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  • IASA South East Florida Chapter – November 2012 Meeting

    - by Rainer Habermann
    After a short introduction by Rainer Habermann and announcements for the chapter and promoting the upcoming IASA IFC Certification Class in January 2013 at Citrix, the audience was exited to welcome Jesus Rodriquez for the main presentation about “Mobilizing the Enterprise”.       Jesus is a co-founder and CEO of both Tellago Studios and Tellago, two fast growing start-ups with a unique vision around software technology. Jesus spends his days working on the technology and strategic vision of both companies. Under his leadership, Tellago and Tellago Studios have been recognized as an innovator in the areas of enterprise software and solutions achieving important awards like the Inc500, American Business Awards’ American and International Business Awards. A software scientist by background, Jesus is an internationally recognized speaker and author with contributions that include hundreds of articles and sessions at industry conferences. Jesus serves as an advisor to several software companies such as Microsoft and Oracle, and is the only person who holds both the Microsoft MVP and Oracle ACE awards. Jesus introduced the architecture of the Enterprise Mobile Backend as a service, integrating enterprise mobile applications with corporate line of business systems and providing robust backend capabilities represent some of the major challenges in today’s enterprise mobility solutions. The mobile consumer space has seen the emergence of backend as a service technologies as one of the main mechanisms for enabling backend capabilities in mobile applications. This session introduced the concept of mobile backend as a service (MBaaS) as the fundamental enabler of the next generation enterprise mobile applications. The session further explored the fundamental components and services of a mBaaS platform that makes it an ideal option for enabling backend capabilities in enterprise mobile applications. Using real world examples. Jesus demonstrated how mBaaS represents an agile and extremely simple model to integrate mobile applications with corporate systems. Thank you very much to Jesus Rodriquez for an outstanding presentation, Peak 10 Data Centers for hosting our meeting, and to TEK Systems for Snacks. Pictures taken by Ted Harwood.   Rainer Habermann President IASA SE Florida Chapter

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  • Linq to SQL not inserting data onto the DB

    - by Jesus Rodriguez
    Hello! I have a little / weird behaviour here and Im looking over internet and SO and I didn't find a response. I have to admit that this is my first time using databases, I know how to use them with SQL but never used it actually. Anyway, I have a problem with my app inserting data, I just created a very simple project for testing that and no solution yet. I have an example database with Sql Server Id - int (identity primary key) Name - nchar(10) (not null) The table is called "Person", simple as pie. I have this: static void Main(string[] args) { var db = new ExampleDBDataContext {Log = Console.Out}; var jesus = new Person {Name = "Jesus"}; db.Persons.InsertOnSubmit(jesus); db.SubmitChanges(); var query = from person in db.Persons select person; foreach (var p in query) { Console.WriteLine(p.Name); } } As you can see, nothing extrange. It show Jesus in the console. But if you see the table data, there is no data, just empty. I comment the object creation and insertion and the foreach doesn't print a thing (normal, there is no data in the database) The weird thing is that I created a row in the database manually and the Id was 2 and no 1 (Was the linq really playing with the database but it didn't create the row?) There is the log: INSERT INTO [dbo].Person VALUES (@p0) SELECT CONVERT(Int,SCOPE_IDENTITY()) AS [value] -- @p0: Input NChar (Size = 10; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Jesus] -- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2005) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 3.5.30729.4926 SELECT [t0].[Id], [t0].[Name] FROM [dbo].[Person] AS [t0] -- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2005) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 3.5.30729.4926 I am really confused, All the blogs / books use this kind of snippet to insert an element to a database. Thank you for helping.

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  • I write barely functional scripts that tend to not be resuable and make the baby jesus cry. Please h

    - by maxxpower
    I received a request to add around 100 users to a linux box the users are already in ldap so I can't just use newusers and point it at a text file. Another admin is taking care of the ldap piece so all I have to do is create all the home directories and chown them to the correct user once he adds the users to the box. creating the directories isn't a problem, but I'd like a more elegant script for chowning them to the correct user. what I have currently basically looks like chown -R testuser1 testgroup1 /home/tetsuser1; chown -R testuser2 testgroup2 /home/testgroup2; chown -R testsuser3 testgroup1 /home/testuser3 bascially I took the request that the user name and group name popped it into excel added a column of "chown -R" to the front, then added a column of "/", copied and pasted the username column after it and then added a column of ";" and dragged it down to the second to last row. Popped it into notepad ran some quick find and replaces and in less than a minute I have a completed request and a sad empty feeling. I know this was a really ghetto method and I'm trying to get away from using excel to avoid learning new scripting techniques so here's my real question. tl;dr I made 100 home directories and chowned them to the correct users, but it was ugly. Actual question below. You have a file named idlist that looks like this (only with say 1000 users and real usernames and groups) testuser1 testgroup1 testuser2 testgroup2 testuser3 testgroup1 write a script that creates home directories for all the users and chowns the created directories to the correct user and group. To make the directories I used the following(feel free to flame/correct me on this as well. ) var= 'cut -f1 -d" " idlist' (I used backticks not apostrophes around the cut command) mkdir $var

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  • I cannot format my PC

    - by Jesus Buelna
    I have a Toshiba Satellite(1) l505 6gb RAM, 6.00GB hard disk.Initially I have problem with another satellite(2) I had (mother board problem). I took my Laptop to a technician and cost a lot of money (almost as much as buying new one). So, since I have HDD problems with the first one(1) I decided to use the hard disk of the other one(2). I formatted the HDD and erased the partitions it had into 1 partition (or no partition). The problem is that when I try to format with the SO CD, in the screen, where I have to decide in which partition I want to install the SO, the only one option I have says "unallocated partition and I receive this message "Windows cannot install the SO in this partition, run files do not existed or maybe corrupted" When I erased the disk with Parted Magic, Did I erased any files needed for running the installing disk? I don't know. Is it possible to fixed or reinstate the disk to install the OS? By the way, I checked the disk physical health with Parted Magic, and it is OK. One more thing when I erased the disc to 0, I used the safety option offered by the Parted Magic.Need help please.

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  • Different database for Membership and our web data or use just one?

    - by Jesus Rodriguez
    Is better to keep our Membership stuff on the DefaultConnection and create another connection (another database) for our data? Or just one database for all? If I have a MyAppContext and I want migrations for that context, It seems that I cannot have migrations for UserContext (In other words, I can just migrate one context) So, having two different databases I can migrate or the users (maybe membership migration is weird) or the web data. Or, I can mix the UserContext and MyAppContext in one UserAndAppContext and migrate all in one place, but this mixing also seems weird. What's the normal way to do this, one or two databases and what should be migrated?

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  • 12.04 kernel panic

    - by jesus
    Hello I'm having trouble with Ubuntu 12.04. I downloaded the ISO and burned it into a CD and tried to install Ubuntu, but during the installation process, I got this message Kernel panic-not syncing Attempted to kill init! pid:1,comm:init not tainted 3.2.0-23-generic-pae#36-ubunru then it says switching to console text, and it just hangs in there and nothing happens. I burned another CD with Ubuntu 10.04, but I get a different problem: Ubuntu just gets stuck at the splash screen with the 5 dots which move from red to white, and nothing happens. I was able to boot before with 10.04 but I recently upgraded my computer graphics card and power supply. please see my system specs. Gigabyte GA-M68M-S2P (rev. 2.3) GeForce 7025 Chipset Athalon II x4 640 QuadCore Radeon HD 6870 sapphire OCZ ModXStream Pro 600W Modular High Performance Power Supply 3 hard drives one is IDE and the other two SATA IDE DVD Drive If any one could help me, I'd be most appreciative. If it helps I tried the F6 option like acpi=off noapic nolapic nomodset but i still get kernel panic

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  • Blurry vertical sections using fglrx with Radeon hd 6970

    - by Jesus Ramos
    So I managed to get fglrx working by downloading the drivers from ATI because the ones from additional drivers boot to a black screen and the open source dont let me change resolution. My one issue is that half of my monitor is fine and the other half is blurry almost as if there's a blurry vertical stripe on the right side. I tried disabling Compiz and have the same issue in both gnome and kde, I was wondering if theres an xorg.conf change that could be made to fix this as I have already set the resolution and refresh rates to the correct values.

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  • How do you choose to use a specific programming language?

    - by Jesús Bracamonte
    I was having a small talk between teammates about how you choose a programming language for use in a project which lead me to think that there are many criteria to choose one in the beginning of a project but no real standard. Do you chose a programming language for the syntax and semantics? Or do you choose one because it has the best support to do certain things? Or because you have better libraries? Or do you choose it for the paradigm? What criteria do you use to choose one language when you are going to do a project?

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  • I cant install ubuntu 12.04 on my dell latitude d510

    - by Jose de Jesus
    I download the iso from and burned into a CD-R with the program in the page. The disc work right in my desktop but when i run it in my laptop appears another menu with the options prove ubuntu, install ubuntu, check the memory, check for errors, and run windows.When i try the option install appears in the screen "Ubuntu" in the center and littles points down (loading) and after 5 minutes the computer freeze. What can i do?

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  • https root webapp in jboss 5 through apache mod_proxy with ajp

    - by Jesus
    hi, i have apache 2.2.3 and jboss 5.1 installed in my server, in apache i have 2 apps in php+mysql and in jboss i have in the root app (/) liferay portal. i used mod_proxy to reach the jboss app : <VirtualHost server_ip:80> ServerName ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / balancer://jbosscluster/ ProxyPassReverse / http://server_ip:8080 </VirtualHost> but now i have to enable https only in, and i dont know where configure the ssl, in apache, jboss, both. i tried in jboss in the server.xml, generating a selfsigned certificate with keytool, but apache doesnt forward to https://server_ip:8443 i will appreciate your help.

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  • IIS Messing on Wordpress Permalinks or WP's fault?

    - by Jesus Rodriguez
    Hello, I had a problem and after some research I discovered the exactly point where is failing. Is not working, it says that the page cannot be found (404) Working as expected If you click on Home, it will says that the page cannot be found, if you try to preview a new post, it says that the page cannot be found... I can see every post btw. I run my blog on a Windows hosting using IIS. my permalink is this: /index.php/%postname% IIRC I had to use index.php because my IIS doesn't have URL rewriting. I have no problem with the index.php thing on the url, I have now a good SEO and I don't want to change my permalink but I Don't know why is not working now... just from one day to the next... It's a problem of WP or is just my host messing up? If is my blog, do you know what is causing this? (Just for create a concrete ticket about the exactly problem) Thank you.

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  • How to backup 20+TB of data?

    - by Jesus Fidalgo
    We have a NAS server at the company I work for that is being used for storing photography sessions. Each session is approximately 100gb. Over the last couple of years this server has accumulated 10+ TB of data, and we are increasing the amount of photoshoots exponentially. I estimate that by the end of next year we will have 20+ TB stored on this NAS. We are currently backing this server up to tape using LTO-5 tapes with Symantec BackupExec. Since the size of this server has grown, full backups of this server are not completing overnight. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to backup this amount of data? Should we be backing it up to tape? Are there any other options which may be better?

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  • Motherboard booting without RAM in Dimm1

    - by Jesus Ramos
    Is it possible to have a motherboard boot without placing RAM in the DIMM1 slot? Our new cooling solutions for motherboards are causing us issues where some boards that have RAM with raised heatsinks will not actually fit because the DIMM1 slot is partially blocked. Currently we mount the RAM in DIMM1 and DIMM3 because it's dual channel, are there any settings that can be changed on the BIOS to allow motherboard to boot without RAM in DIMM1 such as placing the RAM in DIMM2 and DIMM4?

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  • Installing VS2010 components with SP1 beta

    - by Jesus Rodriguez
    Hello, I hope this is the place for this kind of question. I have VS2010 ult with the Service Pack 1 beta installed. I want to play with F# and I need to install it. The problem is that because I have the SP1 installed, the VS DVD can't install the F# compiler. I click on add new feature, I click on F#, the installer says: "A selected drive is not longer valid. Please review your installation path settings before continuing with setup." Of course the path is correct and I can't change it anyway... I think that problem is because I have the SP1. I had the same problem in the past with VS2008 + SP1. What can I do? Uninstalling VS2010 is not an option, it take ages. Thank you.

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  • Debugging / troubleshooting .inf driver install in Windows

    - by Jesus Cuenca
    I'm trying to install a graphics driver in a laptop with Windows 7 but the setup fails with a timeout. I checked the setup log but it does not include any details about the .inf installation. It only shows the error code, which I searched only to find what I already knew (timeout error, no more details) I also checked the .inf file, but it has hundreds of lines so it's hard to guess which step is failing. So I'm wondering, is there some procedure to debug a .inf file? Like, having a detailed log of what happened after executing each line of the .inf Thanks!

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  • Spring-json problem in Liferay with Spring 2.5

    - by Jesus Benito
    Hi all, I am trying to use the library spring-json.1.3.1 in a project that has been done with Liferay 5.1.2 which includes Spring 2.5. Following the project website instructions, I managed to make the request hit in my controller, but at the moment of returning the json object back through the modelAndView object it fails with the following error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at com.liferay.portlet.MimeResponseImpl.setContentType( I have checked Liferays source code, and it checks that contentType that its being set is in a harcoded list,if it not it will throw a IllegalArgumentException that it is exactly what os happening. This is my view resolver code: <bean id="xmlFileViewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.XmlViewResolver"> /WEB-INF/context/views.xml 1 My views.xml code: <beans> <bean name="jsonView" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.json.JsonView"/> And my controller: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public ModelAndView handleRenderRequest(RenderRequest arg0, RenderResponse arg1) throws Exception { Map model = new HashMap(); model.put("firstname", "Peter"); model.put("secondname", "Schmitt"); return new ModelAndView("jsonView", model); } Any ideas?

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  • Stop Div from being affected by other css rules

    - by jesus
    I want a div on my page to have the id of header but because the nature of the site requires 3rd party code to be loaded into the page I want the header div to be unaffected by any css other than the css defined explicitly for it via #header { } Possible? I'd rather not use iframes to seperate it or anything like that.

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  • Firefox extension development firefox4

    - by Jesus Ramos
    So I've been working on updating old extensions for use with FF4 and Gecko 2 but I am having some issues where I am getting an error that says, classID missing or incorrect for component.... Has anyone else had a similar issue or know of how to get around this? function jsshellClient() { this.classDescription = "sdConnector JavaScript Shell Service"; this.classID = Components.ID("{54f7f162-35d9-524d-9021-965a3ba86366}"); this.contractID = ";1" this._xpcom_categories = [{category: "sd-service", entry: "jsshell"}]; = "jsshell"; this.prefs = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService) .getBranch("sdconnector.jsshell."); this.enabled = this.prefs.getBoolPref("enabled"); this.port = this.prefs.getIntPref("port"); this.loopbackOnly = this.prefs.getBoolPref("loopbackOnly"); this.backlog = this.prefs.getIntPref("backlog"); } jsshellClient.prototype = new session(); jsshellClient.prototype.constructor = jsshellClient; When calling generateNSGetFactory on the prototype for this it gives an error in the Error Console in FF4 complaining about the classID. I'm pretty sure that nothing else is using the same GUID so I don't see the problem.

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  • Join + IEqualityComparer<T> and HashCode

    - by Jesus Rodriguez
    Im writing my own LINQ reference but Im getting troubles with some of the more complicated operators implementations. There is a Join implementation that takes a IEqualityComparer Im getting just crazy. Im trying to understand it first before I write (obviously) Image this two lists: List<string> initials = new List<string> {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"}; List<string> words = new List<string> {"Ant", "Crawl", "Pig", "Boat", "Elephant", "Arc"}; Nothing weird here. I want to join both lists by the Initial, something like: Initial=A Word=Ant Initial=A Word=Arc Initial=B Word=Boat ... I need a comparator, I wrote this: public class InitialComparator : IEqualityComparer<string> { public bool Equals(string x, string y) { return x.StartsWith(y); } public int GetHashCode(string obj) { return obj[0].GetHashCode(); } } The Join itself: var blah = initials.Join(words, initial => initial, word => word, (initial, word) => new {Initial = initial, Word = word}, new InitialComparator()); It's the first time Im using HashCodes, after a good session of debugging I see that every word go to the comparator and look at its HashCode, if another word has the same HashCode it calls equals. Since I want to compare just the initial I though that I just need the first letter Hash (Am I wrong?) The thing is that this is not working correctly. Its says that "Ant" and "Arc" are equals, Ok, its comparing every word in the same list or not, But it adds only the last word it finds, in this case Arc, ignoring Ant and Ant is equals to "A" too... If I put "Ant" and "Ant" it add both. In short, What is the way of doing something like that? I know that Im doing something wrong. Thank you.

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  • Hibernate ManyToMany and superclass mapping problem

    - by Jesus Benito
    Hi all, I need to create a relation in Hibernate, linking three tables: Survey, User and Group. The Survey can be visible to a User or to a Group, and a Group is form of several Users. My idea was to create a superclass for User and Group, and create a ManyToMany relationship between that superclass and Survey. My problem is that Group, is not map to a table, but to a view, so I can't split the fields of Group among several tables -which would happen if I created a common superclass-. I thought about creating a common interface, but mapping to them is not allowed. I will probably end up going for a two relations solution (Survey-User and Survey-Group), but I don't like too much that approach. I thought as well about creating a table that would look like: Survey Id | ElementId | Type ElementId would be the Group or UserId, and the type... the type of it. Does anyone know how to achieve it using hibernate annotations? Any other ideas? Thanks a lot

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  • cannot delete from doubly linked list using visual studios in C

    - by Jesus Sanchez
    hello I am currently doing an assignment that is supposed to read in a file, use the information, and then print out another file. all using doubly linked list. Currently i am trying to just read in the file into a doubly linked list, print it out onto the screen and a file, and finally delete the list and close the program. The program works fine as long as I don't call the dlist_distroy function which is supposed to delete the string. as soon as I do it the program starts running and then a window pops up saying "Windows has triggered a breakpoint in tempfilter.exe. This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in tempfilter.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded. This may also be due to the user pressing F12 while tempfilter.exe has focus. The output window may have more diagnostic information." I have revised the destroy and remove functions and cant understand the problem. my program is the following main.c #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "dlinklist.h" #include "DlistElmt.h" #include "Dlist.h" #include "dlistdata.h" /**************************************************************************************************/ int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { FILE *ifp, *ofp; int hour, min; Dlist *list; DlistElmt *current=NULL, *element; float temp; list = (Dlist *)malloc(sizeof(list)); element = (DlistElmt *)malloc(sizeof(element)); if ( argc != 3 ) /* argc should be 3 for correct execution */ { /* We print argv[0] assuming it is the program name */ /* TODO: This is wrong, it should be: usage: %s inputfile outputfile */ printf( "usage: %s filename", argv[0] ); } else { // We assume argv[1] is a filename to open ifp = fopen( argv[1], "r" ); if (ifp == 0 ){ printf("Could not open file\n"); } else{ ofp = fopen(argv[2], "w"); dlist_init(list);//, (destroy)(hour, min, temp)); while (fscanf(ifp, "%d:%d %f ", &hour, &min, &temp) == 3) { current=list->tail; if(dlist_size(list)==0){ dlist_ins_prev(list, current, hour, min, temp); } else{ dlist_ins_next(list, current, hour, min, temp); } } current = list->head; while(current != NULL){ if(current==list->head){ current=current->next; } else if((current->temp > (current->prev->temp +5)) || (current->temp < (current->prev->temp -5))){ dlist_remove(list, current); current=current->next; } else current=current->next; } current = list->head; while(current != NULL){ printf("%d:%d %2.1lf\n" ,current->time, current->time2, current->temp ); fprintf(ofp, "%d:%d %2.1lf\n", current->time, current->time2, current->temp ); current = current->next; } //dlist_destroy(list); //} fclose(ifp); fclose(ofp); } } getchar(); } dlistdata.c #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "dlinklist.h" #include "DlistElmt.h" #include "dlistdata.h" /**************************************************************************************************/ void dlist_init(Dlist *list){ list->size = 0; list->head = NULL; list->tail = NULL; return; } void dlist_destroy(Dlist *list){ while (dlist_size(list) > 0){ dlist_remove(list, list->head); } memset(list, 0, sizeof(Dlist)); return; } int dlist_ins_next(Dlist *list, DlistElmt *element, const int time, const int time2, const float temp){ DlistElmt *new_element; if (element == NULL && dlist_size(list) != 0) return -1; if ((new_element = (DlistElmt *)malloc(sizeof(new_element))) == NULL) return -1; new_element->time = (int )time; new_element->time2 = (int )time2; new_element->temp = (float )temp; if (dlist_size(list) == 0) { list->head = new_element; list->head->prev = NULL; list->head->next = NULL; list->tail = new_element; } else { new_element->next = element->next; new_element->prev = element; if(element->next == NULL) list->tail = new_element; else element->next->prev = new_element; element->next = new_element; } list->size++; return 0; } int dlist_ins_prev(Dlist *list, DlistElmt *element, const int time, const int time2, const float temp){ DlistElmt *new_element; if (element == NULL && dlist_size(list) != 0) return -1; if ((new_element = (DlistElmt *)malloc(sizeof(new_element))) == NULL) return -1; new_element->time = (int )time; new_element->time2 = (int )time2; new_element->temp = (float )temp; if (dlist_size(list) == 0){ list->head = new_element; list->head->prev = NULL; list->head->next=NULL; list->tail = new_element; } else{ new_element->next = element; new_element->prev = element->prev; if(element->prev ==NULL) list->head = new_element; else element->prev->next = new_element; element->prev = new_element; } list->size++; return 0; } int dlist_remove(Dlist *list, DlistElmt *element){//, int time, int time2, float temp){ if (element == NULL || dlist_size(list) == 0) return -1; if (element == list->head) { list->head = element->next; if (list->head == NULL) list->tail = NULL; else element->next->prev = NULL; } else{ element->prev->next = element->next; if (element->next = NULL) list->tail = element->prev; else element->next->prev = element->prev; } free(element); list->size--; return 0; }

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  • How do I improve my performance with this singly linked list struct within my program?

    - by Jesus
    Hey guys, I have a program that does operations of sets of strings. We have to implement functions such as addition and subtraction of two sets of strings. We are suppose to get it down to the point where performance if of O(N+M), where N,M are sets of strings. Right now, I believe my performance is at O(N*M), since I for each element of N, I go through every element of M. I'm particularly focused on getting the subtraction to the proper performance, as if I can get that down to proper performance, I believe I can carry that knowledge over to the rest of things I have to implement. The '-' operator is suppose to work like this, for example. Declare set1 to be an empty set. Declare set2 to be a set with { a b c } elements Declare set3 to be a set with ( b c d } elements set1 = set2 - set3 And now set1 is suppose to equal { a }. So basically, just remove any element from set3, that is also in set2. For the addition implementation (overloaded '+' operator), I also do the sorting of the strings (since we have to). All the functions work right now btw. So I was wondering if anyone could a) Confirm that currently I'm doing O(N*M) performance b) Give me some ideas/implementations on how to improve the performance to O(N+M) Note: I cannot add any member variables or functions to the class strSet or to the node structure. The implementation of the main program isn't very important, but I will post the code for my class definition and the implementation of the member functions: strSet2.h (Implementation of my class and struct) // Class to implement sets of strings // Implements operators for union, intersection, subtraction, // etc. for sets of strings // V1.1 15 Feb 2011 Added guard (#ifndef), deleted using namespace RCH #ifndef _STRSET_ #define _STRSET_ #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> // Deleted: using namespace std; 15 Feb 2011 RCH struct node { std::string s1; node * next; }; class strSet { private: node * first; public: strSet (); // Create empty set strSet (std::string s); // Create singleton set strSet (const strSet &copy); // Copy constructor ~strSet (); // Destructor int SIZE() const; bool isMember (std::string s) const; strSet operator + (const strSet& rtSide); // Union strSet operator - (const strSet& rtSide); // Set subtraction strSet& operator = (const strSet& rtSide); // Assignment }; // End of strSet class #endif // _STRSET_ strSet2.cpp (implementation of member functions) #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include "strset2.h" using namespace std; strSet::strSet() { first = NULL; } strSet::strSet(string s) { node *temp; temp = new node; temp->s1 = s; temp->next = NULL; first = temp; } strSet::strSet(const strSet& copy) { if(copy.first == NULL) { first = NULL; } else { node *n = copy.first; node *prev = NULL; while (n) { node *newNode = new node; newNode->s1 = n->s1; newNode->next = NULL; if (prev) { prev->next = newNode; } else { first = newNode; } prev = newNode; n = n->next; } } } strSet::~strSet() { if(first != NULL) { while(first->next != NULL) { node *nextNode = first->next; first->next = nextNode->next; delete nextNode; } } } int strSet::SIZE() const { int size = 0; node *temp = first; while(temp!=NULL) { size++; temp=temp->next; } return size; } bool strSet::isMember(string s) const { node *temp = first; while(temp != NULL) { if(temp->s1 == s) { return true; } temp = temp->next; } return false; } strSet strSet::operator + (const strSet& rtSide) { strSet newSet; newSet = *this; node *temp = rtSide.first; while(temp != NULL) { string newEle = temp->s1; if(!isMember(newEle)) { if(newSet.first==NULL) { node *newNode; newNode = new node; newNode->s1 = newEle; newNode->next = NULL; newSet.first = newNode; } else if(newSet.SIZE() == 1) { if(newEle < newSet.first->s1) { node *tempNext = newSet.first; node *newNode; newNode = new node; newNode->s1 = newEle; newNode->next = tempNext; newSet.first = newNode; } else { node *newNode; newNode = new node; newNode->s1 = newEle; newNode->next = NULL; newSet.first->next = newNode; } } else { node *prev = NULL; node *curr = newSet.first; while(curr != NULL) { if(newEle < curr->s1) { if(prev == NULL) { node *newNode; newNode = new node; newNode->s1 = newEle; newNode->next = curr; newSet.first = newNode; break; } else { node *newNode; newNode = new node; newNode->s1 = newEle; newNode->next = curr; prev->next = newNode; break; } } if(curr->next == NULL) { node *newNode; newNode = new node; newNode->s1 = newEle; newNode->next = NULL; curr->next = newNode; break; } prev = curr; curr = curr->next; } } } temp = temp->next; } return newSet; } strSet strSet::operator - (const strSet& rtSide) { strSet newSet; newSet = *this; node *temp = rtSide.first; while(temp != NULL) { string element = temp->s1; node *prev = NULL; node *curr = newSet.first; while(curr != NULL) { if( element < curr->s1 ) break; if( curr->s1 == element ) { if( prev == NULL) { node *duplicate = curr; newSet.first = newSet.first->next; delete duplicate; break; } else { node *duplicate = curr; prev->next = curr->next; delete duplicate; break; } } prev = curr; curr = curr->next; } temp = temp->next; } return newSet; } strSet& strSet::operator = (const strSet& rtSide) { if(this != &rtSide) { if(first != NULL) { while(first->next != NULL) { node *nextNode = first->next; first->next = nextNode->next; delete nextNode; } } if(rtSide.first == NULL) { first = NULL; } else { node *n = rtSide.first; node *prev = NULL; while (n) { node *newNode = new node; newNode->s1 = n->s1; newNode->next = NULL; if (prev) { prev->next = newNode; } else { first = newNode; } prev = newNode; n = n->next; } } } return *this; }

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  • Create a ActiveX with a MFC existing application

    - by Jesús Galindo
    Hello! I'm trying to convert my MFC application, a simple "PaintBrush" app that draws lines and rectangles (it's only a little test from another bigger application), to a ActiveX Control that a could embed into a Windows Forms Application (with Visual C#). I didn't found any tutorial for do this, and now, I'm not sure that this it's possible. I know how create an ActiveX Control recently created but not how convert an existing application. Have anybody know how I can do this? Thanks!

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  • Need help with copy constructor for very basic implementation of singly linked lists

    - by Jesus
    Last week, we created a program that manages sets of strings, using classes and vectors. I was able to complete this 100%. This week, we have to replace the vector we used to store strings in our class with simple singly linked lists. The function basically allows users to declare sets of strings that are empty, and sets with only one element. In the main file, there is a vector whose elements are a struct that contain setName and strSet (class). HERE IS MY PROBLEM: It deals with the copy constructor of the class. When I remove/comment out the copy constructor, I can declare as many empty or single sets as I want, and output their values without a problem. But I know I will obviously need the copy constructor for when I implement the rest of the program. When I leave the copy constructor in, I can declare one set, either single or empty, and output its value. But if I declare a 2nd set, and i try to output either of the first two sets, i get a Segmentation Fault. Moreover, if i try to declare more then 2 sets, I get a Segmentation Fault. Any help would be appreciated!! Here is my code for a very basic implementation of everything: Here is the setcalc.cpp: (main file) #include <iostream> #include <cctype> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include "help.h" #include "strset2.h" using namespace std; // Declares of structure to hold all the sets defined struct setsOfStr { string nameOfSet; strSet stringSet; }; // Checks if the set name inputted is unique bool isSetNameUnique( vector<setsOfStr> strSetArr, string setName) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < strSetArr.size(); i++) { if( strSetArr[i].nameOfSet == setName ) { return false; } } return true; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char commandChoice; // Declares a vector with our declared structure as the type vector<setsOfStr> strSetVec; string setName; string singleEle; // Sets a loop that will constantly ask for a command until 'q' is typed while (1) { // declaring a set to be empty if(commandChoice == 'd') { cin >> setName; // Check that the set name inputted is unique if (isSetNameUnique(strSetVec, setName) == true) { strSet emptyStrSet; setsOfStr set1; set1.nameOfSet = setName; set1.stringSet = emptyStrSet; strSetVec.push_back(set1); } else { cerr << "ERROR: Re-declaration of set '" << setName << "'\n"; } } // declaring a set to be a singleton else if(commandChoice == 's') { cin >> setName; cin >> singleEle; // Check that the set name inputted is unique if (isSetNameUnique(strSetVec, setName) == true) { strSet singleStrSet(singleEle); setsOfStr set2; set2.nameOfSet = setName; set2.stringSet = singleStrSet; strSetVec.push_back(set2); } else { cerr << "ERROR: Re-declaration of set '" << setName << "'\n"; } } // using the output function else if(commandChoice == 'o') { cin >> setName; if(isSetNameUnique(strSetVec, setName) == false) { // loop through until the set name is matched and call output on its strSet for(unsigned int k = 0; k < strSetVec.size(); k++) { if( strSetVec[k].nameOfSet == setName ) { (strSetVec[k].stringSet).output(); } } } else { cerr << "ERROR: No such set '" << setName << "'\n"; } } // quitting else if(commandChoice == 'q') { break; } else { cerr << "ERROR: Ignoring bad command: '" << commandChoice << "'\n"; } } return 0; } Here is the strSet2.h: #ifndef _STRSET_ #define _STRSET_ #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> struct node { std::string s1; node * next; }; class strSet { private: node * first; public: strSet (); // Create empty set strSet (std::string s); // Create singleton set strSet (const strSet &copy); // Copy constructor // will implement destructor later void output() const; strSet& operator = (const strSet& rtSide); // Assignment }; // End of strSet class #endif // _STRSET_ And here is the strSet2.cpp (implementation of class) #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include "strset2.h" using namespace std; strSet::strSet() { first = NULL; } strSet::strSet(string s) { node *temp; temp = new node; temp->s1 = s; temp->next = NULL; first = temp; } strSet::strSet(const strSet& copy) { cout << "copy-cst\n"; node *n = copy.first; node *prev = NULL; while (n) { node *newNode = new node; newNode->s1 = n->s1; newNode->next = NULL; if (prev) { prev->next = newNode; } else { first = newNode; } prev = newNode; n = n->next; } } void strSet::output() const { if(first == NULL) { cout << "Empty set\n"; } else { node *temp; temp = first; while(1) { cout << temp->s1 << endl; if(temp->next == NULL) break; temp = temp->next; } } } strSet& strSet::operator = (const strSet& rtSide) { first = rtSide.first; return *this; }

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