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  • Out of Memory when building an application

    - by Jacob Neal
    I have quite a major problem with my Multimedia Fusion 2 game. I finished it months ago, however, the only thing keeping me from finally compiling the game into an executable file is this error message that pops up every time I try to, simply saying, "Out of Memory". Its highly frustrating to be halted at this point by this message, and I tried everything I could come up with to fix it including compressing the runtime and sounds and increasing the proity of MMF2 all the way to realtime in the task manager. Im begging someone to toss me a bone on this problem, and any advice at all would be much appreciated.

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  • How to manage primary key while updating [migrated]

    - by Subin Jacob
    In the following table primaryKeyColumn is primary key. To maintain the data history I always uses the values with WHERE condition(WHERE StatusColumn=1) And will set the StatusColumn to 0 if the data is edited (So that I could keep the previous data). But the problem is, if I update it to 0 , I can't insert the same key to primarykeycolumn since the column validated for primary keys. How can I manage these kind of validations? what the mistake I did in this design? primaryKeyColumn ValueColumn StatusColumn ---------------- ----------- ------------ 2 Name1 1 3 Name2 1 4 Name3 0

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  • Receiving requests where absolute URL on page are morphed to relative URLs

    - by Jacob
    In our web pages, we have a hyperlink with an href to an absolute URL: For some reason, in our logs, we see a lot of requests to URLs of this format: We don't have any JavaScript that would request that URL; it only appears inside of a hyperlink. Is there some sort of known bot, browser plugin, bug, etc. that could be responsible for these requests being made?

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  • Boots up into Terminal

    - by Jacob Larson
    I am running a 64 bit version of Ubuntu 12.04.1, and I when I boot up, I am thrown (Rather violently. :P) a full-sized terminal, instead of my lovely GUI login screen.. So I looked around and tried the "startx" command, which works like a charm. Only problem is that now, I have no clue how to keep it from booting to the terminal every time, and boot up into the regular GUI with all my stuff. I did install some kernel updates the night before, though I restarted my computer twice after I had done so without a problem. Thanks for your time!

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  • Business Logic Layer in MVC Application

    - by Subin Jacob
    In my ASP MVC application I decided to add another Business Layer and made the model only to have properties. All other functionality like save to db, get from db is done on this new Business layer. So now the controller will be calling this business layer and model for various operations. Is it a good approach to design like this? I decided not to use model for this purpose because I would need a number of models for different actions. (for eg, one for edit and other for create)

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  • Credentials Not Passed From SharePoint WebPart to WCF Service

    - by Jacob L. Adams
    I have spent several hours trying to resolve this problem, so I wanted to share my findings in case someone else might have the same problem. I had a web part which was calling out to a WCF service on another server to get some data. The code I had was essentially using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; ... var binding = new CustomBinding( new HttpTransportBindingElement { AuthenticationScheme = System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes.Negotiate } ); var endpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("http://someotherserver/someotherservice.svc")); var someOtherService = new SomeOtherServiceClient(binding, endpoint); string result = someOtherService.SomeServiceMethod(); This code would run fine on my local instance of SharePoint 2010 (Windows 7 64-bit). However, when I would deploy it to the testing environment, I would get a yellow screen of death  with the following message: The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'. I then went through the usual checklist of Windows Authentication problems: Check WCF bindings to make sure authentication is set correctly Check IIS to make sure Windows Authentication is enabled and anonymous authentication was disabled. Check to make sure the SharePoint server trusted the server hosting the WCF service Verify that the account that the IIS application pool is running under has access to the other server I then spend lot of time digging into really obscure IIS, machine.config, and trust settings (as well of lots of time on Google and StackOverflow). Eventually I stumbled upon a blog post by Todd Bleeker describing how to run code under the application pool identity. Wait, what? The code is not already running under application pool identity? Another quick Google search led me to an MSDN page that imply that SharePoint indeed does not run under the app pool credentials by default. Instead SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges is needed to run code under the app pool identity. Therefore, changing my code to the following worked seamlessly using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using Microsoft.SharePoint; ... var binding = new CustomBinding( new HttpTransportBindingElement { AuthenticationScheme = System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes.Negotiate } ); var endpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("http://someotherserver/someotherservice.svc")); var someOtherService = new SomeOtherServiceClient(binding, endpoint); string result; SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(()=> { result = someOtherService.SomeServiceMethod(); });

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  • Is syncing private keys a good idea?

    - by Jacob Johan Edwards
    Ubuntu One's Security FAQ indicates that Canonical encrypts connections and restricts access to user data. This all well and fine, and I do trust SSL for online banking and other things more valuable than my private keys. That said, I am quite anxious about putting my ~/.ssh/id_dsa up in the cloud. Obviously, no system is totally secure. Could some knowledgeable party, then, pragmatically quantify the risks?

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  • Moving camera, or camera with discrete "screens"?

    - by Jacob Millward
    I'm making a game with a friend, but having trouble deciding on a camera style. The basic idea for the game, is having a randomly generated 2-dimensional world, with settlements in it. These settlements would have access to different resources, and it would be the job of the player to create bridges and ladders and links between these villages so they can trade. The player would advance personally by getting better gear, fighting monsters and looking for materials in the world, in order to craft and trade them at the settlements. My friend wants to use an old-style camera, where the world is split into a discrete number of screens that the player moves between. Similar to early Zelda dungeons, or Knytt Stories. This is opposite to me, as I want a standard camera that follows the player around as I feel the split-screen style camera limits the game. Can anyone argue the case either way? We've hit a massive roadblock here and can't seem to get past it.

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  • Starting an HTML canvas game with no graphics skills

    - by Jacob
    I want to do some hobby game development, but I have some unfortunate handicaps that have me stuck in indecision; I have no artistic talent, and I also have no experience with 3D graphics. But this is just a hobby project that might not go anywhere, so I want to develop the stuff I care about; if the game shows good potential, my graphic "stubs" can be replaced with something more sophisticated. I do, however, want my graphics engine to render something approximate to the end goal. The game is tile-based, with each tile being a square. Each tile also has an elevation. My target platform (subject to modification) is JavaScript rendering to the HTML 5 canvas, either with a 2D or WebGL context. My question to those of you with game development experience is whether it's easier to develop an isometric game using a 2D graphics engine and sprites or a 3D game using rudimentary 3D primitives and basic textures? I realize that there are limitations to isometric projection, but if it makes developing my throwaway graphics engine easier, I'm OK with the visual warts that would be introduced. Or is representing a 3D world with an actual 3D engine easier?

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  • '6' key stuck when outside the graphical interface

    - by Felipe Jacob
    A strange thing has been happening since I installed Ubuntu. Whenever I'm not on the graphical interface, that is, if I do ctrl+alt+f2, or while the system is shutting down, or when I try to reset my password accessing root on security mode, the '6' key seems to be stuck. This doesn't affect my day-to-day usage at all, but whenever I change from the graphical console, I can't do anything because it keeps pressing '666666...'. Does anyone know why that might be happening? My keyboard is a Logitech G710+, and hasn't shown any other possible compatibility issues.

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  • LGPL License in commercial application

    - by Jacob
    I have searched around but I don't seem to be able to get a clear answer on my questions that I understand. I want to use the Xuggler library in my application, which is licensed either GPL or LGPL depending on whether I compile it myself. I don't intend to edit the library If I compile it myself and thus get a LGPL version of the library, can I use it in a commercial application without having to distribute the source code of my application? Furthermore, do I have to give my application the LGPL license as well? What other problems might using this library give me?

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  • Foreach loop with 2d array of objects

    - by Jacob Millward
    I'm using a 2D array of objects to store data about tiles, or "blocks" in my gameworld. I initialise the array, fill it with data and then attempt to invoke the draw method of each object. foreach (Block block in blockList) { block.Draw(spriteBatch); } I end up with an exception being thrown "Object reference is not set to an instance of an object". What have I done wrong? EDIT: This is the code used to define the array Block[,] blockList; Then blockList = new Block[screenRectangle.Width, screenRectangle.Height]; // Fill with dummy data for (int x = 0; x <= screenRectangle.Width / texture.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y <= screenRectangle.Height / texture.Width; y++) { if (y >= screenRectangle.Height / (texture.Width*2)) { blockList[x, y] = new Block(1, new Rectangle(x * 16, y * 16, texture.Width, texture.Height), texture); } else { blockList[x, y] = new Block(0, new Rectangle(x * 16, y * 16, texture.Width, texture.Height), texture); } } }

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  • GLSL billboard move center of rotation

    - by Jacob Kofoed
    I have successfully set up a billboard shader that works, it can take in a quad and rotate it so it always points toward the screen. I am using this vertex-shader: void main(){ vec4 tmpPos = (MVP * bufferMatrix * vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) + (MV * vec4( vertexPosition.x * 1.0 * bufferMatrix[0][0], vertexPosition.y * 1.0 * bufferMatrix[1][1], vertexPosition.z * 1.0 * bufferMatrix[2][2], 0.0) ); UV = UVOffset + vertexUV * UVScale; gl_Position = tmpPos; BufferMatrix is the model-matrix, it is an attribute to support Instance-drawing. The problem is best explained through pictures: This is the start position of the camera: And this is the position, looking in from 45 degree to the right: Obviously, as each character is it's own quad, the shader rotates each one around their own center towards the camera. What I in fact want is for them to rotate around a shared center, how would I do this? What I have been trying to do this far is: mat4 translation = mat4(1.0); translation = glm::translate(translation, vec3(pos)*1.f * 2.f); translation = glm::scale(translation, vec3(scale, 1.f)); translation = glm::translate(translation, vec3(anchorPoint - pos) / vec3(scale, 1.f)); Where the translation is the bufferMatrix sent to the shader. What I am trying to do is offset the center, but this might not be possible with a single matrix..? I am interested in a solution that doesn't require CPU calculations each frame, but rather set it up once and then let the shader do the billboard rotation. I realize there's many different solutions, like merging all the quads together, but I would first like to know if the approach with offsetting the center is possible. If it all seems a bit confusing, it's because I'm a little confused myself.

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  • Hijax == sneaky Javascript redirects? Will I get banned from Google?

    - by Chris Jacob
    Question Will I get penalised as "sneaky Javascript redirects" by Google if I have the following Hijax setup (which requires a JavaScript redirect on the page indexed by google). Goal I want to implement Hijax to enable AJAX content to be accessibile to non-JavaScript users and search engine crawlers. Background I'm working on a static file server (GitHub Pages). No server side tricks allowed (so Google's #! "hash bang" solution is not an option). I'm trying to keep my files DRY. I don't want to repeat the common OUTER template in all my files i.e. header, navigation menu, footer, etc They will live in the main index.html Setup the Hijax index.html page contains all OUTER html/css/js... the site's template. index.html has a <div id="content"> which defaults to containing the "homepage" html. index.html has a navigation menu, with a Hijax link to an "about" page. With JavaScript disabled (e.g. crawler) it follows link to /about.html. With JavaScript enabled (e.g. most people) the link updates the url hash fragment to /#about and jQuery replaces the <div id="content"> innerHTML with $("#content").load("about.html #inner-container");. AJAX content about.html does not contain anything extra to try an cloak content for crawlers. about.html file contains enough HTML / CSS / JavaScript to display /about.html as a standalone page with it's own META data... e.g. <html><head><title>About</title>...</head><body></body></html>. about.html has NO OUTER HTML template (i.e. header, navigation menu, footer, etc). about.html <body> contains a <div id="inner-container"> which holds the content that is injected into index.html. about.html has a <noscript> tag as the first child of <body> which explains to non-JavaScript users that they are viewing the about page "inner content" - with a link to navigate to the index.html page to get the full page layout with menu. The (Sneaky?) Redirect Google indexes the /about.html page. However when a person with JavaScript enabled visits that page there is no OUTER html template (e.g. header, navigation menu, footer, etc). So I need to do a JavaScript redirect to get the person over the /#about page (deeplinking to the "about" page "state" in index.html). I'm thinking of doing a "redirect on click or after 10 seconds". The end results is that user ends up on an "enhanced" page back on index.html with all it's OUTER template - but the core "page" content is practically identical. Known issue with inbound links e.g. Share / Bookmarking It seems that if a user shares the URL /#about on their blog, when allocating inbound links to my site Google ignores everything after the # ... it allocates value to the / page - See: I can only try an minimise this issue offering "share" buttons on the page with the appropriate urls i.e. /about.html. Duplicate Sorry. I posted this same question over on ... then realised it probably belongs more on this Stack Exchange site... Not sure if I should delete the Stack Overflow question? Or just leave it on both sites? Please leave comment.

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  • How to identify potential for becoming a programmer

    - by Jacob Spire
    There's heaps of information out there on hiring someone who's already a programmer. (Or claims to be one.) But what about identifying someone who has the potential to become a programmer, with little or no knowledge? Aside from the obvious things to look for (smart, gets things done), are there any interview questions and/or tests to determine whether one has the potential to become a programmer? Note: I'm not asking how to tell whether I can learn programming, but how to tell someone else is right for it.

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  • How to make sprint planning fun

    - by Jacob Spire
    Not only are our sprint planning meetings not fun, they're downright dreadful. The meetings are tedious, and boring, and take forever (a day, but it feels like a lot longer). The developers complain about it, and dread upcoming plannings. Our routine is pretty standard (user story inserted into sprint backlog by priority story is taken apart to tasks tasks are estimated in hours repeat), and I can't figure out what we're doing wrong. How can we make the meetings more enjoyable? ... Some more details, in response to requests for more information: Why are the backlog items not inserted and prioritized before sprint kickoff? User stories are indeed prioritized; we have no idea how long they'll take until we break them down into tasks! From the (excellent) answers here, I see that maybe we shouldn't estimate tasks at all, only the user stories. The reason we estimate tasks (and not stories) is because we've been getting story-estimates terribly wrong -- but I guess that's the subject for an altogether different question. Why are developers complaining? Meetings are long. Meetings are monotonous. Story after story, task after task, struggling (yes, struggling) to estimate how long it will take and what it involves. Estimating tasks makes user-story-estimation seem pointless. The longer the meeting, the less focus in the room. The less focused colleagues are, the longer the meeting takes. A recursive hate-spiral develops. We've considered splitting the meeting into two days in order to keep people focused, but the developers wouldn't hear of it. One day of planning is bad enough; now we'll have two?! Part of our problem is that we go into very small detail (in order to get more accurate estimations). But when we estimate roughly, we go way off the mark! To sum up the question: What are we doing wrong? What additional ways are there to make the meeting generally more enjoyable?

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  • Missed question in technical phone interview and the follow up letter

    - by Jacob
    I may have just bombed a C++ technical phone interview. The interviewer asked mostly about data structures and I was able to go into detail about each of the data structures he asked about. Score one for me I'm thinking. Wrong. Then he asks to join me on a collaboration website where he can see what I am typing. This was the same process as interview #1 which went well, not perfect, but well. So the question was: How do you reverse a linked list? he gave a function prototype similar to Node *reverse(Node *head) I struggled with this for about 10-15 minutes until the hour was up. I was able to get the general idea across but was not able to reverse the link list. My question is that after remembering the answer post interview do I mention this in the thank you letter, if I even should write one?

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  • Unable to detect windows hard drive while running Ubuntu 12.04 from USB

    - by eapen jacob
    I am completely new to Ubuntu. I experimented with Ubuntu 12.04 by running it from a USB drive, in-order to recover files from my hard disc. History: My laptop is an IBM R60 running windows 7. Suddenly it gave me an error stating "error 2100 - Hard drive initialization error". I have read all the forums and most of them suggested that I remove and replace my HDD and that did not work. And one site suggested to try using Ubuntu to recover files. I booted my system from USB, and once Ubuntu came up, I choose "Try Ubuntu". It came up fine and I was able to surf ,and do other things, etc. I was unable to to access my files which are on the hard disc and "Attached Devices" is grayed out. 1- Is there any way to gain access to my hard disc to recover the files? How do I navigate to search for my files. 2- Is it just simply not possible if the hard disc themselves are not working? Is that why I`m unable to find the drives. I know its a very novice question, but hoping someone would help me out. Thank you, Eapen

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  • Getting data from csv file and returning objects in collections

    - by Jacob
    I have very simple class of person as below: public class Person { int ID; Gender gender; Date dateOfBirth; public Person(final int iD, final Gender gender,final Date dateOfBirth) { ID = iD; this.gender = gender; this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth; } } Gender is enum : public enum Gender { Male, Female } In CSV file i will have data, for example: 1;Male;23-02-2001 2;Female;11-06-1989 3;Male;02-12-1999 Is in java any simple way to get all persons from csv file and return it as ArrayList<Person> persons ?

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  • Where to start when digging into an existing J2EE codebase?

    - by Jacob Krustchinsky
    I work for a company that produces enterprise applications to be used by schools and districts to manage all of their tests and standards data. Their existing application is written in J2EE and is very large. I personally am a seasoned PHP and Ruby = RoR developer and I have been asked to attempt to implement easily added but crucial features to an existing J2EE codebase. I am very familiar with Java SE and know the architecture of a web application well. What I am asking for is, will this suffice for the task ahead and what tips can you give me in digging into the code base and actually efficiently adding these new features? Is there anything important I need to know before beginning and what can I expect in terms of problems and issues coming from a Java SE, PHP, RoR background? Time isn't too much of an issue, I should have plenty of time to familiarize myself with J2EE.Please also note, syntax will not be a problem here.

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  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS AMD64 randomly uninstals packages / applications

    - by Jacob Lindeen
    I am having a strange issue. Occasionally when installing new packages, I will get a system crash notification which I will report. The environment then becomes unstable, unity crashes and all open windows, loose title bars, and the main launcher shuts down. I usually have to run the command unity --replace to restore functionality, but ultimately end up having to reboot. Upon booting back up I find all of my user-installed packages are gone and I have to reinstall them via apt. Please tell me someone else is having this issue, because this is the second system and third install I have had this issue on.

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  • determine an application's process name on linux (ubuntu)

    - by Jacob
    This is the situation: Working on (the next version of) a Unity quicklist editor, I would like to add a reliable way of "restarting" launcher icons. To do so, I need to remove the icon (editing gsettings) and replace it on the same position. So far no problem. However, if the application in question is running, user will possibly lose data, as the application will quit when it's icon is removed from the launcher. What I need is a reliable way to find an application's process name, to let the editor check in the list of running processes if the application is running, and send a warning message to the user that the icon can not be restarted if the application is running. What i did so far is make the editor look into the desktop file, to read the command, also read the command, stripped from the directory section, and furthermore look into possible remote scripts the desktop file command might refer to, looking for strings starting with "./" Although te method seems to work well with all applications I tested it on, I have the feeling there must be an easier way to cover the problem in an "all in one" way... Is there? also suggestions to catch more exceptional situations are welcome!

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  • building a gl3 app under cygwin

    - by user445264
    i've got a small opengl 3.2 app that i've been developing on linux using the standard gnu tools (gmake/gcc). the code seems pretty portable--i had no problems running it on osx until i started using gl3 features that the mac mini gl drivers don't seem to support. i've got a bootcamp partition with windows xp on the same mini, and i'd like to run my app there if possible. the windows drivers definitely support gl 3.2, but i'm having trouble linking. this seems like a really common issue, but i haven't found any answers online that address using opengl 1.2 under cygwin. i'm using glew-1.5.5 and linking like so: g++ -o glToy *.o -L/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/glew-1.5.5/lib -lglew32 -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 but i get a whole lot of this sort of output: Program.o:/home/Jacob/glToy/Program.cpp:134: undefined reference to `__imp____glewUseProgram' Program.o:/home/Jacob/glToy/Program.cpp:235: undefined reference to `__imp____glewActiveTexture' Program.o:/home/Jacob/glToy/Program.cpp:73: undefined reference to `__imp____glewGetShaderiv' ... any ideas what i'm doing wrong? or perhaps this isn't a workable setup? other ideas for getting this going on the mac mini (2009 version)? thanks!

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  • I install Ubuntu 13.10 and reboot and im on KDE desktop?

    - by jgamer578
    Hi I'm Jacob and I have no idea what's going on. I installed Ubuntu 13.10 today and was playing around with it for a while and dl'd a bunch of apps from software center and stuff. Eventually I installed steam and (finally) got it working. I downloaded TF2 and had some weird issue where the screen got so distorted to the point I could not play. So I dl'd a driver for my graphics card from the additional drivers app (or whatever it's called) and when it was done I restarted my computer (because it said to.) When the PC booted up it loaded the KDE desktop and I have no idea why. I had unity before I rebooted. Ubuntu 13.10 is the only OS installed on my PC, and I still have all the apps that I downloaded, but I kinda like unity (I started using Ubuntu after they switched to unity) and want it back. Thanks for reading and any help in advance, Jacob.

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  • Need a little help with sound in a JApplet

    - by jacob schuschel
    I am working on a solitaire game in Java, and i need to implement sound when the desk is shuffled, card flipped, etc. I used the following sites as reference to try and get it to work, but i am getting Null Pointer Exceptions or mishandled URL exception (depending on what i tweak). here Also, i am using netbeans 6.7.1 as my IDE. I will try to break down the code and explain: package cardgame; import java.applet.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.JApplet; import javax.swing.*; import*; import*; /** * * @author jacob */ public class Sound extends JApplet { private AudioClip song; // Sound player private String URL = null; private URL songPath; // Sound path /* *sound_1 = shuffling cards *sound_2 = to discard *sound_3 = from discard *sound_4 = cardflip 1 *sound_5 = cardflip 2 */ Sound(String filename) { try { songPath = new URL(getCodeBase(),filename); // Get the Sound URL } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Sound.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } song = getAudioClip(songPath); // Load the Sound } Sound(int i) { URL = "./sounds/sound_" + i + ".wav"; System.out.println(URL); try { songPath = new URL(URL); // Get the Sound URL song = getAudioClip(songPath); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Sound.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } public void playSound() { song.loop(); // Play } public void stopSound() { song.stop(); // Stop } public void playSoundOnce() {; // Play only once } } The 2 different construcors are for different ways i tried to implement this. The first one creates the filepath, and passes it in. The second one builds the filepath in the constructor, given a sound # (i made a list of what numbers correspond to what sound for reference). I am getting the followig errors out: ./sounds/sound_1.wav Nov 16, 2009 4:14:13 PM cardgame.Sound ./sounds/sound_2.wav SEVERE: null no protocol: ./sounds/sound_1.wav ./sounds/sound_3.wav at at at ./sounds/sound_4.wav ./sounds/sound_5.wav at cardgame.Sound.( at cardgame.Game.loadSounds( at cardgame.Game.( at cardgame.Main.main( Nov 16, 2009 4:14:13 PM cardgame.Sound SEVERE: null no protocol: ./sounds/sound_2.wav at at at at cardgame.Sound.( at cardgame.Game.loadSounds( at cardgame.Game.( at cardgame.Main.main( Nov 16, 2009 4:14:13 PM cardgame.Sound SEVERE: null no protocol: ./sounds/sound_3.wav at at at at cardgame.Sound.( at cardgame.Game.loadSounds( at cardgame.Game.( at cardgame.Main.main( Nov 16, 2009 4:14:13 PM cardgame.Sound SEVERE: null no protocol: ./sounds/sound_4.wav at at at at cardgame.Sound.( at cardgame.Game.loadSounds( at cardgame.Game.( at cardgame.Main.main( Nov 16, 2009 4:14:13 PM cardgame.Sound SEVERE: null no protocol: ./sounds/sound_5.wav at at at at cardgame.Sound.( at cardgame.Game.loadSounds( at cardgame.Game.( at cardgame.Main.main( Thanks for those who read and more thanks to those who help. I know it is somewhat long, but i would rather get it all out there, than have 50 questions that come back or have people not answer due to lack of initial info. also only lets me post a single link right now, so the links are given below

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