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  • Introduction to Microsoft SQL Azure: Free self-paced Microsoft class

    - by Jim Duffy
    Here is a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of some FREE Microsoft Learning content on SQL Azure. This self-paced 2 hour class is broken down into 4 segments each with a self test at the end. Class Segments 1) Understanding the SQL Azure Platform 2) Designing Applications for SQL Azure 3) Migrating Applications to SQL Azure 4) Achieving Scale with SQL Azure If you’re getting started with Windows Azure or have been working with it for a while and need to take advantage of the storage capabilities offered by SQL Azure this is going to be a great place for you to start learning. Have a day. :-|

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  • Inconsistent mouse cursor status while typing

    - by Jim
    I have noticed that when I type in some programs, Text Editor, Terminal, Bluefish, Gnome Baker, etc. the mouse cursor disappears while I am typing. In other programs like Firefox and LibreOffice, it does not. I am not an application programmer, but I imagined it has to do with their cross-platform nature and the way they are compiled or the toolkits they use. Then I noticed that Gnome-Do behaves the same way, the cursor stays on screen while typing. Why is there inconsistent handling of the mouse cursor, while typing, across different applications? Thank you.

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  • SSIS Debugging Tip: Using Data Viewers

    - by Jim Giercyk
    When you have an SSIS package error, it is often very helpful to see the data records that are causing the problem.  After all, if your input has 50,000 records and 1 of them has corrupt data, it can be a chore.  Your execution results will tell you which column contains the bad data, but not which record…..enter the Data Viewer. In this scenario I have created a truncation error.  The input length of [lastname] is 50, but the output table has a length of 15.  When it runs, at least one of the records causes the package to fail.     Now what?  We can tell from our execution results that there is a problem with [lastname], but we have no idea WHICH record?     Let’s identify the row that is actually causing the problem.  First, we grab the oft’ forgotten Row Count shape from our toolbar and connect it to the error output from our input query.  Remember that in order to intercept errors with the error output, you must redirect them.     The Row Count shape requires 1 integer variable.  For our purposes, we will not reference the variable, but it is still required in order for the package to run.  Typically we would use the variable to hold the number of rows in the table and refer back to it later in our process.  We are simply using the Row Count as a “Dead End” for errors.  I called my variable RowCounter.  To create a variable, with no shapes selected, right-click on the background and choose Variable.     Once we have setup the Row Count shape, we can right-click on the red line (error output) from the query, and select Data Viewers.  In the popup, we click the add button and we will see this:     There are other fancier options we can play with, but for now we just want to view the output in a grid.  WE select Grid, then click OK on all of the popup windows to shut them down.  We should now see a grid with a pair of glasses on the error output line.     So, we are ready to catch the error output in a grid and see that is causing the problem!  This time when we run the package, it does not fail because we directed the error to the Row Count.  We also get a popup window showing the error record in a grid.  If there were multiple errors we would see them all.     Indeed, the [lastname] column is longer than 15 characters.  Notice the last column in the grid, [Error Code – Description].  We knew this was a truncation error before we added the grid, but if you have worked with SSIS for any length of time, you know that some errors are much more obscure.  The description column can be very useful under those circumstances! Data viewers can be used any time we want to see the data that is actually in the pipeline;  they stop the package temporarily until we shut them.  Also remember that the Row Count shape can be used as a “Dead End”.  It is useful during development when we want to see the output from a dataflow, but don’t want to update a table or file with the data.  Data viewers are an invaluable tool for both development and debugging.  Just remember to REMOVE THEM before putting your package into production

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  • How does copyrights apply to source code header files?

    - by Jim McKeeth
    It seems I heard that header files are not considered copyrightable since they can only be written one way (like a list of ingredients or facts). So a header file for a specific DLL will always look the same when written in a given programming language. Unfortunately I can't find any resources to back this up. So if a vendor provides an SDK with headers in one programming language, and then those headers are translated into another programming language by a third party. Does the 3rd party need permission from the vendor to provide the header translation? Who owns the copyright on the translation? Isn't it a derivative work still owned by the vendor, or is there no copyright, like a list of ingredients? Does this vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction?

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  • Visual Studio 2010 Launch Events

    - by Jim Duffy
    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn about the new features in Visual Studio 2010. Check out the MSDN Events page and find out when the talented folks of the Developer & Evangelism group will be visiting your city to prove to you that /*Life Runs On Code*/. I’ll be attending the Raleigh event June 2, 2010 from 1:00 - 5:00 PM. North Carolina State University, Jane S. McKimmon Conference Center 1101 Gorman St Raleigh North Carolina 27606 United States From the Raleigh Event page: Event Overview Learn about the rich application platforms that Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 supports, including Windows® 7, the Web, SharePoint®, Windows Azure™, SQL®, and Windows® Phone 7 Series. From tighter tester and dev collaboration to new ALM tools, there’s a lot that’s new. Here’s what you can expect: Windows Development with Visual Studio 2010 Visual Studio has always been the best way to build compelling visual solutions for Windows. Visual Studio 2010 continues this trend with great new tooling support for Silverlight 4, WPF, and native development. In this demo heavy session, you’ll see how you can build rich Windows applications with Silverlight 4 using new trusted application features including out-of-browser execution, saving to the file system, and even COM Automation. You’ll also see how you can use the new Task Parallel Library from within a WPF application to take advantage of all those cores in today’s modern computers. Web and Cloud Development with Visual Studio 2010 If you build solutions for the web, then this session is for you. Come see how your existing skills move forward with Visual Studio 2010 both for in-house ASP.NET development and the new frontier of the Cloud. In this session, you’ll see improved designers, new HTML and JavaScript snippets, Web Forms enhancements, and how you can quickly build great web sites using Dynamic Data. You’ll see the changes made to testable web sites with MVC 2.0 and how we’ve integrated JQuery support into the platform. You’ll then see how easy it is to leverage your existing code and move to the cloud with Windows Azure. Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools and Platform Overview This session provides an overview of Visual Studio® 2010 for Windows Phone. Learn about the powerful capabilities of this new application platform and the developer tools experience including basic IDE usage, debugging, packaging, and deployment. This session also shows how you can use Microsoft Expression® Blend™ for Windows Phone to build great Silverlight applications. Have a day. :-|

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  • Node.JS testing with Jasmine, databases, and pre-existing code

    - by Jim Rubenstein
    I've recently built the start of a core system which is likely going turn into a monster product. I'm building the system with node.js, and decided after I got a small base built, that It'd be a great idea to start using some sort of automated test suite to test the application. I decided to use jasmine, as it seems pretty solid and has a lot of features for stubbing spying and mocking methods and classes. The application has a lot of external data stores and api access (kestrel, mysql, mongodb, facebook, and more). My issue is, I've got a good amount of code written that I want to start testing - as it represents the underpinnings of the application. What are the best practices for testing methods/classes that access external APIs that I may or may not have control over? As an example, I have a data structure that fetches a bunch of data from a MySQL database. I want to test the method that retrieves the data; and I'm not sure how to go about it. I could test the fetch method which is supposed to return an array of objects, but to isolate the method from the database, I need to define my own fixture data. So what I end up doing is stubbing the mysql execution, and returning a static dataset. So, I end up writing a function that returns the dataset that makes my test pass. That doesn't seem to actually test the code, other than verifying a method is being called. I know this is kind of abstract and vague, it seems that the idea of testing is very much abstract though, so hopefully someone has some experience and can guide me in the right direction. Any advice, or reading I can do is more than welcomed. Thanks in advance.

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  • Beginners Guide to Visual Studio LightSwitch makes it easy to take a closer look

    - by Jim Duffy
    Following up on my most recent post about LightSwitch I thought I’d keep you in the loop on a valuable LightSwitch resource. The Beginners Guide to Visual Studio LightSwitch provides a jump start to get you and the department-level-typical-Access-application-developing-power-user rolling with LightSwitch in no time. The guide is broken down into 4 easy to follow parts. Beginners Guide to Visual Studio LightSwitch (Part – 1) – Working with New Data Entry Screen Beginners Guide to Visual Studio LightSwitch (Part – 2) – Working with Search Screen Beginners Guide to Visual Studio LightSwitch (Part – 3) – Working with Editable DataGrid Screen Beginners Guide to Visual Studio LightSwitch (Part – 4) – Working with List and Details Screen I mentioned it in my prior post but don’t forget to check out Beth Massi’s blog for additional information on Visual Studio LightSwitch. Have a day.

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  • Rails - How to use modal form to add object in one model, then reflect that change on main page?

    - by Jim
    I'm working on a Rails app and I've come across a situation where I'm unsure of the cleanest way to proceed. I posted a question on SO with code samples and such - it has received no answers, and the more I think about the problem, the more I think I might be approaching this the wrong way. (See the SO question at So, in more of a generic architecture type question: Right now I have a form where a user can add a new recipe. The form also allows the user to select ingredients (it uses a collection_select which contains Ingredient.all). The catch is - I'd like the user to be able to add a new ingredient on the fly, without leaving the recipe form. Using a hidden div and some jQuery/AJAX, I have a link the user can click to popup a modal form containing ingredients/new.html.erb which is a simple form. When that form is submitted, I call ingredients/create.js.erb to validate the ingredient was saved and hide the modal div. Now I am back to my recipe form, but my collection_select hasn't updated. It seems I have a few choices here: try and re-render the collection_select portion of the form so it grabs a new list of ingredients. This was the method I was attempting when I wrote the SO question. The problem I run into is the partial I use for the collection_select needs the parent form passed in, and when I try and render from the JS file I don't know how to pass it the form object. Reload the recipe form. This works (the collection_select now contains the new ingredient), but the user loses any progress they made on the recipe form. I would need a way to persist the form data - I thought about manually passing the values back and forth, but that is sloppy and there has to be a better way... Try and manually insert the tags using jQuery - this would be simple, but because I'm allowing for multiple ingredients to be added, I can't be certain what ID to target. Now, I can't be the only person to have this issue - so is there an easier way I'm missing? I like option 2 above, but I don't know if there's an easy way to grab the entire params hash as if I had submitted the main recipes form. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction so I can find an answer to this... If this doesn't make any sense at all, let me know - I can post code samples if you want, but most of the pertinent code is up on the SO question. Thanks!

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  • How to link subprograms to a main program's game loop?

    - by Jim
    I recently discovered Crobot which is (briefly) a game where each player codes a virtual robot in a pseudo-C language. Each robot is then put in an arena where it fights against other robots. A robots' source code has this shape : /* Beginning file robot.r */ main() { while (1) { /* Do whatever you want */ ... move(); ... fire(); } } /* End file robot.r */ You can see that : The code is totally independent from any library/include Some predefined functions are available (move, fire, etc…) The program has its own game loop, and consequently is not called every frame My question is roughly : how does it work ? It seems that each robot's code is compiled by the main program and then used in a way I cannot understand. I thought it could yields a thread for each robot, but I have not any proof of this and it seems a bit complicated to achieve it. Any idea how it could work, someone ?

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  • Usage of repository between EF model and code consumer

    - by jim
    I have binary data in my database that I'll have to convert to bitmap at some point. I was thinking whether or not it's appropriate to use a repository and do it there. My consumer, which is a presentation layer, will use this repository. For example: // This is a class I created for modeling the item as is. public class RealItem { public string Name { get; set; } public Bitmap Image { get; set; } } public abstract class BaseRepository { //using Unity ( to inject the dependancy of entity context. [Dependency] public Context { get; set; } } public calss ItemRepository : BaseRepository { public List<Items> Select() { IEnumerable<Items> items = from item in Context.Items select item; List<RealItem> lst = new List<RealItem>(); foreach(itm in items) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(itm.Image); Bitmap image = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(stream); RealItem ritem = new RealItem{ Name=item.Name, Image=image }; lst.Add(ritem); } return lst; } } Is this a correct way to use the repository pattern? I'm learning this pattern and I've seen a lot of examples online that are using a repository but when I looked at their source code... for example: public IQueryable<object> Select { return from q in base.Context select q; } as you can see no behavior is added to the system by their approach, so I was confused that maybe repository is something else and I got it all wrong. At the end there should be extra benifits of using them right?

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  • Healthcare Mobile Database Synchronization Demonstration

    - by Jim Connors
    Like many of you, I learn best by getting my hands dirty.  When confronted with the task of understanding a new set of products and technologies and figuring out how they might apply to a vertical industry like healthcare, I set out to create a demonstration.  The video that follows aims to show how the Oracle embedded software portfolio can be applied to a healthcare application.  The demonstration utilizes among others, Java SE Embedded, Berkeley DB, Apache Tomcat, Oracle 11gR2 and Oracle Database Mobile Server. Eric Jensen gives a great critique and description of the demo here.  To sum it up, we aim to show how live medical data can be collected on a medical device, stored in a local database, synchronized to a master database and furthermore propagated to a mobile phone (Android) application.  Come take a look!

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  • Raspberry Pi and Java SE: A Platform for the Masses

    - by Jim Connors
    One of the more exciting developments in the embedded systems world has been the announcement and availability of the Raspberry Pi, a very capable computer that is no bigger than a credit card.  At $35 US, initial demand for the device was so significant, that very long back orders quickly ensued. After months of patiently waiting, mine finally arrived.  Those initial growing pains appear to have been fixed, so availability now should be much more reasonable. At a very high level, here are some of the important specs: Broadcom BCM2835 System on a chip (SoC) ARM1176JZFS, with floating point, running at 700MHz Videocore 4 GPU capable of BluRay quality playback 256Mb RAM 2 USB ports and Ethernet Boots from SD card Linux distributions (e.g. Debian) available So what's taking place taking place with respect to the Java platform and Raspberry Pi? A Java SE Embedded binary suitable for the Raspberry Pi is available for download (Arm v6/7) here.  Note, this is based on the armel architecture, a variety of Arm designed to support floating point through a compatibility library that operates on more platforms, but can hamper performance.  In order to use this Java SE binary, select the available Debian distribution for your Raspberry Pi. The more recent Raspbian distribution is based on the armhf (hard float) architecture, which provides for more efficient hardware-based floating point operations.  However armhf is not binary compatible with armel.  As of the writing of this blog, Java SE Embedded binaries are not yet publicly available for the armhf-based Raspbian distro, but as mentioned in Henrik Stahl's blog, an armhf release is in the works. As demonstrated at the just-completed JavaOne 2012 San Francisco event, the graphics processing unit inside the Raspberry Pi is very capable indeed, and makes for an excellent candidate for JavaFX.  As such, plans also call for a Pi-optimized version of JavaFX in a future release too. A thriving community around the Raspberry Pi has developed at light speed, and as evidenced by the packed attendance at Pi-specific sessions at Java One 2012, the interest in Java for this platform is following suit. So stay tuned for more developments...

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  • Fixed timestep with interpolation in AS3

    - by Jim Sreven
    I'm trying to implement Glenn Fiedler's popular fixed timestep system as documented here: In Flash. I'm fairly sure that I've got it set up correctly, along with state interpolation. The result is that if my character is supposed to move at 6 pixels per frame, 35 frames per second = 210 pixels a second, it does exactly that, even if the framerate climbs or falls. The problem is it looks awful. The movement is very stuttery and just doesn't look good. I find that the amount of time in between ENTER_FRAME events, which I'm adding on to my accumulator, averages out to 28.5ms (1000/35) just as it should, but individual frame times vary wildly, sometimes an ENTER_FRAME event will come 16ms after the last, sometimes 42ms. This means that at each graphical redraw the character graphic moves by a different amount, because a different amount of time has passed since the last draw. In theory it should look smooth, but it doesn't at all. In contrast, if I just use the ultra simple system of moving the character 6px every frame, it looks completely smooth, even with these large variances in frame times. How can this be possible? I'm using getTimer() to measure these time differences, are they even reliable?

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  • Cannot Boot Win XP or Ubuntu from hard drive - get Input Not Supported

    - by Jim Hudspeth
    1) Downloaded 11.10 ISO file to Dell XP Workstation 2) Made bootable USB using Pendrivelinux 3) Installed to harddrive using option 1 (Install along side Windows) 4) Rebooted when instructed 5) Booted into Ubuntu just fine (first time) 6) Attempted restart - got first splash screen followed by "input not supported" - tapped ESC and eventually got into Ubuntu 7) Later attempts failed - got "input not supported"; no eventual boot 8) Many retries holding / tapping various keys - same result 9) Booted from USB - all files appear to be in place - can access GRUB on harddrive Suggestions appreciated - must to be able to boot XP. Thanks in advance

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  • Windows 8 Developer Camp - Raleigh September 25th

    - by Jim Duffy
    Time is ticking away and the time to act is now! How's that for some motivation? :-)  Microsoft Developer Evangelist Brian Hitney and I want to help you get your app in the store in time for the October 26 Windows 8 launch. Come join us on Tuesday, September 25, at 9:00 AM in the Microsoft RTP offices to learn how simple it can be to construct a world class Windows 8 application. Don't think you can be ready to join the Windows 8 launch? Come anyway. You might be surprised. Don't have any idea what kind of app to build? Come anyway. They're are plenty of places to look for inspiration. Either way you can learn what it takes to create or tune an app for Windows 8 and publish it in the Windows App Store. Learn more about this free event on the registration page. Registration is now open and space is limited. Have a day.

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  • Is it a good pattern that no objects should know more than what it needs to know?

    - by Jim Thio
    I am implementing a viewController class. The view controller class got NSNotification when the Grabbing class start or finish updating. I have 2 choices. I can make the grabbing class to provide a public read only property so all other classes can know whether it is still uploading. Or I can let view Controller to listen to 2 different events. Start updating and finish updating events. The truth is the viewController do need to know whether the grabbing class is still updating or not at any other time. So I am thinking of creating 2 events would be a better way to go. Actually, what do you think?

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  • Controlling soft errors and false alarms in SSIS

    - by Jim Giercyk
    If you are like me, you dread the 3AM wake-up call.  I would say that the majority of the pages I get are false alarms.  The alerts that require action often require me to open an SSIS package, see where the trouble is and try to identify the offending data.  That can be very time-consuming and can take quite a chunk out of my beauty sleep.  For those reasons, I have developed a simple error handling scenario for SSIS which allows me to rest a little easier.  Let me first say, this is a high level discussion; getting into the nuts and bolts of creating each shape is outside the scope of this document, but if you have an average understanding of SSIS, you should have no problem following along. In the Data Flow above you can see that there is a caution triangle.  For the purpose of this discussion I am creating a truncation error to demonstrate the process, so this is to be expected.  The first thing we need to do is to redirect the error output.  Double-clicking on the Query shape presents us with the properties window for the input.  Simply set the columns that you want to redirect to Redirect Row in the dropdown box and hit Apply. Without going into a dissertation on error handling, I will just note that you can decide which errors you want to redirect on Error and on Truncation.  Therefore, to override this process for a column or condition, simply do not redirect that column or condition. The next thing we want to do is to add some information about the error; specifically, the name of the package which encountered the error and which step in the package wrote the record to the error table.  REMEMBER: If you redirect the error output, your package will not fail, so you will not know where the error record was created without some additional information.    I added 3 columns to my error record; Severity, Package Name and Step Name.  Severity is just a free-form column that you can use to note whether an error is fatal, whether the package is part of a test job and should be ignored, etc.  Package Name and Step Name are system variables. In my package I have created a truncation situation, where the firstname column is 50 characters in the input, but only 4 characters in the output.  Some records will pass without truncation, others will be sent to the error output.  However, the package will not fail. We can see that of the 14 input rows, 8 were redirected to the error table. This information can be used by another step or another scheduled process or triggered to determine whether an error should be sent.  It can also be used as a historical record of the errors that are encountered over time.  There are other system variables that might make more sense in your infrastructure, so try different things.  Date and time seem like something you would want in your output for example.  In summary, we have redirected the error output from an input, added derived columns with information about the errors, and inserted the information and the offending data into an error table.  The error table information can be used by another step or process to determine, based on the error information, what level alert must be sent.  This will eliminate false alarms, and give you a head start when a genuine error occurs.

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  • Checking for DBNull

    - by Jim Lahman
    Using a table adapter to a SQL Server database table that returns a NULL record.  We determine the fields are NULL by comparing against System.DBNull Looking the NULL records in SQL Management studio   Using a table adapter to retrieve a record   1: try 2: { 3: this.vTrackingTableAdapter.FillByTrkZone(this.dsL1Write.vTracking, iTrkZone); 4: } 5: catch (Exception ex) 6: { 7: sLogMessage = String 8: .Format("Error getting coil number from tracking table at {0} - {1}", 9: sTrkName, 10: ex.Message); 11: throw new CannotReadTrackingTableException(sLogMessage); 12: }   Looking at the record as it returned from the table adapter:   ItemArrayObject Column [0] ChargeCoilNumber [1] HeadWeldZone [2] TailWeldZone [3] ZoneLen [4] ZoneCoilLen [5] Confirmed [6] Validated [7] EntryWidth [8] EntryThickness   Since each item in the ItemArray is an object, we can test for null   1: if (dsL1Write.vTracking.Rows[0].ItemArray[0] == System.DBNull.Value) 2: { 3: throw new NoCoilAtPORException("NULL coil found at tracking zone " + sTrkName); 4: }   If no records were returned by the table adapter 1: if (dsL1Write.vTracking.Rows.Count == 0) 2: { 3: throw new NoCoilAtPORException("No coils found at tracking zone " + sTrkName); 4: }

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  • In the Aggregate: How Will We Maintain Legacy Systems? [closed]

    - by Jim G.
    NEW YORK - With a blast that made skyscrapers tremble, an 83-year-old steam pipe sent a powerful message that the miles of tubes, wires and iron beneath New York and other U.S. cities are getting older and could become dangerously unstable. July 2007 Story About a Burst Steam Pipe in Manhattan We've heard about software rot and technical debt. And we've heard from the likes of: "Uncle Bob" Martin - Who warned us about "the consequences of making a mess". Michael C. Feathers - Who gave us guidance for 'Working Effectively With Legacy Code'. So certainly the software engineering community is aware of these issues. But I feel like our aggregate society does not appreciate how these issues can plague working systems and applications. As Steve McConnell notes: ...Unlike financial debt, technical debt is much less visible, and so people have an easier time ignoring it. If this is true, and I believe that it is, then I fear that governments and businesses may defer regular maintenance and fortification against hackers until it is too late. [Much like NYC and the steam pipes.] My Question: Is there a way that we can avoid the software equivalent of NYC and the steam pipes?

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  • Gems In The Visual Studio 2010 Training Kit &ndash; Introduction to MEF: Learning Labs

    - by Jim Duffy
    No, this post doesn’t have anything to do with cooking up illegal drugs in some rundown shack outside of town. That, my friends, would be a meth lab and fortunately that is waaaaay outside my area of expertise. Now I can talk Kentucky bourbon, or as Homer Simpson would say “mmmmmmmmmmm bourbon”, with you but please refrain from asking me meth questions. :-) Anyway, what I’m talking about are the MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) Learning Labs contained in the Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit. Not sure what MEF is and need an overview? Then start here or here. Ok, so you’ve read a bit about MEF or heard about MEF and you’re thinking it might be something you and your development team might want to take a hands-on look at. I have good news then because contained in the Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit is a series of hands-on learning labs for MEF. I’ve added working my way through them to my “things I want to take a closer look at” list. Have a day. :-|

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  • Ubuntu One Preferences does not show usage, name, e-mail, current plan

    - by Jim
    Ubuntuone is correctly synchronizing selected files between two computers running Ubuntu 10.10. When I open Ubuntuone Preferences, Account tab, on one computer it does not display the usage, name e-mail or current plan. On the other computer all information is shown correctly. On the Devices tab the 2 computers are not shown. They do show correctly on the other computer. Any ideas on how to fix this problem. I have reinstalled Ubuntuone per this link.

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  • ASP.NET MVC for the Rest of Us Videos now available

    - by Jim Duffy
    Microsoft Senior Program Manager, Joe Stagner, has released his first 3 ASP.NET MVC for the Rest of Us Videos. I like the way he helps you learn ASP.NET MVC by building bridges between ASP.NET MVC concepts & ideas and ASP.NET WebForms concepts & ideas which you may already be comfortable working with. Good job Joe. Have a day. :-|

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  • 12.04 boots fine, with graphical splash screen, but then Monitor "out of range"

    - by Jim Bednar
    I see dozens of posts from people whose monitors are saying "out of range" under Ubuntu; seems like there are some serious problems in Ubuntu with autodetection of monitor capabilities. :-( But none of the many, many suggestions I found have solved my problem, and right now I can't use anything graphical on this machine! History: I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my HP Proliant Microserver N40L, which worked reasonably at the default resolution across several reboots. At some point I noticed that the proprietary video driver was not in use, and tried to install one to get better window-drawing speeds, but it failed with some sort of error, and I gave up on that. A few weeks later when I next rebooted, it showed the usual BIOS screen and various boot loading screens (including GRUB), and then the usual purple Ubuntu splash screen with the dots showing that things were loading, but when it finished booting the monitor went black and eventually showed "Out of range" (with no other information). Given that there were several weeks between reboots (it's a server, after all), I've no idea if it was some system update, trying to install the proprietary drivers, or something else that caused the problem. Anyway, the system has booted fine, as I can do Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get a text prompt and can log in there. But Ctrl-Alt-F7 goes back to the out of range error. Some posters said to try Ctrl-Alt-- (minus) to cycle through resolutions until one works, but that didn't have any visible effect. Many, many others said it was a grub problem, which seems unlikely given that grub's screen looks fine, but I tried editing /etc/default/grub to set a particular resolution (trying many of them) and running update-grub, with no apparent effect. Rebooting into failsafe mode works the same as regular mode. Replacing xorg.conf with xorg.conf.failsafe works the same too. I'm at my wits' end! Isn't there anything I can do to convince Ubuntu to choose a mode that the monitor supports? E.g. the one that it is using for the splash screen? I don't need great resolution on this machine, just anything that works!!!!! Help!!!!!! Please!!!!

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  • How to handle key in PhP array if the key contains japanese characters [migrated]

    - by Jim Thio
    I have this array: [ID] => ????????-???????????__35.79_139.72 [Email] => [InBuildingAddress] => [Price] => [Street] => [Title] => ???????? ??????????? [Website] => [Zip] => [Rating Star] => 0 [Rating Weight] => 0 [Latitude] => 35.7865334803033 [Longitude] => 139.716800710514 [Building] => [City] => Unknown_Japan [OpeningHour] => [TimeStamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [CountViews] => 0 Then I do something like this: $output[$info['ID']]=$info; //mess up here $tes=$info['ID']['Title']; Well guess what it messes up. Basically even though the content of an array in PhP can be Japanese. Is this true? What's wrong. The error I got is: Debug Warning: /sdfdsfdf/api/test2.php line 36 - Cannot find element ????????-???????????__35.79_139.72 in variable Debug Warning: /sdfdsfdf/api/test2.php line 36 - main() [function.main]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are required to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk' for '7.0/no DST' instead So many question mark Why is this happening. What's really going on inside PhP? Where can I learn more of such things. Most importantly, what would be the best way to handle this situation. Should I tell PhP to internally always use UTF-8? Does PhP array inherenty cannot use non ascii id?

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  • Best Option for Creating A Small Church Website

    - by Jim
    I've been asked to create a website for a small church. Their prior site was hosted on geocities which is no longer. They are not looking for anything robust, just an informational site with a calendar and maybe a contact form. The church would also like to be able to administer the site with little technical know-how. Cost is also an issue. Given these requirements, something like seems like a good option. However, my main concern is that Sites will suffer the same fate as geocities. It is definitely not a flagship Google product. Are there other good alternatives that fit the requirements?

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