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  • Is there a “P” programming language? [closed]

    - by Synetech
    I’m wondering if anybody has made a programming language based on BCPL, named P. There was a language named B that was based on BCPL, followed of course by C, also based on BCPL. I’ve seen plenty of whimsically named programming languages, so I can’t help but be surprised if nobody made one called P. I checked the Wikipedia’s—not exactly comprehensive—list of programming languages, and while there are three languages named L (none of which are related to BCPL), there are none called P—in fact, it is one of the only letters not used as a name. (Google is useless for one-letter query terms.) Does anybody know if a P has been made, even as a lark. (Yes, I know about P#, but that is based on Prolog, not BCPL; there is one called P, but it is also not related to BCPL.)

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  • Randomly and uniquely iterating over a range

    - by Synetech
    Say you have a range of values (or anything else) and you want to iterate over the range and stop at some indeterminate point. Because the stopping value could be anywhere in the range, iterating sequentially is no good because it causes the early values to be accessed more often than later values (which is bad for things that wear out), and also because it reduces performance since it must traverse extra values. Randomly iterating is better because it will (on average) increase the hit-rate so that fewer values have to be accessed before finding the right one, and also distribute the accesses more evenly (again, on average). The problem is that the standard method of randomly jumping around will result in values being accessed multiple times, and has no automatic way of determining when each value has been checked and thus the whole range has been exhausted. One simplified and contrived solution could be to make a list of each value, pick one at random, then remove it. Each time through the loop, you pick one fromt he set of remaining items. Unfortunately this only works for small lists. As a (forced) example, say you are creating a game where the program tries to guess what number you picked and shows how many guess it took. The range is between 0-255 and instead of asking Is it 0? Is it 1? Is it 2?…, you have it guess randomly. You could create a list of 255 numbers, pick randomly and remove it. But what if the range was between 0-232? You can’t really create a 4-billion item list. I’ve seen a couple of implementations RNGs that are supposed to provide a uniform distribution, but none that area also supposed to be unique, i.e., no repeated values. So is there a practical way to randomly, and uniquely iterate over a range?

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  • Stretch VMWare Player guest OS to fullscreen

    - by Synetech
    I’m using VMWare Player to play an old 16-bit Windows game. Unfortunately the game uses only 640x480 and I cannot figure out how to stretch the VM window to full-screen on the host. I set the guest OS to 640x480, but the screen is still small, in the middle of the screen as seen in figure 1. I even tried setting the compatibility mode to Windows 95 and 640x480, but it has no effect (figure 2) and looks exactly the same as when I set the VM to full-screen (1366x768 on the laptop) and start the game normally. There are few references to stretching a VM. One page mentions setting a Stretch Guest option, but there is no such option, at least not in VMWare Player 4.0.3. I know that VirtualBox has a stretching option, but I’m trying to find a solution for VMWare (Player, not Workstation). Figure 1: Guest OS is pillar-boxed Figure 2: Using compatibility mode

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  • System Expandable-String Environment Variables Can’t Reference User Environment Variables

    - by Synetech inc.
    Hi, I’ve run into a bit of a situation with Windows environment variables. I’ve narrowed it down to what may or may not makes sense and/or possibly be by design. It seems that expandable-string environment variables of the local machine cannot reference environment variables of the current user. For example if you’ve got the following environment variables: [HKCU\Environment] "CU"="CU" "CU->LM"="%LM%" [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment] "LM"="LM" "LM->CU"="%CU%" Then you get the following results: > set CU CU=CU CU->LM=LM > set LM LM=LM LM->CU=%CU% It seems that user variables can expand system variable references, but system variables cannot expand (access?) user variable references. I suppose that it makes sense if you think about it just right (eg like how user vars override/hide system vars of the same name), but it also doesn’t make sense if you think about it in even more ways. So what’s going on? Is there a way to get this to work as expected? Thanks.

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  • List of Hidden / Virtual Windows User Accounts

    - by Synetech inc.
    I’m trying to find a way to get a comprehensive list of user accounts on a Windows 7 system, including hidden ones. The User Accounts dialog (>control userpasswords2) only shows the normal user accounts, and even the Local User and Groups editor only shows normal user accounts and standard hidden/disabled ones like Administrator and Guest. The Select Users or Groups dialog has a Find Now button which which combines users and groups, but alas, it has the same contents as the LUG. I’m looking for a more comprehensive list that includes “super-hidden” / virtual user accounts like TrustedInstaller (or to be more accurate, NT Service\TrustedInstaller—notice the different “domain”). I checked HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList, but the SpecialAccounts key does not exist. I also checked HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList, and while it does have the SystemProfile, LocalService, and NetworkService accounts listed, it does not have others (like TrustedInstaller and its ilk). TrustedInstaller specifically is a little confusing because it is a user, a service, and an executable file. I am using it as an example because it is “super hidden” in that it does not seem to be listed in any sort of user list. (As an experiment, I tried searching the whole registry for “trustedinstaller” to see if I could find a place where it is listed as a user, but found none.) To be clear, what I am looking for is a list of all accounts that can be used in a user input-field such as in permissions dialogs or as a runas argument.

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  • Does a manually initiated crash (bugcheck 0xdeaddead) trigger a disk-check?

    - by Synetech
    Windows has an advanced function built-in that lets a user manually initiate a BSOD. It is a debugging tool used to halt the system in the event of (though not necessarily limited to) a hang or freeze. When used, it causes a BSOD with the string MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH1 and whimsical code 0xDEADDEAD. The point to this crash is that it is purposely done by the user, so it is not (or at least should not) be an unpredictable event caused by hardware errors or bad drivers (at least not necessarily bad drivers). The question then is whether performing a manual crash properly flushes the disk caches and such so that the drive is in a valid state when rebooting and thus forgoing the need to have chkdsk run.

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  • Migrating Windows XP BOOT.INI Settings to Windows 7 Boot-loader

    - by Synetech inc.
    Two months ago my motherboard died, so I bought a used computer that came with Windows 7. I have since installed my old hard-drive, which had Windows XP on it, in this system. What I am trying to do now is to figure out a way to migrate the settings from XP's BOOT.INI into 7's boot-loader. Below is the BOOT.INI I used in XP (I have reduced the strings and updated the disks to point to the new location of the old HD. Oh and I am not clear on the drive letters. In XP, I could boot the recovery console or MS-DOS from a file in C:\ that contains the boot-sector. I am not sure what drive letter it would be called now—I had to manually change all the drive letters of the old partitions in Windows 7 because it auto-assigned them all wrong/differently). [boot loader] timeout=10 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="XP" /fastdetect multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="XP (Safe)" /safeboot:network /sos /bootlog /noguiboot C:\CMDCONS\BOOTSECT.DAT="Recovery Console" /cmdcons C:\BOOTSECT.DOS="MS-DOS 7.10" /win95 I have looked around, and have only been able to find some bcdedit commands to add XP to the boot-loader, but none that include information on setting safe-mode for it (or changing any of the XP load options for that matter). Not surprisingly I suppose, I have not found anything on adding the XP recovery console or DOS to the Windows 7 boot-loader. (Yes, I tried EasyBCD, but that did not help; it had no options for XP, and the best I managed was to get a choice of booting 7 or normal-mode XP—choosing XP didn't even give the old XP boot menu.) Can anyone please tell me how to export the entries in XP's boot.ini to 7's boot-loader so that on boot, I can choose to load the following: Windows 7 Windows 7 (Safe-mode) (Windows 7 (The Win7 counterpart of the Recovery Console)) Windows XP Windows XP (Safe-mode) Windows XP (Recovery Console) MS-DOS 7.10

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  • Local, Multiple-Blog (ie Dashboard) Blogging Software as Alternative to Blogger [closed]

    - by Synetech inc.
    FOR RE-OPENING: I don’t see how it is “too localized”. Plenty of people like to run their own web-apps instead of relying on third-party services. If that were not true, then WordPress, phpBB, Apache, PHP, etc. would not be available for general use. As for “Internet audience at large”, I must have missed the part where it was a rule that you are only allowed to ask for help for things that applies to everyone else too; I thought you were allowed to ask for help. Besides, if someone knows of software that fulfills the question, then it is relevant to whomever would download it, and so is not only applicable to an “extraordinarily narrow situation”. (Besides, the reason that I was asking was because Google had announced that it was discontinuing FTP support for Blogger and so many people were affected—read NOT TOO LOCALIZED—and were trying to find alternatives.) Hi, I am trying to find software (for Windows, PHP, MySQL/SQLite/flat, free, open-source) to localize all of my software and service so that I can keep my files and host when needed from my own system instead of some remote computer. I’ve already selected things like web, FTP, and db servers. I’ve chosen forum and wiki software, as well as an RCS system. At this point, all I’m still looking for—actually, I still need to choose bug-tracking software, but besides that—is blogging software. I still use Blogger and am trying to find something that I can use to import my Blogger stuff and store on (and publish to) my home system. I have read of various blogging software including WordPress, MovableType, and TextPattern. The problem is that I am trying to find something that is like Blogger (which from what I can tell is not available on Google Code as open-source). What I specifically need is multiple-blog support. That is, multiple blogs ala the Blogger Dashboard, not multiple user accounts (although that is important as well). The closest thing that I have been able to find is using Wordpress categories to simulate multiple blogs, but that’s not really what I want. I want software that I can run locally that has a multi-blog dashboard like Blogger. Any ideas? Thanks a lot!

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  • Recovering/Rebuilding MySQL .FRM, .MY* files from IBDATA1

    - by Synetech
    I recently had an incident in which several MySQL files were wiped out (mostly from WordPress, but also a few of MySQL’s own files). The IBDATA1 file is unaffected, but several .frm are gone as are a few .myi and .myd files. So now I need to find out if there is a way to rebuild the missing files from IBDATA1. I tried Googling it, assuming that such an issue has come up before, and indeed there were numerous search results (including this question), but all of the ones I looked at were the opposite, about recovering from .frm and .my* files or somehow required these files. Is there a way to rebuild these files? I know I have a relatively recent backup (a .SQL file) if there isn’t, but I’m hoping that these are the kind of files that are rebuilt if missing or outdated.

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  • Windows FAT/NTFS Low-Level Disk Viewer (Norton DiskEdit alternative)

    - by Synetech inc.
    Hi, One of my most valuable software tools has always been Norton DiskEdit from Norton Utilities/Symantec Systemworks. I have used it for years for so many things, including, but not limited to learning file-systems. I am now in search of a similar tool that can let me view FAT and NTFS disks at a low and high level under Windows. I have seen Runtime Software’s DiskExplorer, but unfortunately, it is limited in a number of ways, particularly annoying is that it does not really let you view the disk as structured (it does not let you see directory entries from a directory that is fragmented like DiskEdit can without doing a too-exhaustive scan which doesn’t even work for FAT partitions that have cluster sizes <4KB). Does anyone know of a Windows alternative of a Norton DiskEditor? Thanks a lot.

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  • Migrating Windows XP BOOT.INI Settings to Windows 7 Boot-loader

    - by Synetech inc.
    Hi, Two months ago my motherboard died, so I bought a used computer that came with Windows 7. I have since installed my old hard-drive, which had Windows XP on it, in this system. What I am trying to do now is to figure out a way to migrate the settings from XP's BOOT.INI into 7's boot-loader. Below is the BOOT.INI I used in XP (I have reduced the strings and updated the disks to point to the new location of the old HD. Oh and I am not clear on the drive letters. In XP, I could boot the recovery console or MS-DOS from a file in C:\ that contains the boot-sector. I am not sure what drive letter it would be called now—I had to manually change all the drive letters of the old partitions in Windows 7 because it auto-assigned them all wrong/differently). [boot loader] timeout=10 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="XP" /fastdetect multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="XP (Safe)" /safeboot:network /sos /bootlog /noguiboot C:\CMDCONS\BOOTSECT.DAT="Recovery Console" /cmdcons C:\BOOTSECT.DOS="MS-DOS 7.10" /win95 I have looked around, and have only been able to find some bcdedit commands to add XP to the boot-loader, but none that include information on setting safe-mode for it (or changing any of the XP load options for that matter). Not surprisingly I suppose, I have not found anything on adding the XP recovery console or DOS to the Windows 7 boot-loader. (Yes, I tried EasyBCD, but that did not help; it had no options for XP, and the best I managed was to get a choice of booting 7 or normal-mode XP—choosing XP didn't even give the old XP boot menu.) Can anyone please tell me how to export the entries in XP's boot.ini to 7's boot-loader so that on boot, I can choose to load the following: Windows 7 Windows 7 (Safe-mode) (Windows 7 (The Win7 counterpart of the Recovery Console)) Windows XP Windows XP (Safe-mode) Windows XP (Recovery Console) MS-DOS 7.10

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  • Wiping Deleted Directory Entries and Defragmenting Directories

    - by Synetech inc.
    Hi, I have seen plenty of apps that wipe free space on a disk (usually by creating a file that is as big as the remaining space) or defragment a file (usually by using the MoveFile API to copy it to a new contiguous area). What I have not seen however is a program that wipes the deleted directory entries. That is, when a file is deleted, its information (name, dates, etc.) remain in the directory, but are simply marked as empty. That leaves all kinds of information in a directory entry, and also wastes space since (at least on FAT drives), the directory may be using several clusters. For example, if a directory once had a lot of files, it will be expanded to use another cluster which could be anywhere on the disk. This means that the directory is fragmented, and may be using more clusters than needed, possibly with 100’s of unused (ie, “deleted file”) entries between active files. Does anyone know of a program that can defragment/consolidate directories (ie, wipe unused entries, and move active entries together)? (I would really rather not have to resort to writing my own yet again.) Thanks a lot. EDIT Sorry, I should have said, Windows and/or DOS, for FAT*/NTFS.

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  • Windows not showing version (or other resources) for files in tooltip

    - by Synetech
    Whenever I hover the mouse cursor over executable file types (.exe, .dll, etc.) in Windows Explorer, it only shows the Type, Size, and (Modified) Date of the file in the tooltip instead of the Company, Version, Description, etc. This used to work in Windows XP, but Windows 7 is showing me less information which is frustrating because I often need that information to be quickly and easily available (no, opening the Properties dialog or adding columns is not a solution). How can I get Explorer to show me all the relevant information for the files in the tooltip? (Bonus points for also showing it in the Preview pane at the bottom.)

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  • Pentium 4 Willamette vs. Faster Celeron Northwood [closed]

    - by Synetech inc.
    Which is the preferable of the following two processors? Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 1.70 GHz, 256K Cache, 400 MHz FSB Willamette Intel® Celeron® Processor 2.40 GHz, 128K Cache, 400 MHz FSB Northwood Details: A few months ago my motherboard died, so I bought a used computer that had a 2.4GHz Celeron. My old system had a 1.7GHz Pentium 4, so now I’m trying to decide which CPU to use. Obviously a P4 is preferable over a Celeron, but the Celeron is (significantly?) faster than the P4. I’m wondering if the faster Celeron might be better for certain tasks (ie, stronger but dumber is better at some things than smarter but weaker). I tried Googling for some reviews and comparisons for graphs to get a clear depiction of which is better overall, but found nothing that helped. (I did manage to find one page that indicates (apparently by poll, not benchmark) that the Celeron is better.) So which CPU should I use? Does anyone know of some graphs that I can use to compare the two? The system is a general-purpose machine for word-processing, Internet, and casual games (not Crysis, but not Solitaire either). It will be running Windows XP. The board is a 478 with 400MHz FSB.

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  • Windows 3 Animated Background/Desktop/Wallpaper

    - by Synetech
    In the summer of 1995, I visited some family in Los Angeles. My uncle had a computer with Windows 3 (or some version thereof since Windows 95 had not been released yet). In Windows 3, there was no desktop or wallpaper like in later versions; instead you could set it to a simple pattern (still possible in later versions before XP) like hounds-tooth or bricks (interestingly, there seems to be next to nothing available on the Internet about this anymore; no screenshots and almost no pages). I recall being amused when I found a program (on the still young “world-wide web”) that would actually let you set an animated background. It was smooth and fluid and was quite an amazing thing at the time. If I recall correctly, it had several built-in animations including one of a light-orange-pink background over which storks flew towards the top-left, possibly with some light stuff floating in the “background” (they were actually animated and flapped their wings, not simply translated coordinates). The storks were somewhat simplified, black-line drawings. Over the years, I’ve tried finding it again a few times but never could. Worse, it’s become harder and harder over time as new programs came out and polluted the search results. I’m hoping that someone remembers this software and knows some useful information like the author or where to download it. (No, it’s not ScreenPaper. That was created in 1997 to let you set a screensaver as the Windows 95/NT4 background. This was at least two years earlier for Windows 3 and I’m almost certain it had these animations built-in—I don’t recall any stork screensavers for Windows 3.)

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  • FOR command cannot see hidden files

    - by Synetech
    I’m struggling with one of the most frustrating bugs I’ve ever come across. Bug description:   The for command of the command-interpreter cannot see hidden files. Reproduction steps: Create a temporary directory Create a few files Assign a variety of attributes to the files (including hidden) Use a command like for %i in (*) do echo "%i" Expected results:    All files are processed in the for loop either by default or though a switch. Actual results: Files with any attribute other than hidden are processed; files flagged as hidden are skipped There is no switch to the for command to allow it to process hidden files Implications:    There is no way to process all files from the command-prompt. Question:    How the heck can hidden files be processed from the command-prompt or batch-files (at least in Windows if not DOS)?

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  • HOSTS ignored when disconnected [closed]

    - by Synetech
    Problem I’m seeing a strange and extremely frustrating problem. Any system that is not connect to the Internet (Windows 7 shows the no Internet access icon because it cannot constantly ping Microsoft’s servers) cannot even access locally hosted servers. Hypothesis The problem appears to be that the HOSTS file is not being used to resolve DNS entries when there are no active NICs. Tests / Reproduction You can reproduce it as so: Disconnect a system from the Internet (make sure all wired and wireless connections are disconnected). If necessary, add an entry to the HOSTS file (e.g., foobar or Open a command-prompt Type ping foobar or ping Observations The screenshots below show a clear and demonstrative example. In the first snap, a laptop is connected to a router wirelessly. The HOSTS file has only three entries and they resolve just fine. In the second snap, the wireless radio is turned off, so the entries in the HOSTS file are ignored. Moreover, notice that pinging localhost still works even without any active NICs (as does, but it is using the IPv6 address (must be hard-coded). You can see the same results in Windows XP with no IPv6 installed, so it has nothing to do with IPv6. I tried pining what should have resolved to while the desktop system (with no wireless NICs) was connected via its Ethernet adapter, then again after pulling the cable from the router and waiting a couple of seconds, then again after plugging the cable back in. The same thing happens if instead of pulling out the cable, the NIC is disabled through software (the [Disable] button in the NIC’s Status dialog or via Device Manager). Conclusions It looks as though the HOSTS file is only being read and used if there is an active NIC, otherwise it is being ignored. This makes some sense in that if there are no active network adapters, then presumably there will not be any network activity, and thus no need to resolve host names via the HOSTS file. This assumption is specious however because it precludes locally hosted virtual servers. The HOSTS file should be used regardless of external DNS server connectivity, otherwise you cannot use simple/consistent/testing-production names for locally hosted servers when not connected to the Internet (for example web servers; help servers for Visual Studio, 3dsmax, etc.; and so on). Question Does anyone know how to force Windows to use the HOSTS file even if there are no active NICs? Appendix Figure 1: While the wireless NIC is connected to the router (the cable-modem is in standby, so no external Internet connectivity). Figure 2: With the wireless radio turned off (the Ethernet port is not unconnected in both cases). Figure 3: Same results in XP with no IPv6

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  • QR Codes for Files on Google Code

    - by Synetech inc.
    Hi, When you download files from Google Code now (example), in addition to the text version of the SHA1 hash, it includes a QR code of it. The device that the file was downloaded to is the one that has to hash the file. But, if it can download the file (ie, has access to the webpage), it also has access to the text version of the hash, so the QR code seems completely useless—and more work to decode when the raw text is available. How would reading the hash into a mobile phone allow you to verify the file you download to the computer? Or if you download the file to the phone, how would you use the phone to take a picture of the QR code displayed on the webpage on its own screen? Does anyone know what the point to the QR code is or how you would use it to verify the downloaded file (I don’t mean QR codes in general, but specifically in this context).

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  • DIR filenames that contain extensions

    - by Synetech
    I was just trying to check a dump-directory for any ZIP programs like PeaZip, NanoZip, etc. and ran into an odd problem that I have seen only a few times before. I used the following command to list files whose filenames contain zip (e.g.,, peazip2.rar, winzip-beta.exe, etc.): dir *zip* This listed any files whose filenames contain zip, but also all files with a .zip extension (e.g., I then tried the following: dir *zip*.* This gave the same results. Does anyone know of a way to get the expected results? (I know that for may be able to do it, but the output won’t be correct.)

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  • Apache - Include conf Files Relative to ServerConfigFile (-f arg)

    - by Synetech inc.
    Hi, I want to use the -f command-line option for the Apache server so that I can store the conf files in a separate place (a data diectory) from the server binaries. The problem is that I use the Include directive to separate and organize the configurations, but when I use a command like Include "addons/SVN.conf", it fails because Apache looks for addons/SVN.conf in relative to the ServerRoot directory instead of the ServerConfigFile directory. I can work around this by using absolute paths (eg Include "e:\foo\bar\baz\Apache\conf\addons\svn.conf", but I don’t like that since it means I would have to change each and every Include directive if I move the conf folder as opposed to simply changing the -f option. Does anyone know of a way to get the Include directive to work relative to the conf file that Apache is passed. I tried Include "./addons/SVN.conf", but that too was relative to the ServerRoot. This forced relative-to-ServerRoot Include behavior kind of defeats the whole purpose of specifying an alternate config file to the one in ServerRoot/conf. Thanks.

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  • Bizarre and very specific Internet connection loss

    - by Synetech
    Yesterday (Friday, September 21, 2012), my Internet connection started acting up. After some testing, I confirmed a very specific and baffling set of symptoms: Internet connection goes away every 25-35 minutes (I did not confirm the exact interval, but it seems to be about 30 mins.) Only some protocols are affected; HTTP*, P2P, etc. stop working; FTP, etc. continue to work When it’s stopped, cannot even ping router or cable-modem IPs or view their firmware pages Domain-names and IPs are irrelevant (for protocols that stop working, neither work, for those that still work, both work) Resetting router fixes it for another 30 minutes Keeping the connection idle or active doesn’t seem to make a difference (nor the bandwidth usage in that period) Connecting directly to cable-modem allows it to work indefinitely Disconnecting the router from the cable-modem works indefinitely (no Internet connection obviously, but can still access router IP and firmware page) Connecting the router to the cable-modem, but putting the modem on standby also works indefinitely Same problem with both a wireless laptop and wired (on any port) desktop (both Windows 7; will try to test Windows XP when possible) Nothing had changed in the days leading up to the issue. No modifications to the networking configuration or the router; there were not even any Windows updates except for an MSSE definition update. Waiting does not fix it, nor does any amount of fiddling with anything; only resetting the router fixes it for 30 minutes (resetting the cable-modem doesn't work either) I tried cleaning the pins in the router’s plugs, but that didn’t help, which was not really a surprise since I was not getting a lost connection error. Obviously my first thought was that the router was having a problem, and this is borne out by some tests. The problem is that when it drops, it is not a full drop since I can still do things like ftp and such which means that the connection and DNS are still working. Moreover, if it were the router, then why does it stay alive indefinitely when not connected to the cable-modem (i.e., no outside influence)? The problem doesn't seem to be either the cable-modem nor the router, but rather an interaction between the two, like something from the outside (port scan? hacker? ISP?) that is triggering a problem in the router. I see that there have been a couple of vulnerabilities for the DI-524, but those were a while back and should be fixed since I have the last firmware for it. I don’t think it’s my ISP (Rogers) since I have been using the router for several years without problem and can connect indefinitely when bypassing it. But I can’t rule them out since that is one of the only possible things that could have suddenly changed. Does anybody have any ideas of explanations, fixed, or tests? (I note that when I opened the router, I heard a very high-pitched noise from somewhere near the capacitors/ferrite ring which I don’t think I heard the last time I opened it a few years ago, but then if it were that, then why would it affect only a very small, specific set of functions?)

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  • Automated Scanning for Corrupted Archive Files

    - by Synetech inc.
    Hi, I have all kinds of files that I have downloaded from everywhere over the years scattered around my hard drives. I’m in the process of trying to organize them all and have run into a problem. Sometimes a file was not downloaded correctly (this was a big issue when Chromium first came out) and is thus corrupt. For media files, this is relatively simple to determine (it requires actually opening and examining the file). For executables or other binaries, it is relatively difficult (executables may or may not crash, other binaries could be completely unknown). Archive files (eg zip, rar, 7z, exe, ace, etc.) however should be pretty simple, they have a built-in corruption detection facility. My problem now is that I really don’t want to open and test each and every single archived file throughout my drive; that would be a nightmare. I’m looking for a utility that can automate the process. Is there a program that can scan archive files on a drive and list the ones that are corrupt? Thanks a lot.

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  • Converting videos to AVI with AVIDemux for compatibility

    - by Synetech
    I am trying to convert a couple of short videos to AVI (XviD) using AVIDemux. I find that while the resulting videos play fine in VLC, they do not play in an XviD DVD player (nor presumably Xbox 360, PS3, etc.). In fact, they do not even show in Windows Explorer (that is, Explorer cannot read their metadata or display thumbnails). I tried using all three of the AVI Muxer Output Format options, but none worked. Does anyone know what settings to use to produce compatible AVIs with AVIDemux? (I found an old thread where someone complained about AVIs not working on Xbox, but that was a few years ago from an older version.)

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  • Rendering composite/SVideo input with GraphEdit (comp./svid. source for crossbar)?

    - by Synetech
    Does anyone know how to form a GraphEdit graph to render composite/SVideo input (especially for a Hauppauge or AIW card)? Google (and Google Images) finds only results focusing on rendering the TV tuner which is already simple enough. The tv-tuner-in pins connect to the TvTuner/TvAudio source, but nothing seems to be able to connect to the Composite/SVideo pins. I have looked through the filters and could find no sources to connect to the Composite/SVideo input pins of the crossbar; GraphEdit always complains that they are not compatible.

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  • Should I Use PHP as FastCGI?

    - by Synetech inc.
    Hi, I am running an Apache webserver on my Windows machine. It is not generally a public server (most of the little bit of traffic comes from the machine itself, and most of the public traffic comes from crawlers). Basically, it is mostly just for use as a test-bed, development system. I have read about how running PHP as FastCGI is better (ie faster and more stable) than as an Apache module. However, I really don’t like the idea of multiple PHP.exe processes (I don’t like that Apache has two processes and I’m not even too thrilled with Chromium’s multi-process model). So I’m wondering if it would be worthwhile to change PHP to FastCGI for this scenario. If it is, how would I configure it? Pretty much all of the information I have seen has been either for non-Windows or for IIS. As I said, I’m running Windows+Apache. Thanks a lot.

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