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  • App stays in splash screen in iOS 7.0.3

    - by Sathish
    Recently in iOS 7.0.3, my app stays in the splash screen and was not going into the app at all. If i kill the app, and launch it again it opens up without any issues. Can anyone help me on this issue?. I think the application -didFinishLaunchingWithOptions was not returning yes. Note: I have a lot of stuffs like deleting database, initializing a dozen of buttons in appdelegate's *init* function. I know that it is a bad practice to have things in init but since its been there for more than 4 years and was working fine with previous OS versions i didn't find a good reason to change it. Also this issue is not happening all the time. My app size is 40 MB. Thanks in advance...

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  • .NET Splash screen issues

    - by CODe
    I have a splash screen for my C# database application that is called via the Shown event. The splash screen contains some information that is preprocessed when the main form's constructor is called, hence why I'm using the Shown event, because that information should be available. However, when the splash screen is shown, the main form is whited out, and the menu bar, bottom menu bar, and even the gray background are all white and invisible. It looks like the program is hanging, but after the 5 second delay I have built in, the banner goes away and the program is shown normally. Also, on the banner, I have labels that are not shown when the splash screen displays... Here is my code, some reasoning behind why it isn't working would help greatly. SPLASH SCREEN CODE : public partial class StartupBanner : Form { public StartupBanner(int missingNum, int expiredNum) { InitializeComponent(); missingLabel.Text = missingNum.ToString() + " MISSING POLICIES"; expiredLabel.Text = expiredNum.ToString() + " EXPIRED POLICIES"; } } CALLING CODE : private void MainForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { StartupBanner startup = new StartupBanner(missingPoliciesNum, expiredPoliciesNum); startup.MdiParent = this; startup.Show(); Thread.Sleep(5000); startup.Close(); } Using startup.ShowDialog() shows the correct label information on the splash screen, but that locks up the application, and I need the splash to go away after about 5 seconds, which is why it's a splash. ;)

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  • Disable the Splash Screen in Portable Firefox (and Other Portable Apps)

    - by Mysticgeek
    Portable applications are cool because you can run them on any machine from your thumb drive. What isn’t cool is the annoying splash screens that appear when launching the apps. Here’s how to disable the annoyance. In this example we are using Portable Apps version 1.6.1. Disable Splash Screen in Portable Firefox  To disable the Splash Screen, open up Computer and double-click on your flash drive containing PortableApps.   Now browse to the following location… PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\Other\Source In this directory you’ll find the file FirefoxPortable.ini. Open this file with Notepad… This ini file should look similar to the shot below. By default, the line DisableSplashScreen=False … we just need to change False to True. Then make sure to save the change… Now copy the FirefoxPortable.ini file we just edited. Then go back to the main directory PortableApps \ FirefoxPortable and paste it there. That is all there is to it! Now when you launch Portable Firefox, you won’t have to wait while the Splash Screen displays before you can start using it. If you ever want to revert back to having the Splash Screen display, all you’ll need to do is delete FirefoxPortable.ini from PortableApps \ FirefoxPortable. The process is essentially the same in other PortableApps as well. Just follow the steps shown above. For example here we’re disabling the Splash Screen from KeePassPortable by going into the thumb drive PortableApps \ KeePassPortable \ Other \ Source and changing the KeePassPortable.ini file for DisableSplashScreen to equal True. Save it… Then copy it to the main KeePassPortable directory… If you are annoyed by having to see the Splash Screen every time you launch a portable app, following these steps rids the annoyance! Download PortableApps Similar Articles Productive Geek Tips Speed up Visual Studio 2003 Startup Time By Disabling the Splash ScreenSpeed up Visual Studio 2003 Startup Time By Disabling the Splash ScreenUpdate Portable Firefox the Easy WayStart Portable Firefox in Safe ModeInstall and Run Applications from Your iPod, Flash Drive or Mp3 Player TouchFreeze Alternative in AutoHotkey The Icy Undertow Desktop Windows Home Server – Backup to LAN The Clear & Clean Desktop Use This Bookmarklet to Easily Get Albums Use AutoHotkey to Assign a Hotkey to a Specific Window Latest Software Reviews Tinyhacker Random Tips HippoRemote Pro 2.2 Xobni Plus for Outlook All My Movies 5.9 CloudBerry Online Backup 1.5 for Windows Home Server Windows 7’s WordPad is Actually Good Greate Image Viewing and Management with Zoner Photo Studio Free Windows Media Player Plus! – Cool WMP Enhancer Get Your Team’s World Cup Schedule In Google Calendar Backup Drivers With Driver Magician TubeSort: YouTube Playlist Organizer

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  • How can I fix the website's splash page to work in IE8 and below?

    - by Abriel
    I have been trying to figure out for the longest time how I can get the splash page on this website to work correctly in IE8 and below? Right now, it works on all the other browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari). Here is the website: jQuery code: /* Sliding Affect Splash Page */ $(function() { $('.box').each(function() { var $this = $(this); $.data(this, 'css', { width: $this.css('width'), background: $this.css('background-image') }); }); }); function restore() { $('.box').each(function() { var orig = $.data(this, 'css'); $(this).animate({ width: orig.width },{queue:false}); $(this).css({backgroundImage: orig.background}); }); } /* box 1 */ function boxHover(){ $('.box').stop().animate({'width' : '596px'},{queue:false}); } function box1master(){ $('.box2').css({backgroundImage: 'url(images/splash/zatgun_midtop.jpg)'}); $('.box3').css({backgroundImage: 'url(images/splash/zatgun_midbottom.jpg)'}); $('.box4').css({backgroundImage: 'url(images/splash/zatgun_bottom.jpg)'}); } function box2master(){ $('.box1').css({backgroundImage: 'url(images/splash/bryan_top.jpg)'}); $('.box3').css({backgroundImage: 'url(images/splash/bryan_midbottom.jpg)'}); $('.box4').css({backgroundImage: 'url(images/splash/bryan_bottom.jpg)'}); } function box3master(){ $('.box1').css({backgroundImage:'url(images/splash/galleries_top.jpg)'}); $('.box2').css({backgroundImage: 'url(images/splash/galleries_midtop.jpg)'}); $('.box4').css({backgroundImage: 'url(images/splash/galleries_bottom.jpg)'}); } function box4master(){ $('.box1').css({backgroundImage: 'url(images/splash/contact_top.jpg)'}); $('.box2').css({backgroundImage: 'url(images/splash/contact_midtop.jpg)'}); $('.box3').css({backgroundImage: 'url(images/splash/contact_midbottom.jpg)'}); } $(document).ready(function(){ $('.box1').hover(function(){ boxHover(); box1master(); }, function(){ restore(); }); $('.box2').hover(function(){ boxHover(); box2master(); }, function(){ restore(); }); $('.box3').hover(function(){ boxHover(); box3master(); }, function(){ restore(); }); $('.box4').hover(function(){ boxHover(); box4master(); }, function(){ restore(); }); }); I wonder if I could change the spacing in-between each of the boxes using jQuery or if I somehow have to do this in the CSS/HTML?

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  • What resolution should my Android splash screens be?

    - by Dan Fabulich
    I'm creating a splash screen that will display while my Android application loads. I'd like to create it at the correct size so Android won't auto-scale it up or down to fit the screen. But there are at least three important screen sizes I care about: 320x480, 480x854 (Droid), and 480x800 (Nexus One). I've read the documentation on supporting multiple screen sizes, but I still don't see how I'm supposed to configure different splash screens for Droid/Nexus one (they're both "hdpi" resources as far as Android is concerned), and I don't know exactly how large my splash screen should be in any case. (How tall is the OS title bar/menu in Droid? N1?) What size should I make these images, and how do I tell Android to use the correct size on a given screen?

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  • How does NetBeans' Splash Screen feature work?

    - by Pam
    New to NetBeans and just noticed that in the File Project Properties Application dialog there is a text field labeled Splash Screen that allows you to specify a path to an image that you would like displayed when your program is launching. I want to customize the way my splash screen works (adding a progress bar, etc.) and would like to code it from the ground up but don't know where to start. What are the best practices for Java/Swing-based splash screens? Thanks for any and all input!

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  • How to speed up loading the splash screen.

    - by AngryHacker
    I am optimizing the startup of a WinForms app. One issue I identified is the loading of the splash screen form. It takes about half a second to a second. I know that multi-threading is a no-no on UI pieces, however, seeing how the splash screen is a fairly autonomous piece of the application, is it possible to somehow mitigate its performance hit by throwing it one some other thread (perhaps in the way Chrome does it), so that the important pieces of the application can actually get going.

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  • Windows splash screen using GDI+

    - by Luther
    The eventual aim of this is to have a splash screen in windows that uses transparency but that's not what I'm stuck on at the moment. In order to create a transparent window, I'm first trying to composite the splash screen and text on an off screen buffer using GDI+. At the moment I'm just trying to composite the buffer and display it in response to a 'WM_PAINT' message. This isn't working out at the moment; all I see is a black window. I imagine I've misunderstood something with regards to setting up render targets in GDI+ and then rendering them (I'm trying to render the screen using straight forward GDI blit) Anyway, here's the code so far: //my window initialisation code void MyWindow::create_hwnd(HINSTANCE instance, const SIZE &dim) { DWORD ex_style = WS_EX_LAYERED ; //eventually I'll be making use of this layerd flag m_hwnd = CreateWindowEx( ex_style, szFloatingWindowClass , L"", WS_POPUP , 0, 0,,, null, null, instance, null); SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwnd ,0, (__int3264)(LONG_PTR)this); m_display_dc = GetDC(NULL); //This was sanity check test code - just loading a standard HBITMAP and displaying it in WM_PAINT. It worked fine //HANDLE handle= LoadImage(NULL , L"c:\\test_image2.bmp", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE); m_gdip_offscreen_bm = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(,; m_gdi_dc = Gdiplus::Graphics::FromImage(m_gdip_offscreen_bm);//new Gdiplus::Graphics(m_splash_dc );//window_dc ;m_splash_dc //this draws the conents of my splash screen - this works if I create a GDI+ context for the window, rather than for an offscreen bitmap. //For all I know, it might actually be working but when I try to display the contents on screen, it shows a black image draw_all(); //this is just to show that drawing something simple on the offscreen bit map seems to have no effect Gdiplus::Pen pen(Gdiplus::Color(255, 0, 0, 255)); m_gdi_dc->DrawLine(&pen, 0,0,100,100); DWORD last_error = GetLastError(); //returns '0' at this stage } And here's the snipit that handles the WM_PAINT message: ---8<----------------------- //Paint message snippit case WM_PAINT: { BITMAP bm; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc = BeginPaint(vg->m_hwnd, &ps); //get the HWNDs DC HDC hdcMem = vg->m_gdi_dc->GetHDC(); //get the HDC from our offscreen GDI+ object unsigned int width = vg->m_gdip_offscreen_bm->GetWidth(); //width and height seem fine at this point unsigned int height = vg->m_gdip_offscreen_bm->GetHeight(); BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, width, height, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); //this blits a black rectangle DWORD last_error = GetLastError(); //this was '0' vg->m_gdi_dc->ReleaseHDC(hdcMem); EndPaint(vg->m_hwnd, &ps); //end paint return 1; } ---8<----------------------- My apologies for the long post. Does anybody know what I'm not quite understanding regarding how you write to an offscreen buffer using GDI+ (or GDI for that matter)and then display this on screen? Thank you for reading.

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  • Enabling Nvidia driver messes up splash screen

    - by neziric
    When you boot from live CD, or doing the first boot after installing Ubuntu, splash screen looks awesome. But as soon as you enable nvidia-current driver, installed with apt-get, splash screen goes all crazy. With crazy I mean that resolution is very low, font(I assume) is very weird and it all looks like it's been broken. This happened with 10.04 and now again with 10.10. How do I fix splash screen after enabling nvidia drivers?

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  • Rendering splash screen on the iPhone using Open GL ES

    - by Rich
    Hi, I want to render a splash screen on the iPhone whilst using an Open GL view. The iPhone screen as we know is 320x480, which is not a power of 2. Before I enter into the world of chopping the texture up and rendering sub parts, or embedding the screen on another texture page I was wondering if there was another way? Is it possible to overlay another view that I could render to using CoreGraphics functions? Or is it possible to render to a Open GL surface using Core Graphics functions. What would you recommend? Cheers Rich

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  • Purple start screen - no splash screen

    - by Peter
    After installing Ubuntu 11.10 on a new computer everything worked fine for a few weeks and now suddenly when starting up Ubuntu I get a blank purple screen with no "ubuntu" splash and the 5 dots but the system does start up. What has happened to loose the ubuntu splash screen? Also, I've checked in the grub startup and it has "quiet splash" in the linux line. I have an ATI radeon 5450 graphics card which needed nomodeset to be added to the grub line when booting for the first time off the install CD but now this line has disappeared from the grub startup. Can anyone help. Thanks

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  • How do you disable the Windows Phone 7 splash screen?

    - by Zain
    Hi, Is there any way to disable the WP7 splash screen and just show a blank screen? My splash screen only stays on for less than half a second, leaving the user with a rather jarring sensation. I'd rather they not see any splash screen at all. I would have simply used a plain black image as my splash screen, but then that would result in an ugly experience for people using a light theme (since my app's background is white on light themes and black on dark themes) Thanks!

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  • How to fix splash screen in Ubuntu 13.10!

    - by Nolt
    This is soultion how to fix no splash screen in Ubuntu after nvidia proprietary driver installation. Open your terminal and type sudo apt-get install v86d Then sudo gedit /etc/default/grub Find this line #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 and chagne for this one (of course choose your resolution) GRUB_GFXMODE=1440x900x24 GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep Save file and type in terminal echo FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash sudo update-initramfs -u sudo update-grub2 It's worked for me in all Ubuntu versions. Give it a try :)

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  • Visual studio fast performance with splash disable

    - by anirudha
    Visual studio perform faster whenever you run them in without splash. for running them without splash you need to change some setting for that. go to shortcut icon of visual studio open the properties and see the target executable the executable location something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" for x64based computer now you need to add their “ /nosplash” the exe location now goes "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /nosplash

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  • Why is my WPF splash screen progress bar out of sync with the execution of the startup steps?

    - by denny_ch
    Hello, I've implemented a simple WPF splash screen window which informs the user about the progress of the application startup. The startup steps are defined this way: var bootSequence = new[] { new {Do = (Action) InitLogging, Message = "Init logging..."}, new {Do = (Action) InitNHibernate, Message = "Init NHibernate..."}, new {Do = (Action) SetupUnityContainer, Message = "Init Unity..."}, new {Do = (Action) UserLogOn, Message = "Logon..."}, new {Do = (Action) PrefetchData, Message = "Caching..."}, }; InitLogging etc. are methods defined elsewhere, which performs some time consuming tasks. The boot sequence gets executed this way: foreach (var step in bootSequence) { _status.Update(step.Message); step.Do(); } _status denotes an instance of my XAML splash screen window containing a progress bar and a label for status information. Its Update() method is defined as follows: public void Update(string status) { int value = ++_updateSteps; Update(status, value); } private void Update(string status, int value) { var dispatcherOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( DispatcherPriority.Background, (ThreadStart) delegate { lblStatus.Content = status; progressBar.Value = value; }); dispatcherOperation.Wait(); } In the main this works, the steps get executed and the splash screen shows the progress. But I observed that the splash screen for some reasons doesn't update its content for all steps. This is the reason I called the Dispatcher async and wait for its completion. But even this didn't help. Has anyone else experienced this or some similar behaviour and has some advice how to keep the splash screen's update in sync with the execution of the boot sequence steps? I know that the users will unlikely notice this behaviour, since the splash screen is doing something and the application starts after booting is completed. But myself isn't sleeping well, because I don't know why it is not working as expected... Thx for your help, Denny

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  • Adding a minimum display time for Silverlight splash screen.

    - by David
    When hosting a silverlight application on a webpage it is possible to use the splashscreensource parameter to specify a simple Silverlight 1.0 (xaml+javascript) control to be displayed while the real xap file is downloaded, and which can receive notification of the downloads progress through onSourceDownloadProgressChanged. If the xap file is in cache, the splash screen is not shown (and if the download only takes 1 second, the splash screen will only be shown for 1 second). I know this is not best practice in general, but I am looking for a way to specify a minimum display time for the splash screen - even if the xap cached or the download is fast, the splash screen would remain up for at least, let's say, 5 seconds (for example to show a required legal disclaimer, corporate identity mark or other bug). I do want to do it in the splash screen exclusively (rather then in the main xap) as I want it to be clean and uninterupted (for example a sound bug) and shown to the user as soon as they open the page, rather then after the download (which could take anywhere from 1 to 20+ seconds). I'd prefer not to accomplish this with preloading - replacing the splash screen with a full Silverlight xap application (with it's own loading screen), which then programmably loads and displays the full xap after a minimum wait time.

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  • How to fix no splash screen in Ubuntu after nvidia proprietary driver installation (also black borders)

    - by Fabio Trevisiol
    This is soultion how to fix no splash screen in Ubuntu after nvidia proprietary driver installation. It's no matter what Ubuntu version you use, it should work anyway. (TESTED ON 14.04) Open your terminal and type: sudo apt-get install v86d (TEST WITHOUT) Then: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub Find this line: #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 Add below (of course choose your resolution): GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768x32 (TRY WITHOUT OR DIFFERENT BIT DEPTH) GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1920x1080x32 (YOU CAN ALSO USE THE KEEP OPTION) Save file and type in terminal: echo FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash (ALLOWS TO AVOID THAT THE SPLASH SCREEN IS DISPLAYED FOR A FEW SECONDS) sudo update-initramfs -u sudo update-grub2 For all those who complain about the presence of black borders in "plymouth", try to make these changes before installing the nvidia driver or switch back from nvidia to nouveau and from nouveau to nvidia. Kernel update from the Software Updater? It happened to me; I don't know if it matters. I don't know for which of these reasons, but after a few reboots, the black borders are gone. UPDATE discovered the secret: during all these beautiful things, something strange happened. glxinfo | grep vendor server glx vendor string: SGI client glx vendor string: Mesa Project and SGI OpenGL vendor string: nouveau

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  • Ubuntu Splash Screen Customization

    - by Galaxy7
    I wanted to know how to customize the splash screen in Ubuntu 13. I have tried to install Plymouth Manager but when I run sudo apt-get update it says it was unable to fetch I opened the address in Firefox but it didn't open. Also I would like to know where the files for the Ubuntu Logo, Splash Screen Background, etc. are located (to customize them). In previous versions they were located at usr/share/images. I am running Ubuntu 13 Raring Ringtail on VMWare Player. The host is an Acer 5600U running Windows 8. Thnx.

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  • Boot splash broken by "SP5100 TCO timer: mmio address 0xyyyyyyy already in use"

    - by mogliii
    I have ubuntu 11.04 with all the latest updates. I have an ATI HD 4350 graphics card and the "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver" activated. The reported behaviour does not affect the functionality, its just an optical thing. When I booted up using the desktop CD, the ubuntu boot splash was shown correctly in high resolution. Now after installation with FGLRX the dipsplay is broken (see picture). This is what can be found in dmesg [ 8.621803] SP5100 TCO timer: SP5100 TCO WatchDog Timer Driver v0.01 [ 8.621967] SP5100 TCO timer: mmio address 0xfec000f0 already in use [ 8.622650] fglrx: module license 'Proprietary. (C) 2002 - ATI Technologies, Starnberg, GERMANY' taints kernel. [ 8.622656] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint This is what MMIO means: Any idea how to get back the high-res splash?

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  • JQuery using cookies

    - by ChrisMJ
    Hi all, in my js file i want to be able to load a "splash screen" in a new air app im developing. At present when i call the splash screen it opens and closes fine, but its when i make it set a cookie it doesnt run at all. Please help... cookieSplash(); function cookieSplash(){ var cookieSplash = $.cookie('loadSplash'); if (cookieSplash == "true") { splash(); }; if (cookieSplash == "false") { loadApplication(); }; } function splash(){ $("#viewport").append('<div id="splash"><img id="splash-close" src="/images/splash-logo.png" alt="click to close"></div>'); $("#splash").click(function() { // Act on the event $("#splash").fadeOut("slow"); $("#jettison").fadeIn("fast"); $.cookie("loadSplash", "false"); }); } function loadApplication(){ $("#jettison").fadeIn("fast"); } Please help me out

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  • URL is generating a /#!/splash-page

    - by user32642
    My site for some reason is generating a shebang - /#!/splash-page on the URL. For example when I type, the browser returns!/splash-page and every subsequent page is /#!/about, /#!/contact, and so forth. There's absolutely nothing on the Google about this. There is a lot of rewrite help to eliminate .index.php from the home page, but that's it. How do I rewrite it to just say and, etc.? Here is my .htaccess file if you need to see it. # Rewrite Rule <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule> # compress text, html, javascript, css, xml: <IfModule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript AddType x-font/otf .otf AddType x-font/ttf .ttf AddType x-font/eot .eot AddType x-font/woff .woff AddType image/x-icon .ico AddType image/png .png </IfModule> ## EXPIRES CACHING ## <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType image/jpg "access 1 year" ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access 1 year" ExpiresByType image/gif "access 1 year" ExpiresByType image/png "access 1 year" ExpiresByType text/css "access 1 month" ExpiresByType application/pdf "access 1 month" ExpiresByType text/x-javascript "access 1 month" ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access 1 month" ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access 1 year" ExpiresDefault "access 2 days" </IfModule> ## EXPIRES CACHING ##

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  • Android: How do I make a video splash screen repeat until webview finishes loading the url?

    - by Nikoli4
    I would like to make a small video (about 4 seconds) repeat until webview finishes loading the desired URL in the background. Right now the video plays once, then a blank black screen comes up until the page loads. I'm still pretty new to this... Thanks in advance for any help! Sorry for the EDITED stuff, but it was necessary. Here is my splash java import; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.VideoView; public class Splash extends Activity implements OnCompletionListener { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.splash); VideoView video = (VideoView) findViewById(; video.setVideoPath("android.resource://com.EDITED/raw/" + R.raw.splash); video.start(); video.setOnCompletionListener(this); } @Override public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) { Intent intent = new Intent(this, EDITEDWebActivity.class); startActivity(intent); finish(); } }

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  • Post 12.04 Update, stuck on splash screen

    - by Lawrence
    I updated to 12.04 a couple of weeks ago and I haven't started up Ubuntu until now. On start up the computer gets stuck on the splash screen. I am a beginner in all of this linux mechanics. I've seen many people post about relatively the same problem but I have a hard time following. I am using Wubi and running it along side Windows Starter on a Toshiba netbook. Thanks for bearing with my unfamiliarity haha,

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