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Search found 34 results on 2 pages for 'koolkabin'.

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  • Suitable Hosting for Web Development Company: VPS Hosting, Cloud hosting, Shared Hosting

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi, We are web development company here in nepal. We are still in growth phase. Our URL: We have our clients demanding for web hosting and are now ready for getting hosting package to host websites of our clients. Since we have multiple clients and they want their own cpanel for self configuration, only creating ftp channel is not appropirate. So their own cpanel is needed. So i thought of reseller package. When i searched for reseller package i came across with vps, cloud hosting and shared hosting. So now confused which one is better for our company?

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  • What does the impression and ctr means in google webmaster

    - by KoolKabin
    I am checking google webmaster tools. I entered the search queries section. There i found alot keywords and their impression and ctr etc. I clicked on one of the query keyword there it shows the keyword and position in search result, but when i go to and type the specified keyword it shows no impressions too... how do i measure find my site's impression on my site: keyword: trekking nepal

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  • Which image sharing websites supports file uploading dynamically via api

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi, I have been searching for image hosting website that displays images of a user in a nice and managed way. I want to upload the files to that image hosting website in my account of that website from a page in my website. i.e if i have a website then user browse my website Uploads the file to my website. Now I want to transfer the uploaded file to the image hosting website so that it can be viewed by other users of that hosting website and get better visibility to world

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  • Which image sharing websites supports file uploading dynamically via api

    - by KoolKabin
    I have been searching for image hosting website that displays images of a user in a nice and managed way. I want to upload the files to that image hosting website in my account of that website from a page in my website. i.e if i have a website then user browse my website Uploads the file to my website. Now I want to transfer the uploaded file to the image hosting website so that it can be viewed by other users of that hosting website and get better visibility to world

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  • Free file/image hosting website with api [closed]

    - by KoolKabin
    Possible Duplicate: Which image sharing websites supports file uploading dynamically via api I would like to know is there any free images/file hosting website which will allow users to upload image to its website using api? I tried with its fine only problem with it is that i could not make upload the files under my account in imageshack . URL:

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  • What does the impression and ctr means in google webmaster

    - by KoolKabin
    I am checking google webmaster tools. I entered the search queries section. There i found alot keywords and their impression and ctr etc. I clicked on one of the query keyword there it shows the keyword and position in search result, but when i go to and type the specified keyword it shows no impressions too... how do i measure find my site's impression on my site: keyword: trekking nepal

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  • How do i create nice looking controls?

    - by KoolKabin
    hi guys, I found a nice controls used by a software so wanted to use or build similar nice looking controls for my applications in First Sample control is nice rounded cornor group box [ i guess so ]: and second control is nice looking tab control:

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  • Connecting Named SQL Server Express 2005 from MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.1.10

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi guys, I am trying to migrate SQL Server Express 2005 database to mysql. I came across the mysql migration toolkit. When i started with the tool it asked for my sql server express information. I provided all the information of the sql express but it still can't connect. My machine has got 1.) SQL Server 2000 [Default instance eg computername ] 2.) SQL Server Express 2005 [Default Named Instance eg computername$SQLExpress ] *I can make easy connection from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. I am getting problem only while connecting from MySQl Migration toolkit 1.1.10

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  • how do i return arraylist from a function?

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi guys, I learnt example from msdn to populate a listbox control with arraylist. I want to create a function which will give return the USStates arraylist and use the returned value as datasource for listbox1 Dim USStates As New ArrayList() USStates.Add(New USState("Alabama", "AL")) USStates.Add(New USState("Washington", "WA")) USStates.Add(New USState("West Virginia", "WV")) USStates.Add(New USState("Wisconsin", "WI")) USStates.Add(New USState("Wyoming", "WY")) ListBox1.DataSource = USStates ListBox1.DisplayMember = "LongName" ListBox1.ValueMember = "ShortName I tried creating a function like: Public Shared Function FillList() As ArrayList() Dim USStates As New ArrayList() USStates.Add(New USState("Alabama", "AL")) USStates.Add(New USState("Washington", "WA")) USStates.Add(New USState("West Virginia", "WV")) USStates.Add(New USState("Wisconsin", "WI")) USStates.Add(New USState("Wyoming", "WY")) return usstates end function but it says error: Value of type 'System.Collections.ArrayList' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of System.Collections.ArrayList'.

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  • Programming Logic upgrading from VB6 to

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi guys, I have been programming in vb6 for few time ago and i used open SQL Server connection and command objects to make database traansactions. I have been searching for similar approaches in too but not finding any starting point. How can we work similarly in application?

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  • Marking Changes to database...

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi guys... I am developing application to be run in central server and distributed computers. I am supposed to write application to backup the data from distributed machines and merge it in central server. I thought of compressing whole local database and sending it to server for merging. But as the database size grows the size of compress file also began to grow. So is there any way to merge data in central server without sending whole database. I need to do it on daily basis. Daily take backup and send to server

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  • How can we secure our data from DBA?

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi guys, I have very confidential data in my database. I am trying to secure my data from dba. I am a member of development team. We develop our software and delpoy in a server which has its own dba. We have limited control over the server. In this scenario how can i deny dba of the server to lookup my data and deny making changes to them. Is it possible?

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  • Basics for implementing SSL on PHP Website

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi guys, I am here as a developer of a website. My website got different modules among which one function is to process credit card. In order to process credit card I need to implement SSL layer and process the pages. For rest of modules the SSL is optional. Now my points are: 1.) Is the location of file for http and https same? 2.) Can the session of http and https be shared? this is required as i need user login information and cart item information.

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  • DataList Control in windows application forms

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi guys, I am upgrading my application from vb6 to I used to populate my data in datalist control in vb6 forms. I am not finding it in windows form application. Which one control is the equivalent to it? How can i list my data in that control? just like: I had a table with data like id, name I want the name should be the displayed column and id the bound column? how can i do that

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  • Avoid running of software after copying to next machine?

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi guys, I have developed a small software. I want to provide and run it commercially only. I want it to be run in the machines who have purchased it from me. If someone copies it from my clients computer and runs it in next computer, I would like to stop functioning/running the software. What can be the ways to prevent the piracy of my software?

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  • How to use derived class shared variables in shared methods of base class

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi guys, I am trying to add shared members in derived classes and use that values in base classes... I have base class DBLayer public shared function GetDetail(byval UIN as integer) dim StrSql = string.format("select * from {0} where uin = {1}", tablename, uin) .... end function end class my derived class class User inherits dblayer public shared tabledname as string = "users" end class class item inherits dblayer public shared tabledname as string = "item" end class class category inherits dblayer public shared tabledname as string = "category" end class currently there is error using the tablename variable of derived class in base class but i want to use it... coz i dun know other techniques... if other solutions are better then u can post it or u can say how can i make it work? confused...

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  • Different between &$DataRow and $DataRow

    - by KoolKabin
    hi guys, I am confused from the result of the following code: I can't get my expected result: $arrX = array('a'=>array('val'=>10),'b'=>array('val'=>20), 'c'=>array('val'=>30)); foreach( $arrX as &$DataRow ) { $DataRow['val'] = $DataRow['val'] + 20; } foreach( $arrX as $DataRow ) { echo '<br />val: '.$DataRow['val'].'<br/>'; } Output: 30, 40, 40 Expected: 30, 40, 50 But again if i make small chage it works fine, $arrX = array('a'=>array('val'=>10),'b'=>array('val'=>20), 'c'=>array('val'=>30)); foreach( $arrX as &$DataRow ) { $DataRow['val'] = $DataRow['val'] + 20; } foreach( $arrX as &$DataRow ) { echo '<br />val: '.$DataRow['val'].'<br/>'; }

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  • How to assign class property as display data member in datagridview

    - by KoolKabin
    hi guys, I am trying to display my data in datagridview. I created a class with different property and used its list as the datasource. it worked fine. but I got confused how to do that in case we have nested class. My Classes are as follows: class Category property UIN as integer property Name as string end class class item property uin as integer property name as string property mycategory as category end class my data list as follows: dim myDataList as list(of Item) = new List(of Item) myDataList.Add(new Item(1,"item1",new category(1,"cat1"))) myDataList.Add(new Item(2,"item2",new category(1,"cat1"))) myDataList.Add(new Item(3,"item3",new category(1,"cat1"))) myDataList.Add(new Item(4,"item4",new category(2,"cat2"))) myDataList.Add(new Item(5,"item5",new category(2,"cat2"))) myDataList.Add(new Item(6,"item6",new category(2,"cat2"))) Now I binded the datagridview control like: DGVMain.AutoGenerateColumns = False DGVMain.ColumnCount = 3 DGVMain.Columns(0).DataPropertyName = "UIN" DGVMain.Columns(0).HeaderText = "ID" DGVMain.Columns(1).DataPropertyName = "Name" DGVMain.Columns(1).HeaderText = "Name" DGVMain.Columns(2).DataPropertyName = "" **'here i want my category name** DGVMain.Columns(2).HeaderText = "category" DGVMain.datasource = myDataList DGVMain.refresh() I have tried using but it didn't worked. What can be done to get expected result? Is there any better idea other than this to accomplish the same task? Edited My question as per comment: I have checked the link given by u. It was nice n very usefull. Since the code was in c# i tried to convert it in vb. Everything went good but failed at a point of case sensitive and next one is that i had my nested class name itemcategory and my property name was category. there it arouse the problem. it didn't searched for category but it searched for itemcategory. so confused on it. My Code as follows: Private Sub DGVMain_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles DGVMain.CellFormatting Dim DGVMain As DataGridView = CType(sender, DataGridView) e.Value = EvaluateValue(DGVMain.Rows(e.RowIndex).DataBoundItem, DGVMain.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).DataPropertyName) End Sub Private Function EvaluateValue(ByRef myObj As Object, ByRef myProp As String) As String Dim Ret As String = "" Dim Props As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo() Dim PropA As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo Dim ObjA As Object If myProp.Contains(".") Then myProp = myProp.Substring(0, myProp.IndexOf(".")) Props = myObj.GetType().GetProperties() For Each PropA In Props ObjA = PropA.GetValue(myObj, New Object() {}) If ObjA.GetType().Name = myProp Then Ret = EvaluateValue(ObjA, myProp.Substring(myProp.IndexOf(".") + 1)) Exit For End If Next Else PropA = myObj.GetType().GetProperty(myProp) Ret = PropA.GetValue(myObj, New Object() {}).ToString() End If Return Ret End Function

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  • Which Joomla module can be used to show articles with thumbnail?

    - by KoolKabin
    hi guys, I am trying to implement ja_nickel joomla template in my site. here is the preview of ja_nickel template: I want my latest news articles to be displayed in the place of top information block. I think in that template they are using a thumbnail image, title and content. In general articles we have only title and content. So which module can be used to perform that work and how? I want image, title and content in an article but don't know which provides it. OR can we just merge the title and content both of normal article and display the image of article like that?

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  • How to assign class property as display data memeber in datagridview

    - by KoolKabin
    hi guys, I am trying to display my data in datagridview. I created a class with different property and used its list as the datasource. it worked fine. but i got confused how to do that in case we have nested class. My Classes are as follows: class Category property UIN as integer property Name as string end class class item property uin as integer property name as string property mycategory as category end class my data list as follows: dim myDataList as list(of Item) = new List(of Item) myDataList.Add(new Item(1,"item1",new category(1,"cat1"))) myDataList.Add(new Item(2,"item2",new category(1,"cat1"))) myDataList.Add(new Item(3,"item3",new category(1,"cat1"))) myDataList.Add(new Item(4,"item4",new category(2,"cat2"))) myDataList.Add(new Item(5,"item5",new category(2,"cat2"))) myDataList.Add(new Item(6,"item6",new category(2,"cat2"))) Now I binded the datagridview control like: DGVMain.AutoGenerateColumns = False DGVMain.ColumnCount = 3 DGVMain.Columns(0).DataPropertyName = "UIN" DGVMain.Columns(0).HeaderText = "ID" DGVMain.Columns(1).DataPropertyName = "Name" DGVMain.Columns(1).HeaderText = "Name" DGVMain.Columns(2).DataPropertyName = "" **'here i want my category name** DGVMain.Columns(2).HeaderText = "category" DGVMain.datasource = myDataList DGVMain.refresh() I have tried using but it didn't worked. What can be done to get expected result? Is there any better idea other than this to accomplish the same task?

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  • preg_replace function to append a string to all the hyperlinks of a page

    - by KoolKabin
    hi guys, i want to append my own value to all hyperlinks in a page... e.g if there are links: <a href="abc.htm?val=1">abc 1</a> <br/> <a href="abc.htm?val=2">abc 1</a> <br/> <a href="abc.htm?val=3">abc 1</a> <br/> <a href="abc.htm?val=4">abc 1</a> <br/> I want to add next var like "type=int" to all hyperlinks output should be: <a href="abc.htm?val=1&type=int">abc 1</a> <br/> <a href="abc.htm?val=2&type=int">abc 1</a> <br/> <a href="abc.htm?val=3&type=int">abc 1</a> <br/> <a href="abc.htm?val=4&type=int">abc 1</a> <br/> I hope it can be done quite easily with preg_replace function

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  • How do i create winxp style controls

    - by KoolKabin
    Hi guys, I am trying to make my controls look as cool as xp theme enabled controls like gradient fill background in container controls and colour thames support etc I am not finding a way to start. from where can i start doing it? I am trying to do it in Edited: EnableXpVisualStyles() I found it to enable visual styles but didn't give me visual thames to apply. So in order to apply thames or colour schemes what should i do? What other commands should i use with combination with it? as I have seen my application giving ugly look even applying that command and other program showing nice loook in my win2003 server

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