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Search found 328 results on 14 pages for 'jacob lehrbaum'.

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  • java-COM interop: Implement COM interface in Java

    - by mdma
    How can I implement a vtable COM interface in java? In the old days, I'd use the Microsft JVM, which had built in java-COM interop. What's the equivalent for a modern JRE? Answers to a similar SO question proposed JACOB. I've looked at JACOB, but that is based on IDispatch, and is aimed at controlling Automation serers. The COM interfaces I need are custom vtable (extend IUnknown), e.g. IPersistStream, IOleWindow, IContextMenu etc. For my use case, I could implement all the COM specifics in JNI, and have the JNI layer call corresponding interfaces in java. But I'm hoping for a less painful solution. It's for an open source project, so open source alternatives are preferred.

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  • MySQL: SELECT a Winner, returning their rank

    - by incrediman
    Earlier I asked this question, which basically asked how to list 10 winners in a table with many winners, according to their points. This was answered. Now I'm looking to search for a given winner X in the table, and find out what position he is in, when the table is ordered by points. For example, if this is the table: Winners: NAME:____|__POINTS: Winner1 | 1241 Winner2 | 1199 Sally | 1000 Winner4 | 900 Winner5 | 889 Winner6 | 700 Winner7 | 667 Jacob | 623 Winner9 | 622 Winner10 | 605 Winner11 | 600 Winner12 | 586 Thomas | 455 Pamela | 434 Winner15 | 411 Winner16 | 410 These are possible inputs and outputs for what I want to do: Query: "Sally", "Winner12", "Pamela", "Jacob" Output: 3 12 14 623 How can I do this? Is it possible, using only a MySQL statement? Or do I need PHP as well? This is the kind of thing I want: WHEREIS FROM Winners WHERE Name='Sally' LIMIT 1 Ideas?

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  • search for a winner, returning their rank

    - by incrediman
    Earlier I asked this question, which basically asked how to list 10 winners in a table with many winners, according to their points. This was answered. Now I'm looking to search for a given winner X in the table, and find out what position he is in, when the table is ordered by points. For example, if this is the table: Winners: NAME:____|__POINTS: Winner1 | 1241 Winner2 | 1199 Sally | 1000 Winner4 | 900 Winner5 | 889 Winner6 | 700 Winner7 | 667 Jacob | 623 Winner9 | 622 Winner10 | 605 Winner11 | 600 Winner12 | 586 Thomas | 455 Pamela | 434 Winner15 | 411 Winner16 | 410 These are possible inputs and outputs for what I want to do: Query: "Sally", "Winner12", "Pamela", "Jacob" Output: 3 12 14 623 How can I do this? Is it possible, using only a MySQL statement? Or do I need PHP as well? This is the kind of thing I want: WHEREIS FROM Winners WHERE Name='Sally' LIMIT 1 Ideas?

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  • Authentication on Exchange using EWS managed API

    - by Jacob Proffitt
    I'm having a weird issue with the Exchange Web Services. The operation I'm attempting is pretty simple—pull a user's calendar items for the current week on our internal website. When testing locally, the ews managed API pulls the calendar information just fine. When deployed to the web server (using integrated windows authentication), it chokes. My trace is telling me that access is denied in the Exchange call. Initially, I thought this was a double-hop NTLM permissions issue, but it turns out that the service actually works for some internal users, but not for most. The only thing I can find that the functioning users have in common is that they are blackberry users and I surmise that their exchange permissions are setup differently. Or are their active directory accounts setup differently? I don't know and it's driving me crazy. I surmise that the blackberry app runs some scripts when a user is added to the application, but I'm completely unfamiliar with what may be going on behind the scenes there. So. Is there a way to duplicate the permissions those users enjoy (either AD or Exchange permissions)? And/or how exactly does one fix the double-hop credentials situation?

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  • How should I force-enable BIND's persistent cache, or Unbound's persistent cache

    - by Jacob Rabinsun
    I am trying to run a local DNS server on my home computer so that I can both increase DNS lookups speed and reduce bandwidth use, so that both my laptop and my PC can do lookups faster. I have got BIND 9 running very smoothly, there is only one simple problem, and that being the fact that BIND is not a persistent DNS cache, and if I restart its service, the whole cash would be wiped out. So, is there a way that I could make BIND9 keep its cache after system restart? Also, which one is better Unbound or BIND? Which one would you suggest? Does Unbound DNS have a persistent cache or can it be enabled?

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  • Getting 401 when using client certificate with IIS 7.5

    - by Jacob
    I'm trying to configure a web site hosted under IIS 7.5 so that requests to a specific location require client certificate authentication. With my current setup, I still get a "401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials" when accessing the location with my client cert. Here's the web.config fragment that sets things up: <location path="MyWebService.asmx"> <system.webServer> <security> <access sslFlags="Ssl, SslNegotiateCert"/> <authentication> <windowsAuthentication enabled="false"/> <anonymousAuthentication enabled="false"/> <digestAuthentication enabled="false"/> <basicAuthentication enabled="false"/> <iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication enabled="true" oneToOneCertificateMappingsEnabled="true"> <oneToOneMappings> <add enabled="true" certificate="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"/> </oneToOneMappings> </iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication> </authentication> </security> </system.webServer> </location> The client certificate I'm using in my web browser matches what I've placed in the web.config. What am I doing wrong here?

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  • PHP ZendOptimizer on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

    - by Jacob Kristensen
    I would like to install FlashMoto and the requirements are not unreasonable: PHP 5.2.1 or higher, Zend Optimizer 3.3 or higher. However my RHEL 5.4 provides me with PHP 5.1.6. So I tried the remi repository but it gave me PHP 5.3.1 and Zend Optimizer from does not support anything higher than 5.2.x. I also tried the dag repo but it does not have PHP in any version. I also tried some RPMs that Oracle provides on their homepage but they don't provide php-mbstring that I also need. Does anyone know how to get PHP 5.2.1 installed on a RHEL 5.4? Then I can probably fix install the Zend thing. Thanks in advance.

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  • Security log overflowing with filtering blocks

    - by Jacob
    I have a Windows 7 workstation whose security log is overflowing with the following errors: Audit Failure 3/31/2010 2:00:50 PM Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing 5157 Filtering Platform Connection "The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection." Audit Failure 3/31/2010 2:00:50 PM Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing 5152 Filtering Platform Packet Drop "The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a packet." These are not unexpected events; the firewall is expected to drop unsolicited traffic. However, I can't figure out how to tell Windows to stop writing these events to the security log. I've seen this problem before and have been able to find an answer with the use of Google, but I wasn't able to locate on this this time. Thanks!

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  • How difficult is it to setup a mailserver?

    - by Jacob R
    I want a secure mail solution, as I am looking to move away from Google and other parties looking into my private data. How much of a PITA is it to setup my own mailserver? Should I go for an external provider with a good privacy policy and encrypted data instead? I have a VPS running Debian (with a dedicated IP + reverse DNS), and I'm a fairly capable Linux administrator, having setup a couple of webservers, home networks, and looking over the shoulder of sysadmins at work. The security I currently have on the VPS is limited to iptables and installing/running the bare minimum of what I need (currently basically irssi and lighttpd). When setting up a mail server, is there a lot of stuff to take into consideration? Will my outgoing mail be marked as spam on other servers if I don't implement a number of solutions? Will reliable spam filtering be difficult to setup? Can I easily encrypt the stored mail?

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  • Terminal Server Logging Software

    - by Jacob
    I have recently been trying to find software to monitor users' activities on our terminal server. After a quick search, I found Has anyone ever heard of or used this program? I just want to make sure this company is legit and the software runs efficiently. The server I would be installing it on has about 40-50 users on it. I am hoping the software has some type of setting to only monitor certain users, because i would hate to waste resources. If this is not good software, does anyone have any recommendations?

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  • RDP 6.1.7600 Bug

    - by Jacob
    I've noticed a bug with RDP 6.1.7600. When I try to remote control another user on our Windows Server 2003 machine, I get an error that says "because of a protocol error, this session will be disconnected" and my RDP session is logged out. The error only happens when I try to control a Neoware Thin Clients. Is it because the RDP protocol versions are different?

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  • Adding add-ins to excel - strange communicates

    - by Jacob
    I am using Excel 2010 and 2013. I would like to add an excel add-in from page . There is file with name xlloop-0.3.2 and extension Microsoft Excel XLL Add-In. I added this file from menu File - Options - Add-Ins - In combobox Manage i choosed Excel Add-Ins - Go... - Browse and I choosed my file. I see the following comunicate: "C:\...\xlloop-0.3.2.xll" is not a valid add-in. Thus, I do next attempt. I go from menu File - Open - and I choosed my file. I see comunicate: The file you are trying to open "xlloop-0.3.2.xll", is in a difference format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now? After I clicked Yes I see a lot of signs (something like from chinese :)) My last attempt was double clicked on file. I see: The file format and extension of "xlloop-0.3.2.xll" don't match. The file could be corrupted or unsafe. Unless you trust its source , don't open it. Do you want open it anyway? After clicked yes I see something like the second attempt. I am really very confused because some of my friends have the same version of excel and they don't have these communicates. Do you have any idea where is the problem in my excel? I very need this addin to work with Java. I will very grateful for your help! Thanks in advance!

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  • Setting up a router as a DNS server only

    - by Jacob R
    I have a Linksys WRT54GL router that I don't need anymore, since I had to buy a 3G capable router (Dovado 3GN). As I only have a 3G connection at home, I want to optimize it as much as possible. I want to setup a caching DNS server, including some blacklisting of ad domains. The router currently runs the DD-WRT firmware. Is it possible to use this router as an ordinary computer, running only a DNS server, disabling all other features such as DHCP, WLAN, etc? Connecting it to my other router, should I simply run a cable into the WAN-port of the Linksys router?

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  • Changing the default TIFF viewer in IE

    - by Jacob Hume
    I have installed the AlternaTIFF viewer in IE (both 6 and 7, on separate computers), but based on the results of the test page, it is not being recognized as the default TIFF viewer inside Internet Explorer. It is installed and functioning, just not used by default. Is there any way to force IE to use AlternaTIFF as the default plugin to render TIFF files?

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  • Transferring domains when registered owner's email address is incorrect

    - by www.jacob-
    Years ago I registered some domains using a now expired university email address. The other contact details for the registered owner (postal address and phone number) are still correct. In order to change/update the email address, the registrar wants to charge £20 a domain. I would like to transfer the domains away from the current registrar. I can unlock the domains and generate an auth code. However, I cannot authorise the transfer by email as any emails sent to the registered owner's address will bounce. This seems to rule out most registrars I have tried. Are there any ways to transfer these domains without paying the £20 fee to update the registered owner's details?

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  • Setting up a router as a DNS server only

    - by Jacob R
    I have a Linksys WRT54GL router that I don't need anymore, since I had to buy a 3G capable router (Dovado 3GN). As I only have a 3G connection at home, I want to optimize it as much as possible. I want to setup a caching DNS server, including some blacklisting of ad domains. The router currently runs the DD-WRT firmware. Is it possible to use this router as an ordinary computer, running only a DNS server, disabling all other features such as DHCP, WLAN, etc? Connecting it to my other router, should I simply run a cable into the WAN-port of the Linksys router?

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  • Remapping characters in xmodmap

    - by Jacob R
    I am using a Swedish keyboard, and I want to be able to type braces easier. I planned to map AltGr + å to '}' and AltGr + ä to '{'. However, nothing really changes. I have some other stuff in my .Xmodmap so I know that it gets loaded allright. Here's what I have so far: keycode 35 = slash asciitilde dead_ogonek section dead_ogonek section keycode 49 = asciicircum onehalf keycode 66 = F10 clear Lock keycode 34 = aring Aring braceleft keycode 48 = adiaeresis Adiaeresis braceright where the 2 last lines are the one that should be related to this. What could I be doing wrong?

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  • Getting 401 when using client certificate with IIS 7.5

    - by Jacob
    I'm trying to configure a web site hosted under IIS 7.5 so that requests to a specific location require client certificate authentication. With my current setup, I still get a "401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials" when accessing the location with my client cert. Here's the web.config fragment that sets things up: <location path="MyWebService.asmx"> <system.webServer> <security> <access sslFlags="Ssl, SslNegotiateCert"/> <authentication> <windowsAuthentication enabled="false"/> <anonymousAuthentication enabled="false"/> <digestAuthentication enabled="false"/> <basicAuthentication enabled="false"/> <iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication enabled="true" oneToOneCertificateMappingsEnabled="true"> <oneToOneMappings> <add enabled="true" certificate="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"/> </oneToOneMappings> </iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication> </authentication> </security> </system.webServer> </location> The client certificate I'm using in my web browser matches what I've placed in the web.config. What am I doing wrong here?

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  • What is the sysadmin's dream network printer? 6-8k pg/mo. Xerox, OkiData, Lexmark and HP are all fail

    - by Jacob
    How do I find out what printer brand and/or type doesn't suck? This information is hard to find and manufacturer's websites won't reveal any issues with certain printers. After 10 years of dealing with network shared printers, I can't say that I have been impressed with any of the printer brands I've seen. Brother's little laser MFPs have been close to ideal for low volume, but that is it, period. OkiData, Lexmark, HP, Xerox solid ink printers, they all sucked in one way or another. Currently I'm looking to replace a Xerox ColorQube 8570 because it fails to print on a regular basis. Sometimes it doesn't even boot VxWorks fully - it just hangs at 2% or whatever. I've used Xerox 8860MFPs and they sucked just as bad. I won't talk about ink jets here, that's most likely not what I'm looking for. We currently spend about $4k on paper and ink per year for this printer at up to 6-8k pages per month, letter, mostly black and white, low color usage. I want the printer to feed paper correctly, not crash and burn when a PDF isn't according to its taste (my favorite Xerox problem here) and with decent drivers for Windows and OS X. Print quality is not of the utmost importance but paper does get sent to customers.

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  • Can Windows Fax and Scan use an HP OfficeJet for faxes?

    - by Jacob
    I have an HP OfficeJet 5610 AIO printer/scanner/fax, and I'm running Windows 7 without HP custom drivers for the printer. Printing and scanning works fine, but is it possible to use the built-in Windows Fax and Scan for sending faxes with the printer instead of installing the horrible HP fax software?

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  • IE Sessions in Terminal Server

    - by Jacob
    Currently we are using WADE middleware for our order processing operation. We have about 40 operators that use 1 terminal server to open IE 8 to access the WADE middleware. To me, it's random, but every now and then someone will come to me and tell me that IE has a "Page cannot be displayed" or "HTTP Error 500" error. I did a bit of testing on my local machine and I never get this error while doing normal operations. Although, when I open one session with username "test" and then login to the wade admin console as admin, I run into problems. I do not run into problems until I logout of the wade admin. Once I logout of the Wade admin, my "test" session says "page cannot be displayed". This makes me think the IE user sessions on the terminal service are cross talking. Does anyone have any possible settings I can change in IE or do you think this is an issue with the middleware? The Terminal Server is Windows 2003, btw.

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  • Security Audit Failures in Event Viewer Windows Server 2008R2

    - by Jacob
    When I am looking at the security tab of my event viewer on a Windows Server 2008 R2, I am showing a ton of Audit Failures with Event ID 4776. The computer attempted to validate the credentials for an account. Authentication Package: MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_PACKAGE_V1_0 Logon Account: randy Source Workstation: HPDB1 Error Code: 0xc0000064 I verified the account "randy" exist in my Active Directory. From my understanding, there has not been any recent password changes. Is there any way to get detailed information on this error? I am wondering what program is requesting this information. Also, is there any way to clear this error up? I was thinking about resetting the password and changing it back to the original.

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  • Not able to access external Hard disk

    - by Jash Jacob
    I have a 1TB External Hard drive which I'm currently not able to access. When I open the External drive in Finder, It shows it's empty. When I use the option to "Get Info", I get the dialog box stating it has about 300GB Free. Tried to get into the External Drive using Terminal, I had no luck. Checking in Disk Utility, It showed that I have many number of files but ZERO folder. I tried to "repair disk", in the process the external Drive got unmounted in between the process. I checked this drive on Windows. I was able to open almost all the folders but I wasn't able to copy anything onto the external drive. One folder caused my windows computer to hang, So i connected the drive back onto my MacBook Pro and tried to access the drive through terminal (this time it worked!) and then I tried to delete the folder with rm command, I got an "input/output error" What should i do to recover the files in that folder? How can i access my external drive on my mac

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  • Third-party Information Screen Opening Blank

    - by Jacob
    I'm working with a client who is trying to use our software, which accesses information (sends & receives) from a third-party website. When this client tries to access these pages, a window opens, as expected, but is completely blank and no error message is received. This is the first time I've seen this with many other clients successfully using this product, which leads me to believe that it has something to do with the settings on the computer somewhere, but cannot figure out what might be happening. Windows Server 2003 R2, Standard Edition, Service Pack 2. Firewall is already off. Tried AVG on & temporarily disabled.

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