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Search found 22 results on 1 pages for 'marcamillion'.

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  • How do I backup my customer's data?

    - by marcamillion
    If you run a SaaS app, or work on one, I would love to hear from you. Where the safety and security of your customer's data is paramount, how do you secure it and back it up? I would love to know your main host (e.g. Heroku, Engine Yard, Rackspace, MediaTemple, etc.) and who you use for your backup. Be as detailed as possible - e.g. a quick overview of your service and the data you store (images for instance), what happens with the images when the user uploads them (e.g. they go to your Linode VPS, and posted to the site for them to see - then they are automatically sent to AWS or wherever, then once a week they are backed up to tape by the managed hosting provider, and you also back them up to your house/office). If you could also give some idea as to what the unit cost (per GB/per user/per month) of storage is - on average, I would really appreciate that. Getting ready to launch my app, and I would love to get some more perspective on the nitty gritty details involved. Thanks!

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  • If I am developing a hosted payments page, what should the infrastructure look like?

    - by marcamillion
    If I am not storing credit card info, do I have to be concerned with PCI-compliance? I will be using a payment processor with a bank in my country. Literally just taking the credit card info and passing it to the gateway and processor. I would love to get an idea of the various technologies I might need to consider from an software architectural point of view. What are the best practices in terms of accepting credit cards and reducing fraud risk on my end? I will be creating the app in Rails.

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  • Can a generic drum unit cause a Brother HL-2170w Laser B&W printer print dirty?

    - by marcamillion
    I tried a generic drum & generic toner - and it prints dirty. I also tried cleaning everything per the instructions in the documentation. Could it be a faulty drum unit? Or is it just a generic drum unit issue? I am about to buy a new drum unit, and don't want to buy generic if it will always cause this issue. Thoughts? P.S. I tried new toner cartridges (generic, but I know these work with a 'genuine drum' properly).

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  • How do I position an element so that it acts like both 'absolutely' & 'relatively' positioned at the same time? - CSS

    - by marcamillion
    You can see the implementation here: When you click on one of the names in Box#1, you will see the circle in the top left corner of the box move up and down. How do I stop that? While also, making sure that it shows in the top left corner of each of the boxes on all browser sizes? So position:absolute will keep it in one place regardless of what happens around it. But it won't put it in the exact same position (relatively) on diff browser sizes. But position:relative will. How do I get the best of both worlds?

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  • Why does this code send the form input to the URL?

    - by marcamillion
    How do I get this form input to be stored in a variable, that I can then use later - rather than being appended to the end of the URL? <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var tag_box = $("<div>").appendTo("body").css({ "width": "40px", "height":"40px", "border":"4px solid #000000", "position":"absolute", "display":"none", "padding":"15px" }); var comment_box = $("<form action='#'><input id='comment' type='text' name='comment' placeholder='Add comment'></form>").appendTo(tag_box).css({"position":"absolute"}); $("#image-wrapper").live("click", function(e) { tag_box.css({ "left": e.pageX - 40, "top": e.pageY - 40, "display": "block" }) .after(comment_box.css({ "left": e.pageX - 65, "top": e.pageY + 40 })); return false; }); }); </script> <body> <div align="center"> <img src="images/ror1.gif" width="760" height="182" alt="Ror1" id="image-wrapper"> </div> </body>

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  • How can I duplicate the UI functionality of Google Fastflip?

    - by marcamillion
    Trying to get the same functionality as Google FastFlip. Not just with the thumbnails, but even for the larger images too. Notice how when you click on a story, you see the main story front and center, and you see smaller half-screens of previous and next stories. How can I get that functionality? Is there a plugin for one of the JS frameworks that does this already? I also love the speed and feel of flipping through the images.

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  • How do I duplicate Facebook picture tagging functionality?

    - by marcamillion
    I asked this question in another post - I got a wonderful answer. See the code below: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#image-wrapper").click(function(e){ var ele = $("<div>"); ele.css({width:"50px", height:"50px", border:"1px solid green", position:"absolute", left: e.pageX - 25, top: e.pageY -25}); $("body").append(ele); }); }); </script> <div id="image-wrapper" style="border: 1px solid red; width: 300px; height: 200px;"> </div> The issue I am having is that when I implement this snippet, on every click a box appears and stays there. So if I click on the image 10 times, I get 10 boxes. How do I get the previous box to disappear once I click somewhere else (i.e. have the box move to another place on the image (just like with Facebook Picture Tagging))? Thanks.

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  • How do I run a ruby script, that I put in my /lib/tasks/ directory in my Rails app, once?

    - by marcamillion
    Eventually I would like to get to setting it up as a Rake task and do a cron job, but for right now...all I want to do is take my ruby script that used to work as a standalone script and have it work within my Rails app. I renamed the file to be .rake instead of .rb and tried doing rake my_script at the command-line, but that gave me this error message: rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'my_script' (See full trace by running task with --trace) How do I run this script within my Rails environment? This is the first time I am doing something like this, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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  • How do I add a textbox to my other jQuery click function?

    - by marcamillion
    Right now, my script adds a box to the cursor when I click on an image, as can be seen in the following code. Please note, this is jQuery. $(function() { var tag_box = $("<div>").appendTo("body").css({"width":"40px", "height":"40px", "border":"4px solid #000000", "position":"absolute", "display":"none", "padding":"15px"}); $("#image-wrapper").live('click', function(e){ tag_box.css({"left": e.pageX - 40, "top": e.pageY - 40, "display":"block"}); }); I would like to add a text field to appear right below that tag_box on that same click. I tried to do this, but it hasn't worked out like I thought it would: var comment_box = $("<label> Comment: <input type='text' name='comment' autocomplete='off'></label>"); $("#image-wrapper").live('click', function(){ $("body").append(comment_box); }); Any assistance you can give me, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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  • How do I add a comment to an image using jQuery

    - by marcamillion
    So I am trying to replicate Facebook's picture tagging functionality, and I have the functionality that onClick, a box is created and there is a comment box. Now the issue is that I want to be able to (without doing any back-end processing) take the input from the input field and add it in some form to the underlying image area that they have selected. I would also like to add a small image to that area, that shows that a comment is there. How do I do that? See the code below for what I have for the comment box: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var tag_box = $("<div>").appendTo("body").css({ "width": "40px", "height":"40px", "border":"4px solid #000000", "position":"absolute", "display":"none", "padding":"15px" }); var comment_box = $("<form action='#'><input id='comment' type='text' name='comment' placeholder='Add comment'></form>").appendTo(tag_box).css({"position":"absolute"}); $("#image-wrapper").live('click', function(e){ tag_box.css({ "left": e.pageX - 40, "top": e.pageY - 40, "display": "block" }) .after(comment_box.css({ "left": e.pageX - 65, "top": e.pageY + 40 })); }); }); </script> Now...whenever the user presses enter, the info in the comment box is appended to the URL like so: .html?comment=comment value# Thanks

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  • Why does the following Toggle function perform four different operations instead of two?

    - by marcamillion
    You can see the implementation here: What I am trying to do, when you click on 'John Brown', you see the first element at top turn black. When you click it again, the border of the dotted circle disappears, then when you click 'John Brown' again, you see something else, then finally once again it all disappears. What I am trying to achieve is when you click it once, everything turns black (like it does now), then you click it again, everything disappears and goes back to the original state. Important distinction, what I mean is...when one of the names in the box are not clicked. So if you clicked John Brown then moved to Jack Dorsey, the #1 at top should stay black. But if you were to click Jack Dorsey again, i.e. you 'unclicked' it, then it should disappear. Also, how do I tighten it up, so that it responds quicker. Now when you click it, it feels like there is a little bit of a lag between when it was clicked and when it responds. Edit1: If anyone is interested...the UI that this will be used in is for my webapp -

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  • Add class to .hover functionality on a specific class name - jQuery

    - by marcamillion
    So, throughout my entire document, I would like for every single time the user hovers over an element with a specific class name, I would like a class to be added. My CSS looks like this: .hotspot:hover, .hotspothover { border: 4px solid #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000; z-index: 1; } Class name: "hotspot". I tried this, but it doesn't seem to work: $("#hotspot.hover #hotspothover").addClass("bubble bottom"); Thanks.

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  • How do I overlay an icon/image onto another image on form submission?

    - by marcamillion
    So I am trying to add an icon to an image, once someone has 'tagged' a portion of the image - i.e. they have submitted the form. How do I do that in jQuery? Just to be clear...imagine you are on flickr and you see an image. You want to add an annotation, you click on the image where you want, and it shows you a form field. You enter the information you want to, then after you have done so, there is a small image left on top of the picture that shows where you have left a comment. Any ideas?

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  • I added a validation to one of my models, now Rails is telling me to add validation to the partial. Help!

    - by marcamillion
    This is the error I am getting: ArgumentError in Home#index Showing /app/views/clients/_form.html.erb where line #6 raised: You need to supply at least one validation Extracted source (around line #6): 3: render :partial => "clients/form", 4: :locals => {:client => client} 5: -%> 6: <% client ||= 7: new_client = client.new_record? %> 8: <%= form_for(client, :html => { :class=>"ajax-form", :id => "client-ajax-form"}, :remote => true, :disable_with => (new_client ? "Adding..." : "Saving...")) do |f| %> 9: <div class="validation-error" style="display:none"></div> My client model looks like this: class Client < ActiveRecord::Base # the user model for the client belongs_to :user has_many :projects, :order => 'created_at DESC', :dependent => :destroy #The following produces the designers for a particular client. #Get them from the relations where the current user is a client. has_one :ownership, :dependent => :destroy has_one :designer, :through => :ownership validates :name, :presence => true, :length => {:minimum => 1, :maximum => 128} validates :number_of_clients def number_of_clients Authorization.current_user.clients.count <= Authorization.current_user.plan.num_of_clients end end This is how the app/views/client/_form.html.erb partial looks: <%# Edit a single client render :partial => "clients/form", :locals => {:client => client} -%> <% client ||= new_client = client.new_record? %> <%= form_for(client, :html => { :class=>"ajax-form", :id => "client-ajax-form"}, :remote => true, :disable_with => (new_client ? "Adding..." : "Saving...")) do |f| %> <div class="validation-error" style="display:none"></div> <div> <label for="client_name"><span class="icon name-icon"> </span></label> <input type="text" class="name" size="20" name="client[name]" id="client_name" value="<%= %>" > <%= f.submit(new_client ? "Add" : "Save", :class=> "green awesome")%> </div> <% end %> <% content_for(:deferred_js) do %> // From the Client Form $('#client-ajax-form') .bind("ajax:success", function(evt, data, status, xhr){ console.log("Calling Step View"); compv.updateStepView('client', xhr); }); <% end %> How do I fix that error ?

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  • How do I toggle CSS with jQuery?

    - by marcamillion
    I have the following code: $('#bc' + $.trim($this) + ' span.dashed-circle').css({ 'border' : '5px solid #000'}); That is triggered by a click.function(). I would like that to be a toggle - so when I click the element, it changes the border to what I have above...but when it is clicked again it disappears or rather sets the border to ' '. Thoughts? Edit: I should have been explicit...but I don't want to create a CSS class. The reason being is because when I do that, it messes up the formatting of the element being styled. I am sure that it is some small quirk somewhere that would fix it, but I am not interested in wading through the entire code base to fix little positioning issues with a new class. I would much rather just edit the css attribute directly - because it doesn't interfere with the layout. Edit2: Here is the jsfiddle of the code I am trying to edit. If you notice, I have the CSS attributes last. But how do I let that be toggled ? Edit3: If anyone is interested...the UI that this will be used in is for my webapp -

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  • I have the CSS & JS, how do I convert that to erb for my Rails app?

    - by marcamillion
    So I have the foundation of my Rails app, then I went ahead and did the JS and CSS. How do I then take the CSS and JS that I have, and apply it to the app in a 'Rails Way'. i.e. a dynamic way that works nicely. Can you give me some tutorials/articles/resources that I can read up to guide me, please? I have tried the Rails guides, but I find them a bit lacking. Any other good suggestions or tips that might help get me on the right track? Thanks.

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  • How do I implement aasm in Rails 3 for what I want it to do?

    - by marcamillion
    I am a Rails n00b and have been advised that in order for me to keep track of the status of my user's accounts (i.e. paid, unpaid (and therefore disabled), free trial, etc.) I should use an 'AASM' gem. So I found one that seems to be the most popular: But the instructions are pretty vague. I have a Users model and a Plan model. User's model manages everything you might expect (username, password, first name, etc.). Plan model manages the subscription plan that users should be assigned to (with the restrictions). So I am trying to figure out how to use the AASM gem to do what I want to do, but no clue where to start. Do I create a new model ? Then do I setup a relationship between my User model and the model for AASM ? How do I setup a relationship? As in, a user 'has_many' states ? That doesn't seem to make much sense to me. Any guidance would be really appreciated. Thanks. Edit: If anyone else is confused by AASMs like myself, here is a nice explanation of their function in Rails by the fine folks at Envy Labs: Edit2: How does this look: include AASM aasm_column :current_state aasm_state :paid aasm_state :free_trial aasm_state :disabled #this is for accounts that have exceed free trial and have not paid #aasm_state :free_acct aasm_event :pay do transitions :to => :paid, :from => [:free_trial, :disabled] transitions :to => :disabled, :from => [:free_trial, :paid] end

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  • How do I do client-side form validation in jQuery?

    - by marcamillion
    I am trying to use this plugin: Where #user_new is the id for my form, this is what my code looks like: $('#user_new').validate({ rules: { user[username]: "required", user[email]: { required: true, email: true } }, messages: { user[username]: "Please specify your name", user[email]: { required: "We need your email address to contact you", email: "Your email address must be in the format of [email protected]" } } }) Where these are how my input fields look when the page is rendered (generated by Rails): <input class="clearField curved" id="user_f_name" name="user[f_name]" size="30" type="text" value="First Name" /><br /> <input class="clearField curved" id="user_l_name" name="user[l_name]" size="30" type="text" value="Last Name" /><br /> <input class="clearField curved" id="user_username" name="user[username]" size="30" type="text" value="Username" /><br /> <input class="clearField curved" id="user_password" name="user[password]" size="30" type="password" value="Password" /><br /> <input class="clearField curved" id="user_password_confirmation" name="user[password_confirmation]" size="30" type="password" value="Password" /><br /> <input class="clearField curved" id="user_email" name="user[email]" size="30" type="text" value="Email Address" /><br /> I was just trying to validate username & email first. Then take it from there. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to specify the syntax and the rules for working with this plugin. Help!

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  • How do I get only two form fields to show instead of all 5 on initial page load? CSS

    - by marcamillion
    Here is the implementation: If you notice, when you click 'Login' or 'Register' before entering anything, you should see a few fields disappear and re-appear respectively. I would like for this page to display the view of just the two fields on the first load (rather than the current 5 it shows on first load), then when the user clicks the 'register' link, it shows the other 3 - for a total of 5. How do I do that? Thanks

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  • How do I run multiple ruby scripts sequentially on my local machine?

    - by marcamillion
    I have about 5 or 6 ruby scripts I want to run, right after each other. These are all on my local machine (OS X) and won't be run on a server. Each takes about 15 minutes to run, and I don't want to have to wait for each one to finish before running the others manually. Without using something as heavy as delayed_job or some other queueing gem, how can I achieve this? Or should I go through the hassle of setting up sidekiq or something else? Thanks. P.S. It would be nice to restart the script if one of them times out (I am doing web crawling, so keeping an HTTP connection open sometimes gives me issues) - which happens occasionally.

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