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  • Podcast interview with Michael Kane

    - by mhornick
    In this podcast interview with Michael Kane, Data Scientist and Associate Researcher at Yale University, Michael discusses the R statistical programming language, computational challenges associated with big data, and two projects involving data analysis he conducted on the stock market "flash crash" of May 6, 2010, and the tracking of transportation routes bird flu H5N1. Michael also worked with Oracle on Oracle R Enterprise, a component of the Advanced Analytics option to Oracle Database Enterprise Edition. In the closing segment of the interview, Michael comments on the relationship between the data analyst and the database administrator and how Oracle R Enterprise provides secure data management, transparent access to data, and improved performance to facilitate this relationship. Listen now...

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  • SharePoint - Summing Calculated Columns By Groups (DVWP)

    - by Mark Rackley
    I had a problem… okay.. okay.. so I have many problems… but let’s focus on one in particular or this blog post would never end… okay? Thank you…. So, I had an electronic timesheet where users entered hours for each day of the week. It also had a “Week Total” column which was a calculated column of the sum. The calculated column looked like this: Pretty easy.. nothing spectacular. So, what’s the problem? WELL……………….. There is a row in the timesheet for each task a person worked on in a given week. So, if you worked on 4 tasks, you would have 4 rows of data, and 4 week totals for that week: This is all fine and dandy, but I want to know what the total was for the entire week. Yes.. I realize the answer is 24 from my example… I mean, I know how to add! I just want SharePoint to display it for me for the executives (we all know, they have math problems).  You may be thinking, hey genius (in a sarcastic tone of course), why don’t you just go to the view and total on the “Week Total” field. What a brilliant idea! Why didn’t I think of that… let’s go to the view and do just that…. Ohhhhhh… you can’t total on a Calculated Column.. it’s not even an option…  Yeah… I had the same moment. So, what do you do? Well… what do you think I did? 1) Googled “SharePoint total calculated column” 2) Said it couldn’t be done 3) Took a nap 4) Asked the question on twitter? The correct answer of course is number 4… followed by number 3… although I may have told my boss number 2 so that I look more brilliant than I am? It’s safe to say I did NOT try to find the solution on my own doing step 1… that would be just WAY to easy… So, anyway, I posted the question on Twitter and it turns out several people had suggestions from using jQuery to using DVWPs. I tend to be a big fan of the DVWP except for the disgusting process of deploying them to another farm.. ugh… just shoot me…. so, that is the solution I went with. Laura Rogers (@WonderLaura) has a super duper easy to follow video on the subject over at SharePoint: Displaying Calculated Column SUMS in a View (Screencast) Laura’s video was very easy to follow and was ALMOST exactly what I needed. She does a great job walking you through every step of summing up a calculated field which was PART of my problem. The other part was my list is grouped by date! So, I wanted to see for a given week, the summed “Week Total” of hours. Laura got me on the right track with her video and I dug a little deeper into the DVWP to accomplish my task. So, here are the steps you follow: 1. Click on the "chevron” (I didn’t know it was actually called that until I heard Laura say it).. I always call it the “little-button-in-the-top-right-corner-with-the-greater-than-sign”.. but “chevron” is much shorter. So, click on the chevron, click on “Sort and Group”. The Add the field you want to group by, in my example it is the “Monday Date” of the timesheet entry. Make sure to check the check boxes for “Show Group Header” AND “Show Group Footer”. Click “OK”. The view now shows the count of each grouped set of data: Interesting, this looks very similar to Laura’s video… right? So, let’s take a look at the code for the Count: Count : <xsl:value-of select="count($nodeset)" /> Wow, also very similar… except in Laura’s video it looks like: Count : <xsl:value-of select="count($Rows)" /> So.. the only difference is that instead of $Rows we have $nodeset. It turns out the $nodeset will go through each Row in the group just like $Rows goes through each row in the entire view. So, using the exact same logic as in Laura’s blog except replacing $Rows with $nodeset we get the functionality of being able to sum up the values for a group. So, I want to replace “Count: #” with the total hours, this is done using the following changes to the above code: Week Total : <xsl:value-of select="sum($nodeset/@Monday)+sum($nodeset/@Tuesday) +sum($nodeset/@Wednesday)+sum($nodeset/@Thursday)+sum($nodeset/@Friday) +sum($nodeset/@Saturday)+sum($nodeset/@Sunday)" /> Our final output has the summed hours for each group! So… long story short… follow Laura’s blog, then group your list, then replace “$Rows” with “$nodeset”. One caveat, this will not work if you group by a person field. For some reason the person field does not go through each row in the group. I haven’t dug into this much yet. Maybe if I find some time… whatever that is… Anyway, Laura did all the work, I just took it one small step forward… as always, feel free to leave any additional insights you may have. We’re all learning here!

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  • Can't get network bridging to work

    - by Antonis Christofides
    I'm trying to make network bridging to work on a Debian squeeze (I'm experimenting in order to make a QEMU/KVM virtual machine that will be visible to the outside network as if it were a distinct machine). The problem is that when I type brctl addif br0 eth0 then I lose connectivity to the network until I type brctl delif br0 eth0. More specifically, here's how my machine looks like before I do anything (essentially eth0 is listening on root@laura:/home/anthony# ip addr show 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000 link/ether 8c:73:6e:db:1c:1b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global eth0 inet6 2001:648:2000:a0:8e73:6eff:fedb:1c1b/64 scope global dynamic valid_lft 2591848sec preferred_lft 604648sec inet6 fe80::8e73:6eff:fedb:1c1b/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 3: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN qlen 1000 link/ether 4c:ed:de:8e:44:d7 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 4: vboxnet0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN qlen 1000 link/ether 0a:00:27:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 5: pan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN link/ether ee:7c:88:59:d0:e8 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff Now let me add the bridge: root@laura:/home/anthony# brctl addbr br0 root@laura:/home/anthony# ip tuntap add dev tap0 mode tap root@laura:/home/anthony# ip link set tap0 up root@laura:/home/anthony# brctl addif br0 tap0 Until here everything continues to work normally. Finally, I try to add eth0 to the bridge: root@laura:/home/anthony# brctl addif br0 eth0 At this point, I no longer have a network connection. If I try to ping something, it tells "Destination Host Unreachable". The output of ip addr show seems normal: root@laura:/home/anthony# ip addr show 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000 link/ether 8c:73:6e:db:1c:1b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global eth0 inet6 2001:648:2000:a0:8e73:6eff:fedb:1c1b/64 scope global dynamic valid_lft 2591908sec preferred_lft 604708sec inet6 fe80::8e73:6eff:fedb:1c1b/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever [snip wlan0, vboxnet0 and pan0, which are down and irrelevant] 8: br0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN link/ether 16:30:f2:67:ab:75 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 9: tap0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN qlen 500 link/ether 16:30:f2:67:ab:75 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet6 fe80::1430:f2ff:fe67:ab75/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever Also: root@laura:/home/anthony# route -n Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 1 0 0 eth0 U 1000 0 0 eth0 UG 0 0 0 eth0 I can't understand what I'm doing wrong. I want the machine to continue to listen on on eth0, and in addition to that I want to have a tap0 interface, bridged to eth0, that will be available to the guest machine so that the latter listens on another ip address (say (If there's another way to achieve what I want, I'm also interested.)

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  • Outlook Calendar Error "The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit", even when there is no attachment

    - by Laura Kane-Punyon
    I have an outlook meeting series that occurs weekly. Every week, I open the current occurrence, attach the current week’s meeting materials and send an update to the invites. I have done this for the same meeting series for several years. Recently, I started to run into a problem where every time I try to update or cancel a meeting occurrence I received the error “the attachment size exceeds the allowable limit” regardless of whether or not I have an attachment. I am not even able to cancel the series in order to start fresh. I have 2 questions regarding this issue: Is there any way to send attachments on the occurrence of a meeting invite without running into this issue? Is there any way to remove this meeting series?

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  • subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit code 1

    - by Laura quintero
    I had installed snort on ubuntu 11.04 and uninstall it because I had problems, to reinstall it leaves a problem: Reading package lists ... done Building dependency tree Reading state information ... done Calculating upgrade ... ready 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 1 not fully installed or removed. 0 B will be used for additional disk space after this operation. Do you want to continue [S / n]? s Configuring snort ( ... * Stopping Network Intrusion Detection System snort * - No running snort instance found * Starting Network Intrusion Detection System snort [fail] invoke-rc.d: initscript snort, action "start" failed. dpkg: error processing snort (- configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit code 1 Errors were encountered while processing: snort E: Sub-process / usr / bin / dpkg Returned an error code (1) any solution? Commands allready used apt-get clean apt-get remove snort sudo apt-get dist-upgrade dpkg - remove - force-remove-reinstreq snort and nothing.

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  • How to stop Thunar being default file browser

    - by Charles Kane
    On a relatively new 11.04 installation Thunar has become the default file browser simply by using it! Whilst I can open Nautilus easily enough, I'd rather it remained as the default, especially when I choose to view files in dual pane. The only action that I can pinpoint that might have given over my files and folders to Thunar is making Nautilus into Nautilus-Elementary (oh and Unity carked it so I reverted rather unwillingly to Classic, glad I did it is so much more stable and this is my production machine and Unity acts as if it is early alpha as far as I can tell!)

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  • Reasons Programmers Leave

    - by Kane
    I am interested in finding out why programmers leave their jobs and if the reasons for leaving have resurfaced in your now job? Is the reason for leaving simply down to remuneration, location, I hate my boss / coworker, lack of recognition or retirement / new career path. Update: I am responsible for a team of programmers and testers and I would like to better understand what could motivate my team to leave, and hopefully try to address such issues.

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  • 11.10 update manager upgrade to 12.04 fails

    - by Kane
    Currently using 11.10 on a new dell vostro 2420 laptop and wanted to upgrade to 12.04.01lte. Using the update manager and clicking the upgrade option first came up with a 'failure to authenticate' message and after a restart of the computer I click the upgrade and it will download 2 files then the popup closes and no further prompts/screens come up. Is there some issue with my laptop that will prevent an upgrade? Or should I just wait and try the upgrade again another day?

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  • Why is Google Webmaster Tools crawling invalid URLS and showing 500 errors?

    - by Amos Kane
    Google Webmaster tools is reporting 12k+ 500 errors. Eeek! None of the URLS are valid- they all contain First, why is Google crawling these URLS if they don't exist? I supplied a sitemap, and they are of course not in the sitemap. I don't have a robots.txt blocking anything. I've checked for invalid redirects--none, and checked for unclosed tags or something that would throw into the URL by accident--none. In every 'linked from', the referring URL is also a bad URL, with in it. The Google Tools report no malware, and I can't check the server logs because the host won't give me access. Really stuck!! Any ideas appreciated!

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  • structure problem in Relational DBMS creation

    - by Kane
    For learning and understanding purpose, I currently want to try to make a small relational DBMS with simple features like (for now) only sequential reading/writing and CREATE TABLE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE management. I am currently on the "think" part of the project and I am stuck on the way to store the read data in memory. First I was thinking of putting them properly on a structure, but the problem is that tables are all different, know the type of each column is not an issue, but I am not sure C provide a way to make fully dynamic structure. My second and current idea is to make a simple char array of the required length and just get the data by order with cast. But I am not sure if it is the good way to do that part, so I wanted to ask for your opinion and advices about that. Thanks in advance for your help. nb: I hope my question is enough clear and understandable, I still lack of pratice in english

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  • Dell Vostro 2420 upgrade to 12.04.1 no wifi

    - by Kane
    I have installed 12.04 on a dell vostro 2420 (previously 11.10) and wifi is gone now but wired network remains. I've reviewed the other questions and tried some stuff but no luck yet. The following is the process so far so hopefully someone can help: After installing 12.04 using the additional drivers utility did not bring up any proprietary drivers and using synaptic on installation then reinstallation of bcmwl-kernel-source and b43-fwcutter does not help bring up any drivers either (tried rebooting after as well) I have made sure in the bios that the wlan is turned on, and it appears the laptop does not have a wireless hardware switch, only the keyboard function shortcut which turns bluetooth on and off on the taskbar but there is no lightup of the wireless function on the laptop itself. Dell does not appear to have any drivers for ubuntu and google does not appear to be much help :( Thanks in advance!

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  • Is there ever a reason to do all an object's work in a constructor?

    - by Kane
    Let me preface this by saying this is not my code nor my coworkers' code. Years ago when our company was smaller, we had some projects we needed done that we did not have the capacity for, so they were outsourced. Now, I have nothing against outsourcing or contractors in general, but the codebase they produced is a mass of WTFs. That being said, it does (mostly) work, so I suppose it's in the top 10% of outsourced projects I've seen. As our company has grown, we've tried to take more of our development in house. This particular project landed in my lap so I've been going over it, cleaning it up, adding tests, etc etc. There's one pattern I see repeated a lot and it seems so mindblowingly awful that I wondered if maybe there is a reason and I just don't see it. The pattern is an object with no public methods or members, just a public constructor that does all the work of the object. For example, (the code is in Java, if that matters, but I hope this to be a more general question): public class Foo { private int bar; private String baz; public Foo(File f) { execute(f); } private void execute(File f) { // FTP the file to some hardcoded location, // or parse the file and commit to the database, or whatever } } If you're wondering, this type of code is often called in the following manner: for(File f : someListOfFiles) { new Foo(f); } Now, I was taught long ago that instantiated objects in a loop is generally a bad idea, and that constructors should do a minimum of work. Looking at this code it looks like it would be better to drop the constructor and make execute a public static method. I did ask the contractor why it was done this way, and the response I got was "We can change it if you want". Which was not really helpful. Anyway, is there ever a reason to do something like this, in any programming language, or is this just another submission to the Daily WTF?

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  • My Website title changes by itself in Google

    - by Kane
    I am doing seo on my friends site each page has its own metas it did change to new ones then somehow google is taking company name as the meta title I just googled this topic and last few days other people getting same problem , I had similar issue in the past on my own site that soon changed after changing the metas again any seo experts with same problem please help , there is no h1 heading on the company name or alt tag with that also.

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  • Network programming under windows: is WSA functions can be more complete than pSock functions [on hold]

    - by Kane
    I plan to make a set of classic socket functions to simplify their usages. Since i work under windows and linux indifferently i usually make it portable (it's not my first version of this set of functions), but i want to do something different this time and dedicate one version to windows, and one other to linux. With that i wonder for the windows version, if the WSA* functions can have any interest using them instead of the psock ones. I have found nothing about a comparison between them, so if any of you have any idea, suggestion, link or benchmark ?

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  • Why does text look so Horrible in my HD monitor???

    - by Laura
    I just bought a 1080p 22" Samsung HD monitor (connected via HDMI) and the picture and video quality is great but the text quality is absolutely horrible. Even as I type now all the text in this text box as well as in the browser toolbar and start menu, etc looks weird - like it all has a white outline around it that makes it jagged and hard to read. It hurts my eyes just to look at it. I am running my PC in the suggested native resolution of 1920 by 1080, so what's the problem? Is this one of the unavoidable downsides of using a HD monitor? Is there a solution to the problem?

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  • Why does text look so Horrible on my HD monitor?

    - by Laura
    I just bought a 1080p 22" Samsung Syncmaster 2333HD (connected via HDMI) and the picture and video quality is great but the text quality is absolutely horrible. This monitor has a built in HD TV tuner. Even as I type now all the text in this text box as well as in the browser toolbar and start menu, etc looks weird - like it all has a white outline around it that makes it jagged and hard to read. It hurts my eyes just to look at it. I am running my PC in the suggested native resolution of 1920x1080, so what's the problem? Is this one of the unavoidable downsides of using a HD monitor? Is there a solution to the problem?

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  • How to view / enumerate / obtain a list of all effective rights / permissions on an Active Directory object?

    - by Laura
    I am new to Server Fault and was hoping to find an answer to a question that I have been struggling with for the past week or so. I have been recently asked by my management to furnish a list of all the effective rights / permissions delegated on the Active Directory object for our Domain Admins group. I initially figured I'd use the Effective Permissions Tab in Active Directory Users and Computers but had two problems with it. The first was that it doesn't seem very accurate and the second was that it requires me to enter the name of a specific user, and it only shows me what it figures are effective permissions for that user. Now, we have more than a 1000 users in our environment so there's no way I can possibly enter 1000 user names one by one. Plus, there is no way to export that information either. I also looked at dsacls from MS but it doesn't do effective permissions. Someone pointed me to a tool called ADUCAdmin but that seems to falsely claim to do effective permissions. Could someone kindly help me find a way to obtain this listing? Basically, I need to generate a list of all the modify effective permissions granted on the Domain Admins group object along with the list of all the admins to which these permissions are granted. In case it helps, I don't need a fancy listing - simple text / CSV output would be enough I would be grateful for any assistance since this is time and security sensitive for us.

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  • SQL: How to select rows from a table while ignoring the duplicate field values?

    - by Maxxon
    How to select rows from a table while ignoring the duplicate field values? Here is an example: id user_id message 1 Adam "Adam is here." 2 Peter "Hi there this is Peter." 3 Peter "I am getting sick." 4 Josh "Oh, snap. I'm on a boat!" 5 Tom "This show is great." 6 Laura "Textmate rocks." What i want to achive is to select the recently active users from my db. Let's say i want to select the 5 recently active users. The problem is, that the following script selects Peter twice. mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5 "); What i want is to skip the row when it gets again to Peter, and select the next result, in our case Adam. So i don't want to show my visitors that the recently active users were Laura, Tom, Josh, Peter, and Peter again. That does not make any sense, instead i want to show them this way: Laura, Tom, Josh, Peter, (skipping Peter) and Adam. Is there an SQL command i can use for this problem?

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  • Long file path returning 404 for "hello.htm"

    - by Adam Kane
    Hello, I have a long file path that works on my server, but a simliar path returns a 404 error when it is on my clients (IIS6) server ( Here's the functioning file path on my server: Files/McCurdys_1_0_0_0/Content/FBX/CCAE1B33/Roof-sectionB-02.fbm/hello.htm My guesses: Maybe the file path is too long? Maybe the ".fbm" in the directory path is invalid? Sorry for the vauge problem description. Please let me know what additional info I can provide that'd be helpful. Update: The problem happens even in short paths, with no spaces: http://www.myserver/test.folder/hell.htm Thanks, Adam

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  • no display on tv when connecting pc via hdmi in win7

    - by Kane
    The system of pc is win7 32bit, the video card is ATI 4670. The tv is philips 74xx series. And the monitor is Dell 19' that connect with pc via VGA. The tv can receive the singal and show the pictures when booting the pc(bios self checking, the logo of windows 7), however the tv says there is no signal after the win7 login window shows. I have installed the latest CCC and driver of ATI video card. Does anyone have idea for it?

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  • Stop windows-7 explorer taskbar icon changing for different locations

    - by Timothy Kane
    If I open an instance of Windows Explorer, a button appears on the taskbar; its icon matches the icon of current location in Explorer. E.g. If I've clicked on a drive (e.g. C:) then the taskbar icon changes to the drive icon. If I select the Pictures Library location, the taskbar icon changes to a little picture symbol. How can I stop this behaviour, so that the taskbar icon always shows the same icon, regardless of where I've clicked in Explorer?

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  • Replace, not merge, folders when copying

    - by Adam Kane
    In Windows Vista, when I try to move a folder to replace an existing folder, Vista asks me if I want to merge the folders or cancel. How do I get the old XP behavior where the old folder is just replaced. This issue is especially challenging when moving many folders at once and some of them move but then some of them hit this merge/cancel problem. Thanks!

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  • PHP web application can't connect mysql installed with Zend Server CE on Mac OSX

    - by Kane
    I'm setting up development environment on Mac OSX. However the PHP web application can't connect the mysql server installed with Zend Server CE. The error information is below, [Type] dbnot_connect [2013] Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 61 Mysql database can be accessed via phpAdmin installed with Zend Server CE as well. The same code works well on Windows or Linux in Zend Server CE.

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  • SendMail not working in CentOs 6.4

    - by Kane
    I am trying to send e-mails from my CentOS 6.4 but it does not work. My knowledge about servers is quite limited, so I hope someone can help me. Here is what I did: First i tried to send an email using the "mail" command, but it was not in the OS so I installed it. # yum install mailx After that, I tried sending an email using the "mail" command, but it did not send anything. I checked it on the internet and I realized I needed an e-mail server like sendmail, so I installed it. # yum install sendmail sendmail-cf sendmail-doc sendmail-devel After that, I configured it following some tutorials. First, file. # vi /etc/mail/ Commented out the next line: BEFORE # DAEMON_OPTIONS('Port=smtp, Name=MTA') dnl AFTER # dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS('Port=smtp, Name=MTA') dnl Check that the next lines are correct: # FEATURE(`virtusertable', `hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable.db')dnl # ... # FEATURE(use_cw_file)dnl # ... # FEATURE(`access_db', `hash -T<TMPF> -o /etc/mail/access.db')dnl Update # m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/ Open the port 25 adding the proper line in the iptables file # vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables # -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT restart iptables and sendmail # service iptables restart # service sendmail restart So i thought that would be ok, but when i tried: # mail '[email protected]' # Subject: test subject # test content #. I checked the mail log: # vi /var/log/maillog And that is what I found: Aug 14 17:36:24 dev-admin-test sendmail[20682]: r7D8RItS019578: to=<[email protected]>, ctladdr=<[email protected]> (0/0), delay=1+00:09:06, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=2460500,, dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection timed out with I do not understand why there is a connection time out. Am I missing something? Can anyone help me, please? Thank you.

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  • TechEd 2010 - New Orleans

    - by gjfox
    We're a little more than half way through TechEd 2010 in New Orleans and I am having a hard time finding interesting breakout sessions to attend.  Laura Chappell has completed all of her sessions, and Andy Malone is almost done.  Laura's sessions on Wireshark have been amazing.  Andy is always entertaining and informative.  I did sit through a session this afternoon on IPv6 that was interesting.  I will spend the final day in the Hands on Labs area working through some PowerShell, and Communication Server 14 labs.  The speakers for two of my breakouts had written interesting books.  I went to the conference bookstore to pick them up and found both to be sold out.  They did offer to ship the books to me with the TechEd 20 percent discount. I'm not real sure who thought it would be a good idea to hold a conference in June in New Orleans.  It has been HUMID.  On top of that TechEd 2011 will be in my hometown, Atlanta.

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