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  • aggregate form elements into object ? [Solved]

    - by Mahmoud
    hey all i am trying to aggregate form elements into object and then send it via ajax here is the code that i start using but i cant figure out how to do the rest $('.jcart').live('submit', function() { }); Update 1: html form Update 2: I have successfully submit the form using ajax but it still refreshes the page after submiting this what i did function adding(form){ $( "form.jcart" ).livequery('submit', function() {var b=$(this).find('input[name=<?php echo $jcart['item_id']?>]').val();var c=$(this).find('input[name=<?php echo $jcart['item_price']?>]').val();var d=$(this).find('input[name=<?php echo $jcart['item_name']?>]').val();var e=$(this).find('input[name=<?php echo $jcart['item_qty']?>]').val();var f=$(this).find('input[name=<?php echo $jcart['item_add']?>]').val();$.post('<?php echo $jcart['path'];?>jcart-relay.php',{"<?php echo $jcart['item_id']?>":b,"<?php echo $jcart['item_price']?>":c,"<?php echo $jcart['item_name']?>":d,"<?php echo $jcart['item_qty']?>":e,"<?php echo $jcart['item_add']?>":f} }); return false; }

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  • Changing printer preference using vb6?

    - by Mahmoud
    I am having a problem when my program is installed to another computer, where its printer preference is different, where my data report accepts Letter size 8.2 * 11 in, because when the printer preference is different the data report well not show and gives an error saying the page width is larger than paper width, does anyone know how to fix this problem. i tried this code but it didn't work Printer.PaperSize = vbPRPSLetter

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  • MS access refusing to combine two tables?

    - by Mahmoud
    hey everyone i have an access 2007 database where i have 2 tables one is exp_cash and exp_cheque each are link to exp_cat, where exp_cat contains categories list where exp_cash contains id,cat_id,exp_date,exp_amount,exp_note same thing in exp_cheque where when i came to combine them nothing in result unless i remove the cat_name from my query i used a simple query which is SELECT DISTINCT exp_cat.cat_name, exp_cash.exp_amount, exp_cheque.exp_amount FROM (exp_cat INNER JOIN exp_cash ON exp_cat.ID = exp_cash.exp_cat_id) INNER JOIN exp_cheque ON exp_cat.ID = exp_cheque.exp_cat_id;

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  • Python Logic in searching String

    - by Mahmoud A. Raouf
    filtered=[] text="any.pdf" if "doc" and "pdf" and "xls" and "jpg" not in text: filtered.append(text) print(filtered) This is my first Post in Stack Overflow, so excuse if there's something annoying in Question, The Code suppose to append text if text doesn't include any of these words:doc,pdf,xls,jpg. It works fine if Its like: if "doc" in text: elif "jpg" in text: elif "pdf" in text: elif "xls" in text: else: filtered.append(text)

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  • how to stop lightbox from closeing after submit button is clicked?

    - by Mahmoud
    hey all i am using lightbox to show an enlarge image of the thumbnail images, where in each enlarged image there is a submit button, when that button is clicked it addes to jcart and refreshes the pages, for demo please visit username = mahmud password = mahmud now as you can see when you click at the thumbnail lightbox well show you an enlarge image in a bubble, where there is an submit image below the enlarged image if it was clicked it must add to cart and not refresh the page. i am using jcart as add to cart and lightbox to enlarge the images i asked so many people and all suggested that i use jquery live but i never used ajax so i am stuck here is it possible if yes is their a demo or a code well do this feature

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  • IE is stops Javascript with an error?

    - by Mahmoud
    hey there, i have complete of creating a javascript that well allow visitors ones the mouse is over the button a menu drops down, at some point on FireFox its working fine and also safari, but when it comes to IE it stops the script from running, where on the IE i debugged my script using IE debugger and i found out the error causing is frag+='<br /><li><form action="' + menuobj.items[i][1] + '" ><input type="submit" value="' + menuobj.items[i][0] + '" style="background-color:#000;border:hidden;color:#FFF"/></form></li><br />\n' for reference below is the full function code getmenuHTML:function(menuobj){ var menucontent=[] var frag="" for (var i=0; i < menuobj.items.length; i++){ frag+='<br /><li><form action="' + menuobj.items[i][1] + '" ><input type="submit" value="' + menuobj.items[i][0] + '" style="background-color:#000;border:hidden;color:#FFF"/></form></li><br />\n' if (menuobj.items[i][2]=="efc" || i==menuobj.items.length-1){ menucontent.push(frag) frag="" } } if (typeof menuobj.cols=="undefined") return '<ul>\n' + menucontent.join('') + '\n</ul>' else{ frag="" for (var i=0; i<menucontent.length; i++){ frag+='<div class="' + menuobj.cols.divclass + '" style="' + menuobj.cols.inlinestyle + '">\n<ul>\n' + menucontent[i] + '</ul>\n</div>\n' } return frag } },

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  • Best way to password protect a folder?

    - by Mahmoud
    I am trying to create a similar way to Cpanel password protect directory, where a pop up comes out asking the user for a username and a password, but Cpanel way is amazing but my client doesn't know anything on how to do that, so i wanted to create a pop up msgbox informing the visitor to enter a user name and a password, and i totaly confused on how to create it, and which programming language support similar to CPanel

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  • [js] how combine 2 functions on submit?

    - by Mahmoud
    hey there, as you can see, i have to functions first to check if all forms are not empty and the second function is to verify the captcher, when i combine them together both work at the same time, i want to first to verify the first function, when that function returns true then the other function starts, here is the code that i used on form <form action="reg.php" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" onsubmit=" Checking(this); return jcap();" > As you can see both function execute at the same time so i tried this <form action="reg.php" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" onsubmit=" if(Checking(this) == true ){ return jcap();}" > is bypass both

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  • call function after appending button

    - by Mahmoud
    i make jquery code add html elemnt button2 when event click on button1 , and make another to add another html elemnt to div when click on button 2 the first one run but the second not !! how solve this problem ? example of problem var button2='<input type="button" vale="add" id="idbutton2" >'; $('#idbutton1').click(function(){ $('#divid1').html(button2); }); $('#idbutton2').click(function(){ $('#divid2').html("text"); }); the button 2 add to div and i want run jquery when click on button 2

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  • how run Access 2007 module in Vb6?

    - by Mahmoud
    I have created a module in access 2007 that will update linked tables, but I wanted to run this module from vb6. I have tried this code from Microsoft, but it didnt work. Sub AccessTest1() Dim A As Object Set A = CreateObject("Access.Application") A.Visible = False A.OpenCurrentDatabase (App.Path & "/DataBase/acc.accdb") A.DoCmd.RunMacro "RefreshLinks" End Sub What I am aiming to do, is to allow my program to update all linked tables to new links, in case the program has been used on other computer In case you want to take a look at the module program, here it is: Sub CreateLinkedJetTable() Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog Dim tbl As ADOX.Table Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog ' Open the catalog. cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection Set tbl = New ADOX.Table ' Create the new table. tbl.Name = "Companies" Set tbl.ParentCatalog = cat ' Set the properties to create the link. tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Link Datasource") = CurrentProject.Path & "/db3.mdb" tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Remote Table Name") = "Companies" tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Create Link") = True ' To link a table with a database password set the Link Provider String ' tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Link Provider String") = "MS Access;PWD=Admin;" ' Append the table to the tables collection. cat.Tables.Append tbl Set cat = Nothing End Sub Sub RefreshLinks() Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog Dim tbl As ADOX.Table Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog ' Open the catalog. cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection Set tbl = New ADOX.Table For Each tbl In cat.Tables ' Verify that the table is a linked table. If tbl.Type = "LINK" Then tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Link Datasource") = CurrentProject.Path & "/db3.mdb" ' To refresh a linked table with a database password set the Link Provider String 'tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Link Provider String") = "MS Access;PWD=Admin;" End If Next End Sub

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  • Transfer table from one database to another?

    - by Mahmoud
    Hey all i am working at my project where it collects information from two database, one is supplied by the program lets name it DB Y and the other supplied by the user lets name it DB X , now i have an query that depends on companies which is on DB x so i want to transfer this table from DB x to DB y at run time and also checks if there is new updates in DB x and transfer them but i am confused

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  • Access is refusing to run an query with linked table?

    - by Mahmoud
    Hey all i have 3 tables each as follow cash_credit Bank_Name-------in_date-------Com_Id---Amount America Bank 15/05/2010 1 200 HSBC 17/05/2010 3 500 Cheque_credit Bank_Name-----Cheque_Number-----in_date-------Com_Id---Amount America Bank 74835435-5435 15/05/2010 2 600 HSBC 41415454-2851 17/05/2010 5 100 Companies com_id----Com_Name 1 Ebay 2 Google 3 Facebook 4 Amazon Companies table is a linked table when i tried to create an query as follow SELECT cash_credit.Amount, Companies.Com_Name, cheque_credit.Amount FROM cheque_credit INNER JOIN (cash_credit INNER JOIN Companies ON cash_credit.com_id = Companies.com_id) ON cheque_credit.com_id = Companies.com_id; I get an error saying that my inner Join is incorrectly, this query was created using Access 2007 query design the error is Type mismatch in expression then i thought it might be the inner join so i tried Left Join and i get an error that this method is not used JOIN expression is not supported I am confused on where is the problem that is causing all this

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  • highlight page selected in pagination?

    - by Mahmoud
    Hey There i have a php page, that shows all products that are stored on the database, so everything in fine, but my problem is that i am trying to highlight or give a color when a selected number is clicked, example, let say i all my product are showing and there are 2 pages, so when the user clicks on next the next fade and number 2 is colored yellow this well help the user to on which page he is below is my php code <?php echo"<a style:'color:#FFF;font-style:normal;'> "; include "im/config.php"; include('im/ps_pagination.php'); $result = ("Select * from product "); $pager = new PS_Pagination($conn, $result, 5, 6, "product=product"); $rs = $pager->paginate(); echo"<div id='image_container'>"; echo $pager->renderFullNav(); echo "<br /><br />\n"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)){ echo" <div class='virtualpage hidepiece'><a href='gal/".$row['pro_image']."' rel='lightbox[roadtrip]' title='".$row['pro_name']." : ".$row['pro_mini_des']."' style='color:#000'><img src='thumb/".$row['pro_thumb']."' /> </a></div>"; } echo"</div>"; echo "<br /><br />\n"; echo $pager->renderFullNav(); echo"</a>"; ?> Thank everyone

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  • [PHP] converting mysql data into array?

    - by Mahmoud
    i have an ajax script that check if the user name is available or not, but it keeps taking the newest user name and the rest are out $result = mysql_query("Select username from customer"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $existing_users=array(''.$row['username'].','); } i know i am doing something worng

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  • how to add jquery live to lightbox v2?

    - by Mahmoud
    Hey all I am trying to create a page that well display a gallery image, when the user clicks on any images it inlarges using lightbox v2 now after that i adding on each image a button that well submit to jcart script which well add to cart, but when the user click on the button it refreshes. so i wanted to use jquery live to submit to jcart without closing the lightbox v2 but i still dont know how to do? code used inside lightbox title is <form class="jcart" method="post" action="" name = "add" > <input type="hidden" name="id" value="".$row['pro_num']."" /> <input type="hidden" name="name" value="".$row['pro_name']."" /> <input type="hidden" name="price" value="".$row['pro_price']."" /> <input type="hidden"name="qty" size = "1" value="1" /> <br /> <input type="image" value="Submit" name="addto" src = "images/add.png" /> </form>

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  • youtube video on Mac os?

    - by Mahmoud
    I have inserted a video from youtube into a DIV tag, used the actual "embed" code found on youtube site. and used jquery to show/hide the div. when activated, the flash video shows perfectly in the div, when clicked it plays as usual the only problem i have is when someone using a Mac, and clicks on play, the flash video disappears. this happened on many Mac computers regardles of the browser being in use ( none Firefox neither Safari are working ) although i have tested it on all general browsers on windows and it works fine

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  • How to get option value (javascript)

    - by Mahmoud
    Below are the options that i have in my code <label id="subn"> <select name="subs" id="subs"> <option value="nothing">Choose a Subject</option> <option value="General Question">General Question</option> <option value="MemberShip Area">MemberShip Area</option> <option value="Others">Others</option> </select> </label> and i want to create a javascript that well check if the user select a subject other than the first below what i tried using if (document.getElementsByTagName('option') == "nothing"){ document.getElementById("subn").innerHTML = "Subject is Required!"; document.getElementById("subs").focus(); return false; }

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  • C# SMTP virtual server doesn't send mail [closed]

    - by ragaei
    I have got the following Exception : System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. - System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8004020F): The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for [email protected] --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.RuntimeType.InvokeDispMethod(String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Object target, Object[] args, Boolean[] byrefModifiers, Int32 culture, String[] namedParameters) at System.RuntimeType.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, String[] namedParams) at System.Type.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags, invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture) at System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.LateBoundAccessHelper.CallMethod(Type type, Object obj, String methodName, Object[] args) at System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.LateBoundAccessHelper.CallMethod(Object obj, String methodName, Object[] args) public static void SendEmail(string _FromEmail, string _ToEmail, string _Subject, string _EmailBody) { // setup email header . SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""; MailMessage _MailMessage = new MailMessage(); _MailMessage.From = _FromEmail; _MailMessage.To = _ToEmail; _MailMessage.Subject = _Subject; _MailMessage.Body = _EmailBody; try { SmtpMail.Send(_MailMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException != null) { String str = ex.InnerException.ToString(); } } }

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  • Week in Geek: LastPass Rescues Xmarks Edition

    - by Asian Angel
    This week we learned how to breathe new life into an aging Windows Mobile 6.x device, use filters in Photoshop, backup and move VirtualBox machines, use the BitDefender Rescue CD to clean an infected PC, and had fun setting up a pirates theme on our computers. Photo by _nash. Weekly Feature Do you love using the Faenza icon set on your Ubuntu system but feel that there are a few much needed icons missing (or you desire a different version of a particular icon)? Then you may want to take a look at the Faenza Variants icon pack. The icons are available in the following sizes: 16px, 22px, 32px, 48px and scalable sizes. Photo by Asian Angel. Faenza Variants Random Geek Links Another week with extra link goodness to help keep you on top of the news. Photo by Asian Angel. LastPass acquires Xmarks, premium service announced Xmarks announced that it has been acquired by LastPass, a cross-platform password management service. This also means that Xmarks is now in transition from a “free” to a “freemium” business model. WikiLeaks reappears on European Net domains WikiLeaks has re-emerged on a Swiss Internet domain followed by domains in Germany, Finland, and the Netherlands, sidestepping a move that had in effect taken the controversial site off the Internet. Iran: Yes, Stuxnet hurt our nuclear program The Stuxnet worm got some big play from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who acknowledged that the malware dinged his nuclear program. More Windows Rogues than Just AV – Fake Defragmenter Check Disk Don’t think for a second that rogues are limited to scareware, because as so-called products such as “System Defragmenter”, “Scan Disk” “Check Disk” prove, they’re not. Internet Explorer’s Protected Mode can be bypassed Researchers from Verizon Business have now described a way of bypassing Protected Mode in IE 7 and 8 in order to gain access to user accounts. Can you really see who viewed your Facebook profile? Rogue application spreads virally Once again, a rogue application is spreading virally between Facebook users pretending to offer you a way of seeing who has viewed your profile. More holes in Palm’s WebOS Researchers Orlando Barrera and Daniel Herrera, who both work for security firm SecTheory, have discovered a gaping security hole in Palm’s WebOS smartphone operating system. Next-gen banking Trojans hit APAC With the proliferation of banking Trojans, Web and smartphone users of online banking services have to be on constant alert to avoid falling prey to fraud schemes, warned Etay Maor, project manager for RSA Fraud Action. AVG update cripples 64-bit computers A signature update automatically deployed by the AVG virus scanner Thursday has crippled numerous computers. Article includes link to forums to fix computers affected after a restart. Congress moves to outlaw ‘mystery charges’ for Web shoppers Legislation that makes it illegal for Web merchants and so-called post-transaction marketers to charge credit cards without the card owners’ say-so came closer to becoming law this week. Ballmer Set to “Look Into” Windows Home Server Drive Extender Fiasco Tuesday’s announcement from Microsoft regarding the removal of Drive Extender from Windows Home Server has sent shock waves across the web. Google tweaks search recipe to ding scam artists Google has changed its search algorithm to penalize sites deemed to provide an “extremely poor user experience” following a New York Times story on a merchant who justified abusive behavior towards customers as a search-engine optimization tactic. Geek Video of the Week Watch as our two friends debate back and forth about the early adoption of new technology through multiple time periods (Stone Age to the far future). Will our reluctant friend finally succumb to the temptation? Photo by CollegeHumor. Early Adopters Through History Random TinyHacker Links Fix Issues in Windows 7 Using Reliability Monitor Learn how to analyze Windows 7 errors and then fix them using the built-in reliability monitor. Learn About IE Tab Groups Tab groups is a useful feature in IE 8. Here’s a detailed guide to what it is all about. Google’s Book Helps You Learn About Browsers and Web A cool new online book by the Google Chrome team on browsers and the web. TrustPort Internet Security 2011 – Good Security from a Less Known Provider TrustPort is not exactly a well-known provider of security solutions. At least not in the consumer space. This review tests in detail their latest offering. How the World is Using Cell phones An infographic showing the shocking demographics of cell phone use. Super User Questions See the great answers to these questions from Super User. I am unable to access my C drive. It says it is unable to display current owner. List of Windows special directories/shortcuts like ‘%TEMP%’ Is using multiple passes for wiping a disk really necessary? How can I view two files side by side in Notepad++ Is there any tool that automatically puts screenshots to my Dropbox? How-To Geek Weekly Article Recap Look through our hottest articles from this past week at How-To Geek. How to Create a Software RAID Array in Windows 7 9 Alternatives for Windows Home Server’s Drive Extender Why Doesn’t Disk Cleanup Delete Everything from the Temp Folder? Ask the Readers: How Much Do You Customize Your Operating System? How to Upload Really Large Files to SkyDrive, Dropbox, or Email One Year Ago on How-To Geek Enjoy reading through these awesome articles from one year ago. How To Upgrade from Vista to Windows 7 Home Premium Edition How To Fix No Aero Transparency in Windows 7 Troubleshoot Startup Problems with Startup Repair Tool in Windows 7 & Vista Rename the Guest Account in Windows 7 for Enhanced Security Disable Error Reporting in XP, Vista, and Windows 7 The Geek Note That wraps things up here for this week. Regardless of the weather wherever you may be, we hope that you have an opportunity to get outside and have some fun! Remember to keep sending those great tips in to us at [email protected]. Photo by Tony the Misfit. Latest Features How-To Geek ETC The How-To Geek Guide to Learning Photoshop, Part 8: Filters Get the Complete Android Guide eBook for Only 99 Cents [Update: Expired] Improve Digital Photography by Calibrating Your Monitor The How-To Geek Guide to Learning Photoshop, Part 7: Design and Typography How to Choose What to Back Up on Your Linux Home Server How To Harmonize Your Dual-Boot Setup for Windows and Ubuntu Hang in There Scrat! – Ice Age Wallpaper How Do You Know When You’ve Passed Geek and Headed to Nerd? On The Tip – A Lamborghini Theme for Chrome and Iron What if Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner were Human? [Video] Peaceful Winter Cabin Wallpaper Store Tabs for Later Viewing in Opera with Tab Vault

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