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  • TF255440 error on configuring TFS 2010 upgrade from RC to RTM

    - by PaulB
    I'm running the tfs upgrade wizard (from RC to RTM). On reaching the Readiness Checks I'm getting an error on the 'Configuration Database' : [ Configuration Database ] TF255440: The following account has a SQL Server login, but the login was denied access: DOMAIN\User. The server selected to host the databases for Team Foundation Server is: MYSERVER. The SQL Server login associated with the user account must be granted access to the SQL Server instance on that server. I've tried changing user mappings and roles but so far no joy.

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  • Visual Studio 2010 RTM started giving me 'does not exist in the current context errors'

    - by Hurricanepkt
    Just installed the trial version of Visual Studio 2010 RTM. Now I keep getting : The name 'NoPanel' does not exist in the current context Errors (where no panel is just about any control in the .aspx file) also I got several errors trying to deploy pages and it would not send the .cs file over ...or pdfs in the Content directory (even though I had copy always set)... This is happening on a pair of mixed ASP.NET MVC and Webforms sites.

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  • CruiseControl failing view compilation with MVC 2 RTM

    - by Robert Koritnik
    Tehnologies: - CruiseControlNet - MVC 2 RTM - enabled view compilation The problem is UrlParameter.Optional setting. I can't seem to make it work when I use this setting inside a view. When I compile inside Visual Studio, everything works fine, but when CCNet uses MSBuild to compile it it fails with following error: errorCS0103: The name 'UrlParameter' does not exist in the current context pointing to the line inside my view where this parameter is set on: Html.RenderAction(...) that sets certain route parameter(s) to optional. I tried adding <%@ Assembly name="System.Web.Mvc" %> at the top of my view, but it didn't work either. It works of course when I disable view compilation, but that's not really an option. And I also don't want to set my optional parameters to string.Empty. Anyone has any hint on this?

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  • Error in ASP.NET MVC 2 View after Upgrading from ASP.NET 4.0 RC to RTM

    - by Chris
    In my View, I am trying to loop through a list in a LINQ object that as part of my View Model. This worked fine earlier today with the VS2010 RC and the .NET 4.0 RC. <% if (Model.User.RoleList.Count > 0 ) { %> <% foreach (var role in Model.User.RoleList) { %> <%: role.Name %><br /> <% } %> <% } else { %> <em>None</em><br /> <% } %> It used to happily spew out a list of the role names. No data or code has changed. Simply the software upgrades from RC to RTM. The error I am getting is this: \Views\Users\Details.aspx(67): error CS0012: The type 'System.Data.Linq.EntitySet`1' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Data.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. But System.Data.Linq IS referenced. I see it there in the references list. I tried deleting it and re-adding it but I get the same error. Any ideas?

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  • .NET 4 RTM MetadataType attribute ignored when using Validator

    - by bart
    I am using VS 2010 RTM and trying to perform some basic validation on a simple type using MetadataTypeAttribute. When I put the validation attribute on the main class, everything works. However, when I put it on the metadata class, it seems to be ignored. I must be missing something trivial, but I've been stuck on this for a while now. I had a look at the Enterprise Library validation block as a workaround, but it doesn't support validation of single properties out of the box. Any ideas? class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Stuff t = new Stuff(); try { Validator.ValidateProperty(t.X, new ValidationContext(t, null, null) { MemberName = "X" }); Console.WriteLine("Failed!"); } catch (ValidationException) { Console.WriteLine("Succeeded!"); } } } [MetadataType(typeof(StuffMetadata))] public class Stuff { //[Required] //works here public string X { get; set; } } public class StuffMetadata { [Required] //no effect here public string X { get; set; } }

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  • How can I know which Area my MVC controller action is being called in?

    - by kripto_ash
    I want to know how, from a controller action, I could identify the area in which the controller is in via the MVC framework (I mean, without making all controllers in a given area inherit from a base controller with that info). I'm particularly interested in the case of child actions (controller actions rendered via RenderAction), the area of the calling parent controller for instance. I'm using ASP .NET MVC 2.0 RTM

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  • SQL Server 2005 SP4 RTM disponible en téléchargement, également pour les éditions Express et Express With Advanced Services

    SQL Server 2005 SP4 RTM disponible en téléchargement Le service pack 4 de SQL Server 2005 est disponible en RTM depuis le 17 décembre 2010. Microsoft en a donc ouvert le téléchargement au grand public, et ce également pour les éditions Express et Express With Advanced Services. Cette nouvelle mouture apporte quelques améliorations et corrige certains bogues. La liste des erreurs résolues est disponible ici. Ce service pack contient les Cumulative Updates 1 à 11, mais aucune amélioration fonctionnelle. En effet, le produit passera en support étendu en avril 2011 (Microsoft cessera donc le support st...

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  • Microsoft Office : la RTM du SDK Open XML 2.0 introduit un outil idéal pour la génération de documen

    Mise à jour du 24/03/10 Le SDK Open XML 2.0 pour Microsoft Office disponible en version RTM Introduit un outil idéal pour la génération de documents coté serveur La version RTM du SDK Open XML 2.0 pour Microsoft Office est maintenant disponible en téléchargement. [IMG][/IMG] Le SDK apporte une API vous permettant de manipuler de façon typée (et via LINQ !) les documents au format Open XML. Vous pourrez ainsi facilement créer et manipuler des documents office sans aucun logiciel Microsoft Office installé. C'est le choix idéal ...

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  • Handling 2 buttons submit Actions in a single View/Form - ASP.NET MVC 2 RTM

    - by Leniel Macaferi
    I have a View in which the user is able to upload a file to the server. In this view I also have 2 buttons: one to Upload a file and other to Download the last file imported. In my Controller I created 2 action methods: Import and Export. How could I manage to redirect each button click to the proper action method in my Controller? I have tried Html.ActionLink: <%= Html.ActionLink("Upload", "Import", "OracleFile")%> <%= Html.ActionLink("Download", "Export", "OracleFile")%> Html.ActionLink didn't do the trick. The action links were taking me to the right Action methods but they were generating a GET request. This way Request.Files.Count = 0. I need a POST request. Note: the most intriguing part is that the upload was working and all of sudden it stopped working. I've seen that some people are having the same problem with FileUpload tasks in which the Request.Files is always Empty. I think it's empty because you need a post to the server. Isn't it?

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  • ASP.NET MVC 2 RTM - favicon not displayed in Internet Explorer

    - by hungster
    I have the following two lines in the head section in my masterpage: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/Content/Images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link rel="icon" href="/Content/Images/favicon.ico" type="image/ico" /> However, the favicon is not displayed in Internet Explorer (version 6, 7, 8). In Firefox and Safari the favicon works fine. I have even tried to replace href with the URL to my website (http://www......./Content/Images/favicon.ico) but that still does not work in Internet Explorer. Am I missing something?

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  • Visual Studio 2010 RTM is not publishing with ClickOnce

    - by nite
    Is anyone using ClickOnce with VS2010? I’m getting the following on publish, when the solution builds fine ... Building WindowsFormsApplication1... Error: Cannot publish because a project failed to build. Have tried everything, new clean project (both windforms and WPF), new temporary key, disabled pre-requisites and played with every publish setting. I was hoping it’d be fixed in final, the same thing happened in RC My 'workaround' at the moment is to use msbuild.exe with a clickonce.proj, along the lines of the following (wired to an external tool+toolbar button as in hanselman's parallel build blog post)

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  • .NET Framework 4 RTM on Windows server 2008 R2

    - by mare
    I've just installed .NET 4 on Windows SErver 2008 R2 x64 and I am getting 500 Internal Server Error with an ASP.NET MVC application which was previously running fine on 3.5. The application was upgraded from targeting 3.5 to target 4 and I personally built it today on my development machine (changed in VS - Properties to .NET Framework 4). On the server I installed .NET Framework 4 Client profile and Full both automatically through the Web Platform Installer. ASP.NET MVC 2 was also installed through Platform Installer. I created a new .NET 4 application pool in IIS and placed the web app in it. Also I have custom errors turned Off in web.config but even so no detailed error is displayed - just the plain IIS 7.5 500 Internal Server Error. Any suggestions?

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  • Handling button click in ASP.NET MVC 2 RTM

    - by Leniel Macaferi
    I have a View in which the user is able to upload a file to the server. In this view I also have 2 buttons: one to Upload a file and other to Download the last file imported. In my Controller I created 2 action methods: Import and Export. How could I manage to redirect each button click to the proper action method in my Controller? I have tried Html.ActionLink: <%= Html.ActionLink("Upload", "Import", "OracleFile")%> <%= Html.ActionLink("Download", "Export", "OracleFile")%> Html.ActionLink didn't do the trick. The action links were taking me to the right Action methods but they were generating a GET request. This way Request.Files.Count = 0. I need a POST request.

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  • Using jQuery for client side validation in MVC2 RTM

    - by tigermain
    Scott Gu's tutorial on Model validation gets us all set up with the MS client side validation using the following scripts: <script src="../../Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../../Scripts/MicrosoftMvcValidation.js" type="text/javascript"></script> However I've seen various posts allowing us to utilise jQuery instead with the following code: <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="<%= Url.Content("~/scripts/MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script> However MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js does not ship with the solution and from what I read it should be part of the Futures pack which is no longer available on CodePlex. I managed to find a version alongside jQuery 1.3.2 but it does not work. What is the forward going solution!?

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  • Which versions of NLog work with VS2010 RTM?

    - by Jaxidian
    Taking a look at NLog, it's unclear what version works with VS2010. It says that NLog 1.0 Refresh works with VS2010 beta but nothing else is indicated. There's an NLog 2.0 that is pre-beta that I'd rather not use if I didn't have to but it clearly does work with VS2010. So I'm wondering if I'm able to use 1.0 Refresh or do I need to go with 2.0 Preview 2?

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  • ASP.MVC 2 RTM + ModelState Error at Id property

    - by Zote
    I have this classes: public class GroupMetadata { [HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false)] public int Id { get; set; } [Required] public string Name { get; set; } } [MetadataType(typeof(GrupoMetadata))] public partial class Group { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } } And this action: [HttpPost] public ActionResult Edit(Group group) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Logic to save return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return View(group); } That's my view: <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Group>" %> <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <% using (Html.BeginForm()) {%> <fieldset> <%= Html.EditorForModel() %> <p> <input type="submit" value="Save" /> </p> </fieldset> <% } %> <div> <%=Html.ActionLink("Back", "Index") %> </div> </asp:Content> But ModelState is always invalid! As I can see, for MVC validation 0 is invalid, but for me is valid. How can I fix it since, I didn't put any kind of validation in Id property? UPDATE: I don't know how or why, but renaming Id, in my case to PK, solves this problem. Do you know if this an issue in my logic/configuration or is an bug or expected behavior? Thank you

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