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  • Running a scheduled task as SYSTEM with console window open

    - by raoulsson
    I am auto creating scheduled tasks with this line within a batch windows script: schtasks /Create /RU SYSTEM /RP SYSTEM /TN startup-task-%%i /TR %SPEEDWAY_DIR%\%TARGET_DIR%%%i\%STARTUPFILE% /SC HOURLY /MO 1 /ST 17:%%i1:00 I wanted to avoid using specific user credentials and thus decided to use SYSTEM. Now, when checking in the taskmanagers process list or, even better, directly with the C:\> schtasks command itself, all is working well, the tasks are running as intended. However in this particular case I would like to have an open console window where I can see the log flying by. I know I could use C:\> tail -f thelogfile.log if I installed e.g. cygwin (on all machines) or some proprietary tools like Baretail on Windows. But since I only switch to these machines in case of trouble, I would prefer to start the scheduled task in such a way that every user immediately sees the log. Any chance? Thanks!

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  • Running a scheduled task as SYSTEM with console window open

    - by raoulsson
    I am auto creating scheduled tasks with this line within a batch windows script: schtasks /Create /RU SYSTEM /RP SYSTEM /TN startup-task-%%i /TR %SPEEDWAY_DIR%\%TARGET_DIR%%%i\%STARTUPFILE% /SC HOURLY /MO 1 /ST 17:%%i1:00 I wanted to avoid using specific user credentials and thus decided to use SYSTEM. Now, when checking in the taskmanagers process list or, even better, directly with the C:\> schtasks command itself, all is working well, the tasks are running as intended. However in this particular case I would like to have an open console window where I can see the log flying by. I know I could use C:\> tail -f thelogfile.log if I installed e.g. cygwin (on all machines) or some proprietary tools like Baretail on Windows. But since I only switch to these machines in case of trouble, I would prefer to start the scheduled task in such a way that every user immediately sees the log. Any chance? Thanks!

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  • How to interpret the bash command "usage" syntax?

    - by raoulsson
    How exactly do you have to interpret the output of a commands "usage" output, in bash for example. For example, on my OS X, cp gives me usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvX] source_file target_file cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvX] source_file ... target_directory What does the nested options, like -H within -R, indicate? Does upper and lower case have any meaning? When is an argument optional, required? I need to implement a telnet command line against a program of mine and I would like to get this straight.

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  • Using curly braces with a standard pc keyboard on a mac laptop

    - by raoulsson
    I have a standard PC keyboard connection to my Mac laptop. All keys work fine but the special characters that need "Alt-Gr" as accelerator keys would not work. I have a Swiss layout where the curly braces are such special keys. However I need them all the time and having to get used to a different layout is too painful (I'd rather get used to a US Layout once and for all). Does anyone have an idea how to switch this? Note: I have managed to switch the option and the command key, so that's not my problem.

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  • Autofill password in Google Chrome

    - by raoulsson
    Hi, I have to do a lot of loggin in on webpages and I like that firefox autofills in my passwords, once it knows them... How can I achieve the same for google chrome? I have read this post, installed the autofill=true extension but that does not do the job... Thanks!

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  • For Loop counting from 1 to n in a windows bat script

    - by raoulsson
    I need to run a windows command n times within a bat script file. I know how to do this in various programming languages but cannot manage to get it right on the windows command line :-( I would expect something like either for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // do something } or even this (though not entirely seriously) 1.upto(100, { // do something }) Thanks! EDIT I can write a program in java, perl, c or whatever that will generate a bat script that looks like this for %%N in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12) do echo %%N and so on. Or even "better": echo 1 echo 2 echo 3 echo 4 echo 5 echo 6 echo 7 echo 8 echo 9 echo 10 echo 11 echo 12 and then execute it... But the thing is that I need a concise way to specify a range of numbers to iterate through within the script. Thanks!

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  • Hotfixing Code running inside Web Container with Groovy

    - by raoulsson
    I have a webapp running that has a bug. I know how to fix it in the sources. However I cannot redeploy the app as I would have to take it offline to do so. (At least not right now). I now want to fix the code "at runtime". Surgery on the living object, so to speak. The app is implemented in Java and is build on top of Seam. I have added a Groovy Console to the app previous to the last release. (A way to run arbitrary code at runtime) The normal way of adding behaviour to a class with Groovy would be similar to this: { x -> x * x } println "anything".foo(3) This code added the method foo to java.lang.String and prints 9. I can do the same thing with classes running inside my webapp container. New instances will thereafter show the same behaviour: { x -> x * x } def someService = new println Works as excpected. All good so far. My problem is now that the container, the web framework, Seam in this case, has already instantiated and cached the classes that I would like to manipulate (that is change their behaviour to reflect my bug fix). Ideally this code would work: { x -> x * x } def x = org.jboss.seam.Component.getInstance( println However the instantiation of SomeService has already happened and there is no effect. Thus I need a way to make my changes "sticky". Has the groovy magic gone after my script has been run? Well, after logging out and in again, I can run this piece of code and get the expected result: def someService = new println So the foo method is still around and it looks like my change has been permanent... So I guess the question that remains is how to force Seam to re-instantiate all its components and/or how to permanently make the change on all living instances...?

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  • Can SHA-1 algorithm be computed on a stream? With low memory footprint?

    - by raoulsson
    I am looking for a way to compute SHA-1 checksums of very large files without having to fully load them into memory at once. I don't know the details of the SHA-1 implementation and therefore would like to know if it is even possible to do that. If you know the SAX XML parser, then what I look for would be something similar: Computing the SHA-1 checksum by only always loading a small part into memory at a time. All the examples I found, at least in Java, always depend on fully loading the file/byte array/string into memory. If you even know implementations (any language), then please let me know!

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  • How to make use of Grails Dependencies in your IDE

    - by raoulsson
    Hi All, So I finally got my dependencies working with Grails. Now, how can my IDE, eg IntelliJ or Eclipse, take advantage of it? Or do I really have to manually manage what classes my IDE knows about at "development time"? If the BuildConfig.groovy script is setup right (see here), you will be able to code away with vi or your favorite editor without any troubles, then run grails compile which will resolve and download the dependencies into the Ivy cache and off you go... If, however, you are using an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ, you will need the dependencies at hand while coding. Obviously - as these animals will need them for the "real time" error detection/compilation process. Now, while it is certainly possible to code with all the classes shining up in bright red all over the place that are unknown to your IDE, it is certainly not much fun... The Maven support or whatever it is officially called lives happily with the pom file, no extra "jar directory" pointers needed, at least in IntelliJ. I would like to be able to do the same with Grails dependencies. Currently I am defining them in the BuildConfig.groovy and additionally I copy/paste the current jars around on my local disk and let the IDE point to it. Not very satisfactory, as I am working in a highly volatile project module environment with respect to code change. And this situation ports me directly into "jar hell", as my "develop- and build-dependencies" easily get out of sync and I have to manage manually, that is, with my brain... And my brain should be busy with other stuff... Thanks! Raoul P.S: I'm currently using Grails 1.2M4 and IntelliJ 92.105. But feel free to add answers on future versions of Grails and different, future IDEs, as the come in...

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  • Is PNG the most economically sound file format to store pictures in?

    - by raoulsson
    I am looking for an economically sound solution to store pictures long time. I read about the PNG file format that it has superior characteristics compared to JPEG, namely in these categories: no patents, no licenses, no royalities no quality loss yet compressed I have a lot of big ESP's from PhotoShop that contain tons of metadata, like layers and color profiles that I don't need to store (those were handy for the designer, when he worked with it). I want to convert these images without that hidden data, to a new target file format. Another side condition to my question is that the target file format has to be displayable in the browser. So I guess my options are limited anyway: GIF, JPEG, PNG. Am I missing something or is PNG the best fit for my case?

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  • Are MongoDB and CouchDB perfect substitutes?

    - by raoulsson
    I haven't got my hands dirty yet with neither CouchDB nor MongoDB but I would like to do so soon... I also have read a bit about both systems and it looks to me like they cover the same cases... Or am I missing a key distinguishing feature? I would like to use a document based storage instead of a traditional RDBMS in my next project. I also need the datastore to handle large binary objects (images and videos) automatically replicate itself to physically separate nodes rendering the need of an additional RDBMS superfluous Are both equally well suited for these requirements? Thanks!

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