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Search found 93292 results on 3732 pages for 'super user'.

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  • Presenting at the San Francisco SQL Server User Group - 12-Sep-2012

    - by RickHeiges
    I have a business trip scheduled out far enough in advance for a change. I was able to schedule a presentation at the San Francisco SQL Server User Group on Sep 12 about SQL Server Consolidation Strategies. If you will be in the SF area on Sep 12, I invite you to attend ar just drop by to say hello. You can find out more about the group at Hope to see you there!...(read more)

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  • User Group Meeting in Dundee (Scotland)

    Tony Rogerson and myself are going to be in Dundee (we are going back to school) week beginning 18.1.2010.  Whilst there we are going to do a User Group meeting and it would be great to see people there.  More details can be found here -

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  • User Group Meeting in Dundee (Scotland)

    Tony Rogerson and myself are going to be in Dundee (we are going back to school) week beginning 18.1.2010.  Whilst there we are going to do a User Group meeting and it would be great to see people there.  More details can be found here -

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  • Scriptable user-interfaces/frameworks for automated UI testing

    - by AareP
    I'm planning on using scripting for automated UI testing. Main application is written in c#, and I want it to be scriptable, so I can do everything end-user can do, but programmatically. What do you think of software that provides an interface for scripting, like VBA macros in Excel? Can this be future of all programming, big and small? What is the best way to build such an interface for your own application, dll-based or by parsing own scripting language?

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  • Getting user generated content with no titles to rank

    - by hugo
    We are creating a site that allows users to generate content. The user is provided with a text field only (no title), similar to Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Each piece of content created by the users will have a dedicated page/URL. Since the page has no title, I was wondering how search engines will index and display our pages. If the content was shared on other social networks, what will those results look like if there is no title for the open graph or Twitter tags?

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  • Fast user switching is logging users off instead of switching users

    - by Nathan Osman
    I have a netbook running Windows 8.1 Pro that will no longer allow more than one user to be logged in at the same time. The steps necessary to reproduce this are as follows: The current user presses WIN to bring up the start screen. The user clicks his name in the corner and a list of other users appears. As soon as one of the other names is clicked, the user is unceremoniously logged off without any prompts. This behavior seems to have started some time after upgrading to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8. Before that point, everything worked fine and more than one user could be logged in at the same time. I've tried searching for others experiencing similar problems but this appears to be unique. System Details: CPU: Intel Atom N455 @ 1.66 GHz RAM: 1 GB OS: Windows 8.1 Pro w/ Media Center 32-bit

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  • Created User in Linux (Ubuntu) Without Creating a Home Directory - Causing Problems

    - by nicorellius
    This may be a rookie mistake, but I created a user (new user) in Linux on a Ubuntu system and didn't actually create the home directory for this user. Now, when I log in, it says there are problems... If I delete the path home/<new user> and try to log in the system tells me I can use root as home directory but I will likely experience problems, and then it won't let me log in. What is the best way to create this directory with the appropriate permissions? Should I just create another user and delete this one? I need some help...

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  • How do I create a guest ftp user and give access to specific sub-folder with SSH?

    - by gourav
    I just got a virtual dedicated server at GoDaddy. I got the Simple Control Panel. There doesn't seem to be a way to create a guest ftp user through this control panel and I was told it must be created through SSH. I have a program called Putty which can log into the server via SSH. I'm familiar with logging in but does anyone know what the commands are to be used to create a guest ftp user and give them Read and Write access to a particular folder? Regards gourav

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  • Expire windows user (license) after some time according to first login instead of a solid expiration date

    - by smhnaji
    In a project, we have lots of Windows user that have bought licenses for 1 month, 2 month,... 1 year and so... CURRENT SITUATION (WHAT I DON'T WANT): When users are created and added to the OS, a solid expiration date is given. WHAT I WANT: Users' expiration date should be calculated automatically after first login. The user might not need his account right when purchases the license. In another words: When a license is purchased at Jan 1, he should use the license until Feb 1. No matter whether he really logs in or not. He cannot come Feb 5 and begin using his license because that has expired then. What I want is that when he comes at Feb 5 and begins using, the license update until March 5. Environment: Windows Server 2012

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  • Oracle User Productivity Kit Translation

    - by ultan o'broin
    Oracle's customers just love the User Productivity Kit (UPK). I hear only great things about it from our international customers at the Oracle Usability Advisory Board meetings too. The UPK is the perfect solution for enterprise applications training needs (I previously reviewed a fine book about UPK btw). One question I am often asked is how source content created using the UPK can be translated into another language. I spoke with Peter Maravelias, Principal Product Strategy Manager for UPK about this recently. UPK is already optimized for easy source-target translation already. There is even a solution for re-recording demos. Here's what you can do to get your source content into another language: Use UPK's ability to automatically translate events and actions. UPK comes with XML templates that allow you to accomplish this in 21 languages with a simple publishing action switch. These templates even deal with the tricky business of using gender-based translations. Spanish localization template sample Japanese localization template sample Use the Import and Export localization features to export additional custom content in a format like XLIFF, easily handled by translation tools. You could also export and import in Word format. Re-record the sound (audio) files that go with the recordings, one per screen. UPK's granular approach to the sound files means that timing isn't an option. Retiming demos isn't required. A tip here with sound files and XLFF-exported custom content is to facilitate translation context by avoiding explicit references to actions going on in the screen recordings. A text based storyboard with screenshots accompanying the sound files should also be provided to the translators. Provide a glossary of terms too. Use the re-record option in UPK to record any demo from a translated application. This will allow all the translated UI labels to be automatically captured. You may be required to resize any action events here due to text expansion issues. Of course, you will need translated data in the translated application too, so plan for this in advance. However, source-target language skills aren't required for the re-recording. The UPK Player itself, of course, is also available from Oracle along with content and doc in 21 languages. The Developer and Setup is also translated in a smaller number of languages. Check the Oracle UPK website for latest details. UPK is a super solution for global enterprise applications training deployments allowing source content to be translated into multiple languages easily. See this post on the UPK blog for more insight too!

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  • Fast User Switching still disabled after disabling Cisco AnyConnect VPN's "Start Before Login" feature

    - by mindless.panda
    I am running Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate and using Cisco AnyConnect VPN 2.5.3041. As expected, Fast User Switching got disabled as soon as I installed the VPN software. This FAQ from Cisco references how to enable Fast User Switching when their VPN product is installed: A. Microsoft automatically disables Fast User Switching in Windows XP when a GINA.dll is specified in the registry. The Cisco VPN Client installs the CSgina.dll to implement the "Start Before Login" feature. If you need Fast User Switching, then disable the "Start Before Login" feature. Registered users can get more information in Cisco Bug ID CSCdu24073 (registered customers only) in Bug Toolkit. My problem is that I have disabled this on the client, but fast user switching is still greyed out. This article mentions a registry edit, however they key they mention, GinaDLL, does not exist at the WinLogon registry point. Update: This article from Cisco covering AnyConnect specifically gives a one liner: AnyConnect is not compatible with fast user switching. The only problem is I now I had found a workaround before the last reformat/reinstall, but I can't remember what exactly I did previously.

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  • Translation and Localization Resources for UX Designers

    - by ultan o'broin
    Here is a handy list of translation and localization-related resources for user experience professionals. Following these will help you design an easily translatable user experience. Most of the references here are for web pages or software. Fundamentally, remember your designs will be consumed globally, and never divorce the design process from the development or deployment effort that goes into bringing your designs to life in code. Ask yourself today: Do you know how the text you are using in your designs are delivered to the customer, even in English? Key areas that UX designers always seen to fall foul of, in my space anyway, are: Terminology that is impossible to translate (jargon, multiple modifiers, gerunds) or is used inconsistently Poorly written, verbose text (really, just write well in English, no special considerations) String construction (concatenation of parts assembled dynamically) Composite widget positioning (my favourite) Hard-coded fonts, small font sizes, or character formatting or casing that doesn't work globally Format that is not separate from content Restricted real estate not allowing for text expansion in translation Forcing formatting with breaks, and hard-coding alphabetical sorting Graphics that do not work in Bi-Di languages (because they indicate directionality and can't flip) or contain embedded text. The problems of culturally offensive icons are well known by now in the enterprise applications space, though there are some dangers, such as the use of flags to indicate language, for example. Resources Internationalization Techniques: Authoring HTML & CSS Global By Design Insert Title Here : Variables in Interface Language Prose: Internationalisation Doc and help considerations I can deal with later.

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  • UK SQL Server User Group Events (June)

    There are two events of note for the SQL Server User Group in June.  The first is a Live Meeting event with myself on 04.06.2009.  I am going to be looking at how to integrate Data Mining into your BI solution.  I will be looking at putting DM into SSIS, SSAS and SSRS.  It will be very demo oriented.  You can register for the event here The second event is an event at Microsoft Reading on 10.06.2009.  The evening will be a BI/Data Mining event.  Chris Webb and myself are organizing it and  we want speakers.  We would love to see new faces up there telling us about their BI/DM solutions/Tips and Tricks.  If you want to speak at the event then let me or Chris know.  If you just want to attend then you can register here.

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  • UK SQL Server User Group Events (June)

    There are two events of note for the SQL Server User Group in June.  The first is a Live Meeting event with myself on 04.06.2009.  I am going to be looking at how to integrate Data Mining into your BI solution.  I will be looking at putting DM into SSIS, SSAS and SSRS.  It will be very demo oriented.  You can register for the event here The second event is an event at Microsoft Reading on 10.06.2009.  The evening will be a BI/Data Mining event.  Chris Webb and myself are organizing it and  we want speakers.  We would love to see new faces up there telling us about their BI/DM solutions/Tips and Tricks.  If you want to speak at the event then let me or Chris know.  If you just want to attend then you can register here.

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  • Backend devs put down by user stories

    - by Szili
    I planned to slice in backend development into to the user stories vertically. But a backend guy on our team started to complain that this makes their work invisible. My answer was that at the sprint planning and review meetings we discuss backend tasks in front of stakeholders so it makes it visible, and maintaining a high quality during the project will result a slower startin pace than other teams, but we will have a stable velocity during the project. And velocity is highly visible to stakeholders. He still insist having stories like: "As a developer I need to have a domain layer so I can encapsulate business logic." How can I solve the issue before it pollutes the team? The root of the issue is that our management systematically consider backend work as invisible and call backed devs miners, or other pejorative terms.

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  • User Experience Guidance for Developers: Anti-Patterns

    - by ultan o'broin
    Picked this up from a recent Dublin Google Technology User Group meeting: Android App Mistakes: Avoiding the Anti-Patterns by Mark Murphy, CommonsWare Interesting approach of "anti-patterns" aimed at mobile developers (in this case Android), looking at the best way to use code and what's in the SDK while combining it with UX guidance (the premise being the developer does the lot). Interestingly, the idea came through that developers need to stop trying to make one O/S behave like another--on UX grounds. Also, pretty clear that a web-based paradigm is being promoting for Android (translators tell me that translating an Android app reminded them of translating web pages too). Haven't see the "anti"-approach before, developer cookbooks and design patterns sure. Check out the slideshare presentation.

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  • Login - check database if user exists... (c#)

    I have managed to do the following... string connectionString = "datasource=localhost;username=xxx;password=xxx;database=xxx"; MySqlConnection mySqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString); string selectString = "SELECT username, password " + "FROM forum_members " + "WHERE username = '" + frmUsername.Text + "' AND password = '" + frmPassword.Text + "'"; MySqlCommand mySqlCommand = new MySqlCommand(selectString, mySqlConnection); mySqlConnection.Open(); String strResult = String.Empty; strResult = (String)mySqlCommand.ExecuteScalar(); mySqlConnection.Close(); if (strResult.Length == 0) { Label1.Text = "INCORRECT USER/PASS!" //could redirect to register page } else { Label1.Text = "YOU ARE LOGGED IN!"; //set loggin in sessions variables }

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  • Cannot login to newly created user account

    - by penner
    Trying to switch accounts to my newly created account I get a black screen and then it takes me back to the main login screen after entering the correct password. Upon logging into my previously existing account I get: "System Program Problem Detected" Details: Executable path /usr/bin/Xorg Package: xserver-xorg-core 2:1.11.4-0ubuntu10.1 Details: Crash ... (tons more, but no way to copy paste or save) When I try to su su -l penner I get: No directory, logging in with HOME=/ I manually created the home directory and this error goes away but still no luck with the login. Seems something has gone wrong with the user creation? How can I correct this?

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  • How do I reset my Ubuntu user password?

    - by Myself
    I lost my Ubuntu user account password... I saw some other questions on this topic that had answers telling me to restart the computer, press the left shift key after BIOS, go to root, type "passwd [username]" and all this other stuff, but none of that worked. After I typed a new password and retyped it, it gave me an error message saying something like "Authentication Manipulation Error." There was another question complaining about this, but there weren't any useful answers that worked. Does anybody know of a way for me to retrieve or reset my password? Am I doing something wrong with that method I mentioned?

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  • How to grant read/write to specific user in any existent or future subdirectory of a given directory? [migrated]

    - by Samuel Rossille
    I'm a complete newbie in system administration and I'm doing this as a hobby. I host my own git repository on a VPS. Let's say my user is john. I'm using the ssh protocol to access my git repository, so my url is something like ssh://[email protected]/path/to/git/myrepo/. Root is the owner of everything that's under /path/to/git I'm attempting to give read/write access to john to everything which is under /path/to/git/myrepo I've tried both chmod and setfacl to control access, but both fail the same way: they apply rights recursively (with the right options) to all the current existing subdirectories of /path/to/git/myrepo, but as soon as a new directory is created, my user can not write in the new directory. I know that there are hooks in git that would allow me to reapply the rights after each commit, but I'm starting to think that i'm going the wrong way because this seems too complicated for a very basic purpose. Q: How should I setup my right to give rw access to john to anything under /path/to/git/myrepo and make it resilient to tree structure change ? Q2: If I should take a step back change the general approach, please tell me.

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  • Add linux user with restricted access

    - by Dominik Str
    I need to create a user on linux with access rights only to one folder. Background: I have installed git on my virtual server (Debian). I also created a user for the repository. There is a lot of private data on the server. But all folders have read-access for others, because it's needed for the applications which run on the server. So the git-user can see all the data. I would like to restrict the git user only to the folder where the repository is installed. I also tried ACL, but it didn't work. Is there a better way to do this? Thanks in advance!

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  • Port binding conflicts with "switch user" on Windows 7

    - by C-dizzle
    We are using the switch user function within Windows 7 under an active directory network. We have one application in particular that gives us an error: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. bind Port 10001 Are there any other ports that can only be used at one time that might have an adverse effect on the other user? We try to mentor our users to use the log off function instead of switch user, but that doesn't always happen. As an alternative, is it possible to disable the 'switch user' button on our machines?

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  • Grant a user access to directories shared by root (mod: 770)

    - by Paul Dinham
    I want to grant a user (username: paul) access to all directories shared by root with mod 770. I do it this way: groups root (here comes a list of groups in which root user is) usermod -a -G group1 paul usermod -a -G group2 paul usermod -a -G group3 paul ... All the 'group1', 'group2', 'group3' are seen in the group list of root user. However, after adding 'paul' to all groups above, he still can not write to directories shared by root user with mod 770. Did I do it wrongly?

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  • How to relink user folders in Windows 7

    - by Jonathan
    The short story: Win7 lost track of my user folders location (desktop, my documents, my pictures etc...). They now reside on a different partition. How can I relink these folders? The long story: The way I partition my drives is: C: - SSD drive for Windows and Program Files D: - A large regular hard drive for all my user data The first thing I do after a fresh Win7 install is move my user folders to D:, by right clicking on these folders under C:\users\username\, choosing the Location tab and clicking on Move. I've just completed encryption of D: using TrueCrypt. It shows a lot of warnings before the encryption process, but (hrrmm...) it does not mention the fact that after encryption the data is located on a new drive letter, say E: This broke Win7's links to my special user folders. How can I relink these folders?

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