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  • "Delete Build in Hudson after Keep Forever"

    - by Tiago
    Hi, I've used the Simple Promote Plugin in Hudson and it set my build to "keep this build forever". Is there any way i can delete it? I got access to the slave who build it and to the master (tried to find anything related in there but no luck). Thanks, Tiago

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    - by Tiago Salgado
    Who has not seen the Code Project's Tech Virtual Summit on Mobile Development, you can now see all the sessions on demand. The sessions are: The Mobile Development Landscape Android Push Notifications Beginning Android Flash Development Android for .NET/C# Developers Using MonoDroid iPhone 101: Introduction to iPhone and iOS Development Building Rich Mobile Apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Building MVVM apps for Windows Phone 7 Using Panorama and Pivot Controls for WP7 apps Building Data Visualization Applications for Windows Phone 7 To access the sessions, you need to register at the following link:

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  • Mysql my.cnf as simbolic link in Ubuntu 12.04

    - by Juan Cruz
    I am not able to use symlink for my.cnf file (Ubuntu 12.04 server). I added the alias to /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/alias file (as I did for 10.04 and worked) but I get: May 30 16:00:01 ip-10-242-209-203 kernel: [176926.213403] type=1400 audit(1338393601.350:244): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=1 profile="/usr/sbin/mysqld" name="/opt/data/my.cnf" pid=18128 comm="mysqld" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0 May 30 16:00:01 ip-10-242-209-203 kernel: [176926.222016] init: mysql main process (18128) terminated with status 1 May 30 16:00:01 ip-10-242-209-203 kernel: [176926.222084] init: mysql respawning too fast, stopped As a workaround I added the following line /etc/mysql/my.cnf r, to the /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.mysqld file. The default configuration is /etc/mysql/*.cnf r, Is this a bug? is an apparmor bug or a mysql bug? It seems that that configuration has changed since MySql 5.1 ( but now worked for me. Thanks!

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  • How to suppress PHPSESSID in URL for Googlebot?

    - by Roque Santa Cruz
    I use cookie based sessions, and they work for normal interaction with our site. However, when Googlebot comes crawling out PHP framework, Yii, needs to append ?PHPSESSID to each URL, which doesn't look that good in SERP. Any ways to suppress this behavior? PS. I tried to utilize ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', '1');, but it does not work. PPS. To get an impression of the SERP, they look like this:

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  • Wired Network not working on Ubuntu 11.10 + Strange Behavior with Manual Conf

    - by Mauricio Cruz
    I'm new to Ubuntu - to be honest this is my very first day trying it... and I've already spent hours trying to make my wired connection work. I've been using this wired network with Windows and OSX, and in both systems I also had some trouble trying to connect in the past (and the troubleshooters did their magic and helped me get connected). Today, this is what I got: I'm running Ubuntu 11.10; ifconfig: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 78:2b:cb:c3:bf:8f UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:343 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:70 (70.0 B) TX bytes:63273 (63.2 KB) Interrupt:20 Memory:e2e00000-e2e20000 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:1859 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1859 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:149368 (149.3 KB) TX bytes:149368 (149.3 KB) wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 10:0b:a9:82:55:c0 UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:15484 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:16871 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:12048377 (12.0 MB) TX bytes:2677679 (2.6 MB) I also have some information from Windows ipconfig /all that I ran at my friend's machine Ipv6 Address: <address> preferential Ipv4 Address: <preferential> Netmask: Default Gateway: DHCP Server : <address> DNS Servers : <address> DNS Suffix : <suffix> The weird thing is that I've tried to configure everything manually, using "Network Connections". When I add everything inside IPv4 Settings, the connection is finally successful, but only for 4~5 seconds before getting disconnected again... Update:I just changed the Connection Method to "Local-Link Only", and the same described above happens: At first, it says "Connection Stablished", but after a few seconds, the wired network gets disconnected. I hope someone can help me get connected! Thanks!

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  • What is a fast way to darken the vertices I'm rendering?

    - by Luis Cruz
    To make a lighting system for a voxel game, I need to specify a darkness value per vertex. I'm using GL_COLOR_MATERIAL and specifying a color per vertex, like this: glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glColor3f(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f); glTexCoord2f(...); glVertex3f(...); glColor3f(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f); glTexCoord2f(...); glVertex3f(...); glColor3f(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); glTexCoord2f(...); glVertex3f(...); glColor3f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f); glTexCoord2f(...); glVertex3f(...); glEnd(); This is working, but with many quads it is very slow.. I'm using display lists too. Any good ideas in how to make vertices darker?

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  • Who is likely to need the most this high-quality, measurable, reliable approach to software? [closed]

    - by Marek Cruz
    Software engineering is the application of principles of engineering to software. Trouble is, most of those who like to flatter with the title "software engineer" don't do that. They just keep writing code and patching it until it's stable enough to foist off on users. That's not software engineering. Who is likely to need the most the practice of software engineering? (with all the project planning, requirements engineering, software design, implementation based on the design, testing, deployment, awareness of IEEE standards, metrics, security, dependability, usability, etc.)

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  • EISK&ndash;Employee Info Starter Kit 5.0

    - by Tiago Salgado
    Employee Info Starter Kit is an open source project that is highly influenced by the concept ‘Pareto Principle’ or 80-20 rule, where it is targeted to enable a web developer to gain 80% productivity with 20% of effort with respect to learning curve and production. It is intended to address different types of real world challenges faced by web application developers when performing common CRUD operations. Using a single database table ‘Employee’, the current release illustrates how to utilize Microsoft ASP.NET 4.0 Web Form Data Controls, Entity Framework 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010 effectively in that context.   More information on codeplex project site.

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  • Cool projects at Codeplex

    - by Tiago Salgado
    There’s a significant number of useful projects at Codeplex who were meeting with some of our needs. As such, here are two that already have been useful to me: Droid Explorer As the name implies, allows us to explore an Android device and has features such as: Copy local files to device Reboot device Reboot device in to recovery mode Open files for viewing / execution locally with the default file type executable Package Manager (Install & Uninstall) Take a Screen Shot (landscape or portrait) etc Virtual Router – Wifi Hot Spot (Windows 7 / 2008 R2) Allows you to create an Access Point, sharing your local Internet connection, with other wireless devices. Its no doubt an application to be always installed, by the simple way to create a resource like this one.

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  • Symlink are using both locations?

    - by Tiago Rossi
    Ive made a research and didnt found any answers, so I decided to ask here. To make you know, the /dev/sda2 disk of my WHM/Cpanel webserver got 100% full. The /var/ folder are the /dev/sda2 and I've found the reason of that isse are the /var/lib/mysql folder. To fix it I need to move the /var/lib/mysql folder from /dev/sda2 to /home/ where I have a lot of space in disk. Then I used the command lines: service mysql stop cp -r -p /var/lib/mysql/ /home/databasesmysql/ mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql.backup/ ln -s /home/databasesmysql/ /var/lib/mysql service mysql start Ok, now to check if its running at the new location I just renamed the /var/lib/mysql to /var/lib/mysql.backup and MySQL stopped working. Also when I rename the /home/databasesmysql/ folder MySQL also stop to work. I dont know whats happening, the symlink are using both locations? Thanks very much.

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  • Python MD5 Hash Faster Calculation

    - by balgan
    Hi everyone. I will try my best to explain my problem and my line of thought on how I think I can solve it. I use this code for root, dirs, files in os.walk(downloaddir): for infile in files: f = open(os.path.join(root,infile),'rb') filehash = hashlib.md5() while True: data = if len(data) == 0: break filehash.update(data) print "FILENAME: " , infile print "FILE HASH: " , filehash.hexdigest() and using start = time.time() elapsed = time.time() - start I measure how long it takes to calculate an hash. Pointing my code to a file with 653megs this is the result: root@Mars:/home/tiago# python FILENAME: freebsd.iso FILE HASH: ace0afedfa7c6e0ad12c77b6652b02ab 12.624 root@Mars:/home/tiago# python FILENAME: freebsd.iso FILE HASH: ace0afedfa7c6e0ad12c77b6652b02ab 12.373 root@Mars:/home/tiago# python FILENAME: freebsd.iso FILE HASH: ace0afedfa7c6e0ad12c77b6652b02ab 12.540 Ok now 12 seconds +- on a 653mb file, my problem is I intend to use this code on a program that will run through multiple files, some of them might be 4/5/6Gb and it will take wayy longer to calculate. What am wondering is if there is a faster way for me to calculate the hash of the file? Maybe by doing some multithreading? I used a another script to check the use of the CPU second by second and I see that my code is only using 1 out of my 2 CPUs and only at 25% max, any way I can change this? Thank you all in advance for the given help.

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  • Slow NFS and GFS2 performance

    - by Tiago
    Recently I've designed and configured a 4 node cluster for a webapp that does lots of file handling. The cluster have been broken down into 2 main roles, webserver and storage. Each role is replicated to a second server using drbd in active/passive mode. The webserver does a NFS mount of the data directory of the storage server and the latter also has a webserver running to serve files to browser clients. In the storage servers I've created a GFS2 FS to hold the data which is wired to drbd. I've chose GFS2 mainly because the announced performance and also because the volume size which has to be pretty high. Since we entered production I've been facing two problems that I think are deeply connected. First of all, the NFS mount on the webservers keeps hanging for a minute or so and then resumes normal operations. By analyzing the logs I've found out that NFS stops answering for a while and outputs the following log lines: Oct 15 18:15:42 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:44 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:46 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:47 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:47 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:47 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:48 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:48 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:51 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:52 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:52 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:55 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:55 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying Oct 15 18:15:58 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK Oct 15 18:15:59 <server hostname> kernel: nfs: server OK In this case, the hang lasted for 16 seconds but sometimes it takes 1 or 2 minutes to resume normal operations. My first guess was this was happening due to heavy load of the NFS mount and that by increasing RPCNFSDCOUNT to a higher value, this would become stable. I've increased it several times and apparently, after a while, the logs started appearing less times. The value is now on 32. After further investigating the issue, I've came across a different hang, despite the NFS messages still appear in the logs. Sometimes, the GFS2 FS simply hangs which causes both the NFS and the storage webserver to serve files. Both stay hang for a while and then they resume normal operations. This hangs leaves no trace on client side (also leaves no NFS ... not responding messages) and, on the storage side, the log system appears to be empty, even though the rsyslogd is running. The nodes connect themselves through a 10Gbps non-dedicated connection but I don't think this is an issue because the GFS2 hang is confirmed but connecting directly to the active storage server. I've been trying to solve this for a while now and I've tried different NFS configuration options, before I've found out the GFS2 FS is also hanging. The NFS mount is exported as such: /srv/data/ <ip_address>(rw,async,no_root_squash,no_all_squash,fsid=25) And the NFS client mounts with: mount -o "async,hard,intr,wsize=8192,rsize=8192" /srv/data After some tests, these were the configurations that yielded more performance to the cluster. I am desperate to find a solution for this as the cluster is already in production mode and I need to fix this so that this hangs won't happen in the future and I don't really know for sure what and how I should be benchmarking. What I can tell is that this is happening due to heavy loads as I have tested the cluster earlier and this problems weren't happening at all. Please tell me if you need me to provide configuration details of the cluster, and which do you want me to post. As last resort I can migrate the files to a different FS but I need some solid pointers on whether this will solve this problems as the volume size is extremely large at this point. The servers are being hosted by a third-party enterprise and I don't have physical access to them. Best regards. EDIT 1: The servers are physical servers and their specs are: Webservers: Intel Bi Xeon E5606 2x4 2.13GHz 24GB DDR3 Intel SSD 320 2 x 120GB Raid 1 Storage: Intel i5 3550 3.3GHz 16GB DDR3 12 x 2TB SATA Initially there was a VRack setup between the servers but we've upgraded one of the storage servers to have more RAM and it wasn't inside the VRack. They connect through a shared 10Gbps connection between them. Please note that it is the same connection that is used for public access. They use a single IP (using IP Failover) to connect between them and to allow for a graceful failover. NFS is therefore over a public connection and not under any private network (it was before the upgrade, were the problem still existed). The firewall was configured and tested thoroughly but I disabled it for a while to see if the problem still occurred, and it did. From my knowledge the hosting provider isn't blocking or limiting the connection between either the servers and the public domain (at least under a given bandwidth consumption threshold that hasn't been reached yet). Hope this helps figuring out the problem. EDIT 2: Relevant software versions: CentOS 2.6.32-279.9.1.el6.x86_64 nfs-utils-1.2.3-26.el6.x86_64 nfs-utils-lib-1.1.5-4.el6.x86_64 gfs2-utils- kmod-drbd84-8.4.2-1.el6_3.elrepo.x86_64 drbd84-utils-8.4.2-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64 DRBD configuration on storage servers: #/etc/drbd.d/storage.res resource storage { protocol C; on <server1 fqdn> { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/vg_storage/LV_replicated; address <server1 ip>:7788; meta-disk internal; } on <server2 fqdn> { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/vg_storage/LV_replicated; address <server2 ip>:7788; meta-disk internal; } } NFS Configuration in storage servers: #/etc/sysconfig/nfs RPCNFSDCOUNT=32 STATD_PORT=10002 STATD_OUTGOING_PORT=10003 MOUNTD_PORT=10004 RQUOTAD_PORT=10005 LOCKD_UDPPORT=30001 LOCKD_TCPPORT=30001 (can there be any conflict in using the same port for both LOCKD_UDPPORT and LOCKD_TCPPORT?) GFS2 configuration: # gfs2_tool gettune <mountpoint> incore_log_blocks = 1024 log_flush_secs = 60 quota_warn_period = 10 quota_quantum = 60 max_readahead = 262144 complain_secs = 10 statfs_slow = 0 quota_simul_sync = 64 statfs_quantum = 30 quota_scale = 1.0000 (1, 1) new_files_jdata = 0 Storage network environment: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr <mac address> inet addr:<ip address> Bcast:<bcast address> Mask:<ip mask> inet6 addr: <ip address> Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:957025127 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1473338731 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:2630984979622 (2.3 TiB) TX bytes:1648430431523 (1.4 TiB) eth0:0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr <mac address> inet addr:<ip failover address> Bcast:<bcast address> Mask:<ip mask> UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 The IP addresses are statically assigned with the given network configurations: DEVICE="eth0" BOOTPROTO="static" HWADDR=<mac address> ONBOOT="yes" TYPE="Ethernet" IPADDR=<ip address> NETMASK=<net mask> and DEVICE="eth0:0" BOOTPROTO="static" HWADDR=<mac address> IPADDR=<ip failover> NETMASK=<net mask> ONBOOT="yes" BROADCAST=<bcast address> Hosts file to allow for a graceful NFS failover in conjunction with NFS option fsid=25 set on both storage servers: #/etc/hosts <storage ip failover address> <webserver ip failover address> active.service.vlan As you can see, packet errors are down to 0. I've also ran ping for a long time without any packet loss. MTU size is the normal 1500. As there is no VLan by now, this is the MTU used to communicate between servers. The webservers' network environment is similar. One thing I forgot to mention is that the storage servers handle ~200GB of new files each day through the NFS connection, which is a key point for me to think this is some kind of heavy load problem with either NFS or GFS2. If you need further configuration details please tell me. EDIT 3: Earlier today we had a major filesystem crash on the storage server. I couldn't get the details of the crash right away because the server stop responding. After the reboot, I noticed the filesystem was extremely slow, and I was not being able to serve a single file through either NFS or httpd, perhaps due to cache warming or so. Nevertheless, I've been monitoring the server closely and the following error came up in dmesg. The source of the problem is clearly GFS, which is waiting for a lock and ends up starving after a while. INFO: task nfsd:3029 blocked for more than 120 seconds. "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message. nfsd D 0000000000000000 0 3029 2 0x00000080 ffff8803814f79e0 0000000000000046 0000000000000000 ffffffff8109213f ffff880434c5e148 ffff880624508d88 ffff8803814f7960 ffffffffa037253f ffff8803815c1098 ffff8803814f7fd8 000000000000fb88 ffff8803815c1098 Call Trace: [<ffffffff8109213f>] ? wake_up_bit+0x2f/0x40 [<ffffffffa037253f>] ? gfs2_holder_wake+0x1f/0x30 [gfs2] [<ffffffff814ff42e>] __mutex_lock_slowpath+0x13e/0x180 [<ffffffff814ff2cb>] mutex_lock+0x2b/0x50 [<ffffffffa0379f21>] gfs2_log_reserve+0x51/0x190 [gfs2] [<ffffffffa0390da2>] gfs2_trans_begin+0x112/0x1d0 [gfs2] [<ffffffffa0369b05>] ? gfs2_dir_check+0x35/0xe0 [gfs2] [<ffffffffa0377943>] gfs2_createi+0x1a3/0xaa0 [gfs2] [<ffffffff8121aab1>] ? avc_has_perm+0x71/0x90 [<ffffffffa0383d1e>] gfs2_create+0x7e/0x1a0 [gfs2] [<ffffffffa037783f>] ? gfs2_createi+0x9f/0xaa0 [gfs2] [<ffffffff81188cf4>] vfs_create+0xb4/0xe0 [<ffffffffa04217d6>] nfsd_create_v3+0x366/0x4c0 [nfsd] [<ffffffffa0429703>] nfsd3_proc_create+0x123/0x1b0 [nfsd] [<ffffffffa041a43e>] nfsd_dispatch+0xfe/0x240 [nfsd] [<ffffffffa025a5d4>] svc_process_common+0x344/0x640 [sunrpc] [<ffffffff810602a0>] ? default_wake_function+0x0/0x20 [<ffffffffa025ac10>] svc_process+0x110/0x160 [sunrpc] [<ffffffffa041ab62>] nfsd+0xc2/0x160 [nfsd] [<ffffffffa041aaa0>] ? nfsd+0x0/0x160 [nfsd] [<ffffffff81091de6>] kthread+0x96/0xa0 [<ffffffff8100c14a>] child_rip+0xa/0x20 [<ffffffff81091d50>] ? kthread+0x0/0xa0 [<ffffffff8100c140>] ? child_rip+0x0/0x20

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  • Wireless Bridge with NetGear and TP-Link

    - by Tiago Cruz
    I have a wireless NetGear WGR614 v7 (little old) router connected to the internet, but I can't get a good signal in the other end of my house. I have another new one, model TP-Link TL-WR941ND wireless router. I was able to do the stuff works using a wired cable, but now, I would like to do the same using wireless connections (bridge mode, some like WDS?) Now, the computer connected to TP LINK was able to ping my computer connected to NETGEAR, but we cannot go IP ADDRESS outside my network, only internals ones. What can I do to configure this? Is needed that BOTH wireless routers support BRIDGE mode or only one its good enough? Thanks a lot!!

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  • Linux driver for Intel ICH10R

    - by Pablo Santa Cruz
    Hi! I would like to know what 64-bit Linux distribution can I use with an Intel ICH10R RAID. I have tried CentOS 5.2 and Ubuntu Server 8.04. Neither support that raid controller. Also, I would like to know where do I setup the RAID-5 I want to use. I am using a TYAN S7002 motherboard and the BIOS software does not include an option to configure the RAID as I am used to do with Dell servers... Thanks a lot in advance.

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  • JavaMail application won't send email to external SMTP server

    - by Luiz Cruz
    This is actually a question from an exam, but I believe it could help others troubleshooting a similar situation. In a system, an e-mail needs to be sent to a certain mailbox. The following Java code, which is part of a larger system, was developed for that. Assume that "" corresponds to a valid registered internet domain. public void sendEmail(){ String s1=”Warning”; String b1=”Contact IT support.”; String r1=”[email protected]”; String d1=”[email protected]”; String h1=”mx.intranet”; Properties p1 = new Properties(); p1.put(“”, h1); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(p1, null); MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session); try { message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(r1)); message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(d1)); message.setSubject(s1); message.setText(b1); Transport.send(message); } catch (MessagingException e){ System.err.println(e); } } The execution of this code, within the testing environment of an application server, does NOT work as expected. The mailbox of the "" server never receives the email, even tough all string values in the code are correctly attributed. The output for the command "netstat -np TCP" in the application server during execution is shown bellow: Src Add Src Port Dest Add Dest Port State 54395 25 SYN_SENT 54390 110 TIME_WAIT 52001 80 CLOSE_WAIT 52050 80 ESTABLISHED 50001 25 TIME_WAIT 50000 25 ESTABLISHED With the exception of the lines that were NAT'd, all others are associated with the Java application server, which created them after the execution of the code above. The e-mail server used in this environment is the production server, which is online and does not require any authentication for internal connections. Based on this situation, point out three possible causes for the problem.

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  • TCP/IP networking working as expected, but can't access Windows Shares

    - by Pablo Santa Cruz
    I am trying to fix a Windows 7 Pro SP1 (32 bits) computer. I have a weird problem. It was working fine until two days ago (didn't do anything weird in that day), and suddenly windows network (accessing to Windows Shares, sharing my printer) stopped working. TCP/IP networks words without issues, since I can IM, use the WebBrowser, check my email, you name it. Any ideas on how could I attempt to fix this?

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  • Postfixadmin Invalid Query

    - by Jm Cruz
    This is my first time running a postfixadmin, so in my setup.php, I'm getting this error DEBUG INFORMATION: Invalid query: Unknown column 'create_date' in 'mailbox' I'm running it with MySQL. So if i'm right, my guess is that i need to create a column? under mailbox table on the postfix database? but how or whats the right syntax into creating a timedate column? My knowledge with mysql and postfix are very minimal btw. Thanks in advance.

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  • tcpdump output with iptables REJECT policy enabled

    - by Pablo Santa Cruz
    Hi all, Quick question. I have a firewall with these simple rules: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 6000 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 6000 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6000 -j REJECT Now, suppose I am using TCPDUMP like this: tcpdump port 6000 And I have host trying to connect to port 6000. My question is: will/should tcpdump output some packages coming from

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  • System Requirements of a write-heavy applications serving hundreds of requests per second

    - by Rolando Cruz
    NOTE: I am a self-taught PHP developer who has little to none experience managing web and database servers. I am about to write a web-based attendance system for a very large userbase. I expect around 1000 to 1500 users logged-in at the same time making at least 1 request every 10 seconds or so for a span of 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week. So it's more or less 100 requests per second, or at the very worst 1000 requests in a second (average of 16 concurrent requests? But it could be higher given the short timeframe that users will make these requests. crosses fingers to avoid 100 concurrent requests). I expect two types of transactions, a local (not referring to a local network) and a foreign transaction. local transactions basically download userdata in their locality and cache it for 1 - 2 weeks. Attendance equests will probably be two numeric strings only: userid and eventid. foreign transactions are for attendance of those do not belong in the current locality. This will pass in the following data instead: (numeric) locality_id, (string) full_name. Both requests are done in Ajax so no HTML data included, only JSON. Both type of requests expect at the very least a single numeric response from the server. I think there will be a 50-50 split on the frequency of local and foreign transactions, but there's only a few bytes of difference anyways in the sizes of these transactions. As of this moment the userid may only reach 6 digits and eventid are 4 to 5-digit integers too. I expect my users table to have at least 400k rows, and the event table to have as many as 10k rows, a locality table with at least 1500 rows, and my main attendance table to increase by 400k rows (based on the number of users in the users table) a day for 3 days a week (1.2M rows a week). For me, this sounds big. But is this really that big? Or can this be handled by a single server (not sure about the server specs yet since I'll probably avail of a VPS from ServInt or others)? I tried to read on multiple server setups Heatbeat, DRBD, master-slave setups. But I wonder if they're really necessary. the users table will add around 500 1k rows a week. If this can't be handled by a single server, then if I am to choose a MySQL replication topology, what would be the best setup for this case? Sorry, if I sound vague or the question is too wide. I just don't know what to ask or what do you want to know at this point.

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  • Mac OS X read/write NTFS support

    - by Tiago Veloso
    I am trying to get read/write support for NTFS drives, under Mac os 10.6. I have tried to use NTFS 3G, but it seems it does not support 64 bit kernels. I was unable to change my Mac's Kernel to 32 bit. Is there a solution? I am running Snow Leopard, under a 2011 MBP13 I am getting the following error. After running system_profile | grep Kernel I get: ForkProBox:~ fork$ system_profiler | grep Kernel Kernel Version: Darwin 10.7.1 64-bit Kernel and Extensions: Yes I have ran the commands suggested here is their output Error tracking

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  • How to move from a physical server to an online server?

    - by Tiago
    My father has a small company: 10 PCs running Windows, 1 running Windows Server 2000 and 1 Fax/Printer. I want to remove the server and make the network based on an Online server. Can I do that? If yes, how? By using a Windows VPS? Linux VPS with VMWaRE? I'm not sure if that's a viable option, if there's other, please tell me. thank you.

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