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  • Command-line access for Apple Time Machine?

    - by Stefan Lasiewski
    We use Apple's Time Machine to back up our workstations at the office. If I want to restore a file, I need to open up the Time Machine GUI and browse files there. The GUI is ugly eye-candy and gets in my way. Is there a way to browse the Time Machine archive using the Mac's command-line? I'm used to Netapps and other storage appliances. I use backintime for my Ubuntu workstation. To restore a file with one of those systems, you can restore a file with a simple command like: cp .snapshot/daily.0/filename.txt . or cp /backup/backintime/20100611-000002/backup/etc/shadow /etc/shadow Is there an equivalent for Apple's Time Machine?

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  • freebsd-update from 8.3-RELEASE to 9.0-RELEASE: How to deal with dozens of diffs?

    - by Stefan Lasiewski
    I am upgrading a FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE system to FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE using freebsd-update. This is my first time performing a major version upgrade in FreeBSD. At one point in the process, freebsd-update performs a diff on files which are different then what is expected for the 9.0-RELEASE. It compares the current version on the system with the new changes added from 9.0-RELEASE. There are dozens of files in the list. Thus, I am presented with dozens and dozens of diffs which open in a vi window and look like this: The following file could not be merged automatically: /etc/ntp.conf Press Enter to edit this file in vi and resolve the conflicts manually... ### vi window opens <<<<<<< current version driftfile /etc/ntp/drift ======= # # $FreeBSD: release/9.0.0/etc/ntp.conf 195652 2009-07-13 05:51:33Z dwmalone $ # # Default NTP servers for the FreeBSD operating system. # # Don't forget to enable ntpd in /etc/rc.conf with: # ntpd_enable="YES" # # The driftfile is by default /var/db/ntpd.drift, check # /etc/defaults/rc.conf on how to change the location. # >>>>>>> 9.0-RELEASE restrict default notrust nomodify ignore And so on. This requires that I manually edit each file and remove the strings like <<<<<<< current version >>>>>>> 9.0-RELEASE and =======. As I discovered afterwards, if I don't remove these strings, they end up in the file afterwards. There are dozens of files which differ between 8.3 and 9.0, and I have a dozen local modifications myself. It appears that freebsd-update is using a diff, sdiff or mergemaster function of some sort, but I can't tell what it is doing exactly. Processing these files is tedious. Is there a way that I can just say "Accept new version" or "keep old version" or "Your merge is correct"? There has got to be an easier way to deal with these files. I must be missing something. This isn't a huge problem for one machine, but eventually I'll be doing this dozens of times and I want to find an easier way.

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  • Zensyslog Clear Events

    - by Stefan Mai
    I've hooked up Zenoss' Zensyslog so that messages from a distributed list of client machines are all conglomerated into events on the Zenoss server. This is all fantastic, and I can bump messages by simply using the logger command: logger -t webserver_is_down "The web server is down" What I'd like to be able to do is also post an event that clears for when the webserver comes up. logger -t webserver_is_up "The web server is up" I've tried to set this up with Event classes but with no dice. Is there a Syslog level that correlates with Zenoss' clear/0 level? Is there another easy way to do this? Thanks for any help you can give!

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  • Bootable and remote controllable imaging software?

    - by
    I am looking for an imaging software, that one can boot from CD or usb stick (therefore without installing anything on the system!) and then control by some kind of remote desktop. So something like a combination of Acronis TrueImage's Bootable Media and Windows Remote Desktop. I don't even need to be able to store the backup on a network drive, as an external usb hdd is attached for these purposes. Background: A system that is normally controlled by SSH / command line and therefore has no keyboard/mouse connected that I could use to control Acronis TrueImage.

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  • What file transfer protocols can be used for PXE booting besides TFTP?

    - by Stefan Lasiewski
    According to ISC's dhcpd manpage: The filename statement filename "filename"; The filename statement can be used to specify the name of the initial boot file which is to be loaded by a client. The filename should be a filename recognizable to whatever file transfer protocol the client can be expected to use to load the file. My questions are: What file transfer protocols, besides tftp, are available to load the file (e.g. What protocols "can be expected to" load the file)? How can I tell? Can I see a list of these protocols? Does my choice of DHCP server influence which file transfer protocols are in use? Pretend I want to use dnsmasq instead of ISC's dhcpd Are these features dependent on the PXE which is in use (e.g. My Intel NICs use an Intel ROM)? I know that some PXE-variants, such as iPXE/gPXE/Etherboot, can also load files over HTTP. However, the PXE rom needs to be replaced with the iPXE image, either by chainloading or by burning the PXE rom onto the NIC. For example, the iPXE Howto "Using ISC dhcpd" says: ISC dhcpd is configured using the file /etc/dhcpd.conf. You can instruct iPXE to boot using the filename directive: filename "pxelinux.0"; or filename "";

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  • LdapErr: DSID-0C0903AA, data 52e: authenticating against AD '08 with pam_ldap

    - by Stefan M
    I have full admin access to the AD '08 server I'm trying to authenticate towards. The error code means invalid credentials, but I wish this was as simple as me typing in the wrong password. First of all, I have a working Apache mod_ldap configuration against the same domain. AuthType basic AuthName "MYDOMAIN" AuthBasicProvider ldap AuthLDAPUrl "ldap://,MYCOMPANY,DC=southit,DC=inet?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)" AuthLDAPBindDN svc_webaccess_auth AuthLDAPBindPassword mySvcWebAccessPassword Require ldap-group CN=Service_WebAccess,OU=Groups,OU=MYCOMPANY,DC=southit,DC=inet I'm showing this because it works without the use of any Kerberos, as so many other guides out there recommend for system authentication to AD. Now I want to translate this into pam_ldap.conf for use with OpenSSH. The /etc/pam.d/common-auth part is simple. auth sufficient debug This line is processed before any other. I believe the real issue is configuring pam_ldap.conf. host base OU=Companies,MYCOMPANY,DC=southit,DC=inet ldap_version 3 binddn svc_webaccess_auth bindpw mySvcWebAccessPassword scope sub timelimit 30 pam_filter objectclass=User nss_map_attribute uid sAMAccountName pam_login_attribute sAMAccountName pam_password ad Now I've been monitoring ldap traffic on the AD host using wireshark. I've captured a successful session from Apache's mod_ldap and compared it to a failed session from pam_ldap. The first bindrequest is a success using the svc_webaccess_auth account, the searchrequest is a success and returns a result of 1. The last bindrequest using my user is a failure and returns the above error code. Everything looks identical except for this one line in the filter for the searchrequest, here showing mod_ldap. Filter: (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=ivasta)) The second one is pam_ldap. Filter: (&(&(objectclass=User)(objectclass=User))(sAMAccountName=ivasta)) My user is named ivasta. However, the searchrequest does not return failure, it does return 1 result. I've also tried this with ldapsearch on the cli. It's the bindrequest that follows the searchrequest that fails with the above error code 52e. Here is the failure message of the final bindrequest. resultcode: invalidcredentials (49) 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903AA, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v1772 This should mean invalid password but I've tried with other users and with very simple passwords. Does anyone recognize this from their own struggles with pam_ldap and AD? Edit: Worth noting is that I've also tried pam_password crypt, and pam_filter sAMAccountName=User because this worked when using ldapsearch. ldapsearch -LLL -h -x -b "ou=Users,ou=mycompany,dc=southit,dc=inet" -v -s sub -D svc_webaccess_auth -W '(sAMAccountName=ivasta)' This works using the svc_webaccess_auth account password. This account has scan access to that OU for use with apache's mod_ldap.

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  • Yum install packages to an alternate directory, without chroot?

    - by Stefan Lasiewski
    I would like to use the Foswiki yum repository to install Foswiki (296 packages). The default installation path is /var/lib/, but I want to install it to an alternate location at /opt/www/. In the future, I still want to use yum to check for and apply updates to the packages. Is it possible to use yum to install packages to an location which is different then the default location provided by RPMs? Does Yum provide anything similar to ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ or rpm --install --prefix=/opt/local? Yum provides the --installroot option, but that appears to primarily for chroot environments.

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  • Apache httpd: Send error logs to syslog and local disk? Without touching /etc/syslog.conf?

    - by Stefan Lasiewski
    I have an Apache httpd 2.2 server. I want to log all messages using syslog, so that the requests are sent to our central syslog server. I also want to ensure that all log messages are sent to local disk, so that a sysadmin can have easy access to the log files on the local system. It is easy to send HTTP access logs to both the local disk and to syslog. One common method is: LogFormat "%V %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined CustomLog logs/access_log combined CustomLog "|/usr/bin/logger -t httpd -i -p" combined But it is not easy to do this for error logs. The following configuration doesn't work, because the error logs only use the last ErrorLog stanza. The first ErrorLog stanza is ignored. ErrorLog logs/error_log ErrorLog syslog:local4.error How can I ensure that Apache errors logs are written to the local disk and are sent to syslog? Is it possible to do this without touching /etc/syslog.conf ? I am fine if my users want to manage their own Apache configuration files, but I do not want them touching system files such as /etc/syslog.conf

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  • Apache proxy: Why is one vhost returning Forbidden while the other one works?

    - by Stefan Majewsky
    I have a Java application that needs to talk to another intranet website using HTTPS in both directions. After fighting with Java's SSL implementations for some time, I gave up on that, and have now set up an Apache that's supposed to act as a bidirectional reverse proxy: external app ---(HTTPS request)---> Apache ---(local HTTP request)---> Java app This direction works just fine, however the other direction does not: Java app ---(local HTTP request)---> Apache ---(HTTPS request)---> external app This is the configuration for the vhost implementing the second proxy: Listen <VirtualHost appgateway:8081> ServerName appgateway.local SSLProxyEngine on ProxyPass / https://externalapp.corp:443/ ProxyPassReverse / https://externalapp.corp:443/ ProxyRequests Off AllowEncodedSlashes On # we do not need to apply any more restrictions here, because we listened on # local connections only in the first place (see the Listen directive above) <Proxy https://externalapp.corp:443/*> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> </VirtualHost> A curl should serve the equivalent of https://externalapp.corp, but instead results in 403 Forbidden, with the following message in the Apache error log: [Wed Jun 04 08:57:19 2014] [error] [client] Directory index forbidden by Options directive: /srv/www/htdocs/ This message completely puzzles me: Yes, I have not set up any permissions on the DocumentRoot of this vhost, but everything works fine for the other proxy direction where I haven't. For reference, here's the other vhost: Listen this_vm_hostname:443 <VirtualHost javaapp:443> ServerName javaapp.corp SSLEngine on SSLProxyEngine on # not shown: SSLCipherSuite, SSLCertificateFile, SSLCertificateKeyFile SSLOptions +StdEnvVars ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/ ProxyRequests Off AllowEncodedSlashes On # Local reverse proxy authorization override <Proxy http://localhost:8080/*> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> </VirtualHost>

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  • snmpd.conf network range not accepted

    - by Stefan
    I am using snmpd on CentOS 6.3 and was giving a network range to the source for mapping community to security group. com2sec mynetwork centreon Anyhow it is not working and I always get a timeout from the polling server. When I enter the exact ip of the polling server it works ( It even works if I enter the whole netmask ( Anyhow it should work according to documentation. Did I do anything wrong?

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  • Force '^C' to be printed when editing current prompt, then aborting it

    - by Stefan Lasiewski
    This is the opposite of Prevent “^C” from being printed when aborting editing current prompt. I'm using Bash. When I'm editing the commandline in Bash, and I hit Control-C to abort the commandline, the '^C' character does not display. I would like to see this character. I tried commands like stty -ctlecho and stty ctlecho (which I borrowed from the other question), but this didn't work for me. This behavior seems to be true with my environment on Ubuntu, CentOS and MacOSX.

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  • Reserve one http slot for /server-status?

    - by Stefan Lasiewski
    I have an Apache server which is hanging for some reason. When I normally want to check on the load of an Apache server, I tend to use mod_status via the URL at or from the commandline like service httpd fullstatus. However today, the Server is refusing all new connections. Some mysterious problem is causing connections to stall, which means that number of connections fills up all available connections (e.g. The number of connects exceeds the MaxClients setting), and therefore neither nor service httpd fullstatus can return anything. Is it possible to configure Apache to reserve one or two slots for the mod_status pages?

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  • ContentAssist delay on editors for Eclipse?

    - by
    When using the Java Editor for Eclipse, one can set the ContentAssist delay to 0 seconds (in the Java Editor ContentAssist options). In other language editors, e.g EPIC (Perl Integration), this option isn't offered. However I guess that for all languages editors there is a configuration file where one can change this correctly, which is the same as for the Java Editor. So, where is the configuration file for the Eclipse Java Editor concerning the ContentAssist stuff? Thanks :-)

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  • Can all notebooks record from the sound card?

    - by Stefan Walter
    Is it possible that a modern notebook (say built in the last 5 years) contains a (onboard) sound card that it is not possible to record from? I've always assumed that this is a very basic capability, but since I can't get it to work, I would like to check that before I put any more effort into it. In case it matters, my notebook is an ASUS UL50VT, I'm trying with Sound Recorder and Audacity under Ubuntu, but I am, at this point, not asking for "Try that"-support or software recommendations.

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  • Installing VirtIO drivers in Windows Server 2008

    - by Stefan K.
    We are running a Windows Server 2008 system as a "guest" on a Linux-KVM virtual server (SLES11, with VirtIO support). We have trouble with the system performance and this is possibly due to not using the VirtIO drivers. I don't have much experience with neither KVM not VirtIO. Just heard it this could be the reason for our problem. Questions: The install examples I just found are describing how to install the drivers during Windows setup. Is it possible to install the VirtIO drivers later? We have running software on that system and would like to avoid reinstalling/setup of all these. I already found a page describing how to sign the drivers, which seems to be needed. A good tutorial page (step by step instructions) would be nice. Is there anything like that out there?

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  • Windows 8 Internet Explorer 11 proxy automation script

    - by Stefan Bollmann
    Similar to this post, I'd like to change my proxy settings using a script. However, it fails. When I am behind the proxy, IE does not connect to the internet. Here I try the first solution from craig: function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (isInNet(myIpAddress(), "myactualip", "myactualsubnetip")) return "PROXY proxyasshowninpicture:portihavetouseforthisproxy_see_picture"; else return "DIRECT"; } This script is saved as proxy.pac in c:\windows and my configuration is* in LAN settings: No automatically detected settings, yes, use automatic config script: file://c:/windows/proxy.pac No proxy server. So, what am I doing wrong? ---------------- update -------------- However, when I set up a proxy in my LAN configurations: IE -> Internet Options -> Connections -> LAN Settings check: Use a proxy Server for your LAN Address: <a pingable proxy> Port: <portnr> everything is fine for this environment. Now I try a simpler script like function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return "PROXY <pingable proxy>:<portnr>; DIRECT"; } With a configuration described above** I am not able to get through the proxy.

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  • EGit (Eclipse) wrongly interpreting file names with non-ASCII characters?

    - by Stefan Seidel
    I recently switched to using a Git repository within Eclipse (Juno SR2), using EGit. In our project, some file names contains umlauts and other special non-ASCII-characters. On the command line, git status show no changes, workspace clean, but Eclipse marks those files as changed: How can I make Eclipse/EGit use the correct encoding for filenames? I tried setting LANG, file.encoding and the git config svn.pathnameencoding all to no avail. And again, on the command line there are no such errors.

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  • Title: Better logging for cronjob output

    - by Stefan Lasiewski
    I am looking for a better way to log cronjobs. Most cronjobs tend to spam email or the console, get ignored, or create yet another logfile. In this case, I have a Nagios NSCA script which sends data to a central Nagios sever. This send_nsca script also prints a single status line to STDOUT, indicating success or failure. 0 * * * * root /usr/local/nagios/sbin/nsca_check_disk This emails the following message to root@localhost, which is then forwarded to my team of sysadmins. Spam. forwarded nsca_check_disk: 1 data packet(s) sent to host successfully. I'm looking for a log method which: Doesn't spam the messages to email or the console Don't create yet another krufty logfile which requires cleanup months or years later. Capture the log information somewhere, so it can be viewed later if desired. Works on most unixes Fits into an existing log infrastructure. Uses common syslog conventions like 'facility' Some of these are third party scripts, and don't always do logging internally.

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  • Find duplicate images?

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    I need a software (for Windows) that finds duplicate images by comparing the actual image content. I have duplicates of images, once with metadata, one without, so the image is the same, but the file is not, so comparing the files byte by byte is not enough. Another requirement is, that I can delete all / several duplicates at once - I don't want to click 100 times "delete"! That is, what I actually would have to do using XnView ): I also checked the other topics here and Google, but if a programscompares the images in a perfect way (like XnView) it doesn't allow the deletion of several duplicates at once

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  • Characteristics of a Web service that promote reusability and change

    Characteristics of a Web service that promote reusability and change:  Standardized Data Exchange Formats (XML, JSON) Standardized communication protocols (Soap, Rest) Promotes Loosely Coupled Systems  Standardized Data Exchange Formats (XML, JSON) XML defines Extensible Markup Language (XML) as a simplistic text format derived from SGML. XML was designed to solve challenges found in large-scale electronic publishing. In addition,  XML is playing an important role in the exchange of data primarily focusing on data exchange on the web. JSON JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a human-readable text-based standard designed for data interchange. This format is used for serializing and transmitting data over a network connection in a structured format. The primary use of JSON is to transmit data between a server and web application. JSON is an alternative to XML. Standardized communication protocols (Soap, Rest) Soap defines SOAP as a simple XML-based protocol. This protocol lets applications exchange data over HTTP.  SOAP provides a way to communicate between applications running on different operating systems, with different technologies and programming languages. Rest In 2007, Stefan Tilkov defines Representational State Transfer (REST) as a set of principles that outlines how Web standards are supposed to be used.  Using REST in an application will ensure that it exploits the Web’s architecture to its benefit. Promotes Loosely Coupled Systems “Loose coupling as an approach to interconnecting the components in a system or network so that those components, also called elements, depend on each other to the least extent practicable. Coupling refers to the degree of direct knowledge that one element has of another.” (, 2007) “Loosely coupled system can be easily broken down into definable elements. The extent of coupling in a system can be measured by mapping the maximum number of element changes that can occur without adverse effects. Examples of such changes include adding elements, removing elements, renaming elements, reconfiguring elements, modifying internal element characteristics and rearranging the way in which elements are interconnected.” (, 2007) References: W3C. (2011). Extensible Markup Language (XML). Retrieved from (2011). SOAP Introduction. Retrieved from Tilkov, Stefan. (2007). A Brief Introduction to REST. Retrieved from (2011). loose coupling. Retrieved from

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  • New blog article series "What's up with LDoms"

    - by jsavit
    Highly recommended: a new series of blog articles by Stefan Hinker, titled "What's up with LDoms" (officialy Oracle VM Server for SPARC) at The article provides an architectural overview of Oracle VM Server for SPARC and even discusses some new and advanced features. I recommend this to anyone wanting to get a good understanding of Logical Domains / Oracle VM Server for SPARC.

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  • CMT Blog: Virtual IO gets better for LDoms

    - by uwes
    As we all know virtual IO is of great use in the IT environments of today but when it comes to performance we often have to pay the price. In his Blog entry Improved vDisk Performance for Ldoms, Stefan Hinker explained how the new implementation of the vdisk/vds software stack in Solaris 11.1 SRU 19 (and a Solaris 10 patch sortly afterwards) significantly improves latency and throughput of the vitual disk IO.

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  • links for 2011-01-31

    - by Bob Rhubart
    Do (Software) Architects Architect? "The first question, is 'Why is architect being used as a verb?' Mirriam-Webster dictionary does not contain a definition of architect as a verb, nor do many other recognized dictionaries." -- TheCPUWizard (tags: softwarearchitecture) Oracle Business Intelligence Blog: Gartner Magic Quadrant for BI Platforms 2011 "Oracle customers indicate they deploy the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) platform to support among the most complex deployments in our survey." - Gartner (tags: oracle businessintelligence gartner) Oracle BI Server Modeling, Part 1- Designing a Query Factory (Oracle BI Foundation) Bob Ertl lays the groundwork for Business Intelligence modeling concepts with a look at "the big picture of how the BI Server fits into the system, and how the CEIM controls the query processing." (tags: oracle otn businessintelligence) Tom Graves: Modelling people in enterprise-architecture Tom says: "One of the key characteristics of ‘crossing the chasm’ to a viable whole-of-enterprise architecture is the explicit inclusion of people. In short, we need to be able to model and map where people fit in relation to the architecture. But there’s a catch. A big catch." (tags: entarch) Java developer webcasts for customers and partners (SOA Partner Community Blog) Jurgen Kress shares info on several upcoming online events focused on WebLogic. (tags: weblogic oracle otn soa) Business SOA: Data Services are bogus, Information services are real Steve Jones says: "The other day when I was talking about MDM a bright spark pointed out that I hated data services but wasn't MDM just about data services?" (tags: SOA MDM) Andrejus Baranovskis's Blog: Configuring Missing Contribution Folders for Oracle UCM 11g and WebCenter 11g PS3 Andrejus says: "After doing some research on UCM, we found that Folders_g component must be configured in UCM, for Contribution Folders to be enabled." (tags: oracle otn oracleace UCM webcenter enterprise2.0) Wim Coekaerts: Converting an Oracle VM VirtualBox VM into an Oracle VM Server image Wim Coekaerts offers a few simple steps to convert an existing Oracle VM VirtualBox image.  (tags: oracle otn virtualization virtualbox) Stefan Hinker: Secure Deployment of Oracle VM Server for SPARC This new paper from Stefan Hinker will help you understand the general security concerns in virtualized environments as well as the specific additional threats that arise out of them. (tags: oracle otn SPARC virtualization enterprisearchitecture) The EA Roadmap to Rationalize, Standardize, and Consolidate the IT Portfolio Enterprise IT is in a state of constant evolution. As a result, business processes and technologies become increasingly more difficult to change and more costly to keep up-to-date. (tags: entarch oracle otn)

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  • WPF: Draw a grid on a Canvas?

    - by
    Hello community, I'm currently trying to add gridlines to a canvas. I need an exact free space between them, where I'd like to place something for hit detection per cell, maybe simply a transparent border or such a thing. While I thought this would be an easy thing, I'm facing problems like antialiasing and that lines in WPF aren't very "calculate" / exact drawing friendly - e.g. if I draw a line on x=20 with a thickness of 10, the line's width goes from x=15 to x=25 (maybe not exactly, just some kind like that), so it takes the given position as middle point - if it would draw from 20 to 30 it would be easier in my case. Besides that making things more complex, how does WPF handle e.g. a thickness of 5? Draw thickness 3 left from the given point and the remaining 2 right from it? Or maybe just the opposite way? Well, just wanted to show you which problems I have, though this all maybe just seems simple to be done. Just wondering if anyone has ever done this before. Currently I find a Border without content and just 2 sites set to a thickness greater than 0 as line seems to work the best in my tests, seems like it's clear where they are drawn and they somehow don't seem to make any antialiasing problems. Just wondering if there's a more intuitive / better way of doing this? I don't want to lay a Canvas over a Grid, I think this maybe makes some things more complex in the end (by the way: how would I place a Canvas on top of a Grid?). Thanks for any hint!

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