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  • Livre gratuit à télécharger : Kanban et Scrum, par Henrik Kniberg et Mattias Skarin, traduit en fran

    Bonjour, Une traduction de Kanban and Scrum - making the most of both de Henrik Kniberg et Mattias Skarin publié par InfoQ a été faite bénévolement par Claude Aubry, Frédéric Faure, Antoine Vernois, et Fabrice Aimetti. Vous pouvez donc le télécharger gratuitement sur l'hébergement dédié aux contributions d'Henrik. Prochainement vous pourrez également le consulter entièrement en ligne Et bien sur, un grand merci aux 4 traducteurs pour c...

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  • ARM TechCon 2013: Oracle Summary from Henrik Stahl

    - by hinkmond
    Henrik Stahl posted a good blog post summary of Oracle's involvement at last week's ARM TechCon 2013 in Santa Clara, Calif. Lots of new and interesting items to note from this year's conference. See: ARM TechCon 2013 Summary Here's a quote: If you have been following Java news, you are already aware of the fact that there has been a lot of investment in Java for ARM-based devices and servers over the last couple of years... Good stuff related to Java Embedded on ARM chips, but even better stuff coming soon... Stay tuned. Hinkmond

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  • Why won't ruby recognize Haml under ubuntu64 while using jekyll static blog generator?

    - by oldmanjoyce
    I have been trying, quite unsuccessfully, to run henrik's fork of the jekyll static blog generator on Ubuntu 64-bit. I just can't seem to figure this out and I've tried a bunch of different things. Originally I posted this over at stackoverflow, but this is probably the better spot for it. The base stats of my machine: Ubuntu 9.04, 64 bit, ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [x86_64-linux], rubygems 1.3.1. When I attempt to build the site, this is what happens: $ jekyll --pygments Configuration from ./_config.yml Using Sass for CSS generation You must have the haml gem installed first Using rdiscount for Markdown Building site: . - ./_site /home/chris/.gem/gems/henrik-jekyll-0.5.2/bin/../lib/jekyll/core_ext.rb:27:in `method_missing': undefined method 'header' for #, page=# ..... cut ..... (NoMethodError) from (haml):9:in `render' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/haml-2.2.3/lib/haml/engine.rb:167:in 'render' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/haml-2.2.3/lib/haml/engine.rb:167:in 'instance_eval' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/haml-2.2.3/lib/haml/engine.rb:167:in 'render' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/henrik-jekyll-0.5.2/bin/../lib/jekyll/convertible.rb:72:in 'render_haml_in_context' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/henrik-jekyll-0.5.2/bin/../lib/jekyll/convertible.rb:105:in 'do_layout' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/henrik-jekyll-0.5.2/bin/../lib/jekyll/post.rb:226:in 'render' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/henrik-jekyll-0.5.2/bin/../lib/jekyll/site.rb:172:in 'read_posts' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/henrik-jekyll-0.5.2/bin/../lib/jekyll/site.rb:171:in 'each' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/henrik-jekyll-0.5.2/bin/../lib/jekyll/site.rb:171:in 'read_posts' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/henrik-jekyll-0.5.2/bin/../lib/jekyll/site.rb:210:in 'transform_pages' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/henrik-jekyll-0.5.2/bin/../lib/jekyll/site.rb:126:in 'process' from /home/chris/.gem/gems/henrik-jekyll-0.5.2/bin/jekyll:135 from /home/chris/.gem/bin/jekyll:19:in `load' from /home/chris/.gem/bin/jekyll:19 I added spaces to the left of the ClosedStruct to enable better visibility - sorry that my inline html/formatting isn't perfect. I also cut out some middle text that is just data. $ gem list *** LOCAL GEMS *** actionmailer (2.3.4) actionpack (2.3.4) activerecord (2.3.4) activeresource (2.3.4) activesupport (2.3.4) classifier (1.3.1) directory_watcher (1.2.0) haml (2.2.3) haml-edge (2.3.27) henrik-jekyll (0.5.2) liquid (2.0.0) maruku (0.6.0) open4 (0.9.6) rack (1.0.0) rails (2.3.4) rake (0.8.7) rdiscount (1.3.5) RedCloth (4.2.2) stemmer (1.0.1) syntax (1.0.0) Some showing for path verification: $ echo $PATH /home/chris/.gem/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games $ which haml /home/chris/.gem/bin/haml $ which jekyll /home/chris/.gem/bin/jekyll

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  • Should we use RSS or Atom for feed generation?

    - by Henrik Söderlund
    For various reasons we are required to add feeds to our product. The main reason is to be able to say to potential buyers that "yes, we have feeds". We do not actually expect the feature to be used that much. Ideally we would like to provide both RSS and Atom feeds. However, at the moment we are severely pressed for time and are forced to select just one of these. Should we use Atom or RSS? Feature-wise we are fine with either, so I am only looking for information about the popularity and support for the various formats. Are there many feed readers out there without Atom support?

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  • Non breaking space in XAML vs. code

    - by Henrik Söderlund
    This works fine, and correctly inserts non-breaking spaces into the string: <TextBlock Text="Non&#160;Breaking&#160;Text&#160;Here"></TextBlock> But what I really need is to replace spaces with non-breaking spaces during data binding. So I wrote a simple value converter that replaces spaces with "&#160;". It does indeed replace spaces with "&#160;" but "&#160;" is displayed literally instead of showing as a non-breaking space. This is my converter: public class SpaceToNbspConverter : IValueConverter { #region IValueConverter Members public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { return value.ToString().Replace(" ", "&#160;"); } public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion } Does anybody know why it works in XAML, but not in code? /Henrik

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  • Ensure exclusive access to webservice

    - by Henrik P. Hessel
    Just to be on the safe side, what's the best practice to ensure that only my application has access to my webservice, which is hosted on a public server? Should I implement I shared key or something? My webservice is hosted on Googles App Engine and my Application runs on iPhones and iPads. If you need further information, just ask. Thanks, Henrik

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  • Smartest way to draw 100+ images on screen

    - by Henrik
    Hello all, First of all I'm a newbie when it comes to Android programming. So if this question is totally stupid please delete it ASAP :-). Question: I'm going to draw a grid of 10x10 PNG images. Each image is 32x32 px. All of the images are unique. I'm thinking that the easiest way seems to be to put each image in an ImageView. If adding all ImageView's to the layout would this give me some kind of performance hit? Would there be any smarter way to draw these images? Thanks. / Henrik

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  • Non-printing characters in Word 2011 not showing even when enabled

    - by Henrik Söderlund
    I have a document I work on often, my resume. I have created a few different styles that I use and for some reason the non-printing characters have stopped showing properly. I have the option enabled (the reversed P) and the proper settings in the preferences checked. Here is a screenshot of the current view: basically, only the tab stops and the returns are showing. Upon doing an experiment by creating a new document, all characters (especially the spaces) show up nicely: I can copy this line and paste it into my resume document and it shows up there too. It seems my styles are doing something...

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  • Need to transfer large video from Camera!-app to computer

    - by Henrik Söderlund
    I have a jailbroken iPhone 4S and am trying to transfer a 25minute long HD-video that I have recorded through SmugMug's Camera-Awesome (Camera!) app. Once recorded in the app, it stays within that app's interface until you choose to save it via the app onto the camera roll. When trying this option, the app just stalls, even when leaving it for an hour plus. I assume the video is too large to copy. I am trying the iExplorer app on my MacBookAir. I can find the Documents folder inside the Camera!-folder. But as soon as I access it to view the contents, it simply stalls the app completely. Probably after trying to read the enormous video. Is there a clever way to transfer this file onto the computer? I can use iFile on the iPhone to transfer through wifi, but I don't know the Camera! app's Documents folder location on the file system.

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  • ARM TechCon 2013: Oracle, ARM expand collaboration on servers, Internet of Things

    - by Henrik Stahl
    If you have been following Java news, you are already aware of the fact that there has been a lot of investment in Java for ARM-based devices and servers over the last couple of years (news, more news, even more, and lots more). We have released Java ME Embedded binaries for ARM Cortex-M micro controllers, Java SE Embedded for ARM application processors, and a port of the Oracle JDK for ARM-based servers. We have been making Java available to the Beagleboard, Raspberry Pi and Lego Mindstorms/LeJOS communities and worked with them and the Java User Groups to evangelize Java as a great development environment for IoT devices. We have announced commercial relationships with Freescale, Qualcomm, Gemalto M2M, SIMCom to name a few. ARM and Freescale on their side have joined the JCP, recently been voted in as members of the Executive Committee, and have worked with Oracle to evangelize Java in their ecosystem. It is with this background, Nandini Ramani, Vice President, Java Platform at Oracle, announced a expanded collaboration with ARM in a TechCon 2013 keynote titled "Enabling Compelling Services for IoT". To summarize the announcement: ARM and Oracle will work together on interoperability between the ARM Sensinode communications stack (based on CoAP, DTLS and 6LoWPAN) and Oracle's Java ME, Java SE and middleware products. ARM will donate the Sensinode CoAP protocol engine to OpenJDK to stimulate broad adoption of the CoAP protocol, and work with Oracle to extend the relevant Java specifications with CoAP support. CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) is an IETF specification that provides a low-bandwidth request/response protocol suitable for IoT applications. ARM will work with Oracle and Freescale to enable the mbed Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) to act as a portability layer for Java ME Embedded. Oracle will enable mbed as a tier one platform for Java ME Embedded. Over time, this effort will allow any mbed-enabled platforms (mostly based on Cortex-M microcontrollers) to work with off the shelf Java ME Embedded binaries, extending the reach of Java ME into IoT edge nodes. In Nandini's keynote, Oracle showed a roadmap to port the Oracle JDK for Linux on 64-bit ARMv8 servers in the 2015 time frame, preceded by an extended early access program. We expect this binary to have full feature parity with Oracle JDK on other platforms, and be available under the same royalty-free license. This effort has been going on for some time, but is now accelerated due to availability of hardware from Applied Micro. Oracle will be working with Applied Micro on the ARMv8 port, and on optimizing Java for their X-Gene products. Oracle and ARM will work closely on IoT architecture, and on evangelizing Java on ARM for both servers and IoT devices. These announcements reinforce Java's position as a first-class citizen in the ARM ecosystem, and signal a commitment from us to collaborate on driving standards and open ecosystem for the Internet of Things. If you are active in this area and not already in touch with us, or interested in learning more - please reach out to us!

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  • Oracle releases Java SE 7 Update 7, and Java SE 6 Update 35

    - by Henrik Stahl
    This morning, Oracle released updates to JDK 6 and 7. For more information on these releases see: Security Alert for CVE-2012-4681 Released Release notes Oracle recommends that users apply these updates as soon as possible. Users of Oracle JRE 6 and 7 for Windows (32-bit) and the recently released JRE 7 for Mac OSX (64-bit) will be updated automatically. For more information see, this blog entry.

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  • Oracle Response to Apache Departure from JCP

    - by Henrik Ståhl
    Last month Oracle renominated Apache to the Java Executive Committee because we valued their active participation and perspective on Java. Earlier this week, by an overwhelming majority, the Java Executive Committee voted to move Java forward by formally initiating work on both Java SE 7 and SE 8 based on their technical merits. Apache voted against initiating technical committee work on both SE 7 and SE 8, effectively voting against moving Java forward. Now, despite supporting the technical direction, Apache have announced that they are quitting the Executive Committee. Oracle has a responsibility to move Java forward and to maintain the uniformity of the Java standard for the millions of Java developers and the majority of Executive Committee members agree. We encourage Apache to reconsider its position and remain a part of the process to move Java forward. ASF and many open source projects within it are an important part of the overall Java ecosystem. Adam Messinger, Vice President of Development

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  • Oracle releases new Java Embedded products

    - by Henrik Stahl
    With less than one week to go to JavaOne 2012, we've spiced things up a little by releasing not one but two net new embedded Java products. This is an important step towards realizing the vision of Java as the standard platform for the Internet of Things that I outlined in a recent blog post. The two new products are: Java ME Embedded 3.2. Based on same code as the widely deployed Oracle Java Wireless Client for feature phones, this new product provides a Java ME implementation optimized for very small microcontroller-based devices and adds - among other things - a new Device Access API that enables interaction with peripherals common in edge devices such as various types of sensors. In addition to the new Java ME Embedded platform, we have also released an update of the Java ME SDK which adds support for the development of small embedded devices. Java Embedded Suite 7.0. This is an integrated middleware stack for embedded devices, incorporating Java SE Embedded and versions of JavaDB, GlassFish and a Web Services stack optimized for remote operation and small footprint. A typical Internet of Things (or M2M) infrastructure contains three types of compute nodes: The edge device which is typically a sensor or control point of some kind. These devices can be connected directly to a backend through a mobile network if they are installed in - for example - a remote vending machine; or, they can be part of a local short-range network and be connected to the backend through a more powerful gateway device. A gateway is the second type of compute node and acts as an aggregator and control point for a local network. A good example of this could be a generalized home Internet access point, or home gateway. Gateways are mostly using normal wall power and are used for multiple applications, deployed by multiple service providers. Finally, the last type of compute node is the normal enterprise or cloud backend. Java ME Embedded and Java Embedded Suite are perfect base software stacks for the edge devices and the gateway respectively, providing the Java promise of a platform independent runtime and a complete set of libraries as well as allowing a programmer to focus on the business logic rather than plumbing. We are very thrilled with these new releases that open up exciting opportunities for Java developers to extend services and enterprise applications in ways that will make organizations more efficient and touch our daily lives. To find out more, come to the JavaOne conference (for technical content) and to the Java Embedded @ JavaOne subconference (for business content). There will be plenty of cool demos showing complete end-to-end applications, provided by Oracle and our partners, as well as keynotes and numerous sessions where you can learn more about the technology and business opportunities.

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  • DHCP server with multiple interfaces on ubuntu, destroys default gateway

    - by Henrik Alstad
    I use Ubuntu, and I have many interfaces. eth0, which is my internet connection, and it gets its info from a DHCP-server totally outisde of my control. I then have eth1,eth2,eth3 and eth4 which I have created a DHCP-server for.(ISC DHCP-Server) It seems to work, and I even get an IP-address from the foreign DHCP-server on the internet facing interface. However, for some reason it seems my gateway for eth0 became screwed after I installed my local DHCP-server for eth1-eth4. (I think so because I got an IP for eth0, and I can ping other stuff on the local network, but I cannot get access to the internet). My eth0-specific info in /etc/network/interfaces: auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp auto eth1 iface eth1 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway mtu 8192 auto eth2 iface eth2 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway mtu 8192 My /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server: INTERFACES="eth1 eth2 eth3 eth4" So why does my local DHCP-server fuck up the gateway for eth0, when I tell it not to listen to eth0? Anyone see the problem or what I can do to fix it? The problem seems indeed to be the gateways. "netstat -nr" gives: --- 10.X.X.X ---- --- UG 0 0 0 eth3 It should have been 129.2XX.X.X UG 0 0 0 eth0 So for some reason, my local DHCP-server overrides the gateway I get from the network DHCP. Edit: dhcp.conf looks like this(I included info only for eth1 subnet): ddns-update-style none; not authoritative; subnet netmask { interface eth1; option domain-name ""; option domain-name-servers,; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; range; host camera1_1 { hardware ethernet 00:30:53:11:24:6E; fixed-address; } host camera2_1 { hardware ethernet 00:30:53:10:16:70; fixed-address; } } Also, it seems that the gateway is correctly set if I run "/etc/init.d/networking restart" in a terminal, but that's not helpful for me, I need the correct gateway to be set during startup, and i'd rather find the source of the problem

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  • Does heavy library and snippet codes usage make you a bad programmer?

    - by Henrik P.
    Overall I'm in programming for about 8 years now and it seems to me that I'm relying more and more on open source libraries and snippets (damn you GitHub!) to "get the job done". I know that in time I could write me own implementation but I like to focus on the overall design. Is this normal (non cooperate environment)? Does it make you a bad programmer if "programming" is nothing more than cluing different libraries together. Feels like it. I know about "don't reinvent the wheel" but what happens when you don't invent a single wheel anymore. What's your take on this?

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  • Java 7 Adoption at 79%

    - by Henrik Stahl
    According to a recent blog post from the cloud hosting company Jelastic, Java 7 adoption on their platform is now at 79%. While this is a single data point and should not be read too broadly, it does match other indicators we have that Java 7 is picking up, such as uptake among Oracle middleware customers, download statistics and online activity. The spike in adoption in April coincided with the release of JDK 7 Update 4. This is in line with our expectations since that release added Mac OS X support as well as moving to Java 7 as the default download for end-users; two events that marked the maturity of Java 7 to the community. Since the original release of Java 7, Oracle has shipped 7 update releases, added ports to Mac OSX and Linux/ARM and expanded JavaFX to all common desktop platforms.

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  • JDK 7 Feature Complete Milestone Reached

    - by Henrik Ståhl
    The JDK 7 project has reached Feature Complete (FC). This means that development and QA have finished all planned feature and test development work in the release and are moving the focus to testing and bug fixing on all supported JDK 7 platforms. This is a major step towards JDK 7 General Availability (GA) and implies that we are tracking close to the plan published on (The original plan was FC on 12/16. We hit this less than a week late, but verifying that everything was done in time took a couple of weeks due to the intervening holidays.) The definition of the FC milestone allows for exceptions to be integrated later. There are very few such exceptions in the project, the most prominent being updated JAXP/JAXB/JAX-WS and integration of the enhanced JMX agent from JRockit. Our project management does not expect the exceptions to have any negative impact on the release plan. The project may still be delayed if the Expert Groups for the JSRs included in Java SE 7 (203, 292, 334, 336) decide to introduce changes which cannot be accomodated within the existing schedule. Apart from that caveat, Oracle remains confident with the published plan.

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  • Dell Synaptics touch pad's middle mouse button gets mapped as normal click

    - by Henrik
    How do I make the middle touch pad's button work? xinput --test 11 yields button press 1 button press 1 For pressing both the left and the middle button. I have tried to do xinput set-button-map 11 1 4 2 and so on, but as the --test shows that button 1 is being depressed, then probably the issue is at a lower level than with X11's perception of what mouse buttons I'm pressing (or assigning button-map 11 1 2 3 and clicking the right button in firefox, wouldn't trigger the middle-click on the link)

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  • Dell Synaptics touchpad's middle mouse button gets mapped as normal click

    - by Henrik
    How do I make the middle touchpad's button work? xinput --test 11 yields button press 1 button press 1 For pressing both the left and the middle button. I have tried to do xinput set-button-map 11 1 4 2 and so on, but as the --test shows that button 1 is being depressed, then probably the issue is at a lower level than with X11's perception of what mouse buttons I'm pressing (or assigning button-map 11 1 2 3 and clicking the right button in firefox, wouldn't trigger the middle-click on the link)

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  • Oracle and Cavium to work together on Java SE 8 on 64-bit ARMv8

    - by Henrik Stahl
    We have been working for some time on a standard Oracle JDK 8 port to the upcoming introduction of 64-bit servers based on the new ARMv8 micro architecture. At ARM TechCon 2013 in Santa Clara, California, we announced a roadmap with an expected GA in 2015. This project is going very well and is ahead of schedule. We will soon be at the point where we will make binaries available outside of Oracle - first in a managed beta program with select customers/partners, and sometime during the fall of 2014 as a public early access program. Unless something changes, we are looking at a early 2015 GA. We should be able to share a detailed ramp down and GA plan by JavaOne 2014. One of the things we (obviously) need to produce a high-quality port is hardware for development and QA. We are therefore happy to announce that we will be collaborating with Cavium on this project. Cavium has been a supporter of the Java ecosystem for a long time and we have numerous joint customers running various Java versions on Cavium MIPS and ARM-based hardware. Cavium has now agreed to provide us with development hardware and engineering resources so that we can certify and optimize the initial Oracle JDK 8 release on Cavium's ThunderX hardware. This is expected to improve quality and performance of JDK 8 on ARMv8 in general, as well as on Cavium's hardware. For more information: Cavium announcement on the ThunderX product family Cavium announcement on Oracle collaboration As a reminder, we plan to release the Oracle JDK 8 port to 64-bit ARMv8 under the royalty-free (for general purpose servers etc) Binary Code License, but we have no current plans to open source it.

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  • Oracle JDK 7u10 released with new security features

    - by Henrik Stahl
    A few days ago, we released JRE and JDK 7 update 10. This release adds support for the following new platforms: Windows 8 on x86-64. Note that Modern UI (aka Metro) mode is not supported. Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8. Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) This release also introduces new features that provide enhanced security for Java applet and webstart applications, specifically: The Java runtime tracks if it is updated to the latest security baseline. If you try to execute an unsigned applet with an outdated version of Java, a warning dialog will prompt you to update before running the applet. The Java runtime includes a hardcoded best before date. It is assumed that a new version will be released before this date. If the client has not been able to check for an update prior to this date, the Java runtime will assume that it is insecure and start warning the user prior to executing any applets. The Java control panel now includes an option to set the desired security level on a low-medium-high-very high scale, as well as an option to disable Java applets and webstart entirely. This level controls things such as if the Java runtime is allowed to execute unsigned code, and if so what type of warning will be displayed to the user. More details on the security settings can be found in the documentation. See below for a sample screenshot. The new update of the JRE and the JDK are available via OTN. To learn more about the release please visit the release notes.

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  • Why is <my site url> not indexed by search engines? [closed]

    - by Henrik Erlandsson
    was indexed fine until about a year ago. The only thing I can think of is that search engines throw up at using h5 before h4, or that some person (fantasizing now) has reported my site as unsafe to every search engine. However, I'm not here to speculate. The site validates, and has an RSS feed on the front page, for Pat Morita's sake! To me, it looks like the kind of site search engines would feast on. It's got more than a dozen blogs on it, if nothing else. Hah. :) I was thinking you could identify basically what has changed in search engines (currently, google, yahoo, bing which used to work fine) the last year to make them not find news and blog articles on this site. The site was submitted to Google, oh, way back in 2006. With online crawler tests I get mixed results, some crawlers index fine, some go blank. I don't really know which ones are reliable and am looking to you guys for advice on that. Yes, I am prepared to again verify my site with Google and upload a sitemap, but that's not the topic here. I really would first like to know what change on the site last year could make search engines not index it. (Yees, the robots.txt is fine. Should be nothing to discourage bots there.) It's a very intriguing problem. One which I have yet to find the reason for but would like to know the reason for. Any and all input appreciated, but I would heavily enjoy pertinent advice the most. ;) Edit: Some google searches that don't show up include - aca630 All of which are posted in the news and blogs that are on the front page there. Now, these search terms are extremely specific as the term in is almost unique on the web and ACA630 is also a very qualified search term that can't be confused with mainstream search terms.

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  • SSH password entered too many times Connection refused

    - by Ole Henrik Skogstrøm
    I tried connecting to my new installed Ubuntu 12 server via SSH and I was asked for my password. (I had used "myusername@ipadress" to connect) After entering the right password a few times (with no luck; access denied) I started getting an error directly telling me that the connection was refused without asking me for a password anymore. It seems like I have managed to blacklist myself. It has been like this for about 2 hours now, is there a quick solution for this?

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