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  • I Start!

    - by andyleonard
    I originally titled this post "I Quit!" but decided that doesn't set the proper tone and definitely does not match my feelings about the upcoming transitions in my life. "I Start!" is much more appropriate! Introduction I've tendered my resignation from the position of Manager, ETL Team, Data Management Group, Molina Medicaid Solutions effective Friday 14 Jan 2011. "There I Was..." In 2008 my consultant billable-days - the metric I use to determine how business is going - dropped from 20 / month...(read more)

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  • It's 2011-Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

    - by andyleonard
    Introduction This is not a post about children. I was feeling plucky when I wrote this post at the end of last year. Sometimes when I feel plucky I'm inspired to create awesome blog post titles and ideas. Other times, this happens. 2011 Is Here! I was born in 1963. As I child I watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon while Walter Cronkite narrated. At 11, I was fortunate enough to live next door to an engineer who taught me Motorola 6800 machine code and then BASIC . I have a long...(read more)

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  • Analysis Services Tabular books #ssas #tabular

    - by Marco Russo (SQLBI)
    Many people are looking for books about Analysis Services Tabular. Today there are two books available and they complement each other: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services: The BISM Tabular Model by Marco Russo, Alberto Ferrari and Chris Webb Applied Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services: Tabular Modeling by Teo Lachev The book I wrote with Alberto and Chris is a complete guide to create tabular models and has a good coverage about DAX, including how to use it for enriching a semantic model with calculated columns and measures and how to use it for querying a Tabular model. In my experience, DAX as a query language is a very interesting option for custom analytical applications that requires a fast calculation engine, or simply for standard reports running in Reporting Services and accessing a Tabular model. You can freely preview the table of content and read some excerpts from the book on Safari Books Online. The book is in printing and should be shipped within mid-July, so finally it will be very soon on the shelf of all the people already preordered it! The Teo Lachev’s book, covers the full spectrum of Tabular models provided by Microsoft: starting with self-service BI, you have users creating a model with PowerPivot for Excel, publishing it to PowerPivot for SharePoint and exploring data by using Power View; then, the PowerPivot for Excel model can be imported in a Tabular model and published in Analysis Services, adding more control on the model through row-level security and partitioning, for example. Teo’s book follows a step-by-step approach describing each feature that is very good for a beginner that is new to PowerPivot and/or to BISM Tabular. If you need to get the big picture and to start using the products that are part of the new Microsoft wave of BI products, the Teo’s book is for you. After you read the book from Teo, or if you already have a certain confidence with PowerPivot or BISM Tabular and you want to go deeper about internals, best practices, design patterns in just BISM Tabular, then our book is a suggested read: it contains several chapters about DAX, includes discussions about new opportunities in data model design offered by Tabular models, and also provides examples of optimizations you can obtain in DAX and best practices in data modeling and queries. It might seem strange that an author write a review of a book that might seem to compete with his one, but in reality these two books complement each other and are not alternatives. If you have any doubt, buy both: you will be not disappointed! Moreover, Amazon usually offers you a deal to buy three books, including the Visualizing Data with Microsoft Power View, another good choice for getting all the details about Power View.

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  • Java-JDBC-MySQL Error

    - by LeonardPeris
    I'm trying to get my java program to talk to a MySQL DB. So i did some reading and downloaded MySQL Connector/J. I've extracted it into my home directory ~. Here are the contents. user@hamster:~$ ls LoadDriver.class mysql-connector-java-5.1.18-bin.jar The contents of are user@hamster:~$ cat import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; // Notice, do not import com.mysql.jdbc.* // or you will have problems! public class LoadDriver { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // The newInstance() call is a work around for some // broken Java implementations Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex); } } } The contents are the same from with the only change that the Exception is being printed to console in the catch block. I compile it as follows leonard@hamster:~$ javac When I try to execute it, the following is the ouput. leonard@hamster:~$ java LoadDriver java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver This output is consistent with the executing command, but when trying to run it with the prescribed CLASSPATH method I run into the following issue. leonard@hamster:~$ java -cp /home/leonard/mysql-connector-java-5.1.18-bin.jar LoadDriver Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: LoadDriver Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: LoadDriver at$ at Method) at at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( Could not find the main class: LoadDriver. Program will exit. Am I missing something? How do I get MySQL's own code samples running.

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  • NGINX + PHP FPM connect() failed (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream

    - by Leonard Teo
    We're running a fairly large site using nginx and PHP-FPM and we're getting a lot of errors as the site load is quite high. We're getting "connect() failed (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream"...upstream: "fastcgi://" Here's my config file for PHP-FPM. PHP-FPM: [www] listen = listen.allowed_clients = user = nginx group = nginx pm = dynamic pm.max_children = 100 pm.start_servers = 20 pm.min_spare_servers = 5 pm.max_spare_servers = 35 pm.max_requests = 100 slowlog = /var/log/php-fpm/www-slow.log php_admin_value[error_log] = /var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log php_admin_flag[log_errors] = on What's the recommended config/number of servers/children for a high traffic site? We tried using Unix Sockets instead of TCP and got no noticeable improvements. Right now the errors are: connect() to unix:/var/run/php-fcgi.sock failed (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) while connecting to upstream...upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php-fcgi.sock:"... Thanks, Leonard

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  • networkActivityIndicatorVisible

    - by teo
    Hi, Is this code correct to use with the networkActivityIndicatorVisible? (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWillAppear:animated]; UIApplication* app2 = [UIApplication sharedApplication]; app2.networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YES; [self loadSources]; // Loads data in table view app2.networkActivityIndicatorVisible = NO; } Teo

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  • Loading contents of TableView Controller after showing Tab

    - by Teo
    Hello, I have a 4 tabbar application. The second tab has a tableviewController. When i select the second tab the tableview is displayed with it's contents and it works fine. The problem is that that data is comming from the network and it talks 2-3 seconds to load. So when i press the second tab it goes there after the contents have been loaded. How can i show an empty tableview (i'll put an activity indicator) and then load and show the contents? Teo

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  • Facebook link to doesn't work

    - by Teo
    For the last 2 days I'm trying to find the reason why my previous setup, which was a link to my websites Facebook pages doesn't work anymore. I assume that I mistakenly changed something in the Facebook developer area, but I can't remember what it was. The bottom linked my previously to the, now the same Bottom links me just to I guess I saw some redirect in the tab, but I'm not sure since it's too fast changing to The original link in the footer is correct : <a href=" " target="_blank" class="facebook_ico"></a>. Any ideas?

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  • Links to redirect to

    - by Teo
    For the last 2 days I've been trying to find the reason why the link to my website's Facebook page doesn't work anymore. The link went to, but now redirects to I assume that I mistakenly changed something in the Facebook developer area, but I can't remember what it was. I guess I saw some redirect in the tab, but I'm not sure since it's changing too fast to The original link in the footer is correct: <a href=" " target="_blank" class="facebook_ico"></a> Any ideas?

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  • Determine whether a canvas has been inserted into each page

    - by Hadi Teo
    Hi, Currently i have a code which will print OMR Mark on each pages. Basically i insert a canvas into each page and subsequently an OMR Mark Line Series are inserted into the canvas. Recently i found an issue that somehow one of the canvas is placed out of a page and it appears at the previous page instead of the current page. Below is the code snippet in how i inserted canvas as well as OMR Marks into each page: ' Start Code Snippet Sub GenerateOMR() Dim ShpCanvas As Shape Dim MaxPages As Integer Dim PNo As Integer ClearOMR MaxPages = Selection.Information(wdNumberOfPagesInDocument) For PNo = 1 To MaxPages Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToPage, Which:=wdGoToFirst, Count:=PNo, Name:="" Select Case PNo Case 1 Set ShpCanvas = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddCanvas(0, 0.5, 600, 300) Case Else Set ShpCanvas = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddCanvas(0, 0, 600, 300) End Select ' Add a canvas on each page With ShpCanvas .Name = "OMR_Canvas_" & CStr(PNo) .RelativeHorizontalPosition = wdRelativeHorizontalPositionPage .RelativeVerticalPosition = wdRelativeVerticalPositionPage End With ' Insert a white background rectange and remove the rectangle border line With ShpCanvas.CanvasItems.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 536, 0, 64, 300) .Name = "OMR_WhiteBackground_" & CStr(PNo) .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255) .Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255) End With PrintOMRPage ShpCanvas, PNo Next PNo End Sub ' End Code Snippet There is a custom method called PrintOMRPage method which is not relevant here. My question now, how do i know whether a canvas has been inserted into a page ? Basically i will loop in all the pages and check whether a canvas has been inserted into that page. Apparently i cannot find the correct way. I have tried to check using ActiveDocument.Shapes(1).Top and validate whether the Top position is a negative value. But apparently the Top position is always measured from the top of each page. Thanks for the help. hadi teo

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  • 3.1.3 and 3.2 different behaviour

    - by teo
    I'm using a custom cell in tableView with a UITextField - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; if (cell == nil) { cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease]; UITextField *txtField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 280, 24)]; txtField.placeholder = @"<Enter Text>"; txtField.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentLeft; txtField.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways; txtField.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone; txtField.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo; [cell.contentView addSubview:txtField]; [txtField release]; } } This works fine and the UITextField covers the cell. When i run this with 3.2 sdk or on the iPad the UITextField isn't aligned properly to the left, overlapping the cell and i have to use a UITextField width of 270 instead of 280 UITextField *txtField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 270, 24)]; It seems something is wrong the pixel ratio. How can this be fixed? Is there a way to determine the version of os the device has ( 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2 or maybe even the 4.0) or can it be done another way? Thank you Teo

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  • Compound assignment operators in Python's Numpy library

    - by Leonard
    The "vectorizing" of fancy indexing by Python's numpy library sometimes gives unexpected results. For example: import numpy a = numpy.zeros((1000,4), dtype='uint32') b = numpy.zeros((1000,4), dtype='uint32') i = numpy.random.random_integers(0,999,1000) j = numpy.random.random_integers(0,3,1000) a[i,j] += 1 for k in xrange(1000): b[i[k],j[k]] += 1 Gives different results in the arrays 'a' and 'b' (i.e. the appearance of tuple (i,j) appears as 1 in 'a' regardless of repeats, whereas repeats are counted in 'b'). This is easily verified as follows: numpy.sum(a) 883 numpy.sum(b) 1000 It is also notable that the fancy indexing version is almost two orders of magnitude faster than the for loop. My question is: "Is there an efficient way for numpy to compute the repeat counts as implemented using the for loop in the provided example?"

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  • How should I work out VAT (UK tax) in my eCommerce site?

    - by Leonard Challis
    We have an ecommerce system in place. The sales actually go through Sage, so we have an export script from our system that uses a third-party Sage Importer program. With a new version of this importer, values are checked more thoroughly. We are getting 1 pence discrepancies because of the way rounding works - our system has always held prices and worked to 4 decimal places. In the checkout the totals would be worked out first, then the rounding to 2 decimal places. The importer does rounding first, though. So, for instance: Our way: Product 1: £13.4561 Qty: 2 Total inc VAT = £32.29 (to 2dp) Importer way: Our way: Product 1: £13.4561 Qty: 2 Total inc VAT = £32.30 (to 2dp) Management are reluctant to lose the 4dp but the developers of the Sage importer have said that this is correct and makes sense -- you woudn't sell a product for £13.4561 in a shop, nor would you charge someone tax at 4 decimal places. I contacted the HMRC and the operator didn't really give me much to go on, telling me a technician would phone back, to which they haven't and I'm still waiting after almost a week and numerous follow-up calls. I did find a PDF on the HMRC's web site, but this did about us much to confuse me as it did to answer my questions. I see that they're happy for people to round up or down, as long it is consistent, but I can't tell whether it should be done on a line by line basis or on the end total of the order. We are now in the position where we need to decide whether it's worth us doing one of the following, or something completely different. Please advise with any experience or information I can read. Change all products on the site to use 2dp Keep 4dp but round each line in the order to 2dp before working out tax Keep it as it is and "fudge" the values at the export script (i.e. make that values correct by adding or subtracting 1p and changing the shipping cost to make the totals still work out) Any thoughts?

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  • Just graduated from the finest graduates of the NeoSmart Technologies Institute of BCD Learning.

    - by Leonard Mwangi
    My laptop housing my life in entirety decided to go south this last weekend, cant blame it because I wanted it to do things that not even normal people :)  but it corrupted and could not get it going no matter what I tried. Imagining what I would loose (my POC's, Couple of VM's and lots and lots of documentation) pushed me to try anything short of reinstall. After toiling for about an hour looking for solution, I ended up at where the last solution is the one that worked for me. I am glad to be functional again :) Thanks NeoSmart guys

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  • SSIS ForEachLoop Container

    - by Leonard Mwangi
    I recently had a client request to create an SSIS package that would loop through a set of data in SQL tables to allow them to complete their data transformation processes. Knowing that Integration Services does have ForEachLoop Container, I knew the task would be easy but the moment I jumped into it I figured there was no straight forward way to accomplish the task since for each didn’t really have a loop through the table enumerator. With the capabilities of integration Services, I was still confident that it was possible it was just a matter of creativity to get it done. I set out to discover what different ForEach Loop Editor Enumerators did and settled with Variable Enumerator.  Here is how I accomplished the task. 1.       Drop your ForEach Loop Container in your WorkArea. 2.       Create a few SSIS Variable that will contain the data. Notice I have assigned MyID_ID variable a value of “TEST’ which is not evaluated either. This variable will be assigned data from the database hence allowing us to loop. 3.       In the ForEach Loop Editor’s Collection select Variable Enumerator 4.       Once this is all set, we need a mechanism to grab the data from the SQL Table and assigning it to the variable. Fig: Select Top 1 record Fig: Assign Top 1 record to the variable 5.       Now all that’s required is a house cleaning process that will update the table that you are looping so that you can be able to grab the next record   A look of the complete package

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  • adobe-flash-properties-gtk on Saucy 13.10

    - by leonard vertighel
    How can I install adobe-flash-properties-gtk on the new Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy? It was present since last version Raring 13.04. is there another way to control the sites allowed to use the webcam? The "partner" repositories are enabled. Cheers PS: How can I install adobe-flash-properties-gtk on the new Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy? It was present since last version Raring 13.04. is there another way to control the sites allowed to use the webcam? The "partner" repositories are enabled. Cheers PS: instructions like this one "Can't install adobe-flash-properties-gtk" stop at Raring 13.04.

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  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Release

    - by Leonard Mwangi
    Microsoft is planning to release the second edition of SQL Server 2008, the new edition will named SQL Server 2008 R2 due to be released by May 1st 2010.   Amongst the change on the edition is pricing which is anticipated to go up by 25% for the Standard Edition and about 15% for the Enterprise Edition. As for the features, there are some very cool additions  including PowerPivot for SharePoint, Master Data Services and Multi-Server Administration. There is also enhancements on the Database Engine, Reporting Services and Installation Process.    More information can be found at   Have a happy Upgrade

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  • Thank you South Florida for a successful SPSouthFLA

    - by Leonard Mwangi
    I wanted to officially thank the organizers, speakers, volunteers and the attendees of SharePoint Saturday South Florida. Being the first event in South Florida the reception was phenomenon and the group of speakers from keynote by Joel Oleson to session’s speakers from well renowned speakers like John Holliday, Randy Disgrill, Richard Harbridge, Ameet Phadnis, Fabian Williams, Chris McNulty, Jaime Velez to organizers like Michael Hinckley amongst others. With my Business Intelligence (BI) presentation being on the last track of the day, I spent very quality time networking with these great guys and getting the insider scope on International SharePoint Community from Joel and his son which was mesmerizing. I had a very active audience to a point where we couldn’t accommodate all the contents within the 1hr allocated time because they were very engaged and wanted a deep dive session on news features like PowerPivot, enhancements on PerformancePoint, Excel Services amongst others in order to understand the business value and how SharePoint 2010 is making the self-service BI become a reality. These community events allows the attendees experience technology first hand and network with MVPs, authors, experts providing high quality educational sessions usually for free which is a reason to attend. I have made the slides for my session available for download for those interested

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  • Giving a Zone "More Power"

    - by Brian Leonard
    In addition to the traditional virtualization benefits that Solaris zones offer, applications running in zones are also running in a more secure environment. One way to quantify this is compare the privileges available to the global zone with those of a local zone. For example, there a 82 distinct privileges available to the global zone: bleonard@solaris:~$ ppriv -l | wc -l 82 You can view the descriptions for each of those privileges as follows: bleonard@solaris:~$ ppriv -lv contract_event Allows a process to request critical events without limitation. Allows a process to request reliable delivery of all events on any event queue. contract_identity Allows a process to set the service FMRI value of a process contract template. ... Or for just one or more privileges: bleonard@solaris:~$ ppriv -lv file_dac_read file_dac_write file_dac_read Allows a process to read a file or directory whose permission bits or ACL do not allow the process read permission. file_dac_write Allows a process to write a file or directory whose permission bits or ACL do not allow the process write permission. In order to write files owned by uid 0 in the absence of an effective uid of 0 ALL privileges are required. However, in a non-global zone, only 43 of the 83 privileges are available by default: root@myzone:~# ppriv -l zone | wc -l 43 The missing privileges are: cpc_cpu dtrace_kernel dtrace_proc dtrace_user file_downgrade_sl file_flag_set file_upgrade_sl graphics_access graphics_map net_mac_implicit proc_clock_highres proc_priocntl proc_zone sys_config sys_devices sys_ipc_config sys_linkdir sys_dl_config sys_net_config sys_res_bind sys_res_config sys_smb sys_suser_compat sys_time sys_trans_label virt_manage win_colormap win_config win_dac_read win_dac_write win_devices win_dga win_downgrade_sl win_fontpath win_mac_read win_mac_write win_selection win_upgrade_sl xvm_control However, just like Tim Taylor, it is possible to give your zones more power. For example, a zone by default doesn't have the privileges to support DTrace: root@myzone:~# dtrace -l ID PROVIDER MODULE FUNCTION NAME The DTrace privileges can be added, however, as follows: bleonard@solaris:~$ sudo zonecfg -z myzone Password: zonecfg:myzone> set limitpriv="default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user" zonecfg:myzone> verify zonecfg:myzone> exit bleonard@solaris:~$ sudo zoneadm -z myzone reboot Now I can run DTrace from within the zone: root@myzone:~# dtrace -l | more ID PROVIDER MODULE FUNCTION NAME 1 dtrace BEGIN 2 dtrace END 3 dtrace ERROR 7115 syscall nosys entry 7116 syscall nosys return ... Note, certain privileges are never allowed to be assigned to a zone. You'll be notified on boot if you attempt to assign a prohibited privilege to a zone: bleonard@solaris:~$ sudo zoneadm -z myzone reboot privilege "dtrace_kernel" is not permitted within the zone's privilege set zoneadm: zone myzone failed to verify Here's a nice listing of all the privileges and their zone status (default, optional, prohibited): Privileges in a Non-Global Zone.

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  • BI Presentation for SharePoint 2010

    - by Leonard Mwangi
    I have uploaded the BI Presentation slideds for SharePoint 2010 that I presented at Kansas City SharePoint Users Group. The slides can be downloaded from

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