f5 = -MathHelper.cos(-rotationPitch * 0.01745329F); float f7 = MathHelper.sin(-rotationPitch * 0.01745329F); return Vec3D.createVector(f3 * f5, f7, f1 * f5); I was wondering how it worked, and what is the constant 0.01745329F?

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  • How to map network scanner

    - by Andrew Heath
    I have just bought a shiny new Canon MG6250 multifunction printer/scanner and connected it via LAN. Installing the printing side of things was a breeze, however, I cannot work out how to set up scanning. I installed the MG6200 series ScanGear MP driver from Canon's site but when I open GIMP or Simple Scan, they say there is no scanner detected. Using GIMP's 'update scanner list' button to search for the scanner does not find it. How do I tell Ubuntu, GIMP or Simple Scan to look on the network for the scanner? Is there another utility especially for this?

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  • Do professional software developers still dream of creating industry/world-changing apps?

    - by Andrew Heath
    I'm a hobby programmer. The absence of real world deadlines, customer feedback, or performance reviews leaves me free to daydream about having and implementing The Next Great Idea That Changes the World. Of course I'm aware I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery, but it's fun to imagine knocking out some fully-homebrewed app that destroys the status quo. I know many professional programmers have side projects, some for profit others not. I was wondering on the way to work this morning (non-IT boring work) if having to code for your food tended to dampen the dreaming? Does greater experience leave you jaded and more focused on the projects at hand? Not trying to be a downer, just interested in the mindset of the real software professional :-)

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  • Adding a forum to an existing site

    - by Andrew Heath
    I've got a site with ~500 registered members, 300 of which are what you'd call "active". Site data is kept in a MySQL dbase. I'd like to add a myBB forum to the site, but this question applies to any forum really. What I very much want to avoid is requiring my users to register both on the site and on the forum because my userbase is not technically literate and this would confuse a lot of them. However the forum software has its own registration, login, cookie, and password management system which naturally are different from the site's mechanics. I envision the following possibilities: install myBB into the existing database and customize the login code to unify the two systems. This would probably mean changing the site's code to use the myBB system as that would likely be less painful to refactor and wouldn't hurt future myBB upgrade ability. install myBB into separate database and write a bridging script of some sort that auto-registers existing site users with the forum if they elect to participate. Also check new forum registrations against the site's username list to prevent newcomers from taking existing names. run them fully separate and force users to re-register (easiest for ME, but least desirable for them) I would like a suggested course of action from those who have trod this path before... Thank you.

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  • Setting up UPS monitoring

    - by Andrew Heath
    I have acquired a second hand Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) that I have refurbished (new battery) and hope to use with my Ubuntu 12.10 system. It's a SOLA 330 with serial out. I have installed NUT Metapackage and NUT Monitor from Software Centre, but am not sure how to go about setting it all up. A Google search brings up several ways of configuring Network UPS Tools (NUT) or HAL-Drivers, however, HAL-Drivers appears to be obsolete and many commands and config files mentioned to edit do not exist in 12.10 or the current version of NUT (most articles are a few years old). One tutorial seemed to work except the Error: no UPS definitions found in ups.conf even though ups.conf has values in it as laid out in the tutorial. How do I go about setting my system to monitor the UPS for a shut down signal? Also, is there a command to determine the UPS is communicating through the serial connection and on what port (to help with setup and configuring, eg. /dev/ttyS0 is mentioned in one of the tutorials I read).

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  • Is php|architect any good?

    - by Andrew Heath
    Kind of a hard topic to search for, as architect turns up a lot about software architects instead. After 8 months of PHP self-study, I finally stumbled across the php|architect site. The length of time it took me to find it makes me suspicious of its quality. 3 related questions: do professional PHP coders read/care about php|architect? is it a good source for PHP beginners? assuming yes to either of the above, how far back in the archives to articles remain relevant? (ex: does stuff written about PHP4 still matter?)

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  • Is php|architect any good?

    - by Andrew Heath
    Kind of a hard topic to search for, as architect turns up a lot about software architects instead. After 8 months of PHP self-study, I finally stumbled across the php|architect site. The length of time it took me to find it makes me suspicious of its quality. 3 related questions: do professional PHP coders read/care about php|architect? is it a good source for PHP beginners? assuming yes to either of the above, how far back in the archives to articles remain relevant? (ex: does stuff written about PHP4 still matter?)

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  • handling a GET error properly

    - by Andrew Heath
    I have a website that takes two primary get strings: ?type=GAME&id=SomeGameID ?type=SCENARIO&id=SomeScenarioID for reasons unknown, I have recently begun receiving requests for erroneous get strings from both Yandex and Baidu. They are always in the form of: ?type=GAME&id=SomeScenarioID None of my users are triggering these errors, so I am (sort of) confident that this is not due to an HTML template error somewhere on my part. There is also no HTTP_REFER showing up in the $_SERVER array, so I'm guessing these are direct requests from bad dbase data on their part. I see two options for dealing with these bad requests, and would like to know which is recommended... or if there are other, better options I have not thought of: simply 404 the request, since it is incorrect redirect the request to ?type=SCENARIO&id=SomeScenarioID because the scenario IDs are always valid, the breakage is due to asking for the wrong type.

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  • Avoiding Duplicate Content Penalties on a Corporate/Franchise website

    - by heath
    My question is really an extension of a previous question that was ported from stackoverflow and closed so I cannot edit it. The basic gist is a regional franchise company has decided to force all independent stores into one website look; they currently all have their own domains and completely different websites. After reading the helpful answers and looking over some links provided, I think my solution is to put a 301 on each franchise store site (,, etc) back to the main corporate site ( All of the company history, product info, etc (about 90% of the entire site) applies to all stores. However, each store should have some exclusive content such as staff, location pictures, exclusive events and promotions, etc. I originally thought that I would simply do something like,, etc for the store exclusive content and then, for example, would cover all stores. However, I now see two issues that I don't know how to solve. They want to see site stats based on what store site they came from. If a user comes from, is redirected to and hits several pages, don't I need to somehow keep that original site in the new url to track each page in that user's session and show they originally came from Each store is still independently owned and is essentially still in competition with the other stores, albeit, in less competition than they are with other brands. This is important because each store would like THEIR contact info, links to their social media pages, their mailing list sign-up and customer requests on EVERY page. So if a user originally goes to and is redirected to, it still should look to the user that it's all about store 1, even though 90% of the content will be exactly the same as it is in the store 2, store 3 and corporate site. For example, would have the same company history, same header/footer/navigation, BUT depending on the original site the user came from, it would display contact and links to THAT store. If someone came directly to the corporate site, it would display their contact and links (they have their own as well). I was considering that all redirects would be to,, etc (or and then I can dynamically add the contact info and appropriate links based on the subdomain or subfolder. But, then I have to worry about duplicate content penalties because, again, about 90% of the text in these "subdomains" are all the same. For reference, this is a PHP5 site. I've already written a compact framework utilizing templates and mod-rewrite that I've used for other sites. Is this an easy fix that I'm just not grasping? Any suggestions?

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  • Can non-IT people handle a wiki?

    - by Andrew Heath
    (I'm hoping that some of you will have encountered this issue before and can offer some insights...) My company is looking to improve their market research data management. Current data management style: "Hey Jimbo, where's that picture of our WhatZit 2.0? "yeah I remember that email about that company from that guy, gimme a few minutes to search my Outlook" "who has the newest copy of the Important Competitor's product catalogue? Mine is from '09." ... "Colleen does, and she's on maternity leave. You'll have to call her to get her workstation password..." Desired data management style: data organized neatly by topic (legal, economic, industrial, competitor) for each topic, multiple media types stored together (company product images, press releases, contact info) but still neatly sorted by type data editing histories communal access (no data silos) I was thinking about setting up a department wiki for all users to access. It seems to satisfy the four criteria above, but I'm a little concerned about how user-friendly (read: decipherable to non-technical people) it is for the more advanced features like image galleries, article formatting, and the like. Has anyone here setup a wiki for non-IT people and had it not catch on fire//become a ghost town//look like Geocities? Bonus question: can you see any obvious drawbacks to my choice of MediaWiki (or any other wiki) for solving this problem? Thank you.

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  • Recommendations for finding part-time consultancy work

    - by Mark Heath
    Although I have a full-time development job, I have occasionally done some part-time paid work in evenings / weekends for various people who have contacted me as a result of open-source projects I have worked on. It's a nice way to earn a bit of extra cash, but obviously it is not always available. My question is, what is a good way of getting your name out there to do some small projects? I have seen a few programmers-for-hire type websites, but I don't know which I can trust or whether there are too many people willing to work for very low prices. Also, being UK based, I would want something which did not assume I have a US bank account.

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  • Best Practices for serializing/persisting String Object Dictionary entities

    - by Mark Heath
    I'm noticing a trend towards using a dictionary of string to object (or sometimes string to string), instead of strongly typed objects. For example, the new Katana project makes heavy use of IDictionary<string,object>. This approach avoids the need to continually update your entity classes/DTOs and the database tables that persist them with new properties. It also avoids the need to create new derived entity types to support new types of entity, since the Dictionary is flexible enough to store any arbitrary properties. Here's a contrived example: class StorageDevice { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } } class NetworkShare : StorageDevice { public string Path { get; set; } public string LoginName { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } } class CloudStorage : StorageDevice { public string ServerUri { get; set } public string ContainerName { get; set; } public int PortNumber { get; set; } public Guid ApiKey { get; set; } } versus: class StorageDevice { public IDictionary<string, object> Properties { get; set; } } Basically I'm on the lookout for any talks, books or articles on this approach, so I can pick up on any best practices / difficulties to avoid. Here's my main questions: Does this approach have a name? (only thing I've heard used so far is "self-describing objects") What are the best practices for persisting these dictionaries into a relational database? Especially the challenges of deserializing them successfully with strongly typed languages like C#. Does it change anything if some of the objects in the dictionary are themselves lists of strongly typed entities? Should a second dictionary be used if you want to temporarily store objects that are not to be persisted/serialized across a network, or should you use some kind of namespacing on the keys to indicate this?

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  • "The site's security certificate is not trusted!" on every SSL page?

    - by Isaac Waller
    I'm using the latest Chrome dev build on Mac OS X. Recently, I've been getting this message on any HTTPS webpage when I visit it the first time: The site's security certificate is not trusted! You attempted to reach, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which Google Chrome cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications. You should not proceed, especially if you have never seen this warning before for this site. Why is this here, and how can I fix it? It may be because of my development build, but many other people use the dev version also, and I expect it would be fixed quicker then this.

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  • Some DHCP clients end up with wrong DNS server

    - by Nic Waller
    The scenario: DC running Windows Server 2008 R2 providing DNS + DHCP Cisco 1811 Router as the gateway 30 Windows XP DHCP clients on the LAN The problem: Some workstations are spontaneously switching to an incorrect DNS server. Specifically, ipconfig /all shows that they start using the gateway as a DNS server. This happens about 5-10 times a day to various computers, sometimes more than once per day. The workaround: Repairing the connection on the XP client always fixes the problem, and the correct DNS server address is obtained. We lost our main DNS/DHCP machine a week ago, and had to bring this one online as a spare. We've been having this issue since then. DHCP leases on the old and new servers are configured for "wired" (8 day) duration. There are definitely no other DHCP servers active on the LAN. So far there is no discernible pattern about which clients will show this problem, or when. When I ran DCDIAG /test:DNS it came back clean. Manual inspection of the DNS zone shows that all the records are appearing as expected, with no traces of the previous machine in there. Update Feb 27: Added screenshots. Here is a screenshot of the DHCP scope options on the 2008 R2 server. And here is a screenshot of ipconfig /all running on a healthy host. I don't have any ailing hosts at the moment, but will grab a screencap next time it happens. Update Feb 28: More screenshots. Here's a screenshot of DHCP and DNS traffic from a healthy client when repairing the local area connection. There's definitely only one server responding, but it does seem strange that the negotiation takes place twice. I'll try to get a similar capture from a sick machine this coming week. Update Mar 01: Caught a bad ipconfig. Here's a screenshot of ipconfig /all from a client that had this issue. It says the lease was issued this morning, but it doesn't even have an entry for the secondary DNS I set up yesterday. Both DNS servers were discovered properly when repairing the connection. Update Mar 01: It even got the sysadmin! This issue finally affected my personal workstation this morning. Unfortunately I had just rebooted and wasn't running a packet dump at the time. I set up a secondary server yesterday, and was logging all DNS traffic to it. My machine had not contacted the secondary DNS in over half an hour, so that says to me that it's just spontaneously reverting to the gateway without even failing over to secondary DNS first. Today I swapped the order of the DNS servers in DHCP, so the secondary is primary and vice versa. I will update again once I know how that goes.

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  • 3.5mm headphone jack -> Component video?

    - by Isaac Waller
    Hello, I have a strange cord that has a male 3.5mm headphone jack on one side, and some component video and audio ouputs on the other. When I plug the headphone side into my computer, and the other side into my TV, I get audio across the cable, but no video. How can I send some video over the headphone jack in OS X? I know you can, because this cable is actually for a Beyblade toy and it somehow transferred video over this cable. Thanks, Isaac I think I found some more information (from Wikipedia:) "A four conductor version (of a 3.5mm headphone jack) is becoming a de facto standard output connector for compact camcorders, providing stereo sound plus a video signal." So how can I do this on Mac?

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  • "A copy of Firefox is already open. Only one copy of Firefox can be open at a time."

    - by Isaac Waller
    I cannot start Firefox on my Mac. It just says "A copy of Firefox is already open. Only one copy of Firefox can be open at a time." I have tried restarting the computer. Any fixes? You have suggested deleting the lock files in my profile, but, I don't have a profile. I was trying to fix the problem in question by deleting my profile, so I deleted it, and this came up. So I cannot delete the lock files because they don't exist.

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  • Open "play" button links on in SweetFM

    - by Isaac Waller
    I use SweetFM on my Mac (running OS X Leopard) to play (and export) music. But I find it annoying I have to look at the station on the website (in Safari 4) and enter it in manually in SweetFM. How can I make it so the little "play" buttons () will open in SweetFM instead of in Safari?

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  • Set up a proxy on a remote Linux server?

    - by Isaac Waller
    In order to watch Hulu and other sites which are not available in my region (Canada). I would like to set up my own proxy server in the USA on a Linode for my Macbook running Mac OS X. On my Macbook, I would like to set up the proxy server in the OS, instead of the browser so all apps use it. I believe Mac OS X supports HTTP and SOCKS proxies. What type of proxy should I use, and what server software should I use on the Linux machine?

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