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Search found 19 results on 1 pages for 'oxinabox'.

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  • Programming languages specifications ebooks

    - by Oxinabox
    In this talk Jon Skeet talks about the advantages of reading programming language specifications. I have an Ebook Reader (a Sony, one of the better ones for PDF's, though EPub is still much better). Does anyone know any sources for specifications, optimised for ebook readersm that can be downloaded? I expect someone would have gone through the effort of optimising the websites for ebook reader reading, ideally: EPUB Format (though pdf will do) Annotated (eg XML) Most specifications I find don't have obvious download links. I'm having trouble googling because everytime I seach for say: "F# Spec EPUB" or "Python Spec PDF" most of the results are for the EPUB or PDF specifications.

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  • Running Mathematica-5 remotely

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    I have Mathematica 5 - a powerful CAS. I have a cheap netbook (running Windows XP), wich not only is too slow to run mathmatica on, I doubt it has the harddrive space. I do however have remote access to a number of very powerful computers, (most of wich run variose Linuxes, but one of which is Windows Server 2008, though I'ld rather not use this one*). Mostly over SSH but other protocols can be arraged for some, I'm sure. So I'ld like to install Mathematica onto one of these machine and then run it remotely. Either from the command line via Putty or via some other method. I glanced through the mathematical documentation and read something about using some MathLink program, which links the front end installed on my computer to a remote kernel. Anyone have any experience with this? I'm not sure if this belongs here or in SuperUser. At the moment, it's being tinkered with, and when the tinkering stops it'll likely be used to run multiple thin terms. As compared to the Linux machines: I have access to a dual 2.4 Xeon with 3GB RAM, which the rest of the world seems to have completely forgotten about (runs freeBSD!).

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  • Making TMUX use Alt+Num to select window

    - by Oxinabox
    I have been messing with TMUX, and I am liking the configuration abilities. The window list at the bottom makes me think that the same shortcut for changing windows in Irssi, should work in TMUX, but it doesn't. So at the moment, I have to press C-b then a number to get that window open. I am happy having C-b for my normal prefix, (eg for C-b ? for help, C-b : command entry) But it would be cool if I could use both C-b+Numkey and Alt+NumKey for changing tabs. It would be even cooler if it could detect if a window is showing Irssi, and then ignore the Alt+NumKey, so that I can still change between Irssi windows.

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  • pdf creation software, for docx and odt

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    Ok, I have a fairly large collection of docx and odt files. Minutes from meetings etc. Now I want to convert them to pdfs for distrobution. and also into one combined pdf. At the momement I'm using Adobe Acrobat 8 (Pro iirc). and on another machine I'm using foxit pdf printer. To do this I have to print them each individually to pdfs. and then I can combine them with Acrobat, cos acrobat doesn't support conversion stright from docx or odt to pdf - only via printing. Now this is annoying if you have to do it on a regular basis, since i don't keep the pdfs around (I have the orignals source controlled :-D) cos they go out of date pretty quick as I often have to go back and modify old versions (like ridiculously often). e Eg When I find out I've got something in the minutes wrong or I want to add more context for clarifaction. Anyone got a better solution?

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  • Rip authedicatation from LDAP to Local

    - by oxinabox
    We are taking a small portion of out network offline, and running a separate network using that portion. (By small portion I mean 2 servers, that will be connected to 30 odd boxs that aren't usually part of our network, and don't need to authenicate) I intend to create a VM on one of the servers to provide general user services, and IRC server, remote shell etc. And I would like the users to be able to use there usual server log in details. Problem is the LDAP server that normally checks those details is not one of the severs. So I need to be able to some how take their details off LDAP and put them on the the server that is coming. One suggestion I had was to set a LDAP server on the VM locally, and clone the LDAP database onto it (using something called slapcat) is this the best way? Or can I I change the LDAP data into local authentication data?

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  • "Piping" to MPD

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    I would like to "Pipe" the output of my local sound card to MPD on a networked music server. Anyone have any suggestions how to go about this? I'm thinking maybe i can make a live MP3 stream? maybe over the web, or over the intranet? (IIRC MPD supported MP3 streams, i've had Internet radio steams going (though I didn't set them up) I'm not very experienced with MPD, or with webcasts

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  • Running Mathimatica-5 remotely

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    Ok, I have Mathmatica 5 - a powerful CAS. I have a cheap netbook, wich not olny is too slow to run mathmatica on, I doubt it has the harddrive space. I do however have remote access to a number of very powerful computers, (most of wich run variose linuxes, but one of which is windows server 2008) Mostly over SSH but other protocols can be arraged for some, i'm sure. (I might even be able to remote desktop the windows server 2008) So I'ld like to install Mathmatica onto one of these machine and then run it remotely. Either from the command line via putty or via some other method. I glanced through the mathmatical documentaion and read soemthing about using some MathLink program, wich linkes the front end istalled on my computer to a remote kernal. Anyone have any expirience with this? I'm not sure if this belongs here or in SuperUser.

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  • IRC server connecting to another server

    - by Oxinabox
    I'm setting up an IRC server using IRC-Hybrid, I want my server to connect to another server, so that people on my server can connect to channels on that other server. I know this can be done, the GIMP IRC, is the same as the GNOME IRC My ircd.conf contains the following: connect { name = "aabstractname"; host = "; send_password = "somepass"; accept_password = "somepass"; encrypted = no; port = 6667; class = "server"; autoconn = yes; compressed = yes; fakename = ""; }; So when i run: /etc/init.d/ircd-hybrid restart it should be connecting to, but the log on, doesn't show anything Do I need entry on the host I can't find any documentation for ircd.conf I'ld really like that documentation so I can check all my settings are right.

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  • 8 bit enum, in C

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    I have to store instuctions, commands that I will be receiving via serial. The commands will be 8 bits long. I'd like to use Enumerations to deal with them in my code. Only a enumeration corresponds to a ... on this platform I think a 16 bit integer. I need to preserve transparancy between command name, and its value. So as to avoid having to translate an 8-bit number received in serial into any type. BTW the platform is AVR ATmega169V microcontroller, on the Butterfly demo board. It may be being underclocked to preserve power (I'm opposed to this, I believe the ATmega169V uses no power, not next to a router. But that's getting offtopic.) So I need to keep things fast, and I don't have any luxuries like file I/O. Or operating systems. So any suggestions as to what type I should be using to store 8-bit commands? There has got to be something better than a massive header of #defines.

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  • Passing paramenters on the stack

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    When you pass parameters to a function on the cpu stack, You put the parameters on then JSR puts the return address on the stack. So than means in your function you must take the top item of the stack (the return address) before you can take the others off) eg is the following the correct way to go about it: ... |Let’s do some addition with a function, MOVE.L #4, -(SP) MOVE.L #5, -(SP) JSR add |the result of the addition (4+5) is in D0 (9) ... add: MOVE.L (SP)+, A1 |store the return address |in a register MOVE.L D0, -(SP) |get 1st parameter, put in D0 MOVE.L D2, -(SP) |get 2nd parameter, put in D0 ADD.L D2, D0 |add them, |storing the result in D0 MOVE.L A1, -(SP) |put the address back on the |Stack RTS |return

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  • Passing parameters on the stack

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    When you pass parameters to a function on the cpu stack, You put the parameters on then JSR puts the return address on the stack. So that means in your function you must take the top item of the stack (the return address) before you can take the others off) eg is the following the correct way to go about it: ... |Let’s do some addition with a function, MOVE.L #4, -(SP) MOVE.L #5, -(SP) JSR add |the result of the addition (4+5) is in D0 (9) ... add: MOVE.L (SP)+, A1 |store the return address |in a register MOVE.L (SP)+, D0 |get 1st parameter, put in D0 MOVE.L (SP)+, D2 |get 2nd parameter, put in D2 ADD.L D2, D0 |add them, |storing the result in D0 MOVE.L A1, -(SP) |put the address back on the |Stack RTS |return

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  • MS-Excel Negative times

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    I'm writing a spreadsheet for a shop manager. What it does is keep track of the number of hours a worker has worked. So you enter times for Monday-Sunday, and then an adjustment - e.g. if they work 40/40/40/32 hours for the month, then you would have an adjustment of -2/-2/-2/+6 to bring the worker to the 38 hour week that he's being paid for. Some (most) weeks may be adjusted for overtime. The spreadsheet then totals the hours. This spreadsheet is supposed to just be a self-calculating version of a paper form. It needs to match the paper form as it has to be substituted for the old form which is given to some other member of the company (pay clerk, I don't know; I'm not rebuilding their whole system, just replacing a form) I'm having trouble entering a negative time in the adj field - the field has a [h]:mm formatting. and when i enter a negative time (e.g. -2:00) it displays an error, saying "incorrectly formatted equation", with the suggestion that if I was entering a string then I should prefix with a apostrophe. How do I overcome this?

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  • Large Scale VHDL modularization techniques

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    I'm thinking about implimenting a 16 bit CPU in VHDL. A simplish CPU. ADD, MULS, NEG, BitShift, JUMP, Relitive Jump, BREQ, Relitive BREQ, i don't know somethign along these lines Probably all only working with 16bit operands. I might even cut it down and use only a single operand and a accumulator. With Some status regitsters, Carry, Zero, Neg (unless i use a Accumlator), I know how to design all the parts from logic gates, and plan to build them up from first priciples, So for my ALU I'll need to 'build' a ADDer, proably a Carry Look ahead, group adder, this adder it self is make up oa a couple of parts, wich are themselves made up of a couple of parts. Anyway, my problem is not the CPU design, or the VHDL (i know the language, more or less). It's how i should keep things organised. How should I use packages, How should I name my processes and port maps? (i've never seen the benifit of naming the port maps, or processes)

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  • ISBN -> bookdata Lookup to fill in a database

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    Ok, I wanting to database a small library. I've only had limmited experience with databeses, and vnone with queerying a websever. I'm going to want to retrieve information like title, Publisher, maybe author, desciption the simplest way i can think of dooing this is looking them up via the isbn. I'm wondering how I should go about doing this. I've coma across before, but the api for accessing it seems rather complex.

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  • java vs python. In what way is Java Better?

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    What are the advantages of Java over Python? What are the disadvantagesof Python, over Java? Why isn't Java more like Python? Like why don't java have an command line iterpretor? I beleive Java must have some advantages, but...I'm yet to see them. Logically all languages have an advantage afaict: I learnt java before python, - a 6 month unicourse. I spend a couple of weeks using python (writting a script to make a C source file). I hated it at first (as it was so differnt from C). I realised I had fallen in love it it, when I noticed that when I went to do a follow on Java Course at uni, I'ld stopped giving my variables types, and was tryign to multiply strings.

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  • Vim replacing tabs with double spaces

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    So I've written some code of an assignment and i forgot the universities polocy of indent with 2spaces. Normally I'ld have put a: vim: ts=2:tw=2: et: at the top of my files, but this time i forgot. How should I go about replacing all tabs with 2 space? would s// work? (repalcing and with the respectiove characters.

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  • Large Scale VHDL techniques

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    I'm thinking about implimenting a 16 bit CPU in VHDL. A simplish CPU. ADD, MULS, NEG, BitShift, JUMP, Relitive Jump, BREQ, Relitive BREQ, i don't know somethign along these lines Probably all only working with 16bit operands. I might even cut it down and use only a single operand and a accumulator. With Some status regitsters, Carry, Zero, Neg (unless i use a Accumlator), I know how to design all the parts from logic gates, and plan to build them up from first priciples, So for my ALU I'll need to 'build' a ADDer, proably a Carry Look ahead, group adder, this adder it self is make up oa a couple of parts, wich are themselves made up of a couple of parts. Anyway, my problem is not the CPU design, or the VHDL (i know the language, more or less). It's how i should keep things organised. How should I use packages, How should I name my processes and port maps? (i've never seen the benifit of naming the port maps, or processes)

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  • private class calling a method from its outer class

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    Ok, so I have a class for a "Advanced Data Structure" (in this case a kinda tree) SO I implimented a Iterator as a private class with in it. So the iterator needs to implement a remove function to remove the last retuirned element. now my ADT already impliments a remove function, and in this case there is very little (thinking about it, i think nothing) to be gain by implimenting a different remove function for the iterator. so how do I go about calling the remove from my ADT sketch of my struture: public class ADT { ... private class ADT_Iterator impliments java.util.Itorator{ ... public void remove(){ //where I want to call the ADT's remove function from } ... public void remove( Object paramFoo ) { ... } ... } So just calling remove(FooInstance) won't work (will it?) and this.remove(FooInstance) is the same thing. what do i call? (and changign the name of the ADT's remove function is not an option, as that AD T has to meet an Interace wich I am note at liberty to change) I could make both of them call a removeHelper functon, I guess...

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