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  • What is the correct way to restart udev in Ubuntu?

    - by zerkms
    I've changed the name of my eth1 interface to eth0. How to ask udev now to re-read the config? service udev restart and udevadm control --reload-rules don't help. So is there any valid way except of rebooting? (yes, reboot helps with this issue) UPD: yes, I know I should prepend the commands with sudo, but either one I posted above changes nothing in ifconfig -a output: I still see eth1, not eth0. UPD 2: I just changed the NAME property of udev-rule line. Don't know any reason for this to be ineffective. There is no any error in executing of both commands I've posted above, but they just don't change actual interface name in ifconfig -a output. If I perform reboot - then interface name changes as expected. UPD 3: let I explain all the case better ;-) For development purposes I write some script that clones virtual machines (VirtualBox-driven) and pre-sets them up in some way. So I perform a command to clone VM, start it and as long as network interface MAC is changed - udev adds the second rule to network persistent rules. Right after machine is booted for the first time there are 2 rules: eth0, which does not exist, as long as it existed in the original VM image MAC eth1, which exists, but all the configuration in all files refers to eth0, so it is not that good for me So I with sed delete the line with eth0 (it is obsolete and useless in cloned image) and replace eth1 with eth0. So currently I have valid persistent rule, but there is still eth1 in /dev. The issue: I don't want to reboot the machine (it will take another time, which is not good thing on building-VM-stage) and just want to have my /dev rebuilt with some command so I have ready-to-use VM without any reboots.

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  • Using <= for every dependency in case of following semantic versioning idea

    - by zerkms
    As Semantic Versioning (and common sense) declares - the major version is incremented in case if non backward compatible change is introduced. Now let's assume we have a project called Project that has a current version 1.0.42 and a library Lib it depends on that is of a 2.1.3 version at the moment. Does that mean that following semver ideology we should constraint the dependency of the Project to be Depends: Lib (< 3)? From my experience - no one does that, but I find it semantically correct and very self-descriptive. What do you think of this?

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  • How to upgrade a particular package dependencies only?

    - by zerkms
    Let's say I have a package A which has Depends: B (>= 1.0.0) in its control file. The B was installed as an A dependency some time ago with 1.0.0 version. Now B was updated in the repository to the 1.0.42 version and I'd like to upgrade it. What I don't like to do: apt-get install B since it will mark B as "manually installed" (not sure how to name it correctly) package and it won't be removed with autoremove if I decide to stop using A ever. So is there an analogue of apt-get upgrade that only upgrades a particular package and its dependencies (probably recursive, it doesn't matter in my case since B doesn't depend on anything else) only?

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  • Assignments in mock return values

    - by zerkms
    (I will show examples using php and phpunit but this may be applied to any programming language) The case: let's say we have a method A::foo that delegates some work to class M and returns the value as-is. Which of these solutions would you choose: $mock = $this->getMock('M'); $mock->expects($this->once()) ->method('bar') ->will($this->returnValue('baz')); $obj = new A($mock); $this->assertEquals('baz', $obj->foo()); or $mock = $this->getMock('M'); $mock->expects($this->once()) ->method('bar') ->will($this->returnValue($result = 'baz')); $obj = new A($mock); $this->assertEquals($result, $obj->foo()); or $result = 'baz'; $mock = $this->getMock('M'); $mock->expects($this->once()) ->method('bar') ->will($this->returnValue($result)); $obj = new A($mock); $this->assertEquals($result, $obj->foo()); Personally I always follow the 2nd solution, but just 10 minutes ago I had a conversation with couple of developers who said that it is "too tricky" and chose 3rd or 1st. So what would you usually do? And do you have any conventions to follow in such cases?

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  • What's special in July 26th and why is it used in examples for Expires header so often?

    - by zerkms
    I've noticed that July 26th (my birthday) is used really often in various examples related to preventing http caching using Expires header, like: What's special in that date? PS: couldn't add conspiracy tag to the tags because of lack of rep points

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  • Sharing soundcard to network.

    - by zerkms
    Let's suppose I have a laptop (L) and desktop PC (D), both with Windows 7 onboard. It is SB X-Fi extreme soundcard with rather good 5.1 home theater connected. But it is not comfortable to watch video sitting on the sofa from my desktop (sofa is in the center of the room and D is in the corner), even though it is 23" monitor. So I'm watching everything from the laptop. So the question - is it possible somehow to "share" soundcard from D to L, so I will watch the video from notebook and listen the sound from the 5.1? L and D are connected via wi-fi (fast enough).

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  • Routing to the actions with same names but different parameters

    - by zerkms
    I have this set of routes: routes.MapRoute( "IssueType", "issue/{type}", new { controller = "Issue", action = "Index" } ); routes.MapRoute( "Default", // Route name "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults ); Here is the controller class: public class IssueController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { // todo: redirect to concrete type return View(); } public ActionResult Index(string type) { return View(); } } why, when i request http://host/issue i get The current request for action 'Index' on controller type 'IssueController' is ambiguous between the following action methods: I expect that first one method should act when there is no parameters, and second one when some parameter specified. where did i made mistake? UPD: possible duplicate:

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  • Slow query with unexpected index scan

    - by zerkms
    Hello I have this query: SELECT * FROM sample INNER JOIN test ON sample.sample_number = test.sample_number INNER JOIN result ON test.test_number = result.test_number WHERE sampled_date BETWEEN '2010-03-17 09:00' AND '2010-03-17 12:00' the biggest table here is RESULT, contains 11.1M records. The left 2 tables about 1M. this query works slowly (more than 10 minutes) and returns about 800 records. executing plan shows clustered index scan (over it's PRIMARY KEY (result.result_number, which actually doesn't take part in query)) over all 11M records. RESULT.TEST_NUMBER is a clustered primary key. if I change 2010-03-17 09:00 to 2010-03-17 10:00 - i get about 40 records. it executes for 300ms. and plan shows index seek (over result.test_number index) if i replace * in SELECT clause to result.test_number (covered with index) - then all become fast in first case too. this points to hdd IO issues, but doesn't clarifies changing plan. so, any ideas? UPDATE: sampled_date is in table sample and covered by index. other fields from this query: test.sample_number is covered by index and result.test_number too. UPDATE 2: obviously than sql server in any reasons don't want to use index. i did a small experiment: i remove INNER JOIN with result, select all test.test_number and after that do SELECT * FROM RESULT WHERE TEST_NUMBER IN (...) this, of course, works fast. but i cannot get what is the difference and why query optimizer choose such inappropriate way to select data in 1st case.

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  • installing WWF into VS 2008 Express

    - by zerkms
    Hello guys. I'm trying to install WWF with VS2008E. Thats what I already did: Go to "Get it" "Get the Windows Software Development Kit" Select first link at Downloads (due to I'm using windows 7) "Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1" Download dvd iso and install it So SDK installed successfully, but I can't find new project type at VS and WWF examples provided with SDK doesn't opened, because they references to not exists WWF. So where i was wrong and how to do what i need? Thank you.

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  • "Authorize" attribute and 403 error page

    - by zerkms
    [Authorize] property is nice and handy MS invention, and I hope it can solve the issues I have now To be more specific: When current client isn't authenticated - [Authorize] redirects from secured action to logon page and after logon was successfull - brings user back, this is good. But when current cilent already authenticated but not authorized to run specific action - all I need is to just display my general 403 page. Is it possible without moving authorization logic within controller's body? UPD: The behavior I need in should be semantically equals to this sketch: public ActionResult DoWork() { if (!NotAuthorized()) { return RedirectToAction("403"); } return View(); } so - there should no any redirect and url should be stay the same, but contents of the page should be replaced with 403-page

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  • IoC and dataContext disposing in mvc 2 application

    - by zerkms
    I have the Global.asax like the code below: public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication { public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { // .... } protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(typeof(IOCControllerFactory)); } } public class IOCControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory { private readonly IKernel kernel; public IOCControllerFactory() { kernel = new StandardKernel(new NanocrmContainer()); } protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType) { if (controllerType == null) return base.GetControllerInstance(requestContext, controllerType); var controller = kernel.TryGet(controllerType) as IController; if (controller == null) return base.GetControllerInstance(requestContext, controllerType); var standartController = controller as Controller; if (standartController is IIoCController) ((IIoCController)standartController).SetIoc(kernel); return standartController; } class NanocrmContainer : Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule { public override void Load() { // ... Bind<DomainModel.Entities.db>().ToSelf().InRequestScope().WithConstructorArgument("connection", "Data Source=lims;Initial Catalog=nanocrm;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=***;Password=***"); } } } In this case if somewhere it is the class, defined like: public class UserRepository : IUserRepository { private db dataContext; private IUserGroupRepository userGroupRepository; public UserRepository(db dataContext, IUserGroupRepository userGroupRepository) { this.dataContext = dataContext; this.userGroupRepository = userGroupRepository; } } then the dataContext instance is created (if no one was created in this request scope) by Ninject. So the trouble now is - where to invoke dataContext method .Dispose()?

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  • To know is the object already retrieved in inject

    - by zerkms
    Is it possible to know that particular dependency already has been satisfied by ninject kernel? To be clear: Let's suppose we have this module: Bind<IA>().To<A>(); Bind<IB>().To<B>(); And some "client"-code: var a = kernel.Get<IA>(); // how to get here "true" for assumption: "IA was requested (once)" // and "false" for: "IB was not requested ever"

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  • and it's version

    - by zerkms
    I'm new to and now following through the howto. All is fine except of when code is falling with exception i see Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3053; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3053 but at project properties 3.5 is selected. what is wrong and how to fix it? ps: i'm running code directly from VS2008 (by pressing ctrl+f5) without any dedicated IIS.

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  • Modern way to handle and validate POST-data in MVC 2

    - by zerkms
    There are a lot of articles devoted to working with data in MVC, and nothing about MVC 2. So my question is: what is the proper way to handle POST-query and validate it. Assume we have 2 actions. Both of them operates over the same entity, but each action has its own separated set of object properties that should be bound in automatic manner. For example: Action "A" should bind only "Name" property of object, taken from POST-request Action "B" should bind only "Date" property of object, taken from POST-request As far as I understand - we cannot use Bind attribute in this case. So - what are the best practices in MVC2 to handle POST-data and probably validate it. UPD: After Actions performed - additional logic will be applied to the objects so they become valid and ready to store in persistent layer. For action "A" - it will be setting up Date to current date.

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  • linq2sql: singleton or using, best practices

    - by zerkms
    what is the preferred practice when linq2sql using (in mvc applications): to create "singleton" for DataContext like: partial class db { static db _db = new db(global::data.Properties.Settings.Default.nanocrmConnectionString, new AttributeMappingSource()); public static db GetInstance() { return _db; } } or to retrieve new instance when it needed within using: using (db _db = new db()) { ... } the usage of using brings some limitations on code. so I prefer to use singleton one. is it weird practice?

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  • Remote application sharing tool used at ASP.NET MVC podcasts

    - by zerkms
    Hello Does anybody know what tool used while podcasts were recorded here: For example at lesson #17 (with Atwood) The sample of what i'm talking about you can see at 6m28s at the window title, near minimize/maximize/close button. There is a green circle with "Currently sharing" Cannot google anything relevant, so will be appreciate to your help ;-)

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  • Where to store 3rd party libraries?

    - by zerkms
    I have mvc 2 application. Now I'm reimplementing it for working with Ninject. All is fine except one thing: where should I store Ninject.dll?? I've created lib directory inside my appdir and made reference to lib/Ninject.dll. But may be there are some general conventions on how to act in such cases?

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  • linq2sql and multiple joins

    - by zerkms
    is it possible to do multiple joins: from g in dataContext.Groups join ug in dataContext.UsersGroups on g.Id equals ug.GroupId join u in dataContext.Users on u. where ug.UserId == user.Id select GroupRepository.ToEntity(g); in the sample above all is fine until i press "." in the end of the 3rd line. there i expect to get intellisense and write u.Id == ug.UserId but it doesn't appear. and of course this code doesn't compile after. what did i wrong?

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  • troubles with generated constructor in linq2sql

    - by zerkms
    After adding one more table to linq2sql .dbml schema i got Value cannot be null. Parameter name: mapping Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: mapping and it refers to autogenerated file: Line 45: #endregion Line 46: Line 47: public db() : Line 48: base(global::data.Properties.Settings.Default.nanocrmConnectionString, mappingSource) Line 49: { Any ideas why this hapenned and how to solve this?

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  • strategy for choosing proper object and proper method

    - by zerkms
    in the code below at first if statements block (there will be more than just "worker" condition, joined with else if) i select proper filter_object. After this in the same conditional block i select what filter should be applied by filter object. This code is silly. public class Filter { public static List<data.Issue> fetch(string type, string filter) { Filter_Base filter_object = new Filter_Base(filter); if (type == "worker") { filter_object = new Filter_Worker(filter); } else if (type == "dispatcher") { filter_object = new Filter_Dispatcher(filter); } List<data.Issue> result = new List<data.Issue>(); if (filter == "new") { result = filter_object.new_issues(); } else if (filter == "ended") { result = filter_object.ended_issues(); } return result; } } public class Filter_Base { protected string _filter; public Filter_Base(string filter) { _filter = filter; } public virtual List<data.Issue> new_issues() { return new List<data.Issue>(); } public virtual List<data.Issue> ended_issues() { return new List<data.Issue>(); } } public class Filter_Worker : Filter_Base { public Filter_Worker(string filter) : base(filter) { } public override List<data.Issue> new_issues() { return (from i in data.db.GetInstance().Issues where (new int[] { 4, 5 }).Contains(i.RequestStatusId) select i).Take(10).ToList(); } } public class Filter_Dispatcher : Filter_Base { public Filter_Dispatcher(string filter) : base(filter) { } } it will be used in some kind of: Filter.fetch("worker", "new"); this code means, that for user that belongs to role "worker" only "new" issues will be fetched (this is some kind of small and simple CRM). Or another: Filter.fetch("dispatcher", "ended"); // here we get finished issues for dispatcher role Any proposals on how to improve it?

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  • Strange exception while using linq2sql

    - by zerkms
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: mapping Source Error: Line 45: #endregion Line 46: Line 47: public db() : Line 48: base(global::data.Properties.Settings.Default.nanocrmConnectionString, mappingSource) Line 49: { this is what i get if i implement such class: partial class db { static db _db = new db(); public static db GetInstance() { return _db; } } db is a linq2sql datacontext why this hapenned and how to solve this?

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  • Strange error from mysql storage engine

    - by zerkms
    General error: 1030 Got error -1 from storage engine the used storage engine is innodb the query was runned when i got it today morning was: SELECT feeds.* FROM feeds ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 i know rand() is bad but it's very small table (<500 records) and not loaded project this error i receive approximately once a day. cannot google anything relevant :-(

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  • How to get if the object already retrieved in inject

    - by zerkms
    Is it possible to know that particular dependency already has been satisfied by ninject kernel? To be clear: Let's suppose we have this module: Bind<IA>().To<A>(); Bind<IB>().To<B>(); And some "client"-code: var a = kernel.Get<IA>(); // how to get here "true" for assumption: "IA was requested (once)" // and "false" for: "IB was not requested ever"

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