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Search found 20785 results on 832 pages for 'idea'.

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  • How to avoid wasting time during compilation during development?

    - by user259576
    Hello, I'm working with a small team of developers. My job is to convert a Make project (with Intellij Idea 9.0) into a Maven 2 project. The problem is : we spend a lot of time during the development. With Make, only one complete build was required and then any change did not consume a lot of time (almost instantaneously). On the other hand, with Maven 2, a little change takes a lot of time to run. Any solution ? Thanks.

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  • Database with "Open Schema" - Good or Bad Idea?

    - by Claudiu
    The co-founder of Reddit gave a presentation on issues they had while scaling to millions of users. A summary is available here. What surprised me is point 3: Instead, they keep a Thing Table and a Data Table. Everything in Reddit is a Thing: users, links, comments, subreddits, awards, etc. Things keep common attribute like up/down votes, a type, and creation date. The Data table has three columns: thing id, key, value. There’s a row for every attribute. There’s a row for title, url, author, spam votes, etc. When they add new features they didn’t have to worry about the database anymore. They didn’t have to add new tables for new things or worry about upgrades. This seems like a terrible idea to me, but it seems to have worked out for Reddit. Is it a good idea in general, though? Or is it a peculiarity of Reddit that happened to work out for them?

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  • Does anyone know of any good open source voting software?

    - by mezoid
    I'm looking for a voting system that we can implement at work amongst our developers. We need something that allows developers to submit ideas about what we can do to improve our development practices (amongst other things) and then have all the developers vote on the ideas to give everyone an idea of what ideas we should attempt to implement first. For example, our developers could list ideas for parts of our code base that should be improved/cleaned up and we'd be able to collectively vote on which parts to start on first. Something like might be one way of getting what we need but I'm still wanting to look at alternatives. Unfortunately, googling for voting and polling systems just doesn't seem to bring up any useful results because most of them seem geared towards elections and surveys rather than a way for people to make suggestions and vote on them. Does anyone here know of any sort of software system that might be able to do what I'm looking for? Better yet, does anyone have such a system set up for the developers at their work place? I'd be interested in knowing if it is useful at all.

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  • IntelliJ Doesn't Notice Changes in Interface

    - by yar
    [I've decided to give IntelliJ another go (to replace Eclipse), since its Groovy support is supposed to be the best. But back to Java...] I have an Interface that defines a constant public static final int CHANNEL_IN = 1; and about 20 classes in my Module that implement that interface. I've decided that this constant was a bad idea so I did what I do in Eclipse: I deleted the entire line. This should cause the Project tree to light up like a Christmas tree and all classes that implement that interface and use that constant to break. Instead, this is not happening. If I don't actually double-click on the relevant classes -- which I find using grep -- the module even builds correctly (using Build - Make Module). If I double-click on a relevant class, the error is shown both in the Project Tree and in the Editor. I am not able to replicate this behavior in small tests, but in large modules it works (incorrectly) this way. Is there some relevant setting in IntelliJ for this?

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  • Why is my spawned process still causing IntelliJ to wait?

    - by itsadok
    I'm trying to start a server as part of an Ant artifact. Here are the relevant lines: <exec dir="." executable="cmd.exe" spawn="true"> <arg line="/c c:\Java\james-2.3.2\bin\debug.bat" /> </exec> If I start it with ant from the command line, a process is spawned and I get a command prompt and everything seems fine. However, if I start it from IntelliJ 6, my IDE, the build stays alive until I kill the server. Here's the line IntelliJ uses to start ant: C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_02\bin\java -Xmx128m -Dant.home=C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath "C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-antlr.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-apache-bcel.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-apache-bsf.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-apache-log4j.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-apache-oro.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-apache-regexp.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-apache-resolver.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-commons-logging.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-commons-net.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-jai.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-javamail.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-jdepend.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-jmf.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-jsch.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-junit.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-launcher.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-netrexx.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-nodeps.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-starteam.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-stylebook.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-swing.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-testutil.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-trax.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant-weblogic.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\xercesImpl.jar;C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\xml-apis.jar;C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_02\lib\tools.jar;C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 6.0\lib\idea_rt.jar" com.intellij.rt.ant.execution.AntMain2 -logger com.intellij.rt.ant.execution.IdeaAntLogger2 -inputhandler com.intellij.rt.ant.execution.IdeaInputHandler -buildfile C:\Java\Projects\CcMailer\ccmailer.xml jar I suspect the inputhandler parameter has something to do with the problem, but if I run it myself the problem is not reproduced. Either way, I have only limited control over what IntelliJ does. My question is: how does IntelliJ even know the process is running? The Ant process is long gone. Is there a way to start a subprocess in a more sneaky way, so that IntelliJ won't even know there's anything to wait around for? Here's what I've tried so far: I tried using the start command, like this: <exec dir="." executable="cmd.exe" spawn="true"> <arg line="/c start cmd /c c:\Java\james-2.3.2\bin\debug.bat" /> </exec> I also tried using python, with code like this: import os.path import subprocess subprocess.Popen(["cmd.exe", "/c", "debug.bat"], stdin=open(os.path.devnull), stdout=open(os.path.devnull, "w"), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) To no avail. The build window always stays up until I kill the server. Any ideas?

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  • Javascript crazy idea finding a node

    - by Louis
    I had a crazy (but so crazy that it just might work) idea where every element on a page is created in javascript but given an ID which is a hash of its path in the DOM. So instead of searching through the DOM to find an element, you hash the path and then getElementById() with that hash. Problem with this is getting the path might be more expensive than searching the DOM in the first place. Any ideas how this could be done or if it is just plain stupid?

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  • Are iframes a terrible idea?

    - by jamtoday
    I'm building a widget, and I've been using iframes to present content within it. At some point, I might start serving third party HTML and JS, so I thought iframes would be a good idea. It does make the widget javascript a little more complicated, and I'm concerned that this might not be the best implementation. Do you have any advice? It would be a huge help to hear what other people think about iframes.

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  • Is it a good idea to implement chatroom like functionality via pubsubhub

    - by saurabh
    Hi , Actually I want something between chatroom and stackoverflow ie users can ask questions and in my application generally many users will be on the same webpage now others can see the question in realtime and answer the same in realtime ie kind of chatroom type app. I want to implement it via pubsubhub any suggestions ideas if this is a good idea or not. Any java system having this functionality will be helpful. Thanks Saurabh

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  • Does anyone have any idea about any songCatcher library for Linux? or any idea on how to use "Audio-

    - by Bobby
    Hi All, Does anyone have any idea about any songCatcher library for Linux? songCatcher is based on the acoustic fingerprints. I managed to find one "Audio-Ofa-Util-0.04" but I'm facing problem in using it. Or if someone can help me understand its usage. Like: how can I pass an audio file to this tool. Any specific command for its usage etc. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks, Bobby

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  • split a database web application - good idea or bad idea?

    - by Khou
    Is it a bad idea to split up a application and the database? Application1 uses database1 on ServerX Application2 uses database2 on ServerY Both application communicates over web service API, they are apart of the same application, one application is used to manage user's profile/personal data, while the other application is used to manages user's financial data. Or should just put them together and just use 1 database on the same server?

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  • what idea is behind Zend Framework Frontcontroller/dispatcher

    - by simple
    Zend Framework FrontController implements Singleton and plus it has some kind a plugin "paradigm" , - what is the idea behind its architecture , maybe it implements some well known paradigm ? and if so then if u could give some links directions where I can find information about reasons that brought up that particular paradigm ?

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  • NHibernate dateTime as an ID Bad idea?

    - by Miau
    hi there I have an entity and it seems like using DateTime as the Id would be a good suit, however I there is this strange feeling that that it might be a terrible idea ( tho i cant come up with any logical reason as to why), This is an immutable object ( ie once the value is recorded it shouldn't really change ) So DateTime as id field in NHibernate yay or Nay? I would appreciate your comments on this

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  • An idea for something similar to delicious bookmarking

    - by Andrew Welch
    Hi, This is an idea more than a question, but I thought it would be the right community. I really like mindmapping as a way to organise information and I think it would be really cool to have a piece of software that allowed you to organise bookmarks into a dynamic mind map. If I get time I would start to create such a thing. Any thoughts or does it already exist? Thanks Andy

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  • looking for idea to embbed "book like view " in exe file

    - by user63898
    Hello all i have application that convert data structure from the GUI to doc/pdf/rtf/html ... files the structere logic contains the info about pages and data on each page so basccly i can convert it to every thing . but my problem is that i wish to convert this structure to some kind of book that is exe binary file . and i have no idea how or which ways i can do it ? can you give me some ideas or solutions on who to embed book into exe file Thanks

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  • Good Idea for ISI paper

    - by Nasser Hajloo
    I'm looking for an idea to write an ISI paper. till now,I'm thinking to write something about Formal Methods but I'm not sure. So What do you suggest I want to change the subject and still looking for new ideas. What is a good subject for an ISI paper

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  • Any idea about an iPhone Accelerometer Library?

    - by medopal
    Have looked so long for a library specialized in dealing with iPhone Accelerometer but couldn't find anything. I have made some few sample apps, but none reaches a level of accuracy as in Labyrinth games for example, so any idea about a library for that? Or maybe an open source app? Would be better if it's integrated in a Physics library

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  • index 'enabled' fields good idea?

    - by sibidiba
    Content of a website is stored in a MySQL database. 99% of the content will be enabled, but some (users, posts etc.) will be disabled. Most of the queries end as WHERE (...) AND enabled Is it a good idea to create an index on the field 'enabled'?

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  • Java Swing - good idea?

    - by Mike
    hi, simple question : I need to write cross platform application (basically CRUD). Is usage of Java Swing good idea? Or is it out-dated and you know better solution? I dont want to use like 5 languages for various stuff, one or two should be enough. Thanx!

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  • IntellIJ editor doesn't appear

    - by neveu
    I updated my IntellIJ install to the latest version (11.1.4) and now the Editor window doesn't appear. Double-clicking on the file, jump-to-source, nothing happens. No error message, it just doesn't appear. If I double-click on an xml layout file the preview window works, but no Editor window. Have installed and reinstalled; went back to an earlier version and it doesn't work there either. I'm at a loss. Any ideas? Update: Editor works if I create a new project. Update 2: idea.log file includes this (I don't know what is): 2012-11-04 20:40:52,481 [ 2677] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/macros.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:40:52,481 [ 2677] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/macros.xml 2012-11-04 20:40:52,482 [ 2678] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/quicklists.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:40:52,482 [ 2678] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/quicklists.xml 2012-11-04 20:40:52,564 [ 2760] INFO - pl.stores.ApplicationStoreImpl - 76 application components initialized in 1285 ms 2012-11-04 20:40:52,575 [ 2771] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/customization.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:40:52,575 [ 2771] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/customization.xml 2012-11-04 20:40:52,674 [ 2870] INFO - ij.openapi.wm.impl.IdeRootPane - App initialization took 3385 ms 2012-11-04 20:40:53,136 [ 3332] INFO - TestNG Runner - Create TestNG Template Configuration 2012-11-04 20:40:53,138 [ 3334] INFO - TestNG Runner - Create TestNG Template Configuration 2012-11-04 20:40:53,253 [ 3449] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/dynamic.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:40:53,253 [ 3449] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/dynamic.xml 2012-11-04 20:40:53,280 [ 3476] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - 1 paths checked, 0 mapped, 202 mks 2012-11-04 20:40:53,366 [ 3562] INFO - ellij.project.impl.ProjectImpl - 137 project components initialized in 403 ms 2012-11-04 20:40:53,563 [ 3759] INFO - .module.impl.ModuleManagerImpl - 4 modules loaded in 197 ms 2012-11-04 20:40:53,625 [ 3821] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - 6 paths checked, 0 mapped, 150 mks 2012-11-04 20:40:54,187 [ 4383] INFO - .roots.impl.DirectoryIndexImpl - Directory index initialized in 271 ms, indexed 1611 directories 2012-11-04 20:40:54,207 [ 4403] INFO - pl.PushedFilePropertiesUpdater - File properties pushed in 18 ms 2012-11-04 20:40:54,237 [ 4433] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/plainTextFiles.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:40:54,237 [ 4433] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/plainTextFiles.xml 2012-11-04 20:40:54,246 [ 4442] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/gant_config.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:40:54,246 [ 4442] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/gant_config.xml 2012-11-04 20:40:54,253 [ 4449] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/gradle.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:40:54,253 [ 4449] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/gradle.xml 2012-11-04 20:40:55,855 [ 6051] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/IntelliLang.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:40:55,855 [ 6051] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/IntelliLang.xml 2012-11-04 20:40:56,995 [ 7191] INFO - leEditor.impl.EditorsSplitters - splitter 2012-11-04 20:40:56,996 [ 7192] INFO - leEditor.impl.EditorsSplitters - splitter 2012-11-04 20:40:57,233 [ 7429] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/codeStyleSettings.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:40:57,233 [ 7429] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/codeStyleSettings.xml 2012-11-04 20:40:57,234 [ 7430] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/projectCodeStyle.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:40:57,234 [ 7430] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/projectCodeStyle.xml 2012-11-04 20:40:58,145 [ 8341] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Indexable files iterated in 3911 ms 2012-11-04 20:40:58,146 [ 8342] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update started: 0 files to update 2012-11-04 20:40:58,146 [ 8342] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update done in 0 ms 2012-11-04 20:40:58,362 [ 8558] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/fileColors.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:40:58,362 [ 8558] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/fileColors.xml 2012-11-04 20:41:00,420 [ 10616] INFO - - For input string: "20.0.1" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "20.0.1" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString( at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( at at<init>( at at at at at$500( at$ at com.intellij.ide.startup.impl.StartupManagerImpl$ at com.intellij.ide.startup.impl.StartupManagerImpl.runActivities( at com.intellij.ide.startup.impl.StartupManagerImpl.access$100( at com.intellij.ide.startup.impl.StartupManagerImpl$ at com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbServiceImpl.updateFinished( at com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbServiceImpl.access$1000( at com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbServiceImpl$IndexUpdateRunnable$1$ at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch( at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.EventQueue.access$400( at java.awt.EventQueue$ at java.awt.EventQueue$ at Method) at$1.doIntersectionPrivilege( at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.defaultDispatchEvent( at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue._dispatchEvent( at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue._dispatchEvent( at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at 2012-11-04 20:41:00,459 [ 10655] INFO - - For input string: "20.0.1" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "20.0.1" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString( at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( at at<init>( at at at at at$500( at$ at com.intellij.ide.startup.impl.StartupManagerImpl$ at com.intellij.ide.startup.impl.StartupManagerImpl.runActivities( at com.intellij.ide.startup.impl.StartupManagerImpl.access$100( at com.intellij.ide.startup.impl.StartupManagerImpl$ at com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbServiceImpl.updateFinished( at com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbServiceImpl.access$1000( at com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbServiceImpl$IndexUpdateRunnable$1$ at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch( at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.EventQueue.access$400( at java.awt.EventQueue$ at java.awt.EventQueue$ at Method) at$1.doIntersectionPrivilege( at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.defaultDispatchEvent( at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue._dispatchEvent( at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue._dispatchEvent( at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at 2012-11-04 20:41:01,305 [ 11501] INFO - tor.impl.FileEditorManagerImpl - Project opening took 8374 ms 2012-11-04 20:41:01,719 [ 11915] INFO - dom.attrs.AttributeDefinitions - Found tag with unknown parent: AndroidManifest.AndroidManifestCompatibleScreens 2012-11-04 20:41:07,522 [ 17718] INFO - - [/Users/neveu/Dev/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/aapt] [package] [-m] [--non-constant-id] [-J] [/private/var/folders/xb/hg6cdxt51rs8lylmmjw0fk8m0000gp/T/android_apt_autogeneration6157451500950136901tmp] [-M] [/Users/neveu/Dev/magic_android/3rdParty/facebook/AndroidManifest.xml] [-S] [/Users/neveu/Dev/magic_android/3rdParty/facebook/res] [-I] [/Users/neveu/Dev/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-14/android.jar] 2012-11-04 20:41:08,706 [ 18902] INFO - - [/Users/neveu/Dev/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/aapt] [package] [-m] [-J] [/private/var/folders/xb/hg6cdxt51rs8lylmmjw0fk8m0000gp/T/android_apt_autogeneration3143184519400737414tmp] [-M] [/Users/neveu/Dev/magic_android/AndroidManifest.xml] [-S] [/Users/neveu/Dev/magic_android/res] [-I] [/Users/neveu/Dev/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-15/android.jar] 2012-11-04 20:41:08,763 [ 18959] INFO - - [/Users/neveu/Dev/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/aidl] [-p/Users/neveu/Dev/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-15/framework.aidl] [-I/Users/neveu/Dev/magic_android/magic/src] [-I/Users/neveu/Dev/magic_android/src] [-I/Users/neveu/Dev/magic_android/3rdParty/Tapjoy] [-I/Users/neveu/Dev/magic_android/gen] [/Users/neveu/Dev/magic_android/src/com/android/vending/billing/IMarketBillingService.aidl] [/Users/neveu/Dev/magic_android/gen/com/android/vending/billing/] 2012-11-04 20:41:14,004 [ 24200] INFO - dom.attrs.AttributeDefinitions - Found tag with unknown parent: AndroidManifest.AndroidManifestCompatibleScreens 2012-11-04 20:41:18,781 [ 28977] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/cachedDictionary.xml file is null 2012-11-04 20:41:18,782 [ 28978] INFO - .impl.stores.XmlElementStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/cachedDictionary.xml

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  • How do I approach large companies if I have a killer mobile game idea?

    - by Balázs Dávid
    I have an idea for a game that has potential, but I'm not a programmer. How do I tell this to development companies without having my idea stolen? All I want from the company is for somebody to watch a three minute long video presentation about my idea and if they see potential in it then we can talk about the details. I have already sent an e-mail to several big companies that have the expertise needed to code the game, they haven't answered me. Actually the idea is nothing fancy, no 3D, but fun and unique.

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  • As an indie game dev, what processes are the best for soliciting feedback on my design/spec/idea? [closed]

    - by Jess Telford
    Background I have worked in a professional environment where the process usually goes like the following: Brain storm idea Solidify the game mechanics / design Iterate on design/idea to create a more solid experience Spec out the details of the design/idea Build it Step 3. is generally done with the stakeholders of the game (developers, designers, investors, publishers, etc) to reach an 'agreement' which meets the goals of all involved. Due to this process involving a series of often opposing and unique view points, creative solutions can surface through discussion / iteration. This is backed up by a process for collating the changes / new ideas, as well as structured time for discussion. As a (now) indie developer, I have to play the role of all the stakeholders (developers, designers, investors, publishers, etc), and often find myself too close to the idea / design to do more than minor changes, which I feel to be local maxima when it comes to the best result (I'm looking for the global maxima, of course). I have read that ideas / game designs / unique mechanics are merely multipliers of execution, and that keeping them secret is just silly. In sharing the idea with others outside the realm of my own thinking, I hope to replicate the influence other stakeholders have. I am struggling with the collation of changes / new ideas, and any kind of structured method of receiving feedback. My question: As an indie game developer, how and where can I share my ideas/designs to receive meaningful / constructive feedback? How can I successfully collate the feedback into a new iteration of the design? Are there any specialized websites, etc?

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  • How to approach big developer companies if I have a killer game idea? (for mobile devices)

    - by Balázs Dávid
    I have an idea for a game that has a potential, but I'm not a programmer. How to tell this to development companies without being my idea stolen? All I want from the company is first to watch a 3-minute long video presentation about my idea and if they see fantasy in it then we can talk about the details. I have already sent an e-mail to several big companies that have the expertise needed to code the game, they haven't answer me. Actually the idea is nothing fancy, no 3D, but fun and unique.

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  • How to increment variable names/Is this a bad idea

    - by tom
    In Python, if I were to have a user input the number X, and then the program enters a for loop in which the user inputs X values, is there a way/is it a bad idea to have variable names automatically increment? ie: user inputs '6' value_1 = ... value_2 = ... value_3 = ... value_4 = ... value_5 = ... value_6 = ... Can I make variable names increment like that so that I can have the number of variables that the user inputs? Or should I be using a completely different method such as appending all the new values onto a list?

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