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  • Detecting 404 errors after a new site design

    - by James Crowley
    We recently re-designed Developer Fusion and as part of that we needed to ensure that any external links were not broken in the process. In order to monitor this, we used the awesome LogParser tool. All you need to do is open up a command prompt, navigate to the directory with your web site's log files in, and run a query like this: "c:\program files (x86)\log parser 2.2\logparser" "SELECT top 500 cs-uri-stem,count(*) FROM u_ex*.log WHERE sc-status=404 GROUP BY cs-uri-stem order by count(*) desc" -rtp:-1 topMissingUrls.txt And you've got a text file with the top 500 requested URLs that are returning 404. Simple!

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  • Packaging a web application for deploying at customer site

    - by chitti
    I want to develop a django webapp that would get deployed at the customer site. The web app would run in a private cloud environment (ESX server here) of the customer. My web app would use a mysql database. The problem is I would not have direct access/control of the webapp. My question is, how to package such a web application with it's database and other entities so that it's easier to upgrade/update the app and it's database in future. Right now the idea I have is that I would provide a vm with the django app and database setup. The customer can just start the vm and he would have the webapp running. What are the other options I should consider?

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  • SanjayP&rsquo;s venture after Microsoft involves no Microsoft

    - by eddraper
    When I was at Microsoft, I always found Sanjay Parthasarathy to be a bright and passionate leader.  While he was a bit disconnected at times with what was really going on out in the trenches, I always thought he was true believer in what we in Developer Platform and Evangelism (DPE) were doing.  He got it.  He had started DPE and kicked a lot of doors down up in Redmond to make it happen.  Back in the early 2000s, battles over platform choices at large customers was trench warfare… bayonets and hand grenades at the P-Code level.  This model was not at all suited to Microsoft’s org structure at the time.  While there were plenty of people fully able to have competitive conversations around Windows Server, or AD, or Exchange, or the desktop, there weren’t many that could have deep technical conversations around Java vs .NET and the platform “stack” as a cohesive, unified unit of value.  This task fell to DPE. Sanjay ended up leaving Microsoft a number of months before me in 2009 and I remember thinking these exact words: “holy shit, SanjayP left Microsoft.”  When SanjayP left DPE years before that,  Sheila Gulati had stepped into his shoes and I thought we where starting to miss a beat.  Sheila had built an amazing business at Microsoft India, but I don’t recall being inspired by her as a leader.  SanjayP’s talks felt like the opening scene of “Patton” with George C. Scott pacing in front of the American flag.  Sheila was a voice on a con-call.  When she moved on in 2007, Walid Abu-Hadba was given the reigns.  Personally, I don’t ever recall even seeing his face.  I think I might recall hearing his voice on some con-calls, but for all intents and purposes he was invisible to me.  Perhaps this was the beginning of my carelessness around seeking “visibility.” Fast forward to Build 2011.  First off, we have no PDC – we have Build.  Microsoft had made an 11 year investment by this time in building an organization to make its technology relevant to developers.  One would think such an org would be in the driver’s seat of such an event, but we see Windows product group people on the podiums.  Watching, I could see the messaging unfold… but no story.  It was like the old days.  Demos and PowerPoints by team members building the tech, and in many cases VPs.  The ensuing confusion is almost legendary now.  Windows 8 was, and is, a pretty big deal… but who is telling the story – not just features and benefits, but the story around how it all fits together. Having been out of Microsoft for two years now, and looking in, I can only conclude that the “DPE of old” has at best been emasculated, and at worst been completely marginalized by internal politics, or perhaps the eternal march of the corporate entropy generator that resides at all large companies.  I don’t think this is a good thing for anyone. And now, back to Sanjay who is the father of Microsoft DPE… I noticed that he has moved back to India and is doing start-up work.  His current company Indix looks to be doing some interesting things with “big data” and here’s their stack: Nary a trace of anything Microsoft.  What could account for this?  I wonder….  Better availability of labor and expertise in India for this stack?  Donno, but even in India, leet R and Hadoop skills have to be hard to find. Technical superiority?  This, I sincerely doubt. This stack, with SanjayP’s name as CEO leaves me with an unsettling feeling.  If he did believe, he no longer does.  One doesn’t place bets with real money on things they don’t believe in.  Perhaps he never did believe, and was a corporate creature seeking to find a niche for himself after which he manipulated me and others.  Or perhaps… anger… be it passive aggression or an outright “in your face F*** you” to his former masters. I guess in the end, only he knows the true reason… But I have my theory...

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  • Web Site Search Engines - Sending Your Site to Search Engine Sites

    Search engines are number one cost effective approach to market your business and web site. Studies indicate that vast majority viewers find web sites via leading search engines and directories. Quality listing on leading search engine or directory may drive targeted traffic to your website and improve your business in a short period of time.

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  • How to run VisualSVN Server on port 443 running IIS on same server?

    - by Metro Smurf
    Server 2008 R2 SP1 VisualSVN Server 2.1.6 The IIS server has about 10 sites. One of them uses https over port 443 with the following bindings: http x.x.x.39:80 http x.x.x.39:80 https x.x.x.39:443 VisualSVN Server Properties server name: server port: 443 Server Binding: x.x.x.40 No sites on IIS are listening to x.x.x.40. When starting up VisualSVN server, the following errors are thrown: make_sock: could not bind to address x.x.x.40:443 (OS 10013) An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. no listening sockets available, shutting down When I stop on IIS, then VisualSVN Server starts up without a problem. When I bind VisualSVN server to port 8443 and start, then VisualSVN Server starts without a problem. My goal is to be able to access the VisualSvn Server with a normal url, i.e., one that does't use a port number in the address: vs What needs to be configured to allow VisualSVN Server to run on port 443 with IIS running on the same server? Edit / Answer The answer provided by Ivan did point me in the right direction. For anyone else running into this, here is a bit more information. Even though my IIS had no bindings set to the IP address I am using for VisualSvn, IIS will still take the IP address hostage unless IIS is explicitly told which IP addresses to listen to. There is no GUI in Win Server 2k8 to configure the IP addresses for IIS to listen; by default, IIS listens to all IP addresses assigned to the server. The following will help configure IIS to only listen to the IP addresses you want: open a command prompt enter: netsh enter: http enter: show iplisten -- this will show a table of the IP addresses IIS is listening to. By default, the table will be empty (I guess this means IIS listens to all IP's) For each IP address IIS should listen to, enter: add iplisten ipaddress=x.x.x.x enter: show iplisten -- you should now see all the IP addresses added to the listening table. Exit and then reset IIS. Each of these commands can also be run directly, i.e., netsh http show iplisten If you need to delete an IP address from the listening table: open a command prompt enter: netsh enter: http enter: delete iplisten ipaddress=x.x.x.x Exit and then reset IIS.

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  • IPSec tunnelling with ISA Server 2000...

    - by Izhido
    Believe it or not, our corporate network still uses ISA Server 2000 (in a Windows Server 2003 machine) to enable / control Internet access to / from it. I was asked recently to configure that ISA Server to create a site-to-site VPN for a new branch in a office about 25 km. away from it. The idea is basically to enable not only computers, but also Palm devices (WiFi-enabled, of course), to be able to see other computers in both sites. I was also told that a simple VPN-enabled wireless AP/router (in this case, a Cisco WRV210 unit) should be enough to establish communications with the main office. To be fair, the router looks easy to configure; it was confusing at first, but further understanding of how site-to-site VPNs work cleared all doubts about it. Now I need to make modifications to our ISA Server in order to recognize the newly installed & configured "remote" VPN site. Thing is, either my Googling skills are pathethically horrible, or there doesn't seem to be much (or any, at all) information about how to configure an ISA Server 2000 for this purpose. Lots of stuff on 2004, of course; also, I think I saw something for 2006. But nothing I could find about 2000. Reading about 2004, it seems that the only way I can do site-on-site with a Cisco router (read: a non-ISA-Server machine) is through something they call a "IPSec tunnel". Fair enough. However, I can't figure for the life of me how could I even start to find, leave alone configure, such a thing. Do you, people, happen to know how to do IPSec tunelling on a ISA Server 2000, so I can connect to a Cisco WRV210 VPN-enabled router, and build a site-to-site VPN for both networks? Or is this not possible at all? (Meaning I should change anything in this configuration to make it work...)

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  • Microsoft and jQuery

    - by Rick Strahl
    The jQuery JavaScript library has been steadily getting more popular and with recent developments from Microsoft, jQuery is also getting ever more exposure on the ASP.NET platform including now directly from Microsoft. jQuery is a light weight, open source DOM manipulation library for JavaScript that has changed how many developers think about JavaScript. You can download it and find more information on jQuery on For me jQuery has had a huge impact on how I develop Web applications and was probably the main reason I went from dreading to do JavaScript development to actually looking forward to implementing client side JavaScript functionality. It has also had a profound impact on my JavaScript skill level for me by seeing how the library accomplishes things (and often reviewing the terse but excellent source code). jQuery made an uncomfortable development platform (JavaScript + DOM) a joy to work on. Although jQuery is by no means the only JavaScript library out there, its ease of use, small size, huge community of plug-ins and pure usefulness has made it easily the most popular JavaScript library available today. As a long time jQuery user, I’ve been excited to see the developments from Microsoft that are bringing jQuery to more ASP.NET developers and providing more integration with jQuery for ASP.NET’s core features rather than relying on the ASP.NET AJAX library. Microsoft and jQuery – making Friends jQuery is an open source project but in the last couple of years Microsoft has really thrown its weight behind supporting this open source library as a supported component on the Microsoft platform. When I say supported I literally mean supported: Microsoft now offers actual tech support for jQuery as part of their Product Support Services (PSS) as jQuery integration has become part of several of the ASP.NET toolkits and ships in several of the default Web project templates in Visual Studio 2010. The ASP.NET MVC 3 framework (still in Beta) also uses jQuery for a variety of client side support features including client side validation and we can look forward toward more integration of client side functionality via jQuery in both MVC and WebForms in the future. In other words jQuery is becoming an optional but included component of the ASP.NET platform. PSS support means that support staff will answer jQuery related support questions as part of any support incidents related to ASP.NET which provides some piece of mind to some corporate development shops that require end to end support from Microsoft. In addition to including jQuery and supporting it, Microsoft has also been getting involved in providing development resources for extending jQuery’s functionality via plug-ins. Microsoft’s last version of the Microsoft Ajax Library – which is the successor to the native ASP.NET AJAX Library – included some really cool functionality for client templates, databinding and localization. As it turns out Microsoft has rebuilt most of that functionality using jQuery as the base API and provided jQuery plug-ins of these components. Very recently these three plug-ins were submitted and have been approved for inclusion in the official jQuery plug-in repository and been taken over by the jQuery team for further improvements and maintenance. Even more surprising: The jQuery-templates component has actually been approved for inclusion in the next major update of the jQuery core in jQuery V1.5, which means it will become a native feature that doesn’t require additional script files to be loaded. Imagine this – an open source contribution from Microsoft that has been accepted into a major open source project for a core feature improvement. Microsoft has come a long way indeed! What the Microsoft Involvement with jQuery means to you For Microsoft jQuery support is a strategic decision that affects their direction in client side development, but nothing stopped you from using jQuery in your applications prior to Microsoft’s official backing and in fact a large chunk of developers did so readily prior to Microsoft’s announcement. Official support from Microsoft brings a few benefits to developers however. jQuery support in Visual Studio 2010 means built-in support for jQuery IntelliSense, automatically added jQuery scripts in many projects types and a common base for client side functionality that actually uses what most developers are already using. If you have already been using jQuery and were worried about straying from the Microsoft line and their internal Microsoft Ajax Library – worry no more. With official support and the change in direction towards jQuery Microsoft is now following along what most in the ASP.NET community had already been doing by using jQuery, which is likely the reason for Microsoft’s shift in direction in the first place. ASP.NET AJAX and the Microsoft AJAX Library weren’t bad technology – there was tons of useful functionality buried in these libraries. However, these libraries never got off the ground, mainly because early incarnations were squarely aimed at control/component developers rather than application developers. For all the functionality that these controls provided for control developers they lacked in useful and easily usable application developer functionality that was easily accessible in day to day client side development. The result was that even though Microsoft shipped support for these tools in the box (in .NET 3.5 and 4.0), other than for the internal support in ASP.NET for things like the UpdatePanel and the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit as well as some third party vendors, the Microsoft client libraries were largely ignored by the developer community opening the door for other client side solutions. Microsoft seems to be acknowledging developer choice in this case: Many more developers were going down the jQuery path rather than using the Microsoft built libraries and there seems to be little sense in continuing development of a technology that largely goes unused by the majority of developers. Kudos for Microsoft for recognizing this and gracefully changing directions. Note that even though there will be no further development in the Microsoft client libraries they will continue to be supported so if you’re using them in your applications there’s no reason to start running for the exit in a panic and start re-writing everything with jQuery. Although that might be a reasonable choice in some cases, jQuery and the Microsoft libraries work well side by side so that you can leave existing solutions untouched even as you enhance them with jQuery. The Microsoft jQuery Plug-ins – Solid Core Features One of the most interesting developments in Microsoft’s embracing of jQuery is that Microsoft has started contributing to jQuery via standard mechanism set for jQuery developers: By submitting plug-ins. Microsoft took some of the nicest new features of the unpublished Microsoft Ajax Client Library and re-wrote these components for jQuery and then submitted them as plug-ins to the jQuery plug-in repository. Accepted plug-ins get taken over by the jQuery team and that’s exactly what happened with the three plug-ins submitted by Microsoft with the templating plug-in even getting slated to be published as part of the jQuery core in the next major release (1.5). The following plug-ins are provided by Microsoft: jQuery Templates – a client side template rendering engine jQuery Data Link – a client side databinder that can synchronize changes without code jQuery Globalization – provides formatting and conversion features for dates and numbers The first two are ports of functionality that was slated for the Microsoft Ajax Library while functionality for the globalization library provides functionality that was already found in the original ASP.NET AJAX library. To me all three plug-ins address a pressing need in client side applications and provide functionality I’ve previously used in other incarnations, but with more complete implementations. Let’s take a close look at these plug-ins. jQuery Templates Client side templating is a key component for building rich JavaScript applications in the browser. Templating on the client lets you avoid from manually creating markup by creating DOM nodes and injecting them individually into the document via code. Rather you can create markup templates – similar to the way you create classic ASP server markup – and merge data into these templates to render HTML which you can then inject into the document or replace existing content with. Output from templates are rendered as a jQuery matched set and can then be easily inserted into the document as needed. Templating is key to minimize client side code and reduce repeated code for rendering logic. Instead a single template can be used in many places for updating and adding content to existing pages. Further if you build pure AJAX interfaces that rely entirely on client rendering of the initial page content, templates allow you to a use a single markup template to handle all rendering of each specific HTML section/element. I’ve used a number of different client rendering template engines with jQuery in the past including jTemplates (a PHP style templating engine) and a modified version of John Resig’s MicroTemplating engine which I built into my own set of libraries because it’s such a commonly used feature in my client side applications. jQuery templates adds a much richer templating model that allows for sub-templates and access to the data items. Like John Resig’s original Micro Template engine, the core basics of the templating engine create JavaScript code which means that templates can include JavaScript code. To give you a basic idea of how templates work imagine I have an application that downloads a set of stock quotes based on a symbol list then displays them in the document. To do this you can create an ‘item’ template that describes how each of the quotes is renderd as a template inside of the document: <script id="stockTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div id="divStockQuote" class="errordisplay" style="width: 500px;"> <div class="label">Company:</div><div><b>${Company}(${Symbol})</b></div> <div class="label">Last Price:</div><div>${LastPrice}</div> <div class="label">Net Change:</div><div> {{if NetChange > 0}} <b style="color:green" >${NetChange}</b> {{else}} <b style="color:red" >${NetChange}</b> {{/if}} </div> <div class="label">Last Update:</div><div>${LastQuoteTimeString}</div> </div> </script> The ‘template’ is little more than HTML with some markup expressions inside of it that define the template language. Notice the embedded ${} expressions which reference data from the quote objects returned from an AJAX call on the server. You can embed any JavaScript or value expression in these template expressions. There are also a number of structural commands like {{if}} and {{each}} that provide for rudimentary logic inside of your templates as well as commands ({{tmpl}} and {{wrap}}) for nesting templates. You can find more about the full set of markup expressions available in the documentation. To load up this data you can use code like the following: <script type="text/javascript"> //var Proxy = new ServiceProxy("../PageMethods/PageMethodsService.asmx/"); $(document).ready(function () { $("#btnGetQuotes").click(GetQuotes); }); function GetQuotes() { var symbols = $("#txtSymbols").val().split(","); $.ajax({ url: "../PageMethods/PageMethodsService.asmx/GetStockQuotes", data: JSON.stringify({ symbols: symbols }), // parameter map type: "POST", // data has to be POSTed contentType: "application/json", timeout: 10000, dataType: "json", success: function (result) { var quotes = result.d; var jEl = $("#stockTemplate").tmpl(quotes); $("#quoteDisplay").empty().append(jEl); }, error: function (xhr, status) { alert(status + "\r\n" + xhr.responseText); } }); }; </script> In this case an ASMX AJAX service is called to retrieve the stock quotes. The service returns an array of quote objects. The result is returned as an object with the .d property (in Microsoft service style) that returns the actual array of quotes. The template is applied with: var jEl = $("#stockTemplate").tmpl(quotes); which selects the template script tag and uses the .tmpl() function to apply the data to it. The result is a jQuery matched set of elements that can then be appended to the quote display element in the page. The template is merged against an array in this example. When the result is an array the template is automatically applied to each each array item. If you pass a single data item – like say a stock quote – the template works exactly the same way but is applied only once. Templates also have access to a $data item which provides the current data item and information about the tempalte that is currently executing. This makes it possible to keep context within the context of the template itself and also to pass context from a parent template to a child template which is very powerful. Templates can be evaluated by using the template selector and calling the .tmpl() function on the jQuery matched set as shown above or you can use the static $.tmpl() function to provide a template as a string. This allows you to dynamically create templates in code or – more likely – to load templates from the server via AJAX calls. In short there are options The above shows off some of the basics, but there’s much for functionality available in the template engine. Check the documentation link for more information and links to additional examples. The plug-in download also comes with a number of examples that demonstrate functionality. jQuery templates will become a native component in jQuery Core 1.5, so it’s definitely worthwhile checking out the engine today and get familiar with this interface. As much as I’m stoked about templating becoming part of the jQuery core because it’s such an integral part of many applications, there are also a couple shortcomings in the current incarnation: Lack of Error Handling Currently if you embed an expression that is invalid it’s simply not rendered. There’s no error rendered into the template nor do the various  template functions throw errors which leaves finding of bugs as a runtime exercise. I would like some mechanism – optional if possible – to be able to get error info of what is failing in a template when it’s rendered. No String Output Templates are always rendered into a jQuery matched set and there’s no way that I can see to directly render to a string. String output can be useful for debugging as well as opening up templating for creating non-HTML string output. Limited JavaScript Access Unlike John Resig’s original MicroTemplating Engine which was entirely based on JavaScript code generation these templates are limited to a few structured commands that can ‘execute’. There’s no code execution inside of script code which means you’re limited to calling expressions available in global objects or the data item passed in. This may or may not be a big deal depending on the complexity of your template logic. Error handling has been discussed quite a bit and it’s likely there will be some solution to that particualar issue by the time jQuery templates ship. The others are relatively minor issues but something to think about anyway. jQuery Data Link jQuery Data Link provides the ability to do two-way data binding between input controls and an underlying object’s properties. The typical scenario is linking a textbox to a property of an object and have the object updated when the text in the textbox is changed and have the textbox change when the value in the object or the entire object changes. The plug-in also supports converter functions that can be applied to provide the conversion logic from string to some other value typically necessary for mapping things like textbox string input to say a number property and potentially applying additional formatting and calculations. In theory this sounds great, however in reality this plug-in has some serious usability issues. Using the plug-in you can do things like the following to bind data: person = { firstName: "rick", lastName: "strahl"}; $(document).ready( function() { // provide for two-way linking of inputs $("form").link(person); // bind to non-input elements explicitly $("#objFirst").link(person, { firstName: { name: "objFirst", convertBack: function (value, source, target) { $(target).text(value); } } }); $("#objLast").link(person, { lastName: { name: "objLast", convertBack: function (value, source, target) { $(target).text(value); } } }); }); This code hooks up two-way linking between a couple of textboxes on the page and the person object. The first line in the .ready() handler provides mapping of object to form field with the same field names as properties on the object. Note that .link() does NOT bind items into the textboxes when you call .link() – changes are mapped only when values change and you move out of the field. Strike one. The two following commands allow manual binding of values to specific DOM elements which is effectively a one-way bind. You specify the object and a then an explicit mapping where name is an ID in the document. The converter is required to explicitly assign the value to the element. Strike two. You can also detect changes to the underlying object and cause updates to the input elements bound. Unfortunately the syntax to do this is not very natural as you have to rely on the jQuery data object. To update an object’s properties and get change notification looks like this: function updateFirstName() { $(person).data("firstName", person.firstName + " (code updated)"); } This works fine in causing any linked fields to be updated. In the bindings above both the firstName input field and objFirst DOM element gets updated. But the syntax requires you to use a jQuery .data() call for each property change to ensure that the changes are tracked properly. Really? Sure you’re binding through multiple layers of abstraction now but how is that better than just manually assigning values? The code savings (if any) are going to be minimal. As much as I would like to have a WPF/Silverlight/Observable-like binding mechanism in client script, this plug-in doesn’t help much towards that goal in its current incarnation. While you can bind values, the ‘binder’ is too limited to be really useful. If initial values can’t be assigned from the mappings you’re going to end up duplicating work loading the data using some other mechanism. There’s no easy way to re-bind data with a different object altogether since updates trigger only through the .data members. Finally, any non-input elements have to be bound via code that’s fairly verbose and frankly may be more voluminous than what you might write by hand for manual binding and unbinding. Two way binding can be very useful but it has to be easy and most importantly natural. If it’s more work to hook up a binding than writing a couple of lines to do binding/unbinding this sort of thing helps very little in most scenarios. In talking to some of the developers the feature set for Data Link is not complete and they are still soliciting input for features and functionality. If you have ideas on how you want this feature to be more useful get involved and post your recommendations. As it stands, it looks to me like this component needs a lot of love to become useful. For this component to really provide value, bindings need to be able to be refreshed easily and work at the object level, not just the property level. It seems to me we would be much better served by a model binder object that can perform these binding/unbinding tasks in bulk rather than a tool where each link has to be mapped first. I also find the choice of creating a jQuery plug-in questionable – it seems a standalone object – albeit one that relies on the jQuery library – would provide a more intuitive interface than the current forcing of options onto a plug-in style interface. Out of the three Microsoft created components this is by far the least useful and least polished implementation at this point. jQuery Globalization Globalization in JavaScript applications often gets short shrift and part of the reason for this is that natively in JavaScript there’s little support for formatting and parsing of numbers and dates. There are a number of JavaScript libraries out there that provide some support for globalization, but most are limited to a particular portion of globalization. As .NET developers we’re fairly spoiled by the richness of APIs provided in the framework and when dealing with client development one really notices the lack of these features. While you may not necessarily need to localize your application the globalization plug-in also helps with some basic tasks for non-localized applications: Dealing with formatting and parsing of dates and time values. Dates in particular are problematic in JavaScript as there are no formatters whatsoever except the .toString() method which outputs a verbose and next to useless long string. With the globalization plug-in you get a good chunk of the formatting and parsing functionality that the .NET framework provides on the server. You can write code like the following for example to format numbers and dates: var date = new Date(); var output = $.format(date, "MMM. dd, yy") + "\r\n" + $.format(date, "d") + "\r\n" + // 10/25/2010 $.format(1222.32213, "N2") + "\r\n" + $.format(1222.33, "c") + "\r\n"; alert(output); This becomes even more useful if you combine it with templates which can also include any JavaScript expressions. Assuming the globalization plug-in is loaded you can create template expressions that use the $.format function. Here’s the template I used earlier for the stock quote again with a couple of formats applied: <script id="stockTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div id="divStockQuote" class="errordisplay" style="width: 500px;"> <div class="label">Company:</div><div><b>${Company}(${Symbol})</b></div> <div class="label">Last Price:</div> <div>${$.format(LastPrice,"N2")}</div> <div class="label">Net Change:</div><div> {{if NetChange > 0}} <b style="color:green" >${NetChange}</b> {{else}} <b style="color:red" >${NetChange}</b> {{/if}} </div> <div class="label">Last Update:</div> <div>${$.format(LastQuoteTime,"MMM dd, yyyy")}</div> </div> </script> There are also parsing methods that can parse dates and numbers from strings into numbers easily: alert($.parseDate("25.10.2010")); alert($.parseInt("12.222")); // de-DE uses . for thousands separators As you can see culture specific options are taken into account when parsing. The globalization plugin provides rich support for a variety of locales: Get a list of all available cultures Query cultures for culture items (like currency symbol, separators etc.) Localized string names for all calendar related items (days of week, months) Generated off of .NET’s supported locales In short you get much of the same functionality that you already might be using in .NET on the server side. The plugin includes a huge number of locales and an Globalization.all.min.js file that contains the text defaults for each of these locales as well as small locale specific script files that define each of the locale specific settings. It’s highly recommended that you NOT use the huge globalization file that includes all locales, but rather add script references to only those languages you explicitly care about. Overall this plug-in is a welcome helper. Even if you use it with a single locale (like en-US) and do no other localization, you’ll gain solid support for number and date formatting which is a vital feature of many applications. Changes for Microsoft It’s good to see Microsoft coming out of its shell and away from the ‘not-built-here’ mentality that has been so pervasive in the past. It’s especially good to see it applied to jQuery – a technology that has stood in drastic contrast to Microsoft’s own internal efforts in terms of design, usage model and… popularity. It’s great to see that Microsoft is paying attention to what customers prefer to use and supporting the customer sentiment – even if it meant drastically changing course of policy and moving into a more open and sharing environment in the process. The additional jQuery support that has been introduced in the last two years certainly has made lives easier for many developers on the ASP.NET platform. It’s also nice to see Microsoft submitting proposals through the standard jQuery process of plug-ins and getting accepted for various very useful projects. Certainly the jQuery Templates plug-in is going to be very useful to many especially since it will be baked into the jQuery core in jQuery 1.5. I hope we see more of this type of involvement from Microsoft in the future. Kudos!© Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005-2010Posted in jQuery  ASP.NET  

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  • How to delete just one LINE of text (NOT a table-row!) with a single KEYBOARD shortcut in Microsoft Office Word 2010?

    - by Sk8erPeter
    Are there any shortcuts to delete just one row (which is NOT a table row, just a single row in a text) in Microsoft Office Word 2010? If not, how can I assign one to do it? In worst case, can I make a macro (in VB) which could do the same with a custom shortcut? To clarify my problem: I would like to avoid multiple clicks and/or pushing multiple buttons, even if I click in the middle of the line of text. :) For example, in Notepad++ I can delete the entire current line with Ctrl+L, in NetBeans, I can delete an entire line with Ctrl+E, in Eclipse, I can delete current line with Ctrl+D, etc., where it doesn't really matter where my mouse cursor is actually... so there are these simple solutions, which I look for in Word too. It really would simplify my work in huge documents.

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  • Microsoft IIS: how can I change file permissions ?

    - by Patrick
    how can I change file/folders permissions on Microsoft IIS ? Should I use icacls ? Can I use it from ftp ? I'm currently logged in with Microsoft ftp protocol but I get: ftp> icacls ?Invalid command. What's the equivalent of ls -l (to see the permissions) and chmod -R folder +arwx thanks

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  • Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5, Windows Authentication

    - by nick
    Ive a 7.5 IIS installed on my server with windows authentication enabled cause i need it for NTLM / SSO on intranet pages. when windows authentication is activated, iis cant authenticate himself on his own webserver.. thats the error i got in the iis log: 2011-11-24 08:47:10 POST /ldap.php - 80 - SWIFT_LoginShare 401 2 5 0 so.. how can i make sure, using windows authentication, that iis authenticates himself? thx for your help

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  • Windows 7 caches FTP credentials?

    - by Martin Booka Weser
    On my remote maschine i have an iis 7.5 (win server 2008) and set up an ftp site with iis manager authentication. I then did active directory user isolation and isolated my users to physical folders according to their names. So far, so good. I can access with ftp cliens from everywhere with different test accounts that i previously set up in the iis manager auth. Every user connects to its own folder. When i now tested with windows 7 as a client i did the following. Explorer - computer - right click - add network address - the ip of my remote maschine - user1 - password1 Perfect - it works. I now want to connect with user2. So I deleted this network address and set up a new connection, but with user2 (or even anonymous) instead. Now the strange thing: Windows doesn't even ask me for a password again. It just connects me to the folder of the user1. I already disabled ftp caching in the IIS and i disabled the user1 account in IIS manager authentication! Still, if i set up a network connection with this windows 7 it connects to the folder user1 . No matter which username i use (anonymous, administrator, user2,...). And if i connect with other ftp clients or other computers it all works perfectly. So I assume that this one windows somehow caches the credentials... But then, why does the IIS still accepts this credentials even if i disabled this user1 account??? Thanks.

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  • SQLAuthority News – Statistics Used by the Query Optimizer in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 – Microsoft Whitepaper

    - by pinaldave
    I recently presented session on Statistics and Best Practices in Virtual Tech Days on Nov 22, 2010. The sessions was very popular and I got many questions right after the sessions. The number question I had received was where everybody can get the further information. I am very much happy that my sessions created some curiosity for one of the most important feature of the SQL Server. Statistics are the heart of the SQL Server. Microsoft has published a white paper on the subject how statistics are useful to Query Optimizer. Here is the abstract of the same white paper from Microsoft. Statistics Used by the Query Optimizer in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Writer: Eric N. Hanson and Yavor Angelov Microsoft SQL Server 2008 collects statistical information about indexes and column data stored in the database. These statistics are used by the SQL Server query optimizer to choose the most efficient plan for retrieving or updating data. This paper describes what data is collected, where it is stored, and which commands create, update, and delete statistics. By default, SQL Server 2008 also creates and updates statistics automatically, when such an operation is considered to be useful. This paper also outlines how these defaults can be changed on different levels (column, table, and database). In addition, it presents how certain query language features, such as Transact-SQL variables, interact with use of statistics by the optimizer, and it provides guidance for using these features when writing queries so you can obtain good query performance. Link to white paper Statistics Used by the Query Optimizer in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 ?Reference: Pinal Dave (   Filed under: Pinal Dave, SQL, SQL Authority, SQL Documentation, SQL Download, SQL Query, SQL Scripts, SQL Server, SQL Tips and Tricks, SQL White Papers, SQLAuthority News, T SQL, Technology

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  • Microsoft .NET Web Programming: Web Sites versus Web Applications

    In .NET 2.0, Microsoft introduced the Web Site. This was the default way to create a web Project in Visual Studio 2005. In Visual Studio 2008, the Web Application has been restored as the default web Project in Visual Studio/.NET 3.x The Web Site is a file/folder based Project structure. It is designed such that pages are not compiled until they are requested ("on demand"). The advantages to the Web Site are: 1) It is designed to accommodate non-.NET Applications 2) Deployment is as simple as copying files to the target server 3) Any portion of the Web Site can be updated without requiring recompilation of the entire Site. The Web Application is a .dll-based Project structure. ASP.NET pages and supporting files are compiled into assemblies that are then deployed to the target server. Advantages of the Web Application are: 1) Precompiled files do not expose code to an attacker 2) Precompiled files run faster because they are binary data (the Microsoft Intermediate Language, or MSIL) executed by the CLR (Common Language Runtime) 3) References, assemblies, and other project dependencies are built in to the compiled site and automatically managed. They do not need to be manually deployed and/or registered in the Global Assembly Cache: deployment does this for you If you are planning on using automated build and deployment, such as the Team Foundation Server Team Build engine, you will need to have your code in the form of a Web Application. If you have a Web Site, it will not properly compile as a Web Application would. However, all is not lost: it is possible to work around the issue by adding a Web Deployment Project to your Solution and then: a) configuring the Web Deployment Project to precompile your code; and b) configuring your Team Build definition to use the Web Deployment Project as its source for compilation.

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  • IIS 7.5 URL Rewrite - missing “route to server” option

    - by Martin
    (Question moved from StackOverflow) I am running Windows 7 Ultimate, and have activated IIS (Version 7.5.7600.16385). I have installed the following modules using Microsoft Web Platform Installer 2.0: * IIS URL Rewrite Module 2 * Microsoft Application Request Routing Version 2 for IIS 7 * Microsoft Web Farm Framework Version 1 for IIS 7 * Microsoft External Cache Version 1 for IIS 7 Now I am trying to configure a URL Rewrite rule using the "Route to Server" option. However, in the Edit Inbound Rule page, there is no such option: all I have available are: * Rewrite * None * Redirect * Custom Response * Abort Request Why is there no "route to server" option ?

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  • Lancement de la plateforme Microsoft Online Services : testez-la et venez en discuter avec Microsoft

    [IMG][/IMG] Après le lancement de sa plateforme Azure en début d'année, Microsoft a lancé début mars sa nouvelle plateforme MOS, pour Microsoft Office Services, une plateforme d'outils de communication externalisés mais restants au service de l'entreprise. Il s'agit un service destiné aux professionnels uniquement qui permet de confier certaines fonctions à Microsoft : messagerie collaborative (Exchange), travail collaboratif (Sharepoint), communications temps réel (Office Communications, Live Meeting, Communicator) et bureautique (Office).

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  • Export SSL Cert from IIS and import into GlassFish keystore

    - by Tim H
    What I need: I have an existing SSL certificate installed on IIS 6. On the same machine, I have GlassFish installed and would like to share the same certificate since they both share the same hostname, and they use different ports: IIS uses 443 and GlassFish uses 8181. Why I need it: Reuse existing SSL certs from IIS to GlassFish. I imagine that this is possible. I am able to install an SSL cert into GlassFish's keystore, and then import the same exact cert into IIS. I just want to go the other way - imagine having an SSL cert on IIS being used for months, and now I want to enable SSL on GlassFish. What I have done: Created a keystore with an alias: Imported intermediate CA certs associated with the existing SSL Cert Imported the existing SSL cert with the same alias:, but the keytool won’t allow this, as it is not associated: keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Public keys in reply and keystore don't match Why? Using a different alias causes the cert to not be trusted in the CA chain.

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  • Export SSL Cert from IIS and import into GlassFish keystore

    - by Tim H
    What I need: I have an existing SSL certificate installed on IIS 6. On the same machine, I have GlassFish installed and would like to share the same certificate since they both share the same hostname, and they use different ports: IIS uses 443 and GlassFish uses 8181. Why I need it: Reuse existing SSL certs from IIS to GlassFish. I imagine that this is possible. I am able to install an SSL cert into GlassFish's keystore, and then import the same exact cert into IIS. I just want to go the other way - imagine having an SSL cert on IIS being used for months, and now I want to enable SSL on GlassFish. What I have done: Created a keystore with an alias: Imported intermediate CA certs associated with the existing SSL Cert Imported the existing SSL cert with the same alias:, but the keytool won’t allow this, as it is not associated: keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Public keys in reply and keystore don't match Why? Using a different alias causes the cert to not be trusted in the CA chain.

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  • Running IIS command on remote server via Powershell

    - by Paul Hunt
    I am trying to check if an IIS application pool exists on a remote server using a PowerShell script. The command I am running is: test-path "IIS:\AppPools\DefaultAppPool" If I run this script directly on the IIS server in question I get a response back of "True" so this tells me that I have IIS management correctly configure in PowerShell. However when I run the following script from a remote server I get a response of "False" invoke-command -ComputerName IISSERVER -ScriptBlock { test-path "IIS:\AppPools\DefaultAppPool" } I know that PowerShell remoting is correctly configured because I can run the following command and get a list of files invoke-command -ComputerName IISSERVER -ScriptBlock { get-childitems "c:\" } So why am I getting the wrong response about the existence of the application pool?

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  • IIS NLB Web Farm to front Single Tomcat Instance

    - by Brent Pabst
    I've got a single Tomcat 6 server that hosts a JSP app. We just spun up a new IIS 7.5 web farm to host our other internal apps. Currently the machine that hosts Tomcat is also running IIS 7 with the ISAPI filter loaded to provide front-end handling for the JSP app. I'd like to move the IIS portion to the web farm to consolidate our IIS presence and let the Tomcat server just serve and run Java and Tomcat. Has anyone done this, is it even possible while ensuring session state is properly maintained? I had it up and running using the IIS Tomcat Connector but after a while the communication between the boxes slowed and pages would not load. In addition it seemed like some of our authentication tickets were timing out. Thanks for any ideas or reference material!

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  • Set up simple reverse proxy using IIS

    - by Ropstah
    I would like to reverse proxy my Jira installation on a Windows server 2008 machine. Jira is running under: and is accessible as such. The machine also runs IIS for hosting several ASP.NET websites. I followed instructions here: and installed URL rewrite and ARR. I now have a “Web farm” node in my IIS instance but I’ve got no idea on how to proceed. I tried adding some rules but this made the rest of my IIS websites stop responding. Is there a simple way to say: 1. Forward to http://localhost:8080 2. Ignore other domains and route them as usual Any help is greatly appreciated!

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  • Warming up an IIS Application Pool automatically?

    - by Michael Stum
    So IIS likes to shut down app pools that aren't in use. While this makes sense, I would like to have certain app pools conterminously running, but I don't want to just disable the automatic app pool restart as some of the settings (e.g., maximum memory limit) are good to have. I know that Microsoft announced the IIS Application Warmup module as an IIS 7.5 feature only then to do a Bait & Switch and pull it again so that they can put it in IIS 8 instead, so I wonder if something exists to run on IIS 7.5/Windows 2008 R2?

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  • "official"/standard CSS3 gradient

    - by Jonathan
    I know there is -webkit-gradient and -moz-linear-gradient. But what is the standard way of defining a gradient? Like there is: -webkit-border-radius and -moz-border-radius and the standard is meant to be border-radius.

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